Facebook Sync? - Vibrant General

Does it exist like it did on the N1? I don't see that option and I enjoyed having facebook pix synced with my contacts.

go to accounts and sync and add facebook. go to contacts and link contact with facebook.


Contacts and Facebook app

Hi all,
I have two questions about the Contacts and syncing them with Facebook.
The first is no such a pain, but when i login into FB app (i've checked the "Remember me" checkbox and the login is successful), then I open the Contacts, FB extension asks me for credentials again. Is it possible to sync the login between the Contacts and the FB app?
And the second and more tricky question is about the contacts' photos. Now i have a successful fb login from the contacts, i have the "F" symbol on several contacts which photos were taken from Facebook, but when I sync with Outlook via ActiveSync, those new photos are not updated into Outlook Is there a way these photos (taken from FB to WinMo phone) to be updated in Outlook too?

Facebook picture for contacts not displayed

Hi, do you know why some of my Facebook contacts with number have the picture and some don't? I already tried syncing FB accounts

facebook contact sync

So both facebook for htc sense and the android facebook app appear to be broken. Originally they both worked then I removed my facebook for android app account login as my contacts list had doubled as both synced contacts, now the facebook for htc sense wont sync contacts and nor will the other facebook app. Anyone experienced this before or know of a solution?

How to remove the creepy default contact icon?

Talkin about this: http://forums.androidcentral.com/sa...-how-remove-samsung-default-contact-icon.html
I'm hoping its a file stored somewhere that I can just overwrite?
You should consider this app:
You can use it to sync contact photos with your FB contacts or LinkedIn contacts.
Once you sync your photos they are synced with your Gmail cloud and will load even if you get a new phone.

problem with contacts sync

i have 4 accounts of gmail,linkedin, and whatsapp.
i'm only syncing one account with contacts and only one group from it, all the other accounts are sync the gmail alone.
when i'm searching an contact i get the result with contact from other account(specific one) the account isn't sync..just when i add the account at the first time it was sync by contacts, after it i make V only for one group that i want but i guess all the contacts..
how can i fix these?
thank you

