I LOVE my new EVO but.... - EVO 4G General

... <rant> I am thoroughly pissed off at three service providers. #1, T-Mobile because their service rep told me over the phone that they could make it work on their network before I bought it, #2) Verizon because they told me that the phone could be activated on their network and all I had to do was take it to one of their stores with a tech (they lied), and #3) Sprint for their attempted monopoly. Why are we, as a user community putting up with this kind of monopolistic activity? <end rant>
All that said, can someone offer any hope that I can get this phone activated on any network but sprint? I thought that CDMA was a standard.
Feeling angry, stupid, and taken advantage of....

It can only be used on Sprint.

I don't see why you would want to pay more for verizon service when you can already use their towers, well you already do when you roam, but use verizons over sprints, better to stay with sprint and pay less money for more.

You have every reason to feel stupid.

How is Sprint running a monopoly? By having an exclusive phone? Wtf are you saying?

Move to Canada: http://www.ppcgeeks.com/2010/06/18/canadian-bill-aimed-at-unlocking-phones/

Thanks for the encouragement....

avalst said:
You have every reason to feel stupid.
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lol, agreed

Go Metro
You can use it on Metro PCS

Canadian law.... what a wonderful idea.... that someone should actually own their phone and be able to use it on any compatible network.

Do that. That will make it so your phone uses verizon towers.

The t-mobile guy you talked to doesn't know what he's talking about. They use GSM, a completely different radio technology.
Verizon...while it may be possible in the future, it doesn't appear possible yet. If you're dissatisfied and really want verizon, return it and get yourself that new DroidX that was announced.
Sprint is no more a monopoly for having an exclusive phone than Verizon for having the Droid, Eris, etc; T-Mobile for having the G1, Nexus, etc; or ATT for the iPhone. Sure it'd be nice to have the new smartphones on any carrier but the truth is, it's just not that way here in the US just yet...and hasn't been for years. The fact that you didn't look around and realize it is nobody's fault but your own.

Where do you people come from?! Seriously I wish the internet came with real names and age group of everyone who posts anything online (excluding those of course who have some kind of medical questions that they don’t want to broadcast to the world). Yes this is a page for tech geeks but must we be so rude to those who don’t know what we know?
We behave as if understanding technology is a given and anyone who doesn’t know the things we know, must of course be stupid. I honestly would love to know if the smart-asses of the net are all a bunch of lonely (friendless and dateless) souls with an abundance of tech savvy but no people skills. I’m not going extreme just over this thread but rather over this entire forum and ones like it.
Peager, you were given wrong info and those reps who told you so, should have known better. Sprint along with Verizon use a type of communication technology called CDMA which is not compatible with the tech the other U.S. carriers use (and most other carriers around the world) called GSM. Now even within the 2 different types, there are different radio frequencies that different carriers use and that different phones are capable of using. Some phones can be used from one GSM carrier to another GSM carrier (or from CDMA to CDMA with some CDMA phones) but as far as I know, you’ll always end up not having access to 3G data when you make the switch.
If you’d like to know more, just do a Google or Wikipedia search on CDMA and GSM and you’ll quickly learn all you want to know about them and then if you so wish; you can join the ranks and become an xda Android jerk to the next guy who comes along and doesn’t know what you now know. In other words, I think too many people forget that we all have stupid questions at one point or another, on one subject or another. I'm sure there are a few super geeks who were made to feel mighty stupid while asking questions to a doctor or any other professional in other industries.

I think people are more baffled by his claim of Sprint running a monopoly
Sent from my EVO

AshMa said:
Where do you people come from?! Seriously I wish the internet came with real names and age group of everyone who posts anything online (excluding those of course who have some kind of medical questions that they don’t want to broadcast to the world). Yes this is a page for tech geeks but must we be so rude to those who don’t know what we know?
We behave as if understanding technology is a given and anyone who doesn’t know the things we know, must of course be stupid. I honestly would love to know if the smart-asses of the net are all a bunch of lonely (friendless and dateless) souls with an abundance of tech savvy but no people skills. I’m not going extreme just over this thread but rather over this entire forum and ones like it.
Peager, you were given wrong info and those reps who told you so, should have known better. Sprint along with Verizon use a type of communication technology called CDMA which is not compatible with the tech the other U.S. carriers use (and most other carriers around the world) called GSM. Now even within the 2 different types, there are different radio frequencies that different carriers use and that different phones are capable of using. Some phones can be used from one GSM carrier to another GSM carrier (or from CDMA to CDMA with some CDMA phones) but as far as I know, you’ll always end up not having access to 3G data when you make the switch.
If you’d like to know more, just do a Google or Wikipedia search on CDMA and GSM and you’ll quickly learn all you want to know about them and then if you so wish; you can join the ranks and become an xda Android jerk to the next guy who comes along and doesn’t know what you now know. In other words, I think too many people forget that we all have stupid questions at one point or another, on one subject or another. I'm sure there are a few super geeks who were made to feel mighty stupid while asking questions to a doctor or any other professional in other industries.
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sooooo hypocritical lol

you cant return the phone? you have 30 days right even with a restocking fee?
just get the HTC HD2 and put android on it... its about the same as the evo

Yeah, I love my new EVO but I am pissed that it doesnt make me toast and coffee in the morning
Is the fact we are LIVING a revolution completely lost on everyone??

ZILLA said:
sooooo hypocritical lol
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Oh really is that so, four extra o's and all?

The issues he raises are not as dumb as they seem
Peager said:
... <rant> I am thoroughly pissed off at three service providers. #1, T-Mobile because their service rep told me over the phone that they could make it work on their network before I bought it, #2) Verizon because they told me that the phone could be activated on their network and all I had to do was take it to one of their stores with a tech (they lied), and #3) Sprint for their attempted monopoly. Why are we, as a user community putting up with this kind of monopolistic activity? <end rant>
All that said, can someone offer any hope that I can get this phone activated on any network but sprint? I thought that CDMA was a standard.
Feeling angry, stupid, and taken advantage of....
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For those of us who have been on the forum a while, these issues seem dumb. They are not. We are being screwed by the manufacturers and the carriers but we don't see it that way. John's thoughts are not dumb. I just got done writing a letter to the chairman of the FCC asking that the FCC require carriers to make smartphones compatible with more than one 3G network in the US.
Let's start by discussing GSM phones. In the US, AT&T uses UMTS 850 & 1900 Mhz for 3G service, T-Mobile uses the AWS 1700 Mhz frequency for 3G data service. There is absolutely no reason that HTC smartphones cannot have radios that can handle 850, 1700, 1900, and 2100 Mhz. In this way the phones would be good for 3G data in the US on either T-Mobile or AT&T. Why does this matter?
Whether you know it or not, you are paying at least $500 for a smartphone. If you buy it out right without a contract you're going to pay that much. If you buy on a two year contract, you are getting about a $200 discount. This discount is covered by fees that you'll be paying for data over the next two years. If you terminate early, you'll pay around $200 to do so. At the end of your two year contract, you must stay with your current carrier if you want to continue to get 3G data.
It is abundantly clear that HTC is in collusion with the carriers to not provide unlocked phones that will work on AT&T or T-Mobiles network. A few years ago, you could buy an international unlocked phone (such as the HTC TyTn or TyTn II) which had the 850, 1900, and 2100 Mhz radios which could work in Europe and the US on AT&T's network. However, now HTC only makes unlocked international phones with 900 and 2100 Mhz radio. In other words, if you want the latest HTC phone to work on AT&T or T-Mobile, you have to wait till either AT&T or T-Mobile has it. Sometimes, these carriers don't get the phone you want at all. For example, the HTC HD2 which is one of the best phones HTC ever made has not been offered to AT&T. Fortunately, Telstra in Australia got the HD2 and Australia has the same 850 Mhz frequencies of AT&T. I bought one from Australia and am using on AT&T which is my favorite carrier at least for data. What a pain in the posterior.
The same problem exists with CDMA phones. The CDMA carriers have made it tough for one to switch from Verizon to Sprint or visa versa. There's no SIM card (Why not the technology exists?) You have to take you phone to someone that can hook you up on the different network. With the EVO 4G it would be stupid to go to Verizon because they don't have Wimax and the 4G component of the EVO 4G won't work.
Furthermore, I have the HD2 but I wish I could buy its cousin the Supersonic (aka EVO 4G) and run it on a GSM network (either AT&T or T-Mobile). I cannot do this because HTC has made an exclusive deal with Sprint.
These exclusive hardware deals and the 2 year contracts are inherently anticompetitive. We should be able to chose the phone we want and run it on the network we want. That would be competitive. I have asked the FCC to not give approval to GSM smart phones unless they have more than one 3G radio that works in the US. If this were the case, a buyer could decide to pay full price for the phone (i.e, no 2 year contract) and jump from carrier to carrier at will based on the price, quality, and features of the carrier's network. This is roughly the way Europe works.
In Europe most countries use 2100 Mhz for 3G (though I hear they are going to begin using 900 also). For years one has been able to buy unlocked phones and do month to month contracts. One can jump from Orange to O2 to Deutsche Telekom (T-Mobile) at will and the 3G data will work.
Europe has had video voice calling for years. The European prices aren't any cheaper than they are in the US but you get more speed, more features, and more choices. We're getting screwed here but everyone is asleep. They are too dumb to see what has happened. The front facing cameras you now see on the EVO 4G have been around for years in Europe on their robust networks.
Another thing that makes me upset about HTC phones is the lack of internal memory. Memory is cheap. Yet the EVO 4G has only 1GB? What the heck? Even Motorolla gets it. Their new Droid has 8G plus an SD card slot. I wish the Droid was GSM. I'd buy it in a heart beat.
HTC is probably the best smartphone manufacturer. However it took them years to get a decent sized screen on their devices. It took them years to get a 3.5mm jack on their devices. How long will it take to get 8, 16, or 32GB on their devices? Probably another 2 years. Oh wait, I almost forgot, they actually got 8G in the Verizon Incredible. They probably only did this because Verizon forced them to.

So Verison won't activate it? The phone is CDMA which is what Verison uses.


unlocked tmobile using AT&T

i have a unlocked hd2 using AT&T i know they say it wont get 3g unless i bought the australian version but every once a and a while it will get 3g for 20 sec to a minute or so am i the only one experiencing this
That sucks, I was hoping to be able to move this to AT&T eventually. There's no point if there's no 3G though.
AT&T and T-Mobile uses different 3G bands. There is no way you will ever get AT&T 3G on a T-Mobile 3G phone.
to get a hd2 that can get at&ts 3g you have to buy hd2 t9193 thats an australian phone
CRAP! This is what I get for not doing my research properly. I have been absolutely HATING T-Mobiles network, I can go anywhere with my Tilt 2 and HD2 and the Tilt 2 ALWAYS has better reception and better G connections. T-Mobile is rolling out this new "Ultra G" but even if the speed hype is true, I seriously doubt that the COVERAGE will improve. And their coverage SUCKS! Ahh, but I love the HD2... Plan was, as others said, to move back to AT&T eventually, using this phone. NOW what do I do. Find an Aussie that wants to Trade?
no one will want to trade i recommend you sell yours craigslist or how ever then jump to eBay buy one from Australia cause if you bid on one of those t9193's that are here in the us expect to pay close to 800 if you buy from Australia you'll spend a little under 700
memphis550 said:
i have a unlocked hd2 using AT&T i know they say it wont get 3g unless i bought the australian version but every once a and a while it will get 3g for 20 sec to a minute or so am i the only one experiencing this
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I too have noticed this. Especially on the northern side of the DC area. I've driven through and each time I get the 3G symbol for a little bit and then it drops out. So you're not crazy or anything else. I'm glad you shared this because I was wondering also.
makes me think that some type for software would enable AT&Ts 3g on the US hd2
I wonder also if they have the 850 mghz one in their supply chain and don't know it or don't care and have released them. I'm heading back the same way again this week, so I'll keep my eyes on my phone. I wish there was a way to tell what chip it is and what bands it will pick up.
They couldn't "just release" or enable cross-band functionality like that without clearing with the FCC first, and that hasn't happened. When the HD2 first received it's license it was certified to exclusively work on the bands specified, and AT&T's were not among those. And, even if you were able to "hack" it to work, you'd likely be violating the law.
sirphunkee said:
They couldn't "just release" or enable cross-band functionality like that without clearing with the FCC first, and that hasn't happened. When the HD2 first received it's license it was certified to exclusively work on the bands specified, and AT&T's were not among those. And, even if you were able to "hack" it to work, you'd likely be violating the law.
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and apple say jailbreaking there devices is violating the law too right. thats never stopped people from using there talent before
memphis550 said:
and apple say jailbreaking there devices is violating the law too right. thats never stopped people from using there talent before
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I guess but it's not really an apples-to-apples comparison because you don't have to defy the laws of physics to jailbreak an iphone...but you would have to do just that to get the HD2 to work on AT&T's 3G bands.
sirphunkee said:
I guess but it's not really an apples-to-apples comparison because you don't have to defy the laws of physics to jailbreak an iphone...but you would have to do just that to get the HD2 to work on AT&T's 3G bands.
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well if you remember the first iphone jailbreak hats off to GEOHOT was a hardware and software jailbreak. i my search how to make my hd2 get 3g on AT&T i want to know what do you think if i'm to buy a 3g antenna from htc.au and replace that with my 3g antenna what do you think

[NEWS] T-Mobile & Sprint merger is possible

Saw this today and thought I'd share.
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA Premium
I don't see how that merger would work. I personally don't like sprints coverage.
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA Premium App
First off, I highly doubt that the US gov't would let a merger like this go down.
Second, I wouldn't be surprised that IF it happened, they would stay as 2 separate companies at the consumer level, but connected via management. It just doesn't make sense for 1 company to offer both GSM and CDMA concurrently. Are they just going to start only taking on handsets that operate with both CDMA and GSM? I just don't find this likely.
I sure hope that this doesn't happen. CDMA really needs to die, and I personally have seen the light of GSM and of T-mobiles slightly more customer-friendly approach. More than likely because their subscriber numbers are dwindelling, but the fact that they openly offer no-contract plans, cheap plans, and are flexible on many different things, I just hope they stick around the way they are. I know this isn't the most profitable business model (but it is still profitable) compared to Verizon, but its one that is necessary for those of us who see the ridiculousness of what the other carriers are charging.
I don't want Sprint + T-mobile to turn into another Verizon. It will just give them more ability to start charging $110 for unlimited plans like Verizon and AT&T do. Choices are good! People like Verizon, and their service is great, but I like my money more than I like Verizon.
Sprint sucks. Tmo would die like nextel is this happened. And I would be ****ed having to run back to verizon
From my permarooted 1209mhz G2 with CM7 nightly 6
This has nothing to do with a single company implementing both GSM and CDMA. This is because SPRINT WANTS GSM, and tmobile already exists.
In upgrading to GSM, there are precisely two options; either implement it yourself (Canada/Belus), or buy one that's ready made.
dhkr234 said:
This has nothing to do with a single company implementing both GSM and CDMA. This is because SPRINT WANTS GSM, and tmobile already exists.
In upgrading to GSM, there are precisely two options; either implement it yourself (Canada/Belus), or buy one that's ready made.
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This is definitely interesting, but it makes sense. WiMAX sucks compared to the other technologies available, and GSM is just better overall too.
I read that an industry analyst said this is likely T-Mobile selling their towers to Sprint and Sprint leasing them back.
I dunno if I believe that either, but that seems more likely to me than a straight up merger.
martonikaj said:
First off, I highly doubt that the US gov't would let a merger like this go down.
Second, I wouldn't be surprised that IF it happened, they would stay as 2 separate companies at the consumer level, but connected via management. It just doesn't make sense for 1 company to offer both GSM and CDMA concurrently. Are they just going to start only taking on handsets that operate with both CDMA and GSM? I just don't find this likely.
I sure hope that this doesn't happen. CDMA really needs to die, and I personally have seen the light of GSM and of T-mobiles slightly more customer-friendly approach. More than likely because their subscriber numbers are dwindelling, but the fact that they openly offer no-contract plans, cheap plans, and are flexible on many different things, I just hope they stick around the way they are. I know this isn't the most profitable business model (but it is still profitable) compared to Verizon, but its one that is necessary for those of us who see the ridiculousness of what the other carriers are charging.
I don't want Sprint + T-mobile to turn into another Verizon. It will just give them more ability to start charging $110 for unlimited plans like Verizon and AT&T do. Choices are good! People like Verizon, and their service is great, but I like my money more than I like Verizon.
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What about Cingular and At&t? They were allowed to merge along with Sirius and XM... apparently the goverment doesn't care about monopolies. Excuse my spelling lol! Heck, at&t is back as mama bell. They were broken up but they're back now
sino8r said:
What about Cingular and At&t? They were allowed to merge along with Sirius and XM... apparently the goverment doesn't care about monopolies. Excuse my spelling lol! Heck, at&t is back as mama bell. They were broken up but they're back now
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True - any opposition from the gov quit when they took M$ to court and they realized that they had more money to spend on lawyers then the government could ever muster.
After this exon mobile merged, making the largest company ever known to man and there has never been a peep about monopoly since.
Since the government is pretty much funded by public enterprise at this point I wouldn't expect them to step in.
PS **** Sprint - they blow - the rumor before this one was that they were going to abandon all of their Clear 4G WiMax ancient bull**** and go to LTE ... so whatever
I've been a tmo customer for 10+ years (well, Omnipoint, voicestream and then T-Mo.) Overall, I've been pretty happy with them.
I was also a Sprint customer, briefly. There wasn't anything wrong with the service, the phone selection (for back then, pre smartphone) was OK, and they had coverage where I needed it.
However, it seems every bill, they messed something up and I had to spend 1-2 hours on hold and dealing with their crap customer service to get it fixed.
Every. Goddamn. Month.
That got old quick.
This was a while ago, perhaps things have changed, I don't know. I did swear "never again" when I finally gave up in disgust and cancelled.
I sincerely hope this doesn't happen.
I have been with T-Mobile over 14 years (Powertel, Voicestream, T-Mobile) and the only time I had issues was back in 2004 when I was stationed at Camp Pendleton. They didn't have towers on the base, therefore no reception, but as soon as I drove off, full bars the whole way. If T-Mobile was to merge with AT&T, and AT&T be the dominate company, I'm gone!
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using XDA Premium App

[Unrelated] AT&T to buy T-Mobile USA

Looks like #2 and #4 are going to merge. I guess the talk that Sprint might buyout T-Mobile didn't pan out. Looks like they will discontinue those ads where they make fun of AT&T's network.
What does this mean for us?
This is the worst news I've ever heard lol
Jayavarman said:
What does this mean for us?
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nothing short term, but this could change the face of the u.s. wireless indusry.
also, already being discussed.
I definitely think the FCC will prevent it from happening, it would create a GSM monopoly in the US.
why would it matter if it was a gsm monopoly? there are still other carriers regardless, so i dont see it as being a monopoly. you can still buy gsm devices from anywhere and pop yuour sim card in and go if thats what the big deal about gsm is all about.
The problem with a GSM monopoly (or any monopoly really) is that it prevents competition, for instance people who travel frequently and therefore need a GSM handset are left with only one real option (sure there are Verizon and Sprint world phones but that is besides the point)
I blame T-Mobile Girl.
063_XOBX said:
The problem with a GSM monopoly (or any monopoly really) is that it prevents competition, for instance people who travel frequently and therefore need a GSM handset are left with only one real option (sure there are Verizon and Sprint world phones but that is besides the point)
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how does only having one gsm provider in the us prevent competition? there are still several other cell providers in the u.s. the reason you state one needs a gsm handset would be to be able to use it while traveling (im assuming you mean abroad) where you would use a local sim card any way. if your using att's minutes to talk over seas, you can do that with sprint and verizon too. they all have international roaming. not being able to use a phone overseas is not related at all to being a monopoly.
austin420 said:
how does only having one gsm provider in the us prevent competition? there are still several other cell providers in the u.s. the reason you state one needs a gsm handset would be to be able to use it while traveling (im assuming you mean abroad) where you would use a local sim card any way. if your using att's minutes to talk over seas, you can do that with sprint and verizon too. they all have international roaming. not being able to use a phone overseas is not related at all to being a monopoly.
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He's talking about in the broad sense. You had a choice in between AT&T and Tmobile which didn't have the best phones but had fair prices. Now that they're merged people are stuck with the high priced cheap phones without anyother choice for GSM carriers.
Sent From my CyanogenEpicMod 7G
This smells of a monopoly. 3 real major wireless carriers left in the US. It would be like the oil industry. They dont have to buy each other up. They can raise the prices on everyone now and who you going to complain to. They can also slow progress on any new developments in the wireless phone industry. Has anyone given this any thought. Just look at the history of all industry in the United States. There have been monopolies and just a couple of companies left in this country. They always do what they wanted to the consumer.
tmobile had cheap phones? odd and and here i thought half their lineup was android... stupid smartphones...
Alright I think finally there are enough threads on this.
Sent from my Incredible with the XDA Premium App.
So who is gonna release Google experience devices now? AT&T? I doubt it.
muyoso said:
So who is gonna release Google experience devices now? AT&T? I doubt it.
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I'm holding out hope Verizon will eventually release even just ONE.
Sent from my Incredible with the XDA Premium App.
This is kinda like Intel and AMD. They're the only two major CPU players left. Now if AMD dies off then we'd all be screwed but I doubt it'll ever happen since AMD always have few aces up their sleeve.
Now AT&T bought out T-Mobile will be the only GSM player in this country but this time it's a little different. Far as FCC and SEC are concerned it's not monopoly. We still have choices of different carriers such as AT&T, Verizon and Sprint. I know the latter two don't offer GSM but it doesn't matter much since GSM will eventually be going away and replaced with new standards in a few short years anyway.
Now with so many ticked off T-Mobile users I wouldn't be surprised they will switch to either Verizon or Sprint soon. So basically AT&T just wasted a pileload of cash for nothing. Great business sense they've made. So instead of spending money on improving their network they just buy out the competiton.
AT&T's way of doing things belong in the dinosaurs age and we all know what happened to that.
muyoso said:
So who is gonna release Google experience devices now? AT&T? I doubt it.
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This is where Sprint should step up their game (and many more places) and release a Google dev/experience device.
We are so screwed!!!!
Darkk69 said:
This is kinda like Intel and AMD. They're the only two major CPU players left. Now if AMD dies off then we'd all be screwed but I doubt it'll ever happen since AMD always have few aces up their sleeve.
Now AT&T bought out T-Mobile will be the only GSM player in this country but this time it's a little different. Far as FCC and SEC are concerned it's not monopoly. We still have choices of different carriers such as AT&T, Verizon and Sprint. I know the latter two don't offer GSM but it doesn't matter much since GSM will eventually be going away and replaced with new standards in a few short years anyway.
Now with so many ticked off T-Mobile users I wouldn't be surprised they will switch to either Verizon or Sprint soon. So basically AT&T just wasted a pileload of cash for nothing. Great business sense they've made. So instead of spending money on improving their network they just buy out the competiton.
AT&T's way of doing things belong in the dinosaurs age and we all know what happened to that.
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FCC and SEC won't do anything anyways because our government sold the people out along time ago. I don't think they would even stop a Vezion, Sprint and A.T&T merge however improbable that may seem. They would let it happen. This is really bad news. I was hoping to goto T-mobile if sprint started raising there prices. Maybe that is why A.T&T decided to restrict their internet because if people did decide to change carriers they would be stuck with A.T&T. This is a good move for A.T&T and now they can boost they have the fastest 4G network and Sprint will have the slowest 4G network.
Darkk69 said:
Now AT&T bought out T-Mobile will be the only GSM player in this country but this time it's a little different. Far as FCC and SEC are concerned it's not monopoly. We still have choices of different carriers such as AT&T, Verizon and Sprint. I know the latter two don't offer GSM but it doesn't matter much since GSM will eventually be going away and replaced with new standards in a few short years anyway.
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Are you sure about that because I was under the impression that non GSM services were the odd ones out?
Sent from my Incredible with the XDA Premium App.

AT&T set to aquire T-mobile for $39 billion

I've been a T-Mobile customer for seven or eight years now and have never regretted a moment of it. These people have always gone above and beyond to make me feel like I was worth something to them as a customer and a person. I haven't had to contact them often, but when I did, I always knew I would hang up the phone with a smile on my face. T-Mobile US has one of the best customer service departments in the world in terms of customer satisfaction. If I were planning to commit suicide, I would probably call T-Mobile, since I know they would be able to talk me down.
On the flip side of this is AT&T, with whom I've had some of the worst customer service and just service in general in all of my life. I started out with my first cellular device through Cingular Wireless. I wouldn't say they were the best service (they were far from it), but most of my friends and family were on the network and it was in the early days of the talk for free within the network deals. AT&T came along a few years later and ruined any creditability Cingular Wireless had provided me. When the networks in my area finally were updated to EDGE through AT&T, I immediately began having problems with dropped calls and spastic data rates. Calling to complain about this service garnered me a generic response from them along the lines of "What do you want me to do about it?" The customer should not be the one who suggests that the cellular connection to the tower needs to be reset.
After a full year of waiting out my contract and the remainder of my patience with them, I began searching for an alternative solution. I narrowed down my list to All-Tel and T-Mobile for their outstanding customer service. T-Mobile won me over, since, at the time, I was using my HP iPAQ hw6945 (HTC Sable), and needed a GSM network. Since that day, I have constantly raved about their phenomenal customer service, support and network speed. I was also blown away by their astonishingly competitive pricing.
I am currently paying the same $50 for service that I was when I signed up initially. I have a plan consisting of 1000 minutes a month (unlimited for me), unlimited text, and unlimited data ($30+$10+$10). This data plan also includes tethering for free. I haven't been under a contract with them since the first year I was with them, as it was required. I have never been hassled about updating my terms of service, or anything of the sort. It has been one completely happy ride other than the spotty 3G coverage which has been growing rapidly.
With all of this considered, I must say that I am completely shocked and appalled that the company is being sold off to the only other GSM network in the country with a national footprint: AT&T. Though the transaction isn't completely finalized yet, I see no reason why the FCC would oppose this as the also let Verizon's "Net Neutrality" rules pass, even though they were completely one-sided.
Other than customer service from AT&T (or lack thereof, rather), this also presents yet another problem for the customers of T-Mobile: 4G. We will now be set to move into AT&T's field of using LTE instead of HSPA+ or WiMax for our 4G coverage. For those of you who don't already know, LTE is not the happy trail to the Internet you may think.
The LTE standard was designed with carriers in mind, not consumers. This means that the format allows carriers to control the content they show you. You will begin seeing tiered data plans with access to partial content coming soon as the networks expand. For example, if you decide to get the cheapest data plan, you will not only be limited in maximum data caps, but also certain things like YouTube may be filtered out of your service because you would have to pay extra for it. AT&T and Verizon have already come out and said that this will happen with services like Skype and YouTube. WiMax does none of this as it was intended to be an open format set up with end users in mind. HSPA+ simply doesn't support the concept.
Am I the only one concerned here? I think if this does go through, I'll be booking it over the Sprint. I am not fond of CDMA networks, but it's FAR better than the alternative.
Lots of good LTE vs. WiMax links in this thread
AT&T/T-Mobile US acquisition details
AT&T is taking over T- Mobile.
Well said Cajunflavoredbob. I went through similar experiences that you speak of. Like I said in another thread, after AT&T stuck me hard, I vowed never to give them my business again. Now after hearing this news, I will end up eating my own words!
I have the Touch Pro2 (T-mobile brand) and I really like this phone, especially after the modified ROMs here on this site. I have no intention to get another phone. So now I have to wait until this deal gets finalized and then determine if keeping this phone is worth going through the headaches with AT&T all over again.
All plans will be grandfathered. Also better service coverage too, so I don't think it will be so bad. I hope we can use At&t frequency phones on a T-Mobile service.
We have so many threads about this topic.
Androidboy35961 said:
We have so many threads about this topic.
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Care to share which ones? I looked through this forum and hadn't found a single one talking about the acquisition. If I had, then I wouldn't have started this thread. If there are threads about it in other areas of the site, then there isn't much I can do about that as those threads would be in the wrong place. This thread was started to allow open general discussion of the subject. Obviously, if threads you may be referring to are in device specific forums, then not everyone is going to see them.
I don't know much about the world of mergers except I read that this one will take at least 12 months. Is this a done deal? Or is there something sufficiently monopolistic about it that could run into legal troubles?
jakfish said:
I don't know much about the world of mergers except I read that this one will take at least 12 months. Is this a done deal? Or is there something sufficiently monopolistic about it that could run into legal troubles?
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The deal could take up to a year to finalize if it is allowed. This acquisition would make AT&T the only nation wide GSM carrier. AT&T is also looking to acquire more radio spectrum from Qualcomm who had those FloTV things for a while that bombed. It still has a lot of red tape to go through, but, honestly, I doubt that it will run into much opposition unfortunately. The other downside to this is that we now know that DT is looking to offload T-Mobile US to the highest bidder. Before this, there was a rumor about Sprint trying to acquire the company. I doubt Sprint can afford the price tag on T-Mobile now that AT&T has set the bar. It is a loose-loose situation for T-Mobile customers. No matter what happens, Big Daddy is still putting up TMoUS for sale. The question now becomes, who will get it in the end?
if this goes through im going to Sprint because i hate AT&T AND dont like the idea of youtube being a premium service on Verizon. but isnt this deal like monopoly. i doubt the US government will allow this too happen without some legal troubles and a lot of money being payed to the government.
The only positive things I can see out of this, are that a) it's a true gsm marriage, which continues to maintain a world flavor to the phone and b) AT&T will have boatload of different bands: 1700, 2100, and whatever AT&T uses. That should free up 4G considerably.
Had T-Mobile and Sprint gotten together, I just can't see the CDMA-GSM thing. What were they going to use, half a sim card?
But I'm old enough to remember the bad AT&T days and can't feel that these will be any better.
AT&T is not that bad..lol
I have been with T-mobile since the company was Voicestream... Im hurt to see DT sell us out like this I hope google will outbid AT&T because I dont like any of the other cellular providers.
Androidboy35961 said:
AT&T is not that bad..lol
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I am very glad to hear someone speak well of AT&T, because my personal experience has not been good. I am convinced that CFB is dead-on with his assessment about why they purchased T-Mobile (his LTE argument). This is NOT even remotely good for the consumer.
I know only one person who has been happy with Sprint (out of dozens), but they seem to be the least restrictive which may force me to give them another try. But they'll probably have the same indoor reception issues Verizon has - CDMA doesn't penetrate walls as well as GSM does. It's kind of funny: we have two groups of people huddled outside the office doors - smokers and Verizons customers.
jakfish said:
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I read that this morning before leaving for work. It doesn't help to ease my tensions about the acquisition.
Given that it's a Republican, hence laissez faire, House, I can't see them stopping this merger, but the initial political chatter is very much against it. That could be nothing more than posturing for constituents, but for AT&T to take over 80% of the mobile market in one fell swoop, politicians are really going to have to look the other way.
They often do, however,
. The question now becomes said:
Well stated, and an apt analogy! That is as well the conundrum of the new prisoners at the state prison...
ATT will play the part of Bubba perfectly!
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Everybody needs to take a deep, deep breath and calm down. We're a two cellular carrier household; T-Mobile and AT&T. According to T-Mobile at their home page they addressed several questions one being our current devices and plans and they said they will honor them. For many of us who have been with T-Mobile for example were with two other companies in the SE USA - PowerTel and VoiceStream. It was no secret Deutsch TeleComm had been shopping T-Mobile USA around for quite some time and their statement reflects they will be concentrating with their business in the countries of Germany and other European countries. Current trends suggest AT&T has a 50-50 chance at obtaining T-Mobile USA; however their lobby in Washington is strong and there has been no hint from the Obama administration to curtail this merger as other big name mergers have yet to be turned down. There will be stipulations and this will be watched very carefully. Judging my the speed which this has moved in the past two days, much of the legwork prior to announcement seems to had been done well in advance. Whether we like it or not; we're at the whelm of these companies and they are going to do what is in their best interest and we're all along for the ride; we have a choice whether we like it or not, it's whether there are enough of us after the two companies merge.
jakfish said:
Given that it's a Republican, hence laissez faire, House, I can't see them stopping this merger, but the initial political chatter is very much against it. That could be nothing more than posturing for constituents, but for AT&T to take over 80% of the mobile market in one fell swoop, politicians are really going to have to look the other way.
They often do, however,
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It actually not on the Republicans this time. Democrats are the ones fighting for a nation-wide broadband network. This merger would be the basis for that goal. Our president has outlined this several times before. I would not be surprised in the least if AT&T becomes a monopoly...again. It's not that they would look the other way, it's more about will they allow it to happen to further their goal? I'm all for a national broadband infrastructure, but AT&T is NOT the way to achieve that.
SnittyKitty said:
Everybody needs to take a deep, deep breath and calm down. We're a two cellular carrier household; T-Mobile and AT&T. According to T-Mobile at their home page they addressed several questions one being our current devices and plans and they said they will honor them. For many of us who have been with T-Mobile for example were with two other companies in the SE USA - PowerTel and VoiceStream. It was no secret Deutsch TeleComm had been shopping T-Mobile USA around for quite some time and their statement reflects they will be concentrating with their business in the countries of Germany and other European countries. Current trends suggest AT&T has a 50-50 chance at obtaining T-Mobile USA; however their lobby in Washington is strong and there has been no hint from the Obama administration to curtail this merger as other big name mergers have yet to be turned down. There will be stipulations and this will be watched very carefully. Judging my the speed which this has moved in the past two days, much of the legwork prior to announcement seems to had been done well in advance. Whether we like it or not; we're at the whelm of these companies and they are going to do what is in their best interest and we're all along for the ride; we have a choice whether we like it or not, it's whether there are enough of us after the two companies merge.
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Well, more than anything, this is a financial move for DT. They get a payout no matter what happens. If the merger goes through, they will get an 8% stake in AT&T as well as a DT board member on AT&T's board of directors. Even if the deal falls through by some chance, T-Mobile gets $3 billion, a roaming agreement, and a hefty chunk of spectrum for AT&T, just for doing nothing. Either way, DT wins. No matter what, T-Mobile customers loose.

With AT&T buying out T-Mobile what does this mean to our beloved HD2

I read that T-Mobile users will have to switch out to an AT&T smartphone device (at no cost or so they say) in order to stay on the 3G network because of the frequency difference. With that said it will be the end of our HD2 at least on 3G, even if it's a year out this phone still has over a year left of use in it.
do we need another thread about this buyout?
Not true. Nothing will happen for atleast a year. Plus.......from what I have read...they bought T-Mobile to add the 2 networks together. At&t has run out of room and want to unload some of they're weight onto tmobiles spectrum.
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA Premium App
why would they stop broadcasting on our 3g frequency?
they paid the FCC ridiculously for the right to that frequency and by adding the two different frequencies together and by designing phones with radios to access both frequencies, AT&T be able to compete with Verizon in terms of network coverage speed etc. This merger could be good for us as long as they don't price gouge us.
It doesnt make any sense unless at&t plans to sell the tmobile frequency to another cell company to force customers to switch to at&t phones...I dont see how or why that would ever happen makes much more sense to combine networks to increase speed and coverage and provide better service bc that is what will get and keep customers
If AT&T jacks up rates and tries to play the TMobile customers who went to TMobile in the first place bc Tmobile was the only wireless competition who went after Verizon and AT&T by offering better prices then AT&T can kiss its TMobile customers goodbye. I hate this merger from a consumer perspective but if they dont get greedy it might be ok...I dunno lack of competition is almost always bad for consumers
TopOfNewYork said:
why would they stop broadcasting on our 3g frequency?
they paid the FCC ridiculously for the right to that frequency and by adding the two different frequencies together and by designing phones with radios to access both frequencies, AT&T be able to compete with Verizon in terms of network coverage speed etc. This merger could be good for us as long as they don't price gouge us.
It doesnt make any sense unless at&t plans to sell the tmobile frequency to another cell company to force customers to switch to at&t phones...I dont see how or why that would ever happen makes much more sense to combine networks to increase speed and coverage and provide better service bc that is what will get and keep customers
If AT&T jacks up rates and tries to play the TMobile customers who went to TMobile in the first place bc Tmobile was the only wireless competition who went after Verizon and AT&T by offering better prices then AT&T can kiss its TMobile customers goodbye. I hate this merger from a consumer perspective but if they dont get greedy it might be ok...I dunno lack of competition is almost always bad for consumers
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AT&T has announced it is NOT going to us T-Mo's frequencies. They are going to upgrade the T-Mo towers to their 4G LTE tech, rendering our 3G phones useless. This is supposed to take a year or two though.
so whoever has the tmobiles "4G" aka HSPA+ devices, will be able to use that "4G LTE" network that they gonna add which should make G2 MT4G capable of the real 4G speeds?
No HSPA + uses GSM crap and whatnot whilst LTE is like next gen GSM. So no, if you have an HSPA+ phone it won't work on LTE.
Kailkti said:
No HSPA + uses GSM crap and whatnot whilst LTE is like next gen GSM. So no, if you have an HSPA+ phone it won't work on LTE.
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well that blows.. guess ill have to wait to see waht they come up with. no matter how much i hate att i really need a gsm device....
Well as said. LTE is like a next gen or evolution of GSM. So alot of carriers are moving to it, if not all. At&t, Verizon, Sprint, Europe is going there. Maybe asia. So maybe LTE will be the new GSM.
Only downside is for people who live in third/second world countries.
Although you won't expect a big wave of LTE devices to hit anytime soon however, and make GSM obsolete.
Kailkti said:
Well as said. LTE is like a next gen or evolution of GSM. So alot of carriers are moving to it, if not all. At&t, Verizon, Sprint, Europe is going there. Maybe asia. So maybe LTE will be the new GSM.
Only downside is for people who live in third/second world countries.
Although you won't expect a big wave of LTE devices to hit anytime soon however, and make GSM obsolete.
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well yea thats true but withing next like 2 years they should start popping out fast
nothing is changing any time soon.... They are honoring all contracts that are entered before the merger happens. MEANING if you have an hd2 you have nothing to worry about. I for one will not still be using it in two years from now. There will be WAY better phones by then.
what a niche of people are worried about is if the $10 web2go or $5.99 tzones UNLIMITED DATA WITH TETHERING NO CAPS will still work..

