Adding or replacing fonts in WM 6.5.x - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

I'm trying to replace with Tahoma and Tahoma Bold fonts in the ROM I use with versions that support the full set of unicode characters.
However, I can't find a way to overwrite the existing fonts as it won't let me delete them or rename them. I've also tried creating a cab, but it says I don't have permission to install it.
Anyone have any suggestions?
Many thanks

Same question, is there a cab that can do that? I'm trying to change my font to Helvetica is it possible

Have you seen this thread?
However Those cabs don't seem to change my softkey or top right digital clock fonts.

I have tried to install the default fonts from that thread, but it said I did not have permission.
Perhaps I'll try one of the other fonts and see if that works.


Font Changing

Read up on it, but am wondering if there is an automatic way (not MANUALLY EDITING) of changing fonts with a cab.
You can make a cab file of the fonts that you edited, but there is no fully automated way of doing what you are asking. Seems for now, you have to rename the ttf files according to the how-to guide then you can make a cab for install of the new font. Of course, I may be wrong. Would be nice if there were an all in one solution.

How do i....

change my system font to this one:
i know his home screen is screwed, but i'd like to know how i can get my system font like that (look at teh softkeys)
edit: found out how to change, but could anyone tell me where i can ge tthat font file?
No idea, but he used Wisbar and there you can choose the font if it is installed in the fonts directory of windows

Does anyone know how to use custom fonts?

I'm trying to use custom fonts in WM5, I copied desired fonts to windows\fonts\ and edit the registry to use them,means i replace the tahoma name with my font.
it worked but not on entire phone, just on some places. So please someone guide me how to use custom font on entire phone....
Thanks in Advance

blackberry font for wm 6.5?

can anyone make a cab (or is there one already) for installing the bb font on wm6.5? (i tihink its called bbalpha sans)
i found a link to a font that is "supposedly" the blackberry font you mentioned.
if you download that zip and then extract the files into the /windows/fonts/ folder on your device, it will have the font to be able to be used in various apps
p.s. id love to help with a cab, but i have no clue how to make them. good luck

System font issues....

Well here it is.........
I've been trying to change my systrem font to "old english text"
I have a cab file for it which works, however it changes absolutely ALL the text in the phone, even renders websites in the new font, which is not ideal...
I uninstalled and tried to use sk tools to change the font, this kinda works however the "start" and softkeybar buttons remain unchanged, which is kinda annoying...
I also tried the reg editing method of changing the font from a how to guide on here.... still the same,, system font is changed however "start" and softkeybar remains unchanged.........
Would anyone be able to alter this cab so that it only changes the fonts in WM and manilla (leaving thing like opera/resco explorer etc untouched)...
or tell me which reg entrys I need to revert to default after installing it...
I tried getting into the cab and seeing what entries it manipulates but couldnt find a way of opening an xml file as text on my phone to see whats in there....
Any help would be much appreciated...........
Thanks in advance.....
Does anyone have a cab to restore the default sytem font......??
I found one via search but it doesnt work unfortuneately.............
Looks like another hard reset looming................

