Should I buy a X10 now?? - XPERIA X10 General

oh... Looking to get an android phone, so I sell my HD2 before its price rolls down the slope. But now I learn that the Galaxy S, iphone, Motorola Shadow are coming very soon. So should I buy the X10 right now, or just wait until those phones are actually released? I have been using my old old old SE phone for a week now I maybe able to get a used X10 for $385..
btw, any sign of SE getting their hands on the Android 2.2?

I would say it’s depend of your need and expectation, let me explain.
The hardware is great; don’t listen to people saying the camera and the flash are bad, as long you don’t use the automatic setting your picture wont disappoint you.
Ill say go for it don’t worry, I want to keep this one since I finally found a device I like, blackberry iphone ,htc dream and magic where not my cup of tea. That’s why I fight to get the 2,2 update I want to keep it for at least 2 year and the os update is a good way to make your device fell new again.
BUT I have to admit ,its possible SE do something great with the 2.1 making the device over the edge even with an older version, proof? Check what htc did with the magic the sense ui its still running only 1.5 but defiantly fell like a something totally different.
It’s a great device overall, in my idea a perfect work and multimedia device.

I sold mine (at a profit) then I ended up buying it again lol, as i couldnt find a suitable replacement. The galaxy S does look good though.

While I do love my X10 im constantly tormented by all the new devices that come out after I just get a new one. Im also the impatient type so waiting for the new ones to come out is next to impossible for me. However, if you think you can wait then id be pretty tempted to get the Samsung Galaxy S. Its a pretty sweet phone if you ask me. However given Samsungs poor rep for continuing support for their devices you'd in a way be taking a similiar gamble with it as you would with the X10. At least it comes loaded with 2.1 which were still waiting for. Wouldn't even bother with the new iPhone. Doesn't tempt me one bit. Streak 5 looks is a tempter though too. It really depends on what you want out of it.

Currently, Galaxy S is what most people think as the best phone yet. I have tried it and it just feels like iPhone. It's really fluid but I still feel that the X10 has its own personality despite having the standard Home page. I've tried HTC desire and I do not like it's Sense UI. It's subjective btw
But in the future, Shadow (or N2?), iPhone 4G will outperform these phones most probably. Just wait a month or two. It isn't that hard 4G may be announced tomorrow, but it's Shadow that I'm concerned about or specifically, the Nexus two.
4G vs Shadow (maybe Nexus 2)
No flash vs Flash
Smaller screen vs bigger screen

EVO 4G is CDMA, so its not on my list.
Streak is not a phone to me. (8cm wide )
Desire/N1/iphone HD, the screen is just too small
sigh, think I will just wait for another month or two.

X10 is not perfect, but I'm not aware of any other phone on the market (or even announced) good enough. So today I would buy the X10 again.

hmm... is the 384mb ram sufficient enough?

If you need a phone for making phone calls: DO NOT BUY THE X10!
The in call volume is useless! You can't make calls when you're outside on the street, in a noisy office etc.
I strongly hope that SonyEricsson will fix this very soon!

T.W.G said:
If you need a phone for making phone calls: DO NOT BUY THE X10!
The in call volume is useless! You can't make calls when you're outside on the street, in a noisy office etc.
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I not agree. While the maximum volume is indeed not too high, it is perfectly suitable for using it even in the street or in a noisy office.

I have to agree with t.w.g: The phone is pretty much useless in noisy environments like on a busy street or even in a café!

Yes it's not too hight but listenable in the street. But of course you can have problem with listening call in a too noisy place with any phone


Decided to jump ship.. switching to HTC desire

Who is with me?
With all the gripes that we have with this phone right now, including no 2.1 for a 8 months (by which time SE will launch a newer Android device and pay no attention to X10 owners) as well as multitouch, live wallpapers, hundreds of apps that dont run on anything less than 2.1 etc etc, I think its high time we hit SE where it hurts.
Bring on AMOLED, 512 MB RAM, native flash and 2.2 around the corner.
Who needs a 8MP camera. Seriously, all cameras on mobile phones are **** anyways.
The screen size is a tad smaller, but so is the phone (which is better in my books).
Any other reasons anyone can think of apart from the obvious?
Just about to flog it on fleebay/gumtree
You sound horribly insecure. Its just a phone. Relax for god sake.
thats because i probably am... or perhaps just enlightened...
more fits of insecurity coming your way
forzanerazzurri said:
You sound horribly insecure. Its just a phone. Relax for god sake.
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Exactly its phone nothing more. Jheeze what a pointless thread.
I sincerly hope you are satisfied once you switch.
The X10 is as advertised and I am happy with it as is.
Im sure you are all very happy with the device at hand and this is probably not the best forum for this topic, although I know of a lot of users here who feel the same way about the X10 and would be willing to move away.
If not now, than a couple of months down the line, you will all be singing the same tune when most of the apps stop offering upgrades on the 1.6 platform.
Everyone's opinion is welcome and a forum (any) is the perfect place to express it.
I respect your opinion and your reasoning as it does have merit.
For me, this is my first run on Android.
I like the SE UI and the apps are secondary to me.
i'm with you. but i'm going for the nexus one. receiving that piece of sexy tomorrow.
I will wait another month or so, to see if we get it rooted. If not, ill be getting a 4G when available in the UK
boring htc phones
To be very honest i think Desire and Nexus are both boring not so well designed phones. They´re geek phones with no aesthetics. X10 it´s way more sleek, elegant and big! Froyo will come as well to the X10... just patience my friends. Who know we get the phone rooted pretty soon...
Don't let the door hit you on the way out!
seriously im getting tired of these "omg ive had it with this x10 gotta sell it" go ahead , no one really cares. coming from 2.1, i still dont care if the x10 is still 1.6, its fast,sexy and its just a phone! im all for root, and itll come. for now though people who dont sit at home all day in mommys basement are enjoying the x10.
i certainly hope puberty doesnt confuse you as much as your x10 dilemma.
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anyone who is happy with the way the x10 is right now is seriously either super retard OR cant/doesnt have the money/whatever reason to switch to another phone. "ofcourse i am talking software wise " not the phone it self in general as i used to have X10 and i love the design of the phone more than my new nexus 1
anyway OP. i did the same yesterday, i bought the Nexus 1 tho. mainly because i never like the HTC interface and i figure that phones like nexus and motorolla droid are always faster to get updates " since i wont wait for htc to implement their software into the phone before updating.
the guy at the store promised me not to sell my x10 for a week " he is a friend " if SE annouce 2.2 by then or the phone get rooted " haha wtf i am thinking " then great i will get it back. if not, then the hell with SE. let them shove the phone up their @$$. or some unlucky mfer buy it
let us know if it hurts when yours drop too...wait there should be a thread for prepubescent b00ns...
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Seriously just keep the x10 for now. Root will come sooner or later. You knew the x10 would come with 1. 6 then why did you buy it in the first place? If I have the patience to wait for 2. 1 or root then so does everyone else, unless you don't have a life and loaft around xda starting useless threads saying ur gonna sell your x10 for another phone. If so go ahead no one is stopping you. We don't need to know anything else. As far as I know this is the xperia x10 thread.
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i'm going to be keeping the x10 for a while even after my nexus one gets here today.
i have faith in x10. but the phone seriously is limited by the OS. the nexus one's looks are a matter of opinion and mostly on taste. i love the way it looks but all the good features are on newer OS.
we all knew Android would be updated. but i don't think people expected the phone to have such a long wait for an update with an outdated OS. you get an android phone these days for the reason that the OS will only get better with updates. everyone sees the petition thread, right?
if OS didn't mean a thing and that it didn't have any issues for the X10, no one would be complaining.
Moving to another phone in the future?
HTC? No way ..
What else?
A new iteration of Nexus, maybe a better Galaxy S (one with flash for camera) or a Motorola Motoroi if they decide to sell it in US/Canada.
But really... HTC?
I'm sorry to say but you are crazy
Giving your X10 for HTC Desire/Legend or Nexus One is pointless.
None of them is as good as X10.
tuxStyle said:
But really... HTC?
I'm sorry to say but you are crazy
Giving your X10 for HTC Desire/Legend or Nexus One is pointless.
None of them is as good as X10.
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pointless ? ..... what planet are you from ?
I agree with miguelsantos1979.
1st Gen AMLOED screens are not overly impressive, my friend has the Desire and he struggles to see the screen in direct sun light.
If you want to change the handset, change it rather then write a post like a spoilt child
Well, assuming that people don't have the cash to switch to another phone when they are having a X10 is the most useless comment I read here since I became a member, it's not about having cash my friend, it's about what you expect from something you bought and if the product suits you or not.
Fortunately everyone is different, I like my X10 eventhough on my X1 I was able to make my own themes and tweaked whatever I wanted. Ashame some games can't be installed because of the fact it is still running on 1.6, but that's not worth getting another phone for me personally. I will wait for the updates, and as soon as SE comes with the update, there will be something new to complain about. That is how it works in this fastgrowing technology world we live in.
Another point can be not everyone goes so deep in their phones as we do, and for "normal" people the X10 is fantastic as it is. SE want to sell big with this phone, so making it to complicated scares of the average customer who just buys a phone based on the looks of it, and you have to admit, the first time you had the X10 in your hand, it was looking good
Just relax and take a beer after you bought yourself another phone

My review of the X10

Here my honest review after a couple week of use, I wont talk about the current update issue to 2.1 or 2.2 since I want to talk about the device in is current state.
-The design and quality of the device is very good in my opinion, it does fell very solid and simple to use. 9/10
-The screen is great, color, response, size and brightness make this device ideal to watch movie on the go or surf on the web .There is no multi touch so far, but honestly I don’t think it’s an issue, the screen is very responsive and work like a charm. 8/10
-Camera 8.1 megapixel, I was not impress at start, strange flash manner and picture quality not as great as I was expecting. Then I did play with the setting, it made a crazy difference. Picture now are crisp even in low light condition, details are nice and seriously now I can see myself use it as my main camera now. The flash always on don’t really matter, since its only turning on when you are about to take a picture no big deal and it really does help ,since the focus can adjust itself properly with the light already present then. Bottom lines don’t be shy try different setting play with the camera you won’t regret it. 8/10
-Call quality, while not the best is quite acceptable, I can hear people and they can hear me pretty well to even in a noisy environment. It’s certainly not perfect, but still better then most of my previous device.
-Multimedia, the sound quality is great, sound level is decent and with a proper headset will give you a great listening experience. I tried the same Mp3 at 320 kbs with my Sony MDR NC22 on different device, itouch 1 and 2 gen, Iphone 2 gen and my ipod classic, I did not see any difference .Video playback is nice and fluid and will definitely better then the itouch/iphone for the quality of the picture. 8/10
-Application, most of the normal user will find happiness, yes there is an apps for that, you will find apps for stuff you did not even know you could need before. Lots of apps are free or very cheap to buy.
-Connectivity, Nothing crazy there the device perform like it should, Bluetooth, wifi gps is quite standard now on most devices. They work quite well and you can expect them to work the way they should. 7/10
-Keyboard, some people wont like the oem one but in my opinion its not an issue since a dozen alternative exist and the market and you will definitely find one to please you. Swype won me and I would never use anything else now. 8/10
-Sony Ericson support, luckily you have lots of great online forum to find the help you need, otherwise you will be stuck in some mindless phone conversation and crazy back in forth email. 1/10
-Software update, the blame here is part fault from SE part fault from Carrier let me explain. Major upgrade coming from SE are very few, their road map is very limited so far, still they do make small update to fix most of issue the device have, problem is, most of carrier don’t push these update .Some like Rogers don’t even plan to make these small update available to their user , waiting on the big one to do anything. Carrier is the main issue, even if SE where to release 2.2 on the x10 tomorrow , 80% of the population will still never get it unless they temper their device. 5/10
If you did keep up with my awful French Canadian writing, I can say this: Overall it’s a great device; most of people will be pleased and won’t regret their purchase.
SE did not made any false promises so far, the unit came with lots of great feature and the quality of the hardware definitely will matter more then the Os shortcoming for most user. The rest of the people like me will expect a little more from their device and might feel frustrated to see similar device from other brand doing more with similar spec. I still wish SE to be more proactive and to understand the need of their entire customer, not just the lambda one.
Its all depend of your need and expectation, even with a technically outdated Os the device is quite stable, and unlike other mobile I had in the pass. It’s been on for 7 day now, not a single issue; SE did a pretty good job in that matter.
In a practical view, this device might not be great for game because of the lack of multi touch but as a work phone and multimedia device its definitely is a great contender. More users friendly then the blackberry, can handle heavy load of email, don’t look like a trendy toy like the iphone and still discrete while looking fantastic.
good revieuw! nice to hear sombody who is happy with the device.
instead of the bashing posts...
I'm very happy with my x10 as well, i have the white one.
and the overal experience is same like your's.
Hi. Think you've got it pretty much spot on with the exception of one small point about SE not making false promises... They said over four weeks ago that there would be a software update 2 weeks from then.... And still nothing in the UK. I'm on a factory unbranded handset by the way.
Other than that I'd agree with your thoughts and I too love my new toy!
Sent from my X10i
im_iceman said:
Hi. Think you've got it pretty much spot on with the exception of one small point about SE not making false promises... They said over four weeks ago that there would be a software update 2 weeks from then.... And still nothing in the UK. I'm on a factory unbranded handset by the way.
Other than that I'd agree with your thoughts and I too love my new toy!
Sent from my X10i
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hey, yeah but thats not SE faulth. they released the .16update.
but in my country (belgium) its also not avaible. don't know why tough.
i have also an unbrandet version.
The .16 update came out ages before they made this announcement.. the update referred to in the announcement is different.. and how can it NOT be SE's fault?>
im_iceman said:
The .16 update came out ages before they made this announcement.. the update referred to in the announcement is different.. and how can it NOT be SE's fault?>
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when SE release a update its possible that the carrier don't wanne release it.
because they don't think people need this... so SE release't the update but some SE user's don't get the update. people go to SE there for
but i taught it was about the .16 update. so my mistake.
i hope the update will come soon then!
and give SE a chanse, they made statments that they will provide plenty off fw update's for the x10. so i trust them, but iff they ditch me now its bye bye SE!
I still wish to fight for the 2.2,still a SE tech told me carrier was a major problem,since they want to test each update before implement them.Therefore most of them to save cost just wait for the big update 2.1 .
I have to be realistic,we wont see 2.2 this year because of this but i do still believe in the petition i started,just the goal have slightly changed,i just want to make sure i will receive the 2.2 .
Still at the end of the day,no matter what SE will do if company like ROGERS continue to screw up their customer nothing will change.
I got my handset from "Phones4U" in the UK and it came unbranded so it should get updates as soon as SE release them.. I think if anyone is really desperate for the updates then unbranding is the way to go..
i am wondering why he review on a forum that only Xperia 10 user would come usually.
It is very simple. For canadian who have no access to American's market (meaning those who don't want to brother buy phones off Ebay or anything else).
Xperia 10 is the best choice around until next year May at least.
Canadian technology catch up at a rate slower then turtles walk across a street.
You are not going to expect iphone 2 nor Evo 4g coming to canada this year to the very least.
Causes most of the user will search online and read quite a bit before buying any device and American market? What the hell are you talking about?
There is quite a choice on the Canadian market; most of carrier carries a good selection of android device.
Last times I check every major city have shop selling unbranded and unlocked unit for people not wishing to buy online……

Would you get new HD2 if yours is broken?

let's say your HD2 fell in water, or fell on the floor, or for some reason was suddenly not operating and cannot be fixed, and you have to buy another unit.
will you get yourself a new HD2 now that you really know the device? or buy another phone?
What would you buy if not another HD2 and why?
let's say your HD2 fell in water, or fell on the floor, or for some reason was suddenly not operating and cannot be fixed, and you have to buy another unit.
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Ok, i prefer not to think of that situation though
will you get yourself a new HD2 now that you really know the device? or buy another phone?
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Hard to say if i get another HD2 as there are many other phones out there with the same spec as an HD2. But if there were not id buy an HD2 in a moment as its a great phone, great screen, excellent call quality, active rom creating community for upgraded / custom roms .. Yeah it is a great device and id give it some thought if id have to purchase a new one ..
What would you buy if not another HD2 and why?
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Probably id get a DroidX when it arrives. It has a similar spec and screen size as the HD2 and looks very nice .. Id be able to surf the web no probs on that device which is the primary reason i bought the HD2, so for me any device that has a large screen for web surfing and allows me to make a call once in a while would do me fine .. Hey would the 5" Dell Streak be too big for the pocket, hmm id give that one some thought too
Nope, I love my Leo but I'd get an Android device and will be doing so when I can upgrade next January. I'd like to stick with a 4.3" screen though so therefore I'd like an Evo. But HTC have decided not to sell them in the UK so it would have to be a Desire.
I love my leo too, buti'll buy a droidX if I have to change quicker.
I like it, but prefer android based OS.
So if I could get as big a screen with TMOUSA, then I would change.
I'll wait for HD3
no, I will never buy such device.
Why? read my posts, there and then on this forum, including compete list of what's very wrong with it.
In short:
-poor support
-poor amount of updates, actually over because HTC discontinued the device
-official rom suck and is buggy
-HTC's philosophy to attack the one making roms
-Stupid design (sound, power button on the front, etc...)
Also, I look competition and I see new Motorolla X, and I'm tempted to say: wow.
I heard feedback from people with droid and they did not have to wait custom roms to say "it works"...
If I broke my leo, I'd get a HD4, cause I hear its going to have a flux capacitor and be capable of generating the 1.21 gigawatts needed to power it.
Well, I ran into such a situation. My HD2 was not recognizing any sim card 50% of the time. And when it did, it only lasted for a short while. After trying all non invasive fixes, I decided to "operate" on it, taking it down to the screen. Still couldnt get it right. So I bought another one. I think it is a great phone for what I use it for. And, now I have a parts phone!
interesting question
Currently happned to me something similar. Phone has fallen out of my pocket on the ground, it was only 50-60cm, but screen is broken like if someone throw it against a bricked wall.
It will cost me at least 150EUR, bad luck. They do not repair only glass because is stick together with display and removing can break it.
I saw it at some thread ,that this is more problem of the hole around hw keys at the bottom. So basicly the design of the front panel, when phone is falling at bottom side.
But if it will be destroyed completely, I am not sure, but probably I will buy something else:
- phone itself is almost 9 months old, there are or shortly will be better phones
- there are still bugs after almost a year, and if they are solved they are not available for customers, for example official region version differencies
- is good that somewhere at forum is ROM which helps with battery consumption in standby mode, but you are not able to use it, basicly you are forced to break waranty otherwise you will be keep on usatisfied with device and forced to wait for official version for your region and wait and etc.
I like this device, but I am not blind to see weak points of the device or company policy, so it is almost 50-50 but time is ticking and competition will bring us better phones soon, I am optimist
If that happened tomorrow, Id get a HTC Desire.
If it happened just before the Nokia E5 is released, Id go buy a cheapo phone to tide me over till E5's release.
HD2s are really cheap now on ebay, and I have a pretty fair library built up already so chances are good I'd pick up another one. Although it's equally likely I'd get a big Dell Streak. I mean have you seen the thing? Its keyboard has a numeric keypad!!!
If I absolutely needed a phone immediately, it would be a toss up between another HD2 or iPhone 4. Android on the HD2 seems closer every day so having that option would be nice - but I've got WinMo exactly how I like it and I don't mind it at all. Further, lets face it, the 4.3" screen size is just spoiling. I wouldn't switch for an Evo, and the DroidX is just TOO big.
If I could wait a few months, I'd look for a HD3 / other WP7 device... or an iPhone 4.
lexx-luthor said:
If I broke my leo, I'd get a HD4, cause I hear its going to have a flux capacitor and be capable of generating the 1.21 gigawatts needed to power it.
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but doesn't that run plutonium
nope, i want to move to the other platform
0% chance that i will buy blackberry
5% chance: that i will buy iphone 4
15% chance that i will buy n900
25% chance that i will buy the nokia n8
10% chance that i will buy the meego device
45% chance that i will buy the android device
Pagnell said:
Nope, I love my Leo but I'd get an Android device and will be doing so when I can upgrade next January. I'd like to stick with a 4.3" screen though so therefore I'd like an Evo. But HTC have decided not to sell them in the UK so it would have to be a Desire.
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Ditto, Desire all the way. I am looking into Android a little more lately, I most probably won't, but I am trying to persuade myself to buy one.
I might get a Desire not because i don't like my HD2 but because i always have an itch to try something else.
Having said that it would be a close call i am due an upgrade on one of my contracts and was looking yesterday on the vodafone site, jeepers have you seen the prices on the Iphone 4's, flipping eck even if i wanted one i wouldn't get one, thats one expensive phone...
And having had a look around i've decided to stay with my HD2 for a while until something else comes out...
"I might get a Desire not because i don't like my HD2 but because i always have an itch to try something else."
I know what you mean. I spent a year or so with my WM Tytn II - loved it then kind of got irritated by it's clunkiness ... had a Hero with Android for a year - loved it then kind of got bored and wanted a change ... ended up losing it and taking the HD2 as a replacement.
Android has some great integration, especially for social networking, but IMO it's not a great OS for business and things like emailing/file management. WM appears to be lacking in the former (although the HD2 is better because of HTC's work) but stronger in the latter.
For those reasons, I'd like to stick with the HD2 and see what my upgrade options are - iPhone 4 is an obvious option for me, but it's not often seen as the greatest tool for business etc.
Android is the future
I know that hurts, especially all of us that have HD2(Windows mobile), but Android based devices are future. So probably if I broke my phone(I hope not), I will buy EVO or Desire. But I want to point out, i will never buy iPhone 4.
Spacechimp said:
"I might get a Desire not because i don't like my HD2 but because i always have an itch to try something else."
I know what you mean. I spent a year or so with my WM Tytn II - loved it then kind of got irritated by it's clunkiness ... had a Hero with Android for a year - loved it then kind of got bored and wanted a change ... ended up losing it and taking the HD2 as a replacement.
Android has some great integration, especially for social networking, but IMO it's not a great OS for business and things like emailing/file management. WM appears to be lacking in the former (although the HD2 is better because of HTC's work) but stronger in the latter.
For those reasons, I'd like to stick with the HD2 and see what my upgrade options are - iPhone 4 is an obvious option for me, but it's not often seen as the greatest tool for business etc.
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Well, after reading all the previous posts, I was almost convinced to change to Droids, but reading your post, and the fact that you had TYTNII like i did, and you tried Droid for a year, i am sure you have a good point that droids are goo for social networking (showing off) and WM is good for business, and business is what i need.
but reading other posts and looking at my past 4 years experience in HTC, i am more than convinced that HTC company sucks, so i will try to find a better WM device from another company, but i am not sure if there is any

Thinking about switching to the Vibrant (NO ITS NOT BECAUSE OF HATE FOR MY PHONE!-_-)

Thinking about switching to the Vibrant because I'm on T-Mobile US and I bought the X10 before it was even sold in America and I bought it unlocked and imported here so I don't have any warranty etc on my phone. So I'm thinking would it be easier for me to just get a phone from my service provider because if anything happens to my phone that would be the end of my phone life for a while (well until I buy a next one). I know this was something I should of thought about before buying it but back then I thought it didn't matter but I think it might now and also it doesn't help with the way Sony Ericsson acts O_O. And yes I know that Vibrant has it own problems no phone is perfect but its something I really have to think about and wanted to know someone else thoughts. (And I will say this again, I love my X10 so please no stupid flaming)
mark28 said:
Thinking about switching to the Vibrant because I'm on T-Mobile US and I bought the X10 before it was even sold in America and I bought it unlocked and imported here so I don't have any warranty etc on my phone. So I'm thinking would it be easier for me to just get a phone from my service provider because if anything happens to my phone that would be the end of my phone life for a while (well until I buy a next one). I know this was something I should of thought about before buying it but back then I thought it didn't matter but I think it might now and also it doesn't help with the way Sony Ericsson acts O_O. And yes I know that Vibrant has it own problems no phone is perfect but its something I really have to think about and wanted to know someone else thoughts. (And I will say this again, I love my X10 so please no stupid flaming)
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I had the Bell Vibrant, well my wife did, let me tell you and i am not talking out of my ass STAY AWAY from it! I havent had more problems with any phone that i have ever owned except this one..its a disaster a dissapointing experience, we returned it in a week. Where do i start..first the phone feels cheap very cheap its very light and it doesnt give you a solid expensive smartphone feel but instead it feels like a toy that yould break just by holding it. Its really uncomfortable in the hand compared to the x10 anyway the problems.. reboots itself, turns off by itself, freezes, lags with or withought the lag fix, signal is very poor for some reason and kind of has that same thing that the iphone has..if i hold it it my hand with or without a case it looses a couple of bars. The call quality is ****ty people complained that hey hear crackling noise all the time. The screen is only good for pictures and movies thats it! The pixels are visible from a mile away, colors are not real, there is a lot of tint issues blue, yellow whites. Gps is a joke and a really bad one too its just ridiculous. the camera is crappy too ... also the phone is supposed to have 512 ram but it only shows 300somthing on the froyo rom total ram.. strange... I wont keep going because there is many little things and i have already said all this in other posts and threads and i dont really want to be repeating myself a lot because it gets anoying. Anyway the phone as a whole package is not worth it imo its just too unstable and unreliable and cheap feeling.. but do your research for yourself check the galaxy s forums and see what problems there are and if you can live with them..
I agree with nankov I. Went to local wireless store they told me just keep the x10 when it gets 2.1 it will be much nicer and she told me she get a lot of returns from galaxy s customers. I'm glad she was working there otherwise I would've bought the galaxy s. If u really don't like x10 go with desire my wife has it much nicer better build and alot of custom roms and very fast.
Sent from my X10a using XDA App
Don't bother with the Desire unless you want a smaller screen than you have now.
The new Desires are coming out soon anyway.
the_ahmadzais said:
I agree with nankov I. Went to local wireless store they told me just keep the x10 when it gets 2.1 it will be much nicer and she told me she get a lot of returns from galaxy s customers. I'm glad she was working there otherwise I would've bought the galaxy s. If u really don't like x10 go with desire my wife has it much nicer better build and alot of custom roms and very fast.
Sent from my X10a using XDA App
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Or go for Desire HD that looks good im probably gonna wait to see what the next SE flagship will be because i have a feeling it will be very good. Anyway just hold of to Christmas and see what comes out because all the 2011 devices will start rolling out.
I just picked up an acer liquid s, and let me tell you, I could not be happier with a phone, no lag, no call issues, everything is snappy and nice. I only have ten apps that I install on all my android phones, I don't install anything else, so my experience from one device to another is fairly controlled. I have to say that having froyo is worth the switch, voice actions make everything so much easier, and flash is kind of a fun gimmick to show off to all the smug folk who tote around their new iphone4's, even though I think flash is a useless waste of time myself. love the phone, espesially the fact that when it's asleep, it only wakes on power button, not any of the other buttons like the x10. bottom line, if I thought x10 were to recieve froyo this year, I would have stayed, but I don't see that happening x10 does make for a pretty paper weight though
Wait, what do you mean "Other buttons like the X10" ?
The only buttons that work are the Power Button and Home Button, expected behavior for a touch screen phone. Look at the iPhone.

[Q] Nexus One died in an accident - Advice on new phone?

So I was in a car crash and my N1 and car are goners. Well for my N1 it's only the screen that's cracked (inside, not the outside glass) but it's going to cost me upwards of $290 to get it repaired (I'm out of the states not near any repair centre etc) so that really sucks.
This thread is not to cry about it but looking for a proper replacement.
Like I said I'm out of the states and GSM/UMTS is what I need not CDMA and no contract options are available from carriers here so it's only fully unlocked (or with the potential to be) that will work for me.
I liked Stock Android but positively loved HTC Sense
So I was looking at either
1. Still trying to repair for the price above
2. A vendor here has HTC Desire HD - That would fit the HTC Sense wish but I hear there are battery issues(I've seen 'fixes' but no idea how well they work), the speaker's max volume is sort of low, I'm also worried about how good handsfree operation is (whether the mike works well etc)
3. Nexus S (that will be a few hurdles away to get it shipped to my country) but I'm sad about it being made by Sammy (could it mean no Sense would run on it - just speculation), then I was hoping it would have dual cores (that would be a nice upgrade), amazed it doesn't have 720p video recording in this day and age, sad it doesn't have hdmi out or microsd expansion (in that car crash the fact that I backed my stuff up on the sd card made me realise the importance)
4. Wait for the next decent (HTC?) dual core which could be way out.
Right now I'm using a stupid Blackberry that I absolutely hate. I didn't realise how much I could do with my phone until it was taken away.
So please shoot away and I'm sorry if this is in the wrong forum
MyTouch 4 is your choice.
You can buy replacement screens off ebay, it really isnt that difficult to install one.
I would wait til January if possible. Lots of new stuff coming from HTC.
Maybe a Nokia 3310?
Sent via the XDA Tapatalk App with Sexyy Nexyyy
1) Replace the screen later after buying one from ebay.
2) Nexus S.
3) Make do with anything & wait for dual cores to come out.
In the end, only you can answer these!
I did not realise you could get replacement screens on Ebay. With the 'shortages' in amoled. I can certainly do that if it will work. I'll look around for pointers on changing the screen but if someone already has a link handy I'd appreciate it.
I don't think I have anyway of getting a Mytouch 4g to where I live.
And if I can replace the screen then yes I can definitely hold off purchasing another phone till Dual cores are up and about. I did not intend to replace this phone till June/July next year
Thanks for your input everyone.
Edit: I've just browsed ebay rapidly. I see they sell the screen 'without' the digitizer. I'm unsure if I will need one or not. I'm also seeing that amoleds are about $75 and the reference is H78. I'd just like to make sure that I will be buying the right thing =[
Ps: I am SO opening my bootloader after that =\
I would try to wait for the dual cores to come out as its close if you can stand the Blackberry for a few months.
At least that is what I would do.
Ford Fiesta. Car bumped into me while I was at around 35Mph and i went under a MiniVan.
Something else that's putting me off changing phones is I have my Car Dock for my N1 as well as an extra battery. I am amazed at how there's no real dock for Desire/HD or samsungs.
Believe me Lythandra I wish I could wait but I can't even bring myself to put back contact numbers on this BlackBerry. Plus there's so much that can be done on Android. Which reminds me I'll lose my privileged unlimited Tags on Shazam if I change phone
Edit: Does anyone think there'll be a Sense rom with 720p for the Nexus S?
I would buy the phone Google supports the most (just as the Nexus One), so I would go for the Nexus S
One more question. Does the Desire use exactly the same screen and internal connections? Cause this guy from an HTC shop here says they only do HTC's branded as HTC's and that they do repair Desire screens.
I thought this was incredibly stupid
RAZR...nuff said.
If you want Sense UI, then it makes sense (haha) to go for a phone that supports it natively, saves the pain and bugs of trying to get something to run on something it was never designed for. I tried a Sense UI ROM on my N1 when I had it, and it had a few annoying bugs for me, despite otherwise being a fairly decent port.
The Desire for me is a better phone, if you can look beyond noise cancelling and the silly coloured track ball, which is nice, but hardly anything to get that excited about; the desire has a hardware buttons which are much, MUCH nicer to use than those crap soft touch buttons on the N1. Said it all to me how other people really struggled to use the N1 when I let them have a play because the buttons are so unresponsive. Even after several months I had got used to them, but they still irritated.
If you're in the US though, naturally you have many more options available to you... I only know about stuff you can get in the UK.
There is one guy on a forum I visit who recently returned his Desire HD, stating he was really disappointed with the battery life and screen, and saying he would rather have the Desire. Make of that what you will.
if u plan to spend lots of money for a new phone i would wait till dual-core android HTC device.don't fall for the out dated nexus s which justa galaxy s made by "samsung".wait till january for HTC's release of dual-core android beasts.
Well I'm not in the US, I'm on an island in the indian ocean.
Anyways I'm thinking I'll give the repair a try. If that doesn't work (because of a busted digitiser or w/e) then I'll think again.
Btw I love my N1 trackball and got used to the "got to press them a particular way" soft buttons.
I love the trackball because I can set a different colour for different events. Say 1 colour for the gf's text messages, 1 colour for when work is calling. That way at a glance (when the phone's on my desk or not in my pocket) I know what it is. Saddens me they're not keeping that trend.
Airbag888 said:
So I was in a car crash and my N1 and car are goners.
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Are you ok?
geemaan said:
Are you ok?
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Lol yes. Like I said 35Mph crash, looks impressive but it was a squishy car and just this time my N1 was on the passenger seat instead of the dock so it flew in the windshield. Irony wants that the airbag slapped me in the face
+1 get a replacement on ebay and attempt it yourself or with a knowledgeable friend. Is been done by folks right here at xda.
I find it interesting that your id is Airbag...
britoso said:
+1 get a replacement on ebay and attempt it yourself or with a knowledgeable friend. Is been done by folks right here at xda.
I find it interesting that your id is Airbag...
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Hence the irony
Airbag888 said:
Hence the irony
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LOL i thought you created an account as a result of the crash

