MR2 - text colour on SMS - XPERIA X2 General

Finally the generic_no came out and I could also upgrade .
My biggest consern now is the text colour on SMS messages. This is now a light grey text on a white background and hardly readable .
How can I change this text colour ?

Start - Settings - Home. Then select another colour scheme.

ahhh, so it was that easy
Thank you Prydplante (fancy that nick )


Changed today screen to black, now cant read messaging text

Hey guys,
Just got my today screen all setup with a black setup (top and bottom bars as well), but for some reason the messaging window (outlook or texting) is full of a bunch of horizontal black and white bars unless the item is highlighted.
Anyone know whats up?
sounds like a setting on the theme generator you use. lines are probably the same on the notes menu also.
there seems to be two colours used on the messaging/notes menu, full of horizontal lines. you should be able to change them on your theme generator, i could when i had the same problem after creting a theme.
change both settings (usually notes/ msg colour 1/ to the same colour, this will sort it.
Have a good look through the wiki, almost all colours are detailed there, or use a better theme editor.
Pardon my ignorance but what is the wiki?
What theme editor do you guys recommend?
Changing 36 to 37 fixed the CONTACTS background but not the Notes/Messaging

how to change default text colors?

i use asergs touch dual dialer - in my eyes the first choice!
but i have some color problems with the text on the buttons and in the screen where you can see the dialed number when connecting.
in the screenshoots you can see the green text - which is almost not readable!
somehow on my phone it now changed to dark grey which is even less readable on a darkdark grey background...
i asked here as well: no answers
i use a P4350 with HTC ROM in german
thanks for reading.
screenshoots added...

Different text colors for today screen?

Is there an app, cab or regristy edit that I can use to make my text color on my today screen to black or blue? id like to change my wallpaper to the white diamond background but can't see my messages or calls icons.
you can use tweaks2k2 software to change your font color, hope that will be useful for you.
Try RC Mod for text &'s mem light & easy to use. There are cabs all over the forum...
try this:

[Q] Theming issues

I would like to seek your advice to change the font color..Currently, i am Modding a theme for Motorola Milestone. Its over 90% completed but the font color is stoping me from sharing this theme. Therefore, i would like to seek your advice on changing the font color of the affected areas.
i would like ask you a couple of ques,(i had attached screenshots below)
Image 1
i would like to change the white part to black. this would also mean i have to change the text color. what file I shud look into for both d background image and changing the text color?
Image 2 and image 3 [SOLVED!! thanks to ecooce & MysteryEmotionz..]
After applying black background, i just couldnt find out how to change the text to white? if im not wrong, it is located at framwork/res/color for the text color?? this issue also applies when i tab the search button in an app. Please advice.
Image 4
the calendar (-) tab is compressed.
Thank you so much for viewing. I look foward to hearing from you..

[Q] Help: Possible to change email tab style/appearance?

I am using a ROM which I mostly like (Elegancia) but on the email tab, the preview layout style is set so that the header section background is dark black while the body section is white. This makes reading the sender name and subject very difficult since the text is dark grey or blue against black.
Is there any way or utility to change the style of this email preview tab, so that the header section background is also white like the body, as I've seen in other ROMs (like Energy) ? Or alternatively, any way to set the style back to the HTC default of just regular text against the wallpaper background, with no little rectangle?
Can either of these things be done either with a configuration utility or through the resigtry, without having to change ROMs?
Please help, thanks...!

