**NEW** SMS Problem - HD2 General

I recently bought a HTC HD2 and like the phone a lot. I have a problem with SMS and whenever I search for the problems with SMS they are all old and about lag which obviously was a big problem. Mine isn't as big of problem but is extremely annoying.
When I get a new message, whether on the lockscreen or not. If I use the navigation tabs to view the SMS (which you have to do from the lockscreen), I am 90% of the time directed to an older message in the conversation and not the NEW message. So then I have to scroll up to view the new message.
This is extremely annoying and I know I cant be the only one to have this problem, but it is definitely hard to search for this because it is hard to describe. Please someone help.
Also, would there be a way to go from the new SMS slider on the lockscreen directly to "All Messages" so you can bypass seeing the sms on the white sheet of paper and then having to click that to answer. Its a lot of steps for nothing.

same problem here, on Miri's ROM. it is annoying (as is the fact that when i start writing a text, after a couple of seconds the focus moves out of the text entry field, and hence i can't type any more without clicking in the field again.
not found a solution to either of these.

I've seen a thread about this yesterday I think
Anyway, just disable the SMS tab... If you do that, tapping the notification will open the Messaging application.

i suspect going to an old message from lockscreen is caused by the same thing that makes appointments stay on the lockscreen for a while after they have ended. basically the lockscreen controls poll the registry for the info that is displayed, but it doesn't update itcontinually.just now and then

I disabled the sms navigation tab and that seems to work better. The SMS app is still not as smooth as i would like it to be but what can you do...

Dear, This thread already posted. search for smstimestampfixer 1.3.cab. gud luck


Rogers Touch not notifying my of SMS messages

Hello All,
I have a Rogers HTC Touch running WM6.0 (the default software). Text messaging typically works but on occasion when i receive a text message my phone screen will light up, but no sound and no vibration will be produced. And the icon on my Home screen that indicates text messages will still say "0". But when i press the icon and the messaging tab loads up i see that i have a text message.
This is really annoying since I constantly miss text msgs. When the phone is in my pocket I have no way of knowing i have been texted. To make matters worse when i pull the phone out of my pocket the icon on the home screen telling me how many text messages i have will still display "0" until i press on it.
Again this only happens sometimes.
Any help would be appreciated.
Just an update?
Any thoughts? It's a really weird bug. This is my second Touch from Rogers and it suffers from the same issue as before.
Anything in the registry than can be changed?
I had the same problem.... i hard reset, it was the only way.
Rogers as well...
Check this Thread.
Check your sms reminder settings.....this could be of help to you.
Are you using Opera? Their older builds seem to cause this issue.

Message notification problem.

Hi Folks,
This is a small, seemingly insignificant problem but it's bloody annoying so I'm hoping you can help me solve it:
When I receive a new message (SMS, MMS, Email) the little message shortcut on the desktop get's the little green '1' overlaid to show there's a message. Once I read the message and reply it doesn't disappear. I can open the message in Chomp or the system default app and it doesn't seem to register with the shortcut - it still shows the overlaid green number.
I know this is something of a trifling problem but I have my phone on silent a lot so it does cause some confusion.
Thanks in advance.
i've noticed mine staying on for a while but then disappearing... maybe it sits there for another 10/15 minutes?
Could be. I have to admit that afer about 10 minutes I've been losing patience and deleting the message, which makes it go away.
do u read ur messages through the widget page? cause i noticed that if u do, then the little green ball remains but somehow if u click on the message icon with the green ball to access ur acc and read from there, then it goes away.
I think that may be a factor, yeah. When I read them through the 'drag down' menu, either with chomp or system default it stays, I'll open the next one through the icon and see if that changes things.
I find that the trackball keeps flashing too unless you actually tap on the Messages shortcut icon to read the new messages that come through (as oppose to viewing from the notifications menu or through the text messages widget). I hope HTC fix this issue 'cos not everyone wants to go through the messages app via the Messages shortcut icon.
Yeah, I only used the messaging icon yesterday and it was fine. The problem seems limited to when you use the 'drag-down- menu.

annoying SMS problem

does this happen to anyone else?
whenever i reply to a text message, about halfway through my response the previous message becomes highlighted and i have to stop typing, click on the text field where i was originally typing, then finish typing my response. i havent seen any other posts on this and i assure you im not doing something silly like tapping or selecting the previous message while typing my response. im relatively new to the winmo world and i cant imagine what's causing this but its really aggravating.
No, it's pretty popular bug here, there are post/threads on it.
Just disable the Sense's SMS Tab and put an icon on your today screen to the HTC Messaging App... It only happens when you use the SMS Tab to access SMS...

[Q] SMS text in notication bar

Hi guys, hope you can help!
Basically the embarrassing situation has occurred a few times now when I'm showing my friends some features of the DHD a personal text comes in which was meant for my eyes only, however the first two lines of it are displayed in the notification bar when it arrives.
Surely there's a way to stop this from happening!?
fannymcslap said:
Hi guys, hope you can help!
Basically the embarrassing situation has occurred a few times now when I'm showing my friends some features of the DHD a personal text comes in which was meant for my eyes only, however the first two lines of it are displayed in the notification bar when it arrives.
Surely there's a way to stop this from happening!?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
If you're using HTC stock messaging app then there is no way to stop it. A solution would be to use messaging apps from the market like Handcent SMS and the likes. It will give you the ability to pop the notification but does not show the content.
I've just had a friend ask me this as well. Wanting just a notification sound and icon rather than disclosing the sender or the message body on the lock screen or in the notification bar.
I've got a DHD and don't mind if people see what i'm receiving, even to the degree that i've installed an app called ChompSMS which brings up a window on the homescreen displaying the full message.
I had a fiddle with the ChompSMS settings and it seems that you can increase the privacy settings to make it anonymise the notification, however as soon as you unlock the phone it will still show the full text in a window - I only fiddled a little bit, but couldn't find a way of disabling this without losing other features.
I uninstalled ChompSMS (for the purposes of this experiment) and had a look round at the generic (HTC) messaging settings and it seems like it's all or nothing, as soon as you turn off the 'received notification' option it greys out the options below it, meaning that you get no notification whatsoever when someone messages you (except for the green circle on the messaging widget - if you have this on your homepage).
I'm going to try installing Handcent (another popular messaging app) to see if I can make it do exactly what my friend wants done. I'll message back if I manage it.

Separate notifications for each text message? Anyone else have an issue with this?

Hi All,
Long time Android user here with a galaxy s7 edge and loving it but one thing has been endlessly bothering me. I haven't been able to figure out how to separate text message notifications on the lock screen and in the notification panel into individual notifications for each message.
When I get one message, it's perfect. It shows the sender and a preview of the content, but if I get any more messages from the same sender, it switches to '2 new messages'. It's annoying because I have to unlock my phone anytime I get more than one message to see the content. I wish it would show the preview content of each message and if there were many messages then i could scroll through them on the lock screen as it works on an iPhone.
I use easy screen turn on (awesome feature btw) so it's very convenient when I can wave my hand over my device to wake it and just glance at my lockscreen to see my messages.
I've googled this issue for a while and didn't run across a solution. Some suggested I pull down the notification which expands it but that only happens if two separate people have texted me then it shows a preview of the latest message from each person..
Any suggestions? Is this an issue for anyone else? I was surprised by how few threads there were about this issue. Perhaps i just suck at google..

