Initflashfiles.dat.... But now with Mortscript! Script uploaded. - Windows Mobile

After going through a post I came across this,
NRGZ28 said:
Hey Noonski.. how about we make a script, or an executable that we can plug in a kitchen batch file right before IMGFS gets created, that can look at at an initflashfiles.dat, analyze it, line by line, then create a zip with all the files its supposed to move then copy an almost blank initflashfiles.dat back in the "dump" directory. We could even do this in mort for windows!
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I thought, hmmph lemme have a go at this. Well, this is what I came up with. It's very faulty, but it works. It looks at the initflashfiles line by line, creates the folder structure and then copies all the files with their new names into their correct directories.
I kinda needed to focus on my studies more so I dropped this project. However it has been completely rewritten by RoryB:
RoryB said:
I edited the script some more to shorten it.
MkDir( "Temp\ROM Generation\PlatformRebuilder\root" )
MkDir( "Temp\ROM Generation\PlatformRebuilder\root\windows" )
# Read initflashiles.dat into this script
initflashfile=ReadFile("temp\dump\initflashfiles.dat", 0, "unicode")
# Convert hex characters to ASCII
ForEach xhex, xtext in inikeys ( "Hex2Text.ini", "Convert" )
initflashfile=Replace( initflashfile, "\x" & xhex, xtext )
initflashfile=Replace( initflashfile, "\x" & ToUpper(xhex), xtext )
initflashfile=Replace( initflashfile, "\X" & xhex, xtext )
initflashfile=Replace( initflashfile, "\X" & ToUpper(xhex), xtext )
# Create directories listed in initflashfiles.dat
ForEach zcount in split ( initflashfile, "^NL^", False )
If(( Find( zcount, ":" ) NE 0 ) AND ( Find( zcount, ";" ) EQ 0 ))
If( SubStr( zcount, Find( zcount, ":" ), 5 ) EQ ":-Per" )
mkdir( "Temp\ROM Generation\PlatformRebuilder\root" \ SubStr( zcount, 12, Find( zcount, ":" )-14 ) \ Part( SubStr( zcount, Find( zcount, ":" )+11, ), """)", 1 ) )
ElseIf( SubStr( zcount, Find( zcount, ":" ), 5 ) EQ ":-Dir" )
If( SubStr( zcount, 1, 4 ) EQ "root" )
mkdir( "Temp\ROM Generation\PlatformRebuilder\root" \ Part( SubStr( zcount, 18, 100 ), """)", 1 ) )
mkdir( "Temp\ROM Generation\PlatformRebuilder\root" \ SubStr( zcount, 12, Find( zcount, ":" )-14 ) \ Part( SubStr( zcount, Find( zcount, ":" )+13, 100 ), """)", 1 ) )
# Move files from temp\dump to folder called out in initflashfiles.dat
ForEach ycount in split ( initflashfile, "^NL^", False )
If(( Find( ycount, ":" ) NE 0 ) AND ( Find( ycount, ";" ) EQ 0 ) AND ( Find( ToLower(ycount), "startup" ) EQ 0 ) AND ( SubStr( ycount, Find( ycount, ":" ), 6 ) EQ ":-File" ))
ycount1=Part(Substr(Part(Part(ycount, ":", 2), """,", 2), 10), """", 1)
ycount2=Part(Substr( Part(ycount, ":", 1), 12 ), """", 1)
ycount3=Substr(Part(Part(ycount, ":", 2), """,", 1), 8 )
rename( "Temp\ROM Generation\PlatformRebuilder\temp\dump" \ ycount1, "Temp\ROM Generation\PlatformRebuilder\root" \ ycount2 \ ycount3, TRUE)
ZipFiles( "Temp\ROM Generation\PlatformRebuilder\root\*.*", "Temp\ROM Generation\PlatformRebuilder\temp\dump\", TRUE )
and the ini file contents had to change to allow a mix of small x or large X in the hex code conversion
[email protected]
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RoryB said:
Yes it is automated in OSKitchen_Zero by adding a batch to run on IMGFS.
@echo off
Copy ".\Output\%ROM_Device%\Hex2Text.ini" ".\Temp\ROM Generation\PlatformRebuilder\Hex2Text.ini"
Copy ".\Output\%ROM_Device%\initflashfiles.mscr" ".\Temp\ROM Generation\PlatformRebuilder\initflashfiles.mscr"
call ".\Temp\ROM Generation\PlatformRebuilder\initflashfiles.mscr"
call ".\Temp\ROM Generation\PlatformRebuilder\temp\dump\config.txt"
The call of the config.txt lets me review it before continuing ROM cooking
Added to the beginning of my ROM customization script
If( FileExists( "\Windows\"))
SetFileAttribute( "\Windows\", "readonly", FALSE )
UnZipAll( "\Windows\", "" )
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Cheers and happy cooking

How does this work when cooking?

Well I haven't tried cooking a ROM with it yet haha But this is what should happen when it's done. Note this will be an automated process, so you wouldn't know that all of this is happening.
1. Get the ROM building process to pause before imgfsfromdump.exe runs.
2. Place the mortscript into the dump folder and run it.
3. A few folders will be created (with files moved where they are meant to be according to initflashfiles.dat) and added to a zip file.
4. Write a mortscript to unzip it on first boot (run the mortscript via config.txt).
5. Edit the initflashfiles.dat, removing lines where appropriate.
As you can see there's still some work to be done. The benefits, well mortscripts are a lot faster than initflashfiles.dat, and you're ROM will be lighter

Script updated..

I removed the attachment in the first post as I've updated the script a lot and it requires too many steps to run correctly.
I have however managed to build a ROM using it. And I don't know how, or if it's a good or bad thing (Maybe something important is not running? I dunno) but I booted up with 45% RAM usage, whereas I would previously get around the 50's. The only bug at the moment is that the start menu is not working correctly, and I'm not sure why because it IS present, correctly, in the Windows\Start Menu folder.
I'm not sure but I think this might be due to me creating a normal directory for "Start Menu" and not a "PermDir" as seen in initflashfiles.dat.
So any help with the start menu will be much appreciated.
EDIT: The bug with the start menu is that it's only showing "Today" and nothing else, at all.


Make sure you aren't zipping up welcome.lnk-if you do, there won't be any customization. Also, don't zip up autorun.lnk and checkautorun.lnk and any other links that have to go into the startup folder to initiate customization. Without them, the mortscripts won't be able to run, unless you have a line in the initflashfiles.dat that put a link to unziproot.mscr in startup and that doesn't get eaten by the overall zipping process.

Farmer Ted said:
Make sure you aren't zipping up welcome.lnk-if you do, there won't be any customization. Also, don't zip up autorun.lnk and checkautorun.lnk and any other links that have to go into the startup folder to initiate customization. Without them, the mortscripts won't be able to run, unless you have a line in the initflashfiles.dat that put a link to unziproot.mscr in startup and that doesn't get eaten by the overall zipping process.
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Hi Thanks for the reply.
The zip file is definitely being unzipped because everything is working as it should (so far) except the start menu. When I check the Windows\Start Menu folder with Total Commander it looks perfectly normal to me... However, the start menu I see is totally blank except for "Today", another strange thing about this is: Isn't "Today" usually named "Home" on the start menu? I'm pretty sure it is... And it does not have the normal "Home" icon but rather the older "Today" one..

seeM_ZA said:
Hi Thanks for the reply.
The zip file is definitely being unzipped because everything is working as it should (so far) except the start menu. When I check the Windows\Start Menu folder with Total Commander it looks perfectly normal to me... However, the start menu I see is totally blank except for "Today", another strange thing about this is: Isn't "Today" usually named "Home" on the start menu? I'm pretty sure it is... And it does not have the normal "Home" icon but rather the older "Today" one..
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make sure your .lnk files dont have hidden attribute, thats the only reason i can think of why you can see them in total commander but not your start menu.

twopumpchump said:
make sure your .lnk files dont have hidden attribute, thats the only reason i can think of why you can see them in total commander but not your start menu.
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Will check later but I have to go right now. Before I do, could it be because I created the Start Menu directory using the MkDir command in mortscript?

seeM_ZA said:
Will check later but I have to go right now. Before I do, could it be because I created the Start Menu directory using the MkDir command in mortscript?
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i dont see what difference it would make how the directory gets there, as long as its named the right way Windows\Start Menu\Programs and the .lnks arent hidden. have you posted a link for your script you are using?

I just checked and none of them are hidden so...
Yes, I did post it but I removed it again. I think I'll repost it at a later stage, I still have quite a bit to do.
Quick question, when does initflashfiles.dat actually "run"? Before or after Customization (RunCC)?

Okay so I went ahead and changed the script so that all directory work is left to initflashfiles.dat. My ROM is still working fine, and the Start Menu is visible in Total Commander, but still no luck with the normal wm start menu.. I really don't know what the problem could be, but I'm trying a few more things.

It runs during first boot, definitely before the welcome screen (otherwise, there wouldn't be a Welcome screen, as welcome.lnk is copied into the startup folder by initflashfiles.dat).

Ah Didn't think of it like that

This guy over here seems to have had this problem before:
All I can deduce from this is that there are files in the Windows directory missing.. I think, lol.

Post up your zip file so we can see what's in it.

Here it is.. I deleted the "My Documents" folder before uploading because I didn't really think it was necessary, and just to make it a little smaller.

I fixed that stupid problem, by the way.. Haha
The problem was: initflashfiles.dat wasn't running AT ALL, I don't even know how the zip file was unzipped? My script had a built in function that rewrote the initflashfiles.dat accordingly after the zip was created. I didn't however know that initflashfiles.dat is not just a txt file with the extension *.dat. I just wanna kick myself

yeah i looked at your zip and the problem with start menu is you didnt have Windows\Start Menu\Settings directory


It's done!!! Random Gif change in S2U2

Hey Folks,
After some experimenting with MortScript, it's done.
I create a script that will automatically Change the gif files in S2U2 in a random Order.
###S2U2 - Gif changer###
###Dr.Jeckyll - 2008 ###
Run("\Program Files\S2U2\iLock2.exe")
gif_nr = Rand(29) Change this Nr. to the number of gifs you want to use but +1
Copy("\Storage Card\My Pictures\"&%gif_nr%&".gif", "\Program Files\S2U2\gfx\Wallpaper.gif", TRUE) you can change the folder where the gif files are and you can change the installation folder of S2U2
Run("\Program Files\S2U2\iLock2.exe")
Sleep(3600000) every 1 hour the picture will change the time is in milliseconds
Run("\Program Files\S2U2\iLock2.exe")
Just copy the text between the lines in an empty document and rename it as S2U2GifChange.mscr
1. Install MortScript, I use the latest beta from
2. Delete the iLock2.exe and the S2U2 exe from your Windows/Startup directory
3. Copy the script to the Startup directory.
4. Restart the device
You have to rename the gif files you would like to use to 1.gif, 2.gif, and so on, and you have to write the number of gifs +1 to the green marked point in the script.
When the message Ilock 2 and s2us are closed apperas, do nothing it will self close.
Thanks for the effort. Just my 2 cents:
This script will run resident all the time and take up valuable memory and processing power.I think instead of doing a repeat loop, a better way is to simply queue the script in the notification queue.
The first if condition after repeat is to quit ilock which is not necessary. There is a restart command line parameter for S2U2.
chris.wilcox has another version here
hey, i just download the mortscropt and i a super noob and i change the wallpaper name with 1.gif 2.gif ect.., and the wallpaper are going to change randomly?????

mousio's AutoRun

[ Based on plenTpak's already great AutoInstall4 (2008/03/28) ]
The scripts included here require MortScript and are intended to help automatically install and configure software, copy files and folders, and import registry and provisioning stuff - this all with little or no user interaction!
So should you need to install a new ROM or install new software versions, just go ahead and let User Customization take care of the rest...
Unpack SDConfig.txt and scripts to storage card (and review them )
Dump any install files (silently installable only!), script files (e.g. to process the interactive install files, see further), registry files, provisioning files, and files and folders to copy, into the AutoRun subfolder.
Hard-reset, or start the RunAutoRun script
Hope this makes things easier for some people!
By default, it uses this file structure:
_ Storage Card\
|_ SDConfig.txt
|_ SDConfig\
|_ <MortScript cab>
|_ AutoWait.mscr
|_ AutoRun.mscr
|_ AutoRun\
|_ <your stuff here>
I rarely need to change my SDConfig file anymore and I just drop all of my AutoRun stuff (cab/mscr/zip/reg/xml files and also regular files and folders) in the dedicated AutoRun folder, it's that easy!
The AutoRun folder may contain any or all of the following:
cab files to install silently and mscr scripts to run,
regular files/folders to copy,
zip archives to unpack,
reg files to import,
xml files to concatenate.
All is processed (and logged!) in the same order as listed above, with all items sorted alphabetically first.
After installing, files are copied/unpacked, then registry files are imported, and finally the xml files are concatenated into a single provisioning file that is called by SDConfig.txt.
Here are some important notes for each item:
I use scripts to install the more interactive cabs: e.g. instead of putting here, I put a Fringcab.mscr here, and move elsewhere (i.e. a sibling folder called "Interactive"); my Fringcab.mscr installs but then also takes care of the interactive installation part of it.
The "regular" files are files that do not fit the other categories (cab/mscr/zip/reg/xml); regular files/folders found here will be xcopied to the root folder on the device (creating folder structure if necessary) - quite like plenTpak explained here.
Zip archives are unpacked to the root folder on the device (creating folder structure if necessary); zip archives are smaller to store, but unpacking is less tolerant than xcopying when it comes down to read-only or system files and such...
Not thoroughly tested the registry import since I use xml files for registry changes also; if I recall correctly from my brief testing, I believe the reg file should not be unicode for the script to be able to parse it correctly, so mind the encoding!
A provisioning file is always generated, so that SDConfig does not fail on a missing file.
About the AutoWait script: see here and here. To summarize roughly: 1 AutoWait call is needed for each full 3-minute block that your AutoRun requires to run. Apart from extra run time, it will not do any harm to add extra AutoWait calls to your SDConfig file.
Remark: The AutoRun script can take a parameter to use a custom sibling folder instead of the default AutoRun folder (e.g. a folder "Games"), but I failed to pass that parameter directly from SDConfig. However, yet another script can take care of that, as follows:
create a script for each custom folder (e.g. a script "Games.mscr"), with the following contents:
CallScript( SystemPath("ScriptPath") \ "AutoWait.mscr" )
CallScript( SystemPath("ScriptPath") \ "AutoRun.mscr", SystemPath("ScriptName"), "^NL^^NL^ processing " & SystemPath("ScriptName"), & "..." )
adapt the SDConfig.txt file to copy and call the new script(s) just created (which in turn will call the original AutoRun script, so do not forget about AutoWait here too!)
A RunAutoRun script is also included in the zip file, to test the SDConfig/AutoRun without hard-resetting your device.
Personally, I use and these scripts together with ROMS using SDAutorun v2.0 - and I only have my Trinity to use it on.
Main related links:
User Customization
SDAutoRun v2.0
Use all at your own risk!
[ reserved ]
The script does not check if it is run manually or automatically, nor does it check the mortscript version it runs with, nor does it actively try to avoid double installation of mortscript, but feel free to post your own code to include these interesting features. Another feature could be to automatically detect the name of the storage card root folder in order to support different languages...
thank you mousio tested with xml, cabs, and folder/files.. very good
Great idea! Automating the automated process of SDAutoRun!
Taking the automated process to next level . AWESOME!!! . you developers are not going to let me get me out of cooking frenzy
The script does not check if it is run manually or automatically, nor does it check the mortscript version it runs with, nor does it actively try to avoid double installation of mortscript, but feel free to post your own code to include these interesting features. Another feature could be to automatically detect the name of the storage card root folder in order to support different languages...
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If I can find some spare time for this...
Thanks for this tool!
I've only got one issue with it, and that is AutoWait related. It seems that after 6 minutes (I'm installing a lot of cabs), SDAutorun continues to execute the rest of SDConfig.txt, it complains about a missing AutoRun.xml (as the AutoRun.mscr hasn't generated it yet), then the device hangs.
Reading your instructions, it seemed that the solution would be to add more lines of EXEC:\Temp\AutoWait.mscr to the SDConfig.txt, but this appeared to have no effect at all!
If there is any other possible solution for dealing with long-running scripts, I'd love to hear it.
Would splitting them up into sub scripts work better?
Cuts down the time for each script, but may be more complex.
mousio said:
If I can find some spare time for this...
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Here is the code that seems to work for me with regard to StorageCard location for international people.
Sub StorageCardLogic
If (Length(RegRead("HKLM","System\StorageManager\Profiles\SDMemory","Folder")) > 0)
StorageCardPath = "\" & RegRead("HKLM","System\StorageManager\Profiles\SDMemory","Folder")
ElseIf (Length(RegRead("HKLM","System\StorageManager\Profiles\SDMMC","Folder")) > 0)
StorageCardPath = "\" & RegRead("HKLM","System\StorageManager\Profiles\SDMMC","Folder")
ElseIf (Length(RegRead("HKLM","System\StorageManager\Profiles\PCMCIA","Folder")) > 0)
StorageCardPath = "\" & RegRead("HKLM","System\StorageManager\Profiles\PCMCIA","Folder")
Storage Card logic
Long time no post
Based on several sources, including yours, this is now similar to what is in my latest version:
RegStorageCard1 = RegRead( "HKLM", "System\StorageManager\Profiles\SDMemory", "Folder" )
RegStorageCard2 = RegRead( "HKLM", "System\StorageManager\Profiles\SDMMC", "Folder" )
RegStorageCard3 = RegRead( "HKLM", "System\StorageManager\Profiles\PCMCIA", "Folder" )
RegInternalStorage = RegRead( "HKLM", "System\StorageManager\Profiles\moviNAND", "Folder" )
RegAutoPart1 = RegRead( "HKLM", "System\StorageManager\Profiles\moviNAND", "AutoPart" )
RegAutoPart2 = RegRead( "HKLM", "System\StorageManager\Profiles\moviNAND\FATFS", "AutoPart" )
If( RegAutoPart1 = 1 || RegAutoPart2 = 1 )
storagecard = "\" \ RegInternalStorage
ElseIf( NOT IsEmpty( RegStorageCard1 ) )
storagecard = "\" \ RegStorageCard1
ElseIf( NOT IsEmpty( RegStorageCard2 ) )
storagecard = "\" \ RegStorageCard2
ElseIf( NOT IsEmpty( RegStorageCard3 ) )
storagecard = "\" \ RegStorageCard3
storagecard = "\Storage Card"

[APP] xcopyce - 0v04 [08 SEP 2008]

This app was created a few months ago and lived in the UC thread created by Sleuth255. I said if there was enough interest I would move the post to the it's own thread. I got to 0v03, so I started a new thread.
xcopyce v0-04
This is an application idea l3v5y came up with and somehow convinced me into writing .
To copy folders as part of the UC process.
* .Net CF 2.0
* UC (Of course).
*Download the Zip file and extract xcopyce.exe onto your the root of your storage card.
*Add the following lines to your UC File
CPY1:\Storage Card\xcopyce.exe
Replace folder paths where necessary, remeber that EXEC: does not support spaces (hence why I'm copying to \Temp).
Create a file on the root of your storage card called xcopyce.txt - this is the config file.
*The format of the file is "source" "destination" attribs.
*Comments begin with a # symbol.
*By default destination files are created without attributes.
*File attributes are as follows (case insensitive):
r - read-only
a - archive
s - system
h - hidden
[COLOR="DarkGreen"]#Copy Temp from Storage Card to your Device[/COLOR]
"\Storage Card\Temp" \Temp
[COLOR="DarkGreen"]#Copy Folder making all files Read only in the Destination[/COLOR]
\Temp "\Temp2" r
[COLOR="DarkGreen"]#Copy Folder making all files Hidden and System in the Destination[/COLOR]
\Temp2 \Temp3 sh
[COLOR="DarkGreen"]#Copy Folder making all files System, hidden, read-only and archive in the Destination[/COLOR]
\Temp3 \Temp4 shra
Double Quotes can surround either the source or destination, but must surround paths with spaces in. This is the same as when using the xcopy command line. If in doubt surround both sides with quotes.
A log file is created on the root of your storage card called xcopyce.log. This file is over written every time you run.
Change Log
- Initial Development.
- No longer requires the storage card to be called "\Storage Card".
- Support for destination file attribute setting.
- Now over writes read-only files in the destination.
- Changes to log file structure.
- Handles blank lines in the config file.
- Bug fix: Line parser algorithm should handle work in all cases. (#10)
l3v5y for the idea.
Sleuth255 for his UC work in the first place.
nikagl for inspiring more updates.
MD5 Hash
Thanks Dave! And now let's add some tags for the search engines which I had initially used to find this wonderful program, but did not (I only accidentaly stumbled accross it because you had the link in your sig!):
This tool is the perfect addition to Sashimi and/or UC / User Customization as it can be executed using a Command Line on any Windows Mobile (WM5 or WM6) device to copy files and overwrite read only files!
Me likey file attributes!
Now I'm going to have to flash a ROM to try it out!
One question though... Can this copy files as well as folders?
BTW, I added this to the UC post.
l3v5y said:
Me likey file attributes!
Now I'm going to have to flash a ROM to try it out!
One question though... Can this copy files as well as folders?
BTW, I added this to the UC post.
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Thanks mate. At the moment just folders. I'll look at files for 0v04.
Hi Dave,
I guess for compatibility with UC you've created the current tool, where it uses a file to perform the copy tasks. Would it be possible to create a 100% command line method, like xcopy in Windows?
For instance here's the usage of xcopyce I'd love to see (straight from xcopy /? ):
XCOPYCE source [destination] [/A | /M] [/D[:date]] [/P] [/S [/E]] [/V] [/W] [/C] [/i] [/Q] [/F] [/L] [/G] [/H] [/R] [/T] [/u] [/K] [/N] [/O] [/X] [/Y] [/-Y] [/Z] [/EXCLUDE:file1[+file2][+file3]...]
source: Specifies the file(s) to copy.
destination: Specifies the location and/or name of new files.
/A = Copies only files with the archive attribute set, doesn't change the attribute.
/M = Copies only files with the archive attribute set, turns off the archive attribute.
/D:m-d-y = Copies files changed on or after the specified date. If no date is given, copies only those files whose source time is newer than the destination time.
/EXCLUDE:file1[+file2][+file3]... = Specifies a list of files containing strings. Each string should be in a separate line in the files. When any of the strings match any part of the absolute path of the file to be copied, that file will be excluded from being copied. For example, specifying a string like \obj\ or .obj will exclude all files underneath the directory obj or all files with the .obj extension respectively.
/P = Prompts you before creating each destination file.
/S = Copies directories and subdirectories except empty ones.
/E = Copies directories and subdirectories, including empty ones. Same as /S /E. May be used to modify /T.
/V = Verifies each new file.
/W = Prompts you to press a key before copying.
/C = Continues copying even if errors occur.
/I = If destination does not exist and copying more than one file, assumes that destination must be a directory.
/Q = Does not display file names while copying.
/F = Displays full source and destination file names while copying.
/L = Displays files that would be copied.
/G = Allows the copying of encrypted files to destination that does not support encryption.
/H = Copies hidden and system files also.
/R = Overwrites read-only files.
/T = Creates directory structure, but does not copy files. Does not include empty directories or subdirectories. /T /E includes empty directories and subdirectories.
/U = Copies only files that already exist in destination.
/K = Copies attributes. Normal Xcopy will reset read-only attributes.
/N = Copies using the generated short names.
/O = Copies file ownership and ACL information.
/X = Copies file audit settings (implies /O).
/Y = Suppresses prompting to confirm you want to overwrite an existing destination file.
/Z = Copies networked files in restartable mode.
nikagl said:
Hi Dave,
I guess for compatibility with UC you've created the current tool, where it uses a file to perform the copy tasks. Would it be possible to create a 100% command line method, like xcopy in Windows?
For instance here's the usage of xcopyce I'd love to see (straight from xcopy /? ):
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If I ever get enough free time I might do...
It's working well!
But, I must disagree with
This is an application idea l3v5y came up with and somehow conned me into writing .
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I did not "con" you into doing it. You chose to do it.
l3v5y said:
It's working well!
But, I must disagree with
I did not "con" you into doing it. You chose to do it.
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Lighten up
DaveShaw said:
Just for the record I was not conned, hoodwinked, tricked or in any way forced against my will by l3v5y to create this program.
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Hows that suit you ?
Only kidding, I'll expand the word conned into convinced.
Thanks a lot. It's a great tool. I'll try to use it with my batterystatus theme.
Error in parser ?
first of all, thanks for this apps !
I've found an error : I'm using this line :
"\Carte de Stockage\@Backup\Apps\Application Data" "\Application Data"
and it doesn't work as it must do. I looked at the log file, and found that it try :
source: \Carte de Stockage\@Backup\Apps\Application Data ---- ok
dest: \Application
attribs: Data
so even with double quotes, the parser find a space, and so choose last chars (in my case the end of path) as attribs.
I made a few tests, always bad :
"\Carte de Stockage\@Backup\Apps\Application Data" "\Application Data" r ---> attribs are Data "r
without quotes
Can you fix it please?
TheBeO said:
first of all, thanks for this apps !
I've found an error : I'm using this line :
"\Carte de Stockage\@Backup\Apps\Application Data" "\Application Data"
and it doesn't work as it must do. I looked at the log file, and found that it try :
source: \Carte de Stockage\@Backup\Apps\Application Data ---- ok
dest: \Application
attribs: Data
so even with double quotes, the parser find a space, and so choose last chars (in my case the end of path) as attribs.
I made a few tests, always bad :
"\Carte de Stockage\@Backup\Apps\Application Data" "\Application Data" r ---> attribs are Data "r
without quotes
Can you fix it please?
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I'll make a fix by then end of play tomorrow, providing I can re-create this first time.
Woah I really envy you all programmers I dun understand at all what you all are talking about but it seems nice for people who understand it
0v04 is up:
Change Log
- Bug fix: Line parser algorithm should handle work in all cases. (#10)
DaveShaw said:
0v04 is up:
Change Log
- Bug fix: Line parser algorithm should handle work in all cases. (#10)
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Yes thank you DaveShaw, it works fine now ;-)
And thanks for your speed!
Wow... I like it. I just tried it with my Diamond and it works great on entire folders. My question is:
I have a folder of ringtones on my storage card. I want to copy those to the \windows\rings folder, but it didn't seem to do it. It didn't overwrite any files in a folder that already existed.
I also want to copy the PIM.VOL from my backup to the root of the device. It also didn't work. Any suggestions?
EDIT: it's my turn to go DOH!
I think I found my error. I read the log and found I had mistyped the path. I also read back through the posts and found it can't do just a single file, only a directory. That's why the PIM.VOL file didn't get copied.
JohnBecker said:
Wow... I like it. I just tried it with my Diamond and it works great on entire folders. My question is:
I have a folder of ringtones on my storage card. I want to copy those to the \windows\rings folder, but it didn't seem to do it. It didn't overwrite any files in a folder that already existed.
I also want to copy the PIM.VOL from my backup to the root of the device. It also didn't work. Any suggestions?
EDIT: it's my turn to go DOH!
I think I found my error. I read the log and found I had mistyped the path. I also read back through the posts and found it can't do just a single file, only a directory. That's why the PIM.VOL file didn't get copied.
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Yeah for single file's just use UC.
And for the \Rings, if it's cooked into the ROM you might not be able to overwrite the file. Nothng I can do about that
sorry guys but i dont really get this lil app much. theres not much to it and no info about how to use it? no real examples and explanations to what it does or how.
So could somebody break it down?
m00moo said:
sorry guys but i dont really get this lil app much. theres not much to it and no info about how to use it? no real examples and explanations to what it does or how.
So could somebody break it down?
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I wrote it because when you are using Slueth's UC you can only copy files using the CPY1 and CPY2 commands.
This application allows you to copy folders as part of the UC process.
To use...
You create a config file on your card, with the source and destination folders (and any attributes you want) - See post #1.
Then you just execute the xcopyce exe in your UC SDConfig.txt file. (You must copy it to a location on your phone becase the UC EXEC: command cannot cope with spaces ) - The line to add to SDConfig.txt is in Post #1.
sorry i think i understand now.
just that upon first inspection of the atributes they seemed to be clumped up and i believed that was the whole code.
thanks for the cool handy app!
m00moo said:
sorry i think i understand now.
just that upon first inspection of the atributes they seemed to be clumped up and i believed that was the whole code.
thanks for the cool handy app!
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I've updated the sample code to colour the comments green, to help with the reading a little

[Problem] Set icons in start menu

I´ve got an issue that i can´t set an icon to task manager and messages in start menu/settings/System. See the pic below. I use a cab file to apply these icons.
i just make a pkg with my reg entries and pics i want to use at the end of my kitchen. open up your reg with reg editor and see if it looks like this...
notice the \\, it must be that way in registry...a single "\" wont work. also you could try assigning rank, but i dont really think that is necessary for the pic to show.
twopumpchump said:
i just make a pkg with my reg entries and pics i want to use at the end of my kitchen. open up your reg with reg editor and see if it looks like this...
notice the \\, it must be that way in registry...a single "\" wont work. also you could try assigning rank, but i dont really think that is necessary for the pic to show.
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Thanks for the tip. I made an OEM of my cab to make it easer. This is what reg i have for the task manager, but it dosnt work.
EDIT: Btw, how is rank determined? Dont really understand what ""Rank"=dword:000002BC" means..
I'm a noobie so forgive me if I make any mistakes.
But... Try adding some "zzz"s before the package to make it run at the end of the build process. If it still doesn't work, search inside all files (most probably the .provxml files) in your kitchen folder for "Task Manager.lnk" and see if another file is assigning a different icon to it. I use EVK's built in search engine to do jobs like that.
I hope I helped
EDIT: About Rank, icons are ordered from highest to lowest rank values in the start menu. I think "000002BC" is a hex value for the normal integer value that the rank is set to.
EDIT2: WOW! Awesome icons! Did you make them?
seeM_ZA said:
I'm a noobie so forgive me if I make any mistakes.
But... Try adding some "zzz"s before the package to make it run at the end of the build process. If it still doesn't work, search inside all files (most probably the .provxml files) in your kitchen folder for "Task Manager.lnk" and see if another file is assigning a different icon to it. I use EVK's built in search engine to do jobs like that.
I hope I helped
EDIT: About Rank, icons are ordered from highest to lowest rank values in the start menu. I think "000002BC" is a hex value for the normal integer value that the rank is set to.
EDIT2: WOW! Awesome icons! Did you make them?
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Thanks for the tip. I have the folder to run last in customization. I understand thats its some sort of hex value or whatever, but i dont understand it so i can place the icons where i want them.
The icons are made by dlink ithink.
2BC = 700. The rankings go from 0-999, and most are higher, which is why that one appears on the low side. The easiest thing is to just arrange everything on the phone (drag and drop), then export the entire start menu registry key and just put that into your start menu EXT. I'm not sure exactly how the values vary left to right and top to down.
I heard somewhere that the built in start menu 'drag n drop' messes with the ranks? I'm probably wrong though
I believe the ranks go in this order.. 1 being highest, 8 being lowest. Please correct me if I'm wrong. I hope NRG doesn't mind me butchering his start menu with my awesome paint skills
Hey... i dont think you are patching and i dont think you are trsut sign the cab... or making the image PNG...
but if you are "cooking" you dont need the cab... just make an EXT PKG with the icons ins the "file" folder... and the REGS in "app.reg" file making the path to the image, if you are patching you must to set the image as "read only" simple slash and be sure that CPL is teh correct one... and for the New TEXTMesage be sure you are using the path to.. tmail.exe i couldnt give you my EXT PKG with the paths cause im not in my home right now
+ Que PPC said:
Hey... i dont think you are patching and i dont think you are trsut sign the cab... or making the image PNG...
but if you are "cooking" you dont need the cab... just make an EXT PKG with the icons ins the "file" folder... and the REGS in "app.reg" file making the path to the image, if you are patching you must to set the image as "read only" simple slash and be sure that CPL is teh correct one... and for the New TEXTMesage be sure you are using the path to.. tmail.exe i couldnt give you my EXT PKG with the paths cause im not in my home right now
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Thanks for the help + Que PPC. The PNG is ok as it works in start menu. Btw, i made a package, instead of an cab. Much simpler to edit. What is the correct CPL for task manager in start menu/setting/System?
I have no clue on CPL or how to determine posistion
Ok i have the stock image for Taskmanager in my startmenu in position #24
Hex = 35A4EBEC
DEC = 900000748
So it seems that in the strat menu you can rank the icons as you want... by this 100 to 900 valu but in settings and for CPL icons the thing is.. they are arranged authomatically by name
(look at the attached image)
and this is the reg for cpl 30
Just this string in: Start menu settings system screen[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Security\Shell\StartInfo\Start\Settings\System\cplmain.cpl,30]
String value named Icon
with this: \Windows\Start_Icon_TaskMgr.png
BEsure there is the image in windows folder
so... in your EXT pkg it must be like this:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Security\Shell\StartInfo\Start\Task Manager.lnk]
+ Que PPC said:
Ok i have the stock image for Taskmanager in my startmenu in position #24
Hex = 35A4EBEC
DEC = 900000748
So it seems that in the strat menu you can rank the icons as you want... by this 100 to 900 valu but in settings and for CPL icons the thing is.. they are arranged authomatically by name
(look at the attached image)
and this is the reg for cpl 30
Just this string in: Start menu settings system screen[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Security\Shell\StartInfo\Start\Settings\System\cplmain.cpl,30]
String value named Icon
with this: \Windows\Start_Icon_TaskMgr.png
BEsure there is the image in windows folder
so... in your EXT pkg it must be like this:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Security\Shell\StartInfo\Start\Task Manager.lnk]
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Only need to learn hex editing to position the icons then
I´ve tried theese, but none of them works.
easyst way - works great in build 23112
1. hardcodec-items
the easyst way to change the icon, is to going in the sys folder to the directory
you find all hardcoded items in this directory (e.g. start_icon_*.png)
give your new icons the same name in your ext directory (oem)
2. customize icons
only what you need to customize icon is the following reg-keys
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Security\Shell\StartInfo\Start\Task Manager.lnk]
"Icon"="\\Windows\\Start_Icon_Task Manager.png"
-> this key replace the "task manager.lnk" icon in the root of the startmenue
-> this key replace the "notizen.lnk" (like notice in english) icon in the customize directory "order" in the startmenue
so when you need no ranking is the simplest and fastest wayy i can explain to you...
everal said:
1. hardcodec-items
the easyst way to change the icon, is to going in the sys folder to the directory
you find all hardcoded items in this directory (e.g. start_icon_*.png)
give your new icons the same name in your ext directory (oem)
2. customize icons
only what you need to customize icon is the following reg-keys
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Security\Shell\StartInfo\Start\Task Manager.lnk]
"Icon"="\\Windows\\Start_Icon_Task Manager.png"
-> this key replace the "task manager.lnk" icon in the root of the startmenue
-> this key replace the "notizen.lnk" (like notice in english) icon in the customize directory "order" in the startmenue
so when you need no ranking is the simplest and fastest wayy i can explain to you...
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- I can confirm that this works fine.
- However, this is good for lnk that have direct entry under [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Security\Shell\StartInfo\Start]. But how to know which cpl index refers to which setting/program shortcut?
everal said:
1. hardcodec-items
the easyst way to change the icon, is to going in the sys folder to the directory
you find all hardcoded items in this directory (e.g. start_icon_*.png)
give your new icons the same name in your ext directory (oem)
2. customize icons
only what you need to customize icon is the following reg-keys
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Security\Shell\StartInfo\Start\Task Manager.lnk]
"Icon"="\\Windows\\Start_Icon_Task Manager.png"
-> this key replace the "task manager.lnk" icon in the root of the startmenue
-> this key replace the "notizen.lnk" (like notice in english) icon in the customize directory "order" in the startmenue
so when you need no ranking is the simplest and fastest wayy i can explain to you...
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The thing is that i dont get the icon that is in SYS, i get the on in the exe. Would not matter if i change it.
Very true i can confirm that... the CPL images for icons in settings system cant be changed... maybe is due to another reg or .ico or other kind of file in oem
+ Que PPC said:
Very true i can confirm that... the CPL images for icons in settings system cant be changed... maybe is due to another reg or .ico or other kind of file in oem
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Could be.. Probably. I sure hope not
You should convert the rgu files to xml files.
XML always run after the RGU, So its better to use when making custom modification. (second post)
Th e cpl's are loaded in a provxml in the oem folder (don't remember which one off the top of my head). If it's messing with desired settings, rather than loading another provxml during first boot, and slowing down first boot even more, it's better to either edit or delete the oem provxml. Personally, I'd delete it and then put your start info in an app.reg in an EXT that runs near the end of the build.
Edit: the provxml with all of the cpl's is mxip_HtcApps_translation.provxml, and it's in oem-lang 0409. It's a complete waste to run this thing, imo. Just put it in an app.reg and you'll get a faster first boot.
Sorry but for change icon position in start menu, cant you do it just from start menu moving that icon and then go to the right reg key and export it?
This work for Kaiser dunno if Leo,Tp2 or Topaz has different way.
hi fellow chefs
i post my question here as i thought it would be better then openijng a new thread for it
i keep marketplace in my rom but i cant set it to the internet folder
i have looked in the initflash.dat and there is nothing there about marketplace(at least not that i could find)
i have looked in the sys map from market place and found a provxml
i changed it there the same way i did for taskmanager and it still doesnt work(for taskmaanger it works)
can some one help me out where or what i need to edit to have marketplace in internet folder
i attache my provxml so you can see what i have done

[TOOL 4 CHEFS] kitchen UPDATE ONLY NEW EXT batch file (EVK & OSK compatible)

only new ext-pkg's to a other kitchen (language import support is coming...).
a friend of mine wrote a little bat-file for me and i want to share it with you.
the creator insisted to call it bloody rudimentary but i think it's quite useful.
he wants to stay anonymous...
around two hours of brainwork (i remember the command for this... what was it again?) and notepad.exe to create this from scratch.
you only need to adjust the two paths at the beginning.
the batch searches for same packets (exact name matches) and ignores them.
a txt will pop up showing only the new packages.
you can edit this list (only delete pks but don't change entries).
save and close after you removed the lines you don't want to import.
batch will create a temp workfolder in c: (it will pop up once copying is finished).
at this point you can rename the folders (add *_photon_1.36 at the end for example)
and add missing language sub-folders.
if you are done, press any key at the cmd window and all the edited/renamed package folders will be moved to the ext-folder in the destination kitchen (_NewPackages folder).
example (if you want to update only new ext from 1.36 into 1.11 kitchen):
-kitchen1 (source kitchen) photon 1.36 htc
-kitchen2 (destination kitchen) photon 1.11 vodafone
tested and working with oskitchen1.31beta10 file-/folder-structure.
take this code and save it into a txt file. rename it to *.bat and adjust the paths.
@echo off
SET L_SOURCEPATH="[COLOR="Red"]X:\osKitchen Zero v1.31beta10_1.36SOURCE\Sources\Devices\HTC HD Mini\EXT Packages\HTC HD Mini Packages\[/COLOR]"
SET L_TARGETPATH="[COLOR="Red"]X:\osKitchen Zero v1.31beta10_1.11DESTINATION\Sources\Devices\HTC HD Mini\EXT Packages\HTC HD Mini Packages\[/COLOR]"
REM ------ END
SET SCRFILE=%L_WORKPATH%\packets_source.txt
SET TGTFILE=%L_WORKPATH%\packets_target.txt
del %ACTFILE%>nul
CD \
CD \
FOR /F "delims=" %%I IN (%SCRFILE%) DO (
REM <--------------------------------------------------------------
REM insert logic here to select packages i.e. package numbers
FINDSTR /C:"%%I" %TGTFILE%>nul&& ECHO Exact name match. || ECHO "%%I">>%ACTFILE%
REM insert some better logic here duh!
REM <--------------------------------------------------------------
ECHO !!!! Remove packages you dont want to copy from list but RETAIN LINE FORMAT !!!!
ECHO !!!! Save and close List to continue!!!!
start /w notepad %L_WORKPATH%\PKG2COPY.TXT
REM hier: Collect packages based on pkg2copy.txt
FOR /F "delims=" %%I IN (%ACTFILE%) DO (
xcopy /E /Y /H /I %%I %L_WORKPATH%\PRECOPY\%%I
ECHO !!!!Edit Folders now!!! Add langs etc.. press any key to continue and copy edited folders to destination (_NewPackages)
REM <--------------------------------------------------------------
REM i.E. delete... rename....
REM automate it duh!
REM <--------------------------------------------------------------
REM !!! ACTION - Copy from Precopy to Target Folder (Targetpath\_NewPackages)
xcopy /E /H /Y /I %L_WORKPATH%\PRECOPY\*.* %L_TARGETPATH%\_NewPackages\
rmdir /s /q %L_WORKPATH%
explorer %L_TARGETPATH%
CD \
tested now with ervius visual kichen.
works. hope y'all enjoy this batch file...
please leave a "thanks" if you like and use it.
wow this tool is awesome, its amazing how a simple batch file created by notepad can do so much functionality..
gonna use this right now
my opinion:
many xda-chef's would use it if they would know about it's existence..
please help me to keep this thread alive so all chefs can see it better...
tell your favorite chefs to take a look at this thread. thanks.
Wow, the time this is going to save me! (^^,) I haven't used it yet but I'm pretty sure I will. Thanks bro!
I didnt try it yet but sounds like a very life saver tool, got one week sticky for let other chefs to check it.
Thanks for sharing.
@ mods: i will take care of unsticky it @ 04 August.
I'm sorry but I've read the intro 3 times and still don't know what it does.
As i said ,i didnt try it yet but for what i understood it updates packages in your EXT folder,example:
You have a 2.14 Leo Kitchen and you want update only NEW EXT packages from 3.04.
Laurentius26 said:
I'm sorry but I've read the intro 3 times and still don't know what it does.
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feel free to test it. no harm done.
source and destination folders stay untouched.
only the (not exact name match - packets that aren't already in the destination kitchen) packets you don't delete from the pop-up list will be copied to the destination kitchen ext folder (_NewPackages subfolder).
I will give it a shot when I'm back from holiday mate.
Thanks for sharing with us.
HD2Owner said:
feel free to test it. no harm done.
source and destination folders stay untouched.
only the (not exact name match - packets that aren't already in the destination kitchen) packets you don't delete from the pop-up list will be copied to the destination kitchen ext folder (_NewPackages subfolder).
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wauw!!! works great man!!! perfect! now the only thing is we need to automate copying lang files from an other folder... hihi
kurniawan77 said:
wauw!!! works great man!!! perfect! now the only thing is we need to automate copying lang files from an other folder... hihi
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You mean for SYS?
seeM_ZA said:
You mean for SYS?
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i guess he means lang folders for ext-packages since this tool has nothing to do with sys.
it's possible but it would require a more advanced detection logic.
seeM_ZA said:
You mean for SYS?
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Nah... not that much work...
Unfortunately, my kitchen is setup in a way that would prevent this from working, but this seems like a great idea.
Thanks for sharing!
HD2Owner said:
my opinion:
many xda-chef's would use it if they would know about it's existence..
please help me to keep this thread alive so all chefs can see it better...
tell your favorite chefs to take a look at this thread. thanks.
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This is all nice and cool.. but what happened to porting your packages MANUALLY and actually looking at them before you put them in your kitchen ? You can't tell me this is how you cook a ROM... you run this batch file and blindly move over "newer" packages to your kitchen ? Wow... I believe packages need to be looked over and brought it one by one to insure compatibility first.
NRGZ28 said:
This is all nice and cool.. but what happened to porting your packages MANUALLY and actually looking at them before you put them in your kitchen ? You can't tell me this is how you cook a ROM... you run this batch file and blindly move over "newer" packages to your kitchen ? Wow... I believe packages need to be looked over and brought it one by one to insure compatibility first.
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you are right... that's why the tool moves the new ext folders into a sub-folder (_NewPackages).
cooks still need to add compatible lang sub-folders and maybe adjust some keys in the rgu's.
this batch-file is only around a week old. so it's basically new.
the main reason for it's existence is to remove the manual package comparison wich is very time-consuming (detection of already present packages).
of course cooks need to check the new ext like they would need to do when updating them manually.
in my personal kitchen i adjust the ext folder names as following:
this way i always know where the ext's in my kitchen are coming from.
the batch file detection still works when adjusting the end of the folder names.
for example:
source kitchen-Album_3_2_19203733_0
destination kitchen-Album_3_2_19203733_0_leo_1.66
the album folder will still be ignored even after you changed the folder name of the already imported package to Album_3_2_19203733_0_leo_1.66.
just don't change/rename the blue part (original package name)
HD2Owner said:
you are right... that's why the tool moves the new ext folders into a sub-folder (_NewPackages).
cooks still need to add compatible lang sub-folders and maybe adjust some keys in the rgu's.
this batch-file is only around a week old. so it's basically new.
the main reason for it's existence is to remove the manual package comparison wich is very time-consuming (detection of already present packages).
of course cooks need to check the new ext like they would need to do when updating them manually.
in my personal kitchen i adjust the ext folder names as following:
this way i always know where the ext's in my kitchen are coming from.
the batch file detection still works when adjusting the end of the folder names.
for example:
source kitchen-Album_3_2_19203733_0
destination kitchen-Album_3_2_19203733_0_leo_1.66
the album folder will still be ignored even after you changed the folder name of the already imported package to Album_3_2_19203733_0_leo_1.66.
just don't change/rename the blue part (original package name)
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That's cool I guess... but it still seems like a lot to do, for such a simple operation as replacing a package with a newer one. I personally use beyond compare. It's a MUST have tool for chefs. It's great once you get to know how to use it.
NRGZ28 said:
That's cool I guess... but it still seems like a lot to do, for such a simple operation as replacing a package with a newer one. I personally use beyond compare. It's a MUST have tool for chefs. It's great once you get to know how to use it.
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i bought beyondcompare too. it's a must have for chef's if you ask me too..
lot to do?? did you actually try the batch-file???
-adjust the 2 paths in the batch
-remove the lines you dont want to import (from the pop-up txt file - save and close to continue)
-adjust packages (insert lang subfolders and rename packages in the pop up temp folder)
-press any key (dos window) to move adjusted packages from temp folder to sub-folder "_NewPackages" in destination kitchen
for me, this batch is a real time-saver........
and i dont even have to use beyondcompare for this specific task anymore..
i will try to adjust the batch to show a pop-up of the destination-kitchen too when the temp folder is showing (so you dont have to open it manually to pick lang folders).

