Opening .eml or .msg attachments on HD2 - HD2 General

First XDA post. Love the forum but never had a need to post before. I am a long time user of windows mobile and the primary reason I buy windows mobile phones is because of their ability to open outlook item files.
I recently purchased the HTC HD2 from T-Mobile USA that is running windows mobile 6.5 Professional. When trying to open an outlook mail attachment I receive the following error message, "The attachment is of a file type that could be unsafe. Messaging will not open this attachment".
My profession requires me to proof-read emails before the are sent. My company does this by attaching email drafts created on a desktop by Microsoft Outlook and are typically .eml or .msg files and sent over email. These file types were supported and viewable in WM5 & WM6. How do I enable them in WM6.5?
I am currently using Energy's ROM and the stock T-Mobile USA Radio but I was having the same issue using the Stock T-Mobile ROM. I am comfortable with registry edits if that's what it takes.
Please help if you have any ideas. I've searched all over the web. If anyone would have the answers, you guys would. Thank you.

So I figured it out. After weeks of downloading multiple 3rd party email applications I also created a windows live email address which can receive emails from my work email address and push them to my device and I could open them in the default messaging program.
I found that I could open the .eml attachments using the default messenger through my microsoft live account which was strange and all I ever wanted but when I replied, I did not want it to be from my live account, I wanted it from my work address.
I went through all of the settings to see what could possibly be different and found the live account was set up as a pop3 and my work account was imap4.
I deleted my imap4 settings for my work mail and created a pop3 for the same address and now I can open .eml & .msg email attachments. Yay!

fatappel said:
So I figured it out. After weeks of downloading multiple 3rd party email applications I also created a windows live email address which can receive emails from my work email address and push them to my device and I could open them in the default messaging program.
I found that I could open the .eml attachments using the default messenger through my microsoft live account which was strange and all I ever wanted but when I replied, I did not want it to be from my live account, I wanted it from my work address.
I went through all of the settings to see what could possibly be different and found the live account was set up as a pop3 and my work account was imap4.
I deleted my imap4 settings for my work mail and created a pop3 for the same address and now I can open .eml & .msg email attachments. Yay!
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So just where are those imap4 settings? Are you setting up your work email on your phone as an Exhcange client with IMAP4 settings? Or is that on the MS Live setup?
I have this issue with email from my work Exchange account to a personal email account that I have set up on the phone (Imagio/WM 6.5). I want to accept some forwarded items (like personally specific HR-related docs) and some calendar items to update my phone's calendar, but I do NOT want my employer to "own" my phone, so am not willing to set it up as an "Exchange extension" (don't want that remote control, or 90% internal email spam to deal with).


Sending attachments through web email

When I use pocket explorer to check and send email using my web-based email accounts such as yahoo or gmail, the button to attach files to the messages doesn't appear when I create email messages.
Is this a natural problem of pocket IE? Is there any way to attach files to messages using web-based email and pocket IE?
most likely this has to do with how much PIE supports scripts/java and other things. I'm not so informed of exactly what the problem is, but suffice it to say that it is not supported in PIE. You might want to try netfront.
sorry, you can use a webmail like gmail which supports pop3 and then you can simply load those settings onto the Magician and work from there, that's what I do and it's far more convenient. If you don't have a gmail account and want one, PM me your email address and I'll invite you.
aha, thanks for the info Xilicon! Thanks for the offer as well. I have a gmail account already, but I haven't set it up for pop3 yet. I'll do that soon as I can. Thanks again!

email - how to add server to outlook email folder?

hi guys,
having an issue where bulk of my email is synced to the outlook email account on the univ. Which is fine. but on the move I want to check for new mail, only way I found is to add a new pop3 account. which then proceeds to download all 130 emails for that day that already exist in the outlook folder, and the 4 new ones! takes ages and a pain, anything I send from the new account on the univ is also not synced to the pc, which is only syncing the outlook folder. basically I just want to add a pop server to the standard syncronising outlook email folder, to add mail to it on the go.
Any one cracked this???
Nothing to crack..... be sure you are correctly setup!
indeed i think it's setup issue. i'm running one outlook mailbox via an [email protected] and three pop3 [email protected] and they all sync just fine, automated via gprs and just what's new and not yet brought to the home or work desktop.
i know this doesn't help you much, maybe you can send some more info in how you try to setup your system
THanks for the replies so far. The only way I have found to enter pop settings is to create a new account, where I then end up with one account no pop but synced, the second account no sync but pop - both pulling the same mail.
Or maybe my question should be, how do you add pop/smtp server information to the default (created when I synced) Outlook Email account?
greg123, I had exactly the same issue with my XDA II. Does your organisation use Exchange 2003? If so, and they are patched up to SP2, then your solution would be to use push email which comes in the latest firmware upgrade for the Universal (from most providers).
If they don't use Exchange 2003, or won't upgrade to SP2 (or won't configure push email) there are some cheap external companies who will provide the service for you. You then simply need to setup an account with them and they will sync email to your phone. I don't know if they do this with a different account or not though.
I use push email and it all works from the same account. when I am docked it syncs over the lan, and when I'm mobile it syncs over the web.
Hi, thanks for the reply.
No I'm not using exchange or push or anything that complicated, I simply connected my xda to the pc and let it sync. After which I find all my email in the 'outlook email' section, along with mms and text messages on the phone.
All I want to do is when I'm out be able to drag new emails into that 'outlook email' section via pop. But I see no option to do this. I have to create a new account, add the pop settings to this account, and then send receive on that. Which then results in having to download all my mail (even the old stuff) on the 2nd 'new' account, most of which is already contained in the 'outlook email' account.
I just want to add a pop server to the default account that is created to house your synced email from the pc!

I want to be alerted when subfolders receive mail.

My work, unfortunately, uses Groupwise and I'm gonna get no support in getting a Groupwise mobile server or anything setup, so I'm stuck with syncing local for contacts and appts and tasks. I am, however, using and IMAP access to get my emails, and this works pretty well with the default Pocket Outlook email client.
One thing missing is that I have a couple of subfolders where I have rules that automatically direct emails from like my Boss or other people into the folder so it doesn't get lost in the shuffle of other stuff. However, I'm not getting notification when new emails are pulled into those folders. If I go into my email program I can see that I have new emails there, but I get the buzz or message icon that I have new emails. Is there anyway to make it so when new messages get pulled into the subfolders that I also get notified?
Ideally I'd REALLY like to stick with the default email program as I'm also using Mobile Shell and mobile shell apparently only integrates with the default email app.
RedRamage said:
My work, unfortunately, uses Groupwise and I'm gonna get no support in getting a Groupwise mobile server or anything setup, so I'm stuck with syncing local for contacts and appts and tasks. I am, however, using and IMAP access to get my emails, and this works pretty well with the default Pocket Outlook email client.
One thing missing is that I have a couple of subfolders where I have rules that automatically direct emails from like my Boss or other people into the folder so it doesn't get lost in the shuffle of other stuff. However, I'm not getting notification when new emails are pulled into those folders. If I go into my email program I can see that I have new emails there, but I get the buzz or message icon that I have new emails. Is there anyway to make it so when new messages get pulled into the subfolders that I also get notified?
Ideally I'd REALLY like to stick with the default email program as I'm also using Mobile Shell and mobile shell apparently only integrates with the default email app.
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I would like the same.
I have never found a fix to this issue and IIRC it is a limitation of the software.
I am using gmail so I just set up forward rules and dummy accounts. So I had account X with sub directory Y I have the email intended to Y get forwarded to account A and set A as a separate account. I dont know if this would work with mobile shell ( if it only looks at the outlook account)
tedet said:
I have never found a fix to this issue and IIRC it is a limitation of the software.
I am using gmail so I just set up forward rules and dummy accounts. So I had account X with sub directory Y I have the email intended to Y get forwarded to account A and set A as a separate account. I dont know if this would work with mobile shell ( if it only looks at the outlook account)
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It is indeed an Outlook issue. It only sends alerts on mails in the inbox. On my exchange server, the emails are redirected on the server before Outlook ever sees that they touch the inbox and thus no alert.
The only solution is some sort of third-party app, that would be nice.
If you're using Groupwise as your mail server, what is the email client you run on your workplace computer? And your workplace computer OS?
If your accessing Groupwise mail through Outlook on your work computer, your rules can be setup as client side instead of server side rules. If Groupwise behaves like a MS Exchange then your client side rules would only process when you're logged into your Outlook client. So when you're not in front of your PC, you wouldn't move your mail from your Inbox. Thus making them invisible to Pocket Outlook.
Or you could setup some special notification or delayed move rules. Again assuming you're using Outlook. Ornic InboxRules can be used to create some complex rules if you go that route. I haven't personally used it, but I used the predecessor to it called CaTrap to parse the sender, subject, and parts of the body into a another email and forward that via SMS to my phone.
If you can manage to get stuff to your Pocket Outlook Inbox, there are a few good tools that will give you advanced notification options on your phone. See this thread for details. Hope this helps to get you started.
You can see on an application which solves your problem; it works together with ActiveSync and Outlook Mobile in order to alert users about unread mails in Inbox and Subfolders.
You can test it by downloading the demo version.
We published version 2.0 of CheckMail application.
New features are:
- displays messages on "Today Screen";
- audio alert when new messages are received;
- audio reminder if the new messages where not read (the interval when these verifications are made is selectable by user);
- by taping on CheckMail application, user can open Messaging application (Outlook);
- user can select in CheckMail application not to check Inbox (only subfolders).
Visit to see details and demo application.

Sync e-mail accounts

Searched the place but could not find it.
Is there a way to sync all external e-mail accounts setup on the hd2?
There are some send items i really need on my desktop.
You mean send/receive all accounts at once without having to do that one by one?
If so, look for "sendreceiveall" in the "Windows Mobile Development and Hacking" section of XDA, post by Crazy_About_Technology. I'm using it and works like a charm on my HD2.
If not, can you pls be more specific?
Thanks. I've got several e-mail accounts setup in Outlook on my HD2
The only thing avctive sync synchronise is the Outlook e-mail and not my other accounts.
When i'm pulling mail from my mail provider i get a copy of the mail and the original will be delevered @ work (outlook2007). But when i reply a e-mail using my HD2 the sent e-mail box ís only on my HD. I think iphone has a auto tions to send to a copy to your default e-mail. This options could do it for me regarding the backup/sync options for the send items.
You just need to use IMAP for all your accounts, then each device will sync with the server. This means that it will "look like" your HD2 is in sync with your computer.
But what about my home mail. This uses POP and keeps the mail local on the laptop. I don't want all my e-mail standing at the providers server. I think that the online mailbox doen't support so many mail standing there.

Outllook user who converted to Gmail...

I have used Outlook forever and thinking about changing but there are some things I do not know about Gmail that may not be possible. I have been stuck on Outlook because I have total control of my mailbox on my home server (.pst file) and I use a two business emails addresses from domains I own.
1. I own two domains and I have emails addresses I created from them. How or can they work in Gmail so email from my paid email addresses hit gmail then my device?
2. How much stored mail can I keep in .pst file for Outlook is big?
I have had a gmail address for years but do not use it at all besides for the market I use emails from my domain but I would like to get the wireless sync going if it all can work in gmail...
you can setup forwarding to forward all ur mail to gmail.
if these servers support imap/pop u can do wireless sync without having to first go to gmail. the phone fully supports configuring your own server settings for mail.
I run a small biz off of google apps.
While I'm not savvy on everything outlook has to offer at the server level, I was amazed at the options google apps domain and email hosting offered to make a transition from any platform.
Well looks like it works but I have one problem...
I setup the pop mail account in gmail from my PC off the website. I can send\compose emails and select my pop mail account to send. However from the Droid, when I compose I only see can I see the pop I created from the website to push to my DINC? I want to be able to select the pop account I want to send from off the phone for gmail?

