does anyone know about AKU and radio versions? - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 General

i have seen members writing about different AKU versions and radio versions ie, 17 or 19.
can someone give me a quick idea what it is they mean.
and i have also seen the items know as [kitchens] am i right in thinking these are ready made software to help u change and tweek ROM'S if they are which is the best and easy to use to start off with as i am still a bit of a noob at all this xda himalaya stuff as i have not owned it long.
if i am way off in thinking that this is what they are for and what they are used for are there any easy to use guides and tips about them.
a quick explanation i would be greatly thankfull. every one was a noob sometime!!!


Cingular 8125 - what upgrades/adds to make out of the box

Hello All,
I'm a newbie here and am currently using a GSM Treo 600, but have a GSM 8125 on the way. As a message board veteran (cigars, poker, etc...) I tried my due dilligence and have been reading and searching topics for the past day. It's simply too much info (a good thing) and the relevant topics that I find have so many posts with updates that I have a hard time keeping stuff straight.
I'm looking for direction on what type of things to upgrade and what must have programs I should add to the 8125. I realize that this type of post probably appears much too often but I have truly been overwhelmed with all the information that is here. For example, I've seen many posts regarding flashing the ROM but I was unable figure out what the latest ROM version is (created by Summiter) and I'm also unsure of all the benefits of flashing the ROM.
Any assistance will be GREATLY appreciated.
Re: Cingular 8125 - what upgrades/adds to make out of the bo
ky70 said:
Hello All,
I'm a newbie here and am currently using a GSM Treo 600, but have a GSM 8125 on the way. As a message board veteran (cigars, poker, etc...) I tried my due dilligence and have been reading and searching topics for the past day. It's simply too much info (a good thing) and the relevant topics that I find have so many posts with updates that I have a hard time keeping stuff straight.
I'm looking for direction on what type of things to upgrade and what must have programs I should add to the 8125. I realize that this type of post probably appears much too often but I have truly been overwhelmed with all the information that is here. For example, I've seen many posts regarding flashing the ROM but I was unable figure out what the latest ROM version is (created by Summiter) and I'm also unsure of all the benefits of flashing the ROM.
Any assistance will be GREATLY appreciated.
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I just got mine 1 week ago and this is what I did to make it run nice. I say that because after one day of use on the original cingular rom it was already acting up.
Go to these links in the forums and do as they say. Summiter and these guys have done us a great service with all their work. All this is free too.
Go here first:
down load the lokiwiz version 0.2b and use it as the directions specify. You may as well SuperCID unlock the device if you want to upgrade the rom in the next step or it won't work. Remember to SuperCID after you take the first step.
From there go to this thread:
Read though it to about page 3 or 4 and find the link to the ftp site. Download the program and run it following the directions.
Don't panic when it hits 98% and freezes. That is standard. It will finish up eventually and reboot the 8125.
My 8125 runs perfect and I love the tiki theme. Summiter is great at helping and many of the other users really help also. Also, if you can't hook up to your Microsoft Exchange Server with Activesync when your 8125 is connected through the usb port, disable the proxy server in your internet settings.
Have fun. This is easy to do - I am a novice and had no problems.
THANK YOU Addicus! I appreciate you taking the time to point me in the right direction.
wow me too. im a noob and just got my 8125 and noticed its acting up abit. i'll try all this later on. hopefully i wont have any trouble doing all this stuff. thank you.

Help with dialer on official wm6

Hi all you exellent hackers
Ok, I know that this question is popping up everywhere on the forum, in the diffrent device sections, but there is none who gives an answer to this, the reason for this might vary, but its still a unanswered question as far as I can find.
Im a nOOb, I know, and I am trying to find all the sollutions for my self by using google and search on the forum.
But im still hanging in the air without any sollution for this.
When we try to implement the touch dialer or the kaiser dialer in our official wm6, it do not show up right. There are some small issues with the commManagers too, but I worked that one around, atleast for the 8 button touchdialer. It has some color issues on the buttons, the left row is slighly darker then the left row..weird but no big problem, ill solve that.
But, as I said/wrote, cant get custom dialers to work.
Could any of the expert chefs provide us with a sollution to this? Is there one?
I know there is alot of roms out there that you guys have provided us with, and they are amazing (I have both qtec9100 and htc P4350,and have tried some roms) But, since I come from norway, I would like to have a custom rom with features like touch/kaiser dialer, kaiser commManager, touchflo/cube on my native language.
I have worked quite alot of hours making things work, but now im stuck.
I have changed many oem apps so they will work on my norwegian rom, changed language and edit paths so they would show up in right places, and they do
I dont want to sound like a kid who just wanna be cool and do what you guys do, im not even close to be where you guys probably where when you started cooking.
But I gotta start somewhere, and I have a hope that I can be of help with sollutions for things myself as I go along on this trip
What I have noticed is that there is many ppl who wants to take shortcuts to everything, to have everything handed out. Well, I hope im not like that.
Here in norway, there is not a big community of developers, and there is not many, if any, real good custom roms available (please corect me if im wrong) in my native language, and that in my mind is a sad thing.
I have no problem using a WWE, I have used many, and made the changes to make norwegian keyboard, both hardware and software work. (thanx to the many, many ppl who worked with providing the sollutions) But still WWE dont provide us with in.ex norwegian dictionarys for in. ofiice, it can be done by using 3party progz, but is nicer to have a norwegian (or other languages) base rom with the appz/mods/hacks working.
It would be greatly appreciated by many, many if someone could help us working this issues out.
If someone would post some reg edits to make it work?
Maybe make a cab file that makes the changes? (I would rather do it myself though)
I would easy be happy to make donations for the time used to help out, and im pretty sure many other would do the same.
AND please dont flame this thread
well, dialer solved...but not yet inn cooking, but reg edit/delete and cab install
Ill figure that out in cooking

What can a newbie do?

Hi all, another noob!
I've done a few searches to no avail so a simple question with lots of possible answers I'm sure:
As I have just received my O2 XDA Orbit, what, if anything, would the Moderators/Admin guys recommend I do to improve the performance of my Orbit (not that I am aware of any limits so far) or what essential bits of software should I have? Please be aware that my knowledge of computers, PDA's and all this other techno-wizardry could be written on the back of a nano-bot in large font, so please, it will have to be kept to a very very simple level.
If I am too dumb to be able to do anything other than enjoy what I have, please feel free to say so!
Garneth said:
Hi all, another noob!
I've done a few searches to no avail so a simple question with lots of possible answers I'm sure:
As I have just received my O2 XDA Orbit, what, if anything, would the Moderators/Admin guys recommend I do to improve the performance of my Orbit (not that I am aware of any limits so far) or what essential bits of software should I have? Please be aware that my knowledge of computers, PDA's and all this other techno-wizardry could be written on the back of a nano-bot in large font, so please, it will have to be kept to a very very simple level.
If I am too dumb to be able to do anything other than enjoy what I have, please feel free to say so!
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You could try reading the wiki - or using the search button for a start.....
But U guess that being a noob you have the honour of asking 1 silly question!!!
Enjoy the forums.
chandlercjh said:
You could try reading the wiki - or using the search button for a start.....
But U guess that being a noob you have the honour of asking 1 silly question!!!
Enjoy the forums.
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You see, one stupid question and I get access to something I wouldn't have known to look for. Now all I have to do is understand wtf it's all about. Never heard of a wiki before so I'm not sure what to do about that. That link looks great, but again I have no idea how to utilise it.
Sometimes, some of you guys forget just how difficult it is for noobs to this game!
Thanks though.
Since you are not looking for anything particular, using the search would be useless - the wiki is good but has many information for advanced noobies so why don't you start with reading all the threads that you find to be interesting.
I'd recommend you to go to and check out the "best sites" section and start reading about pdas in general, download some apps and get to know Windows Mobile. Try your first registry hack or simply take a look inside to find out how it funtions.
When you have managed this (could take a month or more) then pick a ROM and flash it to your device. Before you do this be sure to do use the USPL patch and make sure you are doing everthing right BEFORE you do it! When your device is "bricked" you probably need help from somebody in the forum. It's better to have a working backup plan before you try that.
I think Meschle's ROM is a good start if you ever wanna try because he included the USPL patch to be sure that uploading his ROM doesn't mess with your pda.
Have fun using this great pda!
Registerme said:
Since you are not looking for anything particular, using the search would be useless - the wiki is good but has many information for advanced noobies so why don't you start with reading all the threads that you find to be interesting.
I'd recommend you to go to and check out the "best sites" section and start reading about pdas in general, download some apps and get to know Windows Mobile. Try your first registry hack or simply take a look inside to find out how it funtions.
When you have managed this (could take a month or more) then pick a ROM and flash it to your device. Before you do this be sure to do use the USPL patch and make sure you are doing everthing right BEFORE you do it! When your device is "bricked" you probably need help from somebody in the forum. It's better to have a working backup plan before you try that.
I think Meschle's ROM is a good start if you ever wanna try because he included the USPL patch to be sure that uploading his ROM doesn't mess with your pda.
Have fun using this great pda!
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Thanks for that...things do start to become clearer. I will check out that web site and I think I now realise that this site is more for advanced users than complete newbies like me...sorry!
I will try a registy hack (once I find out how to do it... )
Thanks for your reply! <beer>

Very Difficult to find useful information

First off- this is a great site with valuable information for all matters HTC. It has been a resource that has helped me get more use out of my HTC products.
I have a Universal, Dash, Athena, Startrec, and Wing.
Lately I have been trying to get some useful information for the Athena and no amount of searching, reading Wiki ing can answer my questions or even help me get a baseline understanding of things with the Athena.
It is quite frustrating- I would want to straightforwardly ask a question in a new thread, but it seems that the more experienced people on this board jump to the conclusion that a question is the result of not searching or not reading. I can tell you that I spend hours a day searching for things on this site and often times find irrelevant search results or endless threads with needle in haystack like answers that only partially answer questions. Is there anyway to organize this space better so that questions can be answered more efficiently?
The wiki is not useful for the most part- it has less info than some threads- links are old or irrelevant and searching is plain useless.
Great site everybody but darn frustrating for finding info- Any one else having this issue?
Probably not...
What info are you after and I'm sure someone will be able to help - then maybe you can update the Wiki yourself if you think it needs it!
I want upgrade the radio, but I am not sure if the phone needs to be CID, its the HTC model w/o front facing camera. If it does need to be CID, not sure how to do it properly. There are tons of posts of people who have bricked their units using methods that would use to CID. So I am sorta scared to try anything- every method I see suggested is followed by another thread of someone for whom the process went badly. Also I cannot get a reliable place to download a radio and which radio is the best or useable with a later rom? I read that some radios don't work with some roms and there threads of people tried to upgrade ROMs but found that they had radio problems, WIFI, bluetooth and GSM issues. Is there a better radio to use than others? Is their a reliable place to get the requisite radio version?
What ROM version makes sense. The current ROM on my Athena is awful- the worst ever. I downloaded AP4 and right before I geared up to use it, I read a ton of posts which say is does not work with WIFI- WTF? Is there a version of it that does work with WIFI? Is there another version of the ROM that is stable and downloadable? Also I have seen mentions of various types of ROMs, but no real explanation of what these ROMs are and where to get them.
Mind you I have done tons of stuff with my universal, dash, wing, MDA and have had an easier time finding info, links and resources.
Anyway- I just cannot seem to find coherent info here. If I do find coherent info, I would more than happy to help out with the WIKI or some sort of wiki that clearly outlines key info such as
1. Here are the various Rom options and what they do
2. Here are the various Radio options and what they do
3. Here is a coherent, un confusing guide to CID that won't brick your machine
4. Here is a link that works and clearly states which software versions are available for download
5.Here are idiot proof instructions on how do to perform key functions of upgrading.
Before everyone flames this remember I have seen the various posts and threads that talk about these things, but they are usually followed by tons of people who have had problems with ROM, Links, Bricks and other issues. In addition a lot of the information is plain confusing.
So if anyone out there has clear links or pointers let me/us know I will volunteer to compile it because right now I am about ready to toss my crippled Athena out the window.
I'm not sure that I understand exactly what you mean, but from my experience with XDA communities, the Athena has a relatively non "newbie friendly" approach. I don't mean to insult anybody of-course, but the switch from the Wizard community to the Athena one was hard, and I feel like people here save too much info for themselves and don't like to share or help new people. I must say, I don't mean to insult anybody or criticize, I'm merely expressing my feelings from my one month around here.
Radio - latest 1.57
AP4 works fine with Wifi unless you screw up badly - then it CAN be fixed.
Simple, unlock, flash radio 1.57 or leave at 1.5 if you are happy with it, if you have an earlier version it's best to upgrade, then flash AP4.0
I will give it a try
Thank you for all the responses in short time. I have seen these threads and read the aftermath, but I will try them anyway and hope for the best.
Thanks again for the replies.
OK- none of the files I was pointed to seem to work. I get tons of error when I try to open them. Is there a place that provides instructions on getting the process to work properly?
RalphTech said:
OK- none of the files I was pointed to seem to work. I get tons of error when I try to open them. Is there a place that provides instructions on getting the process to work properly?
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What problems are you having? Can you download (ie click on the
Click here to download! link in the first link) If so, can you unzip it? What errors are you getting?
In black and white
RalphTech said:
First off- this is a great site with valuable information for all matters HTC. It has been a resource that has helped me get more use out of my HTC products.
I have a Universal, Dash, Athena, Startrec, and Wing.
Lately I have been trying to get some useful information for the Athena and no amount of searching, reading Wiki ing can answer my questions or even help me get a baseline understanding of things with the Athena.
It is quite frustrating- I would want to straightforwardly ask a question in a new thread, but it seems that the more experienced people on this board jump to the conclusion that a question is the result of not searching or not reading. I can tell you that I spend hours a day searching for things on this site and often times find irrelevant search results or endless threads with needle in haystack like answers that only partially answer questions. Is there anyway to organize this space better so that questions can be answered more efficiently?
The wiki is not useful for the most part- it has less info than some threads- links are old or irrelevant and searching is plain useless.
Great site everybody but darn frustrating for finding info- Any one else having this issue?
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After about a week reading, I have not been able to find the procedure of flashing the radio of this device. "flashes the same way as the ROM" is as close as I have been to the info. I have a device that shows no radio installed, the olipro tool never advances past 0% and gives an error, after which the phone is stuck in bootloader mode and has to be reflashed with a non radio containing ROM in order to get it to boot again. Radio containing ROM's like Black Touch get stuck at 85%, with the same chore of reflashing a non radio ROM afterwards. I downloaded radio 1:58, but the download only has the actual radio file, no flashing utility. Copying the utility from a ROM file does not work either. Someone else in the same situation has a thread for help. He tried flashing from the SD card, but no dice. His thread is not receiving any useful posts from any of the gurus. The "excellent" video that is pointed out in the olipro unlocker thread is mute, so you have to peel your eyes to see through the low quality picture and still can't read the dialogs shown on screen. Those that ask questions are called idiot or lazy and after reading these posts, the searching for info turns into a graceless process. If the chiefs managing this section of the site care about it being useful, a concise, informative, black and white type sticky thread, read only, closed to responses would be a good idea. Maybe inserting the flashing procedures for unlocking, ROM and Radio flashing into the Athena Wiki would also help. This way newbies and others can come and read the basic procedures without having to filter through the vast amount of threads that only lead to more confusion. I wish I knew more about the procedures, I would beef up that wiki, but I'm afraid I can do more damage than good with my limited knowledge.
completly agree
i have read every page on the advantage x7500,being such an old phone you would thin the genius,s on here could sort it out in seconds,but all they do is insult you.i tried to update from windows 6 on radio 1.20 to michys radio 6.5
it got to 94 percent then crashed, now when i boot up i just get a black and white screen,which then turns white,if it try to reinstall advantage 6.0 the phone reets after 2 or 3 percent..will anyboby help by giving simple term advice to unbrick it? NO.will they provide links to there advice no.THEY JUST INSULT YOU AND SAY ITS IN ONE OF THE THREADS.well im a computer tech and if anybody wants there pc or laptop fixing.guess what i will return the favour with computer speak,THAT YOU CANT UNDERSTAND

need some advice

I started doing some of the research that is necessary to do flash the ROM on the t-mobile wing. I need some advice on the best ROM for me... I'll tell you my requests and if anyone who is a little more experienced could help me out it would be much appreciated.
I've been looking at a few different ROMs including the OpenTouch v7.7 and Touch-It. The only things I'm interested about are: I read that OpenTouch will not work right with landscape, does this cause problems using the keyboard on the wing. Is there a ROM that provides better support for landscape?
What about reliability? I understand a lot of these ROMs are experimental, but this is going to be my primary phone for a while? What ROMs are more reliable and stable. OpenTouch does appear to be the most widely used one, but is it secure?
Normally I wouldn't post things like this, but I have tried reading around to get more information without much luck...
The only thing you can to is flash flash flash. Just try everything. See what you like. Thats how all of us did it.
Thats all you can do is try them all you know your taste

