Disappointing SD Card Music playback on Shift - Shift General

Well I bought a 32Gb SD card and excitedly copied my MP3 music collection onto it.
However, playing these on my Windows 7 HTC Shift results in a disappointing playback quality, with 'popping' and 'glitching' occuring about every 6 seconds. It's almost listenable but rather anoying.
My Vista laptop plays the mp3 music fine from the SD cards, the issue is specific to the HTC shift, it's SD card drivers and the SD card slot.
When the MP3 is copied onto the Shifts hard drive, it plays perfectly.
I have tested all 3 of my SD cards, one FAT 4Gb, one FAT32 4Gb, and one NTFS 32Gb, and all of them exhibit the same glitchy MP3 playback on my HTC Shift.
I have tried all players on my shift, Windows media player, itues, and the lightweight VLC. All result in the same poor music playback on my Shift when the MP3 is on the SD card.
So there seems to be a problem with the Shift specifically, with MP3 playback from the SD card slot.
Has anyone else experienced this?
I have yet to try other music formats, but I'll write up my findings here.
It's disappointing as I don't want to clog up my Shifts hard drive with music files.
Could any of you shift owners do a quick test to see if an MP3 file plays smoothly from an SD card in your shift?

No problem with my 4gb sdhc.

dannyt84 said:
No problem with my 4gb sdhc.
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That's good news. Thanks for taking the time to test that.
Are you running Windows 7?
My device driver reckons the SD driver is up to date.
I'll try installing the SD formatter 3 patch this evening so see if that solves it.

Yes, windows 7. Let us know.

Negative. I installed patch KB976422-x86, rebooted, reformatted the SD card and re-tested. But the same glitchy playback occured.
Hmmm. I'm going to try safe mode or strip down all the services and startup programs to see if any of those is causing it.

Can you try playing with buffering inside the players? Maybe, like when playing big files from the internet on a low bandwith it makes things run not quite so smooth. By the way, what is the bit rate you are using? Playing with the quality of the recording can also have some influence: lower bit rates go smoother through the bus if it is struggling with higher bit rates. I've seen it happening at work with CD/DVD players.

I had high hopes for resolving this problem as I make backup images of my Shifts hard drive from time to time, so I restored an image that was made soon after windows 7 was restored. But the music still played back badly from SD. Even after I uninstalled all unecessary programs and killed unecessary tasks.
So I still haven't resolved this. I had a red herring solution, but it turned out that if I play the SAME mp3 twice, the second play is fine as the file must be cached on my hard drive following the first read.
My next thoughts are with services and the BIOS. My BIOS reads
This is a little surprising as I know the latest HTC released BIOS is I had loaded before when I was Vista, but since installing windows 7 I didn't bother changing the BIOS as I thought it would be independant of the OS and persist. Do Windows 7 installers put the HTC Support BIOS on their shifts?
wovens said:
Can you try playing with buffering inside the players? Maybe, like when playing big files from the internet on a low bandwith it makes things run not quite so smooth. By the way, what is the bit rate you are using? Playing with the quality of the recording can also have some influence: lower bit rates go smoother through the bus if it is struggling with higher bit rates. I've seen it happening at work with CD/DVD players.
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Thankyou Wovens. These are great points which I hadn't considered. My MP3s are 160kbps. Fairly hight but not excessively so.
Buffering and quality will be by next area of investigation.
I have had the very same MP3 music playing smoothly now from the SD Card. Amazingly, this was on my restored latest hard drive image which had ALL my programs installed. What's even stranger is that I didn't do anything specifically to get it working. I just left Windows 7 to rest for a good 10 minutes before attempting to play the music. I have suspicions that the OS 'gets busy' doing someing that interferes with the SD card.
I'm getting there... and I'll post my findings which should hopefully conclude with a culprit and a permanent solution.


music touchflo freezes

hey everyone, i just got my blackstone yesterday and after uploading songs both through sync and manually into the storage card, my songs always freezes once i have an amount of about 50 or more. is this the stock firmware problem? is there a way to fix this?
I had that problem too, songs I dragged to the storage card would just stop after a few seconds of playing in AudioManager, or not play at all.
For me it worked better after I started to sync all songs through active sync and media player. I don't know if it has anything to do with it, but I also just synced about 10 songs at a time and didn't have the audio manager tab open. Because I was scared it would happen again, I didn't put more then 500mb of songs on the storage card yet.
The storage card included with the phone is class2. I wonder, will a class 6 storage card solve these kind of problems better?
Also I wonder, would it help to make a back-up of the AudioManager_Eng.vol after syncing all the songs?
I used to get this on the bog standard crappy Orange ROM that came with the device. It would be fine until I loaded in Santogold by Santogold. Nothing would load after that and if you tried to play anything, it'd freeze up and I'd get an audio manager error or something. In the end, I entered the world of ROM flashing. Has made the phone more usable for sure.
I have the same problem. However, the problem doesn't occur if I bypass the touchflo music interface and use the Windows Media Player that came with it.
music skipping
there are lot of thread relating to this issue, please search the threads
use this official htc hot fix

SD lagg???

I keep looking at other forums and am trying to figure out if the SD card in the problem why the phone freezes? Does anyone know anything about this... Agree or Disagree
ldominguez1986 said:
I keep looking at other forums and am trying to figure out if the SD card in the problem why the phone freezes? Does anyone know anything about this... Agree or Disagree
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I happen to agree, based on the evidence in the half-dozen more threads here discussing that same thing. It'll be pretty easy to determine if that's your issue...try running the phone without the card in it, and see if that makes a difference.
Now, technically, I believe the issue is related to the card, but may not be beacuse of the card itself....it seems like the phone chokes when there's a lot of files on the card and it has to index them. People who install apps to the card seem to experience this (or at least report it) more than people who don't, which would support that theory because installing apps to the card fills it up with files faster (per MB of space) than even moving a bunch of music might...and a large number of files to index could lead to this kind of behavior (theoretically) as opposed to just a card that was "full" by occupied volume. Again, you can test this by starting with an empty card, then filling it up gradually, and seeing if the issue appears at some point in the process.
In my opinion, the commonly-seen lagging issues in these phones may often (but not always) be casued by a combination of factors:
-class-2 card
-high file count on the card
-sense's (and maybe winmo's..?) constant re-indexing of card contents
Now, some people have reported that copying the card's contents to your desktop, reformatting the card, then copying the files back on to it resolves the issue for them. So, bottom line...who knows?
EDIT: here's maybe a better explanation (by example) of what I'm trying to say about the card being "full"...
Example 1: you have a handful of .mkv files ripped straight from bluray on your card, ~2GB each....putting 7 of those files on your (16GB) card would almost fill the available volume. But, since that's a small number of files, it wouldn't take the phone long to index them at all, despite the card being almost completely full. (again, my guess)
Example 2: you install a bunch of apps (say, 30-40), and almost all of them to the card. Even though those apps won't eat a whole lot of space on the card total (far less than 1GB probably), each one can have potentially dozens of individual files installed for it. In this case, the card wouldn't show as being very full (just from the apps anyway), but the large number of files would potentially cause any indexing of the card to slow down in proportion. (guess what...still just my guess) And, a lower-class card could contribute to the slowness in this case too...that bottleneck could multiply the effects.
It may help some people out to hide the program folders on the card from indexing, just to reduce the file count that has to be sorted through, but that's just an idle thought that just occured to me.
sirphunkee said:
I happen to agree, based on the evidence in the half-dozen more threads here discussing that same thing. It'll be pretty easy to determine if that's your issue...try running the phone without the card in it, and see if that makes a difference.
Now, technically, I believe the issue is related to the card, but may not be beacuse of the card itself....it seems like the phone chokes when there's a lot of files on the card and it has to index them. People who install apps to the card seem to experience this (or at least report it) more than people who don't, which would support that theory because installing apps to the card fills it up with files faster (per MB of space) than even moving a bunch of music might...and a large number of files to index could lead to this kind of behavior (theoretically) as opposed to just a card that was "full" by occupied volume. Again, you can test this by starting with an empty card, then filling it up gradually, and seeing if the issue appears at some point in the process.
In my opinion, the commonly-seen lagging issues in these phones may often (but not always) be casued by a combination of factors:
-class-2 card
-high file count on the card
-sense's (and maybe winmo's..?) constant re-indexing of card contents
Now, some people have reported that copying the card's contents to your desktop, reformatting the card, then copying the files back on to it resolves the issue for them. So, bottom line...who knows?
EDIT: here's maybe a better explanation (by example) of what I'm trying to say about the card being "full"...
Example 1: you have a handful of .mkv files ripped straight from bluray on your card, ~2GB each....putting 7 of those files on your (16GB) card would almost fill the available volume. But, since that's a small number of files, it wouldn't take the phone long to index them at all, despite the card being almost completely full. (again, my guess)
Example 2: you install a bunch of apps (say, 30-40), and almost all of them to the card. Even though those apps won't eat a whole lot of space on the card total (far less than 1GB probably), each one can have potentially dozens of individual files installed for it. In this case, the card wouldn't show as being very full (just from the apps anyway), but the large number of files would potentially cause any indexing of the card to slow down in proportion. (guess what...still just my guess) And, a lower-class card could contribute to the slowness in this case too...that bottleneck could multiply the effects.
It may help some people out to hide the program folders on the card from indexing, just to reduce the file count that has to be sorted through, but that's just an idle thought that just occured to me.
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Thank you, I do understand what you mean by the amount of files on the card. By the way, are you havong freezing problems with your phone??
ldominguez1986 said:
Thank you, I do understand what you mean by the amount of files on the card. By the way, are you havong freezing problems with your phone??
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Actually, no...I've had absolutely zero issues with this phone, and I've had it (and used it constantly) for two weeks as of tonight. No freezing, no lag, nada. I don't keep a ton of stuff on my memory card (~15 mp3's, 4 .avi's, and 30-40 archived cabs, small handful of other junk), and I don't install any apps there (though I haven't bothered to remove the stock stuff put there by tmo).
I experience this lag, and altough i kinda agree with the card being the issue at the same time i am kind of hesitant. See the Card is a Class 2 which in theory will have a throughput of about 2mb a sec right? Mine peaks out at about 2.8mbps..... to me thats fast.... so i am not sure but i feel like the choke point is porbably in hardware. Again this is probably all bogus lol.
Like i said i do have this problem too, and i even reformatted my SD card and loaded all my files again. The problem still persist, and i really only notice it when i am listening to music via usb in my car. Also when i am scrolling through the pictures in my gallery(pics are in the SD).
Hope this makes atleast a bit of sense lol.
Disable Document Indexing by editing the registry or using a cab floating around the forums. Do a quick search and you should find it. This eliminates that lag no matter how many files on you SD card, with no degradation of performance opening files on the card that I can see.
nice man, thanks will have to look into that...
I have two HD2s (mine and my wife's). The experience with the two phones couldn't be more different. Mine has been perfect. My wife's has been very problematic. She has experienced slow, laggy performance, freezing that is only cured by pulling the battery, inability to unlock, text messages freezing for a minute plus, etc....... She isn't happy in the least that I convinced her to get rid of her blackberry.
On my wife's phone. I have tried a hard reset, various tweaks from these forums, switching in a 4GB class 6 card, removing the SD card completely and a few other things. Some helped a little but the phone just never worked right. It is currently being replaced by Tmo. With the troubleshooting I did I can't blame the SD card for the problems that phone had.
My phone on the other hand has been great and I have not had any problems with the SD card. I install all my games and non-essential apps to the SD card. I have ~650 MP3s on the card as well as ~900 various files that I take to and from work. There is a little over 8GB of data on the card with all these files. The only lag I have experienced is when switching to the HTC media player it takes a while (< 1 min) for it to index all my music and get to a usable state. I can try swapping in a 4 GB class 6 card to see if it makes a difference though since I have not had a problem I'm not sure I will notice a difference.
jehlinger said:
Disable Document Indexing by editing the registry or using a cab floating around the forums. Do a quick search and you should find it. This eliminates that lag no matter how many files on you SD card, with no degradation of performance opening files on the card that I can see.
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Will that mess with anything on the media player, tho? Like will it still sort the music into albums, artists, etc on the HTC media player?
illconn said:
I experience this lag, and altough i kinda agree with the card being the issue at the same time i am kind of hesitant. See the Card is a Class 2 which in theory will have a throughput of about 2mb a sec right? Mine peaks out at about 2.8mbps..... to me thats fast.... so i am not sure but i feel like the choke point is porbably in hardware. Again this is probably all bogus lol.
Like i said i do have this problem too, and i even reformatted my SD card and loaded all my files again. The problem still persist, and i really only notice it when i am listening to music via usb in my car. Also when i am scrolling through the pictures in my gallery(pics are in the SD).
Hope this makes atleast a bit of sense lol.
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From wikipedia, here's info on the speeds of the different class-ratings for SD cards:
The following are the ratings of some currently available cards:
Class 2: 16 Mbit/s (2 MB/s)
Class 4: 32 Mbit/s (4 MB/s)
Class 6: 48 Mbit/s (6 MB/s)
Class 10: 80 Mbit/s (10 MB/s)
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so, if your transfers are capping out at 2.8Mbps, that's just a hair more than 1/8th of the 2MBps that the card should be able to handle.
jehlinger said:
Disable Document Indexing by editing the registry or using a cab floating around the forums. Do a quick search and you should find it. This eliminates that lag no matter how many files on you SD card, with no degradation of performance opening files on the card that I can see.
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Will the phone work as normal after installing the cab?? I am knew to xda and winmo. Been on android os since it came out. I hate to ask but could someone post the link for that .cab file that fixes the lag
I saw that sirphunkee had posted in another thread that simply turning off your "recent documents" tab in sense should stop the indexing and therefore the lag as well. I had turned off the recent documents tab from almost the start of using the phone. I have not experienced the lag problem so this might be a testament to this working. I will turn it back on and see if things change for the worse throughout the day.
UPDATE: I have a had a little time to play with it during my lunch break. Everything seems to be fine with recent documents tab turned on. The slider seems a little slugish in now, like there is a second of lag before it moves. It doesn't happen all the time and I may not notice if I wasn't looking for it. I can brows just fine in the file explorer, texting isn't a problem other than the clunky interface, all is well so far.
Also of note is that I am running the stock ROM with co0kie's home tab and a slew of other visual mods (mostly transparencies). I also made quite a few changes to memory allocation via registry edits. This might be the difference and worth trying. I made many of the changes noted in this thread, basically all of them after "Suitable for all ROMs" and before "Added 11/2/10". I wish I would have thought about this earlier.

Music player glitch on i9000m... absolutely fed up... solutions?

Hey all,
I typically never register and make my first a complaint/help post, but this problem has been plaguing me ever since I first got my Galaxy S Vibrant from Bell (i9000m) a week ago and now I'm pretty much desperate in looking for a solution, as music listening happens to be a HUGE part of my Smartphone experience. I love the phone with everything else thus far after coming over from iphone 3G and definitely wouldn't want to change the phone just because of this problem... but it's becoming way too persistent for me that I'm actually considering switching back to Apple (even though I don't want to).
Here's the problem: The music player seems absolutely incapable of smooth playback of music for whatever reason. In my ~10 years of music phone experience (I got the first ever mp3 phone released here in Canada - the Samsung Uproar, many years ago actually), this phone is the first to have such problems. Here are some symptoms and settings, music playing on both the stock music player as well as btunes that I downloaded and paid for:
- MP3/AAC files stutter/skip seemingly at random. Not majorly but for half a second or so at different parts of the song. Happens somewhat consistently, every 4 minutes or so, but at random.
- Here's an interesting thing; the ability for FLAC playback is one of the main reasons why I purchased this phone, and so far it's incapable of doing so properly. EACH AND EVERY FLAC song I have stutter/skips at a certain point for 3/4th of a second... and the funny thing is that this seems to occur at exact same point of each song.
- Before any of you question the point, 95% of these are self-ripped FLAC/mp3 files from my own cd's, using EAC. I'm an audiophile and know well how to rip songs properly, so I know this is 100% NOT the problem of the files itself... especially since they play perfectly in every single music player software/mp3 player/cellphone that I've ever used.
- This happens in both stock touchwiz and launcher pro UI that I'm currently using.
- Happens in both stock player and btunes as mentioned earlier. Interesting thing about FLAC files; I mentioned before each files skip at same parts of the song... interestingly the stock player and btunes seem to skip with these files at DIFFERENT parts of the song, yet the part where they stutter/skip is still the same for each player. So for example, Song A would skip on stock player at 3:31 point of the song each time, but that same Song A would skip on btunes at 2:23 point of the song every time...
- I do have beautiful weather widget running, and will test it out soon to see if this is the problem (haven't got around to doing so yet and don't have headphones with me atm)... but even if it is, it would seem appaling to me that a widget and a simple resource-light music player can't coexist... doesn't make sense to me and kind of misses the point of a high end smartphone.
- I'm not going to use Airplane mode as a solution, since this pretty much misses the point of the smartphone as I've said above. Besides, I've tried it already and music STILL stuttered/skipped!
- As I have high end headphones/IEMs such as Audio Technica ESW10JPN and Shure SE530, it's definitely not the headphones, and they work flawlessly in any other player.
- Drag and drop, media player, Kies, you name it... every method of transfer of songs gives the same problem.
- Internal SD card, External SD card... doesn't seem to make a lick of difference either.
- I have the stock JG9 firmware that my phone came with. I would download the new one that is apparently out for my i9000m version (JH2) if Kies ever detects the damn thing (it's never there as an update)...
So any clues on how to solve this annoying problem. As I've said, this is the ONLY problem I've had with my unit (my GPS is fine, and phone runs lag free) and its a darn shame because music playback is a huge part of my smartphone use. Is this likely a firmware problem? Or just a problem with memory use? If I don't have to I'd REALLY rather not root the phone but if that solves it for certain then I'm actually willing to look into it... that's how desperate I am to solve this problem.
I'd appreciate any input in this matter... thanks in advance.
I had the same problem, and pinned it down to one of my widgets hogging all the resources. As soon as I disabled the widget, playback was fine again.
another tip
disable media scan
Tachikoma_kun said:
I had the same problem, and pinned it down to one of my widgets hogging all the resources. As soon as I disabled the widget, playback was fine again.
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I'll be trying this out later on, but seems really sad to me for a phone of this calibre in not being able to handle that if this was true...
AllGamer said:
another tip
disable media scan
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Just a guess but this would require rooting, won't it?
yes, as you need to install another piece of software to do the trick
but you can always Un-root, if you ever need to send your phone for warranty
K_19 said:
I'll be trying this out later on, but seems really sad to me for a phone of this calibre in not being able to handle that if this was true...
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Probably more bad coding of the free widgets rather than the phone not being capable. I can write a 4 line .vbs script that will cane most PC's and drag them to their knees.
Have you done a factory reset? No problems here, love the music player. I have beautiful home also
Sent from my GT-I9000M using XDA App
mine doesnt skip at all even while using gps.. i would recommend that you check your sd card.. maybe bad or too slow..
that is indeed a posibility.
in older devices low speed SD cards can cause data skip
but now in days most SD cards are pretty fast, so the problem shouldn't be there, yet you'll never know, so that's the posibility
Nah. My external micro SD is a class 6 Sandisk, and I'm sure the internal one isn't all that bad either... comes with the phone after all. Pretty sure it isn't the SD Cards as the problem happens on both. Tried the music player without any widgets running, with the phone connected through headphone jack into AUX of my car for about 6 minutes at lunch... and it actually played pretty smoothly... but I'll have to try that out more extensively later, plus try it with FLAC files as well.
Haven't done a factory reset (apparently it doesn't do much for ppl who's had same problems), but I'll be flashing to the JH2 later on today so I'm guessing that'll be more or less the same thing... hoping that it makes some sort of difference.
Alright, I was able to install JH2 firmware and play around with turning off the widgets and such... and it did not do ANYTHING with the FLAC Playback problems. The same tracks always still skip at the same place in the song, and no FLAC files seems to play 100% smoothly... and the tags are still broken. Turning off the widgets don't stop these glitches. MP3's on the other hand seems perfect for the most part unless I missed something... At this point, I'm just inclined to believe that FLAC support for Galaxy at this time is heavily glitched. Does anyone else here have perfect FLAC playback? Totally smooth with perfect tags and everything? If you do, please post the firmware and settings and all that.
Ugh, at least even iphone 4 had a perfect music player and a perfect lossless support, although it's ALAC instead of FLAC... strongly considering it now if the player is going to remain glitched like this. The phone is so excellent besides this, that I'd hate to do that... but music listening just happens to be a big part of my smartphone use.
other users have reported the same findings about FLAC
this is just a software thing, it'll be fixed in no time
K_19 said:
Alright, I was able to install JH2 firmware and play around with turning off the widgets and such... and it did not do ANYTHING with the FLAC Playback problems. The same tracks always still skip at the same place in the song, and no FLAC files seems to play 100% smoothly... and the tags are still broken. Turning off the widgets don't stop these glitches. MP3's on the other hand seems perfect for the most part unless I missed something... At this point, I'm just inclined to believe that FLAC support for Galaxy at this time is heavily glitched. Does anyone else here have perfect FLAC playback? Totally smooth with perfect tags and everything? If you do, please post the firmware and settings and all that.
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I have the same thing too.. I suspect its a scheduling issue or buffering issue. Not sure about your tag issues though, as they work fine for me
AllGamer said:
other users have reported the same findings about FLAC
this is just a software thing, it'll be fixed in no time
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My biggest concern is that FLAC playback is solely Samsung's responsibility apparently (Android apparently doesn't natively support FLAC, so I don't expect Froyo to do much), and I really doubt that it's one of their priorities for fixing at the moment (especially with the whole GPS issue). It's up to Sammy to fix it, but I can't say I have too much faith.
Well, since I've got an android phone and all I think I'll root this phone and play around with the setCPU stuff, and see if that helps. This fixed it for one of the users from what I've read.
I've got no problems playing any FLAC file on my default Samsung player very smooth. I haven't rooted my phone or ever installed custom firmwares. I am running the new official UK firmware XXJM1.
Sandisk Class 4 4GB card.
FLAC Bitrate: 1411Kbps ~ Lossless Audio Codec File
Wow... well, it's at least a good news that someone else can playback FLAC smoothly without any problems... and it also means that if this is true, then its more than likely that this is purely a firmware issue... which means it's more than possible for Samsung to fix this.
Factory reset solved media issues for several people I know of. So if you didn't reset your phone when you got it, do so now and chances are you are rid of the problem.
Sent from my personal Dis-organizer GT-I9000
mickeko said:
Factory reset solved media issues for several people I know of. So if you didn't reset your phone when you got it, do so now and chances are you are rid of the problem.
Sent from my personal Dis-organizer GT-I9000
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I've flashed to a new firmware since I first got it. Wouldn't this technically be the same thing as factory reset since the initial firmware/contents got wiped out clean and replaced by a brand new one? And even after that unfortunately the audio problems still remain for me...
Try putting the music onto external sd card. Had audio skipping problems after installing one click click lag fix and went crazy trying to figure it out.
Sent from my Apple Newton 2100
ickyboo said:
Try putting the music onto external sd card. Had audio skipping problems after installing one click click lag fix and went crazy trying to figure it out.
Sent from my Apple Newton 2100
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It's been on external SD card since the second day. Doesn't seem to matter for me at all since the files skip the same way on both internal and external card.
I'm going to go to the Bell Store anyway today (to discuss phone plan stuff), so I think I'll take my SD card with me and try the demo models to see if there are same playback problems on those. I really doubt this is due to hardware but hey, since I'll be there anyway, why not.

MP4 Corrupted when transferring

I've just tried to transfer my photos/videos from my phone but the video files wont transfer as they are corrupted, I've had partial success by transferring them through wifi to dropbox but when playing the files they have parts missing and stutter. I've tried transferring them through windows 10 and on a mac with similar results.
Strange thing is the videos play fine on the device??
The phone has been encrypted and the videos are in 4k - the memory card was bought from argos so I'm guessing its not a fake, the model was "SanDisk Ultra 80MBs MicroSD Memory Card - 128GB"
Wonder if anyone has any suggestions what could be causing this or how to fix it.
Just an update, I managed to transfer the files to Google drive but it seems to have converted them to HD. Also the files have a few popping sounds on them which could be where the files are corrupted.
I've ordered a better memory card to see if this stops the problem.
Can anyone think how to get the files from the phone as I'd like them even if they have slight sound errora on them - they are family videos.
neeiro said:
Just an update, I managed to transfer the files to Google drive but it seems to have converted them to HD. Also the files have a few popping sounds on them which could be where the files are corrupted.
I've ordered a better memory card to see if this stops the problem.
Can anyone think how to get the files from the phone as I'd like them even if they have slight sound errora on them - they are family videos.
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Found this thread Googling - it's almost an entire year old but thought I'd post anyway
If you can still play the video on your phone all the way through (I just skipped through sections), open the video in the stock editor and export it.
It'll drop the quality a touch, but it's nothing you'll even notice, which will save you some space too.

Playback halts abruptly - all video apps

Not posted in a while as I've been largely enjoying the Mojo trouble free. However yesterday I was watching one of my video files using SPMC and it just stopped, sending me back to the video selection screen in SPMC. I'm using a 2Tb WD USB hard drive, on my Mojo is CM 12.1, and SPMC is my usual choice to play files back.
This was an MP4, 1080p at 2.7Gb, and this was a 3 hour movie, which ceased playback at the 2 hour 15 minute mark. I attempted to resume to playback, but it seemed to try and then immediately dumped me back again.
My first thought was it must be a corrupt file, so I tried it on my PC but there were no issues. I go back to the Mojo to try restarting the film from the beginning again, skipping ahead to the troublesome part, but it stopped again at exactly the same moment.
I then tried VLC, and to my surprise I found this was exactly the same. Playback ceased at the same point exactly.
So now I'm worried it's the drive, so I decide to plug it into my Raspberry Pi which is running the latest OSMC, and to my surprise it's fine. Playback is trouble free. Plugging the drive into my PC to play the file reveals it plays fine. It has to be the Mojo, but it must be a global setting or something. I've tried clearing the app cache, but it's made no difference. To be honest I don't really know where to look next. Can anyone help? Thanks all.
tl;dr: File plays fine on PC and Raspberry Pi, stops abruptly on Mojo using SPMC or VLC. Must be a setting somewhere to fix. Help!
Well now here's an interesting discovery to make after several months of ownership! I always was slow on the uptake...
It seems on further inspection that the Mojo/CM 12.1 doesn't like any of my "large" files above 2.5Gb. I have tried some others around that size and larger, and they are all the same. The are slow to use (skipping forward etc.), and then just give up so far into playback. My drive is formatted NTFS, so I don't think that's the issue.
I'm really hoping there's something I can do to fix this.
Aaaand on even further inspection, file size has nothing to do with it. There's a number of files that just won't play very nicely, big or small. They lag when skipping through, and then cease so far into playback.
I'd read that Android wasn't so great with video codecs generally, and this must be what they mean. Can't believe I didn't notice it before.
I had the same issue with videos over 2GB. It is an issue with NTFS. The same files played fine on a FAT32 drive. I have since gone to using a NTFS NAS instead. Works flawlessly with Kodi.
Thanks for replying. I've ended up simply remuxing and replacing those problematic files, which seems to have resolved the issue. It's a pity, but I am finding the Mojo a very fussy and particular system indeed. What a shame, as it is so capable at hardware level.
Tried playing the file with Kodi?
That's usually my fix to those type of situations.
AndroidSupaFan said:
Tried playing the file with Kodi?
That's usually my fix to those type of situations.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Sorry for late reply. Yes all the video apps show the same result, which means it must be the system. I've read up a little on this and have discovered other folks with similar issues when using Android for video playback. I'm fine now anyway - like I say, I remuxed these troublesome files and made them smaller but no less qualitative. Some of them were quite big for DVD rips (around 3-4Gb) and did not need to be so. Thank god for Handbrake! It worked out well in the end as my drive was beginning to be pressed for space with so many of these, and I've managed to free up 70Gb just by being a little bit more conservative.

