Definately no Windows Mobile 7 for HD2?? - HD2 General

I work in the industry and we had a vist from Windowsphone Rep today and he confirmed, no matter how much i argued the subject with info, that the HD2 will not be getting WinMo 7 update, this, as he explained was due to minimum requirement of device for WinMo 7 and the HD2 does not match the hardware requirements, namely the graphic accellerator chipset on board is not compatable with inbuilt use of things like Silverlight which is going to be a feature of WM7????
What he did confirm is some of the things WinMo7 will be able to do, like gaming, start the game on PC, continue on your XBox and if you want log on and finish on the WinMo7 phone.....
so there you go...... question is was he telling the truth or just BS'ing????

Sounds like win mo 7 is going to be pants man. I think I'll be keeping my hd2 for as long as possible and going for the 4th gen iphone

I have waited to get HD2 for over 6 months since it came out in Europe. Playing with in the phone in the store and reading various different forums and posts. I have decided to get a device that will be supported in the long run. I'm thinking of getting a HTC Incredible from Verizon over HD2.

fygtbug said:
I work in the industry and we had a vist from Windowsphone Rep today and he confirmed, no matter how much i argued the subject with info, that the HD2 will not be getting WinMo 7 update, this, as he explained was due to minimum requirement of device for WinMo 7 and the HD2 does not match the hardware requirements, namely the graphic accellerator chipset on board is not compatable with inbuilt use of things like Silverlight which is going to be a feature of WM7????
What he did confirm is some of the things WinMo7 will be able to do, like gaming, start the game on PC, continue on your XBox and if you want log on and finish on the WinMo7 phone.....
so there you go...... question is was he telling the truth or just BS'ing????
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this was confirmed like on mix 10? (15. march)
-but there will likely be an unofficial WP7 port-

My HD2 will probably be my last Winmo based phone, this is not to say I don't love my HD2 as I do. There are only a few things I like about the upcoming W7PS the rest IMO looks bloody aweful, it is like it's designed for a child. If HTC ever develope another phone based on Winmo and manage to cover the Winmo7 with a newer type of Sense, I'll reconsider .
Other than that I don't give a dam about W7PS, all hype and I'd put money on it being a spectacular failure. Microsoft tend to 'hit or miss' with most things they do, just like HTC really .
I'm not looking forward to the day when I need replace my LEO, as I do think it's awesome just the way it is now .

xavierdemon said:
My HD2 will probably be my last Winmo based phone, this is not to say I don't love my HD2 as I do. There are only a few things I like about the upcoming W7PS the rest IMO looks bloody aweful, it is like it's designed for a child. If HTC ever develope another phone based on Winmo and manage to cover the Winmo7 with a newer type of Sense, I'll reconsider .
Other than that I don't give a dam about W7PS, all hype and I'd put money on it being a spectacular failure. Microsoft tend to 'hit or miss' with most things they do, just like HTC really .
I'm not looking forward to the day when I need replace my LEO, as I do think it's awesome just the way it is now .
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I agree and feel the same way 100%.


class action against HTC/Microsoft?

What do you guys think of getting involved in a class action against HTC/Microsoft if HD2 is not allowed WP7? Now that WP7 is announced, many software companies are going to stop (or already stopped) developing for WinMo 6.5 and we are left outside with an already bricked 2 month old device (it's not even out for USA). I don't like paying $1.000 (yes it is that expensive where I live) for a device which will be outdated in 2 months. HTC and Microsoft should be more loyal to their customers than that. What do you all think?
HTC and Microsoft never promised a WP7S upgrade.
If you're thinking about raising a class action for something that wasn't in the contract of sale, you are, as we say in Scotland, an eejit (idiot).
Sell your HD2 now and be phone-less for 6 months, then buy a Wp7s capable phone. Or at the very least wait for an official announcement on whether it will be upgradable or not.
they never promised an upgrade, but they never said that we won't be able to use WP7 apps as well. Even when you buy a desktop PC with Windows, you're given the option of free upgrade when the new OS is imminent, else no one would buy. And that's when you can still perfectly use all the new applications on your old OS. Don't you feel kinda being cheated, is it only me??
bricked device? it still works doesn't it? you've got a year or so before 7 really hits the mass market, that doesn't stop your phone from working NOW.
do you look at cars the same way? I got my Renault Laguna, it's made in 2001 but I'm not moaning because they don't let me upgrade to the nice shiny 2010 model engine just because i have an older version.
I don't get the complaining about being able to have 7 on their phone when clearly it doesn't have the hardware (4 point multi touch, 3 buttons etc) that windows 7 needs.
I'm sure MS or HTC will take the OS as far as they feel like before 7 rolls out and I would not doubt that some of the clever code monkeys here on XDA will be able to cook up a fantastic 7 ROM that will work in some way on our currently working and rather impressive HD2's
why are people complaining about not having win7 available on the device when it is out in about 7 months time? Did you buy the HD2 SOLELY on the basis it would have this upgrade in OS? Did HTC promise you that it was going to upgraded to win7 when it came out?
ozkaya said:
they never promised an upgrade, but they never said that we won't be able to use WP7 apps as well. Even when you buy a desktop PC with Windows, you're given the option of free upgrade when the new OS is imminent, else no one would buy. And that's when you can still perfectly use all the new applications on your old OS. Don't you feel kinda being cheated, is it only me??
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WP7 is not new version of WM6.5. Call it Zune Phone and it all becomes clear.
And even if free upgrade is offered sometimes with desktop computers, it clearly is stated as a part of the contract. Here it was not. If you don't like it, you should have not bought it.
I had thought of hanging on to my Touch Pro until WP7 came out. I ended up getting the HD2 and I've never had so much fun with a phone.
We are spoiled rotten in this community. I can get my device to do anything I want it to do and a few things I hadn't even thought of thanks to the hard work, generosity and smarts of the good people who contribute to these forums.
Come on! We don't even know if we will like WP7 yet! Enjoy the amazing device you have. Modify it, flash it, load a thousand apps on it if you like.
By the time WP7 is stable, usable and has a load of good apps, we'll probably be good and ready for an upgrade.
If the HD2 does everything you need in a phone what does it matter if it will run 7 or not? Especially if HTC never promised it would.
If its just for epeen status you're gonna look like gypsy joe anyway come the time trying to run a new OS on an old phone. Either way I am sure some bright spark on XDA will make 7 run on the HD2.
Also remember that WP7 is brand new OS with no applications at all. It will take at least a year till it will start to be usable for basic operation. We don't know how hard it will be to adapt actual applications. It might be minor modifications, it might be totally impossible, and everything would have to be done from the scratch.
Yes .. we all want new better WM .. but WP7 is just not that.
How many more threads are we going to get on the same subject.
WM6.5.5 is NOT being withdrawn and will continue to support the business users. From what i've seen of wm7, its "pants" and not suitable for business use, but thats my opinion.
I find it difficult to beleive that so many of you purchased the phone based on the pretence that it would be upgraded to WM7. At the end of the day, you will get it anyway - albeit not from HTC but from XDA.
ardsar said:
How many more threads are we going to get on the same subject.
WM6.5.5 is NOT being withdrawn and will continue to support the business users. From what i've seen of wm7, its "pants" and not suitable for business use, but thats my opinion.
I find it difficult to beleive that so many of you purchased the phone based on the pretence that it would be upgraded to WM7. At the end of the day, you will get it anyway - albeit not from HTC but from XDA.
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you are right but most applications developers stoped developing for wm6.5 and starts to develope for the upcoming wp7 series so it is wm6.5 end (but not in an official way)
reasons why this bull
1 in the box which my htc hd2 was piece of paper saying that this phone would get a upgrade to wm7
2 there footage of wm7 on the htc hd2
3 the fact that ms always denie all rumours about all their products
4 no device has 4 point mutil touch if was the case this would be a big deal for microsoft as apple owns the patents for true mutil touch screens
5 windows specs change all the time and this is true for all software
6 the htc hd2 pro is coming out and professionals would want wm7
a piece of paper may say they will do 7 but maybe the rules changed and they discovered in the full release version they can't run wm7
i'm sure the initial idea was great but reality has deemed the hd2 not suitable for wm7
would a pro want an OS that's not allowing backward compatibility of their "pro" apps? no so maybe they'll stick with 6.5xxxx
have you actually tried wm7 yet? all this fuss and it might turn out to be rubbish then i guess you'll bring another class action against MS to say you want 6.5 back
whether it be Apple/MS/HTC they can't please everyone but to rant about it BEFORE the OS is out is pretty pointless. think logically rather than throw toys from pram please
I think WP7 will be business oriented. Only think they can do better then the others would be exchange synchronization. Otherwise I see no reason why would anybody buy it. And before new apps are done for it, iPhone will have new version, Android will be at 3.0 and another players may show up.
ozkaya said:
What do you guys think of getting involved in a class action against HTC/Microsoft if HD2 is not allowed WP7? Now that WP7 is announced, many software companies are going to stop (or already stopped) developing for WinMo 6.5 and we are left outside with an already bricked 2 month old device (it's not even out for USA). I don't like paying $1.000 (yes it is that expensive where I live) for a device which will be outdated in 2 months. HTC and Microsoft should be more loyal to their customers than that. What do you all think?
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Sorry guys, I couldn't help it
this forum gets dumber by the day.
I'll Stick with 6.5!
Why does anyone want WP7 anyway? My phone works just the way I want it (now, after a few problems initially), it is fast, looks great and makes most other phones look like they were just dug up in an episode of Time Team!
I have just about every app I could want, running beautifully and doing pretty much everything I could ever need. If I was offered WP7 today I would say no! An untried OS with no software support for at least another 6 months (after release) and we don't know how customizable or flexible it will be... I'd be mad to jump ship from 6.5!
When I know what the new OS actually is, when I know I can get all the software I require and that I can make the phone the way I want it and that the OS is something I actually like THEN... I'll have a new device that will have even more bells and whistles and this won't be an issue...
scottmo said:
Why does anyone want WP7 anyway? My phone works just the way I want it (now, after a few problems initially), it is fast, looks great and makes most other phones look like they were just dug up in an episode of Time Team!
I have just about every app I could want, running beautifully and doing pretty much everything I could ever need. If I was offered WP7 today I would say no! An untried OS with no software support for at least another 6 months (after release) and we don't know how customizable or flexible it will be... I'd be mad to jump ship from 6.5!
When I know what the new OS actually is, when I know I can get all the software I require and that I can make the phone the way I want it and that the OS is something I actually like THEN... I'll have a new device that will have even more bells and whistles and this won't be an issue...
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why would you like to stay with un supported version of os ,as wp7 arrives developers will stop developing for wm6.5
ardsar said:
How many more threads are we going to get on the same subject.
WM6.5.5 is NOT being withdrawn and will continue to support the business users. From what i've seen of wm7, its "pants" and not suitable for business use, but thats my opinion.
I find it difficult to beleive that so many of you purchased the phone based on the pretence that it would be upgraded to WM7. At the end of the day, you will get it anyway - albeit not from HTC but from XDA.
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+1 -CLASS ACTION? That is so laughable! End these threads please it just annoying to guess at everything. Wait for the MIX '10 and listen to then as to what they want to say. Until then no more threads about WP7 upgrades on HD2...wahh.wahhh.wahhh...
There goes another 2 minutes of my life. When will I learn....

No Mobile 7 upgrade!!!!

So, I just got off the phone with TMob support and found out that my new phone will NOT qualify for Windows Mobile 7 later this year. Needless to say I am pretty upset about this, but I am torn because I LOVE this phone...I do have the option to return the phone for a full refund.
Should I dump it and wait for Sprints Version with Android or roll the dice and mod the hell out of it???
I can't stand Windows 6.5, but fear hosing my phone with heavy mods...
I was thinking of getting the HTC EVO/Supersonic as well but its a non GSM phone
i am sure it will get ported to this device.
oshizzle1991 said:
i am sure it will get ported to this device.
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I was thinking the same thing (porting android) since the devices are almost identical aside from the 8 megapixel camera, hardware buttons and physical size. Oh yea and sim card vs no sim card
oshizzle1991 said:
i am sure it will get ported to this device.
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Its already been ported to the HD2. I'm not sure why people want WP7 it sucks compared to 6.5.X. WP7 is so locked down with no multitasking, copy n paste, and restricted install on apps. Granted something like side loaded apps will be taken care of with cooked roms but no multitasking or copy n paste is big problem for me.
I'm sorry but all I want to say is SRSLY? I hope you didn't really just find out about this, this has been all over tech blogs, here and tmonews for months, even before the HD2 was released, just give it time and it will be ported.
Ahanix said:
I'm sorry but all I want to say is SRSLY? I hope you didn't really just find out about this, this has been all over tech blogs, here and tmonews for months, even before the HD2 was released, just give it time and it will be ported.
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Yup, he's right. More than likely it will be ported sooner or later. Same goes for Android on HD2. Dunno when though. Still don't let it stop you from enjoying the HD2.
Well the joke is on me for sure...Thanks for all the comments and I will have to make the decision to join the fun and make this phone really rock or wait for the next generation...I am please with Tmob and their understanding to let me out of my contact with a full refund...good customer services for sure
bigworm460 said:
So, I just got off the phone with TMob support and found out that my new phone will NOT qualify for Windows Mobile 7 later this year. Needless to say I am pretty upset about this, but I am torn because I LOVE this phone...I do have the option to return the phone for a full refund.
Should I dump it and wait for Sprints Version with Android or roll the dice and mod the hell out of it???
I can't stand Windows 6.5, but fear hosing my phone with heavy mods...
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If you can't stand WinMo6.5, you should consider returning it. Their won't be fully-functional ports of either WinPhone 7 or Android until at least the end of the year, maybe longer(probably). This is a WinMo6.5 phone... why did you get it in the first place if you can stand WinMo? If you want an Android phone, get an Android phone. If you want WinPhone 7, wait for a WinPhone 7 phone.
Has no one seen this video? The HD2 has already had WP7 ported to it. Everything is working except the video drivers are beta so it runs kinda slow.
speoples20 said:
Has no one seen this video? The HD2 has already had WP7 ported to it. Everything is working except the video drivers are beta so it runs kinda slow.
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It hasn't been released, and it's debated whether it's real or not. And it was never stated that everything was working, plus without good video drivers, it won't be very useful.
From what I have heard and seen...6.5 > 7
Besides...7 will not be out till probably Q4 and thats not to say that TmoUs will have a Winmo 7 device at launch.
TmoUS now gives full handset discounts after 1 year, and I myself have 4 lines on my account...2 of which are still available for a full upgrade after I upgraded my line to get the I dont think there is much to worry about here.
Besides...I have no doubt is the abilities of the XDA cooks
I say keep it! the Hd2 has a bright future with the ppl of Xda on top of it.
Stick it out man.. its gonna have wp7 and android later on for sure.. i have no doubt.
Mod it dude.. you can get it just how you want almost. theres is many roms and mods and theres no limit.
I say keep your phone because it's a great machine and 6.5 can be good. As far as android and WP7S go it could be a long wait. Android is in progress but there is a lot of work to do.
On the Windows Phone 7 Series side I wish people would stop promising that XDA will port it over for this phone. We don't know. There is a video of some reliable people claiming they have it partly working but until we have something we can install it is all rumor.
bigworm460 said:
So, I just got off the phone with TMob support and found out that my new phone will NOT qualify for Windows Mobile 7 later this year. Needless to say I am pretty upset about this, but I am torn because I LOVE this phone...I do have the option to return the phone for a full refund.
Should I dump it and wait for Sprints Version with Android or roll the dice and mod the hell out of it???
I can't stand Windows 6.5, but fear hosing my phone with heavy mods...
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It was widely known that the HD2 wouldn't get a WP7 update weeks before it ever came to t-mobile (why do you think they're selling it so cheaply?)
That being said, there's a good chance that an unofficial WP7 and/or Android port will come to the HD2 in the future. The biggest question is how long it will take for this to finally happen...and if by the time it does, you would have moved onto a new device or not.
Supposedly WP7 has already been ported to the HD2, but there isn't any solid confirmation that its real. On the other hand, there isn't any solid confirmation that its fake either.
If you don't like Windows Mobile, then I would return the device to t-mobile, rather than going through the mind f*ck of waiting for a port to come. I don't know why anyone bought the HD2 without being absolutely sure they could stand Windows Mobile. I don't know why anyone would buy a device on the *chance* that it would be upgradable to a new OS.
WP7 will not be perfect
I agree with many ppl here that WP7 will be less functional than 6.5 mainly because of its interface.. I know that having tiles for every single app and scrolling vertically in order to find the app at the bottom would not be nice...
However, putting all the negatives of WP7 aside, the only reason I would want it running on my HD2 is mainly for the apps... lets face it, Microsoft is going to go crazy on new applications and all the developers are gonna support WP7 once it comes out... so all I want is application support as HD2 has all the hardware required to run the apps for WP7...
Love the HD2 and WM6.5, just want more and better looking apps... there are many good ones out but I would love it if I had the option to pick between similar apps...
I'm a software developer and let me tell you, working on applications for the .net 3.5 CF is horrible. For me, WP7's support for both silverlight and XNA is probably the biggest draw for me. Plus the XBOX Live integration will be killer. I saw a demo of the same application running on the phone and on the xbox and the dev said that 90% of the code stayed thed same. That is a HUGE win.
I think that the quality, look and feel, availability, and discoverability of apps is the the main reason for WP7.
WM 6.5 is a computer, and I use it like a computer. I had an iPhone before my HD2 and even though it was limited, slower, smaller, locked, etc the fact that I could search for an app and find exactly what I was looking for in seconds ON THE PHONE and have it work and consistantly look good is what I miss most. That is what WP7 is bringing to the table, and if numbers are any indication, that's what people want. Just look at market share trends.
Dream setup: Dual boot WPClassic and WP7.
bigworm460 said:
So, I just got off the phone with TMob support and found out that my new phone will NOT qualify for Windows Mobile 7 later this year. Needless to say I am pretty upset about this, but I am torn because I LOVE this phone...I do have the option to return the phone for a full refund.
Should I dump it and wait for Sprints Version with Android or roll the dice and mod the hell out of it???
I can't stand Windows 6.5, but fear hosing my phone with heavy mods...
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Wait, you just found this out YESTERDAY?!?!? Wow. How was life under that rock? Fear not. While it might not be an "official" update, there is promising video out there that shows WM7 running on the HD2.
My questions is why in the blue blazes anyone would want that iPhone clone is beyond me.
My second question is if you can't stand 6.5 why did you get the HD2? If you can't stand it, take that sucker back.

Tmobile hd2 and Android (Noob)

ive got my tm htc hd2....and i gotta say its an amazing phones in both hardware and software, however, only problem, of course, is the OS (wm6.5) be sux (I was using iphone) even with HTC sense wm 6.5 is disappointing....and Microsoft just announced that hd2 will not be upgradeable to wm7 which was like wt* anyways...
I heard that android platform is being developed...or it is already available.....
is it? I just wanted to discuss about updates and upgrades that are available..for this phone...for if wm7 comes out..i think wm6.5 and older versions will be like me out and give me some tips and current situations about this issue..
takgeun68 said:
ive got my tm htc hd2....and i gotta say its an amazing phones in both hardware and software, however, only problem, of course, is the OS (wm6.5) be sux (I was using iphone) even with HTC sense wm 6.5 is disappointing....and Microsoft just announced that hd2 will not be upgradeable to wm7 which was like wt* anyways...
I heard that android platform is being developed...or it is already available.....
is it? I just wanted to discuss about updates and upgrades that are available..for this phone...for if wm7 comes out..i think wm6.5 and older versions will be like me out and give me some tips and current situations about this issue..
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The HD2 runs WM 6.5, if you dont like it take it back. Get the nexus 1, Sprint Evo or Incredible, you have choices rather than starting another thread about how much you think WM sucks!!!
takgeun68 said:
ive got my tm htc hd2....and i gotta say its an amazing phones in both hardware and software, however, only problem, of course, is the OS (wm6.5) be sux (I was using iphone) even with HTC sense wm 6.5 is disappointing....and Microsoft just announced that hd2 will not be upgradeable to wm7 which was like wt* anyways...
I heard that android platform is being developed...or it is already available.....
is it? I just wanted to discuss about updates and upgrades that are available..for this phone...for if wm7 comes out..i think wm6.5 and older versions will be like me out and give me some tips and current situations about this issue..
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Why did you get the HD2 if you hate WinMobile? There will be phone of similar specs coming out for all the OS's soon enough. It will be a long time before there is a fully functional android port. If you can't use WinMo and be happy with it, take it back and don't bash an operating system we love and use on this forum. WinMo 6.5 is the last great open and versatile OS left... it can do more than any other mobile OS is capable of atm and it is so much more customizable. Personally, I think Iphone is crap. Barely customizable and the OS makes it look like a childs toy. Dumbed down to the point that a child can use it as a toy!
Also, a search would have answered your questions a lot quicker than starting a new post and waiting for replies... which you had to assume would be negative towards you as you are saying that WinMo is crap in a WinMo forum...
well....sorry if you thought i was just saying wm sucks but I got hd2 cuz of wm7....well...i am not saying wm is suck to the all the way is true its no t good compare to android and iphone OS. so all that i am saying is this " I bought HD2 cuz WM6.5 will be upgrade to WM7 but its not confirmed, so I dont want to be stuck with dead platform of older is there any news or tweaks so i can make this much more better" I also said i am noob....(I have used 6.1...really...wasnt great experience.... so...I dont know much about the world of plz give me some tips? i guess)
takgeun68 said:
well....sorry if you thought i was just saying wm sucks but I got hd2 cuz of wm7....well...i am not saying wm is suck to the all the way is true its no t good compare to android and iphone OS.
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It depends on what your uses and expectations are. In some aspects WM is inferior to iphone osx and android. In other aspects, the HD2 blows both of them out of the water.
I have an iPhone too, and for my uses, the HD2 is a far more capable phone.
takgeun68 said:
so all that i am saying is this " I bought HD2 cuz WM6.5 will be upgrade to WM7 but its not confirmed, so I dont want to be stuck with dead platform of older is there any news or tweaks so i can make this much more better" I also said i am noob....(I have used 6.1...really...wasnt great experience.... so...I dont know much about the world of plz give me some tips? i guess)
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It was confirmed that the HD2 would not be upgradable to WP7 weeks before it came to T-Mobile USA. No offense, but that was probably something you should have confirmed fully before you spent all that money.
That being said, WM is a very capable, customizable OS. I didn't like my HD2 nearly as much when I first got it as I do now. After tweaking it over the past couple of weeks, I can say with complete honesty that other than the apps, the HD2 runs laps around my iPhone. Its faster, has a better web browser, and thanks to sense, all my core functions easily accesible. No need to open a SMS app, an e-mail app, a twitter app etc etc. All those functions are laid out in front of you. The interface is also much sleeker looking and attractive overall. The iPhones interface is really showing its age.
If you want to get the most of your phone, flash the ROM. I'm using Energy ROM with cookies home tab 1.7. Its a straight-forward, easy to use ROM. The interfaced is tweaked to make it easier to its very stable...haven't had a crash since I installed it. There wasn't much else I needed to do to my HD2 after flashing to this ROM.
takgeun68 said:
well....sorry if you thought i was just saying wm sucks but I got hd2 cuz of wm7....well...i am not saying wm is suck to the all the way is true its no t good compare to android and iphone OS. so all that i am saying is this " I bought HD2 cuz WM6.5 will be upgrade to WM7 but its not confirmed, so I dont want to be stuck with dead platform of older is there any news or tweaks so i can make this much more better" I also said i am noob....(I have used 6.1...really...wasnt great experience.... so...I dont know much about the world of plz give me some tips? i guess)
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The HD2 will not have an official WinPhone 7 upgrade. I'd prefer WinMo 6.5 anyways. And I think compared to android and iphone, Windows mobile is much better, more versatile, and much more powerful. I admit it's not as user friendly. You might want to return it if you don't like WM.
Return your phone, get the Nexus 1 or Evo. Or wait for the iPhone 4g.
told ya 2 every week
I think the constant bombardment of threads asking about android ports to HD2 is getting annoying but at the same time it just goes to show how much more annoying the current WM OS is. I realize all you hardcore WM fans laugh at everybody who seems to get pulled into the HD2 hype but its really disappointing for some of us who did come from a phone that was a lot simpler where we didn't have to fight with the phone just to send a text message or surf the web. I want to believe in my phone but when I'm willing to go back to the simplistic nature of the iPhone 3G (and I'm not alone), it just goes to show how much WM just isn't. Someone said that you can do more on WM then you can on the iPhone OS. True it may not be locked down near as much as the iPhone is but the iPhone has some of the best applications on any phone out in the market. And a lot of that is due to the fact that the iPhone is locked down and due to Apple's strict app approval process. Then you look at Microsoft Marketplace and its a joke. Some of the apps that are for sale (don't even get me started on that) are so old, they aren't even useful anymore. The only thing the HD2 has going for it is its powerhouse performance and the awesome mods that seem to think that the HD2 can be better.
I am not hating the HD2 or even the WM OS. I just think that if Windows looked at what Apple has done and try to improve on that, things would be a whole lot better. Everybody mods their phones. Even iPhones get jailbroken. But atleast the majority of the apps that are in Cydia are not there to fix problems that are wrong with the iPhone OS; but to improve upon it. The majority of the apps for WM devices are there to correct problems with the phones.
SEscobedo said:
I think the constant bombardment of threads asking about android ports to HD2 is getting annoying but at the same time it just goes to show how much more annoying the current WM OS is. I realize all you hardcore WM fans laugh at everybody who seems to get pulled into the HD2 hype but its really disappointing for some of us who did come from a phone that was a lot simpler where we didn't have to fight with the phone just to send a text message or surf the web. I want to believe in my phone but when I'm willing to go back to the simplistic nature of the iPhone 3G (and I'm not alone), it just goes to show how much WM just isn't. Someone said that you can do more on WM then you can on the iPhone OS. True it may not be locked down near as much as the iPhone is but the iPhone has some of the best applications on any phone out in the market. And a lot of that is due to the fact that the iPhone is locked down and due to Apple's strict app approval process. Then you look at Microsoft Marketplace and its a joke. Some of the apps that are for sale (don't even get me started on that) are so old, they aren't even useful anymore. The only thing the HD2 has going for it is its powerhouse performance and the awesome mods that seem to think that the HD2 can be better.
I am not hating the HD2 or even the WM OS. I just think that if Windows looked at what Apple has done and try to improve on that, things would be a whole lot better. Everybody mods their phones. Even iPhones get jailbroken. But atleast the majority of the apps that are in Cydia are not there to fix problems that are wrong with the iPhone OS; but to improve upon it. The majority of the apps for WM devices are there to correct problems with the phones.
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Microsoft is doing exactly what apple does with their WinPhone7. They're making it locked down and more user friendly for everyday people. I'd prefer WinMo 6.5, though. And there are lots who agree. I don't have any problems using WinMo, and can do everything with ease. I don't want Microsoft to "look at what apple has done and improve on that". WinMo is exactly the way I want it to be. If they locked it down and made it easier like apple, it would not be as functional and versatile as it is. It won't be as customizable. To gain simplicity, you'll lose versatility.I don't want that. If you want something like the iphone, get an iphone. Don't say MS should change their OS to be like apples (which actually they are doing for future releases, unfortunately). If you want something simpler, get something simpler. I wanted a new WinMobile phone, so thats why I got an HD2. Why did you get an HD2? Because of hype? There's hype about the iphone 3gs... why didn't you get that? You should still do research on a phone even if there is hype. You should choose a smartphone based on what operating system you use, just like you would a computer. You wouldn't buy a linux based computer that you didn't know how to use, would you?
zarathustrax said:
Microsoft is doing exactly what apple does with their WinPhone7. They're making it locked down and more user friendly for everyday people. I'd prefer WinMo 6.5, though. And there are lots who agree. I don't have any problems using WinMo, and can do everything with ease. I don't want Microsoft to "look at what apple has done and improve on that". WinMo is exactly the way I want it to be. If they locked it down and made it easier like apple, it would not be as functional and versatile as it is. It won't be as customizable. To gain simplicity, you'll lose versatility.I don't want that. If you want something like the iphone, get an iphone. Don't say MS should change their OS to be like apples (which actually they are doing for future releases, unfortunately). If you want something simpler, get something simpler. I wanted a new WinMobile phone, so thats why I got an HD2. Why did you get an HD2? Because of hype? There's hype about the iphone 3gs... why didn't you get that? You should still do research on a phone even if there is hype. You should choose a smartphone based on what operating system you use, just like you would a computer. You wouldn't buy a linux based computer that you didn't know how to use, would you?
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actually I traded the iphone 3gs 32gb for my hd2. and yes I did check out all the reviews and video comparisons that you tube and engadget had to offer. iphone killer? hardly. hardware specs yes but it's like taking a Bugati and replacing the software that runs it with that of a ford taurus. and you can't blame HTC as the hardware is working just fine. you say your phone is working just fine but for every person that saying their phone is fine, there are 5 threads stating otherwise. you can have winmo however you like it, I just want my phone to work out of the box without having to reboot it 3 times a day.
And it's pretty sad that HTC has to create a mask to cover winmo's looks. It's like me putting a mask over my girlfriend's face because I'm too embarrassed to be around her. what is the point of marrying a product with an operating system if even the manufacturer is embarrassed for users to see it?
SEscobedo said:
actually I traded the iphone 3gs 32gb for my hd2. and yes I did check out all the reviews and video comparisons that you tube and engadget had to offer. iphone killer? hardly. hardware specs yes but it's like taking a Bugati and replacing the software that runs it with that of a ford taurus. and you can't blame HTC as the hardware is working just fine. you say your phone is working just fine but for every person that saying their phone is fine, there are 5 threads stating otherwise. you can have winmo however you like it, I just want my phone to work out of the box without having to reboot it 3 times a day.
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People usually only post when there's problems. You don't find most people posting that there phone works fine and has no problems. For every 5 threads of people complaining, theres probably hundreds of happy users. And what are you talking about iphone killer? Its a completely different kind of phone and os for completely different types of users. If you were an iphone user, why did you trade it for the HD2? Why don't you go back to iphone if you don't like WinMo?
HD2 will get Android, make no mistake about it, the community will make it happen. The real issue here is when it will get it.
If you got the phone to put Android on it right now, then it's not the phone for your. If you got it because you wanted an Android phone with the best specs, then by the time Android is running perfectly on the device there'll be better, faster phones.
I got it because I wanted Android on it, but I want to get Android on it myself. I got it as a sort of hobby because now I'll be able to tweak, and turn, and customize, and part of my customization goals is to get Android to load and maybe use it as my daily OS.
But, in the mean time (and I think this is where we're on different situations), I know that the device is a WinMo device, and knowing so has also picked my interest to learn how to work/customize WinMo and make it into something I'll enjoy. That's what XDA is all about. It's sort of the way it was for me when I first used a linux distro. I wanted to rip the hairs off of my head and would be frustrated at how much work it took to do some things I took for granted in Windows. But after working with it for some time, and knowing how it was different, and learning how to use it, now there are tasks that I do in linux that I just can't find myself doing in Windows, so I have both loaded on my computer.
Take the time to work with WinMo, understand that it's different. Only then you'll start seeing how different can mean better in different areas.
Don't get me wrong now, I didn't get this phone to try and find a Android port or WP7 port. I actually traded it because I already know everything there is to know about the iPhone and it was starting to bore me. I wanted to find a phone that would get my tech juices flowing; atleast until the iPhone HD comes. I saw this phone and from all standpoints it looked like and for the most part is still a really nice piece of technology. When I first saw the phone up front I called it Edward's phone cuz the screen sparkles in the sunlight. I think HTC did as good of a job as they could trying to hide as much WM as they could. Some reviews said you have to dwelve pretty deep into the phone to get to WM but I found that to be untrue. Why do I still have it? Because I still have an iPhone 3G and feel like if I give up on the HD2 now, I will never see the full potential of this phone. The 3G is not as fast as my 3GS or even the HD2 but in a world of simpler is better, the iPhone just fits. So for right now my HD2 is my secondary phone when my iPhone battery dies.
But taking out the stock MicroSD card really does help. I really think there should be a some sort of recall on those SD cards if that many people are having issues with them.
hmmmm thx for the information....I just found out about flashing the phones with other roms....did not know i could do that with my hd2
well that being known i guess i could get the most out of my hd2
And i do totally agree that iphone does not come near my hd2 in many aspects
just have to tweaked it to my ways...
any advice of available roms? for my tm hd? and also...where can I get GPS software like tomtom, garmin, igo or copilot? where can I purchase/download them?
I have said it once and Ill say it again.
I did buy my Hd2 in hopes that android would be ported.
BUt over all I am happy with my decision to buy it.
Some people forget that its easy just to say go buy this phone or that phone.
but Some people dont have service with those companies or have had bad experiences'
I love my hd2 but i can admit when I see more Dev's working on Iphone apps.
Android suffers from that same fate. But they are gaining more and more.
I have had my hd2 since the US lauch. The first few days were fustrating. Its gotten easy as I have found roms that make it perform so much better.
One thing I have also learned is .. We techies are the minority. Phones are not designed with us in mind. Phones are designed with the majority in mind .
Yes the Iphone is dumb down. No one cares how it works aslong as it works.
Once we get use to that everything will be gravey.
being An original Iphone user for more than 2 years I can honestly say it gets old after a while.
Ill stick with my Hd2
I cant really say this enough but windows mobile and S60 to me are the only Operating systems that never bow down to the apple trend. Sure S60 and windows mobile were the last ones to get pinch to zoom and capacitive touch screen and people might say oh look their following android and apple. but in all reality s60 and windows mobile innovated the market for what it is now. who came out with the email and PDA system back in the day people would drool to have that windows did! who came out with the crazy camera and media power house N95 s60 did. compare to what android and apple are innovating comes wayyyyy short what windows mobile and s60 have done.
Well I don't have to open a new thread now I'll just kinda change this one...I really want this phone cause well it's an awesome phone but the thing that has held me back has been the OS. I owned and still have a tilt and I loved that phone til the screen cracked so I moved on and tried out a G1 and I hated it but after playing with it for a while and the customization of the phone and the growth of the market I love android now and can't see myself goin back now I have a MT3G so it's been almost a year and I wanna upgrade again. Ok my point is I've googled HD2 with android to see if it had been accomplished yet sadly no but I found a lot of results saying that T-MO will have an OTA android update for the HD2 later this summer. Idk how true this is but a number of ppl in the t-mo forums have discussed this saying that tmo reps have told them this will happen to compete with the Evo. It will supposedly dual boot I guess you'll have an option of which os u wanna run...Any thoughts how likely is or is it just BS imo I think it's to good to be true lol
Im just gonna say this no matter how far we get booting android it will never be as good as an android device unless its flashed to it if you buy a windows mobile device is because you like it not for what ever hacks come out. its like those people that buy hondas and toyotas and turn them too look like an audi or a ferrari or a bentley you buy a device because your happy for what it is not for what you can turn it into. what happen if xda developers banish everyone its going to throw their android and windows to the trash??? first be happy with what you have then be happy what you can do
Godson1227 said:
Well I don't have to open a new thread now I'll just kinda change this one...I really want this phone cause well it's an awesome phone but the thing that has held me back has been the OS. I owned and still have a tilt and I loved that phone til the screen cracked so I moved on and tried out a G1 and I hated it but after playing with it for a while and the customization of the phone and the growth of the market I love android now and can't see myself goin back now I have a MT3G so it's been almost a year and I wanna upgrade again. Ok my point is I've googled HD2 with android to see if it had been accomplished yet sadly no but I found a lot of results saying that T-MO will have an OTA android update for the HD2 later this summer. Idk how true this is but a number of ppl in the t-mo forums have discussed this saying that tmo reps have told them this will happen to compete with the Evo. It will supposedly dual boot I guess you'll have an option of which os u wanna run...Any thoughts how likely is or is it just BS imo I think it's to good to be true lol
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I can pretty much guarantee that that is bs. They are not gonna have an official update to put android on the hd2. It's a WinMo phone... they don't just update phones with different OS's.

More Likely To Happen First....WP7 or Android?

I'm sorry HD2 lovers but although Windows OS is pretty custimizable its CLEARLY a VERY OLD OS that I just cant get that into. So my question is this and your answers really depend on whether I decide to keep the phone or not. What is more Likely to happen first
-Fully Working WP7
-Semi Working Android(ie: broken wifi,bluetooth, camera etc...)
Hum! its hard to say... But I am sure that when either of those come out, its going to be a P.O.S.
I wouldn't keep my hopes up on either, but im thinking WP7 might be the easier port.
If you really don't like WM6.5, return it and get an android device. By the time WP7 is out there will likely be much better hardware out with it officially installed.
Qualcomm has dual core and 1.5ghz snapdragons in the pipeline for later this year, im sure there will be many WP7 phones with them.
On the other hand if you're a WM fan like myself, stick with the HD2 because its probably the best hardware that WM will ever be officially released on.
It would be interesting to see HTC do an official android release for the HD2. There are no licensing issues why they couldn't, just have to spend some time to do it, or at least give the enthusiast community the needed drivers and other know how to get it working so we're not reinventing the wheel. you know they've probably already got it working in shop.
@ OP
Use the SEARCH link.
WP7 port was done a couple of months ago. Android may take a loooong time or it may not even happen if we get a flurry of hi end devices running android on all 4 major carriers.
kcaj32 said:
@ OP
Use the SEARCH link.
WP7 port was done a couple of months ago. Android may take a loooong time or it may not even happen if we get a flurry of hi end devices running android on all 4 major carriers.
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No, there is no legitimate port currently.
kcaj32 said:
@ OP
Use the SEARCH link.
WP7 port was done a couple of months ago. Android may take a loooong time or it may not even happen if we get a flurry of hi end devices running android on all 4 major carriers.
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Last I head that "port" was a scam, it was someone using the remote desktop client in WM6.5 to connect to a remote emulator running WP7
kcaj32 said:
@ OP
Use the SEARCH link.
WP7 port was done a couple of months ago. Android may take a loooong time or it may not even happen if we get a flurry of hi end devices running android on all 4 major carriers.
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what tom said was a big fake ,it was not ported to hd2 ,may be the russians have lied to him as i personally don't think he will make a thing like that
vampsandbats said:
I'm sorry HD2 lovers but although Windows OS is pretty custimizable its CLEARLY a VERY OLD OS that I just cant get that into. So my question is this and your answers really depend on whether I decide to keep the phone or not. What is more Likely to happen first
-Fully Working WP7
-Semi Working Android(ie: broken wifi,bluetooth, camera etc...)
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This is the 3rd time i'e seen this exact same question posted. Either one will be at least 6 months-1 year away.... maybe more.... so if you don't like WinMo, I suggest getting a different phone. Personally, I think WinMo is the best OS out there for mobile devices and I am glad to have what will probably be the best WinMo phone of all time since there won't be many more winmo phones made.
My bad. You guys are right. I saw the news for the port but didn't follow up about it being fake.
I still think WP7 will be ported first.
With all the Android Superphones coming out (EVO [sprint], Droid X, Incredible [verizon], Galaxy S [t-mobile], Captivate [ATT]), its easier to buy a new device than use a ported ROM on the HD2.
I think we're more likely to see a windows 7 Shell similiar to how HTC Sense is on the HD2 before any fully working windows phone 7 ports are done. Although the hardware on the HD2 is pretty much as impressive as anything available now the fact is that, just as with computer parts it will be considered "not fast enough" when windows 7 phones are actually released.
I'm 26 years old and had my first pc in 1994. it was a packard bell and ran at 600 Mhz with 128MB or ram and a 40 GB HD. My HD2 is faster than my first pc ever was and it is about 20x smaller. Anyone else think about these sort of things and really marvel at the pace technology is moving?
The wife and I were in the food store the other day waiting in line behind some lady paying for groceries with a check. My wife was *****ing to me that people are crazy that still carry around paper checkbooks. I told her that when we're older and probably holding up a line with our surgically implanted RFID chips to pay for groceries, some youngsters will be complaining about us not using retinal scans so we can be done quicker..LOL.

WP7 is looking better and better...

Yeah, I know its so locked down and blah blah blah but in all actuality with the amount of support it's getting already it could be an amazing OS. Android didn't get this much love upon initial release. Most people who bought the first run of G1s couldnt tell the difference between a cellphone and a toaster and look where it's at now. WM6.5 is dead... I mean I love it, I love the amount of customization but I would like to have a phone that is relevant again also... In all honesty I wouldnt care if Cotulla released the version that was more or less a glorified feature phone, I would be right on top of it. We all know it will be app-unlocked in time and when thats the case who needs a marketplace? I know HD2 can run android and WP7 but android, regardless of how awesome it is, will always be lacking in the same manner as iphones are in terms of physical appeal. There is none. Just like no other type of phone has a music program that doesnt just more or less suck (If you think iphones music player is just the best then you're likely a tool.) I think that we should be working more on WP7 than gingerbread and its almost non-existent updates.
You can all go ahead and flame me now
Who's this? Steve ballmer?
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
Yes, I'd be speaking ill of 6.5 if I was that incompetent republican. I'm not even sure that antique knows what a cellphone is. He probably bought his current one second-hand from Zack on Saved by the Bell.
Android didn't get as much love on the release because it was took up by people that know something. WM7 was taken up with love by people that know no better, unless hacked proper, wm7 will not remain on the hd2 and droid itself is a better system all-round. WM7 is better than WM6.5 yes agreed, but it isn't looking better than droid and probably never will.
Do learn a little bit more before you go ahead and big up an os with gaming capabilities of a comodore 64...wm7 is the touchy feely os for kids and people who know little about smart-phones or are scared by them.
norodaigh said:
WM7 is better than WM6.5 yes agreed
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How in the hell could it be better, if it's completly different? It's like if you'd say that green is better than skateboard - makes no sense at all.
The core WP7 might be better than WM6.5.
WP7 was built with only touchscreen phones in mind, whereas WM6.5 can work on touchscreen phones, non-touchscreen phones, PDAs and loads of industrial units. And WP7 isn't designed for many phones, but basically due to the specification laid out by MS, one phone (ie the Windows iPhone).
After all WP7 doesn't have to deal with legacy issues that the more generalised WM6.5 has to.
If MS had just stuck to the core and put on their front, but allowed the manufacturers to put their own front end on (and thus the XDA Developers to really develop the system) then maybe I would be more inclined to move to WP7.
As for the specification, why go down the fixed internal memory? HTC tried it with my HTC Diamond (4GB) only to see an 8GB microSD card come out not long after. Thus the Diamond 2 went back to the microSD card.
sthEn said:
How in the hell could it be better, if it's completly different? It's like if you'd say that green is better than skateboard - makes no sense at all.
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It's from the same OS's branch, (your comparison is wrong) you may say a Modern house is better than a shack, However they're made in a completely different way and structure .
Microsoft's OS will remain Microsoft's. wether they called it Windows Mobile 7 or Windows Phone 7
emonero said:
Who's this? Steve ballmer?
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
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lol. that's well put my friend.
IMHO, the entire HD2 comunity will switch to Android,sooner than later,including myself,my son already did,he havent used WM since over a moth now.
The reason is obvious every each one of us had the chance to compare the two OSs side by side,even someone sceptical as myself keeps on visiting to my Android neighbour living on my SD card.well should confess that its already starting to grow on me.
I wish we had the chance to test the WP7 side by side with the Android as well on our HD2,but seems to me that MS may be is not confident enough that His new OS will hold itself against Android,or may be the mnufacturers want to sell more either case I want to say this:
Our HD2s will wear out in few months,we will need to get new phones,the overwhelming portion of the users will no doubt switch to Android,it is in the interest of MS to port the WP7 full experience not just to the HD2 but to every single phone out there,to IOS devices,Android devices,people must have the chance to see what it is all about.
Looks like the WP7 devices sales are dissmal so far,if it turns out to be a fail,the Manufacturers will be the first to abandon the ship.
sthEn said:
How in the hell could it be better, if it's completly different? It's like if you'd say that green is better than skateboard - makes no sense at all.
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Its like me saying im better sober than drunk.
Its better in my opinion due to its difference so it can be better, its from the same OS maker so how cant it be....that means you cant say one football team is doing better than the other cause they are different....wise up.
hagba said:
Our HD2s will wear out in few months,we will need to get new phones
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No way man, I think your underestimating the longevity of the HD2, by all accounts it should have died out already, it was saved by droid porting, it wasn't going to have survived with WM6.5, but look it has survived and is still standing up to phones like the EVO and thats something.
norodaigh said:
Android didn't get as much love on the release because it was took up by people that know something. WM7 was taken up with love by people that know no better, unless hacked proper, wm7 will not remain on the hd2 and droid itself is a better system all-round. WM7 is better than WM6.5 yes agreed, but it isn't looking better than droid and probably never will.
Do learn a little bit more before you go ahead and big up an os with gaming capabilities of a comodore 64...wm7 is the touchy feely os for kids and people who know little about smart-phones or are scared by them.
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I've got both a nexus one and an HD2 running android and for those of us who are big in the gaming aspects of android sure it's awesome but hell, if that was my core interest I'd sell out and buy an iphone. Call me greedy but I want something functional that also looks clean and iphones jumbled mess certainly never pulled that off, same goes for android, I don't care how many widgets you have on there or anything. I keep a plain black screen with minimal dock options in launcher pro and it is still just unattractive. I'm all for functionality over form but until wp7 it's as though no one ever even bothered trying to make a phone look nice. Windows mobile is still the most functional OS to date if you really know what you're doing but honestly, who wants to play on a system whos best games look like they were released for the sega saturn? Android has all the gaming in the world but is not very pretty regardless of what launcher you use. iOS is just trash, no reason needed. but WP7 may be the first phone that in time has a pretty UI and a great app community and that is what I want in a phone.
We need to understand that we represent a small number of cell phone users. Most are happy with what they get from the manufacturer. A small number of us love hacking our phones and making them do things they weren't meant to do. That being said, comparing OS's is useless. Everyone has different needs and wants. I, for example, don't care anything about gaming on a phone. So Android has no appeal to me (and yes I have owned an Android phone). Each OS appeals to folks with different needs. We are all entitled to our opinion as to what OS we like to use. I am one of those folks still impressed with the HD2. When it is tiime for me to upgrade (and I don't see a need for that anytime soon) it won't be Android. I'll be looking seriously at the Win7 phones or will be returning to Blackberry.
agree with Illusive Man.
I'm using WinMo 6.5 over years now, but I also used iOS and Android due to my work.
iOS is perfect for noob Users. Really, everything you need to know is how to register to the AppStore.
But don't want something special from your phone like to store youre files on a special place...
Android is perfect for Gaming and perfect for all "Open Source is better than Microsoft" users don't forget google won't save your data, and the earth is a disc
WinMo 6.5 is perfect for Business Users espacially when the Business Infrastructure itself is based upon Microsoft/Office/Exchange. Also for industrial Use.
Microsofts answer to iOS/iPhone. It's simple. When I don't have to take care about that someone put/change Files in my System and don't have to care about supporting so many different phones, than it's easier to bring up a smooth and stable OS
So we see, each OS has it's right to live all over this world, they're different and each user should choose for his own preferences....
sthEn said:
How in the hell could it be better, if it's completly different? It's like if you'd say that green is better than skateboard - makes no sense at all.
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I totally agree man, I tried skateboard and it was not for me - but I got into green in late '08 and there is no turning back!
When my co. took away windows phone and went all BB, I did not like bb's and while they improved it was never remotely close enough. Got HD2 when it came out, showed the co. all the productive things I can do with it, still no go - in fact they said "you can have iPhone or BB, pick one now." I took iPhone since at least that helps our bb-centric IT guys get used to pop3 mail handling. But for some odd reason I can't stand iPhone and just love WP7. Maybe it's the difference between built-in Office 2010 mobile w/sync-to-cloud and sync-to-sharepoint, vs... what, angry birds?
You can all go ahead and flame me now
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WP7 Sucks and so do you.
Go buy an iphone.
All in all it comes down to what you want to use it for. When I want to play games with a pocket sized device, I whip out my PSP. When I have to edit a spreadsheet or word document while I just happen to be at my kid's Tae Kwon Do practice it's nice to be able to do that on a pocket sized device rather than lug around a lap top and hope you can find Wifi service.
hungry81 said:
WP7 Sucks and so do you.
Go buy an iphone.
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Just about every time Microsoft updates to a new and improved OS, it mucks with the end users ability to change some things.
I guess with Andriod, it will never change in that respect.
I would like to see the capabilities of WM7 but I fear the phones comming out with it are left a bit short even by WM 6.5 standards.
I dont see anything wrong with WM 6.5 as long as I don't bloat it down with alot of shortcuts and what not.
I am not saying the apps and tools here don't cut it... just I would think some body would program each hard key to do funtions like toggle and page flip on shortcuts.
They are there and you dont need to make some new fangled gui or shell.
No I am not a programmer, but it seems so obvious that this is the only touch phone with 5 hard keys. To me that would be pretty damn awsome yet they are so rarely used for anything but short cuts to options that are already available as a sof tbutton or short cut.
Here is my 2 cents.
I was an avid Symbian S60 fan for a good 5 or 6 years, enjoyed playing with it and tweaking here and there, hell, I had it set up as a wifi hotspot long before the mainstream caught wind.
I then went to WinMo 6.1 on my X1, a nice shiny 'new' toy with more bells and whistles than I could ever dream of, I loved it. Unfortunately it seemed O2 and Sony conspired against me, and decided I couldn't have an X1 as a warranty replacement when mine broke. I managed to talk them into giving me a HD2 instead.
There it was, 4.3" of tweakable goodyness. I loved it, and still do, but I've just got bored, or no longer bothered with fiddling. Maybe its my change of career (from IT guy to developer) but I've just lost interest in what my latest gadget can do.
My girlfriend has got hold of a HTC 7 Trophy, and after playing with it for a weekend, I'm pretty impressed. I was one of the first to scream "OMG WTF is that UI all about?", but once in my hand, it is very smooth and intuitive.
Granted, it has it's faults, like no bluetooth contact transfer (you have to put your phonebook in the cloud (LiveMail or Facebook), but overall, its not bad for a locked in system, much to my disbelief.
Its not got features that I need (like the wifi hotspot) and bluetooth file transfers, which are ultimately putting me off for now, but I can see where it's going.
Android I don't think is for me, I've played with 1.6 and 2.2 (froyo) but I just can't get into the loads of homescreens, it just feels cluttered (Yes, I am aware of the one long start menu in WinPho7)
guyz... we should change our thinking style... HD2 has not only the hardware capability of running WM6.5 but also Android builds, iOS, WP7 OS and MeeGO... sooo we must respect this device... till now android is the most usable nd userfriendly OS,now some peoples might like WP7 OS,after this when gingerbread will run fully then we will run it...
after that we will use HONEYCOMB...
i used HD2 in WM6.5 then i loved it...
now running android builds(2builds on 2SD cards) my love is getting deeper and deeper
will love it more and more day by day in future
At the end i wanna say HD2 is a great(1of the best) device we got so far ..
in the near future it will be replaced by multicore 3D screened devices
until then long LIVE HD2 ...

