Could we get MeeGo on our Hero? - Hero CDMA General

Hey guys,
Now, I understand that we have issues porting even other Android builds over to our phone so I'm not holding my breath. I am curious to see if we could possibly get MeeGo ported over though. I am going to download some things and play around with it tonight if I get a chance but until then, any thoughts?
And nobody say, "Why would you want to?" or anything like that. It's just something fun to play around with.

I'd be up for helping in some way. To be honest though, I don't know if our phone could power it, unfortunately. It so far is being only made to run on devices with Intel Atom CPU's and the Nokia N900... which I'm almost positive has a stronger CPU than the Hero. But nonetheless, we can try

mrinehart93 said:
I'd be up for helping in some way. To be honest though, I don't know if our phone could power it, unfortunately. It so far is being only made to run on devices with Intel Atom CPU's and the Nokia N900... which I'm almost positive has a stronger CPU than the Hero. But nonetheless, we can try
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The N900 has a 600Mhz CPU. Not sure if it's the OMAP3 that's in the Droid or not but it's not too much more powerful. It does have 1GB of memory though which may or may not hurt.

Ok. Maybe we'll have overclocking accomplished by then which would help. Curious, which build of MeeGo would we use? The one for the N900 or the Atom? I'm guessing the N900, correct?

mrinehart93 said:
Ok. Maybe we'll have overclocking accomplished by then which would help. Curious, which build of MeeGo would we use? The one for the N900 or the Atom? I'm guessing the N900, correct?
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Correct. The N900 build is made for ARM processors.

let me know if you get it to work because i'm dying to try it out

chuckhriczko said:
Hey guys,
Now, I understand that we have issues porting even other Android builds over to our phone so I'm not holding my breath. I am curious to see if we could possibly get MeeGo ported over though. I am going to download some things and play around with it tonight if I get a chance but until then, any thoughts?
And nobody say, "Why would you want to?" or anything like that. It's just something fun to play around with.
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This isn't just something to do for fun, actually. It would be really beneficial to have a REAL platform on the Hero, not just this hokey-pokey malware playground known as Android. It was fun to play with but lets face it - Linux Applications have near-infinite trust, familiarity, reliability, security, and usability compared to this zoo of "apps". The day Android allows me to CONTROL which permissions an app may access, as opposed to just staring at a blanket list with a "install" or "don't install" option then I'll revisit this - in the meantime give me apt and a debian respository controlled by trustworthy developers!

You can't control what permissions your apps have?

Kaboosh said:
This isn't just something to do for fun, actually. It would be really beneficial to have a REAL platform on the Hero, not just this hokey-pokey malware playground known as Android. It was fun to play with but lets face it - Linux Applications have near-infinite trust, familiarity, reliability, security, and usability compared to this zoo of "apps". The day Android allows me to CONTROL which permissions an app may access, as opposed to just staring at a blanket list with a "install" or "don't install" option then I'll revisit this - in the meantime give me apt and a debian respository controlled by trustworthy developers!
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Without nit-picking some of that apart for accuracy, I get the jist of what you are saying and I can definitely get behind some MeeGo goodness on the Hero. I'm a Debian junkie too, I love my apt as much as the next guy, but I can't help but think that Android is a pretty damn good fit for a phone. If we were talking about a tablet or something more compute-centric, give me a full blown distro, definitely. For something like my phone which I use for music, messaging, notes, and phone calls, I'm really quite happy with Android, even with it's shortcomings.
The right tool for the job. Although I'm always down with getting Debian to work on ANYTHING I can.... just because I can, I'm happy with Android on my phone. (CM6 makes mouth happy)
If a few peeps want to get serious about this and maybe have some ideas on drivers (besides the touch panel), count me in. I work on a Debian desktop every single day of my life.

Ah Debian...
If I'm not mistaken we have a port of Debian with lxde.
But I do think Android works more then well enough and as for malware you have to keep in mind this is just like any other os. You deal with what you install, always research what you install before you go about doing so.

damiandarkwater said:
Ah Debian...
If I'm not mistaken we have a port of Debian with lxde.
But I do think Android works more then well enough and as for malware you have to keep in mind this is just like any other os. You deal with what you install, always research what you install before you go about doing so.
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Absolutely. I do not care if you are running OpenBSD for f's sake - if someone decides to place some crapware into your /usr/ports and you decide to blindly compile / install it, then you are just as susceptible to problems as you are on a Windows XP box. At least Android gives you the benefit of blatantly telling you what the app is going to be grated access to by YOU, the user.


[REQ] aplication to play iphone games??

hey i was just wondering since iphone has such great g-sensor games would it be possible to create something like a aplication where we would be able to install iphone games and play them on our htc diamond it would be prety cool thanks
i was thinking of something like a iphone game emulator?? what do you guys think would this be possible
Well OsX working on a pc is pretty common so...No, seriously, that would be so "in their face"... Anyone of you talented guys here want to cook this up on a lunch breake?
I just puked a little. On the left side of my keyboard.
Sergio PC said:
I just puked a little. On the left side of my keyboard.
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lmao, nice one
Yeh We really need one ..Good Idea
Woud be great indeed to get the only thing the iphone makes better than the rest!!
I mean game wise..... there is quite a huge difference huh
so is anyone going to make something like this??
I kind of laughed when i read this thread title, i doubt this is possible, even through emulation. Miniature version of OSX vs WindowsCE5... whens the last time you seen a non ported OSX app on XP or Vista?
Sergio PC said:
I just puked a little. On the left side of my keyboard.
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only a little?
just when we thought that we have no more gps or mp3 lags, no battery shortage, no album tf3d questions in short we have the perfect device our friend here remind us the cruel truth......we can not play iphone games on our device.....
i would definitely love to have iphone's MonkeyBall on my diamond!!
so is anyone willing to try this??
The iPhone has a faster cpu and a lower resolution.
So how do you think you will be able to play any game written for the iPhone on the diamond?
but, the iphone have 3d gpu??
Are You On Something?
Tweak Here guys and gals, just wanting to offer my 2cents. First, I think the Diamond is all around a better device than the iPhone. But we wont get into a debate on that now, but I want to make a point here.
If you go to the iTunes App Store , or the Jailbreak Apps , what do you see. There are 50 games (if not more) to every single utility or hack. Now if you come to XDA , PPCgeeks , or any other windows mobile site, what do you see? Now there are 100 (prob may more) utilites & hacks to every game!!!
Why? I understand it on the iPhones side of things. Most wont jailbreak since the App Store is open, and Apple wont let any hacks on the store, and the few utilites they allow, are monitored closley, and can't do anything to compromise apples control over the device. Therefore, all of the 3rd party iPhone Developers, put all there time into games!!
Now, what about the WM developers. With the release of the diamond, having the great accelerometer, and a dang decent screen, why not put all of that time into developing games that compare to the iPhones, or at least more time!!
But I just wanted to raise the question. Thanks for listening. See you guys later
TweakMan said:
Tweak Here guys and gals, just wanting to offer my 2cents. First, I think the Diamond is all around a better device than the iPhone. But we wont get into a debate on that now, but I want to make a point here.
If you go to the iTunes App Store , or the Jailbreak Apps , what do you see. There are 50 games (if not more) to every single utility or hack. Now if you come to XDA , PPCgeeks , or any other windows mobile site, what do you see? Now there are 100 (prob may more) utilites & hacks to every game!!!
Why? I understand it on the iPhones side of things. Most wont jailbreak since the App Store is open, and Apple wont let any hacks on the store, and the few utilites they allow, are monitored closley, and can't do anything to compromise apples control over the device. Therefore, all of the 3rd party iPhone Developers, put all there time into games!!
Now, what about the WM developers. With the release of the diamond, having the great accelerometer, and a dang decent screen, why not put all of that time into developing games that compare to the iPhones, or at least more time!!
But I just wanted to raise the question. Thanks for listening. See you guys later
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Still it would be really good if we could get an iPhone Game Emulator for now, as its games have awesome graphics e.g this game see for urselves
I see people arent getting at what kukuriku was suggesting.
there is a very, very small chance of it happening. take, for example, how long it has taken andoid to get on the diamond. and android is an open source OS. the time and effort it would take would be immense and, in short, not worth it. if you need the iphone software so much, then im afraid to say that you bought the wrong device.
emulation is out of the question - too slow, especially for games. the diamond doesnt even have the correct aspect ratio screen either.
ASK768 said:
I see people arent getting at what kukuriku was suggesting.
there is a very, very small chance of it happening. take, for example, how long it has taken andoid to get on the diamond. and android is an open source OS. the time and effort it would take would be immense and, in short, not worth it. if you need the iphone software so much, then im afraid to say that you bought the wrong device.
emulation is out of the question - too slow, especially for games. the diamond doesnt even have the correct aspect ratio screen either.
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lolx... im getting what he says, im a WM Developers + Cook, and i didnt buy the wrong device, i hate APPLE and am a gr8 HTC LOVER+FAN, but the thing is tht WM is capable of much more then what we are using it for, im a COLLEGIATE and lack time else maybe i would have asked some1 else to do it and aspect ratio might not be such a big problem
I'm sure an OSX emulator would be possible, but it would probably run very slow on our 528mhz processors. Maybe when Snapdragon and Tegra get more popular it would be more viable, but even then I don't think anybody will take the time to do it.
In just over a month the WinMo Marketplace is supposed to be launched, I think when we see an app store for WinMo coming pre-installed on all new devices there will be a lot of the *fun* type apps that *regular* consumers want on their phones.
As of now average joe doesn't come on to XDA-Dev often, if at all, and most of the people writing applications are doing it for free because they're developing apps they want, not apps they're planning on making money off of. Don't worry guys, the Marketplace is coming soon!

Google's Android - why isnt there more development for this?
incase anyones not familiar with android, check that site out.
im not sure why there isnt more development or developers that are going after this in terms of getting it working on all devices? im currently using it on my vogue and its amazing. definately better UI in terms of EVERYTHING. its open source, so i think developers should be all over this! has so much potential its kind of ridiculous
vogue thread
its working about 80% now thanks to amazing developer martin.
the browser and everything (overall UI) are so much better and smoother than windows mobile! and being that its open source with google ENCOURAGING development of apps and themes and skins and whatnot, i think this is the next best thing to happen to ppc's.
THIS is the actual iphone killer.
just some samples
on a vogue (very smooth)
just a demo of the browser (mine is actually a little smoother than this)
the reason im posting this here is because i was the first one to post in this section with manilla2d (when udk first released it), asking whether we can get this on other devices, and look what happened with that. if we can get the amazing developers from here to work on this like they worked on m2d, then wow this will be amazing!
Yeah, even I'm suprised at the low level of excitement of porting this to all devices. Hoping for some real development . Btw, those videos are pretty impressive.
Yeah... I'm a little surprised too.
I have a Vogue now, so I'm OK, but I'd love to see somebody pick this project up for the Touch Pro. It seems to be very similar to the G1, so the porting would be a lot more complete than the porting to the Vogue.
Hopefully somebody with the skills (read: not me) will undertake this.
it'll pick up. i say in 6 months to a year people will snap out of the apple app dev craze. but from a dev point of view, apple is where its at right now. the amount of money you could make is a driver by all means.
htc will also be a key part in this. when they start to release better looking hardware, perhaps something on par with the'll see a user increase. and user increase translate into dev interest. so just hang in there....i think you'll get what you want soon.
A ppc that works only on 80 Percent ? And no additional Software, no outlook syncronisation? Thats at the moment somthing for freaks or people with a second device
If there would be a 100 Percent Android i would install it, believe me, because i´m not very happy with windows anymore.
So i think we must wait and hope.
My next Device in half a year will be hopefully the Touch HD with Android rolleyes
because it makes no sense to port androud to a phone that is not 3G with GPS.
the only advantage of the g phone that I saw was the service. 3G and free GPS! i'm like, how much for the puppy in the window?
I honestly think that porting it to my wizard would be senseless.
without the service the gphone is just a phone wothout service.
S.V.I said:
because it makes no sense to port androud to a phone that is not 3G with GPS.
the only advantage of the g phone that I saw was the service. 3G and free GPS! i'm like, how much for the puppy in the window?
I honestly think that porting it to my wizard would be senseless.
without the service the gphone is just a phone wothout service.
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Of course it is always pointless. We do it because we can (and because we don't want to do anything while at work)
(and much like bluemetal, we are all tired of the same old look and functionality in our WM devices). Then again, it can always be worse....
we could all have iphones
Anyways, I am looking forward to someone porting this to the Blue Angel.
The bigest stumbling block for me is lack of Exchange support. GPS isn't really necessary with the cell tower triangulation available. The accuracy is getting better. It will never be as tight as GPS but close is good enough for me. I can do with out 3G (I wish I had it) I don't enjoy the experience with the little screen. It's like looking at the ocean through a porthole. A 5 inch screen with much better resolution would be great. I use it for quick info but surfing is not fun.
I do like the idea of going linux on the phone. It would be that much closer to having a truely mobile desktop. We wouldn't have to install resource hogging shells that ride on top of an already bloated today screen to get better customization.
I think the biggest problem overall though is the hardware needed will put a lot of older equipment like my little wizard out to pasture. I don't have the funds to rush out an purchase a new phone. And yes I think all the bugs will need to be shaken out for a while before I take the plunge. Maybe by the 2nd or third generation of Android things will be a little less "bleeding edge". It all looks great now but I rely on my phone too much to gamble on an untried system.
To be completely honest, I too am suprised by the lack of progress.
This is a complete replacement for Windows Mobile: something we've all only dreamed about up until now. It will have a wicked Dev community around it soon enough.
There were a hell of a lot of efforts to get the Beta running. But now... nothing?
*so confused
The worst part is, it'd be gorgeous on my LG KS20, but I doubt we'll see it anytime soon: no one loves us KS20 owners. Guess you were all just jealous of our drivers.
bluemetalaxe said:
A ppc that works only on 80 Percent ? And no additional Software, no outlook syncronisation? Thats at the moment somthing for freaks or people with a second device
If there would be a 100 Percent Android i would install it, believe me, because i´m not very happy with windows anymore.
So i think we must wait and hope.
My next Device in half a year will be hopefully the Touch HD with Android rolleyes
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i don't know if you read my whole post, but i never said "hey everyone lets run something 80% finished on our ppcs."
waiting and hoping isnt going to do anything, thats why i started this thread. to get more attention instead of sitting and waiting for something we arent sure is going to ever happen.
im glad a lot of other people are on the same page as me, wondering why there is barely any development for this. thanks for the support guys
lets get some devs in here to weigh in on this!
Well, there's a number of quite simple reasons...
- Porting Android to another device isn't as simple as "Hey, it's Open Source, you just have to compile and install". First of all, you'd need to find a working cross compiler for ARM in the first place (one using Windows' API, like those used for PPC apps isn't much help). Then you'd need to write drivers for usually undocumented hardware with this cross compiler or in ARM assembler (reusing existing WM drivers, like in cooked ROMs, wouldn't work in Linux). Finally, you need to find a way to flash that system to your PPC (that's a bit more work than a patched/cooked variation of an already existing WM ROM), and so on. That's work for the kind of freaks who would do their taxes binary in mind...
- Writing apps for a system almost nobody own so far isn't that attractive. It's even less attractive if the potential developer doesn't own one - the real experience is always a bit different to an emulator, and usually would like some use for himself, too (what good is an mobile app for you if you'd need a laptop with emulator to use it? ). So far, there's only one official Android device out there, and aside from the fact it's still a bit "first try, for developers only" (no Outlook sync, ugly design, ...), you only get it in very few parts of the world or in overpriced eBay auctions. Inofficial ports with reduced functionality and maybe buggy or slow "beta" drivers aren't that great, too...
- While the Android API is quite close to common Java style, it's still something completely new, which requires some time to get into the framework's basic style, the available functions, the loopholes and small tricks, etc. With WM, the gap to common Windows (desktop) programming is way smaller, and I guess it's similar with the iPhone and Mac programming.
Or, in other words: Give Andoid some time to grow up. IMHO, G1 and the few existing ports are a playground for hackers and early adopters, so they can get startet with fixing (security holes, missing functionality, ...). Then, in some months, more devices with a "hacker improved" Android will be published, and when developers buy those, they also will start writing apps if they are missing something.
you'd think more people would be starting to port.. because god is that g1 terrible, you have to have sharpened pencils for fingers to type on that flush keyboard)
Mort said:
Well, there's a number of quite simple reasons...
- Porting Android to another device isn't as simple as "Hey, it's Open Source, you just have to compile and install". First of all, you'd need to find a working cross compiler for ARM in the first place (one using Windows' API, like those used for PPC apps isn't much help). Then you'd need to write drivers for usually undocumented hardware with this cross compiler or in ARM assembler (reusing existing WM drivers, like in cooked ROMs, wouldn't work in Linux). Finally, you need to find a way to flash that system to your PPC (that's a bit more work than a patched/cooked variation of an already existing WM ROM), and so on. That's work for the kind of freaks who would do their taxes binary in mind...
- Writing apps for a system almost nobody own so far isn't that attractive. It's even less attractive if the potential developer doesn't own one - the real experience is always a bit different to an emulator, and usually would like some use for himself, too (what good is an mobile app for you if you'd need a laptop with emulator to use it? ). So far, there's only one official Android device out there, and aside from the fact it's still a bit "first try, for developers only" (no Outlook sync, ugly design, ...), you only get it in very few parts of the world or in overpriced eBay auctions. Inofficial ports with reduced functionality and maybe buggy or slow "beta" drivers aren't that great, too...
- While the Android API is quite close to common Java style, it's still something completely new, which requires some time to get into the framework's basic style, the available functions, the loopholes and small tricks, etc. With WM, the gap to common Windows (desktop) programming is way smaller, and I guess it's similar with the iPhone and Mac programming.
Or, in other words: Give Andoid some time to grow up. IMHO, G1 and the few existing ports are a playground for hackers and early adopters, so they can get startet with fixing (security holes, missing functionality, ...). Then, in some months, more devices with a "hacker improved" Android will be published, and when developers buy those, they also will start writing apps if they are missing something.
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ok now these reasons make a lot of sense. im just surprised that not as many people are trying to get it started so they can get started on fixing, like you said. but ok, all of your other reasons make complete sense. im sure the future releases of android will only get better.
android just seems like exactly what many of us have been looking for in wm devices, basically, a complete UI replacement endorsed/created by a large company (other than microsoft lol).
jakub_w said:
im just surprised that not as many people are trying to get it started so they can get started on fixing, like you said.
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Who knows? AFAIK, the order numbers aren't that bad, and all those reviewers give some feedback, too. I mean, it's only a week since the G1 is available at all, and, as said, it's not very attractive so far. Not everybody wants to spend hundreds of dollars just to provide Google with requests and code changes and T-Mobile and HTC with money...
android just seems like exactly what many of us have been looking for in wm devices, basically, a complete UI replacement endorsed/created by a large company (other than microsoft lol).
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I don't think the UI is the really big thing about Android. You can even replace it completely, and I don't know (yet) where the limits / design guides are for applications. I just hope it doesn't get as confusing as Linux on the desktop, where even a Gnome or KDE desktop can be modified so far that it's almost as hard to switch distros as switching from Windows to MacOS...
The important things about Android are more in the basic technology, imho, like
- A stable, timeless system core (*nix is older than me, so "modern" is not quite correct - that goes for MacOS X, too, btw...)
- Seamless integration of connection management and phone functions (opposed to WM, where it still acts like a makeshift patchwork, and with every update less APIs are working...)
- Portable application framework (Java, lots of system APIs)
- Simple application installation (no "is this EXE a PC setup or the PPC executable?", "How the hell do I install a CAB file?", ...)
However, I still wonder how/if Andoid will support direct PC synchronization (for shared files, contacts, appointments, music, ...) and how fast and memory consumptive the required Java VM is... (Well, at least none of the G1 reviews I read complained about that, so it seems to be faster than .NET on WM...)
i was just playing around with android and in the dev tools or api demos theres a section called opengl es. i have a vogue and i tried these, they ran extremely smoothly. isnt this something that everyone has been saying is impossible? (specifically for getting tf3d to run on the vogue) i think this proves that software driven 3d is more than capable of handling tf3d. just a thought.
jakub_w said:
i was just playing around with android and in the dev tools or api demos theres a section called opengl es. i have a vogue and i tried these, they ran extremely smoothly. isnt this something that everyone has been saying is impossible? (specifically for getting tf3d to run on the vogue) i think this proves that software driven 3d is more than capable of handling tf3d. just a thought.
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I definitely agree with you on that. Thing is though is that this is a completely different environment with a different set of drivers (and rules) which makes (for example) modifying their parameters to allow for keys normally used for certain functions in WM to be used for something completely different. Also OpenGL (ES) is all that is used on *nix OSes whether or not they run on full or embedded hardware. All that's needed is the driver for the graphics chip. Microsoft wants you to use their proprietary D3D not OpenGL (ES) hence why it was impossible to have OpenGL (ES) before. Also TF3D uses DirectX and not OpenGL ES AFAIK.
Android is great. Only thing I need is a way to get the SDcard image working and a HTC Touch Pro to port Android, Angstrom and/or OpenMoko to, I'd be set.
why would you develop software for an operating system that isn't even fully ported yet?
joel2009 said:
why would you develop software for an operating system that isn't even fully ported yet?
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- It's Linux and Open Source (some people wouldn't touch a closed system with a stick...)
- It's nice to be prepared when you get the running system
- There is a device with that OS
- The documentation is way better than Microsoft's
- There's a good chance the API will remain compatible, so it doesn't hurt to start early (opposed to WM, where some basic features can/could only be done with device dependant or inofficial APIs, which were dropped in newer updates...)

Windows Phone 7 with full "multitouch" on our HD2´s

Hey xda´s!
Today I´m getting my own HD2 from england and I can´t wait to hold it in my hands
But I have some questions about the phone.
The first one is...Will the HD2 be upgradeable to Wiindows Phone 7 or if it will not be official upgradeable will the xda´s can do it? I know its early to ask about WM7 because there are not really many specs out about it yet but I would like to know what you think about that
And my second question is...Will the HD2 with it´s capacitive screen have full "multitouch" aahh sorry "pinch to zoom" support on WM7?
...or will the xda´s enable more multitouch gestures in the next weeks or months?
There have been tons of queries about this subject, please use the search before posting. It's probably safe to say that HTC won't be giving us WinMo7 the official way, but I'm sure the XDA community will find a way getting it to our beloved HD2 "the other way"
it will be possible congrats for ur new mob you'll love it
Yep! Thats right! If not Officially, you can bet that Win Mo 7 will be made available on the HD2 by the talented devs here. And not just that, we might even get Android to run on it!
Congrats on your purchase!
Tanmay® said:
..., we might even get Android to run on it!
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Thats a point i never got...
Why do people want to port Android on Wimo Phones? I you like Andorid, why don't you directly buy an Android phone which was designed for the operating system. I guess thats better than having a bad ported version running on a phone desigend for windows mobile.
actually this subject is non sense.
LordK said:
Thats a point i never got...
Why do people want to port Android on Wimo Phones? I you like Andorid, why don't you directly buy an Android phone which was designed for the operating system.
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People do it because, in the case of the HTC Leo/HD2, there's not one piece of hardware quite like it being sold with Android installed.
I guess smartphones are quickly becoming the new PCs & Laptops of the age. Some people buy a PC with an OS installed as default, they like the hardware but not the OS (usually Windows, maybe OSx) so they just format the HDD and install say Ubuntu etc etc.
jagnet said:
People do it because, in the case of the HTC Leo/HD2, there's not one piece of hardware quite like it being sold with Android installed.
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Yeah but you will never get a well-performing port until an OEM makes a device with the same hardware. Who's going to make the drivers for you?
vangrieg said:
Yeah but you will never get a well-performing port until an OEM makes a device with the same hardware. Who's going to make the drivers for you?
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That's true. Though the Acer A1 and Xperia X3 both use snapdragon so drivers (or partial drivers) will undoubtedly make their way to the porting project.
Yes but then you will have Android devices with the same level of hardware as HD2! So the initial question remains - why not buy them instead of coping with inevitable problems with ports?
It's not like drivers instantly start working when you copy them from one device to another, even with the same hardware platform - check out the video drivers thread to see what I mean. You're doomed to have problems like battery drain or calls dropping or poor performance in some areas or what not.
Then there will be some problems with applications - I don't know about the new devices, but all the current Android ones have low-res screens.
In addition to that, you really want 2.0 with Sense, and there's no port of that available AFAIK. Plain Android is just dull, it's nothing to fret about, IMO.
I understand the fun of porting and making things work, but using that as your primary device? It's guaranteed to be worse than what you have now.
Neither of those devices have 4.3 inch touchscreens. Also The HD2 has a look and feel all of its own.
The only thing spoiling it for me is Windows Mobile and the terrible onscreen keyboard so if we could port Android to this device I would be elated as it has a much better marketplace (Windows Marketplace is really a sack over overpriced crap), less cludge and better built in apps - the Youtube app for example supports user subscriptions and favourites viewing, and I'm a big online video fan.
The fact that Android was built from the ground up for capacitive touchscreen devices rather than being a patched up ropey old operating system with a shell interface on top makes me drool at the idea of it being on the HD2, and YES we could buy an Android device of similar specification BUT where's the fun in that??? Check the name of this site.........................
Well, I'm not on the Google/Android hype bandwagon, I do admit that the UI out of the box there is much more finger friendly and the notifications are implemented in the best way among all the mobile phone OSes, but otherwise Android's greatness is blown out of all reasonable proportion. An Android crippled by driver incompatibilities/incomplete implementation is something that totally misses the concept of attractive in my terms...
That said, I'm sure I'll install it myself one day (via haret or otherwise) just out of curiosity, that would certainly serve to satisfying the geek in me. But to expect that your experience from using the device would improve is somewhat unrealistic.
I am happy with the HD2 and figured I would decide what platform to go with at the time of my next phone purchase. This report should mean I can try out Windows Mobile 7 on the HD2 and take that into consideration as well.
CAH000 said:
I am happy with the HD2 and figured I would decide what platform to go with at the time of my next phone purchase. This report should mean I can try out Windows Mobile 7 on the HD2 and take that into consideration as well.
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nice, i can't wait
MSmobiles is full of **** as usual. They post BS to get hits every once in a while.

w7 mobile on android phones?

I was looking at reviews of the new w7 phones and os, I'm the type of person that like to test things out so I know how they work etc, however I'm not rich, do you guys think that in the future somebody will port w7 mobile to android phones (vibrant)? or is this even possible?
what do you think guys?
Perrosky said:
I was looking at reviews of the new w7 phones and os, I'm the type of person that like to test things out so I know how they work etc, however I'm not rich, do you guys think that in the future somebody will port w7 mobile to android phones (vibrant)? or is this even possible?
what do you think guys?
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While most things are possible given enough time and effort, this isn't very likely. Apple's iOS and WM6.x haven't made it onto Android devices yet, and it's not because of a lack of interest. Many people do these things merely for the sake of seeing if it can be done after all. People would hack a kleenex to be a bounty towel if it were possible, just to be doing it. That's how coders roll.
Android is an open OS, with the source freely available, and with device manufacturers obligated to release non proprietary device source. None of these restrictions or opportunities apply to WP7's OS, or manufacturers.
We've seen Android shoehorned onto WM6.x phones. We've even seen it run on iPhones. And there's a reason why you haven't seen the reverse come true.
Don't hold your breath about it...
I get it, thanks for your answer.
Perrosky said:
I get it, thanks for your answer.
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OT but I see you are a Soul Eater fan I just started watching it and love it!
porting an android phone over to winmo will be nearly impossible becasue the OS is closed source even the drivers. maybe people can run an emulator on the android phone then put a wimo image into the emualtor.

Jolla Sailfish OS on GS3

In case you haven't seen it...
Looks really good, anyone wanna work on a port for our lovely gs3?
Hmmm...doesn't seem to have generated any interest yet...
In an interview with the CEO of Jolla, the interviewer asked if he could put this on his GS3, the CEO replied "Enabling Sailfish for a device such as Galaxy S3 is something that any community member could already do."
The SDK is released online here (I believe)
Unfortunately, I have no technical expertise in this area, is anyone else interested?
Could this be better than Jellybean?
Sent from my SCH-I535 using xda app-developers app
brew182 said:
In case you haven't seen it...
Looks really good, anyone wanna work on a port for our lovely gs3?
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I'd love to play around with it. The Ambiance feature looks really really cool.
A port form a different OS would only be good for the community However, I have no skills in developing or porting so I can't help except perhaps a small donation to whomever gets it done.
Same here, looks fun but no idea how to do it
I want! Looks awesome!
Sent from my SCH-I535 using xda premium
This have to be done! I really want sailfish!
It's awsome .
I's a good OS ! But not for geeks for sure .
It will only turn heads of people who want to use it for daily usage . Not for heavy customizing ,
BTW The gecko / Firefox OS Would be awesome ! as it is an HTML 5 Based OS / or just a web page :cyclops:
Man no Google now voice search. Gapps. Or play store apps.
Its looks nice but right now in this phone world its apple Google and Microsoft. I may want to try out the new Ubuntu os since Google is technically Linux.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda app-developers app
Sure I would still prefer Android as my main platform, but I would LOVE to try this out on my GS3! I've always been an OS geek, and love the feel of exploring a new, beautiful, and innovative UI, as well as learning how the underlying platform works and differs from similar setups. It's why I've been playing around with Linux distros and customizing and tweaking them, Solaris, BSD, etc long before Android, despite the fact that I'm no developer. I would LOVE to be able to play around with different OS'es on my GS3, rather than just different Android roms, and Sailfish is one of the most interesting to me. I'll probably end up using Ubuntu more than anything if we get it, but Sailfish is something new and different and it looks really fun. :fingers-crossed:
Can someone link the story of a Jolla dev saying it can be ported easily by the community? If so, let's get this project started, and find out what needs to be done to make this happen, I'm tired of all these different OS'es coming only to the GNex!
With the re-merge of Android and Linux, and addition of the ARM drivers to the mainline, these types of alternative OS'es shouldn't be terribly difficult to port, and between Alien Dalvik and Google writing all their apps in HTML5 for ChromeOS, we should be able to get the basics of what we need from Android running on here, we just need to get the OS running!!
robogoflow said:
I may want to try out the new Ubuntu os since Google is technically Linux.
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You realize that Sailfish is also technically Linux, too, right? And you realize that Ubuntu OS won't have Google Now, Gapps, or the Play Store either, right? So why are you naysaying Sailfish but optimistic about Ubuntu? You, sir, make no sense.
Why Sailfish might be a "GOOD" idea too...
The simple fact is I just bought a NOTE 2. First Samsung Device and aside from the S-pen, making a different way of interaction.
We have this to consider. As i have been readng how to 'setup' my NOTE 2 as it's on order and pending... I have come across
threads about how GOOGLE is trying to get 'us' the end users off of SD cards. Other Crap like that... Google has power now,
and they are acting so far like EVERY other US company that gets it. M$, Apple...
It's nice to 'have' something else to look at that is OPEN and someone noted something that is a concern to me. Customizable
look, and features. I myself don't like CRAP on my desktop or my HOME SCREENS... I just don't. When I run Linux, I go with no
icons on my desktop.
So this is so far from what I've seen a bit of a turn off but in the future because the system has to start somewhere... if it's really
open, one would hope such features could be expected. Either 3rd party or by the main OS makers.
There have been enough complaints here by users about devices without SD CARD access. About how Google is trying to cut
this off and how ni Samsung devices Samsung had to 'hack' around it to allow SD card access to apps that were used to getting
I for one for simplicity don't want a stupid OS where all my personal CRAP PHOTOS etc are STUCK in the phone. Just for a simple
reason like that.
Another reason we should all hope for MORE OS's to be released is because lets let the DEVICE makers take something back!
Eventually it only takes one to WISE up... loosing money competing OS to OS or by trying to follow up when they have a good device but for example the ANDROID leader is SAMSUNG. I like that LG picked up WebOS SO they're gonna make Smart TV with it but all it takes is a little pebble to start the Landslide.
THese OEM's we want them to wise up and say... WAIT! There's stuff out there... we make the DEVICE and let them decide what they want on it. Isn't waht we all dream of? Cause then stupid crap like Samsungs Flash counter will be something made obsolete by trend.
Makes will possibly start trying to just concentrate on GOOD HARDWARE just like computers, and then maybe some company will really wise up and the only thing they'll contribute will be a device coming with some kind of AWsome MULTI-BOOT loader system ... Or at least if the devices are open someone can make one... haha.
Also about the Ubunty on mobiles thing... well, it's an interesting idea but seems like they are still not planning to get anywhere with it for a whole year? I wonder why...
Sailfish is using the WHOLE Linux... it's the same thing, but with a UI set for imbedded and small devices. SO all that needs to be done in the future is a step up to a whole desktop for bigger screen devices or if you dock your device to a large screen... so in other words...
Sailfish could have the same potential as Ubuntu...
I have personally never used Ubuntu and hope that with the option of sailfish what we may see is other Linux projects joining the trend. I mean really... it's all OPEN source. What actually bugs me the most as an end users is also the same problem that I see with some Linux projects.
Everyone reinventing the WHEEL trying to make the best this and taht and this is the real reason in some instances it's taking longer to do something that is lying around and could be modified and it's true, I don't speak with any experience in coding or programming but I think some who do know what is said is a bit true in some instances just like in some a total rewrite may be in order.
but if it's OPEN, then the parts are there.
So either way... it'll be good to see SAILFISH and other things. I'm sorry, but the whole TIZEN thing doesn't appeal to me pesonally. If it had more underlying structure other than the HTML 5, cause frankly, I am not real happy about every little thing on my system always
being connected to the internet in some way... though yes, I realize HTML 5 is just a way to create graphics but, remember these are companies we're dealing with here and they always have their own agenda.
Anyway... I'd like to see Sailfish vs Windoz OS, cause Micro$haft has not changed their ways and I don't expect to see them do any different than they have and their system will be similarly locked in ways but differently or in differently places as much as Apple's.
Android is open now but Google is acting weird and some competition and innovation can keep it open longer...
So, I'd love to see Salifsish fly or is that Swim... and of course they need to start somewhere and 90% of they users will be people who just want it to 'work' and that's where they need to go first. Us power users, etc in this forum, we're like the 10% or less now. Before
we were the people buying smartphones but when smartphones are now what the average user is getting their hands on?
Forget it... you bettre make something that they goo OOOH perty, and it's simple. OR you will be lost in the market. I also recall that
Sailfish is coming out here in the Asian market if I read taht right a couple month ago. I am an expat living in CHINA and believe me.
They want it simple and pretty, anything else... and it will fail. But once it hits this market, where a lot of stuff for Android is being made now
if it is accepted... then it will start having things made for it and if it can run Android apps, it's a true plus...
Depending on what hardware it comes out on, if it's able to use the simple apps I use in Android, it may be my next device to replace my daily users...
Obviously the NOTE 2 is going to be my KIND device and isn't exactly for 'daily' use in the way that I use my devices.
Still, the more the merrier and frankly, a lot of OEM's will want to get off of being branded as ANDROID device makers or whatever if they want to sell.
Also it's all good that ANDY is merging back with main kernel, but so far... there is still NO REAL work you can do with Android despite this yet. I do mean, such as prepare a very good OFFICE DOCUMENT, Power Point presentation and so on that you would on a computer. Though I hear the Open Office to Android project is going... so one can but wait and hope.
I would love to try this out on my LG optimus 2x SU660!
brew182 said:
In case you haven't seen it...
Looks really good, anyone wanna work on a port for our lovely gs3?
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Wow. should try
I would love to see this OS running on my S3.
very cool... watch the hands on video. Note that they say that android apps will be ported over for the sailfish os, SO i would imagine that even if gapps are blocked etc. that they would likely work for the most part, or could be made to work ... lol :highfive:
Im definitely interested in anything that has quality (obviously this does!) ... and represents a new form of competition
I think this is pretty damn awesome. The hands on videos on YouTube look great, especially the ambiance thing.
Honestly, the phone looks good too but i would rather keep the beast hardware in my S3 and maybe get an S4, but having this OS on it would be awesome.
If someone had a way to dual boot Sailfish and Android, that would be epic.
Sure, it isnt completely and utterly customizable. But Sailfish seems very natural to use and at the same time you can still tap into all the Android apps!
Simple OS + Android apps.. what's not to like?
mandeep1 said:
I's a good OS ! But not for geeks for sure .
It will only turn heads of people who want to use it for daily usage . Not for heavy customizing ,
BTW The gecko / Firefox OS Would be awesome ! as it is an HTML 5 Based OS / or just a web page :cyclops:
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This is perfect for geeks! Lots of stuff to play with, mod and hack + true multi tasking
robogoflow said:
Man no Google now voice search. Gapps. Or play store apps.
Its looks nice but right now in this phone world its apple Google and Microsoft. I may want to try out the new Ubuntu os since Google is technically Linux.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda app-developers app
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Dat comment. You must be somekind of an expert
IOS 7 looks like Jolla.

