API to URLy the URL shortener - Android Software Development

I just released v0.9.2 of URLy and it now comes with a simple API that can be used by other app developers to shorten a long URL via URLy.
So, if you are a developer and want to shorten a URL in your own app, but don’t want to go through all the hassle of writing the necessary code yourself, you can just pass the URL to URLy via an intent. URLy will shorten it with the service that you passed along and your app will receive a boolean to indicate whether the shortening process was successful or not, the short URL and, if any errors occurred, a detailed error message about what went wrong.
Why would anyone integrate URLy in his own app? Well, there are several situations in which this makes sense. For example, imagine you write a Twitter app and want to allow your users to shorten URLs. You could write the code to shorten the URL by yourself, or you could just pass the long URL to URLy. You can pass along the service you want to use (you can use about 20 services via URLy, like bit.ly, goo.gl or TinyURL), so you could even give your users the choice to use any service they prefer or provide a custom URL and / or user credentials so that they can keep track of their shortened URLs. And: The integration into your app is pretty much seamless. After calling the intent, a nice and small progress window is shown which disappears automatically after shortening. So, no annoying new window that the users will have to close – they never leave your app.
Take the following screenshot as example. The app in the background is supposed to be your app, the progress window is what URLy shows while shortening:
(sorry, I'm not allowed to post any images, yet, will update as soon as I can)
More information and a detailed code example of how to start the intent and receive the shortened URL are available on my blog in the API section. It's really simple and integrated in a few minutes.
General information about URLy is available in this forum or on my blog. Unfortunately, I still can't post any outside links, so please write me a personal message and I send you the links.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.


App Developer Bidding

Is there a website where you post what you want and developers bid to do the work? I've used similar services before for html / php / java and was wondering if it was available for android apps???
sites like guru.com and rentacoder.com you may be able to find people.
Do you mind explaining the project"s" your looking at having done. Might find some people here who will be able to help and assist
I thought i saw something similar on www.anddev.org
Sluzpuppet said:
sites like guru.com and rentacoder.com you may be able to find people.
Do you mind explaining the project"s" your looking at having done. Might find some people here who will be able to help and assist
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Here is my thought (remember, I'm not a developer):
A super basic app: a single icon (like wifi tether) that opens a predefined url that has users info appended to the end as arguments, see example below:
Users info are just text fields with no validation and are setup from the menu button.
This would be a customizable app. A person could modify the app by adding (changing) three files
icon image
url.xml - contains the base url and perhaps the app name
user.xml - contains the users data fields
above example users.xml would add 3 setup fields for name, id, color
by changing the url xml file, you could setup app to piont to any domain
by changing the users.xml, you could setup any number of arguments
by changing icon, app image would match users preference
Ideally it would be best if it could have multiple occurances of the app (maybe just app name being different would work) because I may want it for mydomain.com any you may want to use it for yourdomain.com
Hope this makes sense.

Communication between Service & Activity

I want to create an Android App. In the last days i read a lot of Android API Documentations, Tutorials and "how do do's". Now I'm really confused, because on one hand, it's nice to have so many possibility, but on the other it confuses me, whats the best way to do it. So I played a little with Activity life-cycle.
Now I'm going to start to build my first 'real' App.
This App should download initial data from a Webservice, process these data with a database, download more data related to results from a database, save these data again to database, and make it accessible in the Acitvity.
So please correct me if I'm wrong from this point on:
I assumend that a Android Service is the best way, to process these Data in a background-worker-thread.
So far so good. So I read about the Android Handler which seems to be a pipeline, so Threads can work on the Handler message queue. I can Access the Service from within my MainActivity over the ServiceConnection.onServiceConnetcted where I recieve a simple Binder which gives me access to my Service. From there i can put Messages in the Message queue from the HandlerThread. But how I can tell my Acitivity from within the Service, that it has finished Processing and send the Data to it?
I read that I don't have to use AIDL since the Service is running in the same Process. But How can I do it then? I tried to call onBind() in the Service, hoping OnServiceConnected will be triggered in the Acitvity which initially Binds these Services, but it doesn't seem to work. I also tried to "hack" the Funktionality, by spending my Service a singleton member "MyMainActivity" with corresponing static setMainActivity(MyMainActivity activity), calling it in the ServiceConnector onServiceConnected, with the same result: Runtime Error
I even don't think I understand the functionality behind these HandlerThread.
will it loop infinitly waiting for HandlerMessages while draining the Battery, or is it on a wait() status since it recieves a message?
I read the Android API about Services but for me, it seems that they only describe to Access the Service from the Activity, and not the other way round.
If I call a method of my Service within my Activity over the ServiceBinder, which has a return value, but was started in another Thread in my Service, how will my Activity know that it processes finish? 'busy waiting' on a boolean member of my Service doesn't seem to be the way to go. If I do that, like I saw in a tutorial, I don't see a reason not to do the work in the Activity Thread itself.
I read also about an AsyncTask, but this doesn't seem to be practicable for me, because I have to do different work related to JSON Objects I get.
Please you expirienced Android guys: show me the way.
You probably don't need a full-fledged service if you just need a background thread. Services can run independent of an activity and reconnect, etc. If you don't intend for the thread to be stand-alone, then just use a class that implements Runnable. Since you seem to have a handle (no pun intended) on handlers, this won't be too hard. Just post a message to your handler from your thread to let the activity know what's going on.

[Q] designing a new app question...

Can i get your opinion of this?
Let's say I'm building a new app and I'd like the business to take ownership of updating certain information.
One button will take the user to "Current Events" which may be updated quarterly. Could I have the business owner just modify an text file and load it to one of their web servers. When the user clicks Current Events, the latest text file would be downloaded and displayed?
Also, there would be a button for "Media Room" - would the smart thing to do be to embed a link to the videos that they are already hosting online?
thanks a lot for your input,

[APP] Paste It, pastebin alternative

You probably know pastebin already. It’s a free service to paste logs, code and other texts easily.
We as Team BlueRidge wanted something similar which runs on our own server.
Thats why we’re now running Stikked on the paste.teamblueridge.org subdomain.
To make it easier for Android users to paste text, we created Paste It. For now you can set your name and the domain, but we will add more features in future.
Of course this project is open source, so check the code here. If you got anything to contribute (like translations), please use gerrit code review.
Want to report a bug or feature, please fill in all details here. Thanks in advance.
Don't worry if you don't trust our server. The app allows you to change domains, so any site with Stikked installed can be used.
May I recreate a new icon re-design for you? Let me know
Works fine btw ^_^
New Play Store URL: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.teamblueridge.pasteitapp
We had an issue with our app that caused us to need to completely republish. We apologize for any inconvenience. I hope my resurrecting a dead thread is forgivable, as we are re-announcing our "new" app. The same links apply for viewing the code or contributing to the code.
Paste to any Stikked site from your phone
Select a file to upload from your device
Material-inspired design
Select a language for code-highlighting once it reaches the server (including Logcat if the server supports it)
Coming Soon:
List of recent pastes
Better materiyolo

[Q] facebook publications in scrollview?

Good morning . I'm trying to make it on a screen with ScrollView I load facebook publications from a particular profile. In order for you to understand me better:
In a facebook profile upload news fast link, ie nocicias in which a title appears, a photo and a brief summary, and when clickeas on it, redirect you to the site in question. I want to make a page called news that charge the 5 last publications from the profile and make it function link. Change intend to add a button below to use you load the next 5 (Do not want to charge me all at once to avoid overloading the mobile).
I think that i have the structure more or less clear but I can not find how to load from a profile publications. Just me appear methods for the inverse operation, uploading to facebook publications elsewhere. Does anyone have idea how it could be done?
Thousand thanks.
(Sorry if the text is bad, im not good in english)

