Nexus One survives it's SECOND SWIM - Nexus One General

I dropped the slippery little sucker into the bathtub last night... took it out, popped the battery out, dropped everything into a gallon ziplock baggie full of rice.
fired it up this morning, it initially went into the bootloader for some reason, i rebooted and it came up fine! everything works!
bag of rice, it just WORKS!


Why the hell were you using it in your bathtub? I'd never put my phone near large amounts of water like that!

Nice big screen, soapy bubbles... Light some candles, you could have a good night if you know what I mean

haha... in my defense, i had just returned from an out of town business trip, and on my way thru the airport to the car, i turned my ankle, so i was filling the jacuzzi tub to soak my ankle, had the phone in my hand as i leaned over to turn off the water.. wasn't exactly thinking clearly.

2nd Swim?!?!? Wow! Lucky you...go play the lotto! Oh, too late probably...used up all your luck on the Nexy...LoL!

Cool story, bro.

rickyzone said:
Nice big screen, soapy bubbles... Light some candles, you could have a good night if you know what I mean
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Dude, nooooooo!!!!!

Hmmm...note to self: always have a baggie of rice when going near water with my N1.

Pretty sure I would have an absolute panic attack! I wont even go near my toilet with my nexus hahaha

moSess said:
Dude, nooooooo!!!!!
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Dude, yes. Don't act like you haven't at least thought about it.
It's hotter than any girl I've ever been with.

HighTech216 said:
Dude, yes. Don't act like you haven't at least thought about it.
It's hotter than any girl I've ever been with.
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Really man? I suggest trying to meet some Turkish or Iranian chicks then. Muy caliente!

These phones are notorious for not surviving "swims", but lately I've been hearing otherwise. For instance:
A buddy of mine has a MT3G and while leaning into the backseat to do something for his son, his phone slipped off of his lap and into his girlfriend's large sweet tea from McD's. He didn't even notice, for several minutes, until he took a sip from said tea.
His phone was floating in tea for minutes, and the only thing wrong with it is the battery doesn't hold a charge anymore. That's it.

rickyzone said:
Nice big screen, soapy bubbles... Light some candles, you could have a good night if you know what I mean
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Why not add some food? Bring a toaster into the tub with you and you could also have some hot waffles with your wine.

I need try this!!! LOL OH WELL GOOD TO KNOW..i can now safely bring my phone along when I goto a wet t-shirt party

Why did u use the bag of rice. I thought rice only absorbed boiling water or am I missing something.

trizyman said:
Why did u use the bag of rice. I thought rice only absorbed boiling water or am I missing something.
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It will absorb water at any temperature, just a lot slower than if it were hot.

trizyman said:
Why did u use the bag of rice. I thought rice only absorbed boiling water or am I missing something.
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for the same reason your grandmother put rice in the salt shaker and the sugar bowl. it absorbs the excess moisture.
silica desiccant would work better, but who has a big bag of that lying around?


nexus one splashed in water

now the status indicator flashes quick amber then green over and over when attempted to power on..
any thoughts? i've only had it a few days..> AUGH
You should do that rice stuff everyone has been discussing lately. You know, put the phone in rice and let it dry or something. I don't know the specific instructions, but I think you should do it, don't know if it would help or not at this point though.
Testimonial: Rice Resurrects Even the Most Soaked of Gadgets
Nobody wants to lose their favorite new electronic gadget to a dunk in the drink. One Lifehacker reader saved his phone after an astounding 30 minute soak by sending it to the dry-rice spa.
Two years ago we shared a handy trick for saving your gadgets after an unfortunate run-in with water—using rice to soak up the moisture. Lifehacker reader Dietrich recently put that tip to use with impressive results:
For the last 2 days it has been a monsoon in my city. Today, during a rushed last minute shopping spree, I dropped my phone in a puddle. I didn't realize I had dropped it until I got back to my car 30 minutes later.
I remembered articles on Lifehacker about what to do so I immediately popped the battery out and dried the phone. When I got home I put my Palm Pre in a bag of rice for 10 hours. Adding insult to injury, I forgot to take the phone battery out of my pocket and put it through the washing machine. 10 hours later I'm typing this on my Pre. Good job Palm on making an excellent phone.
Revival after 30 minutes is a really impressive feat. Our own Lisa Hoover saved her son's phone from a water-logged fate after it took a dunk in a swimming pool by using a container of rice, but it definitely wasn't at the bottom of the pool for a half hour. Check out the original article for the how-to on using rice to dry out your electronics and if you've used the trick yourself, successful or not, let's hear about it in the comments.
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ok, she's sitting in a bag of rice, and my g1 is back out in action...
ugh, hope i'm not buying another n1 soon...
well, i checked the water indicators on both the battery and the battery compartment on the phone, both are still WHITE!
i'm hoping it's just maybe a little moisture on the power button causing issues..
it's sitting in a bag of rice, i'll let it sit there until tomorrow then blow the dust off with canned air.
Aw, well sorry if it doesn't work for you. I've never dropped a phone in water before ~.~ I'd imagine this would be irritating..
IT LIVES! bag of dry rice overnight, and the N1 is back to 100% order, screen is clear, everything works!
Wow it really did work, lucky you!
Red MacGregor said:
IT LIVES! bag of dry rice overnight, and the N1 is back to 100% order, screen is clear, everything works!
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Hope those articles helped, and I'm glad it worked!
good to hear.
Paul22000 said:
Hope those articles helped, and I'm glad it worked!
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Wow that's great man!
thats great to know that it works
GOODJOB!!! ok we need to confirm this bag of rice trick one more time! who wants to volunteer and soak their nexus in a bucket of hot water?
I once had the misfortune of having sea water splashed on my phone. The contacts corroded
You should leave it in rice as much as you can, as there could still be water in there that will screw you over later, but I'll bet you're safe.
Once I spilt beer on my samsung i760, but my idiot friend thought that your supposed to put it in a bag of SALT, not rice, so he convinced me to do it and not only did it still not turn on the next day but the salt grinded when you opened the keyboard.
Fortunately the moister indicator did not trigger and I was able to return under warranty.
gijoe411 said:
Once I spilt beer on my samsung i760, but my idiot friend thought that your supposed to put it in a bag of SALT, not rice, so he convinced me to do it and not only did it still not turn on the next day but the salt grinded when you opened the keyboard.
Fortunately the moister indicator did not trigger and I was able to return under warranty.
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Would have loved to be the tech that got that phone to open up.
Red MacGregor said:
IT LIVES! bag of dry rice overnight, and the N1 is back to 100% order, screen is clear, everything works!
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Please tell me that you will dinner this bag of rice today
gijoe411 said:
Once I spilt beer on my samsung i760, but my idiot friend thought that your supposed to put it in a bag of SALT, not rice, so he convinced me to do it and not only did it still not turn on the next day but the salt grinded when you opened the keyboard.
Fortunately the moister indicator did not trigger and I was able to return under warranty.
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salt is hygroscopic. it raises humidity, and salt corrodes metal as well.
Hi all, I know this is a rather old thread, but I was wondering where I can find the moisture indicators on the phone and battery? Are they the white tabs near the connections of both the phone and battery? And what color are they supposed to be if they are triggered?

Rachael went for a swim ...

So this weekend, my darling Rachael ended up swimming in the washing machine.
I didn't think she would make it, but after leaving her on the radiator for 24 hours, she seems to have recovered well. Everything seems fine and it looks like she is going to make it
After all the bad press SE have had, just thought a good news story would be good to hear
Cool!.. Run over by a bus, dropped in the toilet, washed (and presumably spun) in a washing machine.. and still going strong.. Rachel is as indestructible as a Toyota Hilux!
im_iceman said:
and presumably spun
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Yes! She loved the spin
Sell it quick, once the motherboard and parts starts to corrode, then the problem will start...
No, immerse it in iso propanol. It will do away with the water and prevent corrosion
Bennachie said:
No, immerse it in iso propanol. It will do away with the water and prevent corrosion
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+1. I would do it too.
Bennachie said:
No, immerse it in iso propanol. It will do away with the water and prevent corrosion
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Or dump it in a sealed bowl half full of silica gel or some other dessicant. It should be fine after that.
Sent from my X10a using Tapatalk
Or the old bag of rice trick; although if it's been in the radiator it's probably too late, any eventual damage is on its way. Let's hope it evaporated quickly enough!
I'm hoping it dried out enough and quick enough
I don't have any silica gel or propanol (I don't actually know that that is lol)
Worst case is I need to buy a new phone at some point - I was kinda expecting that on Saturday anyway.
For now, at least, it seems ok.

Accidentally killed my nexus one last year....

At about 11:00 pm, I had my Nexus one in my back pocket, as my new skinny jeans have no front pocket (yes I'm a girl). We were at a New Year's party, I went to the restroom, dropped my pants and heard a large PLOP. Horrified I turned around in slow motion knowing what I would see. Nice bubbles rising from my beautiful nexus one.
Now it's in a bag of rice, and hoping for the best. Thankfully I do have a squaretrade warranty on it!!
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
Ohhh, that sucks. Sorry to hear
jettrue said:
At about 11:00 pm, I had my Nexus one in my back pocket, as my new skinny jeans have no front pocket (yes I'm a girl). We were at a New Year's party, I went to the restroom, dropped my pants and heard a large PLOP. Horrified I turned around in slow motion knowing what I would see. Nice bubbles rising from my beautiful nexus one.
Now it's in a bag of rice, and hoping for the best. Thankfully I do have a squaretrade warranty on it!!
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I hope you removed the battery immediately. Put it in a SEALED CONTAINER full of rice in a warm place or under some sunlight and leave it there AT LEAST 2-3 cycles of it accumulating moisture on the lid of the container. Each day or so, change out the rice, wipe down any moisture, fill it with fresh rice and start it over. Once no moisture is on the lid, do it one more time for a day or so. Do not put the battery in or try to power it on until that point.
And keep in mind your battery might be toast regardless. You might get lucky on the phone, however.
BTW, might not want to re-use the rice after, considering where the moisture is coming from
khaytsus said:
I hope you removed the battery immediately. Put it in a SEALED CONTAINER full of rice in a warm place or under some sunlight and leave it there AT LEAST 2-3 cycles of it accumulating moisture on the lid of the container. Each day or so, change out the rice, wipe down any moisture, fill it with fresh rice and start it over. Once no moisture is on the lid, do it one more time for a day or so. Do not put the battery in or try to power it on until that point.
And keep in mind your battery might be toast regardless. You might get lucky on the phone, however.
BTW, might not want to re-use the rice after, considering where the moisture is coming from
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Thanks for the info.
I think I grabbed it really quickly from the toilet, but it felt like slow motion as it seemed like I stalled for 10 seconds, watching in horror the bubbles rising. I can still see it now! haha
I did immediately remove the battery. It's now in a ziplock of rice. It's been in there since 3 am this morning. There's moisture in the corners of the screen. Will wait it out. I am currently using a cheap freebie lg flip phone and it hurts, lol.
My fear is the fact that it was blue water... they had one of those deodorant things in the tank. That can't be good.
batteries are very cheap on ebay, $6.50 shipped
Dang, a girl with a N1 and skinny jeans here on XDA... just saying ;-)
Real bummer of the nexus.. I hope it survives. Would be a real shame if you left the N1 forums :-(
GL with drying the thing.
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
khaytsus said:
BTW, might not want to re-use the rice after, considering where the moisture is coming from
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Nobody??? C'mon, that was funny regardless of the circumstances.
Rice .... really ...that works ?
Bummer, hope it gets better soon....Rice has N1 healing powers.
Chosen_on184 said:
Rice .... really ...that works ?
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Yes, it's absorbent. We used to put rice in our salt shaker down in humid Louisiana to keep it from clumping.
And yes, the comment about not re-using the rice was very funny. If this thing works, then I have to think about the toilet water tainted phone against my ear.
Tasqa, I've got a nice rack too. Just saying. But I've got a skinny white girl ass.
Haha just kiddin
My mom dropped her phone in her coffee the other day.
Dried for two weeks with no rice. Now it has those coffe lines in the resistant touchscreen 0.o
Anyways I'm off to bed. Makin all those stupid jokes aint good for me (A)
jettrue said:
Yes, it's absorbent. We used to put rice in our salt shaker down in humid Louisiana to keep it from clumping.
And yes, the comment about not re-using the rice was very funny. If this thing works, then I have to think about the toilet water tainted phone against my ear.
Tasqa, I've got a nice rack too. Just saying. But I've got a skinny white girl ass.
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Damn I would absolutely cry if that would've happened to me, for real though a girl with a N1 is sexy as hell.
Hope your N1 survives, keep us updated.
Happy New Year from a fellow N1 user from Brooklyn NY.
Sorry about your phone. I have had luck with my old Nokia and a hair dryer. That was eons ago
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
jettrue said:
Thanks for the info.
I think I grabbed it really quickly from the toilet, but it felt like slow motion as it seemed like I stalled for 10 seconds, watching in horror the bubbles rising. I can still see it now! haha
I did immediately remove the battery. It's now in a ziplock of rice. It's been in there since 3 am this morning. There's moisture in the corners of the screen. Will wait it out. I am currently using a cheap freebie lg flip phone and it hurts, lol.
My fear is the fact that it was blue water... they had one of those deodorant things in the tank. That can't be good.
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Yeah, just don't be in a hurry to use it, even if your current phone sucks compared... If you use it too fast you will kill it, right now there might be a chance.. Who knows about the blue sanitizer, but as long as it's not corrosive or conductive and leave nasty bits behind it might not be a problem.
I'd suggest a sealed tight tupperware dish with fresh rice and put it it somewhere warm or with sunlight, and again, keep changing it until it's at least past one cycle WITHOUT any condensation on the tupperware. It could be a week, but personally I'd rather be without the N1 for a week than forever.
Chosen_on184 said:
Rice .... really ...that works ?
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unless you have a giant bag of desiccant in your house somewhere.
i submerged my N1 in teh sink while washing dishes. I had shoulder surgery and was on the phone doing dishes ( was my first mistake). I had my N1 in the sling with headphones on and when i leaned forward, it slid right under the running water. I grabbed it and dried it off best i could, took the battery,sim,sd,batter cover off. I then put it in a tupperware container buried in rice for 24 hours sealed and it works like it never happened
I dropped my N1 into the drain once. Fully submerged in water and I only manage to get it out a minute later.
Lucky it was in the pouch which made the water go in slower.
Put it in a dry cabinet (the ones for camera gear) for a day and happy to report I'm still using it now.
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
So, I couldn't resist trying, everything looked very dry. Patience has never been a virtue of mine. Soon as I woke up I stuck the battery in and fired this puppy up. I was worried, it stayed on the boot logo for what seemed like longer than usual, but she's up and running! Speaker seems to work fine, I haven't made a call yet but will in just a bit.
After dropping it in la toilette, I took off the screen protecter as well. This morning I notice when the screen is off, the reflection looks a little funny, kind of a different hue, slightly hazy reflection given off, but I'm not sure if that's just how it looks without a screen protector, or if it's a result of the blue water.
Phone is charging now, and that seems to be working fine too.
Sounds like a bit of luck there.

Vibrant went into the washing machine........

Update 3/2/11. I cleaned the phone with the cleaner posted in this thread. Got all the soap residue off no problem and dried very quickly. Got the spare battery out and tried the phone...nothing. It doesn't even try to turn on. I did get my data off the external SD. I really wish I could get the data off the internal SD as it has most of what I want like a bunch of photos and stuff. Oh well. Thanks for the tips in this thread.
Original post.
What are the odds it will be ok?
What are the odds I'll at least be able to recover data off my external sd card? I have nandroid backups on it if I have to get a new phone.
Whole story.
I got in the shower my pants (with the phone in the pocket) got picked up by my girlfriend who thought she would help out and wash them with some other laundry. The phone went through all but the spin cycle before I got it out.
The phone was on when it went in and off when it came out. I pulled the battery and dissembled the phone. It is now in pieces drying out.
It looks like the underside of the main board (the metal casing holding the parts) has some discoloration, its sorta blackened and maybe has soap residue on it as well.
Anyway....this sucks.
Edit: Got the phone parts in rice. Hoping to at least get it working long enough to get my data/photos off of it.
Back in my Blackberry days there were always stories of people dropping there phones in water and it surviving.
They would take the phone apart and put it in a container of rice for a few days to absorb all the water. Problem is it was always said that pulling the battery immediately after it got wet was key. Since your phone was under for an extended period of time I dunno if this would work for you but its worth a try.
regP said:
Since your phone was under for an extended period of time I dunno if this would work for you but its worth a try.
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That's what I'm wondering too. Usually it's dropped in water for a few seconds, hardly time for the water to seep in and the battery can be pulled before the phone even shuts down. Mine was totally soaked.
Yeah... The outlook is kind of bleak but since its such an expensive device and a bag of rice is really cheap give it a shot.. Never know!
yeah, i've had that same thing happen with a phone and my zune (get in shower with phone/zune still in pants pocket...). when my phone went through the wash it was non functional, when my zune went through the wash it dried and has worked just as well for years.
how common is it to take a shower with pants on? Am I the only weirdo that takes showers without pants? Whats going on lol
I think the best way is to put it on the drier.
ferhanmm said:
how common is it to take a shower with pants on? Am I the only weirdo that takes showers without pants? Whats going on lol
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Lol that's exactly what I was thinking.
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one good thing is you can probably( dont know if this is still true) find a vibrant for very cheap.. as people have been dumping them left and right.
joshthewaster said:
I got in the shower my pants (with the phone in the pocket) got picked up by my girlfriend who thought she would help out and wash them with some other laundry.
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A great example of how important a comma can be
Put it in a jar of rice... this is a must do.
Its days are numbered.
If your phone was submerged in soapy water for a rinse cycle, then this is what will probably happen:
• If you take it apart some and dry it out (heat, bag of rice, etc) completely for a day or two and then put it back together, it will probably work fine at first.
• Over the next few weeks, it will start to break down as circuit traces and contacts corrode
I would highly recommend purchasing a Motorola Defy (waterproof), which should be able to withstand a wash cycle.
Also, find a girlfriend who isn't so absent minded. Anyone who has EVER worn pants and done laundry should think to go through the pockets before they toss them in a washing machine. Hell, I check mine twice..... once before i toss them in the hamper and then again right before I toss them in the machine.
Tarzanman said:
• Over the next few weeks, it will start to break down as circuit traces and contacts corrode
Even this would be ok. My contract with tmobile ends in a month so if I can make it to there.
Also, find a girlfriend who isn't so absent minded. Anyone who has EVER worn pants and done laundry should think to go through the pockets before they toss them in a washing machine.
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To be fair I don't ever check pockets I just don't leave stuff in them. And those jeans were going back on when I was getting out of the shower.
Dropped mine in the toilet. Just let it dry, everything should be fine. At first you'll probably panic and ****'ll look like its ****ed up. But after it's dry everything should be functional. Now for the beating it might've taken... I'm not sure, but my daughter(infant) and I have this vibrant dropping/slamming/throwing fetish and the phone has survived that, so you should be fine .
hazard99 said:
one good thing is you can probably( dont know if this is still true) find a vibrant for very cheap.. as people have been dumping them left and right.
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This is true. I was very happy with mine but thought that since this happened I would maybe at least look at other options, possibly a vibrant 4G.
ferhanmm said:
how common is it to take a shower with pants on? Am I the only weirdo that takes showers without pants? Whats going on lol
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Sorry man, I'd be so pissed if my Vibrant ended up in the washer. However, I can't stop laughing about this comment.
If you have access to chemicals, you can also toss it in concentrated alcohol. That will for sure remove the water and make it dry faster. It would probably help dissolve any soap residue as well. Probably won't be good for the adhesives used on the phone, but those are just used to tack down some things like the button lights and such. The rest are really held down w/ screws.
vnamee said:
If you have access to chemicals, you can also toss it in concentrated alcohol. That will for sure remove the water and make it dry faster. It would probably help dissolve any soap residue as well. Probably won't be good for the adhesives used on the phone, but those are just used to tack down some things like the button lights and such. The rest are really held down w/ screws.
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Huh, interesting idea. Has this been done? Don't really want to be the guinea pig but I'm tempted.
Don't forget to set it on perm press and add the sheets! Lol!
iynfynity said:
I think the best way is to put it on the drier.
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Rockin that Bionix V 1.3 w/ Androdena 5.2
Same thing happened to me just two weeks ago. Went through a full wash rinse cycle. But it never recovered. Power came back, but the screen was stuck in download mode and had heavy banding throughout the screen. My PC couldn't recognize the phone despite it being in download mode.
My mistake was trying to turn it on while it was still wet. I was completely ignorant about how to handle wet phones, and tried desperately to turn it on. Rice after one week did nothing to it... I think the damage was already done.
Hopefully with lots and lots of patience, you'll be able to get your phone back.
insurance ftw
Don't wash your jeans, crisis averted

Just dropped Atrix in the toilet. FML.

Knocked it off the counter while washing my hands.
What do I do? I'm freaking out right now, I picked it up as soon as it fell in so it wasn't in the water for more than a couple seconds.
The water marker thingy turned red and I shook the phone and I can hear water inside of it. I dried it out the best I could and pulled the battery immediately.
Basically without this phone, I'm dead.
Please help!
Put it in a vat of rice for a long time (maybe even a week) DO IT NOWWW.
placing it in the rice is a good idea, it absorbs water pretty well.
could also try to take it apart piece by piece and absorb the water with cotton swabs.
blackalice said:
Put it in a vat of rice for a long time (maybe even a week) DO IT NOWWW.
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+1 on rice! and dont try to turn it on! Saved my iphone once
blackalice said:
Put it in a vat of rice for a long time (maybe even a week) DO IT NOWWW.
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I put it in a tupperware filled with rice and closed the lid. Does that work? A whole week?! I need my phone for this weekend. =/
EDIT: Do I submerge my phone in the rice or just let it chill on top?
Submerge towards the middle of the container.
m0n3y0n7r335 said:
I put it in a tupperware filled with rice and closed the lid. Does that work? A whole week?! I need my phone for this weekend. =/
EDIT: Do I submerge my phone in the rice or just let it chill on top?
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the whole phone in the middle of the rice.
if you need your phone sooner, take it apart piece by piece. use cotton swabs to absorb the water, and isopropyl alcohol to clean up any contacts after you finish drying it out
use the ifixit guide found here:
Auxilium said:
Submerge towards the middle of the container.
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And if rice gets into the little ports? No big deal? Thank God I'm Asian and I have so much rice sitting around the house its not even funny.
m0n3y0n7r335 said:
I put it in a tupperware filled with rice and closed the lid. Does that work? A whole week?! I need my phone for this weekend. =/
EDIT: Do I submerge my phone in the rice or just let it chill on top?
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Some say 24 hours will do it - make sure you have the cover off, the battery out, and the SIM out. It's really your call.
m0n3y0n7r335 said:
And if rice gets into the little ports? No big deal? Thank God I'm Asian and I have so much rice sitting around the house its not even funny.
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blackalice said:
Some say 24 hours will do it - make sure you have the cover off, the battery out, and the SIM out. It's really your call.
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I guess I'll leave it in for 48 hours. Should I put it in the sunlight?
Also, how bad is it that I could hear water inside the phone when I shook it? At least I wasn't using the bathroom..that would have been awful. I think I would've just trashed it if that was the case haha.
Another question, should I attempt to take my phone apart?
m0n3y0n7r335 said:
Another question, should I attempt to take my phone apart?
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only if you're comfortable with taking electronics apart. the trickiest part is to get the screen out without trashing your digitizer. if i dropped my phone in water, i would do the rice trick and then take it apart afterwards to make sure every bit of water is out of there.
as long as you don't try to run a current through it, i.e., turn it on, all things you can do will help.
Many have said, "Take it apart." Your phone, your risk, your call.
That said, I sure would!
Okay well I just realized I don't own a T5 Torx ScrewDriver. I think I'll probably just let it sit. How long do you guys recommend? Is 48 hours enough or should I wait longer? And should I leave it outside in the sunlight? Omg I'm still freaking out, so much of my life is on that thing. D:
EDIT: Also, what do I do with the battery that I took out and the sim card? The battery wasn't too wet but the sim card had some water on it that I dried off.
I'd keep those in the rice as well, just to be safe.
the battery and sim card are solid state components, simply drying them off should do fine.
So how long do you recommend I keep it in rice and should I keep the container outside in the sunlight?
m0n3y0n7r335 said:
I guess I'll leave it in for 48 hours. Should I put it in the sunlight?
Also, how bad is it that I could hear water inside the phone when I shook it? At least I wasn't using the bathroom..that would have been awful. I think I would've just trashed it if that was the case haha.
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I would avoid sunlight ... I hear putting it in a jar of rice can help dry a phone out, i know a few people who have had that work for them...
Random Canadian said:
I would avoid sunlight ... I hear putting it in a jar of rice can help dry a phone out, i know a few people who have had that work for them...
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Oh I've already put it in a tupperware filled with rice. I was wondering if I should put the container with the phone in sunlight.

