Bluetooth "full screen" pop up - avoidable? - HD2 General

I am using GPS mod Driver in the newest version:
The great thing is that gps mod driver - beside it´s other functions - is scanning now different ports to find gps receiver sources, which is quite usefull if using the HD2 in a rental car and lay down the HD2 between the chairs (bad internal gps reception) and put a BT gps receiver under the wind chill window for good reception (a BT gps receiver needs quite less space than a HD2 fixture for the wind chill).
While on power gps mod driver is scanning apporx all 30s the specified ports to find a better gps source (on battery not to save battery obviously).
Now the problem:
If I am on "power" but have no BT gps receiver attached (using the internal gps source) I am getting now approx all 30s a full screen pop up which is asking me to switch ON BT, or if BT is ON (because I want to use my BT head set for example) to select my paired gps receiver.
This is not realy convinient because as said it is a full screen pop up and is hiding therefore the entire navigation software AND is requesting a confirmation press to go away (and this every 30s ...).
This behaviour is not only related to the HD2 and it looks like it depends on the BT stack which is used on the smartphone. Ohter HTC smart phones with a different BT stack are not showing this full screen pop up meassage.
Does anybody have an idea to influence this behaviour on the HD2 by any reg setting or configuration?
To put BT notice in a "silent" mode?
Best regards,


MobileNavigon|5 - my fighting, help needed

I've bought your software MobileNavigon|5 ( This is not cracked version !!!!) . I've installed it on my Pocket PC MDA Compact ( ROM 1.11). I'm using it with BT Rikaline 6031-x7.
Here is a list with all issues / problems I've found in your software:
1. To designate and show the route from i.e. Katowice to Budapest, MN5 needs 117 seconds !!!!!
2. It is impossible to navigate using MN5 because it shows you information from the past. For example, I've stopped my car on crossroad and MN5 software showed me, that I drive my car with 37 km/h !!!!!. This is obviously readout from the past - like 10 seconds old or something.
3. When GPS is started, than MN5 works extremaly slowly and every operation - like pressing button or refreshing the screen - takes about 30 seconds !!!!!!
4. When Pocket PC switches off, you software looses BT/GPS connection. It is required to re-start software again to get it communicate with GPS back.
5. When MN5 starts my bt gps device ( RIKALINE 6031-X7 connected via BT), my Pocket PC cannot perform any other operation. I cannot make or pick up the phone call, cannot start pocket outlook, IE or any other software.
Any idea ?
Is there anybody who can help me ?
I tried also with Socket BT GPS, result is the same.
I found Navigon5 forum, but I don't speak german at all
Go to, check international
go to service desk
pick the telephone number of your choice and you will get english speaking people who can help you out
A wired gps instead of bluetooth tends to fix these kind of problems, bluetooth is a great idea but I now always use wired gps for navigation because of the inherent problems with bluetooth.
but this BT GPS works perfectly with TT,Destinator and other navigation software except this f... navigon5.
I tested it with all GPS software ( VisualGPS, GPSTweak, WinFast Navigator) and everything is OK.
I found file spgps.ini file with settings
[Default GPS]
Name=GPS with GGA and VTG messages
Name=GPS with RMC and GGA messages
[Serial Port]
Is there anybody who knows what does it mean? Maybe by changing those lines it possible to start this **** working...
I sent them a lot of emails and still no answer... Their support works like their software

GPS only works when phone or bluetooth ON ?

I believe that this also affects other HTC models, but I'm puzzled by it:
If I go to the communications menu and switch off the phone receiver, the GPS also seems to stop receiving. Enabling Bluetooth seems to bring it back to life, but enabling WiFi doesn't.
I don't always want to have the phone receiver working when I'm travelling using GPS, so it's rather annoying.
Does anyone know the reason why this happens ?
Are there perhaps some common parts of the Qualcomm chip that are shared by the GPS and phone and/or bluetooth ?
- Steve

HTC Fuze (ATT) - BT GPS finally connected

Obtained Fuze two days ago and had a BT GPS receiver that I wanted to use. Took me two days of searching and finally trying non-intuitive procedure to get the connection to go through.
Step 1
Make a BT connection between the BT GPS receiver and Fuze.
Step 2
Afterwards go to Settings -> Bluetooth -> “COM Ports” Tab -> Select “New Outgoing Port” -> select “Telenav” -> Next -> Select “COM1” -> make sure “Secure Connection” has a tick mark -> Finish
Step 3
Fire up Live Search or whatever GPS app floats your boat.
In settings, be sure that COM1 is selected for the port.
All done.
BTW: BT GPS receiver is telenav brand which I picked up from Best Buy- when I picked up it was 50 USD- on clearance, I have seen it now for 25 USD. Go get em while ya can.
Thanks for this info, it may come in handy if I wind up getting the Fuze.
Just curious, why did you want to connect an external GPS over the internal? Is battery consumption on the internal GPS higher than the BT connection? Slow to acquire fix? Not able to get a GPS fix exactly where the phone needs to be when you're using navigation software?
I didn't want to add an additional drain on the Fuze's battery by using the internal GPS receiver. From what I remember reading, an internal GPS receiver will suck up as much battery as the LCD on the device.
A BT connection should be less of a battery drain than an internal GPS drain- I'll have to look it up to confirm it.
You can use the TBattery app posted here (
It will give you a real time readout of current draw in mAh.. so you can compare values directly
So my FUZE with GPSone (and in airplane mode) it draws around 220mAh.
With my QStarz BT-1000X (only BT on) it draws 180mAh.
A bluetooth GPS definitely drains your battery less then the internal but is it worth the time you spent figuring out how it works?
Why don't you use a car charger to keep your phone "alive" more? That's what I do...
hmmm... when i had my Dell x51v and a BT GPS, what i had to do was
(assuming starting afresh, no other pairings)
1) Pair with authentication (enter the passkey on your BT GPS
2) Set up an outgoing COM port (usually it's COM7 or COM8)
3) Go to Settings>Hardware>External GPS
-- Internal GPS port (for GPS software) - COM4
-- Hardware GPS port (for BT GPS) ----- what you set in (2)... COM7 or COM8... BAUD rate according to your BT GPS
-- Allow auto management of GPS
4) Start your BT GPS, BT on your device, go to your GPS software and edit it to connect via COM4... if it fails, then use the com port in (2)
benefits to using BT GPS vs internal GPS on the Touch Pro
-- Tbattery says it uses 300-450mAh with a GPS software running with medium backlight... the back of the phone feels real hot... not burning hot, but hot..... you might not be able to charge the phone via the cigarette because of this extreme temp

GPS selection on HD2

HD2 has built in GPS antenna which is great to use in most cases, but not in every case. Some time, while in the car for example, I would rather use external bluetooth GPS device. I know this is possible to use external GPS antenna and even set it up on my device for TomTom . However it was not a one click solution, plus, I do not remember exactly what I have done and how to reverse it... As a result, my TomTom only works with external BT GPS antenna (can't make it to use internal one) and NaviComputer uses internal GPS antenna (can't make it to use external one).
What I am looking for is an easy selector for GPS device. It would have several options:
1. Internal GPS
2. External BT GPS 1
3. External BT GPS 2
4. ... if needed
and more if needed. User could with one click of the button tell WM device what device to use for all apps that need GPS. Furthermore, if I select external BT GPS device, it could also automatically enable BT on the phone, which is normally disabled to save battery.
Is it possible? Or am I wishing too much?
I don't know if there is a unversal solution. I think all apps that use gps default to the gps module in the phone.
as for tomtom, go to Change Preferences > Configure GPS > Configure and then you can choose which module to use.
Hope that helps.
I went through some steps to enable external GPS for NaviComputer:
After those settings, my internal GPS is no longer working in TomTom. I have, of course, tried to go to Preferences > Configure GPS > Configure and chose built in GPS but that didn't help.
Anyway, I think I could spend some time reversing what I have done in the first place and get TomTom to use internal GPS again, but that is not the point. What I would like to have is an easy Switch On/Off button for External GPS, so that I would never need to remember all those setting changes and be able to do it with a click of the button....
You could try GPSGate (, it's not free but you can set all your programs to use the GPS gate port then use GPS gate to switch between your BT/Internal GPS in one "bulk setting". Then you only need to change one program each time and all your nav programs will be updated.
Hope that makes sense...
sounds good, will try that

Can somebody share working combination of SGS 2.2 JL2, BT gps receiver,BT gps program

I have SGS 2.2 UGJL2 , allow mock locations, and tried several bluetooth GPS receiver program, so far no luck. I can connect BT earphone no problem, gps receiver works with Dell PDA.
If power off BT gps receiver,
Bluetooth GPS Mouse -- SGS black screen, highlight the left and right bottom button, press power button show up menu, power off no response, have to take off battery.
Bluetooth GPS 0.5.8a by Googoo Android -- doesn't work
Bluetooth GPS provider, same thing. only difference is system restart automatically.
If paired BT gps receiver after input the pin, connected successfully but after some time ( 10 seconds more or less), system stop responding or restarted.
Can somebody give a hand here cause I am afraid the SGS file system on internal sd card going to crash if restart or take off battery too many times.
I wouldn't bother if somebody can share information it's android 2.2 JL2 Samsung version's bluetooth driver problem.

