Should I trade my Nokia N900 for a Nexus One? - Nexus One General

I have a chance to trade my n900 for a n1. Anybody think its worth it? I really do like the n900 for its multitasking and flash browsing, but I really miss the Android OS since I dropped my G1. Should I trade it in for a N1 or wait it out until my contract is up and then get the N1 so I can have both?


Same boat I was in. I tried a touch pro 2 after I broke my G1 and it was horrible compared to android. I ordered a N900 from Amazon and I loved it, I just don't think Nokia is gonna support it. So I ordered a Nexus one and played with both for about a week and decided to send the N900 back because it doesn't even compare really. Its a great device but not on the nexus ones level

I also had both and ended up returning the N900. I loved the device itself but it was too buggy for me. Also, being an early adopter and having had the entire N series from the N700 to the N810 wimax, I know that the community support is not that large and most of the applications are not mature.
I have been using the N1 for the last several weeks and find that there is really nothing that it can not do.

donutman said:
I have a chance to trade my n900 for a n1. Anybody think its worth it? I really do like the n900 for its multitasking and flash browsing, but I really miss the Android OS since I dropped my G1. Should I trade it in for a N1 or wait it out until my contract is up and then get the N1 so I can have both?
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Yes, if you want a better phone.

Sounds like a bloody good trade to me, I'd go for it.

donutman said:
I have a chance to trade my n900 for a n1. Anybody think its worth it? I really do like the n900 for its multitasking and flash browsing, but I really miss the Android OS since I dropped my G1. Should I trade it in for a N1 or wait it out until my contract is up and then get the N1 so I can have both?
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The N900's a fine device (in some ways more versatile, since I understand it can be wrangled into dual-booting other OSes), IMO, but it depends on your needs/wants. Do you need that physical keyboard?
If not, I'd go for the N1 right away.

A little bit of info on my impressions with the Nexus One, N900 and T-Mobile TP2 at this - post.

Well, currently i am also own Nokia N900, this is a great phone. But again it is lack support and lack of apps, apps and apps on Nokia. Really thinking of switching to Nexus one too. One thing for sure couples of things I will definitely missed is the physical keyboard, multitask and and super smooth browsing experience. Still deciding whether to go for Nexus One.

The N1 also multi-tasks (just not quite in the same manner--no task manager) and the browser's pretty smooth, for what it is.

I actually did exactly that. Traded my n900 for a Nexus One. I don't miss the n900 one bit. I loved the phone, but it doesn't compare to the N1 in my opinion. My biggest issue with the N1 was its lack of a full qwerty keyboard. That fear was eliminated once I had the N1 in my hands. Keyboard works great (especially SWYPE). It's all a matter of personal preference, but I can tell you that I made the right choice! I don't think you'll regret it if you make the trade.

I did similar N97 to Hero to N1 and i am happy about it
Nokia lately was caring less and less for customers, i mean i have E71 - latest firmware make him freeze like you need to pull out battery , exchange it to N97 - last 2 weeks fighting with very unfriendly features and move to android.
And N1 is amazing - fast, brilliant hardware with so many possibilities in software to tailor it to Your likings.

The n900 was a joke. It doesnt even provide imap idle for gmail accounts. That coupled with the buggy software, resistive joke screen, etc is a major pita. they cant even get email right on this. This phone tries to be all things to all people, but cant even get the phone thing right, or the internet tablet thing right. You get way more and the option for one handed use with the nexus. Easier standalone device. Unless you want to turn it into a remote or some lame project. I would take a g1 over the n900.

svntsvn said:
The n900 was a joke. It doesnt even provide imap idle for gmail accounts. That coupled with the buggy software, resistive joke screen, etc is a major pita. they cant even get email right on this. This phone tries to be all things to all people, but cant even get the phone thing right, or the internet tablet thing right. You get way more and the option for one handed use with the nexus. Easier standalone device. Unless you want to turn it into a remote or some lame project. I would take a g1 over the n900.
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You said everything I didn't wanna say about the n900. I loved the browsing experience on it though. After picking up the Nexus One though, the N900 is an overpriced, outdated device

The browser was great but the thing i miss most about my N900 was the Skype intergration. Its perfect over 3G or wifi. I hope Android gets an real official app soon.

MvP77 said:
The browser was great but the thing i miss most about my N900 was the Skype intergration. Its perfect over 3G or wifi. I hope Android gets an real official app soon.
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Amen! Integrated Skype support would make the N1 ROCK! I can use Sipdroid and Google Voice to make calls over the 3G connection but having complete integration would be amazing! Also wish Sipdroid would work with bluetooth!

You can replace N900 with any phone and the answer is still yes

I haven't used the N900 for more than 20 minutes or so at the Chicago flagship store, but I was left very unimpressed and have not read anything about it that has changed my opinion much. Nokia needs to leave all of their projects in the oven for a couple more years before I would be willing to switch back.
For reference, I was a die-hard Nokia fan until the N97 came out. That POS disappointed me so much, I switched to the Samsung i8910, loved it, but soon realized Symbian has gotten very old very fast. I also own an N810 (also very outdated), so I'm familiar with the idea of Maemo at the very least.
So to answer your question, yes, I would recommend trading up your N900 for a Nexus One. When Maemo has devices with capacitive screens, multitouch, and a comparably sized community of apps and developers, then we should all take a look towards Maemo. Until then...

Well, I finally took the jump and made the trade. Actually drove about 2 hrs and 30 mins to do this deal. And I don't regret it one bit! Using the n900, I forgot how much more user friendily Android was. I was able to unlock, root and flash a rom in under 30 minutes. All my favorite apps were now put to use again. N900 was severley lacking in apps. As for the browsing experience, I give the edge to the Nexus one. The only thng that the n900 has over the nexus one in terms of browsing was flash. It isn't as smooth when scrolling, doesn't format pages to fit the screen and overall, the N1 loaded pages faster.
Thanks for everones input. Not sure if I would have made the trade without yalls comments. If anyone else is on the fence about switching, do it. I usually only go for phone with a slide out keyboard but the on-screen works better than I thought. My only regret is buying the n900 on launch date and not the Nexus One.

Did the other chap say why he wanted the trade? As you've noticed, it does seem a bit of a step down!
Was it a straight up swap or any cash moving?


Advice for Iphone user

Hello all, please excuse the ignorance of this post. I have been an Iphone user from day one of the 2g Iphone, currently having a 3g one. Getting a little tired of the Iphone, and have tried Win Mo on a Touch Diamond (dont hate me but I wasnt a fan of the OS). I have been looking at the vids of Hero on, and starting to become quite taken. Was just curious if anyone out there is an Iphone user switching to Android OS, in particular the Hero. Really just looking for some opinions, and I am not trying to start an Iphone haters thread, just looking for some advice.
Although I'm not a huge dan of the iPhone, I much prefer its software to Android. I'll set aside the iTunes store and bandwagon effects (when people develop for mobile, they develop for iPhone) for now.
I feel that Android has too many buttons. There's an end, home, and back button. I'm not always sure which one to press. Also, it has multitasking without and inbuilt task manager. I don't know how to quit vs. hide an app. I think its app specific.
That said, the Hero software is much better than the standard Android build.
I was given an Ion at Google I/O, but I've hardly touched it. The iPhone, even with its own limitations, is still a better phone.
Cheers for the quick reply, still undecided.
I'm not quite an iPhone user, just an iPod touch. All I can really say is that the iPhone has a lot of great apps, browsing and calendar is great, as well as other features. I've never owned an Android device but I'm looking at the Hero too and like how customizable it is. I guess I just want to try something different.
I have never owned an iphone but been a LONG term Winmob user. I moved to Android yesterday and there is no doubt, Android is light years ahead of the current version of winmob, but, and there is a but, when you are so used to something, even good change can be a little frustrating. My point? If you use and like iphone, and remembering (if we are honest) the whole iphone experience is more visually and aesthetically appealing than winmob (with whatever rom you fancy ) ...and in a lot of areas, more functional, then I would imagine you as a long term iphoner would find the journey to hero/android a little traumatic.
You might like it for a day, then think 'but on iphone I did this', etc.
So, in summary, I have made the leap as winmob was just becoming too dated and for me, the nuances are acceptable but for someone from an already decent OS, you may think, after a while, I prefer where I was.
theillustratedlife said:
Although I'm not a huge dan of the iPhone, I much prefer its software to Android. I'll set aside the iTunes store and bandwagon effects (when people develop for mobile, they develop for iPhone) for now.
I feel that Android has too many buttons. There's an end, home, and back button. I'm not always sure which one to press. Also, it has multitasking without and inbuilt task manager. I don't know how to quit vs. hide an app. I think its app specific.
That said, the Hero software is much better than the standard Android build.
I was given an Ion at Google I/O, but I've hardly touched it. The iPhone, even with its own limitations, is still a better phone.
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Free app, tasKiller - works great for shutting down running apps, just put an icon on your homescreen and 2 taps is all it takes.
I was suffering major app slowdown before installing this, sometimes multiple instances of the same app were running and slowing things down, this app is a god send!
Thanks. I figured there would be something like that - my comments were more in reference to the iPhone v Android discussion.
cbailey said:
I have never owned an iphone but been a LONG term Winmob user. I moved to Android yesterday and there is no doubt, Android is light years ahead of the current version of winmob, but, and there is a but, when you are so used to something, even good change can be a little frustrating. My point? If you use and like iphone, and remembering (if we are honest) the whole iphone experience is more visually and aesthetically appealing than winmob (with whatever rom you fancy ) ...and in a lot of areas, more functional, then I would imagine you as a long term iphoner would find the journey to hero/android a little traumatic.
You might like it for a day, then think 'but on iphone I did this', etc.
So, in summary, I have made the leap as winmob was just becoming too dated and for me, the nuances are acceptable but for someone from an already decent OS, you may think, after a while, I prefer where I was.
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Although I will agree with some of your points othese I wont.
I find that andriod is more asthetically pleasing than the iPhone and when you state that the poster would think "the iphone did this" they will also think wow my iphone didnt do this...
To the original poster, why dont you take a trip to t-mobile and try their phone before you buy, only you will know what you prefer.
I used to be an iphone user and hated it after about a week, the main issue for me seemed to be multitasking, amazing how much I use that.
Anyways just my opinion, each to their own, but dont discard the Hero nor should you leap into buying one, read, read, read and try in store.
Certainly, do not discount the Hero, it is a beautiful piece of tech.
If it helps you any, I kept my Hero for 3 days, then returned to the Kaiser. I have sent the Hero back.
Now, is the Kaiser better? As a tech experience, NOT a chance, the Hero is much better. As a functional tool, the Kaiser is more (for me).
Example, it syncs locally, completely flawlessly. The Satnav apps on it are mature and established, if truth also be told, I found an onscreen keyboard not a patch on a hardware one. These are key reasons I need my phone.
Will I go back to Hero? I would have thought very likely. It needs to mature a little, then I will be back in. I will still miss the hardware keyboard though. Pressing a screen is not a patch on pressing buttons. But as an iphone user, that will not be any issue for you.
I've just sold my iPhone 3G and ordered a HTC Hero, I think being a Mac lover there'll always be a thing for the iPhone and the whole user experience - no matter what anyone says. But I just wanted to try something different and the Hero looked promising with the Android and mainly what HTC has added to it. Hopefully it doesn't let me down! If I do miss the iPhone too much then I'll just upgrade in 9 months once my contract finishes!
hannanmalik said:
I've just sold my iPhone 3G and ordered a HTC Hero, I think being a Mac lover there'll always be a thing for the iPhone and the whole user experience - no matter what anyone says. But I just wanted to try something different and the Hero looked promising with the Android and mainly what HTC has added to it. Hopefully it doesn't let me down! If I do miss the iPhone too much then I'll just upgrade in 9 months once my contract finishes!
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I predict you will very quickly long for where you once were and end up with another iphone. Sure of it.
hannanmalik said:
I've just sold my iPhone 3G and ordered a HTC Hero, I think being a Mac lover there'll always be a thing for the iPhone and the whole user experience - no matter what anyone says. But I just wanted to try something different and the Hero looked promising with the Android and mainly what HTC has added to it. Hopefully it doesn't let me down! If I do miss the iPhone too much then I'll just upgrade in 9 months once my contract finishes!
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Two thumbs up!!
I had an iphone sold it and NEVER looked back, behind all that hype theres actually just a phone with an ipod!!
danchappers said:
Two thumbs up!!
I had an iphone sold it and NEVER looked back, behind all that hype theres actually just a phone with an ipod!!
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Hahahaha. Whenever i see somone with an Iphone its like Whatever. Its like so not 2009. It just got old for me. I sold my Magic to get a Htc Hero:
I had a G1, sold it to my friend from work, bought a Magic, played with it for 1-2 weeks. Sold it and now im getting a Hero soon!

Nexus or Iphone? i cant decide...

To start off Iam no stranger to android&to the Iphone/Ipod touch OS(used to own an ipodtouch)
Iam truely brickwalled on deciding if I should switch to a nexus one or a Iphone 3g on tmobile. The reason why I'm still considering an iphone with tmobile is because for 1 my bill will go down a bit&I ll save near 200 on the phones purchase via ebay.
I do love android&the nexus one seems to be what I have been waiting for yet I don't want to be left out in the dark with 500 dollar device. By that I mean it not getting many android software updates. The only thing I can say I don't like about android 100% is the app market( I'm a sucker for games)
But all aside I just don't want to make the wrong choice as ill be starting my college classes in mid march&I need a new phone to see me thru. Currently I'm on a tmo g1&I havehad it for a year now. Its been dropped a few times&has its scares&I have maxed it out to my taste with custom roms.......but the time has come for a new device.
I welcome all help&opinions(esp if you have used both devices)
Firstly, the iPhone won't get 3G on T-Mobile bands.
I myself upgraded from a G1, and while I miss the hardware KB (mostly for SNES) the upgrade is great. All the things the G1 could technically do, this thing can do while running 5 other apps without any lag.
You're pretty much right about the games, but Polarbit has a handful of cool ones in 3d now that run great on the Nexus, and really show it off. Armageddon Squadron (dumb name) is a great WWII flying game where you can even dogfight online (though nobody ever seems to play). However, SNESoid is pretty much crippled right now that took away a lot of the gaming potential.
Eventually, however, it will have Flash 10.1 support, which will unlock a nearly infinite catalog of games online. Granted, Flash games aren't the most engaging.
I've been playing HomeRun Battle 3d on my nexus all day, so hard to put down.
you cant compare a Nexus One and iPhone 3G but u can compare it to a 3GS, i would go for that if u decide to take the iPhone route, the 3Gs is soo much better than the 3G
anyways i was in the same boat, i wanted the 3Gs but I was dying for and Android device, passed on the Nexus one ofr now, and saved 300 bucks and got a myTouch3G instead, i am still gonna in the market for a high powered ANDROID device but this is fine for now. SOmeone just put it to me like iPhone is for Paris Hiltons nowadays, its glamor. All the smart DEVs use the ANDROID platform
nicknowsky said:
you cant compare a Nexus One and iPhone 3G but u can compare it to a 3GS, i would go for that if u decide to take the iPhone route, the 3Gs is soo much better than the 3G
anyways i was in the same boat, i wanted the 3Gs but I was dying for and Android device, passed on the Nexus one ofr now, and saved 300 bucks and got a myTouch3G instead, i am still gonna in the market for a high powered ANDROID device but this is fine for now. SOmeone just put it to me like iPhone is for Paris Hiltons nowadays, its glamor. All the smart DEVs use the ANDROID platform
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Well said... the glamour bit.
I have 2 phones, a nexus one and an iphone 3gs.
IMHO, the nexus 1 is where the iphone was about a year ago, ie it's missing some functions (although you can add most of those through 3rd party apps and of course, the cooks are always making it better.)
HOWEVER, I love both phones. The thing with the Nexus is that once you root it etc, the possibilities are endless, just like when you jailbreak, but jailbreaking is easier than rooting (again imho) but you really get to know and love your phone once you have to figure out how to do things like fastbooting this and terminal into that etc...
There is one thing to keep in mind, the next phone is always around the corner and there could be a completely new iphone announced soon. Apple is having an event on the 27th of Jan, so maybe hold off on deciding until you hear what Stevy has to say
Either way, I think you'll be happy with either choice you make
samawil said:
I have 2 phones, a nexus one and an iphone 3gs.
IMHO, the nexus 1 is where the iphone was about a year ago, ie it's missing some functions (although you can add most of those through 3rd party apps and of course, the cooks are always making it better.)
HOWEVER, I love both phones. The thing with the Nexus is that once you root it etc, the possibilities are endless, just like when you jailbreak, but jailbreaking is easier than rooting (again imho) but you really get to know and love your phone once you have to figure out how to do things like fastbooting this and terminal into that etc...
There is one thing to keep in mind, the next phone is always around the corner and there could be a completely new iphone announced soon. Apple is having an event on the 27th of Jan, so maybe hold off on deciding until you hear what Stevy has to say
Either way, I think you'll be happy with either choice you make
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jailbreaking an iphone is easier than running 'fastboot oem unlock' ??
Also is it true that if I were to buy a jailbroken unlocked iphone 3g(3gs too exspensive)
&upgrade firmware that I would need a an at&t sim to activate it to rejailbreak then unlock it again?
If true that seals the deal&the nexus will be my choice
nmesisca said:
jailbreaking an iphone is easier than running 'fastboot oem unlock' ??
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To jailbreak my iPhone I pressed a button that said "make it rain". Both a pretty easy, but the Blackra1n app is easier for newbies.
corys00 said:
To jailbreak my iPhone I pressed a button that said "make it rain". Both a pretty easy, but the Blackra1n app is easier for newbies.
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That's what i and click
I'm not saying it's better..just easier
There is no solution to jailbreak new iPhone 3Gs hardware released after 11/09. Blackrain will jailbreak but when switch phone off and back on again it will be in recovery mode and to get out from that phone need to be connect to the computer and run a blackrain again.
Even rooted N1 can be updated to new firmware without any problem.
Freezey said:
I do love android&the nexus one seems to be what I have been waiting for yet I don't want to be left out in the dark with 500 dollar device. By that I mean it not getting many android software updates. The only thing I can say I don't like about android 100% is the app market( I'm a sucker for games)
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Why are you so worried about not getting software updates? Android has had quite a few updates for only being out 1 year. If you're worried about updates on the Nexus itself, it's only been out for 2 weeks. . .
If your network is T-Mobile, Nexus One hands down. If your network is AT&T iPhone 3GS hands down. If you mean iPhone 3G and NOT 3GS, I would still go with Nexus One on AT&T.
I'm an ex iphone user and htc hd2 (pants) and the nexus one is by far the best phone i've ever had and i've had loads !!!
Nexus one hands down!
My favorite among many is... ask an iphone owner to take a picture in the dark! Oh nevermind!
But without making this an iphone vs N1 battle... Android is the future
Don't let all the bad publicity about the Nexus sink in... it's all overrated, this is an awesome phone
On the question of if you bought an unlocked 3g, would you have to rejailbreak and unlock it using an att sim to get an
If it is already unlocked, you simply install the latest firmware update VIA the right methods. If it started out properly jailbroken and unlocked, and was produced before week 40, you never have to worry about it locking ever again.
Anyway, a little background. I used to be on these forums CONSTANTLY (had an HTC Touch (Sprint) and HTC HD). I then finally switched to the iPhone (never wanting to before, because of the ridiculously many basic flaws it had).
I am now on an iPhone 3GS 32GB. It honestly is the best phone I have ever used. I run a small business (selling smartphones), and can focus so much more now on getting things done, rather on HOW to get them done so that my phone will work right.
I also sell the Nexus One, and played with a customers a bit before I sold it. It seemed good...but sort of beta. Animations weren't as smooth as I would have liked, the device wasn't as fast as I would have liked, and typing was a NIGHTMARE. Since it doesn't have many common implementations of multitouch, I had to be VERY deliberate and careful when typing in order to get it to work right. On the iPhone, I can type ridiculously fast. Since I am used to the more responsive screen, however, I sucked on the Nexus One. That being said, perhaps if I had gone straight from the Touch HD to the Nexus One, I would have never noticed / cared. Even at that point though, I could never be as fast at typing as I am on the iPhone. I can hammer out emails and texts very quickly, and the correction is superb.
However, you are asking about Nexus One and 3G...I think I would say Nexus One for you. I would say 3GS overall, simply because it truly is the best. But between Nexus One and 3G, go for the Nexus One.
1. You are not coming from an iPhones typing experience.
2. The iPhone 3G honestly is just too slow. I've got 2 friends with the 3G model and I can't stand it. The 3GS is really so much faster.
Also, you do indeed need to take into consideration the fact that you are going to use T-Mobile...for which you would have no 3G on any iPhone. However if you go 3GS, the speed of the device can in many times compensate quite well for this, especially if you have a good strong signal with EDGE (used it today).
Also keep in mind that since you will be forced to use EDGE all the time on an iPhone, the battery life will be excellent (although you could choose to do the same with the Nexus One of course - but probably wouldn't).
Another thing, the iPhone is kind of tested - tried and true. All the apps are made for the same screen and res, the same platform, there has only been 3 very careful and slow implementations of the device, they don't usually slap 100 bells and whistles on - so you can always rely on it - ALWAYS.
Also, I do have my iPhone jailbroken, and have taken care of the few faults Apple left, and added a bunch of awesome features.
I'm also told by my suppliers that I should have access to the next gen iPhone sometime soon so...perhaps you should indeed wait as has been mentioned, at a minimum I'd wait until that Apple conference dealyo on the 27th.
But really, I just can't say enough how converted I am. I also installed OS X on my PC and never think about Windows (even Win 7). Apple products really are just SO SOLID and dependable. And fast. It's awesome.
Don't forget it also depends what you want it for. If you want to tinker with it and get into it, a Nexus One is probably again your best choice. If you want an awesome full featured fast smartphone to get things done very efficiently and completely every single time reliably, I'd say 3GS.
Wow. This was the first post I've made on here since I got my iPhone. Truly though, it has been my best phone experience ever, and I have tinkered with quite a few HTC phones for a LOT of time.
I just came back for old times sake.
Anyway, good day to all you xda members! It was good to be back for a bit.
Just a quick FYI, I wholesale and retail all sorts of smartphones (including the Nexus One and factory unlocked (and software unlocked) iPhone 3G and 3GS). So drop me a line or tell a friend if there's interest!
[email protected]
Not going to adress your whole wall-of-text, sorry about that. Just a little note, a 16GB card does NOT cost $100, it's under half of that.
And as a little counterweight: I must say I enjoy Win7 and Android a lot more than OSX and iphone, but that might be just me. Also I'm not a devout follower of any computer software and I will never convert to anything. If I think it's better for my needs, I will use it (having had WM phones, ipods, iphones etc etc). I still use a ipod nano 16GB as my mp3 player because it's small and has a nice screen (although without itunes).
People saying they are converts to computer software/hardware well... too bad for them imo
SBS_ said:
Not going to adress your whole wall-of-text, sorry about that. Just a little note, a 16GB card does NOT cost $100, it's under half of that.
And as a little counterweight: I must say I enjoy Win7 and Android a lot more than OSX and iphone, but that might be just me. Also I'm not a devout follower of any computer software and I will never convert to anything. If I think it's better for my needs, I will use it (having had WM phones, ipods, iphones etc etc). I still use a ipod nano 16GB as my mp3 player because it's small and has a nice screen (although without itunes).
People saying they are converts to computer software/hardware well... too bad for them imo
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Hey, thanks for the input. Would you mind dropping a link to a 16gb card cheaper than that? I have always been surprised they were so expensive, guess I have just been looking in the wrong places.
As for the convert issue...I agree. For example, I was going to drop my iPhone and move to the Nexus One until I tried one out, and discovered that it's 3G will only work with TMobile, and only in the US. What I meant by convert is...right now I have OS X and I have Win 7 ultimate, and I have an iPhone and have had many HTC phones and...In my experience, and for my uses, Apple products have proved time and time again to be vastly superior. But the second the "Nexus Two" comes out and beats the latest iPhone...I'm on board I've really always wanted an Android phone, and really always thought it would conquer. However for the time being, the 3GS 32GB jailbroken has proved the top of the pack for me.
jim256 said:
discovered that it's 3G will only work with TMobile, and only in the US
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Just wanted to address this - the 3G on the nexus will work fine outside the US - some carriers like those in canada dont necissarily use the tmob US frequencies but the whole of europe (on all carriers) and significant parts of the rest of the world does.
human_error said:
Just wanted to address this - the 3G on the nexus will work fine outside the US - some carriers like those in canada dont necissarily use the tmob US frequencies but the whole of europe (on all carriers) and significant parts of the rest of the world does.
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How sure are you about this? From my understanding, even T-Mobile in other countries doesn't use the T-Mobile US 3G frequency. I was under the impression that T-Mobile US alone used their 3G frequency.
Can anyone help us out here?

Is the Nexus one worth it?

Is it worth the $600.00 for the Nexusone?
Thoughts Please.
Definitely worth it if you have the cash the burn. I came into that situation when I came into the possession of a few StarCraft II beta keys, and technically only paid taxes on the phone.
My other reason is that I wanted to move to T-Mobile, the area I live has good coverage and I was paying way too much money as it were on AT&T. The Even More Plus plans make it an amazing phone to use on it. On AT&T they stick you with whatever $30 data plan. YMMV on that, because for the past half year I was on a Rogers HTC Magic on AT&T and was using their dumbphone unlimited plan for half that. But once I placed my SIM in the N1, the system kicked me up to the 30 dollar plan automatically.
As for the device itself, it's well built, feels very solid. Everything is just snappy when compared to the Magic, even portrait and landscape switching. When I got it earlier this week I was showing it around the office and probably made a few converts out of some iPhone people.
Well it depends. Have you used a smartphone or iphone before. Is this your first foray into touchscreens? Lots of questions, but heres my impression.
1) Phone is solid! sleek, and very thin for a smartphone.
2) Its feature packed with apps (only downside is no support for sd card apps install with the stock rom)
3) Google maps with navigation is killer!! especially with the free price tag.
4) People are experiencing low signal strenght when holding the bottom of the phone. I did notice that with the tmobile version, but i have the att version now and im guessing att service where i live is just that much better than tmo.
5) Screen is gorgeous. Resolution and the AMOLED technology is amazing.
6) Coming from iphone 3gs, the touchscreen isnt as good as the iphone, but the more i use the phone the less i notice the difference.
7) Call quality is about equal to the iphone.
8) Bottom menu buttons (back, menu, home and search) arent always spot on. I read somewhere here that you have to touch just above the icon and before the screen and its been responsive with that. hoping google will get that fix to actually be able to touch the icon and it should work.
9) Battery life for me has been good so far. Heavy text, light email and varying web use and it Lasts me all day and i usually charge my phone when i go to bed no matter what anyway.
10) And you have 14 days to test drive the phone. Only thing is that you pay $45 for restocking fee. W
So people can talk about this phone, but ultimately its going to end up with your decision. So either find someone with a nexus one to see in person, or buy it and return within 14 days if you dont like it and just get charged $45 after you get your refund.
Hope this helps
This phone is absolutely TERRIBLE
Get an iPhone
sinclac said:
Is it worth the $600.00 for the Nexusone?
Thoughts Please.
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Good Phone, Get one
Yes it is worth it especially when we get flash 10.1
Great phone. You'll hear about a few perceived issues, but overall it's a great phone. I like it much better than the iphone 3GS it replaced.
it worths ,
1) it is fast, or even faster than iphone 3gs
2) you can use different widges instead of plain and simple icons in iphone.
3) although the apps is not that much than iphone , the apps is still enough for general use
4) easy to use , dont need itunes support, unmounted the sd cards anytime without any problems
but i still missed the magnifier when choosing words in iphone and i feel disappointed about the youtube apps in nexus one, because i cant change the default location and this is useless to other countries beside US.
My life now revolves around my nexus one. That's how good it is.
Are you seriously asking this question IN THE NEXUS ONE SECTION???
um...yeah of course...we all have one here...
h2opoloplyr_11 said:
Well it depends. Have you used a smartphone or iphone before. Is this your first foray into touchscreens? Lots of questions, but heres my impression.
Hope this helps
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Yes i was an iphone user now i have a mytouch 3g i have had touch screens for a few years now.
Great phone out of the box and plenty of customizing available! See the Development section for goodies
melterx12 said:
Are you seriously asking this question IN THE NEXUS ONE SECTION???
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Well i guess i could ask in the iphone section
I mite be just a lil biased but i couldn't be happier that i bought this phone. Coming from a SE C905 its a completely different experience! I had the chance to use a HTC Hero phone and speed/screen wise it simply didn't compare, it's an awesome phone
absolutely loving this mobile, and you will too.
eric b
Paul22000 said:
This phone is absolutely TERRIBLE
Get an iPhone
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I second that. How dare you consider the Nexus One when a heavenly device such as the iPhone is on the market. It is now even available in Commie Red or Suppression Purple.
xombe said:
I second that. How dare you consider the Nexus One when a heavenly device such as the iPhone is on the market. It is now even available in Commie Red or Suppression Purple.
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LOL, What have u bin smoken? or check the air your breathing
I think it will vary from person to person. I had a Blackberry curve... then the HTC TP2. I don't think I've ever truly experienced what a smartphone should be like until I got my N1. I absolutely think it was it was worth it.
Totaly worth it. I LOVE my new nexus one.
The iPhone pales in comparison.
Apple really sucks. The only reason the iPhone is popular is because it came out first. If android came out first, apple would hardly have any customers--just like MAC's vs PC's today

Pls convince me not to wait for iPhone 4g

Seriously annoyed with myself right now. Waited for this HD2 for a while now and it JUST became available on my corp website (US-Tmo) - could pick it up now if I wanted.
Of course now I'm considering if I wouldn't want to wait it out for the new iPhone to get announced June 7 and then roll onto my corp plan.
I specifically bought an iPod Touch so I would NOT be tempted to buy an iPhone for the wrong reasons.
But after suffering through 4 Sprint TP1's, and now on a Sprint TP2, I'm less than thrilled - and maybe wondering if I should just give up and go to dark side to get reliable operation. That is my biggest issue - phone is always stuttering and doing stuff I don't want it to - despite the upgrade to Sense 2.5, I still feel like I'm fighting the phone half the time.
I really really like the open source nature of winmo and hate the box Jobs creates around his products, but in my experience with my iTouch - it just works.
I played with the HD2 in the store and while the screen is much better now, I still felt I was trying to convince myself the keyboard and browser were as good as my iTouch - and that's the first sign I guess they're not.
Anyway, have at me - I'm just on the fence now.
EDIT FOR CLARIFICATION: I should point out, the only reason I went to the TP2 was Sprint forced me to burn an upgrade as I was "so close" to my 1 yr warranty they wouldn't process another upgrade and staunchly refused to move me to TP2 w/o fee as the famous memo said they should. However, I only upgraded after I was given written proof they will let me out of my contract with no ETF if I'm unhappy for any reason. So I have a get out of jail free card I intend to use as soon as I make up my mind and screw them right back.
Why stop there? Why not wait for the iphone 5g or the HD3?
Get what "you" want!!
You are going to hear how good this phone is!! I love it! But it is not for everyone. If you like easy, stay with what you are used to. No one can decide for you. I researched for months,before it came out. I'm happy with what it is, & has, not what it might be or get!!
ive seen the iphone hype and i dont care
a whole bunch of people dont care about hype, ironically they themselves are a demographic group.
i ordered my hd2 yesterday when my network rang me by suprise 3 months early offering an upgrade.
i guess they knew some pretty new phones were gonna be out (or at least in serious pre-release hype) when my contract expired.
i have an hd1 and just ordered my hd2 (arrives in a few hours ahem) i guess its pretty late in terms of how long the phone has been out, but i was always put off by the screen being too big to be a 'phone' as the hd1 is the maximum size in my opinion. i wanted the hd2 to be exactly what it is now, but the same size as the hd1.
why would you want an iphone anyway?
i have an iphone... i bought it dirt cheap broken it looked like it had been run over. i fixed it and got everything working, even jailbroke it put some apps etc but i never bothered to put it back together because i have a hd.
i actually use my phone. i use contacts, calendar, etc i remote desktop to my main pc. about a hundred other things as well, even though 'theres an app for that' on the ipod wm is just better.
xda... roms... i think youre just having trouble coming to terms with the fact that while iphones are good (dont get me wrong) and the new iphone will be good too, its just not the right phone for you.
thats something i can accept, lots of people feel like they HAVE to prefer the iphone.
basically a guy that doesnt even have his hd2 yet is trying to convince you to go for the phone you want, not the phone that wants to be loved the most (deep psychological implications there lol) so the hd2 must be good. its definately going down in history as an epic phone lol
lude219 said:
Why stop there? Why not wait for the iphone 5g or the HD3?
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thats not good advice, the iphone 6g is almost out lol
maybe he has a 10 year contract
darknyt said:
Seriously annoyed with myself right now. Waited for this HD2 for a while now and it JUST became available on my corp website (US-Tmo) - could pick it up now if I wanted.
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so basically, what you have been waiting for has finally arrived.
Of course now I'm considering if I wouldn't want to wait it out for the new iPhone to get announced June 7 and then roll onto my corp plan.
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the thing is you always get wacky efficiency ideas in your head when you see the light at the end of the tunnel. (the tunnel being the contract, and the light being the upgrade).
even if its not about upgrades and youre just buying phones, its intelligent to question outcomes of alternative solutions to decisions you have made.
I specifically bought an iPod Touch so I would NOT be tempted to buy an iPhone for the wrong reasons.
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so basically you already have an iphone. the ipod is basically all the selling points of an iphone, without the phone. if youre thinking yes, but the new iphone will be better than your current ipod touch then i guess thats true, but then whats the point of having that anyway then?
if you buy the hd2 are you gonna buy the next gen ipod touch to compensate for not having an iphone?
But after suffering through 4 Sprint TP1's, and now on a Sprint TP2, I'm less than thrilled - and maybe wondering if I should just give up and go to dark side to get reliable operation.
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i think the hd2 has been pretty much been given the overall thumbs up by most of the world now its a pretty safe bet. look at how the reviews of the tp2 etc changed over time, the hype and novelty wore off and people moved on. the reviews for the hd2 are consistant now, even picking up as they come out on more networks.
That is my biggest issue - phone is always stuttering and doing stuff I don't want it to - despite the upgrade to Sense 2.5, I still feel like I'm fighting the phone half the time.
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sense is not your only option...
also, what is your phone doing that you dont want it to? running apps while youre on the phone is a big problem for many people that can be solved v easily.
if you feel like youre fighting against the fault then that is because of the user interface.
it takes too many clicks to do a lot of things in sense 2.5 too.
shortcuts help a lot. getting small apps to toggle wifi etc and do what you do commonly make your phone muuuuch easier to use.
why dont you say what you mean specifically?
I really really like the open source nature of winmo and hate the box Jobs creates around his products, but in my experience with my iTouch - it just works.
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yes but so does wm. there are stable versions of everything on wm that the iphone does.
I played with the HD2 in the store and while the screen is much better now, I still felt I was trying to convince myself the keyboard and browser were as good as my iTouch - and that's the first sign I guess they're not.
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you can install many different browsers. many stable and fast.
there are many different keyboards you can install on wm too...
different looks, different layouts, built in functions like copy and paste (by holding a key), shortcuts, numberpads, swipe, commercial ones, freeware, much more flexible. you can even put the iphone keyboard skin on your 'much better' screen of the hd2.
Anyway, have at me - I'm just on the fence now.
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I think the only really compelling reason to go for an HD2 over an iPhone 4G is the 4.3" screen. The thing is enormous, and while I don't watch movies on the go (the HD2 can't really play HD movies anyway), the screen is just awesome-- every other phone screen now looks tiny to me. I prefer the industrial design on the HD2 to that of the iPhone 3G/3GS (maybe it seems novel because I've never seen a single other HD2 in the wild, whereas everyone and their dog has an iPhone), but the 4G iPhone is pretty sleek, so we'll have to see.
The HD2's capacitive screen is a big step up from old WM phones, but its accuracy is still not quite at iPhone levels, and despite the huge screen and the variety of keyboards available (after experimenting, I generally stick with the HTC one anyway), I still can't type nearly as accurately (and thus quickly) on the HD2 as on the iPhone. I think the main reason is Apple's still-best-in-class autocorrection (HTC's XT9 mode is so bad that I stick with normal entry, which has no autocorrect at all).
Snapdragon makes the HD2 faster than phones like the TP2, but it still has all the usual Windows Mobile problems (lagging, inconsistent behavior, things inexplicably stop working, needing to soft reset, etc.). The CPU is damn fast, so as a result it sometimes does fly, but it goes to waste in WM, which just delivers highly inconsistent performance. As a phone, my 2G iPhone (with a lowly 400 MHz ARM11 CPU) is much more consistent. I can answer every call that comes in on the iPhone without issue, I never have problems sending/receiving emails, etc., which is not quite true for the HD2 (which sometimes has the black screen of death, slows down tremendously, or just plain locks up, requiring a battery pull).
In sum, the HD2 is the greatest WM 6.x phone that will ever be made, but it's still a WM phone. So that means flexibility and customizability, but it also means having to fiddle with regular ROM flashes to get basic things working, a severe lack of third-party applications, and inconsistency throughout. No HD2 ROM is stable, fast, and bug-free to an iPhone-like level, or even anywhere close.
If you want something that "just works," the iPhone is your answer. I just wouldn't spend too much time with an HD2 beforehand though-- the enormous screen may hook you .
lude219 said:
Why stop there? Why not wait for the iphone 5g or the HD3?
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Because I have jumped onto what was available at the time thinking that same thing and suffered through a crappy phone for a year and having Sprint completely **** me around over it. It's a complete crapshoot, I know. But I'm just trying to be patient with this and not jump on the HD2 just because it's there now, when we all know the announcement of the iPhone is less than 3 weeks away unless Jobs gets his panties in a knot. Just giving myself options between the two most likely candidates.
I can sum it up for you in 3 words...
"No Flash Support"
End of game...
flexibility <> performance
decide for urself.
but u asked for opinions, so..
a friend is using the iphone OS 4.0 beta3 on his iphone 3gs, for me, it suxx, i really dont like it..
i never recommend an iphone, cause its just a way too expensive for so less things
maybe u could go for android, wich is fast and stable on a device like the desire.. much cheaper and still better hardware than an iphone. i dont think the iphone 4g will get hardware like the desire or hd2 has...
i used everything, winmo, android, iphone..
winmo is really flexible, iphone is very fast without lag, but android got both.. its flexible and fast. maybe u should try this?^^
Pfffff tired of those useless threads ....
if you want one , buy one or wait until it came out ..
But why the hell are you asking a bunch of winmo guys if it is a good choice...
What sort of answer are you looking For ?
to stick to the thread a bit more ....
Wait for 4G ! OR 5G ! or Ngage 4.3 or Nintendo 4DS phone (seems to be great
Sorry i'm not exactly friendly here ....
But .... i'm tired of that ...
To sum up the HD2:
1) One of the most powerful smartphones available.
2) The best chefs on xda cook for it
3) The best programmers develop mods for it (Co0kie's Home Tab etc)
4) Smooth operation
5) Great screen for movies and browsing
6) Overall a fantastic phone
7) You can play StarCraft on it
Yes, you could wait for the next iPhone. Or the HD3. Such is technology, that whatever you buy one day, will always be obsolete the next. Live for the moment, get the HD2, you will not regret it. Even if it doesn't perform exactly as you want in stock (I had practically no problems with stock performance thankfully) just get a custom ROM, make a few tweaks (excellent thread full of tweaks in HD2 General), and it WILL be an excellent phone.
besides talking, what do u use ur phone 4? which one can meet ur requirements as a user?..
Hey ! IT IS SO EASY !!!! BUY BOTH and THEN decide !
I would not by HD2 today. Because of windows. It's even worse since WM6.5 is becoming obsolete. HTC did great job with HD2 in masking WM. It almost seems like different OS. So I'm not entirely unhappy with it.
On the other hand I would not buy anything with smaller display today.
I would not buy any iPhone. Yes, they are cool, well thought out. Really lovely devices. But company policies suck. Also .. it is smaller then HD2.
It seems to me there is only one solution to this: Android.
xlr8me said:
I can sum it up for you in 3 words...
"No Flash Support"
End of game...
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I prob need a serious primer in what I'm doing wrong, but I was attempting to play flash videos through skyfire just tonight over my home wifi - it was a freaking joke. Literally like a slideshow.
Dr.Sid said:
I would not by HD2 today. Because of windows. It's even worse since WM6.5 is becoming obsolete. HTC did great job with HD2 in masking WM. It almost seems like different OS. So I'm not entirely unhappy with it.
On the other hand I would not buy anything with smaller display today.
I would not buy any iPhone. Yes, they are cool, well thought out. Really lovely devices. But company policies suck. Also .. it is smaller then HD2.
It seems to me there is only one solution to this: Android.
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Yeah, sorry - I forgot to say - Android is a no-no. Our IT dept (multinational, professional services firm so touchy about security) did extensive testing and Android doesn't meet our security requirements. Maybe when they get their **** together. We only just got the iPhone on our plan last year - partly due to cost negotiations, but also initially for security.
darknyt said:
Android doesn't meet our security requirements.
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That's interesting to know
Maybe u should check this thread
DontHate said:
so basically, what you have been waiting for has finally arrived.
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DontHate said:
the thing is you always get wacky efficiency ideas in your head when you see the light at the end of the tunnel. (the tunnel being the contract, and the light being the upgrade).
even if its not about upgrades and youre just buying phones, its intelligent to question outcomes of alternative solutions to decisions you have made.
so basically you already have an iphone. the ipod is basically all the selling points of an iphone, without the phone. if youre thinking yes, but the new iphone will be better than your current ipod touch then i guess thats true, but then whats the point of having that anyway then?
if you buy the hd2 are you gonna buy the next gen ipod touch to compensate for not having an iphone?
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It's really more about having a phone that works more consistently. Nope will stick with my current iTouch - wife and kids usually keep it at home anyway.
DontHate said:
i think the hd2 has been pretty much been given the overall thumbs up by most of the world now its a pretty safe bet. look at how the reviews of the tp2 etc changed over time, the hype and novelty wore off and people moved on. the reviews for the hd2 are consistant now, even picking up as they come out on more networks.
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DontHate said:
sense is not your only option...
also, what is your phone doing that you dont want it to? running apps while youre on the phone is a big problem for many people that can be solved v easily.
if you feel like youre fighting against the fault then that is because of the user interface.
it takes too many clicks to do a lot of things in sense 2.5 too.
shortcuts help a lot. getting small apps to toggle wifi etc and do what you do commonly make your phone muuuuch easier to use.
why dont you say what you mean specifically?
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I feel I made a bad choice picking up the TP2 that really only seems like an upgraded keyboard and bigger screen compared to TP1. Other than that, same ****ty internals. They made it bigger, but didn't change anything that would actually help perf. (clarification - I only upgraded as I have written proof they will let me out of contract for free if I'm unhappy for any reason because of how badly treated me on TP1) I'm sure part of the problem is the resistive screen, but tabs often don't scroll smoothly (like laggy as hell) and I end up not where I wanted to be, or have to get there in increments (click one tab, then another to get close enough to see music). That's another thing - wish winmo made someway to always get at music app quickly - can take forever to get back into it. Phone is just often slow - like last night I was trying to get back into mail and the phone just sat there on the home screen with the clock halfway between 11 and 12, obv hanging up for 15-20 secs.
But yeah, it's mostly inputs not working when I touch them, virtual keyboard being completely ****ty for quick entries, hanging, slowing down, making me wait for it. Just not as responsive as I'd like. Again, comparing its operation to my iTouch, just very different.
DontHate said:
yes but so does wm. there are stable versions of everything on wm that the iphone does.
you can install many different browsers. many stable and fast.
there are many different keyboards you can install on wm too...
different looks, different layouts, built in functions like copy and paste (by holding a key), shortcuts, numberpads, swipe, commercial ones, freeware, much more flexible. you can even put the iphone keyboard skin on your 'much better' screen of the hd2.
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madindehead said:
To sum up the HD2:
1) One of the most powerful smartphones available.
2) The best chefs on xda cook for it
3) The best programmers develop mods for it (Co0kie's Home Tab etc)
4) Smooth operation
5) Great screen for movies and browsing
6) Overall a fantastic phone
7) You can play StarCraft on it
Yes, you could wait for the next iPhone. Or the HD3. Such is technology, that whatever you buy one day, will always be obsolete the next. Live for the moment, get the HD2, you will not regret it. Even if it doesn't perform exactly as you want in stock (I had practically no problems with stock performance thankfully) just get a custom ROM, make a few tweaks (excellent thread full of tweaks in HD2 General), and it WILL be an excellent phone.
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Again, I lived for the moment and got the TP1 from my old tilt. Huge mistake. And Sprint knew it. And still jacked me around over it. I hate them.

so i picked up a galaxy s2 today.

found someone who needed 2 phones for their one so I traded them 2 garminfones for their galaxy s 2, I gotta say, I don't know if it's because the device is way overhyped on here or because I've just been spoiled by wp7 but this feels pretty choppy. I was told that it was just as smooth if not smoother than wp7 and upon using it all I can think is "all that power for this" paired with the terrible Samsung UI, the games which while numerous don't seem as high quality as other oses, and the keyboard I was pretty disappointed, I thought I might use it for a week and try to get used to it and dual wield it with my dvp but I just can't, its going in the phone drawer to only see the light of day when I'm developing. Honestly it doesn't seem much smoother than my dell streak that I have been using for dev purposes.
Says the self-proclaimed Galaxy S hater.
NrootN said:
Says the self-proclaimed Galaxy S hater.
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with good reason, again I hope these are just to increase post count because your statements bring absolutely nothing else to the table.
Dude, the phone is so customizable. Do a full wipe and flash it with Cognition 1.31. Add Chainfire 3D. Add a new keyboard. Quit complaining.
And in other news, i picked up a Galaxy SII yesterday and loving it. Much smoother than WP7 in my opinion and nicer than iOS.
We all have different likes.
Wow, after years, finally felt the need to put somebody on Ignore here on XDA. Congrats, you Metrosexual tool.
kbiz90 said:
Dude, the phone is so customizable. Do a full wipe and flash it with Cognition 1.31. Add Chainfire 3D. Add a new keyboard. Quit complaining.
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you mean I can spend hours finding and downloading a bunch of files to void warranty and have a chance to kill my phone just to make a device that's pretty overpowered as is usable? It doesn't matter what UI replacement you toss on there, android has yet to throw together a UI replacement that's worth the effort. I understand this is xda devs and I have 6 apps on the marketplace but those are apps to improve the phone. Why should I have to download apps and different boot images and a million other things just to make one of the most powerful phones readily available useful?
Yes i think you have, i had a ZTE blade before i had the S2 and the s2 is way better for me than the Blade.
z33dev33l said:
found someone who needed 2 phones for their one so I traded them 2 garminfones for their galaxy s 2, I gotta say, I don't know if it's because the device is way overhyped on here or because I've just been spoiled by wp7 but this feels pretty choppy. I was told that it was just as smooth if not smoother than wp7 and upon using it all I can think is "all that power for this" paired with the terrible Samsung UI, the games which while numerous don't seem as high quality as other oses, and the keyboard I was pretty disappointed, I thought I might use it for a week and try to get used to it and dual wield it with my dvp but I just can't, its going in the phone drawer to only see the light of day when I'm developing. Honestly it doesn't seem much smoother than my dell streak that I have been using for dev purposes.
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Good for you, maybe you should wait for the WP7 Samsung Galaxy SII. Or maybe not, if you hate Samsung phones
z33dev33l said:
found someone who needed 2 phones for their one so I traded them 2 garminfones for their galaxy s 2, I gotta say, I don't know if it's because the device is way overhyped on here or because I've just been spoiled by wp7 but this feels pretty choppy. I was told that it was just as smooth if not smoother than wp7 and upon using it all I can think is "all that power for this" paired with the terrible Samsung UI, the games which while numerous don't seem as high quality as other oses, and the keyboard I was pretty disappointed, I thought I might use it for a week and try to get used to it and dual wield it with my dvp but I just can't, its going in the phone drawer to only see the light of day when I'm developing. Honestly it doesn't seem much smoother than my dell streak that I have been using for dev purposes.
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So here's how I see it. You're watching all the press coverage and reading all the outstanding reviews of the SGS2 and that it and Samsung are setting worldwide sales records. There you sit on T-Mobile, a carrier about to be made to look like the scarecrow in the Wizard of Oz using your single-core WP7 phone that has a whopping 6% worldwide marketshare. So you're pissed, envious, and feeling a bit stupid for your decision.
You decide to come here and post a bunch of stuff that no one's complained about on the phone before just to get a rise out of those on this forum for sport and to make yourself feel better. Your "I hate Samsung" signature's a nice touch.
Sad, very sad.
Your SGSII only sees daylight when developing....
So you do your developing during the day then??? Amazing.
I came from windows mobile phones. Did not want to walk away from that -because I was afraid I was going to mis my fav. apps- But I bought the SGSII.
If I would have known the SGSII was SO much faster, and SO many fantastic apps exist for Android, I would have bought one sooner.
I can't see how a WP could beat the SGSII. In any respect. Ever.
z33dev33l said:
you mean I can spend hours finding and downloading a bunch of files to void warranty and have a chance to kill my phone just to make a device that's pretty overpowered as is usable?
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Yes. You've got a over one thousand posts. Sounds like you've spent many hours here already.
I'm tellin' ya. A customized SGS2 is a piece of art.
I used a lot of phones all different kinds from symbian to wp to android. I must say the fastest phone i ever had was the SGII. Normally i flash all different ROMS and keep playing with the OS. But this wasn't necessary for the SGII. I'm on stock and it works perfect.
I never liked Samsung phones with their own OS but android made me wanna try it and.. I'm loving it. It's a fast phone deal with it.
Till you have a serious issue don't come here complaining about something that no one has. If you have beef with Android go get a WP phone, If I where you i would sell the SGII while it's hot
I would love to take your sgs2 off your hands for you
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
I'm pretty sure you sold your kidney to get it and that's why you're so pissed
I have no reason to come in trolling. I am more than happy with wp7 and love Samsung phones. My signature was listed as such when the original string of galaxy s devices came out and I got the vibrant. That was a joke of a phone and I i opted for the captivate which had the back door mechanism fall off the tracks after about 4 hours of use. Windows phone 7 is the only OS for me now, the UI is seamless across all devices, i don't have to fear that i won't be receiving the next update (got 5 so far), and it syncs with everything that's important to me without flaw. I can't wait for the next Samsung wp7 device though I'll be hard pressed to ditch the dell venue pros keyboard. Of course no one here complains of the speed issues, the vast majority who own it came from other android devices, windows mobile, or Symbian. Compared to all of those its extremely fast.
oh, and commodoor, windows mobile is not equal to windows phone. Just clarifying as i reviewed your rather extensive phone history.
All in all the phone is astounding, but it's kinda like putting windows 95 on a brand new PC, sure it functions and you can perhaps even tweak it to run somewhat fast... But it's not going to be windows 7 or windows 8
Been a Nokia Fan ever since I started Buying phones and then came Android and bought my HTC Hero and Boy did I become a FLASH JUNKIE ( still have it )
And Then Heard about WP7 and HTC having wooed me with Hero went and Got my self a HTC HD7 and I loved its simplicity ( I HAVE a IPOD TOUCH so didnt really fancy going for a IPHONE , thought It was too easy compared to Android)
ALthough I loved a lot of the things the WP7 bought, BING MAPS and NO FLASH got the better of me and off I went to get the SGS2 and give samsung a go and Me was happy again.
The Most thing I like about Samsung is getting Firmware over ODIN and thats why I still haven't rooted it.
But now MS having released MANGO for WP7 I feel love towards WP7 again and having been a NOKIA FAN I will definately buy a NOKIA WP7.
But to sum it All I love ANDROID cause of FLASH and the customisation it offers and that you dont have to rely on carriers for your updates.
z33dev33l said:
I have no reason to come in trolling. I am more than happy with wp7 and love Samsung phones. My signature was listed as such when the original string of galaxy s devices came out and I got the vibrant. That was a joke of a phone and I i opted for the captivate which had the back door mechanism fall off the tracks after about 4 hours of use. Windows phone 7 is the only OS for me now, the UI is seamless across all devices, i don't have to fear that i won't be receiving the next update (got 5 so far), and it syncs with everything that's important to me without flaw. I can't wait for the next Samsung wp7 device though I'll be hard pressed to ditch the dell venue pros keyboard. Of course no one here complains of the speed issues, the vast majority who own it came from other android devices, windows mobile, or Symbian. Compared to all of those its extremely fast.
oh, and commodoor, windows mobile is not equal to windows phone. Just clarifying as i reviewed your rather extensive phone history.
All in all the phone is astounding, but it's kinda like putting windows 95 on a brand new PC, sure it functions and you can perhaps even tweak it to run somewhat fast... But it's not going to be windows 7 or windows 8
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Nothing like putting windows 95 on a new pc, maybe good ol' XP though, I'll give you that.
I must say, I've missed flash only twice since I ditched android but I only really used it for videos I played in browser (I don't visit many flash sites) so it didn't hurt too bad. Then the videos in mango greatly improved in quality so now I can watch any random video mostly in HD and eh... Nothing I i really miss about android. I always kept my themes minimal anyway.
z33dev33l said:
oh, and commodoor, windows mobile is not equal to windows phone. Just clarifying as i reviewed your rather extensive phone history. ....
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I know that they are different.
What i understand is that you are afraid of fragmentation, most people are. I know where you getting at but i must say it's not that worse as one year ago. I know Hero was stuck at Android 1,5 for a looong time.
I love plain android i used it for a long time with cyanogenmod. But the TW isn't that heavily modded like the sense on HTC phones. Sense is really heavy btw. I didn't like the new metro look of the WP but that makes the choice so great.
So android gives you the choice to choose your own phone. Choose what you, that's great.
want plain android go for nexus series
want a socially integrated phone go for sense
someting between go for samsung
I'm not worried that we have to wait long for updates on Galaxy.

