Email Filters = no mail on handset - HD2 General

What I've noticed with this handset is that when I do a send/receive for mail is that anything that I've set up as a filter on my web account stays where it is.
The only mail I get on my handset is Inbox and Spam. I certainly don't want Spam but does this mean I have to unfilter my mail just to get it on my handset?
My last phone (LG Renoir) showed me all mail that arrived on my web based account regardless of what folder I may have filtered it to.
Has anyone else noticed this? If so, are there any settings I need to tweak. While I have seen settings, it's possible I haven't understood them.
Many thanks


[SEEKING ADVICE] - "push" mail

Hi mates,
I'm sure this question have been asked before, but I just cannot find a keyword to search for the answer. Would appreciate if you guys could answer here or direct me to the appropriate thread (or at least give me a hint on the keyword please - THANKS!)
ok. I was trying out emoze to get "push mail", but to do that, I need a 24/7 PC that is connected to the internet 24/7..
and I just realised that with my WM6 838PRO (Hermes), in the email settings, I could actually set it to check emails at a predetermined time (ie. every 10mins, 30mins etc..)
now, if anybody have already compared the data usage (cost), assuming its the same email (with the same amount of text) that arrives via emoze and WM6's email function.. and also assuming in both cases, it is set to every 10mins, could you tell me which one would cost less? (data usage)
and also whether the battery consumption would be the same?
with this WM6's email scheduled checking, is this MS DirectPush? or DirectPush is something else altogether?
I know this isn't a direct answer, but I would avoid emoze at all costs. The PC connector version requires you have your PC running and Outlook open at all times (unless you have an Exchange server and can use the Outlook Web Access version) and the application is hopelessly unstable. Have a look at my posts in the emoze support forum. Requests for help end up in an endless loop and then just disappear without resolution.
WM6 has true push email through MS Direct Push, which at present (I think) only works for Hotmail/Windows Live accounts. Other POP3 accounts can be set up in Pocket Outlook with a timed mail-check setting. In practice I have found that to work only intermittently.
It depends on whether you want the service to allow you to read your emails or reply as well. I am more concerned about reading them, so my solution was to set my corporate email account to auto-forward to my Hotmail account, which is then pushed instantly to my XDA. It's not a perfect solution at all (and a bit ridiculous to have Hotmail providing corporate mail) but the third-party solutions just don't seem ready as yet. I have tried a few and all have serious stability issues. Emoze is, however, the worst of the available offerings, IMHO.
I'm surprised more people haven't already responded.
Head over to and get a free Live account with them. Then, forward your regular email to that email address and set up your phone to use Direct Push with your mail2web account. Easy as sleep.
It's really push email, really fast, really FREE. Obviously, if you want any kind of email service on your phone, make sure you have a data plan that will support that much data transfer.
Hi mates,
Thanks for responding.
Although I am a cheapo (looking for free services), but i also need my receipients to see my domain's email address. I think mail2web allows some form of POP3 mail checking, but every email replied is from <myname> ..
I don't mind the advertisements at the bottom of the emails (like what emoze does), but i cannot keep a PC 24/7 connected permanently..
I've been "testing" (trying) emoze for some time, and yes, it is not exactly stable. it crashed a couple of times.. ran outlook permanently in my PC (not running a server OS, just plain 'o Win XP) for a couple of weeks, and it did crashed once too.
for the past day, i've been using the Pocket Outlook to do the "pushmail" at atimed interval. it's actually pulling, not pushing.. only setback is, i can't set peak/off-peak times ..
guess beggars can't be chooser ya?
btw, i set Message download limit to 1Kb, and when i receive a email that states "3/28K", so the actual email is 28Kb, but what is "3" ? can't be 3Kb, right?
Unfortunately, I have not found ANY service (push or otherwise) that will give you the "proxy address" capability that you want (making the email look like it came from your domain) for free. Inexpensive, yes....but not free.
You can sign up for mail2web's "enhanced email" plan ($4.99/month), which still gives you push mail, but adds proxy address options and pop/imap access, but for $6.99/month you can get a 1&1 personal exchange plan over at 1& that gives you all of that PLUS full Exchange hosting (meaning you can hook into the Exchange server with your desktop Outlook 2003/2007 to syncrhonize with your handheld).
I actually am currently using the latter option for myself. You can get push mail for free, but not with the proxy address you want (you get what you pay for unfortunately).
I've been happily using the Pocket Outlook for "pull mail". I set it to check my pop3 account every 30mins.
so far so good. no missed emails for about a week!!
Since it is my own pop3 email account, replies all come from my own email domain name. professional!!
only issue is, i can't specify peak and off-peak time (ie. peak hour = every 30 min, off-peak = every 60 min or 2hrs) ..
if that could be done, i'll be very glad!
mail2web html
With mail2web I cant specify html. Only "Plain Text" message format is possible. Any ideas.
Thank you

Gmail POP3 deletes unread messages after second check

I just got my Mogul last week, and i find this one thing annoying -- I have it set up for Gmail, checking with POP3, and what it does is will only display mail it has not seen before, which would be fine, but if i have an email in my inbox on the phone it will get removed once it checks for mail again, even if it is still unread.
does anyone know if i can change that?
i would use IMAP but the problem with that is some messages won't display the body of the message on the phone.
So if you know of a fix to either of these i would appreciate it if you could enlighten me.
for pop3 check that its not set to download messeges from today only, and also make sure its not being deleted through gmails webaccess or some such
it is set to get the past 3 days, and they are set to stay on the server even after being downloaded through pop. I have had to go online to check it after my phone deleted one after a second send/recieve, so they are all still on the server. I just wish the phone would keep any message it downloads till i specificaly say to delete them.
I'm in the same boat with you. It's fairly annoying, to be honest. There are times when I'm not able to check my phone for email until it's already checked the server a couple of times. So when I can check it, any new messages I recieved after the first server check have already been cleared out of the inbox on my phone.
Is there no way to keep unread messages on the phone until they've been read or until I specifically tell the phone to delete them?
im not sure what the issue is, it works fine for me, messeges are always there, unread, on the phone until i mark them as read (even if i read them through the web access i still have to mark them read on the phone too) i dont know what other settings you can check
defaultdotxbe, could you possibly post the settings you have on your phone for checking your gmail account? and maybe even the settings you have under the POP3 tab in your gmail? maybe we'd be able to replicate exactly what you have for settings. it's probably that we have something set just slightly differently, and my guess is that it's going to be something in the gmail account settings, not the settings on our phones.
be sure of having this as username: recent:[email protected]
ersocia said:
defaultdotxbe, could you possibly post the settings you have on your phone for checking your gmail account? and maybe even the settings you have under the POP3 tab in your gmail? maybe we'd be able to replicate exactly what you have for settings. it's probably that we have something set just slightly differently, and my guess is that it's going to be something in the gmail account settings, not the settings on our phones.
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in the pop3 tab in gmail i have "Enable POP for all mail (even mail that's already been downloaded)" and "When messages are accessed with POP archive Gmail's copy"
on the phone i have all the default settings (automatically downloaded when i entered my email address) accept i change "download messeges from the past 3 days" to 7 days (although it works the same with 3 days)
im using sprint rom 2.17
I had the same issue. The username was the issue. Thx for that
yep, the username was what was wrong, thanks!
now when i send a message, the next time i check for messages it arrives as a new email... is there anyway to stop that?
nope, sorry

what is it with the email??

I set up my account for email and I wasnt getting new emails, so I set up my hotmail account and again I dont get no incoming mail (mail is coming in on a daily basis as I can see it when on my laptop) anyways I then set up a googlemail as a last hope and again not really getting anything BUT if I send a test email from any of my accounts to one another they appear?!?!?! its got me going cookoo!
Probably a little to obvious but I presume that you have ticked the "send/receive automatically"?
Forgive me but I did n't
sometimes it is the obvious but sadly not this time ha
although I have taken the auto off and just send receive manually, I get some but not others ie I have just received one from sportypal as I have just set that up on my phone (brilliant app by the way) but I have also received ticket information in my account from KLM which hasnt shown up at all on my mobile, is all mail types able to be viewed or is it just plain text emails?

Push E-Mail?

Could someone please explain how push e-mail functions on the HD2, WinMo 6.5?
How is it set up?
Will it work with any mail service (for example Gmail Imap)?
How does it differ from having the mail program check for mail every half hour or so?
Email that is delivered directly to the phone, automatically, as they arrive in the users inbox.
There's a thread at the top of this forum section that details how to set it up with Gmail
sirphunkee said:
There's a thread at the top of this forum section that details how to set it up with Gmail
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Thanks. I don't recall seeing that thread, but I'll look for it.
Does setting it reduce battery life a lot?
Is it as if the device is frequently going online to check for e-mail?
sirphunkee said:
There's a thread at the top of this forum section that details how to set it up with Gmail
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Do you mean the thread "Sync with Google"?
It involves installing a Google Sync app to the phone.
I'm not sure if I would want to do that. Probably a great reduction in battery life (as well as taking up memory), for the app to constantly check for new Google items to sync the phone with. (I wish I could figure out how to kill ActiveSync, so that it would only come on when I use it. I end it in TaskManager, and it starts right up again! Still worse if there were two such sync apps, constantly checking and syncing.
As far as it being Push, is it really? Would the Gmail server really know, every time one gets an e-mail, to send it to your phone?
Or, is it that Google Sync app, always running in the background, frequently checking online, to see whether a new piece of mail has comin in?
With Google sync you don't actually install an app. You basically set up your gmail account to act as an exchange server.
I have this set up on my phone now and get my emails almost as fast as if I has a BB..
Using this saves battery life compared to telling your phone to check since it doesn't actually have to keep checking on a schedule, it gets notified if you get an email and it is 'pushed' to the phone.
Vectre said:
With Google sync you don't actually install an app. You basically set up your gmail account to act as an exchange server.
I have this set up on my phone now and get my emails almost as fast as if I has a BB..
Using this saves battery life compared to telling your phone to check since it doesn't actually have to keep checking on a schedule, it gets notified if you get an email and it is 'pushed' to the phone.
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Hey Vectre, how do you justify Push E-Mail enabled saves more energy when it requires constant data connection VS connecting every hour, 4 hours, etc? In my experience, my battery drained faster with push on.
cu2cool said:
Hey Vectre, how do you justify Push E-Mail enabled saves more energy when it requires constant data connection VS connecting every hour, 4 hours, etc? In my experience, my battery drained faster with push on.
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Personal experience actually. Maybe I just had the schedule check for email too liberally but it does seem to last longer. Best guess is that while the data connection is on it is not actually transmitting or receiving anything.
I will grant you it could simply be subjective, but it is my experience.
Vectre said:
With Google sync you don't actually install an app. You basically set up your gmail account to act as an exchange server.
I have this set up on my phone now and get my emails almost as fast as if I has a BB..
Using this saves battery life compared to telling your phone to check since it doesn't actually have to keep checking on a schedule, it gets notified if you get an email and it is 'pushed' to the phone.
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What if one has more than one GMail account? Can one set up two?
I guess too, for this to work one has to have ActiveSync set to automatic. In order not to have AS run constantly, many folks set up a fake Exchange server, just to be able to set the schedule to Manual. If it is set to manual, however, I don't see how the e-mail could "Push".
So, in setting up "Push" for a Gmail account, does one not use the Microsoft Push E-maikl setting at all? Or is that a different way to do it, including for Gmail?
Doesn't that Google Sync also sync the Google online Calendar with the phone's calendar, etc.?
me said:
What if one has more than one GMail account? Can one set up two?
I guess too, for this to work one has to have ActiveSync set to automatic. In order not to have AS run constantly, many folks set up a fake Exchange server, just to be able to set the schedule to Manual. If it is set to manual, however, I don't see how the e-mail could "Push".
So, in setting up "Push" for a Gmail account, does one not use the Microsoft Push E-maikl setting at all? Or is that a different way to do it, including for Gmail?
Doesn't that Google Sync also sync the Google online Calendar with the phone's calendar, etc.?
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Actually, at this time, my understanding is while you can have multiple email accounts you can only have 1 set up through exchange. I could be wrong, I haven't done in depth research.
Current reviews and reports say that Windows Phone 7 is supposed to support multiple exchange servers.. But we haven't actually seen it yet.
I've never done Push, thinking of trying it.
I'll tell you how I have my e-mail currrently set up on the HD2, which is the same way as I have set it up on other phones for years.
T-Mobile has a service where you set up your e-mail addresses with them (at mytmobile), and you can set it for them to send a text message every time you receive an e-mail. That message includes the sender, the subject line, date and time, I forget if any of the message. I think those alerts are free, do not take from one's store of text messages. I have that set.
Then--I do not have any automatic retrieving set up in e-mail. It is all manual.
So, I do get a message "pushed" to me, on receipt of all e-mails, from all accounts.
If I see that I received an e-mail that I want to read now on the phone, then I go to either the phone's mail app, or the gmail java applet (I use the latter more now), to read that e-mail.
I don't use any server in ActiveSync, yet I have a fake one set up, to enable me to set AS totally to manual. (You can find threads about that here). That way AS does not run all the time, is not constantly trying to sync, etc.
I'm not sure what advantage "push" would have over that, and probably use much more battery. (And yes, that would be a limitation with Gmail, in only being able to do one account. I regularly check two Gmail accounts. If I was to do Push, I would turn off the text alerts, but then I would not find out what e-mails I received on the 2nd gmail account.)
I was curious about Push (and then disabling the e-mail alerts), but I will probably stick with what I have.
me said:
I've never done Push, thinking of trying it.
I'll tell you how I have my e-mail currrently set up on the HD2, which is the same way as I have set it up on other phones for years.
T-Mobile has a service where you set up your e-mail addresses with them (at mytmobile), and you can set it for them to send a text message every time you receive an e-mail. That message includes the sender, the subject line, date and time, I forget if any of the message. I think those alerts are free, do not take from one's store of text messages. I have that set.
Then--I do not have any automatic retrieving set up in e-mail. It is all manual.
So, I do get a message "pushed" to me, on receipt of all e-mails, from all accounts.
If I see that I received an e-mail that I want to read now on the phone, then I go to either the phone's mail app, or the gmail java applet (I use the latter more now), to read that e-mail.
I don't use any server in ActiveSync, yet I have a fake one set up, to enable me to set AS totally to manual. (You can find threads about that here). That way AS does not run all the time, is not constantly trying to sync, etc.
I'm not sure what advantage "push" would have over that, and probably use much more battery. (And yes, that would be a limitation with Gmail, in only being able to do one account. I regularly check two Gmail accounts. If I was to do Push, I would turn off the text alerts, but then I would not find out what e-mails I received on the 2nd gmail account.)
I was curious about Push (and then disabling the e-mail alerts), but I will probably stick with what I have.
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I used this on my previous winmo phone. When I tried to set it up for [email protected] it didn't seem to still be an option. That is why I set up google sync. At this time I am mostly using my gmail account so it works out just fine..
Vectre said:
I used this on my previous winmo phone. When I tried to set it up for [email protected] it didn't seem to still be an option. That is why I set up google sync. At this time I am mostly using my gmail account so it works out just fine..
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You mean the mail alerts from T-Mobile?
That is not something you set up on the phone, and has nothing to do with WinMo.
In fact, I had nothing to do, to set it up on my HD2. I had it set up already, worked on my previous (non winmo) phone, and it worked on my HD2, without any re-setting up.
You set it up at the T-Mobile web site. Log on to "My T-Mobile", with your user name and password, go to "configure e-mail". You can set up any e-mail accounts you have there--POP, IMAP, etc (including Gmail and others), and you can set it to send you a text alert for every e-mail received on any of the e-mail accounts you configure there.
It is completely phone-independent. Once set up, it will send those alerts to any phone you have, unless you turn it off. (If having a problem with it, call T-Mo CS.)

[Q] Native email application does not respect global auto-sync setting

So, something I haven't found a good answer after several Internet searches.
I have set up a corporate email account to Exchange ActiveSync server of my company. The sync settings under this account is set to send an email to me as soon as it arrives to my company email (push sync).
Okay so, my actual question is that, should global 'auto-sync data' setting also disable this native email client push synchronization?
Because it does not, for me. It's so annoying to receive and read work emails on my work laptop, and moment later notice and dismiss all this also on my Nexus.
Bonus question for pros: is this actually something that Exchange server can enforse / affect as, after all, it has set itself as my phone device administrator?
I'm on CM10.1 by the way.
A lot of views resulted in no information, it means this shall drown into depths of the Internet as another dead end.
Guess I'll disable Email sync manually in-app when ever I don't want it to sync.
Thanks for the views though!

