Advice requested: Why should I root my Nexus One? - Nexus One General

OK, here's the deal. I have owned a rooted T-Mobile G1 since it first came out in October of 2008. I have flashed a whole bunch of ROMS on it (including every cyanogen version), all for good reasons:
1) Rooted ROMS were faster
2) Apps to SD
3) Cool features like multitouch
4) Cool hacks like Navigation before it was available
Now I have the Nexus One, and I'm not sure what I would gain by rooting it. The phone is fast as hell. I have plenty of space, so the apps to SD thing isn't a problem yet. Multitouch, nav built in--and Flash is coming (supposedly). Can someone give me some new reasons to consider it?

Oookay then. I guess no one has a single good reason.

The himem kernal allows you to use all 512 RAM, currently the stock rom only uses 256 RAM.

The ram is nice, but not really necessary.
I rooted my G1 for performance reasons but with the N1 it's already plenty fast.
Currently there is no good reason to root.

McFroger3 said:
The himem kernal allows you to use all 512 RAM, currently the stock rom only uses 256 RAM.
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Well, Cyan fixed a bunch of bugs in the device the device including this: which was HUGE for me. I also need to be able to use my own app, CacheMate (shameless plug, I know ) to clean all the junk out of my phone. And as for apps2sd, I feel it's needed on the N1 nearly as much as it's needed on the G1. I play games and they eat up space like crazy. There isn't all that much space on the N1 like everyone seems to think. It's a whole lot less than the myTouch and about double the G1 that had the Danger SPL. I also like to put mods on my phone like the black bar and little things like that, nothing too crazy. I also like to have the latest updates and by the time Google puts them out the N1 will be obsolete. Titanium Backup is so important to me that I'd root just for that. N1 Torch. Tethering for me is important when I'm out with my laptop about once a week.
So for me, here are some of the big ones:
Apps2SD - HUGE. This is the most important. N1 is nearly USELESS without it, IMO.
Titanium Backup - HUGE. I need to be able to back up ALL my data, especially game progress, but certainly things like SMS, call logs, etc. This may very well be the number one app on the Market.
CacheMate - HUGE. I actually made this because my G1 became almost unmanageable without it. Seriously. That part isn't meant to be a plug. I really couldn't use the phone with all the junk piling up.
Themes - Not so important as I really like the look and feel of Android 2.1 (particularly the Droid look) but like the little things like the black bar.
Hope this helps in your quest.


Is A2SD really necessary on the Nexus?

Not to be a bother, but I have a few questions maybe a few of you could explain. But before I do I should prob say a few things about my general phone usage.
For the most part I use my phone for mostly texting. The reason I upgraded to a Nexus was to have a full touchscreen phone with a processor fast enough to keep up with touchscreen texting on the Android OS. Before this I owned a Mytouch which I then took back, and used 150 of the money to buy a g1 simply for the physical keyboard. I tried every rom mostly, and for some reason some even seemed faster on the g1 than the mytouch. The one I ended up sticking with was the MLIGN 32B. It worked without any problems and was pretty snappy. And from my understanding 32B relied more on A2SD due to less internal memory. On both roms 32A and 32B I never experienced much of a speed difference, and using my process manager, both roms seemed to contain the same amount of remaining memory after install. In the whole time I only really downloaded two apps, Root explorer and Task Panel.
Now on to the real question, about the memory on the Nexus. At first I flashed the Madaco rom on the phone with a a formatted swap-128mb/ext-1024 mb on a 4gb class 6 card, and installed only Task panel. My memory is at around 120 at the time after killing all apps. **Also not sure if I remember correctly but my memory is around 120 or 130 even with the factory rom, but that is based on memory and may not be correct.** Anyways...I reformated the card, swap-512/ext-1024, on the same 4gb card, and installed only task panel. After killing all apps, my phone still remains at 120 memory. So I switched cards to an plain jane formatted 16gb class 2, and things seem to run faster if not the same as the 4gb class 6.
Two or three questions result from this, as I understand the purpose A2SD and formatted memory cards are to extend the original memory of the phone and help performance a bit?
Yet unless task panel doesn't read all the extra partitions and gives false memory readings, I have yet to see a benefit to forrmatting an sd card, or using A2SD?
And I guess the final question is, what is the purpose of relying on artificial memory expansion, when we are striving for phones with more internal memory at the same time. After all that's why I upgraded to the Nexus, so I'd have to rely less on outside sources to make my phone's performance better. To me, I'd rather be able to rely on a rom that streamlines the space needed to allow the extra memory to go towards performance. Though I also don't download or install a lot of apps, keep that in mind. Nor am I trying to criticize any progress already made, just trying to understand it all.
So sorry if I sound completely off, or ignorant in my post, but I'm just trying to get more informed. So I will accept all forms of informative posts, flaming or not. Thanks.
RAM- amount of memory to run applications.
ROM- memory to store files.
Task manager is measuring your RAM, which A2SD has nothing to do with.
its not really needed but if you like lots off apps and big 3d games then it is. ive been with my nexus one for a week and a half, and am down to 82mb in internal phone storage. ive got a bunch of big 3d games that take up a lot of room. but for the everyday user, theres plenty of internal memory. almost 120mb more than the g1(74mb), about a total of 190mb. hope that helps.
Okay, thanks, for the most part those two simple answers clarify things. I guess I was under the impression that out of the 3 partitions (swap/ext/fat32) that the phone used one of them for a virtual memory, the way windows uses hard drive space for virtual memory if your ram usage is getting close to overflowing. Am I correct in assuming such, or does the phone in fact not use any of the partitions in this way?
Though if it does, which partition is used as virtual memory per say? Or are there not any add ons out for the nexus yet that incorporate such?
fykick said:
Okay, thanks, for the most part those two simple answers clarify things. I guess I was under the impression that out of the 3 partitions (swap/ext/fat32) that the phone used one of them for a virtual memory, the way windows uses hard drive space for virtual memory if your ram usage is getting close to overflowing. Am I correct in assuming such, or does the phone in fact not use any of the partitions in this way?
Though if it does, which partition is used as virtual memory per say? Or are there not any add ons out for the nexus yet that incorporate such?
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It would be more accurate to say a2sd is necessary for (far) fewer people.
The swap partition in a conventional Linux system would be used as virtual memory. The stock ROM for the N1 is not configured to take advantage of swap however. It is possible that cyanogen or another ROM cook will enable it but, like a2sd, it is not as necessary as it was with the G1.
I think apps2sd isnt needed apps are usually smaller than 4MB plus will you actually use all those apps?
I have like 20apps atm and use like 10 of them.Others were good at the time i installed but are boring now.Im waiting for gameboid and the other apps to be in the market.Does anyone see raging thunder in market?
We need A2SD. I have done some research and there will be a plenty of 3D games witch will need plenty of storage some of them mite need 100+mb. So you do need A2SD and it will be nice to see what Google will com up with. Can't wait to see it.
Ace42 said:
I think apps2sd isnt needed apps are usually smaller than 4MB plus will you actually use all those apps?
I have like 20apps atm and use like 10 of them.Others were good at the time i installed but are boring now.Im waiting for gameboid and the other apps to be in the market.Does anyone see raging thunder in market?
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lol, raging thunder is sweet on the n1. so is armageddon squadron, armored strike, call of duty, rs09 real soccer, sky force, speed forge 3d, toonwars, wave blazer, homerun battle 3d.... while most apps are under 4mb, some are 8, 10+. they add up. on top of games, i also have many other apps that i find useful. not all at once, but at times. why not have apps2sd as an option? i have 76 total apps and games right now, im down to 80mb. id like to download more apps in future. my g1 has 220 apps installed with 180mb left.
simms22 said:
lol, raging thunder is sweet on the n1. so is armageddon squadron, armored strike, call of duty, rs09 real soccer, sky force, speed forge 3d, toonwars, wave blazer, homerun battle 3d.... while most apps are under 4mb, some are 8, 10+. they add up. on top of games, i also have many other apps that i find useful. not all at once, but at times. why not have apps2sd as an option? i have 76 total apps and games right now, im down to 80mb. id like to download more apps in future. my g1 has 220 apps installed with 180mb left.
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I've been saying this in many of the discussions on a2sd for the N1. There are those who feel that it is not needed on the N1. However, there is less space on the N1 (appalling for 2010 and such a sweet device) than on the myTouch and we all had it on the myTouch. Given that there is less than 200MB of storage available for apps on the N1, unless we use a2sd we are doomed to using a small number of apps each being small in size. While I dislike just about everything about the iPhone, the one thing it has is the ability to install 100MB+ apps. While a2sd will allow this, these types of apps will not be created until there is official support for more storage, whether it's built-in or an a2sd implemented by Google (supposedly in the works but that basically means nothing until it's here).
Until the storage limits for downloaded apps is greatly relaxed (i.e. by apps2sd) we won't see as many really nice looking media rich apps as the iPhone and iPod Touch have. Most of the apps are multi-megabyte on that platform because there is no disincentive to including lots of media and taking up space like there is on non-rooted Android phones.
You can look at the current apps on the Android Market and come to the conclusion that apps2sd isn't a pressing need, but you'd be missing the bigger picture of all the apps that aren't there because nobody wants to download many multi-megabyte apps until we have essentially unlimited storage...
AndroidAppCritic said:
I've saying this in many of the discussions on a2sd for the N1. There are those who feel that it is not needed on the N1. However, there is less space on the N1 (appalling for 2010 and such a sweet device) than on the myTouch and we all had it on the myTouch. Given that there is less than 200MB of storage available for apps on the N1, unless we use a2sd we are doomed to using a small number of apps each being small in size. While I dislike just about everything about the iPhone, the one thing it has is the ability to install 100MB+ apps. While a2sd will allow this, these types of apps will not be created until there is official support for more storage, whether it's built-in or an a2sd implemented by Google (supposedly in the works but that basically means nothing until it's here).
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Agreed , totally agree. hope Google can implement the offical a2sd soon, can not wait for that.
AndroidAppCritic said:
I've saying this in many of the discussions on a2sd for the N1. There are those who feel that it is not needed on the N1. However, there is less space on the N1 (appalling for 2010 and such a sweet device) than on the myTouch and we all had it on the myTouch. Given that there is less than 200MB of storage available for apps on the N1, unless we use a2sd we are doomed to using a small number of apps each being small in size. While I dislike just about everything about the iPhone, the one thing it has is the ability to install 100MB+ apps. While a2sd will allow this, these types of apps will not be created until there is official support for more storage, whether it's built-in or an a2sd implemented by Google (supposedly in the works but that basically means nothing until it's here).
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absolutely agree. at the rate im going, im going to be out of internal storage memory by the end of this month. and by the way, i have both your apps on my g1 and cachemate on my nexus. both are extremely useful apps!
simms22 said:
absolutely agree. at the rate im going, im going to be out of internal storage memory by the end of this month. and by the way, i have both your apps on my g1 and cachemate on my nexus. both are extremely useful apps!
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Awesome. Since I haven't done a2sd on my N1 yet, I've once again realized the pressing need for my CacheMate. I don't know what non-root users do with all that junk on their devices (wish I would make it for non-root users). I really hope that I either don't need my app anymore or that it only has to be run once a month. This storage limitation is a joke. The first time I ran CacheMate on my N1 it cleared almost 50MB! That's 1/4 of the available space. I'd dump Android this phone if it wasn't rooted and I had to manually clear cache all day (I had CacheMate way before it came out ).
People can argue all night long as to whether or not app2sd is needed on the nexus one, but all I can say is that I love having it on mine. For one thing, I don't have to constantly check how much free space I have left on my phone nor do I have to regularly and manually clear my cache.
I know one guy on here who just got it setup on his n1 last night.
Before apps2sd, one of his apps kept crashing, after getting it setup on his nexus, he was very pleased.
kamasi36 said:
I don't know. I see a noticeable difference already in one of my apps. SPB TV doesn't crash anymore. 307mb ram and 183 rom. Cyanogen, man I don't know how you do it...I love b3 with with memory hack + apps2sd. Thanks man.
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Thinking of switching from a G1 to HD2, worth it?

Hey all,
I am thinking of switching from a G1 to the HD2 but still deciding. I like the fact that I can easily load things in to it from my pc (apps, updated ROMS for the OS and all). Does the HD2 have things like that? I liked that my G1 can play nes and snes games and such.
Only thing I do not like on my G1 is the battery life, but then again any phone with a nice big screen is going to have ****ty battery life. Anyone have experience with the battery life?
Just want to see what kind of apps, hacks, and what not there are for it before I get one. I see it has a 1ghz processor, so wondering what it actually is capable of : )
Thanks guys,
(P.S. I dropped my G1 in water 3 weeks after I got it, so for the last year I am glad its even working at all lol)
I'm sure all those things are capable on an HD2, i currently don't have any games like that..........yet. But depends on how much the battery means to you, just browse the forums, you'll find lots of posts about "****ty" battery life. For me, my battery is fine. Depends on usage. As for "hacks" farthest I've gone so far is Radio and ROM flashing, which i think I'm becoming addicted to it... any more in depth hacks or warez, have to look somewhere else.
it really just depends on what you wanna do with a phone and if ur willing to use task manager on the phone a lot. I found that closing apps via task manager will help you avoid lock up problems other people are having.
i also came from the g1.
but if u like android so much, i say just wait for another android device.
Android does not equate to WinMo.
Both OSs have problems and advantages over the other.
If ur not sure, i suggest you play with a friend's HD2 or something.
I also suggeest you use the task manager when trying it out because you will probably just complain that its laggy, unresponsive and buggy if you don't use the task manager wisely.
Using task manager goes with out saying, it is a windows phone after all : P
I purchased "advanced task manager" for my G1 and use it all the time, so I am used to that anyways.
Android is neat and all, but I am really liking the youtube review and such I have seen, and what this phone can do. Especially since my G1's camera is so ****ty, and it has no headphone jack, which was a huge mistake on their part. : \
I came from the G1 too. I felt the G1 was a bit slow. Also, my G1 battery life seemed horrible. Probably around 12-14hrs before 10%-0% without too much use. Maybe the battery was old. The HD2 is currently giving me much better battery life and I use it more. I barely used the HD2 today, but it was unplugged at 9am and now it's almost 7pm with 82% battery left.
I miss the notification pulldown and the better app integration with it. With gtalk on WM, you have make about 3 taps after you see the notification to get into gtalk.
I miss the power and news/weather widgets from Android. I don't think there is a gvoice app for WM. I would have liked to be able to use gvoice since I finally got an account a couple of months ago.
I also miss the physical keyboard (a little) and the Android onscreen keyboard implementation a little. The WM onscreen keyboard is a little tricky for me since there are a couple of areas that if tapped on hide the keyboard or change it. I think it should be a long tap (instead of quick tap) to activate those annoying functions.
I never use the app store too much on Android, so I don't miss it.
My reasons for the HD2 was the faster processor and huge screen. Also the ability to play any video format.
xtenpeben said:
it really just depends on what you wanna do with a phone and if ur willing to use task manager on the phone a lot. I found that closing apps via task manager will help you avoid lock up problems other people are having.
i also came from the g1.
but if u like android so much, i say just wait for another android device.
Android does not equate to WinMo.
Both OSs have problems and advantages over the other.
If ur not sure, i suggest you play with a friend's HD2 or something.
I also suggeest you use the task manager when trying it out because you will probably just complain that its laggy, unresponsive and buggy if you don't use the task manager wisely.
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x2. you can pretty much do anything on the hd2 as you can do on the g1 but differently due to the differences in OS. i find it harder to customize the original rom on the phone vs. the stock g1 where more apps and tweaks are readily available whereas on the hd2, you gotta dig deeper (look no further then xda) for certain .cab files that are not in the marketplace or the open market to proceed with certain theme customizations.
yo, peben! this is ryan lol, good to see you posting here too.
It is worth it just for the camera, which is leaps and bounds over the G1, I had a G1.
The screen size makes it better. Bigger is better says my wife.
Massive stability issues.
davewaave said:
Massive stability issues.
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I dropped my G1 in water 3 weeks after getting it a year or so ago. Instability is one thing I am used to. I have to pop my battery out at least twice a day. My camera doesnt turn off when I close it and just sucks battery even more horribly then the phone does normally.
Ear speaker works when it wants to, same with loud speaker.
If it is anything better then that, I will be happy.
** EDIT ** Also, is it possible to transfer contacts and what not from my G1 to this easily? I have a good few.
I came from a G1 as well and it has been well worth it for me. Yes the operating systems are different but I can do just about everything now that I can do on my G1 and its, in my opinion, more customizable. Even though I loved it I don't really miss anything about android, in fact I was getting a little bored with it. Battery life for me is much better, multimedia options are better. The speediness, ram, rom and speediness are also huge pluses. Various people have had various experiences but I never had any freezes or other issues with my using stock or custom roms.
I came from the G1. For the first week I thought I may have made a mistake.
I was VERY VERY wrong.
HD2 beats the G1 in every way.
The only thing I miss is ease of finding apps and Google Nav.
The truth is though that Copilot 8 is real Nav system (you don't have to be online to use it). It's just not integrated with gogle maps the way I wish it was.
If you love your G1, stick with it. If you want the best phone on the market,,the HD2 is where it's at.
You'll have to lean how to make all the settings and customizations (there are WAY more ways to customize than the G1) ad get used to using Google to search for apps instead of the marketplace.
After'll LOVE this phone.
ministersin said:
I came from the G1. For the first week I thought I may have made a mistake.
I was VERY VERY wrong.
HD2 beats the G1 in every way.
The only thing I miss is ease of finding apps and Google Nav.
The truth is though that Copilot 8 is real Nav system (you don't have to be online to use it). It's just not integrated with gogle maps the way I wish it was.
If you love your G1, stick with it. If you want the best phone on the market,,the HD2 is where it's at.
You'll have to lean how to make all the settings and customizations (there are WAY more ways to customize than the G1) ad get used to using Google to search for apps instead of the marketplace.
After'll LOVE this phone.
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I do miss those apps!! Coming form Nexus one.
I have navigation in my car, so the only thing I really do with my G1 these days is text, weather, and occasional youtube because it does not do much because of the water damage. I take pics with it sometimes and upload to picasa, but they look ****ty.
ministersin said:
I came from the G1. For the first week I thought I may have made a mistake.
I was VERY VERY wrong.
HD2 beats the G1 in every way.
The only thing I miss is ease of finding apps and Google Nav.
The truth is though that Copilot 8 is real Nav system (you don't have to be online to use it). It's just not integrated with gogle maps the way I wish it was.
If you love your G1, stick with it. If you want the best phone on the market,,the HD2 is where it's at.
You'll have to lean how to make all the settings and customizations (there are WAY more ways to customize than the G1) ad get used to using Google to search for apps instead of the marketplace.
After'll LOVE this phone.
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I've have the g1 and also a hd2. the only thing I really miss is the apps for Android and ease of finding them. I never used the marketplace (it sucks!) except for like a browser or to DL or a Facebook app or something . to bump up to the hd2 is definitely worth it. specially comin from a g1. when I got it I was amazed at how quick and responsive it is. but I missed Android too much and ended up getting the nexus one so now I switch back and forth lol. if u don't think ull miss the OS all that much its deff worth getting. battery life for me I could make it bout a eight hour shift before it'd go into the red but again I was surfing the net on that thing all day at work ...days when I wouldn't power use it the battery wasn't too bad . also with the HTC sense it really covers up the Windows pretty good. and there is a emulator app for it ..nes snes genesis ...with multitouch !
one more thing. u can sync ur Google contacts with the hd2. life saver :]
Sent from my Nexus One using the XDA mobile application powered by Tapatalk
Also coming from G1. I really loved Android and my G1 but when I saw the HD2 I knew it was over. Android is a great OS with a ton of apps, but the phone was just too slow to really take advantage of Android's capabilities.
I was planning on getting a Nexus One eventually, but I always like to try the phone out in the store a few times to see if I really like it at far as speed and ergonomics. Not having Nexus Ones in stores really hurt Google here IMHO as I probably would have gotten one.
I can say for sure that the HD2 is ultra fast with NO LAG for me. I can listen to podcasts, use navigation, switch between apps all with no freezing like I had with my G1. Plus I see way more "oohs" and "aaahs" when I use the big-ass screen in public.
Battman23 said:
Also coming from G1. I really loved Android and my G1 but when I saw the HD2 I knew it was over. Android is a great OS with a ton of apps, but the phone was just too slow to really take advantage of Android's capabilities.
I was planning on getting a Nexus One eventually, but I always like to try the phone out in the store a few times to see if I really like it at far as speed and ergonomics. Not having Nexus Ones in stores really hurt Google here IMHO as I probably would have gotten one.
I can say for sure that the HD2 is ultra fast with NO LAG for me. I can listen to podcasts, use navigation, switch between apps all with no freezing like I had with my G1. Plus I see way more "oohs" and "aaahs" when I use the big-ass screen in public.
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yeah it gets you major *****... haha jk
I came from G1, trust me well worth the switch. Processor speed and screen size combined with swype make it great. I was not in love with the idea of no keyboard, but have adjusted
robstillholdin said:
I came from G1, trust me well worth the switch. Processor speed and screen size combined with swype make it great. I was not in love with the idea of no keyboard, but have adjusted
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Well, I installed swype on my G1 just to test it out and I really like it, but now I already have it on my G1 so its not the biggest selling point lol. But so far everything in this thread is telling me its the right phone to switch to
Another G1 to HD2 person. I do miss android and hopefully soon we will have a port for the HD2.
But, the hardware is super. I love this phone. Great camera, great call quality, large beautiful screen, fast, plenty of customizations, many rom's to switch to if you want.
The more I think about this phone I would like to have android, but only as an option for the apps I like. Otherwise, winmo will do.

Android accelerator - A Magic runs same speed than a Nexus

Hi all,
Very impressed after watching this video on the Cyanogen Mod :
Demo video :
I m pleased to share it with you and would like to know what you're thinking about this "droidBooster" which make an old HTC running at the same speed than a Nexus One! :
Whats the point of this?
What does a video of a video player proove? Wouldn't some real time benchmarks like linpack or quadrant be more proof.
Still why didnt they have 2 Nexus One's and show how much faster the one with droidbooster got.
All these booster softwares sound abit like all the BS booster softwares for windows.
Hmm I suspect that they are overclocking because they didnt mention anything about clock speed but lets hope that its legit
Edit: they have an apk in the market
Sent from my Nexus One using Tapatalk
Imperial.mack said:
Hmm I suspect that they are overclocking because they didnt mention anything about clock speed but lets hope that its legit
Sent from my Nexus One using Tapatalk
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I hardly think they are overclocking becose that would make the software only runnable on rooted devices. Which would remove a huge part of their possible market share.
And overclocking with that much improvement in performance? Youd have to double the clock rates. Which on nearly all devices is damn close to impossible. Except for Desire-Z for example.
Unless they somehow are without Root overclocking it or changing the kernel to their own super optimized i dont really see how this is done.
nd the nexus one can fly beyond their limits?
They posted this video showing how it works basically:
Their software modifies the Dalvik code, which means that you do not only need to be root, but you also can't install this software without modifying your ROM.
From the web page
"DroidBooster technology enables to compile any Android Java code in optimized native binary when generating the ROM, taking full power of the underlying CPU for high performance and low power execution."
This is not overclocking, but maybe be a paid app (and very expensive app)
Sorry 4 my poor english
It's actually more like Jit.
See this video for further explications :
Lol ok took me so much time to answer that already 4 ppl posted !!
After looking at the company website who developed DroidBooster, I discover an other Video with a principle presentation of droidbooster.
"DroidBooster relies on compiling and executing any embedded Java Code of an Android system as binary." according to the video available here:[/url]
this thing is kinda bs imo. And the guy's voice is just gay
I hope to come out soon
If this thing really does what the company claims, then Google will probably buy the code from them. Also limiting this software to rooted phones means it wouldn't make a ton of cash, and then expecting them to cook and sign their own ROMs is a weird business model. In other words, it's meant for developers only, so we kinda have to wait for official incorporation.
exciting! hope they support the nexus ..
DDM123 said:
If this thing really does what the company claims, then Google will probably buy the code from them.
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No, I doubt this code is worth anything to google. All they say they are doing it converting the dalvic code into native code. If google wanted to do that they could very easily, the JIT they included with Froyo already does do it to some extent.
I won't believe this for a second. I have both the N1 and Magic, and I can safely say the N1 is MUCH faster. It should be a no-brainer, just look at the specs. The Magic was what -- the second Android ever!? They were bound to improve, and the N1 set the bar high a year ago. Now look at the plethora of fast devices we have, and the N1 can be thanked for that. I once read that one of the reasons Google launched the Nexus was to jump-start the "super" smart phone market, because manufacturers weren't pushing the bar far enough in their devices. N1 set a standard for the rest of them. The way I see it, the Magic was nothing more than an early experiment.
And I never had an issue playing videos on my Magic anyway. What proof is that? The N1 is definitely more responsive, boots 10x faster, never runs out of memory. The Magic pretty much requires an app killer; never needed one on the Nexus. I can go on and on, but I think I made my point.
Bloodflame said:
I won't believe this for a second. I have both the N1 and Magic, and I can safely say the N1 is MUCH faster. It should be a no-brainer, just look at the specs. The Magic was what -- the second Android ever!? They were bound to improve, and the N1 set the bar high a year ago. Now look at the plethora of fast devices we have, and the N1 can be thanked for that. I once read that one of the reasons Google launched the Nexus was to jump-start the "super" smart phone market, because manufacturers weren't pushing the bar far enough in their devices. N1 set a standard for the rest of them. The way I see it, the Magic was nothing more than an early experiment.
And I never had an issue playing videos on my Magic anyway. What proof is that? The N1 is definitely more responsive, boots 10x faster, never runs out of memory. The Magic pretty much requires an app killer; never needed one on the Nexus. I can go on and on, but I think I made my point.
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Not really. The point is that this guy is claiming to make java code run in native binary, thus ensuring that the CPU isn't doing unnecessary work to interpret and run java code. If possible (who's to say) then it would make a Magic run much faster than it does. It might even be feasible to suggest that it would run as fast as a stock Nexus.
Think about it this way, why is it that the original iPhone UI is so smooth? The code is optimized and run as a native binary, not some VM that has to be compiled and run by the CPU every time it wants it. Native code would make the Magic much faster.
The whole point is moot though, because this isn't something that you will see bundled into an .apk anytime soon. It might be novel code that Google picks up on and uses in later OS revisions though. Who knows.
As i understand it will cost a high memory consumption, where 512mb of ram will be not enought for it (Actually its already not enough on miui rom with Dalvik VM, on nexus1 i have only 130mb free). And high power drain.
Welcome back to Windows Mobile
Btw i dont believe it, they just want to make some money with air bubbles
Tim4 said:
As i understand it will cost a high memory consumption, where 512mb of ram will be not enought for it (Actually its already not enough on miui rom with Dalvik VM, on nexus1 i have only 130mb free). And high power drain.
Welcome back to Windows Mobile
Btw i dont believe it, they just want to make some money with air bubbles
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"Only" 130MB free? It's 130MB that isn't ever used by the system, making it wasted 130MB, and you're referring to it as "only"?
This point was discussed zillions of times in Autokiller Minfree and "Don't need task killers" threads. Android has efficient memory management, Nexus having it VERY efficient since Froyo, much more efficient than really needed. It never uses its 400MB of user memory or even close to it.
Funny, how marketing affects people. They want more of the things they don't need.
Jack_R1 said:
"Only" 130MB free? It's 130MB that isn't ever used by the system, making it wasted 130MB, and you're referring to it as "only"?
This point was discussed zillions of times in Autokiller Minfree and "Don't need task killers" threads. Android has efficient memory management, Nexus having it VERY efficient since Froyo, much more efficient than really needed. It never uses its 400MB of user memory or even close to it.
Funny, how marketing affects people. They want more of the things they don't need.
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Yeah, i call it "the only free memory."
Take a look:
You have 130mb left.
1)browser eats 65mb of ram. 65mb left
2)+some other apps that running at background/service.
So what i have in result?
My apps often be killed by android because out of memory.
The most anoying thing is when im surfing, writing some stuff on forums i get my browser killed with data lost. Its rare but still hapens.
Another real example: Dungeon Defenders. When i play it, i got almost all my apps be kicked from memory.
P.s. I know about wipe. Just moved to latest 1.1.14miui, have wiped everything 3 times.
P.s.2 ofcource it depends on how many apps you have and which rom you use. No problems with ram on stock android but i just dont like it, so...

Alright all you root-ers.....

I come to the Droid X planet from the planet WinMo..... On my previous planet I frollicked in the flash-cooked-rom playground til I was dizzy & had a too-much-cheese-cake belly I waited 45 minutes & frollicked some more.
I've read all about rooting here, I get it. I thought, before arriving, that I'd be rooting the very night I got the DX, but that night came & went ... and so did about a week now.
I'm loving this phone in stock mode. Its so much better & faster & slicker than my Omnia that I can't honestly find a reason to root.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but the primary benefits to rooting are:
More thematic control
The ability to tether
marginally better battery life
the ability to overclock
So I'm all the way through a day at work w/ some calls, 10 to 20 texts, a couple of browser sessions, and 2 hours of mp3 play which lands me home w/ 40-50% battery left.
I just don't need to tether (although it'd be cool....and I'd prolly do it)
The ability to put a picture of my honeymoon in Kauai is all the Thematic control I need.
I'm already surfing while I listen to the PowerAmp MP3 much faster does it need to be that I wanna overclock it? (I mean, I get how cool it is to actually do it & enjoy the observed performance bump, but......then I'm used to it being that fast)
Why do I wanna do this? I'm not trying to debate you, I believe you all like it it IS better..but why might I like it better?
Talk to me like if you get ONE MORE root convert you'll get the toaster.
< used car salesman schtick >So....what's it gonna take for YOU to put ME in a rooted X today? < /used car salesman schtick >
It's all about what you like. If you are satisfied with stock so be it. I too was satisfied with stock, but the more I hung around these forums and read. The more curious I became. Rooting and unrooting is ridiculously easy. One click. I don't use tethering so I won't be able to convince you. However on battery life it is no contest. I used to be at 40 percent at noon with heavy usage. Once I rooted and changed roms (apex 1.4.1) I saw an enormous improvement. Now I am at 50 percent by 6 at night. I make a lot of calls during the day (25+) and I am checking email and what have you. It all comes down to how happy you are with what you have. I could be happy with stock again (I actually don't mind blur). Good luck with your decision, but I must warn you. Staying around these forums will not help you stay with stock for very long.
Edit: I wouldn't make a very good car salesman.
Blur-less ROM. 'nuff said.
See, now I'd read more "marginal" battery life improvement....your experience is a significant improvement.
And yes, hanging around here is how I got to be a flash-addicted on my previous planet....all to the good I might add, although MAN I could blow some hours on that.
I'll have to do some more reading on Blur and Blur-less.
i too came from the omnia. loved that phone. ive had my DX for a few weeks now, and aside from changing how it looks drastically i havent had the need to root or ROM the phone at all so far. although, the wifi tethering is the one reason i will end up rooting later this weekend, i use that a TON throughout my workday. i have been kind of avoiding it, but its something that has been a hassle since i changed phones. im more interested in hearing more about this "oneclick" root someone in here mentioned, ive read the sticky and probably everything else in this forum about rooting the DX and havent come across a one click method so far. so, apparently ive missed the best part?
Hanover....I found this:
...but it looks like a bunch of X-ers standing around the edge of the pool daring each other to jump in & report back. I like the "Noobs Guide" here better.
Another Rooting benefit I forgot to mention was how COOL backing up the state of the phone would be. I'm guessing that's App and Settings.....from WinMo flashes I loved the Dir you could put on the SD full of the apps & settings so that if the ROM you were flashing included this particular feature, those things would be loaded & setup from the get-go....forget what it was called; flippin fabulous. This backup capability that apparently comes along w/ Rooting (which isn't available from stock? ) sounds even better.
Anybody wanna tell me what they hate about Blur?
This discussion has a few links to Blur definition and commentary.....I guess I "like" the Blur stuff, although apparently it's been diluted to a palatable level in the X's 2.2.1 Android release.
I think its creepy keepin my schtuff in teh "cloud"....until I want it reloaded to my phone & poof! Its done...then its more cool than creepy
So far I've gotten
WAY better battery management (not just a little better)
Gotta Tether
And to that list I'd add the backup ability about which I'll have to read more.
So come on Rooters.....I'm still wanting to hear the GREATEST thing for you in your new ROM that Stock never provided.....
I had the tilt before coming to the X and I loved that phone. The "one click" method I was talking about is called z4root. You don't technically click it. It is an .apk that you run. Then click either temporary or permanent root. If you click permanent root, the next time you run it unroot will appear. If you get DroidX bootstrap you can make a nandroid backup of your current phone. Everything will be saved except the data from your apps. You would use titanium backup for that. Then you could experiment with roms and if you don't like them go back to your backup. Which would put you back at stock. You can also make more than one backup. Keep reading and before you know it you will break down.
Just to let you know a little more between the blur and blur"less" roms. Since blur is part of motorola when a dev takes the blur out of the rom some of the functionality of the phone is lost. I.e. no hdmi, camera is less than stellar and you can just get the blur .apk for the camera. But you still lose hdmi out.
Sent from my DROIDX using XDA App
Thanks....I really like the camera....seems better than my Omnia's ....maybe I'm just on a honeymoon w/ the X
I'll have a few more laps in the pool here & then I'll giver a go. I mean, if I can fairly easily bop back to stock, then what's the cost? (well...besides the unlikely bricking).
So I guess I'll need to figure out which things are "Blur" and which things are "Android"....for instance:
can anybody tell me if thiese things remain in blurless ROMS?
The little red target that moves the cursor in text boxes? (love that)
the voice mic to talk in text in most text boxes?
syncing to/from my Gmail for contacts & calendar?
can I have "some" of the Motorola widgets of my choice? (or are they just bone cuz they "are" blur?)
Again, I can figure these things out first hand or read up, just checkin if one of you wanna chime in some more.
Great info. THanks for playin.
my reasons are quite simple for rooting my dx.addless apps/over clocking/"disabling"some factory installed apps/wifi tethering(not being stuck paying verison 20 bucks a month to do it).
Another reason to root and ROM is "New Phone Syndrome". I was excited like a kid in a candy store when I got my X. You couldn't pull my fingers from it. After 3 months I started to get bored. Don't get me wrong I still loved it but I needed new meat and waiting another 21 months for an upgrade didn't cut it. So if all those reasons to root and load a ROM like tethering, battery life, overclock, etc isn't good enough for you, then consider this...its like having a new phone when you load a ROM. Just my 2 cents.
It almost sounds like you want to be convinced on something you kind of want to do because your bored,
About ROMs. Think of it like this...take two LCD TVs, one is 1080p one is 720P...if they are in separate rooms, you will never be able to tell the difference. Side by side, yes, you can see the difference, marginally. To me, all flashing a ROM does is change the transitional speed between screens, apps, etc., and remove the bloat ahead of time so you don't have to manually do it. That's my opinion. (disclaimer for the trolls ) And to be honest, that is where mainly all the praise comes from having a so called " fast ROM ", over stock. Motorola's stock transition times are slow (blur) and developers customize these settings to probably be 0. Other then that, I have had two brand new Droid X's side by side and there is no difference. Heck I have had four of them side by side and can't tell a difference in anything really besides transitioning in tasking.
How much time are people really spending transitioning between the app drawer and the home screen is beyond me lol but running any rom while in an app is never going to make a difference on a phone call, text, taking a picture etc.
If I could change these transition times myself (much like on a PC), I would love to run the stock ROM as it's 100% stable and smooth and I don't have to sacrifice a thing. If you want a different look once in a while like a black top bar or new icons, flash a theme for stock rom or an icon pack or, make your own like I do.
As far as rooting, yes, rooting for me is a must.
I root so I can have an exact backup to the state my phone was in before I start to dink around with it. I like to change my battery icons, make all my own icons and such so it helps when I flash or edit the wrong file. I like to be able to backup all my apps with a one click install after I go back to stock if need be. I like to be able to tether and to know I have that ability because times have arose when I needed to. And last but not least, have the ability to download and install non-market apps and content. There are websites out there that have plenty of apps and content not available the market that I use. Probably my biggest reason I root. Some apps require root so that will be your preference if you use those specific apps.
If you enjoy overclocking, that's another reason to root. The DX is not a PC though, I don't need to overclock to make a call and I am not playing Crysis on max resolution lol. If you are OCD about watching your benchmark scores go up and down, then overclock away!
Other then that, I have always praised that a stock, rooted Droid X with all it's bloatware removed is perfect in every way. The hardware on this awesome device is really all that you may want in a smart phone. It handles everything I throw at it and it's reliable for me. Overclocked or not, I can't tell the difference between 1Ghz and 1.3Ghz and that's on my phone alone.
Everything always comes down to preference. If you don't have a specific reason to root then don't. Unless you’re bored that is, lol.
turbo614 said:
my reasons are quite simple for rooting my dx.addless apps/over clocking/"disabling"some factory installed apps/wifi tethering(not being stuck paying verison 20 bucks a month to do it).
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Me too. Tried all the roms, all had some shortcommings. I am now back to stock, rooted, bloat removed, themed and loving it. Best batt life I have had.
Stock , rooted, bloat removed, theme-able, sounds like a dream come true.
I appreciate the insight.
HanoverPhist said:
i too came from the omnia. loved that phone. ive had my DX for a few weeks now, and aside from changing how it looks drastically i havent had the need to root or ROM the phone at all so far. although, the wifi tethering is the one reason i will end up rooting later this weekend, i use that a TON throughout my workday. i have been kind of avoiding it, but its something that has been a hassle since i changed phones. im more interested in hearing more about this "oneclick" root someone in here mentioned, ive read the sticky and probably everything else in this forum about rooting the DX and havent come across a one click method so far. so, apparently ive missed the best part?
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Z4 root! One click! just get the link to download the app if it's not in the market.

[Q] POS Phone, major problems, a few Q's

Hey guys,
I'm more of an HTC person and I'm trying to help out my boyfriend w/his Moto Droid Pro. The thing is the biggest POS and we're pretty close to doing an insurance replacement on it.
It's NOT rooted, he's not really a fan of messing w/the phone like I am but what I did for him last night was a factory data reset, wiped that sucker clean and now the phone is still painfully slow, his market is working but is slow and any app he downloads either says "loading" forever, or just does an immediate FC.
I told him that if the reset didn't fix it, we'd try rooting it, but I'm not even sure how the development is for this phone and if it would be fixed by that anyway.
Prior to me resetting the whole thing it would freeze all the time, he'd have to do a battery pull a few times a day, etc. He's ready to check the thing out the window (and I don't blame him -- I told him not to get a moto, lol).
He's running the 2.2 software and it says that no update is available for the phone.
What he likes about it is the keyboard style w/the touchscreen. He's not a huge fan of virtual keyboards and I think a slider style would annoy the sh*t out of him after a while too.
Anybody have any suggestions?
All I can suggest is root and debloat. My phone was the same way It's not fast enough for the rom MOTO put on it.
You can find ways to upgrade to GB if you search around, or buy the TBH app, but that requires rooting.
What I did is go to droidforums, and install CM7 on mine. Be warned, it's still pretty hairy... some data issues... but it's really close to a stable mod. Now that I have CM on it, I don't mind the phone at all.
BE WARNED!!! If you go the CM route, DON'T, I repeat DON'T let the phone die (battery wise). You lose data and getting back is a pain. Next build or so should fix that.
dreamersipaq said:
All I can suggest is root and debloat. My phone was the same way It's not fast enough for the rom MOTO put on it.
You can find ways to upgrade to GB if you search around, or buy the TBH app, but that requires rooting.
What I did is go to droidforums, and install CM7 on mine. Be warned, it's still pretty hairy... some data issues... but it's really close to a stable mod. Now that I have CM on it, I don't mind the phone at all.
BE WARNED!!! If you go the CM route, DON'T, I repeat DON'T let the phone die (battery wise). You lose data and getting back is a pain. Next build or so should fix that.
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Which method did you use to root yours? I've seen mention of Z4 but all the info/questions, etc., on it seem to be a bit dated. I've also seen mention of a couple different one-click methods which would be my preferred method vs going the ADB line by line route I had to do w/my TBolt.
I'm guessing, just like any other phone it can be rooted and the stock ROM left on it? It'll just be that I'll be able to install TiB and freeze crap apps?
EDIT: Based on what I learned today (ie, time wasting at work, lol) I think I'm going to apply the OTA update that I've found online and at least get non-rooted GBread up and running. From there I'll use the one click method to root the phone, get TiB and freeze some stuff. Hopefully that will fix his phone. He's so frustrated.
Q for you too - if the phone is "not fast enough for the ROM Moto put on it" (as you said) won't putting a faster, better s/ware make it lag even more? Isn't stock GBread a faster ROM than the stock Froyo?
chimpsnest said:
Which method did you use to root yours? I've seen mention of Z4 but all the info/questions, etc., on it seem to be a bit dated. I've also seen mention of a couple different one-click methods which would be my preferred method vs going the ADB line by line route I had to do w/my TBolt.
I'm guessing, just like any other phone it can be rooted and the stock ROM left on it? It'll just be that I'll be able to install TiB and freeze crap apps?
EDIT: Based on what I learned today (ie, time wasting at work, lol) I think I'm going to apply the OTA update that I've found online and at least get non-rooted GBread up and running. From there I'll use the one click method to root the phone, get TiB and freeze some stuff. Hopefully that will fix his phone. He's so frustrated.
Q for you too - if the phone is "not fast enough for the ROM Moto put on it" (as you said) won't putting a faster, better s/ware make it lag even more? Isn't stock GBread a faster ROM than the stock Froyo?
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Based on your edit, sounds like you now know what to do, so you should be pretty well off.
To answer your question, no. GB and Froyo are very different. Even though they might look somewhat similar, GB actually has a lot of code clean up, and optimization. Theoretically, i guess it should run a little slower then Froyo, but what I think happened with the Pro is that the Froyo build has a ton more Blur(****) (read: pun) installed on it, and it's poorly coded (by Moto) so it uses up too many resources. I think the GB scaled back Blur a lot, and I think it's better coded and optimized, which actually makes the phone faster. Nowhere near as fast as CM7, but it's not bad.
The phone specs themselves aren't bad: 1GHz, and 5XX Ram, so I think on Froyo the Moto Blur crap took too much RAM up, whereas in GB it's a little better on the resources.
Hope that helps.
P.S. Shout out to a chic that digs "geek". We need more of your type
dreamersipaq said:
Based on your edit, sounds like you now know what to do, so you should be pretty well off.
To answer your question, no. GB and Froyo are very different. Even though they might look somewhat similar, GB actually has a lot of code clean up, and optimization. Theoretically, i guess it should run a little slower then Froyo, but what I think happened with the Pro is that the Froyo build has a ton more Blur(****) (read: pun) installed on it, and it's poorly coded (by Moto) so it uses up too many resources. I think the GB scaled back Blur a lot, and I think it's better coded and optimized, which actually makes the phone faster. Nowhere near as fast as CM7, but it's not bad.
The phone specs themselves aren't bad: 1GHz, and 5XX Ram, so I think on Froyo the Moto Blur crap took too much RAM up, whereas in GB it's a little better on the resources.
Hope that helps.
P.S. Shout out to a chic that digs "geek". We need more of your type
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Thanks for the input the GB/Froyo differences explains a lot and the shout-out .... I've been trying to tell my BF how much better my phone (the TBolt) runs, even when I rooted the Eris it was sooo much better (thanks to Tazz!), but he always picked on me for the little things, if there were some glitch w/the new s/ware, etc.
Now, I'm hoping that doing the GBread install will open his eyes to the fact that folks around these parts do, for the most part, know what they are doing -and- he can belong to a special club now, the one that includes folks who have **** on their phone that their not supposed to lol
I'll start small, w/the official OTA leak and go from there .... baby steps lol.
Well, I put GB on his phone last night (was soooo easy to do), seems to be running a bit better, but we'll see what a full day makes of it.
chimpsnest did you use a tutorial to get GB on it? If so which one?
Also, I know I can probably search and find pretty quickly. But when going from Froyo to GB will I loose all my data/programs and such?
Good Morning,
I used the method found here:
YOU WILL LOSE ROOT IF YOU HAVE IT, however, there is a way to now root GBread on the Dpro as far as I know.
As far as data, apps, etc., etc., I'm not certain as I had totally wiped my BF's phone back to be like the day he got it (factory reset) as a first resort when his started tweaking out. His phone has never been rooted, but I think I'm going to do that for him this weekend as he seems to be having the issue w/the keypad backlight and the only app to fix it is for rooted phones
The file you need to put on your Dpro is called "" - that's the file you need to put on your SD card. That file is in a folder in the file you download, you have to unzip the download file to find the zip.
Also, I kind of doubt you'll lose all your data as this is a VZW piece of software and I don't think they'd make everybody lose their everything via an OTA update, right?
