Calling but no ring? - Nexus One General

Hello, does anyone experience this? You call someone and then it doesnt ring.. I tried like 3 people and it does the same thing.. eventually it disconnects...

this happens to me sometimes, eventually the other person on the line will hang up because im still thinking its trying to connect. i usually put it on speaker so i hear the ringing then turn it right back off. but yes, i do have this issue.

yes i have this issue with CM5b3....if you set it to speaker then back to regular it will work, im not sure if this is a CM issue or just a n1 issue....i also noticed it happens mainly when the call previous was on speaker phone when the call ended, seems to be a problem in the sound routing subsystem


(Very) random sound problem.

Hey guys, not too sure if this is just my own problem or a general Hero/custom rom problem but Googling and searching has found nothing but the Alarm volume problem..
Basically, on all custom roms I have tried baring any 1.5 roms, it seems after I have made/received a call the phone wont output any sound at all or use the mic. An example of this is I get a call, it goes fine. Ringtone plays, can hear the other person perfectly and they can hear me. I hang up and about 20 minutes later I have a missed call as it never rang. I ring back and hear no dial tones but get the little vibration to notify me they have picked up. From there they cant hear me talk and cant hear them talk. :s
The camera, wifi, 3G, etc etc all still work but there is no sound going in or coming out of the phone.
It also seems to happen if I have a low battery. As to why this is happening, again I have no idea.
I thought i'd ask here as it seems the best place to ask.

[Q] Cannot hear incoming call

Just brought a widlfire 3 weeks ago running on Android 2.1. It was working alright till yesterday when i cannot hear any incoming call unless i put the phone on speaker. Had tried resetting to factory setting but did not work. Anyone can help? Appreciated.
Maybe broken incall-speaker that on the front side of the phone :/
thanks. looks like you are right. will have to send for repair. sigh.
When I'm on a call, sometimes I can't hear the caller but the other party can hear me. It happens randomly & usually when I'm in a middle of a conversation. Anyone experience this?
I've tried hard-reset but it still happened. Sometimes I can be on the call for 30 mins or more & it doesn't happen. Something wrong with the hardware?
Very interesting....

In call speaker went out

Not sure if anybody has experienced this yet or not but today randomly I can't hear anything during a call unless I turn on the speaker phone function. Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't. So I'm having a replacement sent out.

No sound on phone calls after leaving it on vibrate for a while?!

Since I mute my ringer while in class, I've noticed this a BUNCH of times since I got my G2 and it's beginning to get on my nerves. On mute it might work fine (I can't remember), but I know after I leave my classes I'll try to make a call and it connects (green screen!) and I still can't hear a darn thing.
In fact, the people on the other end hear nothing when they answer the phone either.
Only a restart fixes the issue Anyone else have that problem?

Speakerphone turning off at random while on call.

I have not seen a thread on this nor has Google searches helped but I have an issue I wanted to post to see if anyone else was having the issue.
I use my phone for work and often have it on speaker phone, out of no where the call goes quite and the person on the other end of the call can not hear me anymore. Upon looking at the phone the speaker phone seems to get disabled and the call goes back to the handset. This happens often when using the speakerphone but certain calls are worse then others.
In one call I had the speaker phone get disabled about 10 times which was close to every 30 seconds or so. This is very very annoying, I have also rebooted the phone. At this time I am not modded and have less then ten apps installed and I am pretty sure none of the apps I installed are causing the issue.
I will note that I do have the phone connected to bluetooth a lot and when the issue happened I tried to disable the bluetooth while on the call but the issue persisted.
Is anyone else experiencing this issue?
Speaker phone and Bluetooth turning off at random
I am having the exact same problem. But for me this happens with Bluetooth and speakerphone. This is getting really frustrating for me and potentially dangerous when I try to switch back to Bluetooth while driving.
Have you figured out a solution for this yet ?

