New Rogers Update and music - myTouch 3G, Magic General

I Updated my Magic to Rogers new image. Its working actually pretty well except for one very annoying and perhaps embarassing issue.
When a call comes in and I am listening to meridian or the builting mp3 player on my headset instead of the phone RINGTONE it starts playing the audio I am listinging to over the speaker.
Before the update it used to put my music on HOLD and then play the ringtone. if I declined or ansewer then hang up the music would be un paused.
this does not seem to be happening since the update.
Anything I can do to fix this?

Just tried to reproduce the error, sorry didn't get the same bug.
Try repicking the ringtone from your music player?


what happened to my sound.

before i could talk and listen to music with wmp10 at the SAME time. now everytime i receive a call or make a call my music pauses. WTH? can anybody help me out.
talking and listening to music was something i missed.

Sound Issue - brand new phone

Hi All,
Just received my p3600 this morning and ive noticed some strange sound issues with it.
Rom Version : 1.23.405.2 - Date : 03/11/07
Radio Version :
Basically what happens is that when im playing back audio or video whether it be from windows media player or coreplayer, right at the beginning of the song i get a couple of low "blips". More like a very faint crackling, for example when we used to put the needle on old LP's. This happens pretty much everytime i play the song from the beginning. Also, when i use Coreplayer and select do benchmark, for the first couple of seconds i hear that same noise, then the video zooms past but no audio except for the very faint beeping crackling noise. Im just wondeirng if anyone else has come across this or if their Trinity does the same etc? Any fixes?
some more info
I listened to the sound it makes using headphones and it seems like to be the audio comes on, then goes off then comes back on suddenly and plays the music. This happens all very quickly, like within half a second. Also when i forward to the middle of the music video for example, it plays, then pauses as the sound kicks in, then plays normally after.
I though that it could have been the video but then i disabled the audio from within core player and then when playing the videos there was no pause or skip at all.
Does this sound like there is something wrong with the phone or a rom issue? thanks!
i know im posting alot about this, its just bugging me lol It seems like there is a delay with the audio system. For example, when using coreplayer, i try and lower the volume and there is about half a second delay from when i press the down button to when the volume actually drops. Same thing if i increase the volume. Also, when watching a video i have to adjust the manual A/V offset to -0.200 so that the audio is in sync with the video. Im just wondering if anyone else has this problem, if its normal for the rom or whether its a hardware fault? cheers

SMS Alert on Silent Interrupting Music?

Hi All,
I have searched to see if there are any posts about this, but I can't find one.
Whenever my phone is on silent, and I have music playing through headphones or the headphone jack, the music gets interrupted when a text message arrives. The music simply cuts for a few seconds, and then resumes.
It's not the music stopping playing, oh no. It obviously continues playing *silently* because the song resumes about a second later, but about a second later in the song!
Is this intentional or is there something wrong with my one?
huh, obviously when you're not on silent, the music is fading away to make your "incoming message" sound more obvious
looks like there needs to be some special-casing so it doesn't do this on silent. Might be worth opening a support ticket to HTC - as long as you make clear it's a bug report and not a request for help, they are pretty good about passing these things onto the dev team (though that doesn't guarentee it'll get fixed, of course)
personally, i'd think that, silent or not, you should still hear the "incoming message" sound over headphones, but that's a matter of opinion I suppose
I've also noticed that when I use my Bluetooth stereo headset to listen to music and get an incoming SMS or the phone has to play any kind of notification, it doesn't send it to the headset, but instead pauses the music (not putting it on pause, but interrupting it shortly...) for a second while it plays the notification audibly through the phone speakers.
Can anyone confirm this? Thank you.

Problems with listening to music

These are probably not Tattoo specific problems, but I couldn't find any solution anywhere else, so I'll post here.
First one is:
While I'm listening to music on the stock or fydor ROM (I only tried these) with any music application, when I get a notification (SMS, call, whatever) even if the ringtone is set to silent or vibrate, the music stops for a second. This is really annoying when I'm texting and using the phone as an MP3 player at the same time.
Another problem:
When I receive a call while I'm listening to music (I tried HTC Music and bTunes) though headphones the music pauses. And that's good.
But if I remove the headphones to answer the call, when the call finishes the music starts playing through the speakers. This can be pretty annoying or embarrassing.
Does anyone else have these issues? Do you know of a solution?
Thanks in advance,
for the second I can remember some situations when i was :-s cause music started.
a solution for me was that i bought some headphones without microphone and i don't unplug them...

Music on headset stopping

Hi, I have a problem when listening to music:
An incoming notification used to stop my music when a notification arrived. Now, I downloaded a music player with more options - I disabled the options which stopped music after headset was unplugged. It helped a little:
Now, when I listen to music and a notification comes, the music plays loud from the speaker for about a second or two, then going back to headset.
Happened on ICS, so I jumped back on GB. Same effect.
Also, I found out notification sounds are played always through the phone, not the headset.
EDIT: Found out this one is normal.
Try PowerAMP. Pauses at unplug, starts again at plug. If you get a notification, music stops playing a few seconds, speaker plays the notif. sound, and the music continues on headset.
Poweramp is what I meant by "Now, I downloaded a music player with more options" ...
Thats the player which disables pause-on-headset-unplug, but it makes the problem I described (the second one) ...

