Call timer - HD2 General

I have been looking for a software compatible with HD2 which would show me calling times - how much of my free minutes I used. I used BatteryStatus on my previous phone but it does not seem to be a good choice for HD2 if I want to use Sense. Regarding BatteryStatus - there was another good thing about it. If I got a number in SMS, this soft replaced it with a name if the number was in my contacts.
Do you think you could give me an advice how to solve this? BTW, I was doing my best to find out something in this forum but was not successful. If those questions were answered already, I claim myself as unable to search and I am sorry for starting a new thread


Dissappearing Today Item Plugin's and in menu

Hi everyone, I know this is a noob questions but only recently I have been filling my XDAIIi up with applications particually today plugins.
I have noticed that when you get to a certain number of plugins, some dissappear from the check list box in the select screen.
One of these is TomTom Nav 5. I use this all the time and if it's not on the today screen i'm stuck!!!
Is there a way of getting an unlimited amount of today items, without them dissappearing fomr the select list menu???
I would greatly appreicaet a reply as soon as possible.
nop i think the list in today wil only display 13 or something like that
they should still all be in the registry so if you go in there and remove those you dont use so the list will be shorter the today item you want should
be on the list in today items
Hi thanks for the quick reply, where actually in the Registry are they located??????
Please could someone help!!!!
just use search 99% of all questions asked in this forum have already been asked many times before and answered too
this hit was found by a search of:
today AND items
Rudegar , you're right ...
i think , people never search anywhere ...
they come here , and post a new thread without any search ...
i think that if they don't search , it is because they dont know how to search and what to search ...
and , finally , i think they read a few post on diverse subject and they dream to do the same as the best of this forum , but without understand any of they do ...
For all users , please , before asking a thing that have posted 3 568 984 time , please , use search , and try it yourself to find a solution .....
prob it's partialy a habbit thing
and maybe partialy a experience thing
with using the AND and such terms in the search and only searching like the networking forum if one is looking for mms gprs setting and such
so it would get easier with pratice
I think there's one exception: some postings are that large (20 pages or more) that it's hard to understand and find the right answer because many people have said many things and some are corrected some posts later. When English isn't your native language (like mine) it's sometimes very hard to search and find.

Yota phone on Blackstone - no ringtone

Hi, I have been a member here for about 1 month now and after much browsing, searching and lots and lots of reading I think it is time for my first post to ask for help . I have searched for and found 2 previous threads which spoke about this issue, but I never saw any definite answer in these threads on how to solve the problem (as far as I could see anyway). As both of these posts have since been closed, I have no other option than to start a new thread .
I am currently running Dutty's 3.6 (Manila 2.1) ROM and have loaded the YOTA phone app, as I love the black look, which blends in so much better than the Topaz dialer. The problem however is that whenever I receive a call, the phone merely vibrates but does not ring at all (and yes I have checked the settings to ensure it is set to ring). If I uninstall Yota, the ringtone plays again, re-install Yota and again no ringtone .)
Please, I know there where some other members with this problem - if you have manged to solve this, or if anyone else has any other ideas on how to fix this I will be very grateful.

Htc rom upgrade

There's a ROM upgrade for the HD2 at . I enter my phones serial number, and get this message "Sorry, this software download is not suitable for your device.".
It's definitley the right serial number, and the rom version is (70315) WWE.
I'm with 02.
Any idea why they are disallowing this phone to upgrade ?.
because your phone is an o2 phone and not generic. you will have to use the gold card - use the search on this forum to find out how
I suspected as much, thanks for the confirmation.
As for searching the forums, I'm not having a lot of luck with that, there appears to be a problem with searching the forums (maybe it's just me)
I got one result for "gold cards", that was under a thread that was about an SMS problem, a search for SMS or sms returned no results, I've put in a number of searches in recent days, most returning no results whatsoever, can anyone suggest if a) I'm doing something wrong, or b) there's a problem with the search engine, or maybe even a c).
Try looking in the ROM Development section of the LEO Forum
Merry XMAS
Thanks, I will.
I really just wanted wifi router as 02 removed it, found a way round that, so will take my time before doing anything else.

Problem in Thread List (SMS only)

Hi all,
I just want share my problem with HTC 6800 Mogul (Sprint).
It uses WM6.1.
My problem is every single item SMS in thread system list, always for 2016 (year), as attached, "thread_list.jpg"
i was setting my regional setting and clock time, as attached, "clock_system.jpg"
If anybody have a suggestion for me to set system up, due to miss-date (year-->2016), please feel free to comment this thread.
Should need any further info, don't hesitate to contact me
Thanks a lot friend
strange, I just got this same date error. Yesterday was fine. Looks to me like a sprint SMS server problem.
yeaahh this case very strange to me.
This was happend in new year eve, from 12/31/09 become 1/1/16 (until now).
I think this is not SMS Server problem since another mogul, which is belong to my friend, there was no problem with this case
there is already a fix for this. A quick search on here or google will get you the cab fix
Brother, would you like give me clue a keyword for searching? since before i posted this thread, i already search but didn't found anything.
And also, if you don't mind, did you know what the root cause this problem? i just wanna know
anyway, thanks a lot for your helping brother.
Thanks my problem already solved
Please find out the attachment below (
or add new registry

More contacts in the "Contacts" tab

Hello! Is it possible to increase the amount of Contacts that is available under the "Contacts" tab on the Homescreen? I tryed to read thru the Tips and Tricks on this forum but couldnt find anything about it.
Unfortunately no one of the experts here works on this. Even CoOkie, the hero with the 3 page-quicklinks, doesn´t hear our beggings
A lotta noobs like me were asking ..........
I arranged myself now with the best piece of HD2-artwork, with CoOkies-Hometabs and found out: they fully suffice !
I wouldn´t know how to work with my HD2 w/o CoOkies Hometabs, he should receive the Nobel-prize
Aaah okay, too bad Thx for the answer

