Google Latitude + HTC HD2 = Not updating properly - HD2 General

Hi Guys,
This has sorta been covered in the Google Mobile forum but I have yet to see anyone that has tested the Google Latitude in their HTC HD2.
The thing is, Latitude works but with 2 serious practical flaws:
1. Phone must be on, no standby so only can do minimum backlight.
2. Latitude does not work when Mobile Google Maps is minimised, ie. if you lock the device and although the phone is on, Latitude won't update.
What the Latitude suppose to do:
1. Still update location even if Google Maps minimised (phone must be on)
2. Still update location even if Google Maps has exited, but you check the "Yes" option for background updating (phone must be on)
So in real terms, you can't even put the phone in your pocket as the screen is not locked and it could start dialling someone in your contact list, let alone change settings for other programs.
It would be nice if Latidude can do its 2 main features above properly with the phone turned off, ie. you can still receive a call when the phone is off, weather still updates when the phone is off.
Anyone with similar issues I would appreciate any comments you may have.

Hi, I have this problem, too.

Mine does update the position when GM are closed nad 'yes' is choosen. Every 20 minutes, as it is supposed to do. It also uses only fast BTS fix, not GPS.
GM use notification (low-level alarm) to wake the phone up after 20 minutes and update the position. You can you for example FDC task manager to check if the notification exists after closing GM. It has page with notifications. You should see something with 'google' there, with time set 20 minutes after the GM exit.
I'm not sure how it works with GM only minimized. Will report later.

It seems to update the location once per 20 minutes also when minimized (and not asleep (in charger).

Works every 20 minutes with application minimized and device asleep.
Btw. my version is 3.3.1

Latitude updates work or not.
Maybe my experiences helps.
I've been using the HD2 for a few weeks now. During initial startup several questions are asked. One of them seems to be if you want to allow location updates to be send from your phone.
Out of the box I had some time and answered all these questions. Next few weeks my friends tell me my Latitude position was being updated. I never started Google Maps though. Not once.
After a few weeks I had to upgrade the ROM (SMS bug). This time I did not take the time to answer all the questions (next next skip skip). In my opinion I would be able to set these settings in several menu's later on. As from this point on Latitude behaves like reported on this thread. Only updates when Maps is active.

Sorry to wake this topic but it seems still unresolved and I have some input.
Given that you have accepted the terms and conditions, especially location updates to be sent from your phone, Google Maps should update your position every 20 minutes, regardless whether it is running or not.
Once we have program settings out of the way as a reason, I think the problem is not related to Google Maps at all, but is actually an internet connection issue. In other words, I think GM is correctly updating your position every 20 minutes, it just cannot send it over the Internet for other people (and yourself) to use it.
Why do I think so? Because I have exactly the same problem as you guys describe, but only while at home. As strange as it sounds, the moment I go to my office, my position is perfectly updated every 20 minutes (I can see it on my Google account), but when I leave the office, my location stops updating. Mind it I never change any settings when I enter my office so this cannot be related to any activity I did. The only way I can explain this is that when I leave the office, my phone fails to connect and transmit my position, while it succeeds while I'm in the office.
As a next step I am trying to troubleshoot internet connections. I think the phone is using wifi to transmit location information. If it was using the GSM network, it wouldn't behave differently when I am on different places (the mobile operator is always the same and the Internet settings are always the same).


GPS always on...

Hey guys. Had my X10i for 2 months now. Just an hour ago, my gps went on by itself and I've turned the phone off and back on twice and its still on. Any reasons this could be happening? I went into the settings and and GPS satellites and Assisted GPS are on, but that was normal.
I know it may sound like a dumb question but I'm not that much of an idiot, or am I? Any helps would be appreciated.
It will probablybe an application you've installed which uses location services or a website that can use location services. If you always have GPS enabled it will do this every now and again.
thanks misterzak. this is the first time ive seen this since ive had the phone. i'll keep an eye out on it. it stopped when i shut off maps with task panel after i posted but it came back on a few mins ago.
Try checking which apps you've recently installed. You can check whether they use location services in the Application sub-menu in the X10 settings. Some apps may let you switch off the location services they need.
Part of the reason I've replied is that I could see this topic going waaaaay out of control with loads of people saying they're having the same issue and that it is there is a massive fault in the phone.......a question like yours luckily had a simple answer.
People may have even thought it is Google checking up on them every 2 minutes, being "Big Brother" and all....

GPS, Social Network Sync, Flash, Screen Burn, General lag

So this is sort of a multipurpose post, just saying some of the issue I have had with my Vibrant, and some of the possible solutions or at least information that I believe will help toward finding a solution.
About the GPS, this is what I have noticed:
I am pretty sure this is a software issue and this is why- I've noticed that I only have a problem when I am using the actual GPS and the network based location. I started to notice this first in Foursquare. Even when I could get a lock in Maps (albeit with a blue circle indicating it wasn't terribly accurate) Foursquare would always show where I last checked in... then I realized it wasn't showing where I last checked in, it was showing where I last was located using the GPS. I found that if I turned off the "Use GPS satellites" option, and only used the network location option, Foursquare (and indeed any other GPS program) got my location near instantly. Similarly, when I had only the satellite option checked (and not the network location) as long as I was outside I got a pretty quick and steady lock. When I put both options back on... everything all crappy again. So I've been keeping the actual GPS off unless I'm using navigation, in which case I switch, and I haven't had an issue yet. So I think this is something that they can fix in an update. Any other thoughts would be appreciated.
In regard to Social Network Sync:
It was driving me nuts that half the time I looked in the settings menu it would show that Facebook, Myspace, and Twitter (the Samsung variants) had "errors." Then I realized that for whatever stupid reason, they seem to only run into these errors on wifi. If I turned wifi off and synced... it worked. Turned it back on... didn't work. I tried this a few times. However, that said, the Social Network Sync is kind of broken. For example, even if you have it set to download all of your Facebook friends, after the first time it won't. To add them, you have to go into "Link contact, Get Friends, Facebook" and then check who you want to add .This is kind of annoying, and hopefully will also be fixed with a software update. Again, any thoughts would be appreciated.
About Flash:
This is honestly my biggest issue with the device. If you look in the applications it does have Flash lite. It just doesn't work. Coming from an almost flawless Flash experience on the MyTouch Slide to this is really not fun. The reason this annoys me so much though is because in apps that utilize the browser (for example NewsRob) whenever they load a page that has flash on it, you are kicked into the browser and get an error message (webkit error, file not found or some such.) When I'm browsing through articles in NewsRob it's incredibly annoying to have this stupid error message (which opens the browser, then an error, so it takes three back presses to get back to the article, all of which have a little delay.) Again, this is something that 2.2 should fix, but it's still frustrating. If anyone knows of any possible solution to this it'd be greatly appreciated.
Screen burn in I discovered today.
Much to my dismay, I noticed today that the clock digits were burnt into the screen, much like how the notifications were burnt into the screen on my Nexus One. The difference is that this took awhile to happen on my N1. Not three weeks like I've had the Vibrant. I don't know if this is permanent or just temporary, I have a pure white background open full screen right now, and will run like a color flashing thing next, hopefully this will get rid of it. If not... that's just excessively disappointing. I love love love having what is literally the most advanced screen technology in existence, and having a literally perfect black level, but screen burn in on a few week old device (that has been set at low or auto brightness since day one) is just not acceptable. I will post again after a day or so of white screen/colors and let ya'll know the results. But it's frustrating. Has any one else noticed this yet? Or have any other possible solutions?
Lastly, lag.
I've noticed that the ONLY lag on the device comes from stupid TouchWiz and the Buddies and Feeds widgets. With them disabled the device FLIES. With them on, it's slow and occasionally has to be force closed. For now I have the widgets in question disabled, but this is vastly annoying, and really makes me wish I had my MyTouch Slide back (except with this screen and processor lol.)
So, in conclusion, I generally love this device. But the second T-Mobile announces The MT3GHD, it'll be on eBay faster than you can say Android 2.2 with Espresso lol.
Quick update, jscreenfix app from market fixes the burn in, I let it run for about an hour. I'm going to do that every week just to be safe.
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c0wb0ycliche said:
About the GPS, this is what I have noticed:
I am pretty sure this is a software issue and this is why- I've noticed that I only have a problem when I am using the actual GPS and the network based location. I started to notice this first in Foursquare. Even when I could get a lock in Maps (albeit with a blue circle indicating it wasn't terribly accurate) Foursquare would always show where I last checked in... then I realized it wasn't showing where I last checked in, it was showing where I last was located using the GPS. I found that if I turned off the "Use GPS satellites" option, and only used the network location option, Foursquare (and indeed any other GPS program) got my location near instantly. Similarly, when I had only the satellite option checked (and not the network location) as long as I was outside I got a pretty quick and steady lock. When I put both options back on... everything all crappy again. So I've been keeping the actual GPS off unless I'm using navigation, in which case I switch, and I haven't had an issue yet. So I think this is something that they can fix in an update. Any other thoughts would be appreciated.
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Even though I personally believe the gps is a firmware/driver issue, your explanation above does nothing to narrow it to that... You say the GPS doesnt work right when it is turned on...
well... yeah.
blink55184 said:
Even though I personally believe the gps is a firmware/driver issue, your explanation above does nothing to narrow it to that... You say the GPS doesnt work right when it is turned on...
well... yeah.
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In Location settings, there are two options, Use wireless network and Use GPS satellites. What I am saying is that if BOTH of these options are turned on, it doesn't seem to work properly. If I only use wireless networks, it works (even indoors) but isn't terribly accurate. If I use GPS only, and I am outside, it works, accurately. So I am just saying there seems to be some disconnect between the wireless network location and GPS location working in sync like they normally do.
And (@lemarg) I don't see how my post is whining, I'm just pointing out some observations about the issues I (and other people) been having with the phone. Maybe I misunderstand the point of a forum.

i9000m GPS: Working theory

So we all have issues with the i9000m and GPS (Or many of us do).
After I got my replacement hardware with a Dec date on it and when it was running 2.1 and was using whatever the version of Google maps was out at that time (Dec 24th), my phone was getting GPS lock really snappily.
After updating to JL2 of 2.2, it became unpredictable but when it was working, it was VERY fast. Two weeks later, my friend got his back and they had only replaced his mobo but he was unable to get a GPS lock in Google Maps or any Google app that used GPS.
Today, on break, after I had fiddled with my phone some this week, we tested what I was thinking of, that being: Google Maps or something with how it and 2.2 interacts is broke on our phones.
Here is what I did that was also tested and is doing the exact same thing on mine and my friends phone:
Install the Tricorder app
Reboot the phone (Either battery pull or power switch, same result)
Try to get a GPS lock in Google Maps (Our phones would time out to power save before it would get a lock)
Start Tricorder, go to the GPS/Compass section and wait for the satellite bars to turn blue
Exit Tricorder and then start Google Maps or any other Google app, the GPS lock will occur in less than 10 seconds every time
If anyone else could test this on the newer hardware or on a phone that had its mobo replaced, it would be nice to see if this is happening on more than these two phones.
And note that once I started and exited from Tricorder after it locked, all GPS apps now locked super fast.
Both our phones are running official JL2 2.2 with no rooting or whatnot.
It is well known that you sometimes need more than 30 seconds (default screen off delay) to get a lock.
But if you start an application that can run in the background such as google navigation or my tracks (recording on), your GPS won't shut down when the screen turn off and you will finally get a fix if you wait long enough.
It is also well known that once you get a fix, if you loose it (by turning off your GPS app) you can get it back really quickly.
You didn't find anything special. Just leave google maps open (by pressing on the screen at least once every 30 seconds) and you will get a lock just as fast as with your tricorder app. There is no magic. You only need to leave your GPS on for long enough.
From my experience, I sometimes waited 2-3 minutes with JL2. But I don't care, as long as the GPS is accurate.
I have exactly the same lock on with Eclair > JPY > JPX > instant to about 30 seconds .
This is about the hundredth supposed fix posted .
Very well...
I shall fade back into the shadows...
Very well...
I shall fade back into the shadows...
Dont do that you may be the one with a solution for those that need a solution .
JJEgan said:
Dont do that you may be the one with a solution for those that need a solution
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And how is waiting in Tricorder for a GPS fix instead of Google maps a solution?
Exactly zorxd..
ok, so what if since either (can't say for sure cuz don't use gps much at all) rooting, or flashing speedmod k13e, when i pull down the tool screen and click on gps to turn it green, the gps icon does not appear at the top of the screen - i don't think it's on at all. apps like maps, gps navigator etc that use the gps don't work.
what's that about?

Searching for GPS wont go away

i came from 4.2.1. updated to 4.2 and now my tablet wont stop saying searching for GPS (i am indoors and no GPS lock can be found).
nothing has changed, i have the same APPs haven't removed or added anything except updating via OTA yet now after the update this searching for GPS wont go away and i have to toggle it off now.
i have always left GPS and Wifi on with 4.2.1 and didnt have this problem and its draining my battery so i disable GPS.
anyone else see this on theirs?
1) turn GPS off
2) download gps status
3) wait until you are outside and stationary
4) turn on GPS and run gps status to see if you are getting any kind of fix on satellites.
Zillow (an app in the Play Store) causes this on my device. If I force closed it, the GPS icon would go away. If you're not using Zillow, maybe another app is the cause. Try force-closing anything you think might be using GPS
while google nav is running in background (searching for gps..) Hit the home button Go to settings . Toggle gps Of then back on..
You might have to then exit google nav off then back on.. Sometimes it will take a few tired..
This randomly happens to me sometimes if i start google Nav with the gps enabled.. Was present in 4.1.2 after the latest maps update .
I had the EXACT same problem.. I had updated in my "bunker" where I work (no GPS signals get in here) and until it finally got a signal it tried for like 2 hours. Once it did it, it was happy.
I really, really wish there were some way to see GPS usage history. There has got to be a way to do that. A log of what apps used the GPS, how long, etc
Same here. I also noticed this today and the battery drained quickly. It looks like the Weather Channel app was causing it in my case. It had an unusually large share of the battery consumption (according to the Android battery monitor) and uninstalling it seems to fix the issue (will take another day to confirm). This was working fine on 4.1.2.
Mine also has gone AWOL. I tried the on-off trick, all styles, but no joy (and waiting 2 hours was not a possibility... I needed it there and then).
I'll try the apps suggested, but as Gps is a core service, and one Google relies upon, it's disappointing that this crops up after an update to 4.2.
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szeiger said:
Same here. I also noticed this today and the battery drained quickly. It looks like the Weather Channel app was causing it in my case. It had an unusually large share of the battery consumption (according to the Android battery monitor) and uninstalling it seems to fix the issue (will take another day to confirm). This was working fine on 4.1.2.
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Thanks for bringing this up. I was having this problem, and I have The Weather Channel too so I went to uninstall it and right when I did the GPS notification went away. It's looking like it may be a problem with the app then and not the GPS. Maybe something changed in the background and they have to make some modifications to the app to fix it.
I reinstalled TWC and when telling it to find me through GPS on the first run, it doesn't seem to want to get my location. I did it indoors before so I don't know why it wouldn't pick it up now. But at least it doesnt seem to be constantly accessing the GPS. I was going to do a factory reset to figure out if it was a problem with the system update itself but I'll just chalk it up to an app problem right now.
It's strange though, in 4.1.2 I don't remember getting any notification that the GPS was searching\locked on unless it was Navigation or Maps doing something. Either way, I dislike this new GPS notification thing overall. On the other hand, it's a good thing that we know the GPS was being used improperly. I hope they update The Weather Channel app soon. Weather Underground is slow even on the Nexus 7.
I'm having the same trouble after the update.
I left The Weather Channel uninstalled and had the GPS on again... still a lot of usage so I've just turned the GPS off until I need it. This is very unnecessary though. It has to be something in the operating system (I don't have any apps running in the background that should be using it so much when fine location isn't required).
Has anybody else tried a factory reset to see if this alleviates this problem? I really don't want to be the first and then lose important things I have saved to memory. :/
In 4.1.2 when using Navigation, GPS would be lost at times. Firing up GPS Test Plus would show no satellites, then rapidly find them, and suddenly Navigation would work again. I sometimes had to toggle GPS, sometimes didn't.
In 4.2 so far, I've had GPS vanish in Navigation, and stay vanished in GPS Test Plus. Toggling GPS doesn't seem to help. Rebooting is required to locate the satellites. Annoying.
About to delete 5gb of data to see if my 16GB model will magically speed up from the constant heavy lag.
A factory reset seems to have fixed my GPS problem.
same problem.i found a advertisement module in heywire caused i force closed heywire,it is gone.before that,it continues for 7 hours.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
zhj said:
same problem.i found a advertisement module in heywire caused i force closed heywire,it is gone.before that,it continues for 7 hours.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
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Sorry for the bump but it seems even after uninstalling The Weather Channel and the factory reset I still get GPS activation for a long time from time to time. I seem to have found the process in the battery usage that's causing it. "Fused Location". Not sure what uses this or what it is, it has an android icon. I force closed it and GPS stopped searching. Probably not a permanent fix. I sent feedback from the OS on this process.
I've seen this in 4.2 on my Nexus 7 AND my Galaxy Nexus.
Not nailed it yet, one culprit was Shazam (turned off Location in the settings for that and it went away)
Checking my Battery stats again, Shazam is on 12% and I've not even run it! Gonna remove the homescreen widget, see if that helps.
jmbillings said:
I've seen this in 4.2 on my Nexus 7 AND my Galaxy Nexus.
Not nailed it yet, one culprit was Shazam (turned off Location in the settings for that and it went away)
Checking my Battery stats again, Shazam is on 12% and I've not even run it! Gonna remove the homescreen widget, see if that helps.
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i suggest you to to Settigs -> Apps -> Running (Tab)
Individuall kill/stop the application that you think might have caused the problem..
You will eventually know which Apps has caused it because the GPS icon goes away after you killed the erring application...
This worked for me. The problem App was "Perfect World Clock"
That solution is rather clunky. I have created a couple of simple Tasker profiles to get rid of this annoying notification. Works flawlessly for me. What it does is it shuts off GPS when the screen turns off, and restarts it after a short delay when the screen turns on. The delay is the real key here, as it circumvents the initial GPS search and, hence, no annoying message. Google Maps and Google Nav are not affected, as the GPS is always on when the screen is on, i.e. GPS is on whenever it is actually needed and off only if it is not needed. And, these profiles do not significantly impact battery, as they are Event triggered rather than State triggered. In fact, it probably saves battery, given that it turns GPS off when it's not needed. There are two profiles needed, which I have called "GPS Suspend" and "GPS Restart." Their associated tasks both utilize the Secure Settings plug-in which is needed to turn GPS on or off. As you will see, I have also added "If" conditions to each task's GPS command, to ensure that the command is executed if and only if the screen is in the correct (on/off) phase.
Here are the profiles and their associated tasks...
Profile: GPS Suspend
Event: Display Off
Enter: GPS Suspend
A1: Secure Settings [ Configuration:GPS Disabled Timeout (Seconds):0 ] If [ %SCREEN ~ off ]
Profile: GPS Restart
Event: Display On
Enter: GPS Resart
A1: Wait [ MS:0 Seconds:3 Minutes:0 HConfiguration:GPS:enabledours:0 Days:0 ]
A2: Secure Settings [ Timeout (Seconds):0 ] If [ %SCREEN ~ on ]
Try it and see!

Location GPS goes to my home when I am not there

I am sure that I would not even know this except I have the Edge Panel "My Places" which I really like because I can set up a profile for work and have my phone go to vibrate when I pull in the parking lot and can get to the apps easily that I use most.
Well every now and then I have noticed that the profile has switched off of work and to home while I am at work, sitting at my desk and not moving. This has become more frequent in the last week. So when I hear the profile change I have looked at Google Maps and sure enough my GPS lock is showing that I am home. After about 30 seconds this all of the sudden updates back to my work location and the My Places profile updates right away.
I am sure if I did not have the My Places profiles set-up I would never know, but has anyone else ran in to this issue, and if so is there a way to fix this? Thanks
Similar issue here, except mine shows I'm home or wherever my last location was when I had my gps on when I'm trying to check for a route to somewhere, only fix that seems to work is closing and reopening google maps, thought it was a google maps issue, guess not.

