IMPORTANT: Detailed information on how HTC service claims work. - Nexus One General

Since there have been numerous questions about this, I thought I'd create a new thread detailing the warranty and DOA processes of HTC. Perhaps a mod will sticky this for a few days so everyone can see it.
I just spent about half an hour talking to the CS Rep at HTC about my ticket. We had a good back and forth discussion, and he explained how the warranty (repair) and DOA processes work, so I'd like to pass that info on to you guys.
*DOA: If a phone is DOA, i.e. it is defective or otherwise non-functioning out of the box, then they replace that phone with a brand new one. They send the customer a return shipping label. The customer is then to ship the defective phone, accessories, etc. in the original packaging back to HTC at their Houston address. The techs inspect and confirm the defect in Houston. Then a BRAND NEW replacement is sent out to the customer (not sure if it's sent from Houston or Indianapolis though). All said and done, this takes about 7-10 business days from the time the customer ships their phone to HTC. Also, no credit card number is required, because there's no risk to HTC losing inventory with this method.
*Repair (i.e. Warranty claim): A phone is categorized as a Repair if the defect has shown up after some time (i.e. not right out of the box). In contrast to the DOA scenario, here the customer provides their credit card number to HTC. Then HTC ships you a REFURBISHED replacement handset only, along with a return shipping label. Once you receive your replacement phone, THEN you send back your defective unit. The turn around time is usually short for the customer here... it takes 2-3 days for you to get your handset via Fedex.
Now, I've talked to a couple people who were skeptical that they'd receive a refurb because the phone just came out. So was I... then I asked the CS Rep that as well. He told me that they have plenty of refurbished units because this phone has actually been in production for several months. Whenever a phone was found defective at the end of the assembly line, it was sent back to be refurbished, and added to HTC's inventory of refurbs. Also, any presale units that were handed out, by Google to its employees for example, that had issues, were sent to HTC and refurbed as well.
So there you have it. If your phone was entered into the system as a Repair, you're getting a refurb. If your phone was entered as DOA, you'll have to wait 12 days longer, but will get a new phone. Now bear in mind that even if you're getting a refurb, you can expect the phone to look brand new, since it was likely just plucked off the end of the assembly line and never left the factory. The only difference between it and a "brand new" phone is that its case was opened by a technician after if you're fine with that, then you're in luck.

uansari1 said:
*Repair (i.e. Warranty claim): A phone is categorized as a Repair if the defect has shown up after some time (i.e. not right out of the box). In contrast to the DOA scenario, here the customer provides their credit card number to HTC. Then HTC ships you a REFURBISHED replacement handset only, along with a return shipping label. Once you receive your replacement phone, THEN you send back your defective unit. The turn around time is usually short for the customer here... it takes 2-3 days for you to get your handset via Fedex.
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*Edit* I didn't see 'warranty claim' first time around. Please ignore.

The information I got was different:
I just called up HTC and asked them If the phone you get in the process where they ship you a phone, and then you ship yours back was going to be a brand new or refurbished phone. He left for about 15 mins to check with some other staff there because he wasn't sure, and came back and swore to me up and down that the phone I would receive will be brand new and NOT refurbished. I don't know if he's right, or if the Rep uansari talked to is correct. However the rep I talked to went away for a while because he told me he wants to be sure I get the correct answer and so he went to check with supervisor/other staff/etc.

melterx12 said:
The information I got was different:
I just called up HTC and asked them If the phone you get in the process where they ship you a phone, and then you ship yours back was going to be a brand new or refurbished phone. He left for about 15 mins to check with some other staff there because he wasn't sure, and came back and swore to me up and down that the phone I would receive will be brand new and NOT refurbished. I don't know if he's right, or if the Rep uansari talked to is correct. However the rep I talked to went away for a while because he told me he wants to be sure I get the correct answer and so he went to check with supervisor/other staff/etc.
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Yes, I saw your post in the other thread. So essentially, everyone is getting different information, and even HTC's own reps don't know the score...? Either way, I think to be safe it's best to ask for DOA if you want to make sure you get a new handset. Either way you'll be fine though.

I'm really curious if what the OP says is true. I have an issue where my phone randomly turns off. It has probably happened to me about 5 or 6 times now. Nothing huge, but a bit disheartening considering the price tag. I was considering calling HTC, but if I'm going to get a Refurb I'd rather not. I work for T-Mobile and I can not tell you how much more often refurb phones come back with issues compared with their new counterparts.

ok called again. this rep also said swaps are brand new. I told him I heard that they are refurbs, then he went to check with 2 supervisors who also said that at this point in time (they said it may change in a month or two) all swaps sent out are brand new phones reserved for this purpose.

Cuda1337 said:
I'm really curious if what the OP says is true. I have an issue where my phone randomly turns off. It has probably happened to me about 5 or 6 times now. Nothing huge, but a bit disheartening considering the price tag. I was considering calling HTC, but if I'm going to get a Refurb I'd rather not. I work for T-Mobile and I can not tell you how much more often refurb phones come back with issues compared with their new counterparts.
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I have no reason not to tell you the truth of what I was told. That being said, if you call HTC and tell them your phone has had this issue since you first got it, and ask them to DOA the device, you know that you'll definitely get a brand new phone.


nothing here move along

deleted , move along
TLTR !!!!!
I read it. Sorry to hear about your EVO man.
I got my EVO through Craigslist new in box because all the Sprint stores in my area who had them in stock wouldn't sell them to people not adding a new line of service. (Which is another story in and of itself)
When I brought it in to Sprint to activate they let me add insurance and told me that I'd still be covered under warranty for a year. I would be steamed if I was in your shoes too.
Thankfully I have a HW revision 0003 and my EVO hasn't yet to display any of the known issues.
Just a short while ago I worked as a CSR for AT&T. Your friend got really lucky because 99.9% of the time a broken iPhone, even with a known issue, means you're SOL. In my experience, Sprint is much more flexible.
I mean you guys have any suggestions for me at this point? I know its just a phone and all but damn. i posted this on sprint forums,,xda, ppcgeeks, and of course my phone calls and visits to the repair center at MACOM
You bought the $7 plan for this very reason-- a more-than-likely behaviorally caused ding. (yes I read your post, but look at this from someone else's point of view. You had/used the phone how long before you saw this?)
Pony up the deductable and get a new phone. You realize you're costing yourself way more than $100 in grief and wasted time?
Lastly, just in case this is a defect and a recall is issued, keep your documentation on your calls to CS, claim filed, and out of pocket money. At that point you should be able to recoup your deductible among other things.
illogic6 said:
Just a short while ago I worked as a CSR for AT&T. Your friend got really lucky because 99.9% of the time a broken iPhone, even with a known issue, means you're SOL. In my experience, Sprint is much more flexible.
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Sure, bro. Sure.
00_MACKIE_00 said:
Ok, this is going to be a long post, full of detailed information regarding my purchase of an Evo. I will be posting this on every forum I am a member of and there are alot that I post on.
A buddy of mine contacted me to tell me he had bought an Evo on launch day from Best Buy. He activated it on 6/6/2010 from a Best Buy in Kentucky. He was told " The Evo has push to talk". Well he later found out that it did not in fact have push to talk and he needed that feature for his Sprint business account. He was outside his 30 day "happiness" window so he had to buy a different phone. He decided to put his Evo on Ebay and sell it to try and get some of his money back for his Evo purchase. He let me know he listed it on Ebay and provided me a link to it. I ended up winning the auction on 8/15/2010. I received the phone on 8/21 and received original box, original everything. Even had a cover. Phone looked and smelled BRAND new. I quickly called Sprint to activate it and within 10 min I was sporting my new Evo. Added my insurance/repair $7 dollar fee like I do with all my phones.
All was fine until 9/5/2010, I noticed on the bottom left of the screen over the home button, the screen appears lifted and a little dust had gotten under it. Ok no big deal to me at this point. I do keep my phones in mint condition but I was just going to monitor this situation. 13 days later is when I called Sprint asking for an explanation. I called the customer service line and explained the situation with the phone. They immediately started blaming me for it. I guess maybe they thought I used a screwdriver and lifted the screen, who knows. The girl told me she was in Charlotte, NC and that she had never heard of a screen separating from the adhesive and to go to the repair center.
On 9/17/2010, I went to MACOM here in Florida. A nice gentleman greeted me at the repair window and asked how he could help me. I said well I called customer service and explained to them that the phone screen seemed to be coming up and to pay you a visit so you could investigate. 4 screws later my Evo was in several pieces and then put back together. He asked me where I got the phone so I told him. He looked up my account and said "you’re inside your 30 day window according to the calendar here and you should go home and call customer service back". I told him I had no intention of being given a brand new phone. To me , that would be dishonest and I live by being honest and I teach my kids to be honest to people regardless of the situation. He handed me his business card, said call Sprint and call me back if you have problems. Seems he was trying to push me into a brand new Evo. I lay no blame on this guy; he was trying to do the right thing. He told me he could have it replaced but it would be a refurbished phone which I am ok with.
I arrive home on 9/17 from MACOM and about 7pm I start making some phone calls. I have been upfront with Sprint about the terms of my purchase. The first lady I spoke to said she understood my issue and that she would get someone on the phone to help me after we talked 10 minutes or so. She asked if I minded being put on hold and I said absolutely not. I waited for about 7 or 8 minutes or so and another lady got on the phone from a different department. I had a really hard time understanding what her name was, who she was with, etc etc due to the heavy accent. From what I could understand, she was from advanced exchange it sounded like. She asked for my telephone #, verified my pin and all that good stuff and asks me the reason for the call. I then had to go into the WHOLE story again. 10 minutes later she asked me where I bought the phone. I said I bought it off Ebay from a SPRINT customer, not some random power seller. She then told me well there is nothing she could do and that was there anything else she could do for me. I said I guess not and told her to have a lovely weekend. She then said I could always file a claim with Assurion and pay a $100 deductible for this obvious defect.
After speaking to my wife, I felt I needed to call back. Around 8:30pm or so I called back to customer service and once again explained the situation. I asked her over and over to tell me if I had done something wrong, or this was somehow my fault. She completely denied any knowledge of a screen separation issue and proceeded to tell me she was going to talk to her supervisor about it and placed me on hold. She came back on the line in short time and asked if it would be ok if I received a call back. I said ok and told the lady to have a nice evening. About 45 minutes or so later my phone rings. I go to answer it using the slider and because my screen is acting funny due to part of it being lifted, somehow the call was dropped and she left a voicemail and her name and phone number. I immediately called back off my house phone and received her voicemail. I left a message and asked that she call me right away. I have not received another phone call.
Remembering the conversation with MACOM, I woke up on 9/18, loaded up the kids and drove on over. The same gentleman was there again. He remembered me from the night before. I told him I had called customer service and had gotten nowhere. The tune quickly changed from ordering a refurbished phone to having to call his district manager but however the district manager was off and on his motorcycle for the day and it would be evening before he could have a chance to talk to him and it would be next week before he could get back to me. He was very nice and polite and told me to have a good rest of the weekend and he would get in touch with me.
Now that I have laid out the facts, I am now going to state my opinion on this. First off, Sprint denying the screen separation is a joke within itself. Searching on Google using the search criteria "evo screen separation" shows 6,700,00 results found. How could people not know about it that work for Sprint? The repair guy at MACOM had heard about it, but nobody else? How is that even possible? My next complaint is about the way I purchased it. If I was not tempted by all the Sprint commercials about the EVO and not being able to actually find one in Florida, I would not have had to go buy one of Ebay. I bought it from a valid Sprint customer not some guy on Ebay looking to make a few bucks. Sprint still should honor my purchase and either fix my phone or give me one that works, isn't that what I pay the TEP for?. I guess anyone who is buying either a barely used or brand new phone off Ebay should just stop doing it now before you run into a situation like what I am dealing with. I am a premier customer with Sprint; I have 3 lines as well so I consider myself an important customer. Plus it helps in the years I have had service, I have never missed a payment, been late, or anything. Sprint should not allow you to buy a phone from anywhere and activate it successfully if they do not want to honor an obvious manufacturing defect. This will not cost any money for Sprint to replace my phone because I am sure it would be sent back to HTC as a defect. I am not editing this post until there is a resolution so that the public sees what I have had to deal with. Once Sprint provides a resolution, I will then have this post removed and I will once again be a happy Sprint customer.
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I've had better luck. I was once placed in this exact situation. Brought my phone into Sprint to have it repair the lifting of screen. In-house techs repaired it, no questions asked (or blaming). One hour later, they called me back and issued me a new one, as their investigation determines hardware version 0002 was a manufature defect. Perhaps it's all based on locations, reps, your attitude towards them, etc. Where I'm from everyone one's laid back, reps are always friendly and don't really have to put up with too much of people's ****, because non really gives them **** to begin with. They even accept rooted phones too, where as I read that many other users have to unroot before bringing their phone into Sprint for replacement/repair.
If you don't mind paying a deductable ($100 max), call into customer service and request a replacement.
And to the dude who was previously on AT&T with iPhone, sure buddy. SURRRREEE. If you EVER had service with them, you of all people should know that AT&T & Apple will put you through hell. I should know, that's why I dropped AT&T & the iPhone 2G.
illogic6 said:
I read it. Sorry to hear about your EVO man.
I got my EVO through Craigslist new in box because all the Sprint stores in my area who had them in stock wouldn't sell them to people not adding a new line of service. (Which is another story in and of itself)
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That is actually illegal, they have to sell it to you, I actually did the same and had to mention that it is illegal to not sell it, after mentioning that they budged and sold it to me.
Back on your situation with your EVO, I would recommend posting on consumerist as that is more their territory. They have the phone numbers for executive customer support also, they WILL fix your issue ASAP.
tbh, I feel no simpathy since you being "honest" has nothing to do with the situation. You didn't steal the phone, the phone was defective therefore it's not like you were doing anything wrong. You should of returned it and gotten a replacement. There's been hundreds if not thousands of people that have done the same with the screen lifting issue.
Also if you didn't know before, google is based on keywords, it doesn't take the phrase and search for it. About 5million of those results were for the word "evo", other million were for "screen", and so on. Out of those results, only about 20-30 were for the evo issue. I've been doing SEO for a long time, so when it comes to google I know what I'm talking about.
Also sprint doesn't care if you took it apart, or if it came apart by itself, because they will tell you in the end to return it because of the issue. They know people do it, and it's perfectly okay, since you're not "cheating" anyone. The 30 day thing is made for a reason, it's not made for you to screw them over. Also the insurance that you put on the phone is made for a reason.
Either you're not telling the whole story, or you were too ignorant to return the phone.
Btw, side note for you. Check out the app TiKL for push to talk on your EVO.
sent from VooDooPhone
As a Sprint retention supersvisor, let me ask you something which I would have asked you if you were on my call. What makes you think SPRINT is responsible for a phone your purchased from somebody on Ebay wether it be a Sprint customer or not? You are LUCKY they even allow you to use TEP on a phone that was not purchased from them. Now, here's what we can do, make a claim, pay the $100 and have it replaced or go back to the store and speak with the idiot that told you to call in.
Let me put it in perspective for you, when your car breaks you take it to the mechanic right? You don't just call Ford and they fix it over the phone or send you out a new truck to your home. There is NOTHING someone over the phone can do, the repair center has to do it all, granted most the time they send you something over the phone or break policy it's to shut the customer up and get rid of them. The store has to fix it, if they can't fix it, make a claim for you through the warranty or asurion. I really don't understand why this is so hard to understand. And please don't take this the wrong way it is not an attack on you personally, but it is definitely an attack on what should be common sense.
6ixtynin9 said:
I've had better luck. I was once placed in this exact situation. Brought my phone into Sprint to have it repair the lifting of screen. In-house techs repaired it, no questions asked (or blaming). One hour later, they called me back and issued me a new one, as their investigation determines hardware version 0002 was a manufature defect. Perhaps it's all based on locations, reps, your attitude towards them, etc. Where I'm from everyone one's laid back, reps are always friendly and don't really have to put up with too much of people's ****, because non really gives them **** to begin with. They even accept rooted phones too, where as I read that many other users have to unroot before bringing their phone into Sprint for replacement/repair.
If you don't mind paying a deductable ($100 max), call into customer service and request a replacement.
And to the dude who was previously on AT&T with iPhone, sure buddy. SURRRREEE. If you EVER had service with them, you of all people should know that AT&T & Apple will put you through hell. I should know, that's why I dropped AT&T & the iPhone 2G.
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That is what he said, with AT&T you're **** out of luck

Question for those who've gotten replacement

I don't want to clutter the forum with unnecessary messages, but those who have gotten their replacements--what was the situation with that? Were you sent new models, or refurbished ones? (assuming it was possible to tell).
I've got a DVP that's surprisingly crash-free (once in a week of regular use), but wireless sync doesn't work, and I'm apparently out of luck with Tech Support. If I'm going to get a refurbished replacement, I think I might be better off going for a refund again.
Desynthesis said:
I don't want to clutter the forum with unnecessary messages, but those who have gotten their replacements--what was the situation with that? Were you sent new models, or refurbished ones? (assuming it was possible to tell).
I've got a DVP that's surprisingly crash-free (once in a week of regular use), but wireless sync doesn't work, and I'm apparently out of luck with Tech Support. If I'm going to get a refurbished replacement, I think I might be better off going for a refund again.
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I never got my replacement so I can't say if it would have been refurbished or not, however I can say that if you decide to return yours, the process was pretty easy. Just call Dell Mobility (800 308 3355) and tell them you want to return your phone. If you had an exchange already scheduled (like I did), cancel the exchange first.
I returned mine 21 days after the day I received it. Apparently Dell starts that counter either when the device ships or when you order it, but it didn't cause me any problem.
It does seem as if Dell is shipping out new orders as they come in now, so your best bet to ensure you get a brand new device may be to just return and reorder. My exchange was in process for 20 days (received with a scratch on the screen) with no end in sight before I just gave up.
patrickk said:
I never got my replacement so I can't say if it would have been refurbished or not, however I can say that if you decide to return yours, the process was pretty easy. Just call Dell Mobility (800 308 3355) and tell them you want to return your phone. If you had an exchange already scheduled (like I did), cancel the exchange first.
I returned mine 21 days after the day I received it. Apparently Dell starts that counter either when the device ships or when you order it, but it didn't cause me any problem.
It does seem as if Dell is shipping out new orders as they come in now, so your best bet to ensure you get a brand new device may be to just return and reorder. My exchange was in process for 20 days (received with a scratch on the screen) with no end in sight before I just gave up.
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Dell sent me a refurb with my original order a week ago, so I don't think they'll be sending out NEW phones any time soon.
orochidp said:
Dell sent me a refurb with my original order a week ago, so I don't think they'll be sending out NEW phones any time soon.
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Wait, they sent you a refurb phone in fulfillment of your original order? Are they allowed to do that?? I didn't think a company was allowed to send you a refurb product without telling you at the time of purchase.
How could you tell it was refurbished?
patrickk said:
Wait, they sent you a refurb phone in fulfillment of your original order? Are they allowed to do that?? I didn't think a company was allowed to send you a refurb product without telling you at the time of purchase.
How could you tell it was refurbished?
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There was someone else's data on the phone, there was no initial setup, there were loose screws, and liquid damage to the screen.
Sold as new, no markings on the device or box marking it as refurbished.
patrickk said:
I never got my replacement so I can't say if it would have been refurbished or not, however I can say that if you decide to return yours, the process was pretty easy. Just call Dell Mobility (800 308 3355) and tell them you want to return your phone. If you had an exchange already scheduled (like I did), cancel the exchange first.
I returned mine 21 days after the day I received it. Apparently Dell starts that counter either when the device ships or when you order it, but it didn't cause me any problem.
It does seem as if Dell is shipping out new orders as they come in now, so your best bet to ensure you get a brand new device may be to just return and reorder. My exchange was in process for 20 days (received with a scratch on the screen) with no end in sight before I just gave up.
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Interesting. I spoke with Dell Mobility, and I was told that I would receive a new (not refurbished) phone since I'd asked for a replacement within my initial return period.
We'll see anyway. I'm not really going to push my luck with a second full return and another order--especially since I guess, assuming the worst, you could still get a refurbished unit anyway. I'll just have to inspect the replacement model thoroughly. The rep on Dell Mobility I spoke too also seemed to suggest that, if I wasn't satisfied with it, I could get another replacement, since I'd be within the 1-year-warranty period.
Orochidp, given that you got a phone obviously with someone else's data on it for a new order, it seems like that'd definitely be something to explain to Dell.
The touch screen on mine went out and .comy replacement appears to be brand new. I have had it for 4 days now and it has worked flawlessly. No lockups with WiFi, several app downloads regular email account synchs etc. Crossing my fingers that this new one stays stable!
Sooner or later that DVP you have that you think "works flawlessly" will cringe up and crash. I thought my 16GB dvp was perfect for 2 and a half weeks. That was until I started to download some xbox games from market place over wifi and guess what? CRASH! Not only that, I lost everything- including all the music albums I've synced with zune, any and all pictures ive taken with the phone, and all my downloaded games. I lost practically EVERYTHING after it crashed, auto-hard reset and forced me to the set-up screen as if it was the first time I've turned on the device.
I'm having a hard time trusting the DVP again. I don’t know if I want to go back to it. I am surely returning the device.
You may say, "...but mines perfect!" Yes, but mines was perfect as well... I thought. I trusted it, but it pulled a surprise on me out of no where.
So, what does it take for you to be convinced? A crash + auto-hard reset?
I don't know how else you'll be convinced.
Unfortunately, Lemon, just as we can't know for certain what'll happen with working phones, nor can you know for certain what'll happen.
Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't claim that it's a reliable piece of hardware--then again, given my limited experience with it, I'd be reluctant to talk about it's reliability period. I can certainly say that I'm unhappy with my problems, but I can't make a universal statement concerning everyone. Take Twitter--there are people who are going through multiple replacements, and there are people who are on the same phone they got and couldn't care less (except that they mention it--presumably there are people in both groups who we don't know about).
You don't know for a fact that that person's phone is going to fail anymore than they know for a fact that it won't. You can certainly make a prediction based on your experience, but that's no more immediately accurate than a prediction from someone who thinks their phone won't have any troubles. It's not like the RAM issue, where we can concretely point to something at any given time.
Personally, a hard reset is a minor inconvenience, in part because I demand working wireless sync (hence my attempts to replace the phone). The last laptop I bought from Dell was included in a class-action lawsuit, so as bad as this is, it's nothing by comparison.
I got my 16Gb replacement yesterday after getting the run around, I had to escalate the issue higher than Dell Mobility. The phone was brand new in the box with all accessories like the first one.
So far no lockups (knock on wood) but Bluetooth is still flakey. Hopefully an update can fix that.
rsacipher said:
I got my 16Gb replacement yesterday after getting the run around, I had to escalate the issue higher than Dell Mobility. The phone was brand new in the box with all accessories like the first one.
So far no lockups (knock on wood) but Bluetooth is still flakey. Hopefully an update can fix that.
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Yeah, I had to likewise pester Dell about it--apparently, they were waiting for a shipment of new units before sending me a replacement. Which I guess at least seems to suggest I'll get a new one.
I got a replacement about a week and a half and after closer inspection I believe my replacement is indeed a refurbished device. There are very tiny dents, 2 per side, at almost the exact positions on the top where the metal meets the glass. As though the glass had been replaced. There is also some poor "glueing' and fitment on the back when I slide the front up.
I still have both and just received the waybill to send the original back. Now I am not so sure if I want to send back my new one and keep the refurb. I guess I will call them to verify if it is indeed a refurb.

Did HTC really repair my phone?

I had dust under my screen since beginning of april, i was debating whether to open up the phone since i already replaced the z hinge spring. Instead i decided to order some void stickers and send the phone to htc for repair. Got the void stickers, and send the phone to htc. They received the phone on friday, and told me that once they do the diagnostic they will call me, to tell me what they found out was the issue with the phone and if i wanted to get it fixed. Friday night i check my email, and see that they shipped the phone back to me. I never got a call from them or anything. I dont know if they even looked at the phone, originally they said it was going to take 6-8 days to get it repaired. I hope they didnt realize that i voided the warranty, and declined the repair.
Here is the email i got.
Dear Valued Customer,
Thank you for using HTC Repair Services. HTC America is committed to
creating superior products which offer the highest standards of quality,
durability, and reliability.
Your repairs have been completed and your unit has been shipped from our
Repair Center or, if repair options were declined, your unit is being
shipped back without repair. All units are shipped using FedEx courier
services. Here is a copy of your tracking number for reference.
Tracking Number: XXXX-XXXX-XXXX
Your package can easily be tracked by entering the tracking number shown
above at
Thank you for using HTC! We appreciate your business!
TornadoTorres said:
I had dust under my screen since beginning of april, i was debating whether to open up the phone since i already replaced the z hinge spring. Instead i decided to order some void stickers and send the phone to htc for repair. Got the void stickers, and send the phone to htc. They received the phone on friday, and told me that once they do the diagnostic they will call me, to tell me what they found out was the issue with the phone and if i wanted to get it fixed. Friday night i check my email, and see that they shipped the phone back to me. I never got a call from them or anything. I dont know if they even looked at the phone, originally they said it was going to take 6-8 days to get it repaired. I hope they didnt realize that i voided the warranty, and declined the repair.
Here is the email i got.
Dear Valued Customer,
Thank you for using HTC Repair Services. HTC America is committed to
creating superior products which offer the highest standards of quality,
durability, and reliability.
Your repairs have been completed and your unit has been shipped from our
Repair Center or, if repair options were declined, your unit is being
shipped back without repair. All units are shipped using FedEx courier
services. Here is a copy of your tracking number for reference.
Tracking Number: XXXX-XXXX-XXXX
Your package can easily be tracked by entering the tracking number shown
above at
Thank you for using HTC! We appreciate your business!
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To me it sounds like they found nothing wrong to there standards and sent it back. I am not saying this is what you did, but my roomate freaks out if even a speck of dust under the screen that you would not even see unless you looked and even then 99.9999999% of people would not notice. I mean if it was strictly vanity and your over obsessing about it, they probably laughed and sent it back. Things happen to phones over there lifetime of use, you can't expect the phone to look brand new until the day you get rid of it. Its just unreasonable. I'm not saying that's what your doing, but I do know a lot of us tech geeks obsess over **** that don't even matter.
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using XDA Premium App

Atrix Repair Runaround

Alright guys, I thought I'd share my my experience with Motorola's repair department. The reasons I sent my phone in were because the screen had some areas that had backlight bleeding and the MicroSD card reader didn't work.
When I first called, I was told by AT&T and Motorola customer representatives that once the phone was received by them, it would be shipped back out in two business days. Alright I happily agreed to that and opened an RMA because I needed my phone back as soon as possible. So it was opened and I sent my phone in.
The device was then received on the 4th.
I called in on the 7th to ask if it was shipped, and they said it would actually take 15 business days to ship! I was like what?! I was told two days by the other two representatives. I was then told to call back on a weekday as the repair department was closed.
I called again on the tenth to see the status of the repair and they said it should be shipped 5-7 business days from when the device was received. But I still couldn't talk to the repair department because I had called after they had closed.
I called in the next day, and they said that it would be shipped on the twelth, which was the day after.
I then called in on the 12th to make sure it was shipped, the representative said that the device should have shipped but the online repair status just hadn't updated yet and it should be updated by tonight.
I check today to see if the status has been updated, and guess what, no change, all it says is device received. So I call to make sure the device has shipped. Now I talk to a representative that says that it will actually be shipped on the 16th and he has no idea why the other three representatives said it would be shipped on the 12th. I ask to speak to a supervisor and I get transferred. I asked her why I've been given tons of different (and seemingly wrong) information by different representatives and what is really happening. I tell them that this is getting ridiculous and I have had to reschedule two train tickets and I've lost over $90 dollars because of false information I have received. The supervisor literally is speechless, all she says is please call back Monday.
What I'm wondering is that has anyone else had this kind of experience with Motorola? Or is it just bad luck on my end. And if this continues, is there anything I can do.
Wow that sounds pretty bad. How come you didn't just take the phone in to an AT&T store? My previous Atrix had a dead spot on the touchscreen so I took it back to the AT&T store. They looked at it and called an AT&T repair center so I can pick up a new Atrix that very same day. Sorry to hear about your situation, hope it gets sorted soon.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
I forgot to mention I actually did go to an AT&T store. They were the ones that suggested calling AT&T and Motorola and the first ones to say that it would be shipped out two days after it was received. I had the option of going to an AT&T repair center but the closest one was an hour away so I decided to do it by sending it in.
I know AT&T used to offer warranty swaps by overnight shipment, which ususally meant getting an advanced exchange in one or two days. This was on HTC TP2s and similar phones but I think they still offer the same service if you complain about going to an exchange center.
I had the same problem with AT&T when I was on the Inspire...I pitched a big enough fit and had the retention people upgrade me to the Atrix. Best thing I can tell ya to do from my own experience would be to call the main customer care number and raise hell about the time and money you have lost...Have your account for the service and such's not much but it does help a little bit.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
Bob Simons said:
I know AT&T used to offer warranty swaps by overnight shipment, which ususally meant getting an advanced exchange in one or two days. This was on HTC TP2s and similar phones but I think they still offer the same service if you complain about going to an exchange center.
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Oh dam, I wish I had known about that earlier.
Diesel984 said:
I had the same problem with AT&T when I was on the Inspire...I pitched a big enough fit and had the retention people upgrade me to the Atrix. Best thing I can tell ya to do from my own experience would be to call the main customer care number and raise hell about the time and money you have lost...Have your account for the service and such's not much but it does help a little bit.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
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Hm... I'm gonna give that a try, thanks.
I've had devices swapped out, and all I did was call the main AT& T tech support number. This was on several Captivates and once on my wife's Inspire, although we found out after the Inspire didn't need it (unknown sources update problems).
In all cases I was offered an overnight shipping option at a small fee. I opted out, and in all cases my replacement was here within 3 days. Swap info, send old one back, done.
Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk
I'm really sorry to hear you had such a bad experience. I actually had a similar problem with my phone regarding the screen burn image and went to the device support center. They were out of stock for a replacement Atrix but the associate placed an order for an overnight shipment. I was in possession of two phones at one time and had to agree to ship the defective one out within 14 days before facing a charge of $399. Anyway, I really appreciated the fact that I was never without a phone and the phone came in the next day and I shipped out my defective unit the day after.
They probably need to retrain the customer support reps to know the proper course of action for certain situations such as out of stock or too far of a location so that you are offered overnight shipping of a replacement.
One more question for the OP: were you expecting to get your same unit back? You said it was sent in for repair service so I'm wondering why you agreed to that instead of just swapping it out since you are still covered under the 1 year warranty.
ZyanyaMJ said:
I'm really sorry to hear you had such a bad experience. I actually had a similar problem with my phone regarding the screen burn image and went to the device support center. They were out of stock for a replacement Atrix but the associate placed an order for an overnight shipment. I was in possession of two phones at one time and had to agree to ship the defective one out within 14 days before facing a charge of $399. Anyway, I really appreciated the fact that I was never without a phone and the phone came in the next day and I shipped out my defective unit the day after.
They probably need to retrain the customer support reps to know the proper course of action for certain situations such as out of stock or too far of a location so that you are offered overnight shipping of a replacement.
One more question for the OP: were you expecting to get your same unit back? You said it was sent in for repair service so I'm wondering why you agreed to that instead of just swapping it out since you are still covered under the 1 year warranty.
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Sending it in for repair was my only option. They told me if I went to the place an hour away I would have to drop my unit off and pick it up two days later.
EDIT: So I thought that it would be easier to just send it in instead of having to drive that far.
dreadlord369 said:
Sending it in for repair was my only option. They told me if I went to the place an hour away I would have to drop my unit off and pick it up two days later.
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Wow. So even at the physical place that was an hour away, they couldn't just swap it out? That is so strange. We are talking about an official AT&T Device Support Center, right?
ZyanyaMJ said:
Wow. So even at the physical place that was an hour away, they couldn't just swap it out? That is so strange. We are talking about an official AT&T Device Support Center, right?
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Yep, at least thats what the guy at the store told me.
So what are they currently doing to assist you? Are you just forced to be without a phone? I would seriously place a complaint with the BBB and with AT&T customer service. Not sure if it will help much but just to document the case at least.
ZyanyaMJ said:
So what are they currently doing to assist you? Are you just forced to be without a phone? I would seriously place a complaint with the BBB and with AT&T customer service. Not sure if it will help much but just to document the case at least.
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That was actually something I was thinking about doing. Also I did go to the BBB site but Motorola wasn't on the list, should I put it down with AT&T?
EDIT: Oh and nothing to assist me, AT&T and Motorola said I should be able to get a temporary phone while this repair was going on but I was completely denied.
ZyanyaMJ said:
So what are they currently doing to assist you? Are you just forced to be without a phone? I would seriously place a complaint with the BBB and with AT&T customer service. Not sure if it will help much but just to document the case at least.
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Alright I just called AT&T and they actually gave me a 65 dollar credit, which is half of my bill. THANK YOU very much for that bit of advice. Also They also said that I should call back tomorrow when the warranty center is open and they should be able to help escalate this issue further. As for the BBB complaint, if AT&T helps me out even further then I'll let it go but otherwise I'll file a complaint.
I sent my atrix to motorola also for repair got it back in 3 days unrepaired so i called them and said the water mark is still white she when on to say it could be caused by humidity i freaked and said so all the atrixs that are in texas right now are going to be void because texas has had triple digit reading for well over a month she was dumb founded and said let me escalate this higher sent me an overnight label and they have now had it for 9 days so who knows if it gets fixed this time they have the worst rating in customer service and repair...This will be my last Motorola phone
Sorry for your bad luck. Generally moto makes good hardware. All companies have lemons. What is sad is moto falls under the list of companies with general bad repair service. The only company i know of that has pretty good service overall is htc, but that might change since they're going to be more strict on warranty because of bootloaders.
I voided my warranty.
Well I got my phone back, just a heads up, like I said in the OP, they said it would be shipped on the 16th, however when I called in then, they said it would not be shipped that week at all because they had NO atrix's at all, new or refurb, and they were waiting on parts. I then filed a complaint with the BBB and informed motorola of the complaint. Guess what within an hour I got a second call saying the phone had shipped (this was at 8PM) and tomorrow morning a new phone was sitting on my doorstep. So if you guys are having major issues like me, just file a complaint with the BBB and motorola should comply.
dreadlord369 said:
Well I got my phone back, just a heads up, like I said in the OP, they said it would be shipped on the 16th, however when I called in then, they said it would not be shipped that week at all because they had NO atrix's at all, new or refurb, and they were waiting on parts. I then filed a complaint with the BBB and informed motorola of the complaint. Guess what within an hour I got a second call saying the phone had shipped (this was at 8PM) and tomorrow morning a new phone was sitting on my doorstep. So if you guys are having major issues like me, just file a complaint with the BBB and motorola should comply.
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Ok thanks for the heads up if nothing happens by tomarrow thats just what i will do
Well... I just found another issue.... No computer is able to recognize the phone. I've tried three different computers and I've tried installing the proper drivers and still, all I get is the "USB Device Not Recognized" error on all three. Time to call them back...
probably is driver. reboot phone and computer.

LG Support just f'd up.

I RMA'd my D800 for having a bad screen to US support in TX. The original issue is described in this thread:
They sent me an email with their repair report saying there was a charge of $75-190 because manufacture date indicates out of warranty. I replied to that email with my proof of purchase showing I bought it four months ago.
I never heard back. I called them. They did not have that email with my POP. They were confused that I was calling from my work number. Well, they had my cell phone, how else am I going to call them? They send me a link to upload my POP. It doesn't take .doc format. I convert my POP to a .jpg and attach it. I get no email reply.
I call again. Support says they got my POP, repair will be covered under warranty, and they will send it when done. I ask why my status on the repair had not been be updated. She said it takes a day sometimes to update it. OK, so I think I am good. I wait another two days, finally status gets updated from 'Awaiting Payment' or something to 'RA closed, Unit shipped back to customer'. I am nervous because that could mean they thought I never replied to them and they are shipping back without repairing. Or, it could mean they repaired it and are shipping it back. I hoped for the latter.
I got one FedEx notice that the box had shipped. I get an email a day later from LG that no repair was done because it is out of warranty and the customer did not want to pay.
So they made so many mistakes and I have been without a phone for a week now. My only concern was that since I bought i on eBay it might be an issue. But the second tech said my POP was accepted and the repair would be done under warranty on the phone.
So much miscommunication there. It seemed the phone tech support would just tell you what you wanted to hear even though they do not really know what is going on.
It is too late now but I am going to call them tomorrow and talk to a manager if I have to. I will get angry with them if I have to. I will have to now refuse the shipment, have it shipped back to them, and have them do the repair. They could give me an issue if they don't think the eBay retailer is authorized, even though it was a new phone.
What a pain.
Just went through an infuriating call with LG where they told me the POP is invalid which is why they shipped my phone back unrepairable. I asked to speak to a supervisor numerous times and they would not connect me. They spent literally 10 minutes of repeating the same thing over and over. She did everything in her power not to connect me to a supervisor and eventually hung up on me.
I wanted to explain to the supervisor that the last support person I spoke to told me the phone was under warranty and would be repaired for free. Then they ship the phone back not repaired and without warning me.
So I called back again after the 10 minute call and after trying to file a BBB complaint. The new support person I get is more helpful, tells me I can reopen another support ticket and that the problem probably was because the POP I provided did not have the IMIE, model and date of purchase clearly written on it. It did have all those things except the IMIE but I guess it wasn't enough for them.
So now I have to open another ticket, ship it back again, and hope they accept my POP. Sigh.
The LG repair center and call center handling the repairs are completely separate.
Buyer beware.
So they ship it back to me unrepaired with a new big scratch on the back that was not there when I sent it and a phone that does not turn on at all now.
I already filed a complaint with the Better Business Bureau.

