SMS take forever to load - HD2 General

Hey guys I have the HD2 but when I have about 40 messages in the inbox from one person and i am opening the text they have sent, even though im touching the phone to write a reply the phone takes ages before it actually lets me write the reply.
Has anyone else had this problem and is there anyway I can speed it up? I find it hard to believe a £500 phone takes this long to load messages!!
Many thanks

Just a quickie. This is a known issue for HD2. Note that there are (at least) two different "SMS issue", so when you search the forum, be sure to look for the right one (SMS lag or lagging).
Look here first
As far as I know, there is not a fix yet. I don't know if the latest hotfix from HTC fixes it (the "hidden" radio update, that is). There not a fix, but there is a trick... Just when you launch the SMS tag, directly tap on the "send SMS" button => A pop window will ask you if you want to send an empty message => you obviouly answer "NO" => And bam! All the SMS are loaded and you are ready to write a new SMS or view the old ones...
Definitely a software related bug. Please report it to HTC, as all of us should...

Many thanks for it mate. Looked therough the thread and yea its the same!
Its a silly bug to be honest as sms is one of the most important aspects of a mobile.
How this got past htc's supposed quality control I have no idea.
Thanks for the tip though! And yes i will be emailing htc with the issue!


SMS/EMAIL unread question

I don't think I'm the only one here experiencing this, so thought I would put it out there, to see who else feels this way..
If you receive 3 sms message from a friend, while you have the sms window open, you still have to click on each individual message to mark it as read. Is there a way around this, rather than having to tap each individual message (which can get rather tedious when you have 6 or 7 messages from various recipients) you could just click on each recipient and have all the previous message from that person, be automatically marked as read?
Perhaps a hotfix type of thing..?
Yea I also get this... but can happen even if I get 1 message and I read it... still shows as its been unread... can be very annoying!
true true... I wonder if there is a fix for this?
And annoying is in threaded mode it hard to click the individual messages as read, also hard to go back and delete the half of the thread from yesterday and day before
we need more people to feel the same way, then find someone with the skills to make us happy, then we can torture them to fix it till we smile!!
old post but has there been a hotfix for this yet?
Moved to general discussion as not related to Themes, Applications and Software
There's this:
Works for me

Replying SMS lag.. (Slow loading of text messages)

Hi all,
I've just got my HD2 this morning. I'm having a problem when trying to create an SMS by replying from the text messages tab.
This particular contact has around 500 messages and pressing 'reply' takes more than 20 seconds before even the onscreen keyboard to load for me to type the reply. I've tried other contacts with less messages, whilst it is quick, there is still a noticeable lag to load all of the previous messages.
Is anyone else having this problem?
Yes. The contacts/text messaging app seems to suffer from a lot of slowdown. I also have the feeling it's linked to the number of messages for each contact.
Saving a contact after editing can be slow as well.
I did a bit of a search...looks like this is a problem with the HTC messaging app in Manila 2.5 ..... sigh........ such a fundamental problem!
Too many people complain about SMS issues. SMS functionality should be one of the very first tests you do to a modern mobile device during Q.A.
At least its still good to know that I'll be able to speak with it.
Same here. Too slow..
Here the same problem. Can somebody make a fix for it please?
Delete all the SMS history with the contact who is taking long for the keyboard to load up.
The reason for this slowdown is that it is loading all your SMS messages with that contact, both sent and received. Hence it takes ages to load up.
1. Go to the SMS screen for your slow-loading contact, wait for it to load
2. Press 'Menu'
3. Press 'Delete Messages'
4. Press 'Menu'
5. Press 'Select All'
6. Press 'Done'
Where is the snapdragon?
man I need to get this Phone,but this seems to be the first real let down ,I use lots of SMS and to me deleting is not an option.
Must be found a work around.
HTC definately rushed this ROM.
The calendar bug, the spelling mistake in the connections settings, apparently the speed is slower than the test ROMs, and now this.
Well the only thing that lags with Touch HD on wm6.5 with Manila 2.5 is the HTC SMS.. That what made be believe I should upgrade my device to HD2. Now that I see that the device is also lagging with a dozen of SMSs... Thanks but I will not buy it unless a solution is found. I have more than 2500 work SMS all business related and I CANT FIND A REASON TO DELETE IT.
Yes a nokia can store that many text, but they arent in a chat type session, thats why it takes so long because it loads all of them in one hit.
loomx said:
Yes a nokia can store that many text, but they arent in a chat type session, thats why it takes so long because it loads all of them in one hit.
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Even with Thread mode off and normal SMS display, it is very slow. Try restoring 200 SMS, it will takes 10 mins. Re-access your SMS menu, you will still lag as hell.
Cannot forgive them for making such a mistake.
was going to get it today
My non HTC device loaded with + 250 messages opens the SMS 2 sec. Replying and bringing up the keyboard is almost from instantaneous to 1 sec,but I need to get a WM phone.
Just one question though:
Will this lag still happen if you Disable the HTC Sence UI and went with the WM 6.5 interface?
I've found a workaround for now..
Use the HTC Messaging app in traditional mode. From there, you could reply SMSes using the non-threaded mode. Once it loads, it's pretty quick to open again.
Still..the major lag is still there when you open a contact with many text messages....this is very dissapointing and could even be a dealbreaker for a few people.
Even my TD1 with Manila 2.1 doesn't have this problem.
hagba said:
Will this lag still happen if you Disable the HTC Sence UI and went with the WM 6.5 interface?
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NO! the problem it's just in senseUI
In the meantime, let your providers and htc know (mail). htc need to release a proper fix for this.
Manila 2.1 on my TP2 did`t have this problem at all.
To be honest .... 2.5 Manila messaging is crap!
I know this isn't an ideal solution, but it'll do for me (for now), and I'm sure some others will be happy enough with it as a temporary fix.
Use Microsoft MyPhone to get all your texts uploaded and then archive them using the web interface. You can then delete as many as you like off the phone and still be happy that you've got a backup online.
Not a solution, but a reasonable workround for now.
Edit: I can confirm that this works. I went to the MyPhone web interface and archived all my text messages. Then I synched from my mobile and it deleted all the local texts that I had archived (in this case, all of them). I can now edit and select contacts with only a slight lag. It's still a crap amount of lag for such a fast phone, but it's a lot better.
They should do like on the iPhone: when you chat with a contact, you get the last 10-15 messages of the thread. If you want to read older messages you press a button on top of the thread that will then show all the others.
+1!! I do think too that it's the obvious solution!!!! Why the hello do HTC's SMS apps display the full thread of SMS's on their app, it's pretty much useless, and causes lags!!! The last 10 sms's like in Outlokk or on the iPhone is enough!
I don't know what the hell HTC's devs are thinking sometimes....

List of all problems with HTC messaging on Leo - please add any of your own

Dear all
bought my HD2 sim-free and have been using it for 1-2 days now.
it is manila 2.5.19211619.0 & rom 1.48.405.2 (71294)WWE
while we wait for HTC to allow us to use our GBP500 handsets to send SMS reliably, I thought I'd compile a list of other problems with the new HTC messaging interface - perhaps if anybody from HTC is reading, they could use it as a sort of wish-list. Feel free to add your own woes.
also, if anybody knows any fixes for the behaviour i am reporting here - please let me know!!
1. It sometimes doesn't send SMS (well-known issue, sure - texting myself seems to do the trick so far but hardly ideal to have to check outbox every half hour)
2. It cannot mark received/read SMS as unread (if i'm wrong here, please let me know)
3. it is difficult to select a whole bunch of messages - you ought to be able to hold down and drag to select, say, adjacent 5 messages in the "all msgs" view, in order to then action them (eg. retry send ! )
4. in all messages view, the side-scrolling bar does not enlarge itself after a short tap, unlike in eg. file explorer.
5. when you are composing a new SMS, as you start typing letters of somebody's name, some of the contact suggestions are associated with that person's mobile number (as expected) whereas other contacts are suggested with their *email address* (even when you have the mobile number for that contact) so that it tries to send the SMS to that person's email address. Not very clever. if anybody knows how to fix this please let me know.
6. if you use PIM backup to restore eg. 500 SMS, you may mysteriously find the following day that many of them have disappeared. spooky.
7. it (HTC messaging) is so arrogant that it provides no easy way for the user to revert to WM SMS program. not very "make it mine" is it HTC?
8. (thanks to DavrosMackenzie below for reminding me) what a WEIRD bug - when you attempt to put a ! or ? at the end of your cursor when composing SMS, the cursor reverts to a random point in the message and your punctuation mark is in the middle of some random word.
UPDATE: I have sent the above 8 items to HTC support via email on their website.
9. there is no "SMS sent" notification as there was in eg. WM5.0
Largely speaking I only see 7) as the issue. If the Windows messaging app were easily available then you'd simply be able to choose between a flawless functional app versus stylish but primitive.
However personally I still haven't found a way to revert the the Windows messenger app, all the methods I've found here on the forum fail to work fully. So then I guess I'm stuck too with the other points mentioned. It's all ostly minor to me except 1) of course. If I need to any more complicated message organizing I just do it through the MS My Phone web interface and sync.
Also 4) is a feature not a bug The expanding scroll bars are only for the default native controls which need to be dragged themselves, hence the expanding button for easy finger usage. The HTC scrollbar doesn't need that as the whole screen reacts to a sliding finger for scrolling the view.
The inconsistency is a bit odd I suppose but that's what happens when your on an evolved platform rather than a new one.
thanks for the LIST, have you send it to HTC yet?
I have been bugging them about the SMS stuck in outbox issue every 2nd day ...
you also missed out the SLOW loading SMS while there are more than 20 sms-s in coversation view.~
hmm...for me its the no. 4 which is a bit irritating but i can live with it...since in my case it shows both the number as well the email for the same name...
btw...i know this works for some people and for some dont, but messaging problem seems to go away if you select
1. GSM in messaging
2. put the local mesaging centre number...
havent faceda any sms problem till now...
Instead of using pim backup you should use the sync application microsoft my phone....
Lag when opening messages, we all know about that though.
This one i've only seen one other person mention and thats when i come to put a ! or ? at the end the cursor jumps to some random point in the message, basically means i have proof read every damn message and its starting to really annoy me.
I've an un-branded Vodaphone device thanks to and have upgraded the ROM from the 1.43 through to 1.61 and this nagging little bug has been present in all.
The predictive text has become alot better, to the point now where i can write txts much quicker but the other problems make txtsing a nightmare compared to the iPhone.
I was so pissed off with the iPhone by the end of my run with it but it could text like a dream compared with this, i miss my apps sure but if the texting would work on the HD2 i wouldn't be considering moving back!
Not giving up yet though, will wait for a few more ROMS to come out and maybe HardSPL.
uccoffee said:
thanks for the LIST, have you send it to HTC yet?
I have been bugging them about the SMS stuck in outbox issue every 2nd day ...
you also missed out the SLOW loading SMS while there are more than 20 sms-s in coversation view.~
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the slow sms loading buggs me. i have alot of text messages with my girl and It's annoying to everytime wait a minnit or so. also if you push the soft key menu and wait a second It's loads alot faster.
you may aspect from htc with a phone that costs a fortune it would be near perfect. but this one is nearly done. and dont come with the excuse that no phone is good out of the box, i know that but after al the tweaking i have done to this phone im getting the hang of it. but there are more bugs that anoy me.
1 slow downs in the sense interface.
2. the jittering of the keyboard.
3. the ghost typed key issue
4. and all the minor things what are to many to name.
well htc thank-you for this wonderfull phone. now make it mine.....
btw, could someone tell me where i can find the outbox for the sms utility?
Prom1se said:
the slow sms loading buggs me. i have alot of text messages with my girl and It's annoying to everytime wait a minnit or so. also if you push the soft key menu and wait a second It's loads alot faster.
you may aspect from htc with a phone that costs a fortune it would be near perfect. but this one is nearly done. and dont come with the excuse that no phone is good out of the box, i know that but after al the tweaking i have done to this phone im getting the hang of it. but there are more bugs that anoy me.
1 slow downs in the sense interface.
2. the jittering of the keyboard.
3. the ghost typed key issue
4. and all the minor things what are to many to name.
well htc thank-you for this wonderfull phone. now make it mine.....
btw, could someone tell me where i can find the outbox for the sms utility?
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To view your outbox, you need to have SMS in traditional mode.
Go to: All mesages > Menu > Settings > Traditional Mode.
Has anyone found a fix for this fundamental function of any phone. And we all know this is not a problem with WM6.5 as alot of us have been using 6.5 for some time (myself on my polaris, using Kostas ROM), so therefore HTC really F#@K this up.
I have another one, the sms notification sound almost never gets activated... I am on 1.43 O2.
Most of the time I have to click "compose new text" when in converstional mode at least 10 times before it actually lets my type! It doesn't matter how many messages I have with that contact so isn't a lag thing!
blackheart2925 said:
hmm...for me its the no. 4 which is a bit irritating but i can live with it...since in my case it shows both the number as well the email for the same name...
btw...i know this works for some people and for some dont, but messaging problem seems to go away if you select
1. GSM in messaging
2. put the local mesaging centre number...
havent faceda any sms problem till now...
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I got GSM in messaging, and +xxx in the messaging number.
But I still get SMS stuck in outbox every couple of days ...
HTC Messaging is not working with MMS to email. The pictures doesn't have a last name (extension), and will not be reconiced as an .jpg, and therefore not show in correctly.
When I create an SMS and enter the first few letters of a contacts name, all available phone numbers for that person are listed. However, the icons indicating the type of contact number (work, mobile, home, etc.) are incorrect. All are displayed as mobile so I do not know which is the actual mobile number and which are the others. Is this the same for everyone else? I've reflashed to 1.48 and installed the SMS patch from HTC.

New SMS problem never heard before!!

Hey guys, I havent heard anyone talking about this but i discovered e bug today!
So here's how it goes :
1: I was typing my sms halfway to person A
2: I went to type another half sms to person B
3: I went back to person A's incomplete sms, completed the message and sent out
OUTCOME: The msg went to person B instead!! But on my message chat log, it says that the msg was sent correctly to person A!
Anyone having this problem? So far I only heard of msg getting stucked in outbox, havent heard of this yet!!
why send 2 messages at the same time? seems a bit confusing!
because I was composing a long message to A. Then B needed me to sent an urgent reply over. So I decided to send B a reply first before continuing to compose e long msg to A!
Anw that shdn't be the problem since my previous phones can all handle this kind of multitasking!!
Yes ive had this problem of a message going to the wrong person even though in the log it states it didnt. Was quite a embarrassing text as well ):
exactly what happened to me! I hope this is e ONLY way to send a wrong msg to the wrong recipients without realising. SIIIGH
Anyone knows how do I feedback to HTC so they can make a patch or someting?!
i also have same problem as well as having text window open with person A and then person B texts me and it comes up on same window as my person A page. so now im replying right after this text of person B thinking im replying to person A and it goes to B. this is after i installed cookie home tab 185 and editor 1851 and then resinstall 185 and same thing. now it can also be after that one sms hotfix that is on hd2 site. whatever is the reason is there a way to fix it. also sometimes under swype my delete button wont work for texting but it will work in traditional qwerty so thats another bug as well as when this bug happens i get this other bug when u type with swype every letter has a period like john is j.o.h.n. and space bar wont work.
i dont know whats up right now i backed up with spb backup and will try uninstall cht and see if it was the cause or not but i dont think ive seen any post regarding this issue after posts for cht 185 on xda. any ideas?
i've read several threads about sms messages going to the wrong person.
i would just like some clarification from you guys! are you using HTC's messaging client or are you using windows mobile's default sms messaging application?
personally, i kept HTC messaging disabled on my stock ROM and i'm currently using an NRGZ ROM (Energy ROM "Standard" Sense June 11, 2010) which does away with the HTC messaging out of the box. i much rather like the stock messaging client and it also keeps your messages in a form that is much more friendly and compatible for backup with pimbackup and/or microsoft myphone.
the only reason i'm asking is if someone can confirm if the problem occurs ONLY and SPECIFICALLY with the HTC messaging client or it has also been known to occur when using the stock windows mobile client?
would just like to know if i should also be careful about my messaging practices...
i can confirm its using HTC messaging which i believe is what it uses as stock and when u do factory reset. i have factory reset three times and still get issues.
How do you disable HTC builtin messaging so i can use WinMo one? thanks.
ok i used Zenyee Disable HTC Messaging 1.2 to disable HTC and using win works correctly so far....i have do u turn of the MESSAGE SENT notifcation that pops up after every sent message? i dont see any options for it and under MESSAGE OPTIONS .."request message delivery notification" box is unchecked. thanks
kenograndmaster said:
ok i used Zenyee Disable HTC Messaging 1.2 to disable HTC and using win works correctly so far....i have do u turn of the MESSAGE SENT notifcation that pops up after every sent message? i dont see any options for it and under MESSAGE OPTIONS .."request message delivery notification" box is unchecked. thanks
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You have to get a registry editor and change these keys:
[B]HKCU[/B]\Software\Microsoft\Inbox\Settings\SMSNoSentMsg =1 (default 0)
[B]HKLM[/B]\Software\Microsoft\Inbox\Settings\SMSNoSentMsg =1 (default 0)
sumflipnol said:
You have to get a registry editor and change these keys:
[B]HKCU[/B]\Software\Microsoft\Inbox\Settings\SMSNoSentMsg =1 (default 0)
[B]HKLM[/B]\Software\Microsoft\Inbox\Settings\SMSNoSentMsg =1 (default 0)
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ok i did that and it works thanks...however i didnt have a SMSNoSent available at the HKCU section but I did see it at the HKLM area and enabled to 1.
i have another issue which you may know about. When you send a text...then when that person replies back, you get incoming text notification. When you click to reply to that person and youre in the reply window where the screen is greyish and theres a SEND button thats on the screen itself next to your reply box, sometimes that window shows my reply back to show up before he replied to my original text so its out of order. However, if you go to ALL MESSAGES and view a specific conversation that way then it shows correctly (this is the text reply white window where you see the colors icons next to the names.
Is this bug due to me replying to that text too quickly? so thats why it was out of order. this only happens sometimes going to play around with it to see if it is only due to really quick replies.
also i got this other problem. when you are in home screen and you get incoming text you will see the number 1 on your messaging icon and when you click it and reply to text, the number 1 doesnt disappear, it still treats that text you received as new and only way i can get rid of it is delete text which i would rather prefer it disappear after i read text. anyone can help please? thx
using winmo messaging with cookies home tab185 and editor 1851
This problem was already mentioned here on the forum, here:
One workaround is to use the back or home hard keys instead of the "All Messages" option to travel between conversations.
kenograndmaster said:
also i got this other problem. when you are in home screen and you get incoming text you will see the number 1 on your messaging icon and when you click it and reply to text, the number 1 doesnt disappear, it still treats that text you received as new and only way i can get rid of it is delete text which i would rather prefer it disappear after i read text. anyone can help please? thx
using winmo messaging with cookies home tab185 and editor 1851
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i got my hd2 on june 1st, 2010. i used the stock ROM for 30 full days with HTC messaging DISABLED (i even wrote a guide about for threads started by me in the HD2 general section). in these 30 days, i learned that disabling HTC messaging had no SERIOUS ill effects, but it did have some annoying odd little problems like you've mentioned in the quoted post above. additionally, my "green LED" would keep flashing for several minutes after reading the last unread SMS. another odd problem was that accessing a contact's page within Sense would work fine until i scrolled to the contact's messaging history would just close the contact's page altogether! i suspect the reason for this was that this tab relies on a fully working HTC messaging client, which i had disabled!
due to these issues (and a few other issues unrelated to SMS messaging), i decided i had familiarized myself enough with the HD2 and its stock i went for a good cooked ROM after a few weeks of research. i highly recommend NRGZ's "energy" ROMs (there are many flavors). all the variants of energy ROMs completely EXCLUDE HTC messaging and the stock messaging works 100% properly with no odd side effects.
you can battle these little issues all you want but you can save yourself some time and effort if you can find a ROM that suits all (or most) of your needs.
PS: it would be nice if someone can suggest even more custom ROMs that also exclude HTC messaging, as described in bold above in the second-last paragraph!
DeadVirus said:
This problem was already mentioned here on the forum, here:
One workaround is to use the back or home hard keys instead of the "All Messages" option to travel between conversations.
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that workaround worked so if im on person A window and i have partial reply text going and get a new text from B and when replyin to B with using back button i can text np.
my thing is sometimes when u have like 4 conversations going ...having it listed like in ALL MESSAGES is useful. im still seeing how having 3 conv. behaves with usin back button but thanks for that.
also since cookie home tab uses htc text app ..i wish i can use the text app that was being used in spb mobile shell 3.5. on that one the gui is better and u just press OK on the partial screen u were on and it will take u back to all messages and u can open and reply anyone n it works. this workaround pressing back key is good but i dont want to hard press a key all the time like this i prefer touchscreen . so in meantime im stickign with my cookie home tab 185 and will use back button for now or winmobile one.
p.s. i tested out this issue on my friends hd2 and neither his htc sense text app or the spb mobile shell text app is buggy and both work correctly. so i either can keep doing factory reset til it works right or deal with it.
The new update maybe can help ...
Update for HTC HD2 – New SMS Function Update
Date : 2010-07-05 Category : Update
This update for HTC HD2 amends the internal management of SMS functionality, and enhances SMS transmission stability, and lets you reach out to your friends and family with instant notifications. Keeping in touch has always been very important, and this update delivers just that: fast and reliable SMS messaging.
Download for UK or go to the HTC site for support.
queenkong said:
Hey guys, I havent heard anyone talking about this but i discovered e bug today!
So here's how it goes :
1: I was typing my sms halfway to person A
2: I went to type another half sms to person B
3: I went back to person A's incomplete sms, completed the message and sent out
OUTCOME: The msg went to person B instead!! But on my message chat log, it says that the msg was sent correctly to person A!
Anyone having this problem? So far I only heard of msg getting stucked in outbox, havent heard of this yet!!
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Just one time i get it! I don't understand what's the **** at this moment ^^
Hi, I think you didn't realize unfinished texts should be saved as draft, otherwise it reappear in every new message tread input box in hTC message.
kenograndmaster said:
also i got this other problem. when you are in home screen and you get incoming text you will see the number 1 on your messaging icon and when you click it and reply to text, the number 1 doesnt disappear, it still treats that text you received as new and only way i can get rid of it is delete text which i would rather prefer it disappear after i read text. anyone can help please? thx
using winmo messaging with cookies home tab185 and editor 1851
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This problem was already mentioned here on the forum, here:
One workaround is to use the back or home hard keys instead of the "All Messages" option to travel between conversations.
After an RMA and getting replacement phone with latest rom i still had the same problem. However, now thers a fix that helped me that TM said it came out june 8th regarding Contacts issue.
My contacts were saved to SIM only so i had this issue regarding texting wrong person. If you save to SIM/PHONE or PHONE only, texting works correctly. So this is the fix for me at least.
At the moment i saved my contacts out of my SIM and into my account. I did factory reset and then tested out texting without any contacts on PHONE or SIM by using numbers. This worked but you may suspect it may be due to using numbers rather than choosing of contact list? I will know soon cuz im waiting for TM to sync up my contacts from my act. to my phone and she had to create a trouble ticket. So when i get my contact list on my phone only, i will try again and make sure its works. Right now im crossing fingers but i believe it will work.
kenograndmaster said:
This problem was already mentioned here on the forum, here:
One workaround is to use the back or home hard keys instead of the "All Messages" option to travel between conversations.
After an RMA and getting replacement phone with latest rom i still had the same problem. However, now thers a fix that helped me that TM said it came out june 8th regarding Contacts issue.
My contacts were saved to SIM only so i had this issue regarding texting wrong person. If you save to SIM/PHONE or PHONE only, texting works correctly. So this is the fix for me at least.
At the moment i saved my contacts out of my SIM and into my account. I did factory reset and then tested out texting without any contacts on PHONE or SIM by using numbers. This worked but you may suspect it may be due to using numbers rather than choosing of contact list? I will know soon cuz im waiting for TM to sync up my contacts from my act. to my phone and she had to create a trouble ticket. So when i get my contact list on my phone only, i will try again and make sure its works. Right now im crossing fingers but i believe it will work.
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I've never had my contacts on the SIM... and I have this problem. If you use numbers it probably works... the problem is with contacts...

SMS going to wrong person

Hi everyone,
hoping that someone may be able to help me.
about 6 weeks after i got my phone i started having problems where in conversation mode i would reply to a message and it would go to another person in my address book (ususally the last person i had text'd). it wouldn't happen all the time but randomly.
I was on t-mobile but i upgraded the ROM (now 1.66) and tried doing a few hard resets. the phone would be ok for a little while then the problem would start again. because the phone is now past its month i can only get a repair. t-mobile don't know that i have upgraded the rom (i had to use hspl to do it) and htc said because i have upgraded the rom i've now voided my warranty.
anyone heard of any fixes or am i stuck with a phone that doesn't work so great for the next 15 months? (i've had the phone now 4 months and have been trying to deal with this problem for about 2.5 months now)
i've probably left out some vital information, if so my apologies.
edit - if you have a moment to spare, could you test for this bug. DeadVirus has suggested a way to recreate a problem (post #14) that is being experienced by a few. thank you.
try flashing a 2.01 or higher ROM.
It was this problem which made me sell my HD2. I have only seen two other people, including yourself, report the issue here. Changing ROMs didn't seem to help, although I didn't try 2>
thanks both for your suggestions.
Can I ask sunking, why you didn't think of going down the repair or replace route?
I'm considering removing the flashed rom and seeing what t-mobile can do.
jeane said:
thanks both for your suggestions.
Can I ask sunking, why you didn't think of going down the repair or replace route?
I'm considering removing the flashed rom and seeing what t-mobile can do.
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I did, the handset was replaced three times but to be fair the SMS misdirection bug was so random and intermittent that although it hadn't shown up on the third handset, by this time I had lost all faith in the device. The volume was extremely loud anyway, even on the minimum setting so I returned the handset. It's a shame because I do miss that screen and the browsing capabilities.
I have this problem too! Any solution? It's anoying!!!
the only work around i have read that works is to just text from traditional mode. it's ugly and the spoilt child in me doesn't want to accept that but it's a short term fix.
have you spoken to htc? when i called them, they said they were unaware of such a problem.
jeane said:
the only work around i have read that works is to just text from traditional mode. it's ugly and the spoilt child in me doesn't want to accept that but it's a short term fix.
have you spoken to htc? when i called them, they said they were unaware of such a problem.
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I've just sent them an e-mail.
I hope this gets fixed soon!
WOW!!! that is worse than the msgs act. not being really is. i havent had this prob as yet (touch wood) much as i love this phone but that could have been the final straw for me to dump it.
I had the same problem. Phone is crap (firmware) in my opinion, I'm sure the fanboys on here will disagree.
One thing that I had notice, there are two registry values, LatestPhoneNumer and SelectedPhoneNumber in [HKLM\Software\HTC\HTCMessaging\Menu]. When the phone is about to send a message to the wrong number (you can check by doing "Menu->Send options" on while writing the sms), the SelectedPhoneNumber is with the wrong phone number, while the LatestPhoneNumber is with the correct one...
I think that the fact that SelectedPhoneNumber storing the wrong number is causing this stupid problem.
DeadVirus said:
One thing that I had notice, there are two registry values, LatestPhoneNumer and SelectedPhoneNumber in [HKLM\Software\HTC\HTCMessaging\Menu]. When the phone is about to send a message to the wrong number (you can check by doing "Menu->Send options" on while writing the sms), the SelectedPhoneNumber is with the wrong phone number, while the LatestPhoneNumber is with the correct one...
I think that the fact that SelectedPhoneNumber storing the wrong number is causing this stupid problem.
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i think you've definitely pin pointed the place where the problem is occuring. would you mind if i copied your message to send to htc?
i wouldn't mind if i needed to check before each text but where is Send Options? are you in conversation or traditional mode? have you already typed a message. i can't seem to find it under menu. all i get is insert, quick text, delete, discard, text size, recipient phone number (which is greyed out in conversation mode) and all messages.
sorry for the stupid question.
if you can solve this i'll name my first born after you. that's right, i'll name them deadvirus.
jeane said:
i think you've definitely pin pointed the place where the problem is occuring. would you mind if i copied your message to send to htc?
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I have already sent a mail to HTC, but you can do the same (more people, faster fix).
jeane said:
i wouldn't mind if i needed to check before each text but where is Send Options? are you in conversation or traditional mode? have you already typed a message. i can't seem to find it under menu. all i get is insert, quick text, delete, discard, text size, recipient phone number (which is greyed out in conversation mode) and all messages.
sorry for the stupid question.
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Sorry, it is "recipient phone number" and only works if you are in threaded mode (sometimes). I've translated it from my language and I thought that it was Send Options... sorry.
jeane said:
if you can solve this i'll name my first born after you. that's right, i'll name them deadvirus.
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Don't do that! Poor kid! XD
I think I have found a workaround!!! It seems that if you use the Back hard button to get out of the contact message conversation window, the problem does not occur!
So, I think that the problem can be reproduced by doing the following (only in threaded mode):
1 - Open the Messages inbox;
2 - Open one contact and tap on the write area;
3 - Tap on Menu then Recipient phone number and check if the correct number is selected (It should show a small ball on the right side of the number). If the option is grey then wait a second and try again. If it's still grey it means that the contact only has one number associated and it is the one that is used for the next sms.
4 - Tap on Menu then All Messages;
5 - Open another contact (different from the first) and tap the write area);
6 - Tap on Menu then Recipient phone number and check the number. If there is no green ball (and the option is not greyed out) it's the bug!
You can do all the steps above, but using the Back hard button instead of the All Messages screen button (in step 4) to check if the workaround really works.
Give some feedback please...
EDIT: Using the Back Key also seems to solve the other bug about sms being loaded in background and covering the writing area!
No one can test this?
sorry dv, i wasn't notified of a response to the thread.
ummm... i'm trying to reproduce the problem but it is not happening for me. recipient phone number is always greyed out for me.
i suspect the problem occurs for me when there is a lag when switching between recipients on screen. it's like the information isn't re-written in the registry (as you suggested earlier).
my latest with htc is that i have been instructed by the email support to call htc helpline. will call next week and let you know.
jeane said:
sorry dv, i wasn't notified of a response to the thread.
ummm... i'm trying to reproduce the problem but it is not happening for me. recipient phone number is always greyed out for me.
i suspect the problem occurs for me when there is a lag when switching between recipients on screen. it's like the information isn't re-written in the registry (as you suggested earlier).
my latest with htc is that i have been instructed by the email support to call htc helpline. will call next week and let you know.
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Sometimes I have to open "Menu" two or three times before the option appears available...
DeadVirus said:
Sometimes I have to open "Menu" two or three times before the option appears available...
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no, even trying a few times, it remains greyed out.
i have recently deleted all my messages. i remember it happens when i have a few hundred messages saved. do you think that may have something to so with it? perhaps a regular deletion might avoid it having a conniption?
jeane said:
no, even trying a few times, it remains greyed out.
i have recently deleted all my messages. i remember it happens when i have a few hundred messages saved. do you think that may have something to so with it? perhaps a regular deletion might avoid it having a conniption?
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I don't think so... I have had it with a few messages in the box...
Have you tried to test it with two contacts with more than one number each?
DeadVirus said:
I don't think so... I have had it with a few messages in the box...
Have you tried to test it with two contacts with more than one number each?
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no, i'm afraid don't have any contacts with multiple numbers attached to their names.

