Getting HTC HD2 For X-Mas, Do These Apps Exist - HD2 General

Edit(13.03.10) Ew... I can't believe I wrote this once :S
Hey im getting my first smart phone the christmas, and I cant wait, but after doing loadsa research I know that windows mobile is total crap in comparisson to iphone and android OS's. So I was wondering if a few different apps and such existed to make the HD2 even better
1) Is there an app which lets you put a pin/security code on your phone (like the iphone has) so it needs to be entered before you can access it?
2) Are there any skinning apps to change the appearance of the windows UI when not in sense?
3) Is there anyway to port android/iphone OS to the HTC HD2? (I've seen there a site dedicated to that for android,will they be doing a leo one anytime soon?) plus is it worth it or does it become laggy and such
4) Are there any other cool apps (not tacky games or calculators) which you might suggest for me to put on?
5) How do I install these things, I see most of it is in CAB files, but how do I install them to the phone?
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[★] said:
Hey im getting my first smart phone the christmas, and I cant wait, but after doing loadsa research I know that windows mobile is total crap in comparisson to iphone and android OS's.
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Then why don't you buy an Iphone or an Android phone ??

[★] said:
Hey im getting my first smart phone the christmas, and I cant wait, but after doing loadsa research I know that windows mobile is total crap in comparisson to iphone and android OS's. So I was wondering if a few different apps and such existed to make the HD2 even better
1) Is there an app which lets you put a pin/security code on your phone (like the iphone has) so it needs to be entered before you can access it?
2) Are there any skinning apps to change the appearance of the windows UI when not in sense?
3) Is there anyway to port android/iphone OS to the HTC HD2? (I've seen there a site dedicated to that for android,will they be doing a leo one anytime soon?) plus is it worth it or does it become laggy and such
4) Are there any other cool apps (not tacky games or calculators) which you might suggest for me to put on?
5) How do I install these things, I see most of it is in CAB files, but how do I install them to the phone?
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1- Yes, you can lock the screen with Password. When you power on the screen, you are prompted to enter a pin/ paraphrase.
2- If I understand, you want to change the from sense to another UI. Try SPB Shell.
3- The project is running to port Android on HD2 and the progress is in the development section. Still, there is a long way to go.
4- Once you buy the phone, you can join the Leo themes and applications section, where you will find pretty good applications. My favorites are: ShazamID, Resco Explorer, Garmin GPS, Core Player, Skype, Putty mobile etc..
5- You need to copy the cab file to your device. Once it's there, you tap on it and an installation wizard appears.

1) Yes, that´s part of the system (can be set up during first start or later)
2) Yes, that´s part of the system (check settings for "today" and more)
3) No. Android maybe when HTC Dragon is launched? iPhone? Hmm...
4) That depends on your own needs and requests... so many to choose from.
5) A cab is copied to the memory card of the phone and launched from there.
EDIT: Sorry for redundant posting...

Pappagallo said:
Then why don't you buy an Iphone or an Android phone ??
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I absolutely agree! Why do you want to buy the best Windows Phone ever to transform it in an iPhoney or Android!?

aiwama said:
I absolutely agree! Why do you want to buy the best Windows Phone ever to transform it in an iPhoney or Android!?
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People People... let him judge for himself. He might have got all the bias reviews of WM from Engadget and Gizmondo, let him see for himself and see how diff the OS's are...
He might see the light

Pappagallo said:
Then why don't you buy an Iphone or an Android phone ??
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aiwama said:
I absolutely agree! Why do you want to buy the best Windows Phone ever to transform it in an iPhoney or Android!?
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Because I love everything else about the HD2, its just Ive heard some bad things about wm6.5, and Ive seen when not in sense (like browsing folders) it can look ugly. Dont get me wrong, I love the phone and cant wait for it!
(Oh and I hate apple, I hate everything about them :/ apart from the amazing collection of apps being made for the Iphone/touch)
(Windows boy ;D )

Windows Mobile 6.5 isn't that bad. And you don't spend a huge amount of time outside Manila anymore. Sure, the file explorer isn't that good looking, but it's pretty damn functional!
Try it for yourself, and you will see, Windows Mobile 6.5 is very solid. Lots of tweak. Lots to discover. Amazing.
As for applications, just Google around. There are LOADS!

Thanks man, I will ^^
Know any good app sites?
So Far-
xda developers
Ive heard and seen that the M$ app store sucks.

Where can I find ShazamID?

RotteRotte said:
Where can I find ShazamID?
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here you go

For application site try:
The mainstream developers like SpB, SBSH, Resco, Vito etc also all allow downloads direct from their sites.
There are literally thousands of applications available for WinMo- and have been since the iPhone was a twinkle in Jobs' eye Many take advantage of the fact that WinMo is genuinely multi-tasking so can run many apps at once. Some are cheap, other expensive, just like mainstream PC programs. Likewise some are innovative and useful, others total crap
Most come as either EXE files which are run on the PC whilst the WM device is docked, and install from there. Others are CAB files which have to be run locally on the device. The advantage of these is that you can keep copies of all your CAB files on the storage card for re-installation in an emergency if needs be. Combined with a free program like PIMBackup from, you can be up & running without access to the internet in an emergency

Because I love everything else about the HD2, its just Ive heard some bad things about wm6.5, and Ive seen when not in sense (like browsing folders) it can look ugly. Dont get me wrong, I love the phone and cant wait for it!
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And you believe every bullsh*t that you read somewhere?
You can't trust anyone these days, blogs and sites that were serious sources in the past are now full of iPhone fanboys, like Gizmodo. Don't believe anything you read somewhere, try everything yourself if possible.
To clarify: Windows Mobile is not bad at all. At least it's not worse than the other OSs, Android, iPhone OS, Symbian...
All mobile OSs have lots of flaws these days.
Windows Mobile has a bad UI in some places, but it's very powerful and great parts of the UI are more well thought out than e.g. the iPhone UI (like the homescreen and notofications concept).
iPhone OS lacks critical features and is severly limited, but easy to use.
Android is somewhere in between.
So, no OS is perfect and none is best or worst, they are just different and all have their good and bad sides.
Windows Mobile is still by far the most powerful mobile OS, lots of things that an iPhone or Android device can't do without hacking/jailbreaking or even can't do at all can be done with Windows Mobile out of the box (like the screen locking you asked for, for example).

[★] said:
after doing loadsa research I know that windows mobile is total crap in comparisson to iphone and android OS's.
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Evidently you are as stupid as you research. Windows Mobile is a FAR superior OS than Android and iPhone.
WM isnt perfect but its a **** load better than either of the OS's you suggest, and thats not to say that future releases of android may be on par, but at the moment there is no comparison.
I would suggest that you hold your tongue when you don't really have a clue about what your saying, firstly if this is your first smart-phone, how the hell can you know if "windows mobile is total crap"
have you ever used it? NO you said so yourself!! also im predicting that you have also never had an Android or an iPhone since they are in the same range of devices!!
Secondly, just to bring you up on something, your spelling is disgraceful!
"doing loadsa research" this statement essentially says "walked into a shop and got a HTC without reading"
anyone who had done research into a particular device would not need to ask your second question as you would know from your research!!!
"comparisson" its comparison! and you have made no comparisons of any kind!
Lastly, from this bank of questions it can easily be seen that you are a moron!!
[★] said:
So I was wondering if a few different apps and such existed to make the HD2 even better
1) Is there an app which lets you put a pin/security code on your phone (like the iphone has) so it needs to be entered before you can access it?
2) Are there any skinning apps to change the appearance of the windows UI when not in sense?
3) Is there anyway to port android/iphone OS to the HTC HD2? (I've seen there a site dedicated to that for android,will they be doing a leo one anytime soon?) plus is it worth it or does it become laggy and such
4) Are there any other cool apps (not tacky games or calculators) which you might suggest for me to put on?
5) How do I install these things, I see most of it is in CAB files, but how do I install them to the phone?
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1: yes, you enable the pin!! - Wow that was hard!
2: yeah, search for skinning in the Diamond/Blackstone forum - Again, I think im going to break a sweat answering these
3: yes, it dont work yet but it will be possable - heart palpitations onset!!!
4: yeah, search
5: ROLL ON THE F**KING FLOOR PISSING MYSELF!!! That is amazingly retarded!!!
You have done NO research, you have NO idea what these devices can do, you never will.
you cannot expect people to spoon feed you.
I suggest that you send your HD2 back as it will be way to hard for you to work, also if your questions and statements remain this stupid, i can guarantee that people will not help you!
I really hope you get a HD2 and do something stupid with it like turn it into a nice paper weight because you not read instructions!
ENJOY you XMAS Prezzie!!

I was just reading through some of your posts and noticed you sold your HTC HD2, now you've got me worried that my phone ( which had cost alot and been alot of hassle to get) will be a dissapointment to me on christmas day :/
what do you think? Im not planning to use it for too much business stuff, just internet browsing, texts, phoning, facebook, youtube ect

MysticGenius said:
Evidently you are as stupid as you research. Windows Mobile is a FAR superior OS than Android and iPhone.
WM isnt perfect but its a **** load better than either of the OS's you suggest, and thats not to say that future releases of android may be on par, but at the moment there is no comparison.
I would suggest that you hold your tongue when you don't really have a clue about what your saying, firstly if this is your first smart-phone, how the hell can you know if "windows mobile is total crap"
have you ever used it? NO you said so yourself!! also im predicting that you have also never had an Android or an iPhone since they are in the same range of devices!!
Secondly, just to bring you up on something, your spelling is disgraceful!
"doing loadsa research" this statement essentially says "walked into a shop and got a HTC without reading"
anyone who had done research into a particular device would not need to ask your second question as you would know from your research!!!
"comparisson" its comparison! and you have made no comparisons of any kind!
Lastly, from this bank of questions it can easily be seen that you are a moron!!
1: yes, you enable the pin!! - Wow that was hard!
2: yeah, search for skinning in the Diamond/Blackstone forum - Again, I think im going to break a sweat answering these
3: yes, it dont work yet but it will be possable - heart palpitations onset!!!
4: yeah, search
5: ROLL ON THE F**KING FLOOR PISSING MYSELF!!! That is amazingly retarded!!!
You have done NO research, you have NO idea what these devices can do, you never will.
you cannot expect people to spoon feed you.
I suggest that you send your HD2 back as it will be way to hard for you to work, also if your questions and statements remain this stupid, i can guarantee that people will not help you!
I really hope you get a HD2 and do something stupid with it like turn it into a nice paper weight because you not read instructions!
ENJOY you XMAS Prezzie!!
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You know what? **** you, why the hell are you getting so stressy at me, I'm just starting out and yes, I may have over exagerated a few things, and yes, a couple of words may have been mispelt, but is that really any reason for you to go mad at me? Christ I posted here looking for help, and everyone else HAS been useful apart from you who has just pissed me off by being a complete arrogant idiot who appears to have nothing better to than rant at other people as you knows so much more, because after all, you are the "Cyber Ninja"
Christ sake

NeilM said:
Most come as either EXE files which are run on the PC whilst the WM device is docked, and install from there. Others are CAB files which have to be run locally on the device. The advantage of these is that you can keep copies of all your CAB files on the storage card for re-installation in an emergency if needs be. Combined with a free program like PIMBackup from, you can be up & running without access to the internet in an emergency
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yeh having CAB files on the memory card or internal storage (diamond) is a seriously great idea whenever you loaded on a new rom, you will always have easy access to all of your favorite apps and programs its just wonderful
MysticGenius said:
Evidently you are as stupid as you research. Windows Mobile is a FAR superior OS than Android and iPhone.
WM isnt perfect but its a **** load better than either of the OS's you suggest, and thats not to say that future releases of android may be on par, but at the moment there is no comparison.
I would suggest that you hold your tongue when you don't really have a clue about what your saying, firstly if this is your first smart-phone, how the hell can you know if "windows mobile is total crap"
have you ever used it? NO you said so yourself!! also im predicting that you have also never had an Android or an iPhone since they are in the same range of devices!!
Secondly, just to bring you up on something, your spelling is disgraceful!
"doing loadsa research" this statement essentially says "walked into a shop and got a HTC without reading"
anyone who had done research into a particular device would not need to ask your second question as you would know from your research!!!
"comparisson" its comparison! and you have made no comparisons of any kind!
Lastly, from this bank of questions it can easily be seen that you are a moron!!
1: yes, you enable the pin!! - Wow that was hard!
2: yeah, search for skinning in the Diamond/Blackstone forum - Again, I think im going to break a sweat answering these
3: yes, it dont work yet but it will be possable - heart palpitations onset!!!
4: yeah, search
5: ROLL ON THE F**KING FLOOR PISSING MYSELF!!! That is amazingly retarded!!!
You have done NO research, you have NO idea what these devices can do, you never will.
you cannot expect people to spoon feed you.
I suggest that you send your HD2 back as it will be way to hard for you to work, also if your questions and statements remain this stupid, i can guarantee that people will not help you!
I really hope you get a HD2 and do something stupid with it like turn it into a nice paper weight because you not read instructions!
ENJOY you XMAS Prezzie!!
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^ thats so sad i cant believe we actually have people on this forum (actually a quite know person in this case) who acts so disrespectful towards new members...
So what if he didn't do so much research? what is the big problem? if you get so mad then press the red "X" on the tab or press "back". no one says you have to answer right?
And no OS is better than another. Windows Mobile may be the best in your and my opinion, but Iphone OS might be better for the average user, who is not tech interested but just want a phone that works, and are able to do a lot, without them having to learn a lot of new stuff. No matter what you say i have no doubt that the iphone OS is more intuitive out of the box than Windows Mobile is. (i am gonna get flamed now )

[★] said:
You know what? **** you, why the hell are you getting so stressy at me, I'm just starting out and yes, I may have over exagerated a few things, and yes, a couple of words may have been mispelt, but is that really any reason for you to go mad at me? Christ I posted here looking for help, and everyone else HAS been useful apart from you who has just pissed me off by being a complete arrogant idiot who appears to have nothing better to than rant at other people as you knows so much more, because after all, you are the "Cyber Ninja"
Christ sake
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Firstly this isnt a personal attack, it is to balance out the damage posts like this can do to devices like this. this is usually the first place people come when researching HTC devices, since this is the foremost site for HTC devices.
For EG if someone actually wanted a HTC HD2, came here to research the device and its capabilities, then read your post and the others like it they probably will drop the device and move to iPhone!
but now, if they read the thread and see a post like this defending the devices it counter balances the mis-statements in your post.
In the last month since this device has come out, due to the popularity of the iPhone and subsequent hardware/software problems pertaining towards the device, people like you have been buying the HTC HD2 before you know what your getting into and posting threads like this ALL over the forum eg:
Also i specifically reference to this post HERE for a full explanation of why i flamed!!
these people have basically done the same as you, got/getting the phone and slagging it off before it has even arrived.
this device is the best device of its kind available, and as with everything if you know how to use it you can improve the device and its function, but coming onto a forum BEFORE you have even held the device and saying its **** is just plain stupid and you deserve to get flamed.
as for attacking me, "Cyber Ninja" well yes, i fix alot of things here and i also seem to be the one who speaks straight and doesnt give a crap if i offend, i just speak what people think.
you could have answered ANY of your questions with the search button!
To quote the Moderators:
1. Search before posting
Use one of our search functions before posting, whether you have a question or something new to share, it's very likely someone already asked that question or shared that news.
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notice how this is the first rule!
Just incase you cant find it here is a picture of the search function:
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
and i have read the thread, and most people have not been helpful, quite a few basically tell you to "Go Buy an Android or iPhone"
Pappagallo said:
Then why don't you buy an Iphone or an Android phone ??
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aiwama said:
I absolutely agree! Why do you want to buy the best Windows Phone ever to transform it in an iPhoney or Android!?
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so please dnt try and get me with that innocent crap!
I think if you get the device i would be extremely useful to you since i can provide most of the "softwares" you are looking for, things that should be discussed via PM! you get me?
also for themes you may want to see my themeing thread: HERE I also have 90% of the visual tweaks mapped out to the registry and have started posting the items: HERE
i fixed the GPS Location Issues on the Diamond, and i also think that my method is still fastest about, as i get fix in about 3 seconds WITHOUT the Modded GPS Driver.

No flaming!
Hojlind said:
So what if he didn't do so much research? what is the big problem? if you get so mad then press the red "X" on the tab or press "back". no one says you have to answer right?
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To quote the Moderators:
1. Search before posting
Use one of our search functions before posting, whether you have a question or something new to share, it's very likely someone already asked that question or shared that news.
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notice how this is the first rule!
Just incase you cant find it here is a picture of the search function:
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Hojlind said:
And no OS is better than another. Windows Mobile may be the best in your and my opinion
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Well no, it is better because the capability to do anything is there you just have to know how to do it! hence it is a more complete OS.
I agree with this:
Hojlind said:
but Iphone OS might be better for the average user, who is not tech interested but just want a phone that works, and are able to do a lot, without them having to learn a lot of new stuff. No matter what you say i have no doubt that the iphone OS is more intuitive out of the box than Windows Mobile is. (i am gonna get flamed now )
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BUT... with the speed that people learn things, the "Average User" may find the iPhone good until they understand its limitations, then it becomes a crap os!
I got my MUM and iPhone for her birthday in July, by mid Nov she sold it because the phone was too basic, the sat nav apps were rubbish, wifi over heated, bluetooth didnt work unless it was iphone to iphone, no mms etc etc and a whole host of other things.
not she is on HTC any time the thinks of something she needs her phone to do, she just asks me and the phone can do it!!
EG: she has 3 different sat navs, iGO8, Navigon & TomTom. she has TMC working through the FM Receiver on the phone and TTS! that on its own is nearly £700 if you go to the shop and buy a satnav with TMC & TTS.
this cannot be dont on the other phones!
the problem is as i said iPhone quickly becomes easy to use and boring, as with the andriob, but this will get better as im sure we all no.
my problem is that the more bad mouthing HTC gets the less people get the devices, the less people buy the fewer new devices we get to play with!

[★] said:
You know what? **** you, why the hell are you getting so stressy at me, I'm just starting out and yes, I may have over exagerated a few things, and yes, a couple of words may have been mispelt, but is that really any reason for you to go mad at me? Christ I posted here looking for help, and everyone else HAS been useful apart from you who has just pissed me off by being a complete arrogant idiot who appears to have nothing better to than rant at other people as you knows so much more, because after all, you are the "Cyber Ninja"
Christ sake
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Check you PM, i have sent you a site that you will get ANYTHING for PPC.



Its not cool at all, just plain annoying. I have all those damn shortcuts on the today screen! I'm going to see if there's a TouchIT 2.3 around here w/o Cube cuz it sucks ass and just hogs 5MB or RAM that I can't get back without a reset
Bad job HTC, bad job.
Excellent job XDA Devs though! You guys make these phones the funnest toys one could ever have!
This must be one of the most useless posts out a lot of very bad posts.Could a moderator please close this post
Besides very offensive and rude to ITje it is plain ass stupid; why? Let me explain:
#1 Everybody in this forum using it in a constructive way is doing this in his/her sparetime and they are doing this volentairely!
#2 ITje used his sparetime to cook us a Rom which is WAY better than any MS Rom filled with junk and useless software.
#3 A Rom which is, even with hogging these 5 MB, better then the official one due to the improved stability, improved speed, gained space and additional much needed software.
#4 A rom which is available in several flavours with or without Cube
#5 TouchIT 2.3 is already outdated by version 3 and since today version4 (again in several flavours)
#6 By offending the people who are willing to use their sparetime to provide us with better Rom you will chase them away from cooking so eventually none of them is willing to do anything for anyone.
#7 If it is so annoying > flash your device with the original RUU and stop wining about it.
#8 Want me to go on....?
Please take my advice on this one:
If something like this is bugging you again... use your toilet because we don't need this ****. Take IT, leave it or build one yourselves
^Awww, must be that time of the month for you. I understand, don't worry
everybody is entitled to an oppinion....
But many ppl like the cube.
And as I told you earlier, there will come versions without the cube and only touchflo, but as I also said, I dont have the time right now to cook up the other releases, I have other things to do
. The lite version was just an last minute experiment with ftouchflo, wich I never used before. Didnt have time to test it properly, but if you bother to do a search in development and hacking section of this forum there is a hotfix. and there is also a config tool there somewhere
I can give you link to fix, but config u need to find yourself
^Thanks a lot man. I hope you didn't take my post the wrong way like our friend above did. I meant it as venting at my disappointment at HTC with that Cube, not against you. I really appreciate your work and if you don't do a cubeless 2.3, its fine. Its not like I'm paying for any of this!
hidavi said:
Its not cool at all, just plain annoying. I have all those damn shortcuts on the today screen! I'm going to see if there's a TouchIT 2.3 around here w/o Cube cuz it sucks ass and just hogs 5MB or RAM that I can't get back without a reset
Bad job HTC, bad job.
Excellent job XDA Devs though! You guys make these phones the funnest toys one could ever have!
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Well, I kinda share your arguments, but you know, your words were not well chosen,
but typical itje he luckily takes things lightly and helps out everybody everytime.
Just choose your words wisely next time
Happy new year!
I must say, I think the Cube us very useless too, nice to play with it,
for like 4 times, but after that it's out of real use.
A today screen with integrated Cube, now THAT would be nice. Having different today screens wich you can swap. So still start menu/softkeys.
Any good-ass programmer interested?
hidavi said:
must be that time of the month for you.
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hehe admit it, that's funny
but no need for this thread to be opened, that is true
like itje said, its this person's opinion! There are lot more useless posts on this forum. I think this post is very good because it could let the noob firmware flasher on what firmware to pick, with or without the cube.
In my opinion, cube is very useless for general purpose. But very good to show it off to your friends. Trust me it comes very handy when they try to smack talk to you "why you didnt buy the Iphone."
I think in the months to come, we are going to be moving away from the cube and integrating the PointUI interface in the new releases. I love the pointui interface becuase it does more then the cube does. It is aso in the beginnng stages and there are more features and more stable releases to come!
Also, I dont think he meant any disrespect to itje. He just asked if there was a cubeless version of the Touch-it rom.
Yes, I meant no respect. Check the last line of appreciation I typed.
I once tested a program for switching todayscreens - but as in windows xp it is slow....
perhaps someone could put things together.
but like pointui - all is finally redirected to the crappy winmobile software - when wiritng sms or anything else. comming there can be very nice - cube, pointui, spbmobile shell --> but at the end we stop there wehere we could get by pressing - start-programms-messaging
The Dutchman said:
I must say, I think the Cube us very useless too, nice to play with it,
for like 4 times, but after that it's out of real use.
A today screen with integrated Cube, now THAT would be nice. Having different today screens wich you can swap. So still start menu/softkeys.
Any good-ass programmer interested?
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Yeah PointUI is nice, but it needs WAY MORE development,
and it drastically needs skinning options
Someone seen some tampons
As Gambit999 said; not well chosen words. Choose well next time and may the force be with you my friend.
I really like the cube and come handy when i am viewing pictures and playing mp3s..
Hi guys,
I've already Windows Mobile 6 in my P4350. There's anyway to install now the "famous" cube?
How to do that? Or do I have to instal the entire ROM Update?
Mainly you will get it through Custom ROMs but there is also a new coded standalone version which you can find here.
I have an idea. If you don't like the cube, then don't use it.
I have had a cubed rom for a while... and the only time i ever bring up the cube, is when someone asks about my phone, so I'll show them the stupid little things like HTC Album, and Cube just to show off the whole GUI aspect of it... other than that, I never use any of it.
duprade said:
I have an idea. If you don't like the cube, then don't use it.
I have had a cubed rom for a while... and the only time i ever bring up the cube, is when someone asks about my phone, so I'll show them the stupid little things like HTC Album, and Cube just to show off the whole GUI aspect of it... other than that, I never use any of it.
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Exactly, that's the same what I do if people ask me about my phone. The HTC Album btw does get some attention by myself.

WM 6.1 ROM

Exist any WM6.1 ROM for HTC Dream ? Please dont ask me why I need this.
No, not going to happen, been asked many, many, many times already.
why not ? where is the problem to cook non official ROM ?
For one, its a waste of a perfectly good phone to put that CRAP on it. If you want a piece of crap, buy a piece of crap.
Second, the required drivers simply don't exist.
What do you men crap ? OK, the second explanation is better.
I think lbcoder got it right. windows mobile IS Junk. I have a Kaiser in addition to the G1. The Kaiser has great hardware minus the KB, small screen, and quiet speaker, but it has a horrific OS e.g. It's slow, locks up, restarts itself for no reason.
The G1 however has a great OS that needs little or no changing at all, but dumbed down hardware.
marek1 said:
Exist any WM6.1 ROM for HTC Dream ? Please dont ask me why I need this.
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Since your question is completely asinine I'm going to ask you why you need this: Why do you need this?
Edit: Oh and You're Welcome.
Bottom line is if you want WinMo, buy a WinMo phone. Most of the hackers working on HTC Dream are working on Android.
Oh yeah and use the search.
lbcoder said:
For one, its a waste of a perfectly good phone to put that CRAP on it. If you want a piece of crap, buy a piece of crap.
Second, the required drivers simply don't exist.
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I concur. I couldn't imagine going to winmo after being blessed with android.
he he he he....
I guess we want what we don't have? Many folk are working on porting Android to our WM devices.... Maybe it's just the challenge of it all?
cr1960 said:
he he he he....
I guess we want what we don't have? Many folk are working on porting Android to our WM devices.... Maybe it's just the challenge of it all?
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Now that I think about it; I sure wouldn't mind the ability to dual boot. Not even sure why but maybe just for that hell of it.
Makes no sense
I had the T-mobile Dash before the G1 and wound up giving the dash to my wife. I was helping her learn to use it and only then did I realise how goofy the setup of it all is. They say the beauty of it is that it tries to emulate the Windows experience, but if my desktop worked like that...I'ld have a mac.
wm1 said:
I had the T-mobile Dash before the G1 and wound up giving the dash to my wife. I was helping her learn to use it and only then did I realise how goofy the setup of it all is. They say the beauty of it is that it tries to emulate the Windows experience, but if my desktop worked like that...I'ld have a mac.
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Best post in this thread. Completely true and funny as hell.
That being said I'm STILL excited to see what WinMo 7 brings to the table.

HTC HD2 - A Love story.

So, I've allways been a half way geek. Never to patient with learning to much of anything - and most of the time pretent to know more than i do.
Maybe more a Gadget Fan than a geek.. d;
So about 8 days ago i resived my HTC HD2, long awaited. And since i never had any other experience other than regular cells or Symbian OS, I figured it would a challenge using WM...
Cause I promised myself never to turn to apple.. NEVER!
SO about me thinkin it was going to be hard - God was I right. But never than less I had my play around with it, and looking at it now, im learning to love it more as the days go by..
Thing's I like (+):
Huge screen (Bright and Beautyfull)
Sleek Design and great build quality. (Exept for the cam sticking out like that)
The posibiliy's for play with almost anything, and customize it as you like.
Thing's I'm not to crazy about (-):
Lags and failurs happent few times (daily)
The matter of time I have to use to find new apps. (I Blame MS)
And me beeing a noob still cant figur it all out yet.
To round up all this I just want to say that this is goin to be a phone Im going to hold on to, and love to start exploring to posibilitys in WM.
Im allready making some icons since I'm a great PS nerd. Going to share them at some point.
A few unsolved issues (I looked around to answer with no luck) to mention.
1. In the reviews the slidebar include Twitter AND facebook. But i can only add or remove Twitter for some reason. How do you add other programs to the slide bar?
2. How do I take a screenshot on the phone? (would love to share my scrren of the day )
Hehe, nice story
Glad that you're happy, in general. I don't think that you can add Facebook to the "Slider" AKA Home Screen Tabs (although I wouldn't be surprised if there is a Registry hack somewhere on this site. I'm guessing that you know you can add it to your Quick Links?
I'm sure I read somewhere on here about a tool to do screenshots too. Seach and discover (hopefully).
BsB tweeks for screen shots
Kjohnsen said:
Cause I promised myself never to turn to apple.. NEVER!
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LOL. Ya, you will lose your soul if you do that.
antilagman said:
BsB tweeks for screen shots
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Thx, I just found out. Even tho after taking some i cant find them anywhere? : /
Also - isnt there some sort of cab file that can change the language to english?
Im fed up with this Danish one..
mine save straight to my storage card

Is there much point getting one now?

I'm thinking of buying the HTC HD2 but is there much point now, if it won't be getting updated and newer and better phones are coming out?
I'm looking at it as it has the biggest screen(besides the streak which im also considering, but much more expensive)
What would you suggest?
70th said:
I'm thinking of buying the HTC HD2 but is there much point now, if it won't be getting updated and newer and better phones are coming out?
I'm looking at it as it has the biggest screen(besides the streak which im also considering, but much more expensive)
What would you suggest?
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if you actually like winmo as it is, with the way windows phone 7 is shaping up the hd2 could become a very valuable antique.
theabsurdman said:
if you actually like winmo as it is, with the way windows phone 7 is shaping up the hd2 could become a very valuable antique.
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I don't know because ive never used a winmo phone before.
70th said:
I don't know because ive never used a winmo phone before.
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What has been your phone history? And what do you use or intend using the phone for?
WM, iphone and android suit different ppl and WP7 looks weird imho...
well if you have the patient to wait until the end of 2010 or so, just wait. i didn't have or why don't you try Evo?
argentocruz said:
What has been your phone history? And what do you use or intend using the phone for?
WM, iphone and android suit different ppl and WP7 looks weird imho...
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Over the last couple of years, ive only used the bold 9000, HTC Desire and iPhone 4, however i sent back the iphone 4 as the ui is getting very boring.
I use the phone more for texts and internet than phone, i primarily want to use it for web browsing, thats why the streak appealed to me, but this is cheaper, im just worried about updates, and the lack of official support after WP7
dan138zig said:
well if you have the patient to wait until the end of 2010 or so, just wait. i didn't have or why don't you try Evo?
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I can't wait until the end of 2010 i have no phone at present lol. Also im in the UK so the Evo is a no go otherwise i would definitely have it.
if you like bets, get one now.
If the bet goes well, you will buy a "cheap" device which will get a fully functional froyo OS on it when the android devteam has completed the job, and be almost at the level of the Evo, without its bulkiness... and before the thing goes out and the demand increases, making the prices go higher.
If the bet goes bad, you still get a cheap but powerful device with WM on it
Anyway, given my experience with the device, and the market which is available for italy, I would get it again now as well.
70th said:
I don't know because ive never used a winmo phone before.
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Try before you buy my friend.
I've been using winmo for years and I love it. The HD2 is my favorite device yet.
Winmo users generally love to tweak. These forums make tweaking fun and you can usually get whatever you need, want and more for your phone if you're willing to search for it.
That being said, some find winmo and the HD2 an utter frustration. Some lament about buying the HD2 because it doesn't do everything right out of the box.
So if you like to customise, tweak and experiment, you may just love the HD2.
If you like something that works to it's full potential right out of the box, but may not be quite so custimisable and tweakable, perhaps another platform would be better.
i really NEVER recommend ppl a windows phone.. except i know that he can handle it.
i dont know u, so i would recommend android
u NEED to know what u do when u are using winmo, or u will hate it
The more I read about WM7, the more I am glad I have a WM6.5 phone, and I'm not planning to 'upgrade' to such a locked down platform.
ribcage said:
Try before you buy my friend.
I've been using winmo for years and I love it. The HD2 is my favorite device yet.
Winmo users generally love to tweak. These forums make tweaking fun and you can usually get whatever you need, want and more for your phone if you're willing to search for it.
That being said, some find winmo and the HD2 an utter frustration. Some lament about buying the HD2 because it doesn't do everything right out of the box.
So if you like to customise, tweak and experiment, you may just love the HD2.
If you like something that works to it's full potential right out of the box, but may not be quite so custimisable and tweakable, perhaps another platform would be better.
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I love tweaking, which is another reason for considering this phone, and which is why i got rid of the iPhone 4.
I love the idea of registry tweaks, which may sound weird, and i also love the idea of a winmo device being just like windows on the pc (regarding registry tweaks).
And regarding having everything work out of the box, i find that very boring, im always looking to do new things with a phone.
The only problem i am seeing is the future updates, looking at Android they are going to have constant updates, but obviously winmo 6.5 is not. however if i know that winmo will be getting unofficial updates from devs etc i will be more than happy to buy the HD2.
Thanks for all the replies so far.
Ok, i went ahead and bought a HD2, hopefully i'll enjoy it.
Please post your experiences with the phone.
And how much did you grab it for? US or non?
if you need big screen then definitely go for hd2. i was in your position. but screen size was a dealbreaker. had there one android phone with screen as big as this, i wouldn't have bought hd2
bluespire said:
Please post your experiences with the phone.
And how much did you grab it for? US or non?
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I got it for £279, comes with quite bit of accessories too, I would post the eBay link but not sure if allowed. Non US version
dan138zig said:
if you need big screen then definitely go for hd2. i was in your position. but screen size was a dealbreaker. had there one android phone with screen as big as this, i wouldn't have bought hd2
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Yes, the screen was probably the main reason for buying this phone.
70th said:
I got it for £279, comes with quite bit of accessories too, I would post the eBay link but not sure if allowed. Non US version
Yes, the screen was probably the main reason for buying this phone.
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i have to say i agree about the screen.. i have a hd2 and my friend got a desire soon after me.. the screen estate difference is just HUGE...
and i recently ran the android test build side by side with his phone screen beside mine.. the difference just got worse coz the widget icons are much smaller in android compared to the quick link icons in winmo..
fi3ry_icy said:
i have to say i agree about the screen.. i have a hd2 and my friend got a desire soon after me.. the screen estate difference is just HUGE...
and i recently ran the android test build side by side with his phone screen beside mine.. the difference just got worse coz the widget icons are much smaller in android compared to the quick link icons in winmo..
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Awesome, i cant wait for my HD2 now .
I was getting sick of the headaches after surfing the web on my iPhone 4 due to the small screen.
good choice.....
you made a good choice op. hd2 is my first wm phone and i'll admit, i love it. the tweaking on the phone is good fun. at the moment im running CHT and SPB Mobile Shell side by side as well as having loads of other little tweaks to make the phone my own. theres a ton of really good apps and software floating about the net.
The only bad point i can think of is Opera's non support of 10.1 for wm6.5. Skyfire's pretty usefull for flash though so all's not lost. i'm sure you will love your new phone bud......
donwhann said:
you made a good choice op. hd2 is my first wm phone and i'll admit, i love it. the tweaking on the phone is good fun. at the moment im running CHT and SPB Mobile Shell side by side as well as having loads of other little tweaks to make the phone my own. theres a ton of really good apps and software floating about the net.
The only bad point i can think of is Opera's non support of 10.1 for wm6.5. Skyfire's pretty usefull for flash though so all's not lost. i'm sure you will love your new phone bud......
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Thanks, i hope so, i've never seen anyone else with one
Only 2 good phones to get
HD2 - Windows
Evo - Anaroid
I love my Htc HD2

ROMs in NAND thread require SD card fiddling

what's the frigging idea, cookers?! A
fter a few months i want to reflash my HD2 with what i expected by now to be fully working, almost lags and bugs free, and top of it all - brainles install of android OS. So i go into Android NAND part of Android forum, download what seems to fit me the most, open it up and ?
Ok, i am not new at this, ofcourse i go read the install instructions and what i get?
complicated fiddling with with my SD card, on top of updating magldr, installing some **** called cwm or something, then some addon for backups or something etc etc
ok i move along, thinking "this one is too complicated, i will just try something else" only to find out that the easy, ucomplicated, fully working way was abandoned!
ok, i get it; this MUST BE better in some way, so i will try it out. after i get this cwm working (and it wasn't easy, phone just didn't get detected), i install 3 or 4 different ROMs and guess what i get? buggy, slow, partialy working, battery draining ROMs.
now, remember, dear reader, i used my last ROM for half a year almost WITH NO PROBLEMS, EXCEPT SOME MINOR BUGS. and half a year later you have come to brainf***ing installing of crap ROMs?
OK, by this point i think: "i didn't contribute much to this so who am i to complain?!", but today i go check if anything has changed. and first 3 ROM builds that i open up (IN NAND THREAD) want me to reformat, repartition, remake and reinvent my god damn SD card!!
That is just too much, people!
after almost half a year i come back to update my Android on HD2 only to get lost in piece of crap called CWM, partialy working ROMs and NAND ROMs that want me to repartition my SD. And let me get this straight: NO, i am not a newb, nor am i unqualified to make gadgets work, but this, people, is just too much.
All due respect, folks, but where is this going? All i wished for is MAGLDR install of gingerbread looking Android OS for my good old HD2 but instead i wasted 6 hours looking for the right ROM, updating MAGLDR ONLY TO install CWM, installing CWM backup or something, retrying 10 different ROMs all of which had MAJOR BUGS.......
bbezja1 said:
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Have you tried Sergio's ROM's? I am working with them to release a NAND-only (no SD-EXT partition) version. It is very easy to install via CWM, which is how most ROM's now should be installing. CWM gives you a lot more power- wiping partitions, backing up / restoring, mounting USB storage, etc. It is very powerful. That's how all other Android phones flash new ROM's and updates.
Besides - once you install MAGLDR and CWM, all you have to do is flash a ROM via CWM. You don't have to flash them again unless there's an update... And with CWM you can do it all from your phone instead of having your phone tethered to your PC. It's very convenient!
I have tested MANY MANY roms and found most to work great, much better then SD builds for MANY different reasons. Majority of ROMS/Builds now have great battery life, some can have slightly less but with a few tweaks they are fine.
If you are having "major" problems its simply because you are not doing things correctly and then are throwing a hissy fit like this topic blaming devs work for your own ignorance and lack of knowledge.
Grow up and do some damn reading and learn something.
PS. If you want to use Android but cant understand how to accomplish things properly I suggest you go and buy a Desire HD.
bbezja1 said:
NO, i am not a newb, nor am i unqualified to make gadgets work, but this, people, is just too much.
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Then here is the phone for you!
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
@Digital Outcast: no ****? i knew that!
how is that more convenient? we only had to download the rom, plug phone in, start the program and wait!
I'll look into Sergio's stuff tho, thanks for pointing it out.
@TheATHEiST: i knew there will be idiots like you replying thanks for your insight though, its very refreshing to see so much intellingence put into reading original post and making a totaly missed response. i might not be doing things correctly BECAUSE THEY ARE FAR TOO COMPLICATED COMPARED TO WHAT THEY WERE BEFORE.
Thank you again, idiot.
bbezja1 said:
@Digital Outcast: no ****? i knew that!
how is that more convenient? we only had to download the rom, plug phone in, start the program and wait!
I'll look into Sergio's stuff tho, thanks for pointing it out.
@TheATHEiST: i knew there will be idiots like you replying thanks for your insight though, its very refreshing to see so much intellingence put into reading original post and making a totaly missed response. i might not be doing things correctly BECAUSE THEY ARE FAR TOO COMPLICATED COMPARED TO WHAT THEY WERE BEFORE.
Thank you again, idiot.
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Well, you can take any CWM ROM and make it a DAF ROM if you want... but DAF always blows away all your partitions, which means you can't upgrade between ROM releases. The nice thing about CWM ROM's is that it is all customizable and you can upgrade, for example, from Sergio's v 1.1 to his v 1.2 ROM without losing your data partition. It is just much more powerful.
Now, that being said, is DAF easier? Probably... from the simplicity factor yes, point, click, welcome to ROM.
Try the rom in my sig.
You can get it here:
You don't have to partition your sd card, though you can if you want to and you'll gain some performance for doing it.
Mine is not partitioned and the rom runs great.
It is a CWM rom tho, so you will have to have CWM to install it.
As for the process being TOO COMPLICATED ?!!
You can't be serious? This **** is free of charge, and nobody held the hands of the devs who made MAGLDR or CWM or the **** ton of FREE ROMS that you so unappreciatively ***** about. It was maybe a little more complicated for them huh? Nobody is forcing you to customize your phone, if Android is too hard for you, stick to Windows Mobile 6.5. Every HD2 comes with it pre-installed, nice and simple
Nice deduction, Watson.
You say you're not a noob, that must make you a plain and simple moron. You're lucky there are actually people on this board willing to put up with your little ***** fit. My advice to you is to climb down off your tampon and ask a legit help question, or go buy another phone. You won't be missed.
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
just makes a solid arguement to what ive said all along
some people shouldnt be allowed to own cellphones and try and mod them
btw i just got my hd2 a week ago and had it up and running Android with CWM in less
than 20 minutes with no problems at all and i didnt have to fiddle with my sd card at all
so with that said i will add this
Thank you to A/all the Devs, cookers and testers that make it possiable to run Android
on our HD2s
Aren't you embarrassed to admit how hard you fail at modding your HD2? Maybe you wanted to troll this forum out of frustration, but why admit to being such a dunce?
You should go for windows phone 7. Its geared toward people like you.
Sent from my HTC HD2
bbezja1 said:
what's the frigging idea, cookers?! A
fter a few months i want to reflash my HD2 with what i expected by now to be fully working, almost lags and bugs free, and top of it all - brainles install of android OS. So i go into Android NAND part of Android forum, download what seems to fit me the most, open it up and ?
Ok, i am not new at this, ofcourse i go read the install instructions and what i get?
complicated fiddling with with my SD card, on top of updating magldr, installing some **** called cwm or something, then some addon for backups or something etc etc
ok i move along, thinking "this one is too complicated, i will just try something else" only to find out that the easy, ucomplicated, fully working way was abandoned!
ok, i get it; this MUST BE better in some way, so i will try it out. after i get this cwm working (and it wasn't easy, phone just didn't get detected), i install 3 or 4 different ROMs and guess what i get? buggy, slow, partialy working, battery draining ROMs.
now, remember, dear reader, i used my last ROM for half a year almost WITH NO PROBLEMS, EXCEPT SOME MINOR BUGS. and half a year later you have come to brainf***ing installing of crap ROMs?
OK, by this point i think: "i didn't contribute much to this so who am i to complain?!", but today i go check if anything has changed. and first 3 ROM builds that i open up (IN NAND THREAD) want me to reformat, repartition, remake and reinvent my god damn SD card!!
That is just too much, people!
after almost half a year i come back to update my Android on HD2 only to get lost in piece of crap called CWM, partialy working ROMs and NAND ROMs that want me to repartition my SD. And let me get this straight: NO, i am not a newb, nor am i unqualified to make gadgets work, but this, people, is just too much.
All due respect, folks, but where is this going? All i wished for is MAGLDR install of gingerbread looking Android OS for my good old HD2 but instead i wasted 6 hours looking for the right ROM, updating MAGLDR ONLY TO install CWM, installing CWM backup or something, retrying 10 different ROMs all of which had MAJOR BUGS.......
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bbezja1 said:
@Digital Outcast: no ****? i knew that!
how is that more convenient? we only had to download the rom, plug phone in, start the program and wait!
I'll look into Sergio's stuff tho, thanks for pointing it out.
@TheATHEiST: i knew there will be idiots like you replying thanks for your insight though, its very refreshing to see so much intellingence put into reading original post and making a totaly missed response. i might not be doing things correctly BECAUSE THEY ARE FAR TOO COMPLICATED COMPARED TO WHAT THEY WERE BEFORE.
Thank you again, idiot.
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You my dear r simply the greatest n brainless fool 2 ever own an HD2 & u even suck @ trolling (@least fools n idiots try 2 excel @ dat)...xda member "TheATHEiST" summed u up quite clearly cuz its pretty obvious the word "smart" in "smartphones" never applied 2 u...
ADMINS or MODS....Please have this thread closed!!!
funny how dumb you people are i clearly stated what is my problem, and actualy installign CWM wasn't the biggest one. you people must be dumb or plain retarded to not understand my perfectly clear english.
to all you dumbfucks: i had HTC Touch Cruise, i had Samsung Omnia, i have HD2 and now i use Omnia 7, i also had a few Android phones and i flashed every phone i had with numerous different stuff. I KNOW WHAT IM DOING, I GET IT WORKING SOONER OR LATER THE QUESTION HERE IS IF ALL THIS IS REALLY NEEDED AND WHY IS IT FORCED TO PEOPLE THAT DO NOT NEED IT!!!!!!!!!!
thanks to all useful responses though. i will take them into consideration.
@polo735:Are you not embarassed to not know how to read? i stated numerous times i know how to mod phones and i always make it work. problem here is in something else.
why do i even write this? you won't be able to read it anyway
Some days I wish I were still a moderator...
Digital Outcast said:
Some days I wish I were still a moderator...
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this guy needs to go.. along with that honki person in the ADs gps thread lol
Kameirus said:
this guy needs to go.. along with that honki person in the ADs gps thread lol
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+ 1 from me
If this is all too complicated then why arent there hundreds of posts just like yours *****ing and moaning.
Simple answer is most people just have a good read around and follow 1 step at a time and at the end you have a nice FREE android upgrade.
Take a step back and try again from the start, its really not that hard
bbezja1 said:
funny how dumb you people are i clearly stated what is my problem, and actualy installign CWM wasn't the biggest one. you people must be dumb or plain retarded to not understand my perfectly clear english.
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lmao, thats exactly our point against YOU.
This is not complicated at all, UNLESS you do not take the time to LEARN it!!
bbezja1 said:
to all you dumbfucks: i had HTC Touch Cruise, i had Samsung Omnia, i have HD2 and now i use Omnia 7, i also had a few Android phones and i flashed every phone i had with numerous different stuff.
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Whats that gopt to do with the price of fish????
bbezja1 said:
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YES, its ALL needed!!
If you want CWR, you use CWR, etc etc , tbh I cant seem to fathom your logic here.
Also nobody is "forcing" you to do anything, infact we are urging you to go away and leave your HD2 alone aswell as this forum, their are some n00bs in here who create silly topics due to lazyness and ignorance but yours is simply because your an arse.
bbezja1 said:
@polo735:Are you not embarassed to not know how to read? i stated numerous times i know how to mod phones and i always make it work. problem here is in something else.
why do i even write this? you won't be able to read it anyway
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Ok then, what is this "something else" ??
hahaha what a great entertainment here D
guy is calling himself a flashing guru, pro experienced and claim at same time, formatting an SD card would be "complicated" or to use his words "more complicated"... he can call me dumb, but hey i had a good laugh, fair to me
btw. if he would take 5 mins to read, he would notice, there are enough roms that dont require sd card.. but i guess, its easier to start a troll thread instead..
greg17477 said:
hahaha what a great entertainment here D
guy is calling himself a flashing guru, pro experienced and claim at same time, formatting an SD card would be "complicated" or to use his words "more complicated"... he can call me dumb, but hey i had a good laugh, fair to me
btw. if he would take 5 mins to read, he would notice, there are enough roms that dont require sd card.. but i guess, its easier to start a troll thread instead..
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Exactly, he hasn't even took 5 minutes to realise that you can EASILY partition your SD card via CWR or as you say some roms dont even require it, it all depends on what type of rom you want/need, plus its not even needed at all on a US HD2, but instead he comes in here shouts his mouth of and cries a little about how its all too complicated and not his fault.
Ok seems like the OP judging from his recent edit to his post for some reasons thinks I'm the one who doesnt get the point so I thought I would try and break his post down and explain some things to him.....
bbezja1 said:
what's the frigging idea, cookers?! A
fter a few months i want to reflash my HD2 with what i expected by now to be fully working, almost lags and bugs free, and top of it all - brainles install of android OS. So i go into Android NAND part of Android forum, download what seems to fit me the most, open it up and ?
Ok, i am not new at this, ofcourse i go read the install instructions and what i get?
complicated fiddling with with my SD card,
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Not complicated at all, just read and learn instructions, its simple when you take the time.
bbezja1 said:
on top of updating magldr, installing some **** called cwm or something,
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You obviously have no idea wgat you are talking about do you? Do you even understand what CWR is or can actually do? Because if you did you would 100% not be calling it "****"!!
bbezja1 said:
then some addon for backups or something etc etc
ok i move along, thinking "this one is too complicated,
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Because you havent taken the time to read, you just look at a couple of lines and expect to be able to jump in.
bbezja1 said:
i will just try something else" only to find out that the easy, ucomplicated, fully working way was abandoned!
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Its not abandoned at all, there is plenty of new SD roms in the SD section. Plus there is nothing stopping you from downloading the ones that came out pre-magldr which you wont have even tried yet since you say you havent done so in a few months.
bbezja1 said:
ok, i get it; this MUST BE better in some way, so i will try it out. after i get this cwm working (and it wasn't easy, phone just didn't get detected),
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It is easy, you just did something wrong.
bbezja1 said:
i install 3 or 4 different ROMs
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bbezja1 said:
and guess what i get? buggy, slow, partialy working, battery draining ROMs.
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Which ones did you try? because Ive tried MANY roms and I haven't had bad battery drain for a long time. Android itself is a battery hog, even on native devices, there is MANY different things you can to to preserver battery.
bbezja1 said:
now, remember, dear reader, i used my last ROM for half a year almost WITH NO PROBLEMS, EXCEPT SOME MINOR BUGS.
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Then go backto it because you obviously havent got the patience to learn new techniques/software etc.
bbezja1 said:
and half a year later you have come to brainf***ing installing of crap ROMs?
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Must just be your brainf***ing then, Ive tried allot of roms and have yet to come across a "crap" one. Yes some are better then others but its about personal preference. If you want a better one, do it yourself.
bbezja1 said:
OK, by this point i think: "i didn't contribute much to this so who am i to complain?!", but today i go check if anything has changed. and first 3 ROM builds that i open up (IN NAND THREAD) want me to reformat, repartition, remake and reinvent my god damn SD card!!
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And your point? If you want to try new/better things you need to learn and adapt.
Partitioning your card is so that you can utilize more space for user data on EU HD2's. You use a partition on SD card to extend your internal memory or to move user/app data to card.
Also not all roms require this.
bbezja1 said:
That is just too much, people!
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No it isnt. It may be "too much" for you, but that's your problem not ours.
bbezja1 said:
after almost half a year i come back to update my Android on HD2 only to get lost in piece of crap called CWM,
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Actually I would ay its your mental capacity.
bbezja1 said:
partialy working ROMs
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Nope, fully working.
bbezja1 said:
and NAND ROMs that want me to repartition my SD.
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Thats a good thing not bad.
bbezja1 said:
And let me get this straight: NO, i am not a newb,
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You sound worse then a n00b, at leats they are prepared to learn (well most of them)
bbezja1 said:
nor am i unqualified to make gadgets work,
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Then stop *****ing and learn how to do it!
bbezja1 said:
but this, people, is just too much.
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Again, your problem not ours.
bbezja1 said:
All due respect, folks, but where is this going?
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I was thinking same thing when I started reading thsi topic.
bbezja1 said:
All i wished for is MAGLDR install of gingerbread looking Android OS for my good old HD2 but instead i wasted 6 hours looking for the right ROM,
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You should have used that time to learn.
bbezja1 said:
updating MAGLDR ONLY TO install CWM, installing CWM backup or something, retrying 10 different ROMs all of which had MAJOR BUGS.......
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The only major problem these roms have, exist between chair and keyboard.
bbezja1 said:
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Not complicated at all, just "different".
Please dont lock this thread unless OP or somebody else starts to use foul language or other rule breaks etc, The OP started this with a ignorant opinion which needs to be addressed.

