Well it was fun while it lasted.. - HD2 General

Have finally decided to go back to using my Storm 2, with all the great features the HD2 has, I just cannot get the hang of the damn keyboard..tried all third party ones, none were accurate for speedy one handed typing. The registry fixes seemed to work sometimes and not other times - It was driving me insane.
Typing something like..."ok mate, see you in a minute.." turned into a game of Buckaroo, or minesweep!
I will miss the great screen and super web browsing - not to mention great customisability features of the device
...but to be honest, come to think of it, thats all I will miss.
Great forum here

Really I can't understand the problem is in the device or person?
I'm replying this from my device only, typed one handed without issues and without any patch installed. It just need some time to get use to the new device.
I actually find it way easier to type in my HD2 comparing to my iPhone with t9 support.
There is some difficulty with high sensitivity, but its compensated with the t9 error correction.
Anyways, best of luck with your another device.

One more of those threads...
Please, can we either make ONE thread for posts like these or ban them completely? They really hurt the quality of the forum.
(after all, they don't help anyone at all)

maati said:
One more of those threads...
Please, can we either make ONE thread for posts like these or ban them completely? They really hurt the quality of the forum.
(after all, they don't help anyone at all)
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Hey, they are recruiting moderators, go figure out... If you don't like the thread report it...
Moderators are monitoring anyway, they arent waiting for you to guide them.

PM me with how much your selling it for.

skr_xd said:
Really I can't understand the problem is in the device or person?
I'm replying this from my device only, typed one handed without issues and without any patch installed. It just need some time to get use to the new device.
I actually find it way easier to type in my HD2 comparing to my iPhone with t9 support.
There is some difficulty with high sensitivity, but its compensated with the t9 error correction.
Anyways, best of luck with your another device.
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Stumbling along using T9 is hardly a good test of whether a keyboard is up to the task now is it? It's cheating.
The fact remains that typing on the HD2 keyboard - and I mean properly typing with no kids' correction services* - is pretty damned hard work. I have to correct almost every word and it is extremely tedious. The keyboard seems to have regular funny turns too where it becomes super-sensitive and where some of the keys, mainly backspace, adopt a mind of their own. Anyone who defends this keyboard, let alone says it's good, is surely having a laugh. I can manage it better than most, a few friends have had a go and it put them off the handset instantly. They had at first loved the screen but the keyboard soon had them turning their noses up.
*T9 and the like were invented to make multi-tap keypads more useable for the masses. I never used it then so with a full QWERTY at my disposal I'm certainly not interested. I'm a very fast typist and can bang-out whole words faster than people can using T9. I should not have to go hunting for new keyboards or using T9 workarounds on a premium device. It's just not on and I fully appreciate why the OP has ditched his handset.

The fact remains that typing on the HD2 keyboard - and I mean properly typing with no kids' correction services* - is pretty damned hard work
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A fact? Just like it's fact that ALL HD2's have hardware faults?
What you think is a fact is in fact not a fact at all but nonsense. It's one of the best software keyboards ever. Really better than the iPhone's that, if you belive the common opinion, was previously the best (I had an iPhone, I know the HD2 has a better keyboard).
Now don't tell me about threads where people complain bout the keyboard. I told you before why that would be stupid (though I'm sure you didn't get it...):
maati said:
You'd also realize that this is a forum where people come when they try to get solutions - people who don't have problems usually don't tell everyone about it. Your conclusion that just because you have two faulty devices all must be faulty is total nonsense - almost all devices are perfectly fine and even more important, are of much higher quality than most other phones (*cough* iPhone *cough*)
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maati said:
A fact? Just like it's fact that ALL HD2's have hardware faults?
What you think is a fact is in fact not a fact at all but nonsense. It's one of the best software keyboards ever.
Now don't tell me about threads where people complain bout the keyboard. I told you before why that would be stupid (though I'm sure you didn't get it...).
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Along comes one of those people who is 'surely having a laugh'.
I really cannot imagine a worse keyboard. I'm sorry but whatever you're comparing it to is not worthy of any accolades if the HD2 keyboard beats it into submission. You cannot seriously tell me that inputting text on this device is anything but a tedious and frustrating experience.

Again, you show that you're unable to read.
As I said (and you couldn't read) I compared to the iPhone I had (and the Touch HD). The HD2 has a much better keyboard.
If it's true that the iPhone had the best keyboard (that's what people say), then now the HD2 has the best one.
You draw the conclusion that just because YOU are not able to type on it, it's bad? You're much more of a stupid troll than I thought.

maati said:
Again, you show that you're unable to read.
As I said (and you couldn't read) I compared to the iPhone I had (and the Touch HD). The HD2 has a much better keyboard.
If it's true that the iPhone had the best keyboard (that's what people say), then now the HD2 has the best one.
You draw the conclusion that just because YOU are not able to type on it, it's bad? You're much more of a stupid troll than I thought.
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LOL. I really must stress that I'm only humouring you because I have absolutely nothing better to do apart from drink beer and argue with you. I'm holed-up in a hotel room in a strange city and it's kinda fun....to a point.
Nobody I know likes the HD2 keyboard save a handful of people on this forum. It's absolutely terrible. HTC need to sort a hotfix immediately because loads of people will return their handsets for this and this alone.

Yeah sure... nobody likes the keyboard and loads of people return their devices
Actually only stupid people return their devices because of small, easily fixable software flaws... and if they're not only stupid but also trolls and/or psychologically disturbed, they open threads to tell everyone that they've returned their devices.
I really must stress that I'm only humouring you because I have absolutely nothing better to do apart from drink beer and argue with you.
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How come I don't believe that?
You've shown before that you need the whining and you seem to want people to read it.... otherwise I couldn't explain why you hijack every thread and open whining threads yourself.

sunking101 said:
Along comes one of those people who is 'surely having a laugh'.
I really cannot imagine a worse keyboard. I'm sorry but whatever you're comparing it to is not worthy of any accolades if the HD2 keyboard beats it into submission. You cannot seriously tell me that inputting text on this device is anything but a tedious and frustrating experience.
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I have just reviewed your entire history of posts on this forum; I am surprised that you had nothing ever to say except to bash & complain about the HD2, enflame others with your sordid commentary, and trying ever so ardently to persuade others that this is the worse phone in history, despite that we all know the opposite!
I believe that you are deliberately trying your very hardest to ruin our experience with the HD2, actively creating and perpetuating mirages of exaggerated hardware faults, causing unrest among the forum members, and continuously complaining about everything in the HD2. This is not a casual accusation, this is the result of a comprehensive review of what goes back to your first post.
Unless you are being paid for this, just sell your phone and buy an iPhone, or, roll over and die! See who cares about your mobile phone satisfaction

I am surprised that you had nothing ever to say except to bash & complain about the HD2,
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I'm not surprised about that. Just read only one of his posts and you know what kind of person he is.

maati said:
Yeah sure... nobody likes the keyboard and loads of people return their devices
Actually only stupid people return their devices because of small, easily fixable software flaws... and if they're not only stupid but also trolls and/or psychologically disturbed, they open threads to tell everyone that they've returned their devices.
How come I don't believe that?
You've shown before that you need the whining and you seem to want people to read it.... otherwise I couldn't explain why you hijack every thread and open whining threads yourself.
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I think I know "why"; read my thread on the Leo page:
link http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=598035
This guy is a dog

If you notice, this guy as well as others who are doing the exact same thing (attitude, behavior, etc) have all joined the form in November - as soon as they HD2 came out, and have posted SO many times they are Senior Members already!

shirreer said:
If you notice, this guy as well as others who are doing the exact same thing (attitude, behavior, etc) have all joined the form in November - as soon as they HD2 came out, and have posted SO many times they are Senior Members already!
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Doh! Of course I've posted since the HD2 came out because I only came here due to the numerous problems with the device!!!! I came here to try and get fixes. There have been a few helpful tweaks for this, that and the other but the SMS problems and call quality problems (volume and distortion) remain!

Actually only stupid people return their devices because of small, easily fixable software flaws... and if they're not only stupid but also trolls and/or psychologically disturbed, they open threads to tell everyone that they've returned their devices.
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Just in case I am falling into that category, I am in fact keeping it, but waiting for a fix, a miracle, or some prozac - before I use it again

Sure, you tried to get fixes
You wanted people to read your complaints and spread FUD, that's all.

I'm on my second one, the first went back. Went back to my iphone. Keyboard on iphone is way more accurate. Hd2 need a major overhaul typing is very hard.
Typing on my touch hd was way better and t9 sucks. I'm giving this thing a couple more days but its not looking good.
Just so you all know in the last two years ive had and loved an x7500, a touch, a touch hd, then iphone (which i dislike very much) and now the hd2. This according to the specs was THE!!! phone i was waiting for. Software wise its just not close to the hardware spec. It needs a lot of work. especially for the price. We will see what the next few days bring.

yeah for the love of god I wish this guy would leave, its annoying to log on.and find every otherpost a bash on the HD2 by this guy... can't wait until he gets bored and moseys on!


Serious issues with HD2

Lack of auto rotation in App's
Lack of App's in general
Continually having to restart
Web Browsing just does not work
Poor response to touch!!
Just to name a few.
I wanted to love this phone. I spent a good month deciding what phone to get and this one seemed to fit the bill on paper. I have now had it for about two months and have wanted to smash it into a million pieces more times than I can remember. It has just got to the point that I'm putting it on ebay this afternoon.
I do think that the major flaw with this phone is Windows. Put Android on it and I am sure it would be amazing. For this reason a new HTC Desire is now on order.
Sorry to put this on here, but I need somewhere to vent my anger.
the only thing i hate about Leo..is lack of apps..and since the made it on wm 6.5..no devs will pay any serious attention at this platform..and android aint any better..
First I was so anti iphone..but now..I'm even thinking about switching..for some good games..most of the part..
Tadgerman said:
Lack of auto rotation in App's
Lack of App's in general
Continually having to restart
Web Browsing just does not work
Poor response to touch!!
Just to name a few.
I wanted to love this phone. I spent a good month deciding what phone to get and this one seemed to fit the bill on paper. I have now had it for about two months and have wanted to smash it into a million pieces more times than I can remember. It has just got to the point that I'm putting it on ebay this afternoon.
I do think that the major flaw with this phone is Windows. Put Android on it and I am sure it would be amazing. For this reason a new HTC Desire is now on order.
Sorry to put this on here, but I need somewhere to vent my anger.
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im the opposite,I love my hd2.best phone I've ever had.....
Tadgerman said:
Lack of auto rotation in App's
Lack of App's in general
Continually having to restart
Web Browsing just does not work
Poor response to touch!!
Just to name a few.
I wanted to love this phone. I spent a good month deciding what phone to get and this one seemed to fit the bill on paper. I have now had it for about two months and have wanted to smash it into a million pieces more times than I can remember. It has just got to the point that I'm putting it on ebay this afternoon.
I do think that the major flaw with this phone is Windows. Put Android on it and I am sure it would be amazing. For this reason a new HTC Desire is now on order.
Sorry to put this on here, but I need somewhere to vent my anger.
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blah blah blah....yawn
Tadgerman said:
Lack of auto rotation in App's
Lack of App's in general
Continually having to restart
Web Browsing just does not work
Poor response to touch!!
Just to name a few.
I wanted to love this phone. I spent a good month deciding what phone to get and this one seemed to fit the bill on paper. I have now had it for about two months and have wanted to smash it into a million pieces more times than I can remember. It has just got to the point that I'm putting it on ebay this afternoon.
I do think that the major flaw with this phone is Windows. Put Android on it and I am sure it would be amazing. For this reason a new HTC Desire is now on order.
Sorry to put this on here, but I need somewhere to vent my anger.
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I agree with you, planning to sell it soon.
anyway as i said the only thing is lack of apps..
compare the appstore to windows market..the second one is so empty..
HD2 is really one of the best phones ever..and its way better then ip..but..I love playing games so mush..and on ip there r some tight *** games..
And on WM 6.5 the only good game out there is zenonia..and it was ported from ip..
Tadgerman said:
Lack of auto rotation in App's
Lack of App's in general
Continually having to restart
Web Browsing just does not work
Poor response to touch!!
Just to name a few.
I wanted to love this phone. I spent a good month deciding what phone to get and this one seemed to fit the bill on paper. I have now had it for about two months and have wanted to smash it into a million pieces more times than I can remember. It has just got to the point that I'm putting it on ebay this afternoon.
I do think that the major flaw with this phone is Windows. Put Android on it and I am sure it would be amazing. For this reason a new HTC Desire is now on order.
Sorry to put this on here, but I need somewhere to vent my anger.
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Ditto, but i can't afford to sell.
A bad batch?
Tadgerman said:
Lack of auto rotation in App's
Lack of App's in general
Continually having to restart
Web Browsing just does not work
Poor response to touch!!
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I have both an HD2 and an iPhone. HD2 is my work phone and the iPhone my private/games phone.
I do not have the problems on browsing, dataconnection or poor response on my HD2.
Some apps I installed did create those problems and I had to remove them.
There are lots of apps for the HD2 (though the number is decreasing since Microsoft decided to kill windows mobile) the problem is that there is not as much quality control as Apple imposes for the iphone and they are not easily accesible in a single appstore.
And I prefer the HD2 because it has a better screen
Tadgerman said:
Lack of auto rotation in App's
Continually having to restart
Web Browsing just does not work
Poor response to touch!!
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All of them are bull****.
There is a perfectly good auto rotation app.
If you need to restart that often, You must have a bad leo. Mine work(ed) fine, untill I broke it.
Web browsing works PERFECTLY. Its a tonne better than the Iphone browsing ever was! And with Wifi - Its just as good as a desktop brower.
Poor touch response? Never had that. It feels just like any other captive screen to me. Probably responds better than all other ones Ive owned.
Lack of apps? Well noone can say thats a lie. I miss the appstore so much. But Ive come to realise PSX on a mobile phone is better than any game the app store ever had.
I do miss little fun apps, that were usless though.
I really think your either a apple fan boy, or have a bad leo.
Get your warrenty to change it, and try to love it again.]
Because All ive had from my phone is love, and even my friends who copied me and got one fell in love (and hell, they are from from exprets on phones so you'd think they would hate winmo)
donwhann said:
im the opposite,I love my hd2.best phone I've ever had.....
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X2... I love mine. I just customized it the way I wanted and its great...IMO...Tj
Tadgerman said:
Dataconnection!!! -explain further/show proof? I have no problem
Lack of auto rotation in App's -as posted, there are numerous rotate apps
Lack of App's in general- If you did you're research on the phone you would know this, this is accross the whole WINMO estate, so not just the HD2, if you want shiny apps, you know where to go.
Continually having to restart- Yes, agreed when i was on stock rom i had to restart a lot but XDA had a lot of dedicatec chefs cooking roms for us where these issues do not happen
Web Browsing just does not work- I think you'll find it does, and perfectly well, give more details of your bad experience please
Poor response to touch!!- again, i fail to see this issue.
Just to name a few.
I wanted to love this phone. I spent a good month deciding what phone to get and this one seemed to fit the bill on paper. I have now had it for about two months and have wanted to smash it into a million pieces more times than I can remember. It has just got to the point that I'm putting it on ebay this afternoon.
I do think that the major flaw with this phone is Windows. Put Android on it and I am sure it would be amazing. For this reason a new HTC Desire is now on order.
Sorry to put this on here, but I need somewhere to vent my anger.
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thats my 2 pence ^^ my updates in bold
I agree with the first for you said, they are major issues, i cant believe HTC didnt see these problems when they released it in the U.S...I'm looking to sell mine and get an N1..
Sell, sell, sell
I agree, a terrible phone.
I'll give you $100 for it.
SMASH LUDDITES not your machine
Luddites were actually cool, unlike you.
Why don't you really get something to complain about, like an iphone.
Tadgerman said:
Lack of auto rotation in App's
Lack of App's in general
Continually having to restart
Web Browsing just does not work
Poor response to touch!!
Just to name a few.
I wanted to love this phone. I spent a good month deciding what phone to get and this one seemed to fit the bill on paper. I have now had it for about two months and have wanted to smash it into a million pieces more times than I can remember. It has just got to the point that I'm putting it on ebay this afternoon.
I do think that the major flaw with this phone is Windows. Put Android on it and I am sure it would be amazing. For this reason a new HTC Desire is now on order.
Sorry to put this on here, but I need somewhere to vent my anger.
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personally i'd rather buy an iphone as another phone just for games then change my precious for it!!
hd2 is sooo tight!
Dataconnection: no problems at all. Wifi and H/G3 connections work without any problems. Fast and very stable.
Lack of auto rotation in apps: Plenty of apps with auto rotation. If not, you can force auto rotation with a tool.
Lack of apps in general: most USEFUL apps are available. I'm not a hardcore gamer, but I like the games (3D and puzzle) that are on the market. I don't need most of the useless games of the iphone. iphone has more free games, but the price of the phone is much higher so you will pay the apps anyway.
Restart: I have the phone for 3 months now, 2 restarts because of freezes and mainly because of tweaking.
Webbrowsing: best I've ever experienced on a mobile phone. The screen is perfect for this, and everything feels very smooth and works like a laptop. One of the main reasons why I bought this phone.
Poor respons to touch: I really don't understand this point. The screen is very responsive and fast.
I think you have a bad product. I'm a serious user of this phone and I never experienced one of the above mentioned problems.
Flash your phone with one of the custom roms from xda and stop complaining about the HD2 or go and buy an iPhone. There are tons of solutions here on this forum...My HD2 is stable as a rock, if I have a problem I search the forum instead of complaining and telling everybody how bad the HD2 is.
cfds said:
Flash your phone with one of the custom roms from xda and stop complaining about the HD2 or go and buy an iPhone. There are tons of solutions here on this forum...My HD2 is stable as a rock, if I have a problem I search the forum instead of complaining and telling everybody how bad the HD2 is.
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Flashing the rom, voiding the warranty should never be the answer to fix a phone, should be functional from the start..You lose..
KidTech said:
Flashing the rom, voiding the warranty should never be the answer to fix a phone, should be functional from the start..You lose..
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Hahaha, if you are scared of flashing HD2, voiding your warranty temporarily, you'd better not be here:-j.
I only agreed on 1 point, fun and small games, WVGA games for HD2 are not enough and I really miss Tunewiki and Layar. That's it. Best and most beautiful phone I've ever had
KidTech said:
Flashing the rom, voiding the warranty should never be the answer to fix a phone, should be functional from the start..You lose..
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Name a single phone that doens't have problems. Then please salt your hat, and eat it.
Voiding warrenty? Just flash to stock. Tmob havn't said a single thing about mine yet! even when I went into a shop with a clearly un-stock rom.

Good bye HD2, it's been hell and back.

For the last 6 weeks I've had nothing but headaches between two T-Mobile HD2's. I bought on release date, 3 days later I was better off tossing it in the freezer because all it would do is freeze. It also lagged, was buggy and a glitch fest. Apps didnt work, screen didn't work, Sense UI wouldn't load ugh, I can go on. I got another HD2, within the first 7 hours it froze on me too lol. It also had the same issues as the first.
I just want to thank everybody here in the forums for helping solve my phone issue, as I've research and tried everything but they did not help. Also thanks to HTC and T-mobile.com for putting up with my madness lol, although T-Mobile allowed me to get my OG plan back (and keep my HD2), I can now leave T-Mobile (im under no contract) to get something else (leaning towards the Evo 4G over the Nexus One).
P.S. I hope T-Mobile gets there act together and releases a patch ASAP, it sucks that such a incredible piece of hardware is having a lot of problematic issues.
that's weird,I assume you were on stock rom which is why u got the issues...custom roms eliminate those issues u have on stock rom.
i dont think it's so much the stock ROM, mine's been wonderful with the stock ROM. it's more that he was unlucky enough to be one of the first bozos who got the phone with version 2.10. for me, rom version 2.11 has been nothing but bliss, so much that after trying several custom roms i went back to my stock 2.11 because, compared to it, all custom roms suck (winmo devs aren't as good as android devs).
there's a thread with stock roms and 2.11 is usable even without hspl (i kept hspl out of personal preference and I'll try to make my own build). good luck to you anyway. i suggest you get a nexus one and flash desire rom (or heck, get a desire)
If it is freezing, the first setting I would check is
Start > Settings > Menu > All Settings > Today > Items
The setting "Today timeout", at the bottom left hand corner,
should not be selected/enabled.
why shouldnt the today timeout be selected,just out of curiosity?
jkiller122 said:
why shouldnt the today timeout be selected,just out of curiosity?
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i just unchecked it so i'll wait and see if anything improves (i have minor freezing/lag with calls and sms sometimes)...but im also curious what this fixes
I think its more of a "You don't know how to use such a powerful piece of equipment!!!" There is nothing wrong with your phone, its just easier for you to believe your own lie when you return it by posting for others to read what horse doo doo it is,...Like for example, "Transformers missing do to a Faulty sdCARD"...sorry I have full reset my phone several times just to erase everything and removed my sdCard with no Data loss issues, I agree with the other guy, I think its you and you should properly close your apps before claiming its your phone...Ever heard P.E.B.K.A.C before?...Problem Exists Between Keyboard and Chair!!! That's you!!! Grow up!! These Phones Rock, apple fan boys will do anything to make a solid product look bad.
My phone has frozen at least once every day it seems like. But I think i solved the battery issue. I bought a second battery!! Haha, I am so S M R T! At any rate, I love this phone for the big screen and fast internet. I just wish I had a way to get mp4's to watch. Or that more books on barnes and noble were free.
DaveNavy said:
I think its more of a "You don't know how to use such a powerful piece of equipment!!!" There is nothing wrong with your phone, its just easier for you to believe your own lie when you return it by posting for others to read what horse doo doo it is,...Like for example, "Transformers missing do to a Faulty sdCARD"...sorry I have full reset my phone several times just to erase everything and removed my sdCard with no Data loss issues, I agree with the other guy, I think its you and you should properly close your apps before claiming its your phone...Ever heard P.E.B.K.A.C before?...Problem Exists Between Keyboard and Chair!!! That's you!!! Grow up!! These Phones Rock, apple fan boys will do anything to make a solid product look bad.
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LOL, Less talking, more listening kid.
It's obvious you have no idea what your talking about and lacking the intelligence to do so. I have plenty of videos posted here showing how horrible my two devices are (do a search). It's HTC Sense UI that is the problem, not WM6.5. I've shown HTC reps and T-Mobile reps my phone, they've test and diagnosis it, and if it wasn't for me, there wouldn't be a update on the way. So keep talking ****, that's why your teeth are brown.
Dude is soo anal because I gave up on my HD2, lol. If you like yours that fine but don't cry me a river because I didn't like mine lmao!
Raadius said:
I've shown HTC reps and T-Mobile reps my phone, they've test and diagnosis it, and if it wasn't for me, there wouldn't be a update on the way.
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Why does "...and Windows 7 was my idea!" come to mind?
Raadius said:
I've shown HTC reps and T-Mobile reps my phone, they've test and diagnosis it, and if it wasn't for me, there wouldn't be a update on the way.
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Are you serious! You think it's because of you that an update is on it's way?! If you do, you are a severe narcissist. The fact that you think that really makes anything else you claim questionable.
Woot, 8 posts to 1,000.
zarathustrax said:
Are you serious! You think it's because of you that an update is on it's way?! If you do, you are a severe narcissist. The fact that you think that really makes anything else you claim questionable.
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Agreed.Also i thought you were an Android fan boy, didn't you have a G1?
DaveNavy said:
I think its more of a "You don't know how to use such a powerful piece of equipment!!!" There is nothing wrong with your phone, its just easier for you to believe your own lie when you return it by posting for others to read what horse doo doo it is,...Like for example, "Transformers missing do to a Faulty sdCARD"...sorry I have full reset my phone several times just to erase everything and removed my sdCard with no Data loss issues, I agree with the other guy, I think its you and you should properly close your apps before claiming its your phone...Ever heard P.E.B.K.A.C before?...Problem Exists Between Keyboard and Chair!!! That's you!!! Grow up!! These Phones Rock, apple fan boys will do anything to make a solid product look bad.
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you sir are an idiot.... did you look at his sdcard, you were there while he was using the phone to say it that kind of ****? you ve had good luck with you r device and I congratulate you but not everybody phone has been flawless. so basicly.........STFU.
if you go for android you will know the value of your hd2
Raadius said:
LOL, Less talking, more listening kid.
It's obvious you have no idea what your talking about and lacking the intelligence to do so. I have plenty of videos posted here showing how horrible my two devices are (do a search). It's HTC Sense UI that is the problem, not WM6.5. I've shown HTC reps and T-Mobile reps my phone, they've test and diagnosis it, and if it wasn't for me, there wouldn't be a update on the way. So keep talking ****, that's why your teeth are brown.
Dude is soo anal because I gave up on my HD2, lol. If you like yours that fine but don't cry me a river because I didn't like mine lmao!
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I was with you till you said the bolded
how solipsistic can you be to assume that based on your pathetic user experience that tmobile and htc would generate an entire updated rom to suit just your needs??? Give me a break dude...
this is xdas not fan pandering to overly zealous delusional users that are so far up steve jobs craw they can see his prostate...I mean seriously what the frick???
And I admit for 80% of errors it is brought on by the user and not the device itself. The hd2 has its flaws. All phones do...but for most users they are iphone/android converts expecting the same experience without doing any research on htc and windows mobile. And to those users, yes I say they do deserve any error they get. Why? You didn't take time to learn about your device. This isn't something as simple as a flashlight where you press the on button and something magically happens. Its a pocket pc and that means a lot...
Closing this thread as it is turning into a bashing session. Lets keep it civil.

Finally got rid of my HD2! yay!

The Worst phone I have ever owned save yourself the trouble of buying one.
The pros - Camera, video, and video playback
The cons = Everything else
its hard to even justify it as a smart phone, maybe if I was not on a forced data plan I would think differently, if sold as a dumbphone. Just not enough apps to do anything with , and it takes about 60 tweaks to make it decent
I think the only thing saving it is the bing turn by turn released today, otherwise dont waste your time on this! Get a used android device, or the new sprint evo instead
Winmo 6.5 is dead, the market proves it.
And yes you can scour the net for apps but you wont find many that are any good, over all the phone sucks
Good for you. Good luck.
Thank you for your input on this matter.
Now, who are you?
digitallysick said:
The Worst phone I have ever owned save yourself the trouble of buying one.
The pros - Camera, video, and video playback
The cons = Everything else
its hard to even justify it as a smart phone, maybe if I was not on a forced data plan I would think differently, if sold as a dumbphone. Just not enough apps to do anything with , and it takes about 60 tweaks to make it decent
I think the only thing saving it is the bing turn by turn released today, otherwise dont waste your time on this! Get a used android device, or the new sprint evo instead
Winmo 6.5 is dead, the market proves it.
And yes you can scour the net for apps but you wont find many that are any good, over all the phone sucks
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So you had to make a post to feel self important. News flash no one cares. Go enjoy whatever phone you got. I on the other hand love the HD2 and think its an amazing phone.
I'm a long time user that has had several rooted android phones, an Iphone, Nokia phones, and much more. I feel my review might help some people in deciding
digitallysick said:
I'm a long time user that has had several rooted android phones, an Iphone, Nokia phones, and much more. I feel my review might help some people in deciding
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Well i have to agree i love the phone myself,It all depends on what your using the phone for if you wanted more than carry around one of those mini laptops.Most people that i can tell that dont know how to use something correctly normally dont like the product.compared to a droid n iphone i too have each of them and they dont hold water but thats anothe thread.good luck dude
I don't get it.
I've gone through 2 HD2s, do you guys NOT have freezing issues? or you just don't think there is anything wrong w/ having to reset the phone, deleting messages, not keeping large amounts of music files, having a slow SDHC card come with a high performance device, or anything of that sort?
we all know the problems of hd2 ,so we don't need you to remind us if you don't want to apply more tweaks go and flash custom roms ,otherwise go and buy another shi**Y android phones which has the settings menue of a phone 6 years old and leave us in peace ,
pointless thread please close it
digitallysick said:
The Worst phone I have ever owned save yourself the trouble of buying one.
And yes you can scour the net for apps but you wont find many that are any good, over all the phone sucks
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Wow, for a senior member I guess you haven't heard of the "INTERNET"...
hoss_n2 said:
we all know the problems of hd2 ,so we don't need you to remind us if you don't want to apply more tweaks go and flash custom roms ,otherwise go and buy another shi**Y android phones which has the settings menue of a phone 6 years old and leave us in peace ,
pointless thread please close it
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+1. This thread should be closed. There are constructive criticisms but this just falls over the edge.
No point opening a thread like this oh and don't let the door hit you on your way out.
N1M1TZ said:
+1. This thread should be closed. There are constructive criticisms but this just falls over the edge.
No point opening a thread like this oh and don't let the door hit you on your way out.
I feel your review will be more one sided and be nothing more than a bashing.
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Well i hated the droid and the iphone is a greedy sorry ass company,and hd2 is an awesome phone and the only problems i have with it is because of my own doing which is my guess their problem to start,if you dont know dont touch it,
Good. Go away.
Threads like this ("No more HD2!") as well as HD2 appreciation threads should be against the rules. They're useless and a waste of space. If people want an actual review, they'll read an actual review. Sorry, but your brief spasm of trollbait material isn't a review.
darkphantom said:
I don't get it.
I've gone through 2 HD2s, do you guys NOT have freezing issues? or you just don't think there is anything wrong w/ having to reset the phone, deleting messages, not keeping large amounts of music files, having a slow SDHC card come with a high performance device, or anything of that sort?
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I don't have any freezing issues. My only issue is T-Mobiles ****ty 3G coverage inside buildings.
speoples20 said:
So you had to make a post to feel self important. News flash no one cares. Go enjoy whatever phone you got. I on the other hand love the HD2 and think its an amazing phone.
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X2 on that...Tj
I am so happy for you! Wow, it couldn't have happened to a better person! You go boy! Yeah, go far, far away!!! [By the way - saying you're a long time user then mentioning iCrap and Android really doesn't help your case. Any 2 year old can use those!]
But the way - Here's the official T-Mobile USA HD2 Update - Direct from T-Mobile!
Thread Closed. Enjoy your new device

So tired of seeing

All the complaints about the EVO. I for one have no problems with it and I see all these whiners about everything wrong with theirs, take it back it it is bad. Stuff happens and it is not the end of the world.
I've read throught everyone's drama from sd card, to light leakage, screen lifting...etc.
I can say I must have got one that is perfect because not once do I have these issues.
If your phone is defective take it back......I think the majority of folks have not probs and the few that do you just got bunk units.....
No problems here
That is the problem with forums right? You only hear people talk about the bad stuff... there is no reason to post if nothing is going wrong. Do you go to a town hall meeting to say that nothing is wrong with your neighborhood?
75% of the posts are posted by the 5% of the people that have problems.
BTW... I am in the 95% that has little to no issues. Most of my issues are getting used to Android.
I agree +1 for you
Sent via the XDA Tapatalk App
All you have to do, is not read our complaints. You just stated that you read through them all yet nobody forced you to do so. Not reading something that bothers you on a forum devoted to discussing EVRYTHING having to do with a device, is even easier than just returning a phone. Some people have returned their Evos, only to get a 2nd and even a 3rd one, all having some or all of the same issues.
I purchased my phone at RadioShack on a new contract. If I return my phone right now then I'll need to start a new contract somewhere else and keeping my number is not 100% guaranteed since I've already ported it from another carrier. My number of 10 years matters more to me than any one phone. So right now I have a phone that keeps resetting along with the build issues and nobody in the LA area has any in stock to just go switch out.
No it’s not the end of the world and that why I'm not screaming this from my rooftop. I'm here on a forum devoted to this device, talking about this device. How on earth this could upset you or anyone else is beyond me.......If I switch to another device, I for one, DO want to read all the comments about that device; the good and bad.......
EDIT: Okay I could be wrong here but I’m guessing this is about all that silly Android vs. Apple kinda stuff? You know the don’t make Android look bad by talking about a bad experience. Guys! This is a forum to talk about the devices we use. We don’t know the number of bad Evos that are out here and so to say the number is 5% is just a guess based on what? For some of us it’s not a big deal, but for others, they have spent their hard earned dollars on what they hoped was a high end superphone and they have every right to come and “*****” about it having major issues as you have the right to ***** about them *****ing. Is this really the way Android using folks treat one another?!
cpnichols said:
BTW... I am in the 95% that has little to no issues. Most of my issues are getting used to Android.
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Haha! +1 on that!
I have not had any complaints but then again if people dont post their complaints how will the rest of the people know that it is an existing issue? example: I had the Hero and the button was peeling, I thought it was me, but it was a defect.
I agree that many people post the same issues over and over and maybe there should be a sticky that shows current defects etc but until then I would not want to see the complaints disappear.
Oh I do have a complaint. Take a photo at size 300kb or higher and send mms. It shrinks it to 10kb to 20kb which is nearly icon size. See if I did not state this it would never get fixed. Apparently this is a Evo only issue and Sprint has gotten several complaints but until more people call and complain about it, it will be pushed under the rug.
Huge screen, 8 megapixel camera and sends itty bitty MMS pictures.
Sorry for raining on your parade, but we paid for the phone too. If we have issues with the device, we're more than welcome to point them out. The only way problems get fixed is when they get pointed out to the companies responsible.
I thought the same thing till my evo started having all the same issues reported. If HTC could make a product without major issues the forums would not be this way. I will never buy a HTC phone again. The screen lifting issue and screen touch issues pushed me over the edge. Your evo is not perfect. All evos have the touch screen issue. Test it out. Some say they dont have the issue but they are holding the phone or have it plugged in. Unplug your phone, set it down and try this without touching the phone.
yea im getting alittle tired of the Anti-Evo trolls myself!!
Ive been using HTC since i had the htc wizard and honestly it seems that everyone is overlooking all the Positives...if your looking for a phone that supposedly is the best ...and i use that term very loosely...go get a iphone..I love the Htc evo and frankly people need to stop hating and overcritizing this seriously awesome phone..i mean **** its been out for less than 2 week lol...
The main issue its people are dumb and would rather ***** than fix their problems. Obviously there are bad units, this is to be expected. If you get one, it sucks, but take the ****ing thing back and get a new one. None in stock? Have sprint order you one.
No need to complain, fix the problem and get on with your lives.
Some people in other threads sound like the engineer from htc is out front dumping salt in their front lawn spelling out screw you. This happens in every launch including the iphone. The genius bars are packed for a reason.
If you want the iphone, great get one. Nice device. This its an android forum don't expect much sympathy nor do most of us care what device you get.
psn1819 said:
Ive been using HTC since i had the htc wizard and honestly it seems that everyone is overlooking all the Positives...if your looking for a phone that supposedly is the best ...and i use that term very loosely...go get a iphone..I love the Htc evo and frankly people need to stop hating and overcritizing this seriously awesome phone..i mean **** its been out for less than 2 week lol...
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Really? So let me get this straight: just because we notice something wrong with the device we paid hundreds of dollars for, we're 'anti-evo trolls'?. That's just moronic.
Why are some people trying so hard to come up with some reason with HTC's mistakes? It's their fault these errors exist, so it's them that need to fix it. They're just another company trying to take money from your pocket. They don't care how loyal they you are to them. In fact, it's even better because they know you'll buy their products no matter how faulty they are.
Also, hardware issues are NOT the only problems with the Evo. People are frequently pointing out software issues with the device, issues that will never be corrected by a simple exchange at the store.
Furthermore, I don't understand why everyone is suggesting an iPhone if one isn't happy with the Evo. You do know there are other Android phone manufacturers, right? Motorola comes to mind.
psn1819 said:
Ive been using HTC since i had the htc wizard and honestly it seems that everyone is overlooking all the Positives...if your looking for a phone that supposedly is the best ...and i use that term very loosely...go get a iphone..I love the Htc evo and frankly people need to stop hating and overcritizing this seriously awesome phone..i mean **** its been out for less than 2 week lol...
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I don't mean to be rude but dude! What do you and all the other happy Evo owners (people having no issues) not understand about the glass touch screen lifting up at the bottom for those of us complaining?! Press your fingers at the bottom of the screen, just below the home key. Try pinching the glas there and now just imagine if you will, that for some of us, the glass is moving up and down and now remains above the frame. Nevermind the light leaking out, I'm talking about the glass moving! And that should be okay with us and we shouldn't come to a Evo forum and talk about it? The logic!
Aridon said:
The main issue its people are dumb and would rather ***** than fix their problems. Obviously there are bad units, this is to be expected. If you get one, it sucks, but take the ****ing thing back and get a new one. None in stock? Have sprint order you one.
No need to complain, fix the problem and get on with your lives.
Some people in other threads sound like the engineer from htc is out front dumping salt in their front lawn spelling out screw you. This happens in every launch including the iphone. The genius bars are packed for a reason.
If you want the iphone, great get one. Nice device. This its an android forum don't expect much sympathy nor do most of us care what device you get.
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Ok smart guy lets see you fix the touch screen issue. I can return my evo 10 times but it wont fix the touch screen issue. Yes I can fix the screen lifting issue but should I have to?
Aridon said:
The main issue its people are dumb and would rather ***** than fix their problems. Obviously they ate bad units, this is to be expected. If you get one, it sucks, but take the ****ing thing back and get a new one. None in stock? Have sprint order you one.
No need to complain, fix the problem and get on with your lives.
Some of you sound like the engineer from htc is out front dumping salt in your front lawn spelling out screw you. This happens in every launch including the iphone. The genius bars are packed for a reason.
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I couldnt agree more..its just that i feel like people are buying the evo and phones like it because its shiny and has bright gleeming colors lol..not thinking about everyday use and the fundamentals of these phones...its a phone meant to challenge us and sadly people are not preapred to deal with this lol..but thats my opinion
First of all...my EVO is working 100% correctly. Thank god.
Second i believe that the people with issues have the right to say whats going on with their phones, like stated before...they paid for something that should work right out the box. I had the same issue with an old HD2 that was a POS out the box, yet everyone else was enjoying their phone. With that being said I think what should be done is XDA should have a section in the forums labeled "Complaints & Issues" so they can all be filtered in there. Like that if we ever need to find an issue, we know where to look AND it doesn't clutter the general area with people ranting about their "light leakage" problems...
psn1819 said:
I couldnt agree more..its just that i feel like people are buying the evo and phones like it because its shiny and has bright gleeming colors lol..not thinking about everyday use and the fundamentals of these phones...its a phone meant to challenge us and sadly people are not preapred to deal with this lol..but thats my opinion
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Lol this makes no sense. Having screen lifting and touch screen issues are challenges that we should be prepared to deal with? Are you serious?
shep211 said:
I thought the same thing till my evo started having all the same issues reported. If HTC could make a product without major issues the forums would not be this way. I will never buy a HTC phone again. The screen lifting issue and screen touch issues pushed me over the edge. Your evo is not perfect. All evos have the touch screen issue. Test it out. Some say they dont have the issue but they are holding the phone or have it plugged in. Unplug your phone, set it down and try this without touching the phone.
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I don't have this issue.
psn1819 said:
I couldnt agree more..its just that i feel like people are buying the evo and phones like it because its shiny and has bright gleeming colors lol..not thinking about everyday use and the fundamentals of these phones...its a phone meant to challenge us and sadly people are not preapred to deal with this lol..but thats my opinion
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No. Just stop. We don't pay hundreds of dollars to be 'challenged' by the device. We pay for the damned device to WORK! HTC is responsible for making sure the screen doesn't fall off the frame, the touch sensor isn't laggy, and that the wifi reception doesn't suck ass. Are you fixing the problems? No, so you have no right to say the phone is meant to challenge us.
Do you think we're brain dead idiots? We aren't people to be talked down to by people who think severe hardware and software issues are no big deal. We know why we're buying the Evo, and these issues weren't part of it. As a result, we're demanding they be fixed.
By your logic, I suppose you would pay five hundred dollars for an HTC Rubix Cube only because it 'challenges you'.
I'm so tired of posts like these. "I like mine. If someone other than me doesn't like theirs then there must be something wrong with them."

Google taking a beating over Nexus 7 problems...

On Google groups people are upset, and rightfully so.
The Nexus 7 touchscreen problem has been ignored by google, Asus, the tech press......
Google has had a free pass long enough.
I'm glad I was able to return mine.
I hope you guys are paying attention to how they are handling this defect.....IGNORE IT.
I would advise to never buy from a company who ignores or runs from problems.
Mine works fine and most of the complaints are exaggerated as usual
Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk
z0phi3l said:
Mine works fine and most of the complaints are exaggerated as usual
Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk
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Sure they are......:good:
z0phi3l said:
Mine works fine and most of the complaints are exaggerated as usual
Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk
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Mine does have this annoying touch problems, and it's really annoying. Yours fine? Good, please don't disrespect others complaint if yours "fine".
This is the kind of thing I don't understand, someone does a thread of the issue/news on it and suddenly comes people with their "fine" product and post how "fine" theirs are or/and that they don't care.
If your Nexus is "fine", then no need to read about it, enjoy it, but there are a lot of us who got a bad unit, I can't return it because it started after the 15 days of return warranty, so I'm stuck with it.
z0phi3l said:
Mine works fine and most of the complaints are exaggerated as usual
Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk
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I don't have breast cancer so most of the complaints are exaggerated as usual.
See the flaw in your logic?
NekroWolfen said:
Mine does have this annoying touch problems, and it's really annoying. Yours fine? Good, please don't disrespect others complaint if yours "fine".
This is the kind of thing I don't understand, someone does a thread of the issue/news on it and suddenly comes people with their "fine" product and post how "fine" theirs are or/and that they don't care.
If your Nexus is "fine", then no need to read about it, enjoy it, but there are a lot of us who got a bad unit, I can't return it because it started after the 15 days of return warranty, so I'm stuck with it.
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Yup, and the 15 day return period is a joke as well.
All defects should be covered by a free replacement warranty equal to the product warranty.....NOT REPAIR...and the customer should not pay a dime for shipping.
At least one year......after the way Google has handled this they should extend the free replacement warranty to 3 years. (Yeah right)
I'm not buying an Asus device again that's for sure, at least not until the product is well tested...
NekroWolfen said:
I'm not buying an Asus device again that's for sure, at least not until the product is well tested...
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Same here.....Google could have kept me by taking care of the problem.
I'm done with them too. They gave me the run around so bad I'm still dizzy.....
NekroWolfen said:
Mine does have this annoying touch problems, and it's really annoying. Yours fine? Good, please don't disrespect others complaint if yours "fine".
This is the kind of thing I don't understand, someone does a thread of the issue/news on it and suddenly comes people with their "fine" product and post how "fine" theirs are or/and that they don't care.
If your Nexus is "fine", then no need to read about it, enjoy it, but there are a lot of us who got a bad unit, I can't return it because it started after the 15 days of return warranty, so I'm stuck with it.
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Please don't disrespect us who have perfectly working products by only calling out those who have issues.
Mine works fine.
I'm not sure if 7 people in that thread is really Google taking a beating. Also, it really isn't Google's problem. It is Asus'. How many tablets were sold vs how many have the issue. I got mine on launch day and no issue. I've had to send a few different items back to Asus in the past and had to pay shipping every time, but then again, $7 for shipping vs having to buy a new item is ok in my eyes. What a gimme gimme gimme world we live in.
DaemonAshra said:
Please don't disrespect us who have perfectly working products by only calling out those who have issues.
Mine works fine.
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Next time, read well before quoting something directed to another user. I was specifically quoting him for saying that most of the complaints were exagerated, were a touch problem on a touch screen device is definitely not exagerated, besides how could you know if your device is working "fine". My quote wasn't directed at you, not interested in continuing this.
johnomaz said:
I'm not sure if 7 people in that thread is really Google taking a beating. Also, it really isn't Google's problem. It is Asus'. How many tablets were sold vs how many have the issue. I got mine on launch day and no issue. I've had to send a few different items back to Asus in the past and had to pay shipping every time, but then again, $7 for shipping vs having to buy a new item is ok in my eyes. What a gimme gimme gimme world we live in.
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"A gimme gimme world!!" - You are a corporations dream come true!!!
I paid for a defective product and in my business, I take care of my customers who receive defects.
You are SO wrong.
Such a "gimme gimme world" that I just spent money on a new tablet that actually WORKS!!! Nobody gave it to me!! IMAGINE THAT. I spent my hard earned dollars and received a functioning product - WOW!! What a novel concept.
No need to be a prick.....and you were one.
I currently have a mild problem with the touch, it's not as bad as some but its still annoying. Has anyone who has rooted and installed a custom rom experience the touch problem go away?
JJbdoggg said:
I don't have breast cancer so most of the complaints are exaggerated as usual.
See the flaw in your logic?
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You use the word "so" where he uses "and". Two very different words and uses. I'm sorry if someone close has developed some form of cancer but don't bring it to an Android forum...:good:
Edit: Google isn't taking near the beating as you nay sayers lol
Mine's been working fine with no issues *knocks on wood*. I got it at launch. I don't expect any device to launch without issues but maybe it's just me. I'm not seeing this as a common widespread issue.
Mandelbrot.Benoit said:
You use the word "so" where he uses "and". Two very different words and uses. I'm sorry if someone close has developed some form of cancer but don't bring it to an Android forum...:good:
Edit: Google isn't taking near the beating as you nay sayers lol
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Okay replace and with so, my point still stands.
I also don't see how my analogy would be offensive to someone who knows someone with breast cancer so don't turn it into that, you also don't make the rules so I'll bring it up if I want to.
ilikeguitars said:
I currently have a mild problem with the touch, it's not as bad as some but its still annoying. Has anyone who has rooted and installed a custom rom experience the touch problem go away?
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My touchscreen was mildly effected also. Mostly the missing touch problem when not holding the device (ie: sitting on a table or such).
Rooted using the forum tutorials, installed sfhub's ts10 update and the touchscreen works fine now. No skips, no missing or ghost touches.
For the record, I've only been using android for about 2 weeks now so it's not that hard to learn how to apply the fix that worked on mine.
Now, should an end user have to do you this to their device? Nope, it should come this way. For mine it was such an easy fix, it would seem they have no excuse for not designing the software properly in the first place.
I quite like the rest of the devices features (ie: nice screen, battery life, speed, just right size for book reading and fitting in my coat pocket, etc) and it's quickly becoming a favorite device of mine.
As to those saying thiers works fine, I think they are valid comments. Not all the devices are effected and as is normal with human behavior, those that feel "screwed" are often the ones who are the loudest. Not that they're not justified in being upset with getting a "broken" product, they are.
But it is equally valuable to hear from those that get products that work.
How else are we going to know if there are more bad than good if we don't also hear from "the good"?
JJbdoggg said:
Okay replace and with so, my point still stands.
I also don't see how my analogy would be offensive to someone who knows someone with breast cancer so don't turn it into that, you also don't make the rules so I'll bring it up if I want to.
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You're absolutely right: I don't make the rules and you can bring it up if you want to. I was simply suggesting that life and death disease analogies can always offend Someone and might be a little overboard on an Android forum.
You would need to replace so with and. He was making two separate points and connecting with the word and, while you are expressing cause-effect with so (should be used in conclusion). Though due to ambiguity I could be completely wrong. You brought up logic. I just thought it would be easier for two rational human beings to get to the same spot.
And my G2 screen is wonkier than my Nexus 7. Turning it off and back on seems to solve it though.
Guys, let's not argue about whether what's important to one is also important to you. Everyone has their own opinion. It looks like enough people are upset about the issues, and that is a fact.
I am one of those people. After devs here on XDA put together near perfect AOSP roms for my ThunderBolt, I expected stuff coming out of Google directly to be rock solid. N7 is my first Nexus device, and I am quite disappointed with regular random reboots that I still have, as well as intermittent touch screen issues. For example, I can't play Subway Surfers since N7 keeps ignoring some portion of screen touches (leading me to crash lol).
My HTC DNA, however, is rock solid on the stock rom. Why can't a Nexus device be the same? People typically complain of manufacturers adding stuff to android that makes it worse. Well, I am not so ready to say that now. As far as I am concerned, HTC is doing a better job with their devices than Google.
PS, TB was buggy when it came out, but all the bugs were subsequently fixed, even on Verizon!
Sent from my HTC6435LVW using Tapatalk
cowisland said:
Guys, let's not argue about whether what's important to one is also important to you. Everyone has their own opinion. It looks like enough people are upset about the issues, and that is a fact.
I am one of those people. After devs here on XDA put together near perfect AOSP roms for my ThunderBolt, I expected stuff coming out of Google directly to be rock solid. N7 is my first Nexus device, and I am quite disappointed with regular random reboots that I still have, as well as intermittent touch screen issues. For example, I can't play Subway Surfers since N7 keeps ignoring some portion of screen touches (leading me to crash lol).
My HTC DNA, however, is rock solid on the stock rom. Why can't a Nexus device be the same? People typically complain of manufacturers adding stuff to android that makes it worse. Well, I am not so ready to say that now. As far as I am concerned, HTC is doing a better job with their devices than Google.
PS, TB was buggy when it came out, but all the bugs were subsequently fixed, even on Verizon!
Sent from my HTC6435LVW using Tapatalk
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Couldn't say it better, let's keep it a happy forum, and just to reflect what you just said, the same thing goes for me with Dead Trigger 2, I can't play it because of this, it's simply NOT fair, after I paid for this device.

