how to turn off 3G? - HD2 General

how can I turn it off so I can save some battery...
EDIT: I got a cab file for everyone...just install, soft reset and it will be part of your comm manager

Start/Settings/menu/All Settings/Personal/Phone/GSM_UMTS Services tab/Band

I'm sorry but don't you think that's too many clicks?
I realize that this may not be the popular thing to say around here, but I came from an iPhone 3G. Contemplated getting the 3GS but decided to give WinMo one more try and placed an order for a HD2 just now via DeviceWire.
But getting back on topic.. in the iPhone jailbroken world, there is a fantastic app called "SBSettings". It gets activated by a swipe near the top left area of the screen. From there, you could turn on/off toggles for things such as bluetooth, Edge, HSDPA, rotation, autocorrect, etc etc. People are building other toggles as addons for it all the time. But something like that should also exist for WinMo.
Now that I'm a WinMo newbie (my last windows mobile phone was a PPC-6700 and I swore never then to buy another windows mobile phone again). So there might already be another app just like the one that I'm describing. But if there isn't, it'd be great for someone to build that software. I'd certainly be willing to pay for that kind of conveniences!
maymaymay said:
Start/Settings/menu/All Settings/Personal/Phone/GSM_UMTS Services tab/Band
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At 8am this morning my battery was 100%.
It is now 3pm and my battery is 60%. Weep.
I watched Star Trek for 30 mins on the train and did some email browsing and general tasks.

mobilebuddha said:
I'm sorry but don't you think that's too many clicks?
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Sure, if this was a setting people used one or more times a day, like turning wifi/bluetooth on/off.
How many people will ever even want to switch from the automatic default? 1% who are looking to save battery at the expense of speed? I'm sure there'll be some crazy control freak who wants minute-by-minute control of this, but who cares?
For 99% of people auto-3G degrading to 2G when 3G is unavailable is exactly what they want. For 0.99% of people they'll want to switch to pure 2G for battery purposes, it's a one-off action done on day one. It's easy enough to find in phone settings.
Who cares about that last 0.01%? If they're that bothered they can pay someone like me to knock up a switcher app.

I don't own an HD2, but I wouldn't be surprised if this could be speeded up a bit. On my Touch Pro2 the normal route would be Settings/Communications/Phone/Band (at the bottom of the screen). But the thing that gets launched when you go through that sequence is actually a programme in its own right, called CMBandSwitching.exe (resident in the Windows folder). So if you make a short-cut to that programme and put it in the Start Menu, then you can jump straight into it. Maybe there's a similar trick on the HD2?

look at first a solution for everyone.
credit goes to moritz from pocketpc for creating this

[email protected] said:
look at first a solution for everyone.
credit goes to moritz from pocketpc for creating this
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Nice find!


MDA Questions after a week of use...

I recieved my MDA last saturday, and since then, have been trying to figure everything out. After multiple calls to tmobile, and even a trip back to the store, i'm still stuck with a few questions that i cannot seem to get answered.
1. The MDA came with the default Tmobile theme which works fine in portrait & in landscape, as well as the default blue Windows theme.
However, I have tried to install multiple themes(including some from microsoft themeselves) and i have one annoying error! Whenever I use an "installed" theme, the portrait screen looks fine, but when I open the keyboard...there are two large greyish/white gaps on the side of the theme.
Ex: I'm using a green theme. When in landscape mode, i have a single green square in the middle of the screen with a strip on either side(left or right)
2. My phone is HORRIBLY slow when and if ANYTHING 3rd party is installed. I've tried today plugins that control the memory usage(figured that would help)...however, it just slowed things done. My phone usually runs at about 14mb Free Program Memory, out of the total 44MB(This seems horrible...with just the default programs installed*for the most part* and maybe agile messenger running.). If i install a today plugin, or a game...this drops below 10mb. Therefore, phone usage can be very aggravating. I cannot think of any other way to increase this memory expect for ONE thing. Would it be possible to transfer ALL programs, applications, etc to the miniSD Card(i have 1gb now, with a 2gb in the mail). This way...i certaintly would not be topping out the usage of the card, and hopefully I can free up alot of space on the phone.
3. As we all know, the packaged IM programs are AWFULLY slow and inconsistent. After a bit of research and trials, I have settled on using Agile Messenger. I'm loving it...expect for a few things.
The MAJOR problem I have with it, is the pop up notification. Its annoying to be surfing the web or playing a game, just to have a pop up tell you that you have recieved a message, EVERY TIME you get a new message(which can amount to a great deal in a short time). I've looked all over for a setting, so unless I missed it, is there any way to shut this off?
A side issue with this program, and also the connectivity of the phone is...:
(even WITH the GPRS hack*always on*), I still lose connection(with 2-4 bars of signal) and therefore i get signed off of Agile, rather often. This isnt' such a problem with me, as seeing it takes a short time to log back in. However, when you look at the conversation from another person's point of view...all you see is
"Soandso" Logged off
"Soandso" logged on
(not sure if that last part was a question or a statement, but if theres an answer, i'd like to hear it!)
My girlfriend has a sidekick, and I LOVE the feature of being able to set phone profiles for specific times of the day. Especially during school, it'll go silent, and the second we are out, its back on normal. I have downloaded PZP to try and fix this loss of luxury. However, I personally don't find the program to be very consistent. Sometimes, it seems as if say my "school" profile is fully functioning, while other times, it really doesnt. Call me crazy, but I have taken a shot in the dark and ventured to say that if one touches the volume button on the phone while the phone is on a specific will throw it out of its cycle. If anyone has some hints/comments/suggestions of their own on this program or other favorites...I would love to hear from you.
5. After I went about and downloaded the Eten dial pad skin, I noticed that all of my contacts were unable to receive contact photos. I quickly realized that any contact that was saved on my SIM card from my previous phone was stuck in this predictament. However, if i were to create a new contact account, it quickly allows me to customize them alot further. Therefore, i was curious if there was any way to transfer my contacts on my sim card>my phone in a fashion that the phone will accept them.
I'm sure i'll think of more questions(these are just the ones that I havent been able to answer after days of searching :-D)
Thank you so much in advance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the speed of the HTC Wizard is very slow. That was my problem too.
for question no. 2:
Moving the apps to the card will result in more free space on the phone, OK, but running the apps from the card will also result in low speed, because the card is slower than the main memory. So I think you won't get more speed by this.
Try to overclock the device with OmapClock. My device works like a charm with 264 MHz (original was 180 MHz).
Use a tool like FreeUp RAM, which is part of the SK-Tools-package.
Running OmapClock and freeing up the RAM from time to time brings significantly much more speed. There is almost no waiting time if you click on an icon. You can even run Skype with OmapClock (many other users do so).
I have seen tidbits about overclocking through my endless searches the last few days. I've always heard that you have to be careful if you overclock a device, such as a phone. Has anyone had any known issues with the overclocking? Are there risks in having the phone run at that speed all the time?
The Wizard isn't slow. Install a Qtek rom without branding, and it will be much faster.
even the sales associate at tmobile seemed to think it was slow. Upgrading to a different ROM sounds ok, but i'm trying to keep everything via tmobile. thaks for the tip though.
Im looking to get the Tmobile USA MDA, but after reading posts like this Im alittle afraid.
I need to run TOMTOM on this device and thinking that this might bring the device to a halt. Now Im starting to think that maybe I should get the 6700. Please let me know what you found out about making MDA faster. Thank you.
TazMan1688 said:
I have seen tidbits about overclocking through my endless searches the last few days. I've always heard that you have to be careful if you overclock a device, such as a phone. Has anyone had any known issues with the overclocking? Are there risks in having the phone run at that speed all the time?
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There have been long discussion about what is safe with the Wizard on this forum.
See, for example,
Also, the SmartsKey app automates startup of OMapClock.
(It has a number of other uses as well.
Hope this helps.
TazMan1688 said:
My girlfriend has a sidekick, and I LOVE the feature of being able to set phone profiles for specific times of the day. Especially during school, it'll go silent, and the second we are out, its back on normal. I have downloaded PZP to try and fix this loss of luxury. However, I personally don't find the program to be very consistent. Sometimes, it seems as if say my "school" profile is fully functioning, while other times, it really doesnt. Call me crazy, but I have taken a shot in the dark and ventured to say that if one touches the volume button on the phone while the phone is on a specific will throw it out of its cycle. If anyone has some hints/comments/suggestions of their own on this program or other favorites...I would love to hear from you.
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There is a known problem with backlighting. See
Also, check to see what events PZP is handling for profile-switching. For example, if you have calendar-based or time-based rules, they may switch your profile without you doing anything. Go to Settings, Control to see what you Switches you allow. Or check Time and Calendar for your profiles under the Configuration option.
As much as i'm sure overclocking the device may help, especially in my case. I'm just not sure if its worth the risk. Kind of hard to explain to Tmobile why the phone decided to overheat. Seems overly risky to make such an expensive device, run at higher speeds than its DESIGNED to do. But i'm still not sure, it almost DOES seem worth it...decisions, decisions...
Yes, Thank you for clarifying that...I mostly meant, the inconsistency of PZP with the timing of profiles. It seems as if the program will "switch" to the correct profile, but i don't always see a change in the operation of the device itself. Ex: I have it set to go to school mode at 7:30am, this past week(since its spring break, i've noticed that my incoming calls all had the normal ring volume, as well as system tones, etc...
Although it "says" ""School"" i don't really know if its truely in that mode?!
On this note, i have a question about setting the times(which is what i really want to accomplish). My phone goes to LOUD around 5:30am, School at 7:30 am, Normal at 1:55pm, and Quiet at 4pm.
Nooow, do i have to put two times in the school profile such as 7:30 am-1:54(5)???? so that it has an entire time interval...or can i just tell it when to start, and the next profile will automatically kick in and stop the previous.
Also, does putting the phone in standby or shutting it down have any effect on the profile??
I'm sorry in advance if i'm asking very basic questions, i've just been searching for a long period of time, and i usually can't find a specific answer to my question. So I decided I would spend the time to actually discuss MY problem, with hope someone can help. Again, sorry for any inconvienence or redudant questions.
TazMan1688 said:
As much as i'm sure overclocking the device may help, especially in my case. I'm just not sure if its worth the risk. Kind of hard to explain to Tmobile why the phone decided to overheat.
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I have a german T-Mobile MDA Vario (= HTC Wizard) and I'm overclocking it permanently with OmapClock and SmartSKey. There is no overheating as far as I can say/feel. I can speed up to 264 MHz (original = 180 MHz). If I try more, the device softresets itself without any damage or loss of data. It's a kind of security mechanism. Of course, battery life is a little bit shorter when overclocking it. But I'm sure, slightly overclocking doesn't damage the device! Maybe the lifetime of the device will be a bit shorter, lets say 6 months in 5 years, but you won't realize that, because you won't be using your device in 5 years. You will sure own some other phone when the CPU dies. Together with the tool "FreeUp RAM" (comes with SKTools), I can reach a comfortable speed for everyday use. But never forget: The Wizard IS quite slow, compared with other devices. You can find smart workarounds for that, but don't close your eyes on that fact.
For running any GPS navigation tools I would consider buying not a Wizard, but a much faster device, if you would ask me. I'm using my Wizard only for addresses (~ 700 items), calendar (~ 1200 items) etc., and without overclocking and using a program like Pocket Informant 2005, that would be an annoying, maybe impossible thing. At the beginning, I had to wait almost 10-15 seconds until e.g. the month overview was created. Switch to the following month - wait again. Choose a specific day - wait again. Oh my god! That needed more patience than I had.
Are you running a basic install without all the phone networks customisation bloat?
you can do this by hard resetting (you will loose data doing this) and then doing a softreset when the customisation dialogue pops up after setting time zone etc.
this will speed things up over an install with tmobiles bloatware. I run tomtom and my device is in general as reponsive as the magician it replaces.
good luck with your phone
So guys based on your opinions and experience is it worth for me to get the MDA or should I go with a different carrier and a XV/PPC-6700 ?
Hi yozh,
I don't know the 6700-device at all. Maybe we don't have it here in good old Germany, or maybe under a differnt name. Does it have a bigger display (better for navigation)? Does it have a faster CPU? Then take that one! In my eyes I would never like to use the Wizard for navigation. It's only a better phone, not more, not less. For all other purposes I would buy a bigger machine. I do not want to talk bad about my own device, I have bought it and I use it and it's OK for the everyday things I do with it. It has nothing to do with "I'm proud of my device", like some people seem to be here. It's a phone, man, not a Ferrari or a Rolex. You would tell yourself lies, if you would call the Wizard a powerful device. I had a Palm Tungsten T5 before, and THIS is a powerful device. 2600 items in the calendar (true!), and the reaction time was half a second if you tap on the screen! You can go and have a coffee if you do that on a Wizard.
Just think about it. If you buy a Wizard, try it for a day and then write to me what you think about that phone.
Mh. My english should be better, I know.
Just my 2 Cents!
Hi well the 6700 is the apache I belive and the CPU is 416mhz but its not a "dual core" everything else screen adn such is pretty much the same. Thanks for the reply
SO any one on this forums can recoment apache over MDA ?
yozh said:
Im looking to get the Tmobile USA MDA, but after reading posts like this Im alittle afraid.
I need to run TOMTOM on this device and thinking that this might bring the device to a halt. Now Im starting to think that maybe I should get the 6700. Please let me know what you found out about making MDA faster. Thank you.
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See my posts on regarding processor speeds and TomTom.
Wow really TOMTOM runs better on the MDA then on a 400mhz DELL ? Then Im set defenatly getting the MDA, I like GSM network provide3rs better anyway and plus there are so much choices with the phones. I wish I was able to aford the JASJAS that looks really good.
Also don't forget that when you 'close' an appliation it does not really close, it just goes in to background, thus slowing the system down.
Check out your running processes and close all the ones that are not needed or load an app that really closed things.
TazMan1688 said:
1. The MDA came with the default Tmobile theme which works fine in portrait & in landscape, as well as the default blue Windows theme.
However, I have tried to install multiple themes(including some from microsoft themeselves) and i have one annoying error! Whenever I use an "installed" theme, the portrait screen looks fine, but when I open the keyboard...there are two large greyish/white gaps on the side of the theme.
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Themes built for portrait screens look wrong in landscape view. Easy solution: build a theme that works in landscape view. The Guava Bubbles theme works fine in both because the background image is larger than portrait size.
TazMan1688 said:
4. My girlfriend has a sidekick, and I LOVE the feature of being able to set phone profiles for specific times of the day. Especially during school, it'll go silent, and the second we are out, its back on normal. I have downloaded PZP to try and fix this loss of luxury. However, I personally don't find the program to be very consistent. Sometimes, it seems as if say my "school" profile is fully functioning, while other times, it really doesnt. Call me crazy, but I have taken a shot in the dark and ventured to say that if one touches the volume button on the phone while the phone is on a specific will throw it out of its cycle. If anyone has some hints/comments/suggestions of their own on this program or other favorites...I would love to hear from you.
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I use PPC-Profiles-Pro, but you can't slave this to a time. Besides, I'd rather just put it on Silent mode by holding the connection manager button for three seconds (top left side button). Otherwise I use PPC Profiles to switch from Work (BT) to Home (Wifi, no BT) to Sleep (No Wifi, no BT, no email alerts or reminders, just ringer). Walking into a theater, I just go to silent mode.
bilbo_28 said:
Also don't forget that when you 'close' an appliation it does not really close, it just goes in to background, thus slowing the system down.
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I know. I'm using MagicButton. And OmapClock with SmartSKey. And FreeUp RAM. In deed, I do almost EVERYTHING to make my device run faster.

Nexus One - A few questions

I'm really intrigued by the Nexus one, i've been researching this thing for a bit now.
But i still have one open question, i bought a Samsung Galaxy once, but i returned it, the operating temperature was too warm for my sweaty hands.
So how does the Nexus One do heat wise? Does it get warm at all? Or does it heat up quite a bit when let's say web surfing ( via WiFi, which leads my to my next point)
So, my next point is that i will use a prepaid SIM in this phone, i'll be moving back to germany in a year, so i don't have a contract here.
So is it advisable to have this phone without a data plan? Does it ruin the entire experience if i just use Wifi? Is it even possible to turn off Cellular DATA?
I hope to hear good answers, so i can convince myself to buy this shweet and unique phone ^^
nope mine never gets hot, maybe only when charging.
could you give a comparsion on how warm it gets?
i have a zune hd, and i absolutely love it (OLED + Tegra) and it stays fairly cool, i also had an iPod touch, those 2 never really got that warm, so you're saying i won't experience a sweaty hands syndrome with this phone? That's awesome.
And to my other question about turning off mobile data, is there a particular setting that says that?
Thanks in advance!!
creepinshadow said:
I'm really intrigued by the Nexus one, i've been researching this thing for a bit now.
But i still have one open question, i bought a Samsung Galaxy once, but i returned it, the operating temperature was too warm for my sweaty hands.
So how does the Nexus One do heat wise? Does it get warm at all? Or does it heat up quite a bit when let's say web surfing ( via WiFi, which leads my to my next point)
So, my next point is that i will use a prepaid SIM in this phone, i'll be moving back to germany in a year, so i don't have a contract here.
So is it advisable to have this phone without a data plan? Does it ruin the entire experience if i just use Wifi? Is it even possible to turn off Cellular DATA?
I hope to hear good answers, so i can convince myself to buy this shweet and unique phone ^^
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-yes you can turn off cellular. but thats totaly with talk also
-I believe it will ruin the experience of the nexus without data *unless your near wifi mostly*
-but Wifi is AMAZING on this puppy. things load so freakin fast. i kick my best friends iphone 3gs when were surfing on the same router.
i am next to wifi 90% of the day, so it doesn't really matter
but there's no way to just disable DATA over EDGE or 3G?
I use an application called Quick Settings which offers an option to completely turn off mobile data. I'd struggle myself on wireless only though. Sometimes when you're out and about it's invaluable to be able to look something up or check Google Maps.
I use APNdroid works really good
alright! thanks for the quick replies
Hmmm, i think i'm buying this baby right naow
creepinshadow said:
alright! thanks for the quick replies
Hmmm, i think i'm buying this baby right naow
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Good Move Your going to luv this bad boy N1
creepinshadow said:
i am next to wifi 90% of the day, so it doesn't really matter
but there's no way to just disable DATA over EDGE or 3G?
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I use APNdroid on market. works fine. you can turn on and off 3G whenever you like
just one thing...
what would you say?
Sorry for hijack
If i turn heptic feedback off (hate it!), my softkeys don't vibrate anymore..
BUT.. everytime i unlock the phone, it still vibrates.. Is there any way to turn it off (i can't stand it)?
creepinshadow said:
just one thing...
what would you say?
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512 MB RAM > 320 MB RAM
Also, stock UI > Sense UI (FOR ME). I would rather get new ROM updates from Cyanogen etc rather than waiting months and months and months on end for HTC to update (example: what version are Heros running? )
Paul22000 said:
512 MB RAM > 320 MB RAM
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Paul22000 said:
I would rather get new ROM updates from Cyanogen etc rather than waiting months and months and months on end for HTC to update (example: what version are Heros running? )
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makes sense, i had a thought about the delayed update cycle too, and since the Nexus is directly google's baby it'll always get them updates first i reckon.
If you don't have any APNs (access point names), then it won't be able to connect to any data services.
If you buy one without any contract it won't have any APN settings anyway, so as long as you don't add any, you'll be fine
One point though - I don't think wi-fi stay connected when the phone is sleeping (unlike GPRS/3G), so I'm not sure any background syncing will work very well.
I could be wrong about this, but when I have wi-fi on and sleep/switch off the screen it takes a few seconds to re-connect to wi-fi after I switch it back on again, so I assume it's off when sleeping. Maybe if you don't have any other data connection it will stay on?
GlenH said:
If you don't have any APNs (access point names), then it won't be able to connect to any data services.
If you buy one without any contract it won't have any APN settings anyway, so as long as you don't add any, you'll be fine
One point though - I don't think wi-fi stay connected when the phone is sleeping (unlike GPRS/3G), so I'm not sure any background syncing will work very well.
I could be wrong about this, but when I have wi-fi on and sleep/switch off the screen it takes a few seconds to re-connect to wi-fi after I switch it back on again, so I assume it's off when sleeping. Maybe if you don't have any other data connection it will stay on?
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did you actually set WiFi to NEVER turn off??
wifi settings->menu->advanced
creepinshadow said:
i am next to wifi 90% of the day, so it doesn't really matter
but there's no way to just disable DATA over EDGE or 3G?
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not data entirely from what i can find whilst keeping the phone service on.
dondian said:
Sorry for hijack
If i turn heptic feedback off (hate it!), my softkeys don't vibrate anymore..
BUT.. everytime i unlock the phone, it still vibrates.. Is there any way to turn it off (i can't stand it)?
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not from any settings in the phone you would have to ask a developer to either make an application or figure it out yourself
APNdroid rocks!
acidblade said:
I use APNdroid on market. works fine. you can turn on and off 3G whenever you like
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Like acidblade said, APNdroid will turn off cellular data without interrupting phone/sms service. It also has an option for leaving MMS on if you want.
I'm on a prepaid SIM in Italy and it's an awesome app. It's free and has a widget for turning on/off data in case you are away from wifi and need momentary web access. All it does is add "apndroid" at the end of the APN name so that the phone can't connect to the web unless you want it to. Perfect for prepaid users like myself and the OP.
Bravo has less RAM than N1. Also you are forgetting that the N1 WILL be able to run Sense or even Espresso UI and FASTER than Bravo (beacuse of more RAM) via a custom ROM.

Battery Issue Finally Fixed

I read on another site to simply turn off the always on in the wireless settings (not the background data in the sync menu) and my battery life has at least doubled. I was worried that my e-mail would not download or other apps would not work, but all my email still comes. The trick is that while your phone is in sleep mode it does not look for email, but once you use it the phone will get your email. Unless you MUST get your email right away, I would highly recommend changing this setting. All input would be greatly appreciated, I want to see if my good luck is working for other people. On a side note I am using Fresh ROM 2.0d.
Could you post the specific path to the setting you're talking about?
If I set my wifi to anything other than "never sleep", then once my phone goes into sleep mode I have to follow a long, convoluted, pain in the ass procedure to get wifi to work at all.
Hopefully that's not the setting you're talking about?
I posted this exact same thing in another thread two days ago. I was so stoked on my battery performance that I wanted to tell others. It's incredible the difference it makes! If you want even better performance go into Settings>Location...uncheck the use wireless networks box, and check the use GPS. Believe it or not the GPS uses a lot LESS battery life to detect your location than the wireless networks.
I'm getting like 2 whole days out of my phone now after doing these things...and that's with pretty moderate use. Hope other people try it out too.
subliminalurge said:
Could you post the specific path to the setting you're talking about?
If I set my wifi to anything other than "never sleep", then once my phone goes into sleep mode I have to follow a long, convoluted, pain in the ass procedure to get wifi to work at all.
Hopefully that's not the setting you're talking about?
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where are these options?
I agree, I used the GPS as well, not the use wireless network. I forgot about that one. Your phone will only use the GPS when it needs it, not all the time like we used to think. The exact settings are at MENU/SETTINGS/WIRELESS & NETWORKS/MOBILE NETWORKS\AND UNCHECK ENABLE ALWAYS-ON MOBILE
alexthearmo said:
If you want even better performance go into Settings>Location...uncheck the use wireless networks box, and check the use GPS. Believe it or not the GPS uses a lot LESS battery life to detect your location than the wireless networks.
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This will vary from person to person. It will depend A LOT on how good your coverage is in the spot you're currently at.
GPS is GPS. It will require the same amount of juice anywhere on the planet.
Cell chips are different. They are hardcoded to give more electricity to the radio circuit when the signal is weak, for obvious reasons. So if you have a cell tower in your back yard, then yeah, you'll get great battery performance relying on cell based options. If your nearest cell tower is 4 miles away, and you're one of those people that loses signal when you go into your basement, then telling your phone to use cell info is only going to chew up battery even faster....
no thanks. This isn't a fix, it's a pref change.
Fix would mean that everything stays the same and you just get better battery life.
But, good advice none the less, just not for me.
scirio said:
no thanks. This isn't a fix, it's a pref change.
Fix would mean that everything stays the same and you just get better battery life.
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Yeah, people on the forum use the word "fix" WAY too quickly.
"Fix" means everything works like you would expect, and like it should. Around here, people use the word "fix" when what they really mean is "here's a half-assed workaround that's a complete pain in the ass, but it will get 10% of the people by until something better comes along...."....
scirio said:
no thanks. This isn't a fix, it's a pref change.
Fix would mean that everything stays the same and you just get better battery life.
But, good advice none the less, just not for me.
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+1 - 6 minutes and counting to receive a test / text msg, while phone is sleeping. Nice the know though, if I need to really trade connectivity for battery duration. I should test whether sms polling is tied to the email polling interval. Cause it ain't interrupt driven with this setting.
edit: i know it's not really sms polling, but rather the lack of an interrupt(-ion of sleep).
Yes, you are right, it is not a fix, but a great way to increase battery life and like I said, everything works the same. I get messages the exact same way and email will go straight to my phone once I use it.
bigupurself7 said:
Yes, you are right, it is not a fix, but a great way to increase battery life and like I said, everything works the same.
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You sure about that?
When my wife sends me a text, I want to see it 5 seconds later, not 5 minutes later.
That may not matter to you, but when you make a statement to the whole world, you have to realize that some of us care about things that you might not.
How thoroughly did you test before you decided to say "everything works the same"?
Did you really test EVERYTHING? Or did you just test "everything that matters to you"?
I used to turn off background data and stuff on my stock 1.5, and I was thrilled I could actually leave it on with 2.1 so I wouldn't have to wait for google voice texts and gmail to come in. With 2.1 I can go the whole day with moderate usage and still have 40% at least left when I go to bed. Let it charge overnight and I'm good. This is good to know though if I am out in the sticks in a pinch and need the extra battery.
maybe it's different in 2.1 but in 1.5 i tried turning off the "always on" setting under mobile network settings under wireless controls but i found that after a while the phone will fail to restart evdo upon awakening and the only way to fix it is reboot. Never tried it on 2.1 but to me between the time on without signal fix nd upgraded radio i get all the battery life i need...
I get messages right away. I just got another one, tested it with a friend and it came right away!
On a side note, messages and phone calls have nothing to do with the internet. Remember we used to get text messages and phone calls way before smart phones.
bigupurself7 said:
On a side note, messages and phone calls have nothing to do with the internet. Remember we used to get text messages and phone calls way before smart phones.
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Key words... "Used to"....
trust me, it works for me, wish it worked for you guys. its great having amazing battery life!
bigupurself7 said:
trust me, it works for me, wish it worked for you guys. its great having amazing battery life!
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But at what cost?
That's the big question here. Are you 100% sure that you're not missing any communications, or having them delayed?
I'd LOVE to have better battery life, but when it comes down to it my phone is a communication tool. If any battery tweaks delay messages, then they're WORSE then useless, they're actually harmful.
If I wanted to use my phone as a half-assed replacement for a PSP, then I'm sure I could squeeze some amazing battery life out of it, too. But above all, and with NO compromise, I must be able to send and receive communications instantly.
That's what a phone is.
bigupurself7 said:
trust me, it works for me, wish it worked for you guys. its great having amazing battery life!
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Have you rebooted while in that mode?
Yes I have rebooted and just did another test. Got the text right away. Even more interesting is I have a program called Mobile Defense which can find your phone if it is missing and that works as well since it is all done through text messages.

WTF is up with this phone????

3g connection goes on vaca periodically
you have to tweak the ish out of it, ( and im still not happy)
had it since March 24th... US tmobile
still trying to get to where it should be
email sucks , especiallly if you have gmail
i find myself checking this forum more than my email.
its really starting to pis me off.
i had high hopes for this phone , its really not user freindly
i had an iphone for 3 years , and was looking for a good change ,
F it , this is the official complaint here
and oh yeah , everybody i know up here in Boston ,MA. with this phone is complaining!!!!!!!!
WTF htc tmobile
omil25 said:
3g connection goes on vaca periodically
you have to tweak the ish out of it, ( and im still not happy)
had it since March 24th... US tmobile
still trying to get to where it should be
email sucks , especiallly if you have gmail
i find myself checking this forum more than my email.
its really starting to pis me off.
i had high hopes for this phone , its really not user freindly
i had an iphone for 3 years , and was looking for a good change ,
F it , this is the official complaint here
and oh yeah , everybody i know up here in Boston ,MA. with this phone is complaining!!!!!!!!
WTF htc tmobile
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Sorry dude, but you're ranting more than explaining any of the issues.
What exactly are the problems?
ok dr.fixit
why does my web connection get lost every now and then , to the point i have to turn my data connection on and off.. and please dont tell me to disable HSPDA or whatever cuz i tried it and it still happens..
why does zooming in on websites using opera 9 make everything blurry( pics and text) ,please dont tell me to switch to opera 10 cuz that little zoom window that appears is terrible. and the auto resizing sucks.
why doesnt this phone download full emails ( with pics) ,i already set it to download full email , but then i have to manually download pics
i have bsb tweaks, regedit, cookies home tab, cleanram.. and this **** still freezes.
I can understand your annoyance, but talking sarcastically to people showing a wish to assist isn't going to encourage help from these forums.
Does the drop in connection happen when you are stationary (i.e. when you're sat at a desk in an office) or while you're travelling, or both?
Opera 9, are you zooming with pinch-to-zoom or double tapping? or both?
Do you have "Mobile View" ticked in the settings?
Have you got gmail set up as IMAP or POP3?
omil25 said:
i had an iphone for 3 years
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That's the problem.
Stevie has been bottle-feeding you for three years and now you are overwhelmed with the freedom a real phone gives you
like Skycamefalling stated you have had an iphone for 3 years, so the tweaking bit you have to get to grips with, email on the phone works great i have 4 accounts working on mine and 1 of them is push,
tbh some of the issues you list could be down to your provider as opposed to the phone itself.
i have had my HD2 since dec 24th and love it to bits. i do not have any of the probs you list but then i am in the uk with a different version of the phone and a different provider as well.
omil25 said:
3g connection goes on vaca periodically
you have to tweak the ish out of it, ( and im still not happy)
had it since March 24th... US tmobile
still trying to get to where it should be
email sucks , especiallly if you have gmail
i find myself checking this forum more than my email.
its really starting to pis me off.
i had high hopes for this phone , its really not user freindly
i had an iphone for 3 years , and was looking for a good change ,
F it , this is the official complaint here
and oh yeah , everybody i know up here in Boston ,MA. with this phone is complaining!!!!!!!!
WTF htc tmobile
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I can tell you that your 3g problems are probably because of T-Mobiles crappy 3g coverage. I can't get 3g inside any building at all in my area. T-Mobiles 1700 band doesn't penetrate through walls or objects as well as AT&Ts 850 3g band. I really miss AT&Ts 3g coverage... it worked everywhere for me.
For your freezing problems... do you remember to make sure you fully close any apps you aren't using with a task manager. If you have too many things running in the backround it can cause problems. Most people who are used to an iphone don't remember to do that.
skycamefalling ,,,,,that was funny.i have no problem tweaking internally. my iphone was tweaked beyond comprehension. you jester you!!
to all my British bretheren , i have the US version remember.
rp-x1,,,connection lost while both traveling and stable, on opera 9 , mobile view is off, and i use double tap as well as pinch to zoom, email,incoming is imap,outgoing is smtp
I have a TMOUS HD2 and I love it. I guess you have to be kind of technical at least to love this phone. Iphone is a no brainer, locked down OS. Pick up and download apps and use. LOL... All people I know, with an iphone, aren't really technical. I've never really cared for an iPhone. This is my first smartphone, but this is just buying me time for a real Mobile Computer.
daily driver,,,,dude im from Boston ,gimme a break will ya.
i have N-O problem digging into the registry.
RP-X1 ,,, you seem savvy, what do you propose ?
3G i cant help because you have a US version, tweaking wise whats the problem? email wise is it just the pictures downloading you have problem with
demon,,, yes its the pics i have a problem with on the email.
zara-whatever,,,, you have a point, verizon 3g is better then att, but att is better than tmobile,, oh and dude , my task manager is a quick link.
i might just have to go to verizon and get the incredible.......
dailydriver said:
I have a TMOUS HD2 and I love it. I guess you have to be kind of technical at least to love this phone. Iphone is a no brainer, locked down OS. Pick up and download apps and use. LOL... All people I know, with an iphone, aren't really technical. I've never really cared for an iPhone. This is my first smartphone, but this is just buying me time for a real Mobile Computer.
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No, you don't. I have seen and experienced more problems with this phone and I'm an avid android user. I'm experiencing the same issues the poster is having as well, and I've experienced this with two different hd2's within the past couple weeks (buyers remorse is a godsend).
The phone may have the potential to rock face, but it's like my beloved Rx-7's... potential to kick a lot of ass but the reality is they're more problematic than they're worth. The phone has a lot of issues, you shouldn't HAVE to close down a single app in order for your phone to respond. Having the ability to do that is nice, but it shouldn't be a requirement especially if you're only running a couple apps like messages, music, opera and the phone itself.
I say if the person upset can take it back or sell it, do so. I am taking mine back if I don't see any improvements by this weekend.
Tweaking is fun when it functions; tweaking to get things to operate half right and it STILL doesn't even do that is beyond annoying.
Outta curiosity, could we take this phone to at&t and use it? (US side)
To put it another way, I feel as if i'm paying Tmobile/HTC/Windows Mobile to beta test their lack luster phone with zero software support and no forseeable end to the beta or a worthwhile product at the end of the cycle.
omil25 said:
skycamefalling ,,,,,that was funny.i have no problem tweaking internally. my iphone was tweaked beyond comprehension. you jester you!!
to all my British bretheren , i have the US version remember.
rp-x1,,,connection lost while both traveling and stable, on opera 9 , mobile view is off, and i use double tap as well as pinch to zoom, email,incoming is imap,outgoing is smtp
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Does it drop the connection while surfing? If so, did the connection slow down/drop bars first?
Opera, Is it every page that goes fuzzy, does it do it on the mobile versions of the same sites? Do you get a checkerboard effect appear while zooming also?
Can't really help with the gmail issue as I only have hotmail on imap. I have seen a few posts mention that it doesn't download images unless requested. I must admit it does it randomly (although very rarely) on my POP accounts on mine.
I've not been able to track it down as to whether its due to closing the connection to the server prematurely, or whether its just having a funny 5.
neither of my accounts will download pictures auto apperently its a saftey feature something like that let me fine the link for you has more info.
Demon_man said:
neither of my accounts will download pictures auto apperently its a saftey feature something like that let me fine the link for you has more info.
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I know Pocket Outlook stops it automatically, but mine download the entire message through pop after adjusting the settings.
veritas17 said:
No, you don't. I have seen and experienced more problems with this phone and I'm an avid android user. I'm experiencing the same issues the poster is having as well, and I've experienced this with two different hd2's within the past couple weeks (buyers remorse is a godsend).
The phone may have the potential to rock face, but it's like my beloved Rx-7's... potential to kick a lot of ass but the reality is they're more problematic than they're worth. The phone has a lot of issues, you shouldn't HAVE to close down a single app in order for your phone to respond. Having the ability to do that is nice, but it shouldn't be a requirement especially if you're only running a couple apps like messages, music, opera and the phone itself.
I say if the person upset can take it back or sell it, do so. I am taking mine back if I don't see any improvements by this weekend.
Tweaking is fun when it functions; tweaking to get things to operate half right and it STILL doesn't even do that is beyond annoying.
Outta curiosity, could we take this phone to at&t and use it? (US side)
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I really don't understand why some people have all these problems with these phones, even after getting a replacement. I have had no issues whatsoever... I can run usually over 10 apps at a time with no lagging or freezing. It ran fine out of the box for me with no tweeks. I've installed and uninstalled many apps, including ones that were questionable to experiment and test out. I was actually surprised it didn't freeze up with what I threw at it. I've owned 8 other winmo devices and the HD2 has been the fastest, most stable one. So when I see people having problems with freezing, I have to figure you either have a faulty device or it's something the user has done (either installed something or using it in some way that causes it.). So saying that you have to tweak it to get it to work right doesn't apply to everyone or every HD2 and these issues seem to be for certain users or HD2s. It does seem that most of the people with these issues are people who have liitle or no experience with winmo, but I can't figure out how exactly someone would use it to cause these issues. Maybe there's a large number of defective units. idk.
Also, to use your Tmous HD2 on AT&T, you'll need to unlock it first. And you will only get edge speeds with AT&T... no 3g.

[Q] Basic phone (long battery life)

I've been reading xda threads for long now and I have always wondered if there was a way to transform a smartphone into a basic phone. Let me explain myself.
I own an HTC HD2 and I'm really satisfied with it's big screen, power, ... I live in a house with electricity cool and thus charging it every 1 or 2 days is not a real problem. But once a while I have to live a fews days or a week without electricity (for example holidays like a one week camping), but I still have to receive a few important phone calls.
I'm using Android right now and this led me to think of a linux build (for example launched from WM) that would only enable us to browse our contacts directory and manage phone calls. The interface would be very simple, without beautiful effects, and I guess it would be possible for the battery to last very long this way, since most of the apps launched on powerful OS would not even be included. There would be not slidings, no transparency, and everything that require power.
I'm sorry if such a topic exists but I took some time to search and nothing appeared. And please don't replay "It is not the purpose of smartphones" since I know that, I've made a choice and I'm satisfied, but I just want to know if there's a way to make it even better.
I'm not (yet?) a developer so what I ask might be unrealistic, but I'm convinced this idea could be useful to most people. There could also be other ways to achieve this, like another OS or just a WM mode...
Don't you think it would be great to be able to switch to this when long battery life is needed ?
dalapigi said:
I've been reading xda threads for long now and I have always wondered if there was a way to transform a smartphone into a basic phone. Let me explain myself.
I own an HTC HD2 and I'm really satisfied with it's big screen, power, ... I live in a house with electricity cool and thus charging it every 1 or 2 days is not a real problem. But once a while I have to live a fews days or a week without electricity (for example holidays like a one week camping), but I still have to receive a few important phone calls.
I'm using Android right now and this led me to think of a linux build (for example launched from WM) that would only enable us to browse our contacts directory and manage phone calls. The interface would be very simple, without beautiful effects, and I guess it would be possible for the battery to last very long this way, since most of the apps launched on powerful OS would not even be included. There would be not slidings, no transparency, and everything that require power.
I'm sorry if such a topic exists but I took some time to search and nothing appeared. And please don't replay "It is not the purpose of smartphones" since I know that, I've made a choice and I'm satisfied, but I just want to know if there's a way to make it even better.
I'm not (yet?) a developer so what I ask might be unrealistic, but I'm convinced this idea could be useful to most people. There could also be other ways to achieve this, like another OS or just a WM mode...
Don't you think it would be great to be able to switch to this when long battery life is needed ?
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That is actually quite interesting, but the first time I have heard of such a query in the 9 months this phone has been released.
Just out of interest, have you tried running the phone with just the standard WM interface to see how long the battery lasts?
Alternative solutions:
1 - You could always try wind-up, or solar charger.
2 - buy the cheapest PAYG phone you can get (on your network)and put your HD2 SIM in it.. These tend to last quite a few days on standby and you don't really care if it gets bashed or wet.
fred_up said:
Alternative solutions:
2 - buy the cheapest PAYG phone you can get (on your network)and put your HD2 SIM in it.. These tend to last quite a few days on standby and you don't really care if it gets bashed or wet.
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could u really do that? </3
Those are nice ideas ! (Infact I've lost my cheap phone recently)
Morpheus, what you mean is WM without sense ? I'm not sure there would be a huge improvement...
dalapigi said:
WM without sense ? I'm not sure there would be a huge improvement...
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you can turn Sense off in Settings/More/Today,
and according to BattClock power consumption on my Leo (YMMV) is:
Sense: 100-300 mA
Windows Default: 42 mA
Turning off sense would give you a noticable amount of battery life......
The sense interface is a hungry hungry beast........
The linux idea is nice but the problem is that it would be running on top of windows and therefore not save any battery.........
Luckily I still have my trusty (4 days without a charge) N95........
The old girl still comes in handy...
D4rkSoRRoW said:
could u really do that? </3
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Whenever I break my good phone I just use a T-mobile PAYG phone until I can order a new phone. Or if I'm going camping or biking or something.
nice i will try to disable sense ! thanks for this tip
about linux, i believe i read that wm is completzly shut down when launching android (it only serves as a trigger ?)
Running SPB Mobile Shell, I lose 1% of battery life every 3 hours on standy. That's with data and wifi turned off and just the phone running. That would give me about 300 hours of standby time. In theory that should last you a week with a few short calls.
Problem with Android/Ubuntu on this phone right now is you have to run it off the sd card, which draws a lot more power. Whenever the screen is on it draws a lot of power anyway. The best I've done so far is 6% drain over 8 hours with just the phone running in standby.
The most obvious/best solution for you is to just bring an old dumb phone instead or as backup. Then you can just slip the sim card out and use that to make/receive calls.

