terminate data connection on device sleep? - HD2 General

Is there any way to kill data connection when the device goes to sleep or you hit the sleep button?
Too much of a battery hit?
Any advice appreciated!

Anyone? It would really make my day! Cheers.

Me too! So need auto disconnect.

+1 here, big battery drain

data battery drain
This was not an issue for me on my HD, while a lot of people felt it was an issue for them.
Battery drain was not noticably more with data on to data off.
I did use an email scheduler on my HD, as I had MSVC set to announce new msgs and didn't want to be woken at night.
Google Gudensoft email scheduler.
No guarantee it will work on the HD2.

I think phonealarm has this functionality
Cheers David

Thanks davwil. Although I was hoping for a free solution. Don't want to have to pay 18.50 for this basic function..
Any other experienced winmo users care to help?

surely theres a reg entry to enable this... need 2 know!

replace on registry at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Comm\ConnMgr\Planner\Settings\
SuspendResume = GPRS_bye_if_device_off
CacheTime = xxx (where xxx are seconds before auto disconnect)
Try at first CacheTime = 10 so you can test the "function".
I'm using this, that DON'T suspend at sleep, but disable data after usage.

Hey Guys,
I just tried the reg tweak, it works perfectly whilst the phone is on... however, as soon as there is an event that triggers the connection when the phone is in sleep mode it just stays connected. In my case, if the phone syncs with my hotmail account when i am using the device it disconnects perfectly .. not so much when it was sleeping!
Can u think of any other way to solve this??
I've been trying some other tweaks and cabs .. nodatainroaming.cab and the cristoff diamond tweak utility .. but they all have the same problem ..
if anyone knows a way around this .. please let me know.

I've googled around with no solution, till now, for this "issue".

I've been experiencing this issue too. The reg edit works fine when the phone is being used but when locked etc the data connection stays alive.


Make your XDA I/II turn itself off after new SMS faster,etc.

So, after diggin' for long time in registry on Pocket PC 2002 ROMs I've found nice feature - HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Power\
(may vary cause this is from 2003 ROM, for now I have but was like this and works on 2002), has value WakeUpPowerOff = 180 (by default).
This value (in seconds) determines, how long device will be on after:
1. power on by "power" button (and no other activity - no taps, no any hardware buttons pressing) - it userful for example to see "what's on
today", time, etc...
2. power on by incoming event like SMS or calendar one.
And after you touch screen\ other button - then as I found starts another, "original" timer, defined in Start->Settings->System->Power.
I've set above WakeUp parameter to WakeUpPowerOff = 12 (smallest that works really at mine device) and what I got? This:
When I need to look into today's or time or missed calls etc - I just press power look at screen and devices turns iself off byself. Not great effort but - heh - longer live for power button
But this is more important: When incomes SMS (I have gate from internet inbox to sms so have a lot of smses) - devices comes on only for 12 secs - for day it increases significantly battery life. (aha - 180sec and 12sec - differs!) (etc...). So we can set auto Off timer for 1 minute and work in normal mode (when we tap or read something, smaller is not so much siutable), but with this WakeUp timer also when we don't use device we get very small time to byself on\off-ing and longer battery life.
But after appearing 2003 in my wallaby and then after bying himalaya I have changed this parameter with no effect.
Now I find solution!
We need to change one more parameter in that registry subdirectory named:
DisableGwesPowerOff=1 by defalut. Simpy set it to 0.
And now on my XDA II (and on XDA I with 2003) this hacks works.
I think this will be userful for our XDA community. Thanks for paying attention for this text.
Hey, that is a very, very cool hack! I have always been annoyed when my XDA2 is in my pocket and I receive an SMS when I can't reply. During the 2 minutes before it switches itself off I find that the screen gets pressed a lot in my pocket with sometimes disastrous results.
This hack seems to have no side-effects at all. The XDA2 stays switched on in the cradle and changing the Power-off-on-battery setting doesn't reset this auto-off timer.
I dare to suggest even that it is perfect! Thank you very much nugged.
Thank you realy love this one :idea:
Works fine with 5sec off on XDAII.
2 SiliconS: That's some kind of pleasure to share with info and to help.
2 eme: 5 sec? hmm... Ah! I think I have bigger lag cause I have setted up password protection and maybe it needs some time to initialize after on/before off... You haven't password protection on?
Anyway - it's works.
I've just had a thought: does this hack affect the alarms and appointment notifications? Does the machine turn itself off after 12 seconds and stop the alarm working? That might be a problem for some people if so. I can't test at the moment - my wife is asleep
Just tested, quietly . It does affect the alarm. I set a repeating alarm. The machine turned on, sounded the alarm once and then switched off. When I turned it on again a few seconds later it sounded a repeat.
I think this hack is excellent if you don't use your XDA2 for alarms or notifications. Otherwise it might cause problems. :?
every PocketPC turns itself automatically on at midnight, to perform some magic regarding alarms etc. It is a known problem that sometimes it turns off too soon again, before having finished its work. There are even programs to make this time-out longer. Question: does you hack also affect this time-out, or is it something completely unrelated?
2 tadzio: Mine never do this. What "reorganization"? Mine works fine, don't miss any appointments and haven't midnight magic power-ons ...
2 SiliconS: Yes, so that's maybe who need to have long alarms install additional soft and\or set up time longer, smth like 15 seconds.
As for me - yes, I use mine device lot of time so it often in mine hands and at my eyes so I don't need long alarms.
Lets explore info above (at 1st post) here more deeply maybe someone find solution for short WakeUpPowerOff time and working long alarms if needed.
Put down the pipe!!
What are you guys on, hacking the on time? I must be really confused... what about just using the power settings to turn of backlight after 10 seconds and power off if not used for 1 minute?
That's all I ever do and mine lasts easily through a weekend with a few hours of talk time and checking my e-mail at least 20 times.
2 wayandrs: That's your decision If you satisfied with that standard system - good . Anyway - it's not an order - it's just advice
Look - when you setup to run your backlight off after 10 seconds - try to work normally then .
nugged said:
2 tadzio: Mine never do this.
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Yes, it does. You just don't see it because it's only a partial power-up: the display does not get switched on.
The OS needs to clean up appointments, and set alarms for the new day. Most of the time it succeeds, but sometimes the device powers off automatically before the OS could finish, resulting in alarms not going off. This is what tools like "Wakeup Tweak" are for - they just extend the time-out until the device powers down again.
Also, zendrui (the PocketZenPhone author) had a lot of... umm... fun with this feature when users configured PocketZenPhone to automatically switch modes at midnight. Ask him, I think he knows a lot more about this than he ever wanted to know.
I miss the old 2003 future and wish SMS dose not turn IMATE-II on..
hope some body listen there and give a soltion. it was built in before some bodies complain about it.
2 eme: 5 sec? hmm... Ah! I think I have bigger lag cause I have setted up password protection and maybe it needs some time to initialize after on/before off... You haven't password protection on?
Yes, no password protection.
Btw I managed to connect over BT to Linux machine and have acces to local net and web. That 's nothing ok. But managed also to use device cca
100m+ away form my BT acces point. Just put USB dongle on extended
cable and if possible outside of your room. My is on the attic.
Think, PC makes som interference to BT rx for sure. If anybody interesting
on this can write som more..
2 eme: after setting this hack do you have some troubles with 'midnight self turning-ONs of device with turned off display and some reogranization' as tadzio has?
2 tadzio: so, device turning itself on withot turning on display? Sounds very interesting. Anyway - we can say so our devices stays on every time even turned off by the key, they only slowing down processor and turning off display and some hardware, cause they need to refresh SDRAM memory, to track and remember appointments to wake up at needed time, etc.
And, anyway, if this 'midnight ONs' are have place, if they are not turning on display - ppc works in another mode and I think this registry value is not related to them. But this - for me - is very strange information.
Please, Daniel, give detailed info/links, if you know this question good or don't bewilder other peoples, who read this topic.
nugged said:
2 eme: after setting this hack do you have some troubles with 'midnight self turning-ONs of device with turned off display and some reogranization' as tadzio has?
I do not have any appointments stored in my device.
Cant wait for Linux to run on it with graphical enviromet.
Than we can all forget this misterious M$ hacks.
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eme said:
nugged said:
2 eme: after setting this hack do you have some troubles with 'midnight self turning-ONs of device with turned off display and some reogranization' as tadzio has?
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Oh, I didn't mean to say that I have any problems. In fact, before I apply this hack I wanted to make sure that it will likely not cause any problems, that's why I asked if the author knows about any possible interaction between the midnight wakeup and his hack. I would suspect there is none, but I am not sure.
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nugged said:
Please, Daniel, give detailed info/links, if you know this question good or don't bewilder other peoples, who read this topic.
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Here is more information about this: http://www.mtekk.com.au/browse/page826.html
problem need help
Alrite i tried with a 12. It works well. As expected, but things happen when my phone rings, with a long rintone i have, it got cut off and then it went back to standby mode, making the call still ringing behind the background, after a while it was turn on again. It annoying when i cannot hear the first part of the ring. I end up not picking up importants calls... Anyway to help this desperado? ow i want to change back but its like the same...

WMWifiRouter Automated Registry Hack Issue

First of all, you guys doing the development for our devices are simply amazing. By improving the usability of our pda phones you are actually significantly improving the quality of day to day life (at least for me personally). It's a big deal, so thank you for all your work.
I don't post very often, but I lurk every day and generally have no issues to post about, but now one has come about that I need some help with.
So I just began using Chainfire's WMWifiRouter yesterday for the first time, and it works perfectly for me. To be able to wirelessly tether multiple laptops is an unbelievably useful and cool capability. One of the features built in which is a very welcome one is also causing me a problem.
As you all know (if you've used the program) it is set up to keep the wifi active if you hit the power button and put the device in standby.
My issue is that it seems that the change it makes to keep the wifi active in standby doesn't revert to the default setting when the program is closed. So when I'm not using the program and I am connected to a wifi network in my house, and I press the power button, the battery is still draining very fast. Normally I can keep it in standby all day just waiting for calls to come in to wake it up and the battery will barely go down. But today I put it in standby and try to turn it on a couple hours later and it's completely dead.
It is just my assumption that the problem is caused by what I described because using this program is the only new thing I've begun doing since yesterday before the problem existed. Soft reset doesn't change anything, and the "crash cleanup" option doesn't help.
Can anyone confirm that I am correct in my assumption of the cause of the problem? Or any other ideas of what could be causing it? Just to be clear, I'm using a version that came with my rom (Colonel's 12-28-07 custom rom for the sprint mogul) and it is an older verion, v.081. I would try the newest version, but I couldn't find any details on the website about how much it costs once the trial is over.
Thanks a lot if anyone can help, I'd appreciate any bits of insight even if you're not completely sure.
So, no one has any thoughts on this?
It is becoming quite annoying to have to turn off the wifi in the comm manager every time I put the phone into standby just so it's not dead in an hour and a half.
Also, if I leave the wifi on and hit the power button, when I turn it back on the symbol shows the wifi connection still active but when trying to stream a radio station or open a browser it won't connect, and I have to turn off and back on the wifi to get a new working connection.
I'd just like to know if any of the other thousands of wmwifirouter users have the same experience, or just haven't noticed it or what.
Mogulus: Please try my Wifi Profiles -option Wifi Power->Normal Mode in menu.
Your program absolutely did the trick, thank you so much.
The only other suggestion I got was to flip off the wifi switch before entering standby and flipping it back on when returning from standby. Well that is simple enough but when you're picking the thing up every few minutes to check a random thing that pops in your head, that extra step gets so annoying.
Again, thanks a lot, you can expect a donation from me.
Thank you!!
You are welcome
And Your suggestion - added to tasklist

Data Disconnects in Sleep

Well it's been an eventful month
Lost old faithful (700wx), bought an 800w just returned it due to keyboard issues, got a treo pro this morning.
Got my pro activated this morning, which seems to be very nice.
But of course things were going too well... lol
I have an IM app that I keep running along with some email apps.
They maintain a connection and notify me about messages.
As soon as the screen turns off, the data cuts out and doesn't kick in again until I turn the phone back on.
I tried Wifi the same thing happens.
Does anyone know how to get around this?
Another related topic. The programs in question normally run in the background. When I hit the "X" they should keep running in the background like they did on my other two treo's. On this guy when I hit that X on either app it completely exits.
Is this some kind of OS configuration I need to change?
Well I figured out the "X"
Still can't get the data connection to stay on though
Well I found diamond tweak that always keeps the connection on so that'll work.
Can you share the reg change plz? I'd like to do the same while slinging wifi
There is a program called "advance configuration tool" that has a setting to keep wifi on while the screen turns off. Download it and give it a try, the setting is kind of hidden, once you install go to the bottom right softkey and seach for it there. I do not remember exactly where it is but you could google it and you will surely find it.
That works with Wifi connection, should works with dataconnection
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Contro l\Power\State\Suspend\{98C5250D-C29A-4985-AE5F-AFE5367E5006}
-change (Default) DWORD Dec to 1
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Contro l\Power\State\Resuming\{98C5250D-C29A-4985-AE5F-AFE5367E5006}
-change (Default) DWORD Dec to 1
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Contro l\Power\State\Unattended\{98C5250D-C29A-4985-AE5F-AFE5367E5006}
-change (Default) DWORD Dec to 1
^^ Awesome thanks for posting the individual reg changes!
I don't use Advance Config Tool because it messes with some of my reg changes I made so everytime I open/close ACT it changes some stuff and I have to go back and reset them in the reg...
I have the problem that the device does not check my email account. Do I understand it correctly, that no data sessions are active in sleep mode? No GPRS (or above)?!
What's that for a config? You buy a phone where you can set up your mail account to check every 10 minutes your email account but in 99% of the time the phone is in sleep mode and therefore does not check mails...?!
Please say that's not the reason for my problem...
Would these work to keep the GPS alive when I lock the keyboard. I want to turn on GPSTuner and toss the Treo Pro in my pocket. So far my choices are a) leave it unlocked and risk making an unintended call from the trail or b) locking the device using "keylock" and then the GPS shuts down so the GPS does not record my hike.
Is there a way to keep the GPS alive while Keylock is engaged?
The three registry changes did not keep the GPS active when Keyguard was engaged. Shucks. So again...
Is there any way to keep the GPS alive while Keylock is engaged? Thanks.
dbsoundz said:
I have the problem that the device does not check my email account. Do I understand it correctly, that no data sessions are active in sleep mode? No GPRS (or above)?!
What's that for a config? You buy a phone where you can set up your mail account to check every 10 minutes your email account but in 99% of the time the phone is in sleep mode and therefore does not check mails...?!
Please say that's not the reason for my problem...
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Is this a problem with all treo pro devices?! Also flexmail does not check mails regularly... The programm is also configured not to close while pushing X...
This is really a really big bug... This phone is almost not usable...
I noticed this article regardin setting up an email account:
Last sentence is:
IMPORTANT: The device power-off timer is reset each time you synchronize. If your sync interval is shorter than the power-off interval, your smartphone doesn't turn off.
If I do understand it correctly that means: power of = no email checking...
this works at any damn phone... such a "feature" is really inappropriate.
dbsoundz said:
I noticed this article regardin setting up an email account:
Last sentence is:
IMPORTANT: The device power-off timer is reset each time you synchronize. If your sync interval is shorter than the power-off interval, your smartphone doesn't turn off.
If I do understand it correctly that means: power of = no email checking...
this works at any damn phone... such a "feature" is really inappropriate.
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No. Let me give you an example. Let's say your phone is set to blank out in 5 minutes. You set your email sync time to 4 minutes. After 4 minutes, your phone polls for new mail. At the same time, the phone resets the power down timer for another 5 minutes. So, by the phone continually resetting the power off for one minute longer than the mail sync time, it never powers down. And, because of that, drains the battery quicker. They're not telling you this is a "feature". They're warning you that this setup is a battery drainer -- better to lose some automatic mail syncing than lose phone power before the end of the day.
Hello kraski,
I think you mistaken me a little.
Problem is in one sentence summarized: scheduled Mail receiving does not work with Palm Treo unless you make above written steps to prevent the phone from going to standby, (most) other WM phones receive mails while in standby...
-> Where is the point to make such a "feature"? In standby the phone also receives phone calls! And SMS... And such an internet phone has to check mails also in standby, w/o discussion or not?!

wifi not disconnecting in standby

Hi everyone
I have a strange problem since a couple of days. If turn my HD2 off (standby) the wifi connection remains alive. This naturally is a massive battery drain and the only thing I can do, is to manually turn it of whenever I don't need it. Does anyone have a solution for this problem.
After this problem appeared I thought I might have accidentally turned on the WiFi Standby tweak in BsB Tweaks. It appears turnoff in BsB Tweaks. So I thought I might try turning it on an then off again to clean up the registry, but I don't seem to be able to turn it on so it sticks. I'm thinking maybe BsB Tweaks isn't actually showing whether it's turned on or not. Does anyone know the reg-key concerned, so I can check manually whether it's turned on.
Thanks for your help
I have exactly the same problem. Have you found a solution?
I had this problem today where it constantly kept trying to connect and my battery went from 73% to 4% within a few hours, even though i selected cancel.
do you have bsbtweaks installed? there is a tweak in there that lets wifi stay on when on standby, perhaps that is active?
this is not issue this is normal , as they make the end key closes the screen they should have stretched the wifi turn off time after standby so wait from 2-3 minuites after going to stand by and you will find it closed automatically
hoss_n2 said:
this is not issue this is normal , as they make the end key closes the screen they should have stretched the wifi turn off time after standby so wait from 2-3 minuites after going to stand by and you will find it closed automatically
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it was doing exactly how you say before, but it now never disconnects. I keep forgetting to turn it off and it's such a battery killer. "keep wifi connection in standby" is not active under BSB Tweaks by the way.
samsamuel said:
do you have bsbtweaks installed? there is a tweak in there that lets wifi stay on when on standby, perhaps that is active?
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BSB Tweaks, my wifi in standby option is also off so no real solution yet
Ding...has anyone got a solution for this yet?
chuelibrueder said:
Hi everyone
I have a strange problem since a couple of days. If turn my HD2 off (standby) the wifi connection remains alive. This naturally is a massive battery drain and the only thing I can do, is to manually turn it of whenever I don't need it. Does anyone have a solution for this problem.
After this problem appeared I thought I might have accidentally turned on the WiFi Standby tweak in BsB Tweaks. It appears turnoff in BsB Tweaks. So I thought I might try turning it on an then off again to clean up the registry, but I don't seem to be able to turn it on so it sticks. I'm thinking maybe BsB Tweaks isn't actually showing whether it's turned on or not. Does anyone know the reg-key concerned, so I can check manually whether it's turned on.
Thanks for your help
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Check this registry value...
It should be 0 to turn off wifi when in standby.
Hope this helps
Ignore the space in "HTCKeepWifiOnWhenUnattended" above. It's this forum - it's always doing that
I've found this:
I've set it from default 30000(30 seconds) to 5000 (5 seconds) and WiFi does restart when I power-on after 5 seconds.
NuShrike said:
I've found this:
I've set it from default 30000(30 seconds) to 5000 (5 seconds) and WiFi does restart when I power-on after 5 seconds.
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that didn't help me, still stays connected in standby.
This thread is interesting. I, on the other hand, would like to keep wifi ON while in standby (with screen off). For certain programs such as Pandora, I would like it playing in the background but have my screen off.
I am having the opposite issue. I can't seem to make it do that given the tips I found already on this thread.
I tried changing the following from 0 to 1 but noticed that when I poweroff phone, it goes back to being 0. Can anyone help me out? Sorry I don't mean to take over your thread. Maybe I should start a new similar thread with an opposite meaning..

Data Connection stays on

So, I find that when I use a browser or any other data connection software, the data connection stays on after exiting the browser or other data use software. This tends to run my battery down extra fast if I forget to go into the Comm Manager and turn off the data connection manually. Or I'm in a situation where I can't take the extra time.
Question 1: what are other people doing about this?
Question 2: Is there a something like the WiFi switch programs (I'm using AKToggleWiFi) which make turning the data connection on or off something that can be done with a button or shortcut on the today screen?
On Question 2, the main thing I don't like about the Comm Manager are the number of steps involved, and when I turn on the Comm Manager, it takes a few seconds for it to realize that the data connection is on, before I can turn it off.
Thanks in advance
frankenbike said:
So, I find that when I use a browser or any other data connection software, the data connection stays on after exiting the browser or other data use software. This tends to run my battery down extra fast if I forget to go into the Comm Manager and turn off the data connection manually. Or I'm in a situation where I can't take the extra time.
Question 1: what are other people doing about this?
Question 2: Is there a something like the WiFi switch programs (I'm using AKToggleWiFi) which make turning the data connection on or off something that can be done with a button or shortcut on the today screen?
On Question 2, the main thing I don't like about the Comm Manager are the number of steps involved, and when I turn on the Comm Manager, it takes a few seconds for it to realize that the data connection is on, before I can turn it off.
Thanks in advance
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Try this:
To disconnect network when idle for 1 min
Delete the following key: "SuspendResume"
add "CacheTime" value of 60
This should disable the connection if its idle for 1 min
hope i helped!!!!
Thank you! That works!. I set it for 30 seconds (BTW, had to use DWord, not string). I didn't delete the old Key, just set it to zero. I may need it for times when I'm doing a chat or something that I can't have it log off during...experimentation to follow.
Why doesn't it come with an option to turn off the data connection instead of burning through the battery after a certain wait period?
frankenbike said:
Thank you! That works!. I set it for 30 seconds (BTW, had to use DWord, not string). I didn't delete the old Key, just set it to zero. I may need it for times when I'm doing a chat or something that I can't have it log off during...experimentation to follow.
Why doesn't it come with an option to turn off the data connection instead of burning through the battery after a certain wait period?
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To be honest I gave up on trying to understand Microsoft's reasoning, there is a number of performance issues that could be resolved easily that they choose not to fix.. They are special like that .. I thought about trying just disabling registry instead of deleting it, Glad that worked for you.
The difference in power use is profound. I think data connection wasn't just happening when I used it, but would go on by itself and stay that way. This is the first time I've seen this much power left in the battery after a whole day. It's still reading 100%, even though I've used the phone a couple of times. In 5 months, that has never happened.
I wish my wife's LG Touch was as open to problem solving as my WinMo phone. I'm pretty sure her phone has a similar problem draining down the battery.
new imagio issues...
I am very glad to be returning to a winmo phone, after having been forced to use blackberry for a while. I have used many windows phones in the past, so am sort of familiar with rom flashing and registry edits.
Just got an HTC imagio, and am using it with corporate exchange server, connected through VPN. I have a couple issues that I am hoping someone can help with. When my VPN is enabled, I go through the entire battery in less than 6 hours. When it is disabled, battery lasts for about 2 days. Any ideas about how to make the battery last longer w/ VPN enabled? Would the approach described about disconnecting network when idle help with this?
In any case, I would like to try. Would someone mind please directing me to a registry editor that works on imagio? thanks, and I'd very much appreciate any other ideas!
sorry for yelling...I am just so freakin' happy. This forum is great!

