Finally Decided to buy HTC Hero vs. HTC Touch HD - Hero, G2 Touch General

Hey Guys,
It is quite good that nowadays there are heaps of reviews/comments for everything specially Handheld devices. but it make decision so hard! Once you decide to buy something you will find some Cons for your selected device!
I was going to buy HTC Touch HD, I really like its big screen and so called iPhone killer features (hahah...) but then I get familiar with HTC Hero which comes with Open Source OS (I m crazy about Open source things! once you try it you really feel freedom!). so I changed my mind!
Although Android and HTC Hero have quite long way to go, but I think it is worthy to try, since Open source application develop very fast and once a bug happen (like lag problem in HTC) a big community programmers can get together to fix it. I dont wanna talk about open source capabilities cuz a lot to say. just have look at how ubuntu and other Open source OSs have been developed and today software vendors make a copy of them in their new applications (like MacBooks fancy effect copied from Compiz package in Linux)
So I just feel that I will go with HTC Hero and my main motivation is open source OS. and the simplicity of programming in this new platform (it integrate with Eclipse my favourite IDE. I tried to code for WinMo but honestly it was quite hard for me to deal with .NET things! )
I didnt choose Touch HD (or iphone) just because of their restrictions and less flexibility compare with Open sources softwares.
Hope some folks find my lines interesting and motivator

I have both and since getting my Hero the HD barely gets used (Both on seperate contracts).
I prefer it because of the screen, the way it is handled and displayed and generally the OS runs so much smoother than Windows Mobile.
If (or should I say when) Android gets ported to the HD I will try it on that and see how that goes!
But I am happy with my Hero .

mmm... I never think of that, so you mean it is possible to port Andriod for other devices? does it available for other HTC models as actual OS not simulated run on top of WinMo?

pi3ch said:
mmm... I never think of that, so you mean it is possible to port Andriod for other devices? does it available for other HTC models as actual OS not simulated run on top of WinMo?
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It's actually not that simple. There is an Android project ongoing for the Diamond and Raphael (Touch Pro) but it more experimental than anything. I've tried it on my Diamond and some parts of it did work but as it is now you could not use it every day.
The HD running Android and the HTC Sense UI would be awesome though
Edit: Android loads on the Diamond by running a program called Haret which loads some initial bits and then the phone reboots into Android. Next time you soft reset it goes back to WinMo.


The HTCANDROID project! Let's get it running!

As i've previously mentioned here once (I think), i started a small forum where I tried to gather all the setups for running Android on various HTC models. Now that the HTC G1 (Dream) is soon released, we will will get some very interesting challenges while trying to build Android ROM's, etc..
This forum is great, but its also very big. Thought that it might be a good idea to have our android resources on a separate forum?
Anyways, thought i could register a domain and such, but for now the forum is at
Some of you are there already! Hopefully, with the experienced user base we have here, we can get Android ROMS and whatnot for our HTC models, as the HTC Dream looks rather poor. (Although better devices will surely come in the future).
you must be joking. Android is a total OS unlike apps that we see all over which are portable among HTC devices. It takes months alone just to get Android as it is today for the kaiser. Mostly everything for WM can be ported among other devices which some exceptions to nontouch devices. It'll be a long time until you see Android ported over to more devices than now. My suggestion would be to use a device that's got android projects already in progress or at your nearest convenience to buy a device with android on it.
Think we misunderstand each other, but you dont believe that if we can extract the android ROM from the HTC Dream, and modify and install it on lets say, the Kaiser?
You can always try before saying that it isn't going to work.
I will track this post because i'm very curious by the Android OS.
I get it...and completely understand what this is's HTC...which means theoretically we should be able to at least somewhat get it working...I've started a wizard thread on your new forum in hopes that any information or progress getting it ported over gets posted all in one location for easy access....kudo's for thinking ahead as I dont think android is going anywhere soon and while this forum is very useful it's mostly for winmo devices....nothing wrong with speading the wings a lil bit and branching out...
looking forward to the press conference!!
I would say we should be able to get Android to run on the OS level of our devices, but it will probably need a bit of modifying. However, since it's open source I'm hoping the modifying will be a lot easier because of this.
I was just on HTC homepage ( ), where the G1 is shown.
They printed the specs, which are very similar to the diamond
Same chipset, same rom size, same ram size,...
SO I think, it would be ( maybe easily?) possible to port android to the diamond
greets doena
WatskeBart said:
I will track this post because i'm very curious by the Android OS.
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Same here!
If my memory does not fail, I remember that one of the first peaks at Android was being run in a Blue Angel. So, I guess there is a big chance that we might in fact be able to see Android running on more than one device (of course, you will have more or less features depending on the device's capabilities and hardware limitations, namely apps that work with an accelerometer, etc).
Maybe, the development should be worth following because as much as I don't want to believe it, my device (Blue Angel) will only trick death for so long (by death I mean not being able to move to newer versions of WM) and we will need a way to pass the time .
HTC Touch Vogue in progress of being ported
Hey don't forget about the senior member "DZO" that started ANDROID porting to HTC Vogue and it is Successful
This is his direct link to the files :
And here is the link to the posting:
I think he did a GREAT job porting Android. I am running Android 0.9 with most of the featuress except installing programs but only because he is the only one that does that. So, he needs help! I am sure... Plus, on this site people are cheeping in for HTC Diamond so he can work on that too...
Here is the link:
So, if you want something done we should start by contributing either money, or programming support! I wish I knew how to program this
ahhhh I wish I would have fully functional Android on my HTC
Thanks for the support! The forums are slightly active now!
Hopefully, we will be able to get Android running more or less flawless soon! As pointed out, its possible!
he he nice link, it seems that there are allready htc devices running with android.
just wondering, is it possible to have dual boot in one device ?
hmmm, seems to have no desktop syncing.. this may be a huge set back for anyone trying to get androig running on another HTC device.
crescentsaber said:
just wondering, is it possible to have dual boot in one device ?
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well currently (or in the case of the vogue) android is being booted via haret (a linux bootloaded) running on top of windows mobile.. so i guess its already kind of dual boot
For now, Android has to be run from within Windows Mobile, so no true dual boot yet
Already started
Hey you guys might want to check out the following links. Over at PPC Geeks they already have a thread going:
Also if you want to download the current Android cab for HTC go to:
doena said:
I was just on HTC homepage ( ), where the G1 is shown.
They printed the specs, which are very similar to the diamond
Same chipset, same rom size, same ram size,...
SO I think, it would be ( maybe easily?) possible to port android to the diamond
greets doena
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Diamond doesnt have QWERTY keyboard, so i think it could be on Touch Pro instead
Someone ported Android for BlueAngel?
Please can someone tell me if Android is already running in BlueAngel? If there is a way show me how. Thanks Man!!!
Maybe I'm mistaken, but wasn't Android made so that it can run on a wide range of devices. I, for one, can't wait till its ported to samsung omnia. Damn, that would be good!
What does the cab file do? Its an OS, so cab file??

[Q]Android on Blackstone

So I see the Qualcomm Chipset is the same as the G1 phone, do you reckon we'll see a rom for this?
Hands down, I know nothing about rom making.
But one thing is for sure;
There will be Android on many of the HTC handsets out there, and Touch HD probebly going to one of the first phones with a fully ported version of Android.
Kaiser is the one who probebly be the first the rom makers will make a fully working Android phone, since most people who owns the phone is very skilled in rom making and they have already come a long way. You can run Android on a Kaiser today, even if the G1 hasnt been released yet.
Since Android is based on a linux kernel, it is quite easy to play around with it and do whatever you want with it. It's possibly plausible to port it to a laptop with enough work (if you would want that).
Wait and see, there will probebly be android on the Touch Pro, Diamond and the Touch HD sooner or later. Just a matter of time, and depending on how many developers who will work on it.
The developer scene just need a little kick in the but, they need to move forward. And one thing that the scene needs right now is a rawdump of the android os.
Android (or even iPhone, though I accept it is impossible) on HTC HD is my ultimate wish...
Best hardware with potential OS... also for a Gmail user...
I will go for HTC HD once this issue have been responded.
The words "iPhone" and "potential OS" are absolutely contradictory... there's probably no other mobile OS that lacks so many important features and is so limited.
Same for Android. At least, Android has the potential to improve, iPhone doesn't.
One potential issue with Android on the Blackstone is the lack of hardware input on the Blackstone. At the moment, Android doesn't contain a SIP, or a SIP framework.
Other than that, it should be possible to rebuild the Android source for the subtly different hardware.
The Android bootloader will need to be edited and flashed onto the Blackstone, and that may conflict with WM/WMs bootloader.
This is not quite truth.
HTC Vogue has actually been the first mobile to run android almost fully (see thread below for more.)
Kaiser at the moment can run only 0.8 version of the SDK and with serious impediments, like not making a reliable data connection, call only on 3g, among others.
We are still to complete a proper compilation of the latest released code. But that will come fortunately.
vogue thread:
kaiser thread:
qetuR said:
Hands down, I know nothing about rom making.
Kaiser is the one who probebly be the first the rom makers will make a fully working Android phone, since most people who owns the phone is very skilled in rom making and they have already come a long way. You can run Android on a Kaiser today, even if the G1 hasnt been released yet.
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I also see that on other android sites that now people are doing those IME and SIP so I dont worry.
well, though u may say iPhone OS is not potential and limited, but it is true that it brings lots of new concept. Even though people now in this forum tailor made a lots of iPhone like software for their WM devices like slide2play etc... this is because they found these iPhone components are more enjoyable.
Of course, I already have given up my wm devices and change to iPhone as it supports a Gmail user like me fully with better interface and fonts, I have discontinued using MS outlook after 10 years with Yahoo mail. So I do not need WM devices anymore.
However, I must admit that HTC HD is a great great hardware so I really hope this can be put android inside.
To me, and we can see that, WM is really limiting after years, not much and could not improve further.... the fonts, application (browser, video player n quality etc) and its ergonomics.
For iPhone, it does well for Gmail, either by Mail application or web (same format as web- stack)
I use free services to push contacts and calendar events with phone and web.
I believe it works better in Android the self environment...look forward seeing it soon
dogmood said:
To me, and we can see that, WM is really limiting after years, not much and could not improve further.... the fonts, application (browser, video player n quality etc) and its ergonomics.
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I totally disagree with the no room for improvement, I would say reconsider on how much your iphone can improve.. How much can it be customized? Close to ZERO... I dont have an iPhone but i have an iPod Touch, which is exactly the same as the iphone without the phone (and the camera). I know how it works, what can be done how much customizable it is.
I also have a WM6.1 Pro device (Samsung Omnia). Really, it kills the iphone, wipes it out totally...
I would say wait and be a little patient until Windows Mobile 7 comes out, I think microsoft already "got the message" about the interface, few screenshots I looked for Windows Mobile 7 looked very promising and have the potential of becoming even better than the iPhone interface.
Rumors and buzz say WM7 will be available 1st quarter of 2009
I am pretty sure, that when MS releases WM7 the developers will go nuts cooking up a new roms for all the HTC devices and the Touch HD ofc.
Again WM7, very promising interface/usability-wise!
check out the rumors:
Android on Blackstone
Does anyone know if any official or non-official working on android on this device?
I'm looking for this...
aren't we all!!
if someone gets android running well on this, this would be an absolute killer!!!
BUT is it actually possible at all?
****edit**** just saw the other thread for this....
the latest reports say that WM7 will not be out until late next year and then each phone company will have to do all their own tests etc on it so we are unlikely to see it until 2010........this is from what i have read.......
MontAlbert said:
the latest reports say that WM7 will not be out until late next year and then each phone company will have to do all their own tests etc on it so we are unlikely to see it until 2010........this is from what i have read.......
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Even so, I think WM7 looks very promising, worth the wait
A first look on Android, at least for me is not so exciting, sure it has cool features sleek look and interface but still, is too new, it can hardly pass WM with loads of apps, software and customizations out there.
YES BUT IT WILL BE AT LEAST 12MONTHS UNTIL wm7 IS RELEASED AND THEN ANOTHER (oops caps- sorry) several months before all the bugs are out of it..... until then what are we to do? I reckopn android will be ported to HD by some enterprising person within a few months at the latest.....
Agree...No offense but WM always under-estimate their launch dates...
I really go for android this time
any android team member aware this!!?? time to do implantation!!
There was already a thread about this... I'll merge the two.
Don't forget that the android doesn't have a soft keyboard.
And the hd doesn't have a physical keyboard!
anheuer said:
Don't forget that the android doesn't have a soft keyboard.
And the hd doesn't have a physical keyboard!
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I have written a couple of small applications already to the Android Emulator, just to test the potential, and I can just say: There is no problem implementing a soft keyboard into the default GUI. You can access and change almost everything directly in the user interface. You have access to change the behavior of any default application! Build a soft keyboard to Android, written in Java, to work on any device that does not have a keyboard, can not be a hard task.
If I have time to fiddle with Android when I arrive at home I will start the task of implement an java-application that can do this. I really hope I have the time since lack of time is my biggest problem right now.
// Johan
Android 0.8
since a few days Android 0.8 is working on the Diamond/Raphael:
I thought, since the hardware of the HD is not very different, it might also work on the HD.
I tried this file:
But my HD seems to get stuck in the Linux booting process :-(
Anybody got an idea how we can make this work?

Hows android to a WM user?

Ok im just reading things about android and this community. Im a user of windows mobile since 7 years ago and all windows enviroments more than that and know nothing about java and not trying to light fire on this here but i would really wanted to know what advantages can bring this new OS to the WM user. The hardware seems the same but i mean as there are so meny people here that came from WM i want to hear from them ....Why do they made the switch?
I have read about the multitouch and capacitive screen but what about, community support, apps, customization, overall feel as a phone and perpectives of the platform, issues to name it.
Thanks in advance for your anwers
HTC Tytn
ROM: Shamanix WM6 Ultimate v2 Final
History: HTC VPA Compact (Magician), Jornada 720
In short, just great. I Have been on tytn II, Diamond, Xperia - and im now on the HTC Magic. I feared i would miss the keyboard, but dont really, and the OS - it's just great.
No more waiting for screens to update, no more strange windows errors, all in all, im not looking back.
same as above. Absolutely loved my Kaiser and Dell X50 before that but love my new Android phone even more. I think the transition was even easier as I'm a big user of Google products (search, calendar, email, contacts) anyway.
me too love it had a htc touch and htc diamond before this! love the android now!
hows the overall responsiveness comparing it to WM?
is it true that we need the cloud (gmail etc) to be able to sync? what about outlook sync? its there support for office docs?... seems that is as upgradable cause i have saw many ROMs here..........thanx for the above answer
another: having a data plan is mandatory to use the phone?
HTC Tytn
ROM: Shamanix WM6 Ultimate v2 Final
History: VPA Compact (HTC Magician), Jornada 720
The interface on the OS is dramatically better, but when it comes down to getting work done WinMo is technically more capable in a lot of ways. I prefer Android because it's just flat out more fun to use, but if you need to get serious work done with your phone then definitely do your homework before making the switch.
Mmm... ive been thinking yeah. thats why im asking
As you said the interface its just amaizing even to wm6.5 imo and interaccion with big capacitive screen is a plus indeed. but still havent got the gist...ill do more reading thanks as is going to be a major step and think to buy a phone for at least 1-2 years.
still open to others opinions.
HTC Tytn
ROM: Shamanix WM6 Ultimate v2 Final
History: VPA Compact (HTC Magician), Jornada 720
I Started my PDA life on a Moto Q, then a Excalibur, Wizard, Kaiser, Diamond & Then to a Blackberry Curve (dont hate me it was only a couple weeks) & now on a g1 while waiting for my MyTouch 3G to arrive..
I Can tell you that basically everything is smoother & faster. Even when compared to TouchFlo the android interfact is easier & faster to access what I Want when I Want it then WinMo
I'm on WinMo for years, see my signature. I would say I'm a Power User with deep knowledge of WinMo. Switching to the Android powered HTC Magic was easy.
- The usability is much better, capactive screen is incredibly good (the resistive screen on the WinMo devices made me sick as I'm rather use fingers than the stylus)
- customizations + extensions through Android market are pretty good (Nitrodesk's Touchdown gives me the one major feature that I was missing on Android here in Europe: Exchange Sync)
- I'm missing nothing else from WinMo (compare the time MS had time to develop and enhance WinMo and the time Android devices are on the market), not even the very detailed settings options which seem to be good for Power Users, they are just unnecessary in the end.
-It is easy for developers to create and deliver applications
It is strange that MS as one of the pioneers in this market became just a "slow follower" and did not manage to turn the corner. It is the same as with the Iphone: even the first version is almost as good as WinMo, what about version 2.0 and 3.0...? Usability counts.
Hotas said:
I'm on WinMo for years, see my signature. I would say I'm a Power User with deep knowledge of WinMo. Switching to the Android powered HTC Magic was easy.
- The usability is much better, capactive screen is incredibly good (the resistive screen on the WinMo devices made me sick as I'm rather use fingers than the stylus)
- customizations + extensions through Android market are pretty good (Nitrodesk's Touchdown gives me the one major feature that I was missing on Android here in Europe: Exchange Sync)
- I'm missing nothing else from WinMo (compare the time MS had time to develop and enhance WinMo and the time Android devices are on the market), not even the very detailed settings options which seem to be good for Power Users, they are just unnecessary in the end.
-It is easy for developers to create and deliver applications
It is strange that MS as one of the pioneers in this market became just a "slow follower" and did not manage to turn the corner. It is the same as with the Iphone: even the first version is almost as good as WinMo, what about version 2.0 and 3.0...? Usability counts.
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The problem windows faces with it's OS is that winmo is well understood. It's tried, tested, and true to it's followers. If they suddenly revolutionized the whole thing, people would get pretty angry. A lot of people who own winmo phones, own them for their business and development needs. These aren't the kind of people who want to **** around with sudden change to their previously solid operating system.
All that aside, I just moved from the Touch HD, to the Magic. I've gotta say, I love it. I'm an electronics enthusiast. I like to play with new technology. If you're all about trying something new, android is about as new as it gets. The best thing about it is, it's not some sort of gimmick, it's a real alternative to the way things are on windows mobile. That means that, while being completely different in a lot of ways, it can still do the same tasks.
Another thing to love about the android is how connected it is to everything via the marketplace. I do quite enjoy the selection of windows mobile software, but the method of buying it is very antiquated. Get out your credit card, shop around at a bunch of sites, find your app or game of choice, pay, download, install... So much trouble.
The Google Market feels solid, and is constantly updated with plenty of useful (or time wasting) apps. The best thing is, there's a huge selection of free apps. If you find something is missing from your phone, go to the marketplace (one click on the home screen) and do a search for it. You'll find something to solve your needs.
Another nice feature of Android devices is the ability to add widgets (or shortcuts) to your home screen. You also have three home screens available just by swiping your finger from left to right or right to left at the home screen. This means you can put all the apps, widgets, and shortcuts you want on the screen. AND you can arrange them in any orientation you'd like. Android IS customization at it's best.
The last thing I'll say about the Android platform is that thanks to the marketplace and the ingenuity of independent developers, you'll find apps that allow you to use your phone in ways you'd never even considered. Take the HTC Magic for instance, it's got a built in magnetometer (compass) that allows you to not only find yourself in google maps, but also see the direction you're facing and basically watch your phone while walking to your destination. You can SEE where you're going.
Another strange use of the magnetometer is done by an app called "Metal detector". I'm sure you can guess what it does. While I won't be out at the beach holding my phone out and searching for spare change, it's still kinda cool showing your office mates what your phone is capable of by identifying metal wiring in walls, or whatever.
What I'm trying to express with all of this is simple, the Android platform is a greatly different experience from winmo, if you're looking to crave some new tech, take the plunge. But remember, it's a whole other ball game, which means it takes a little bit to get used to.
I recommend doing what I did, get all excited about it before you pick it up, that'll ensure a lot of smiles when you turn your new Android device on for the first time.
All i can say is..
Had the Touch, Diamond, Xperia...
Play with more because of my job....
But Android is a breath of fresh air..
Nice integration, nice looks, response nice, love the market... i,m happy i switched.
Only thing i miss a little bit is messing with some settings and registry...
Caid444 said:
The problem windows faces with it's OS is that winmo is well understood. It's tried, tested, and true to it's followers. If they suddenly revolutionized the whole thing, people would get pretty angry. A lot of people who own winmo phones, own them for their business and development needs. These aren't the kind of people who want to **** around with sudden change to their previously solid operating system.
All that aside, I just moved from the Touch HD, to the Magic. I've gotta say, I love it. I'm an electronics enthusiast. I like to play with new technology. If you're all about trying something new, android is about as new as it gets. The best thing about it is, it's not some sort of gimmick, it's a real alternative to the way things are on windows mobile. That means that, while being completely different in a lot of ways, it can still do the same tasks.
Another thing to love about the android is how connected it is to everything via the marketplace. I do quite enjoy the selection of windows mobile software, but the method of buying it is very antiquated. Get out your credit card, shop around at a bunch of sites, find your app or game of choice, pay, download, install... So much trouble.
The Google Market feels solid, and is constantly updated with plenty of useful (or time wasting) apps. The best thing is, there's a huge selection of free apps. If you find something is missing from your phone, go to the marketplace (one click on the home screen) and do a search for it. You'll find something to solve your needs.
Another nice feature of Android devices is the ability to add widgets (or shortcuts) to your home screen. You also have three home screens available just by swiping your finger from left to right or right to left at the home screen. This means you can put all the apps, widgets, and shortcuts you want on the screen. AND you can arrange them in any orientation you'd like. Android IS customization at it's best.
The last thing I'll say about the Android platform is that thanks to the marketplace and the ingenuity of independent developers, you'll find apps that allow you to use your phone in ways you'd never even considered. Take the HTC Magic for instance, it's got a built in magnetometer (compass) that allows you to not only find yourself in google maps, but also see the direction you're facing and basically watch your phone while walking to your destination. You can SEE where you're going.
Another strange use of the magnetometer is done by an app called "Metal detector". I'm sure you can guess what it does. While I won't be out at the beach holding my phone out and searching for spare change, it's still kinda cool showing your office mates what your phone is capable of by identifying metal wiring in walls, or whatever.
What I'm trying to express with all of this is simple, the Android platform is a greatly different experience from winmo, if you're looking to crave some new tech, take the plunge. But remember, it's a whole other ball game, which means it takes a little bit to get used to.
I recommend doing what I did, get all excited about it before you pick it up, that'll ensure a lot of smiles when you turn your new Android device on for the first time.
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I totally agree, except with this:
"The problem windows faces with it's OS is that winmo is well understood. It's tried, tested, and true to it's followers. If they suddenly revolutionized the whole thing, people would get pretty angry. A lot of people who own winmo phones, own them for their business and development needs. These aren't the kind of people who want to **** around with sudden change to their previously solid operating system."
At least for me, as a WinMo "Power End User" (private and in business) it was easy to switch. I think that a) the number of true hardcore business users is too small for WinMo to survive and b) Android will very soon provide the missing features and capabilities to those users. Let's face it: there are only a few things missing for company use like (native) Microsoft Exchange Sync and this is already available in some countries and will IMHO soon be available for all. MS Office support is next that will come I think. 3rd party software is already there. We will see...
I really liked what youve written here cause ive been doing some other readings and learning . First i wanna thank you all for sharing your experiences. I should say than even knowing than android is still a bit immature i am very tempted, as all of you were at a moment, to give it a try. As you all have stated, its difficult to understand how ms being a almost a lonely leader together with palm for many years in the pda market, have been careless about the usability and interface of their os and the convergence and integration of features from pocket pc to smartphone have been slow ihmo. Apple for example did a very good job in a relatively short time taking a successful concept like the ipod onto production of a very usable product like the iphone that, we like it or not, is today still a bomb after some years in town. Google nowadays have only 3 devices on the market as far as i know, and improvements and updates have come fast. I saw the sense ui in the new htc hero and even though it resemble touchflo3d seems a refreshed finger friendlier version.
For winmo imo, dont think that lacking the marketplace is going to be a disadvantage for long time as ms is going to have one like every major player already did, but once again a little late. Same with compass and other cool features many ppl enjoyed. I see winmo as a very strong os with many many capabilities and it has served me well over all these years. I love integration with apps i use like office, pdf readers, outlook sync for contacts, task, emails, .net framework, flash support, the ability to be tweaked and customized and above all the support of this community which ive became a fan of. Also i have read da vinci code and saw some episodes of dr house and prison break in my phones. But no matter how many third party apps and shells you through on it to avoid dealing with the old fashioned pc like interface, at the end every user will have to deal with that. There is a performance cost in installing many apps as enhancements to the shell, as in any os, instead of just having these visual features as part of the standard api, because they have to run concurrently with the basic shell and that makes your interaction slower and slower. So mostly i have to admit that winmo interface and today screen basically today lacks the level usability and simplicity of these newer os user interfaces. Thinking only in the techie capable or corporate user will probe to be a wrong strategy as blackberry’s rim realized at a time.
HTC Tytn
ROM: Shamanix WM6 Ultimate v2 Final
History: VPA Compact (HTC Magician), Jornada 720
Android vs Win Mobile vs iPhone
Hi all,
I switch from HTC Touch to iPhone, later to HTC Magic and now I have a HTC Diamond 2.
As you can see WM -> OSX -> Android OS -> and WM again. WHY?
I really like gadgets and testing new platforms, but as I also use the phone for working, the best suite for me is WM.
Don't you need to work with excel, word, powerpoint and pdf documents?
With Androidyou have to buy 3party apps for this.
Don't you us Outlook? No native support for Android.
Don't you receive mails with attachments? No native support for saving them to the SD in Android.
Of course you can use other apps that can more or less solve those needs. But, why do we need to invent the wheel again?
And what about iphone? Really good hw, lovely OS but plenty of locks from Apple. You have to jailbreak, and install lots of 3party sw.
Conclussion: For professional use, WM has all you need just out of the box.
If I only could flash my HTC Magic with WM ..... sniff.
Well i think ill keep my old friend for some more time and wait for now. i want to buy with a contract but with rogers now we only have xperia x1a... alternative is the g1 and the magic that without a keyboard has a point againts my personal preferences. xperia is way a better phone than the one i currently own of course but not sure yet because of lots of complainings about keyboard design, cracks and other issues in its forum. thank you all
HTC Tytn
ROM: Shamanix WM6 Ultimate v2 Final
History: VPA Compact (HTC Magician), Jornada 720
Sadly, I miss the random errors in WinMo, because it reminded me, that just like XP and Vista, this is one of the true mobile os's. It will **** up, and it will do so with the ever annoying dialouge box.
Android, is different. the good different. Wait, the great different. Only problem Ive had is that rogers had to go and screw it up by flashing their terrific bs version onto what is one of the best phones I have used.
And the iPhone, please. I have one. Whoever considers that to be a 'OS'. Get your head out of the propoganda machine. The day it has at the least multitasking, and not that bull**** popup notification, i will consider it a OS.
Atleast with WinMo, and Android, there is a good sense of **** the **** around and if all fails reflash the rom to original. iPhone, you can jailbreak, screw around, but thats it.
Coming from a a Diamond, then a iPhone, to my current Blackberry and Android, I think I would rather have the latter two. Sure WinMo and the iPhone are great 'in the middle devices', but in the end when I have serious business to do, I stick with the blackberry, because nothing beats it, everybody knows that. Business = blackberry. WinMo and the iPhone sound like a good choice, but anyone worth their butter knows that a keyboard of a blackberry can save your professional ass. And Android I like, because like WinMo it is truly open to no end, and my fun lies with screwing around and messing with that phone. Sure not the best money spent, but Android phones are more explorative and user friendly then anything else. Ramblings of a idiot maybe, but its more, what really floats your boat. My friend said 'avoid the magic, and the dream. the magic isnt that easy to use, and the dream just looks like shreks ****' but i splurged and I love it. 50/50, sure. But its what YOU want out of your phone.
chicochico said:
blah blah blah... Deleted for space...
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You called the android platform immature.. Well you are both right & wrong.. Yes it is in its development stages still where WinMo is still very mature..
But its like saying that the Virgin High School Validictorian who doesn't drink or smoke is Immature where as the 40 year old drunken drug addict who lives with his parents is more mature because he is old enough to buy cigs & beer..
There on 2 different playing fields.. Switching was soooo easy once I finally made the plunge.. & I Find that even with my diamond I Was resetting the phone once every few days.. My Android once every few weeks..
aniteshj said:
Sadly, I miss the random errors in WinMo, because it reminded me, that just like XP and Vista, this is one of the true mobile os's. ....
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As you I do love messing up with a phone... I got infected with this disease here . Flashing woow ... lets you change the face and performance in minutes, new styles, apps, things to try. That left out iphone and blackberries cause they cant keep up with that. Nothing against them really, I know they are really good at what theyre meant to, but I make changse and update very often always trying to get the most out of the thing. Official updates arent enough for me. Agree with u that pre-emptive true multitasking is an asset but mentioned the iphone as an example of responsive and coherent interface. Have friends that cant live without their iphones but have to admit that all of them took it for trendy reasons without even reading a review and were astonished cause they all came from dumb phones.
HTC Tytn
ROM: Shamanix WM6 Ultimate v2 Final
History: VPA Compact (HTC Magician), Jornada 720
bastage said:
You called the android platform immature.. Well you are both ...
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Yeep inmature relative not only to age but number of devices in market right now and os released nothing more I think. But i got your metaphor. Im not saying its more or less stable.... just dont know Its a way of saying is a very young OS relative to WinMo. Indeed seems that, as you said, switching to android is easier than making the trip to WinMo and that was my point because this learning curve have to do mainly with the interface been intuitive and coherent .... dont you think?
BTW did you know any fact or feature you think make android more stable os than winmo? Or its just a feeling?
Opinions ........
HTC Tytn
ROM: Shamanix WM6 Ultimate v2 Final
History: VPA Compact (HTC Magician), Jornada 720
I am stuck on some "fun" apps I have which are M$...such as Insaniquarium. I love my ebooks which are on repligo or pdf.
I am a busy mom to 9 year old dinosaur Wizard has been a stable friend for almost 4 years. On road trips I hand it to a kid to watch a movie, or listen to MP3s, or to play one of 20+ games I have installed. It serves as my phone book, scheduling manager, I've even used it to create a last minute presentation.
I am looking to move to the My Touch, as old reliable has seen better days...but I am needing the same abilities as I listed above.
Will I get this with Android?? On the Tmo site it says it sync's with M$ can I run my M$ based apps on it (like Insaniquarium), or will I have to buy something new, and or settle for not having a favorite app?
Any help you can give would be appreciated. For my needs, will the My Touch be a nice fit, or should I consider buying a used Kaiser from e-bay?
Thanks in advance.

With WM7 looking increasingly crap, do you think HTC will continue to develop Sense?

I was expecting Sense development to dwindle to nothing over the next year, with WM 7 on the horizon.
But with WM7 looking increasingly poo (from today's announcements: no removable storage card, no customisations, limited copy/paste, no file manager, DRM all over, and generally all the problems the iphone had 4 years afo), I'm hoping we may see a decent after-life from 6.5.
Not that I like 6.5: It's customisable, a sound operating system, and an open-platform, but it's also clunky and ugly as hell.
But I'm hoping we may now see Sense continue to evolve (new Facebook tab etc), when before I was expecting it to come to a halt, minus the odd patch here and there.
Anyways, I love Sense. It masks 6.5 very well and is a great interface for a mobile phone. Here's hoping it will become more extensible and feature-filled in the future.
smeddy said:
do you think HTC will continue to develop Sense?
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Yup, for Android.
Hello, Desire.
To be honest, from what I've seen of Windows Phone Series 7 I'd rather have Sense or a sense like interface on any operating system rather than use the "7" interface. HTC will continue to develop Sense, but will they be able to do so for "7"? Potentially they may be allowed to create a portal to Sense within the "7" Interface scheme (sorry, I can't remember what you call each of the tabs on "7", I found it too boring to remember when watching the various MWC videos. I wasn't "Super Excited" )but you probably wouldn't be able to have the phone boot up into that as a default interface for the full phone and you might not be able to use sense for certain functions (messaging dialer etc.). This is all speculation on my part of course).
HTC introduced a new version of Sense on Android at Mobile World Congress and stated that existing Sense users on Android will get a free upgrade. I expect HTC to keep developing it.
With a gtood enough interface, connectivity, function and features I really shoudn't care what the underlying operating system is.
My honest opinion.
Althougg i like the look of wp7s i think its not efficent in the sense you need to do too much scrolling to navigate. The best use of speedy navigation is icons in a grid format so you see more links per page and less scrolling. like the iphone. btw i love my hd2 and never owned an iphone.
I'm definitely choose "Sense" rather than "I-**** like WM7"...
Seems Android is the way to go..
I was pretty excited seeing the live launch thing. It looked pretty cool, fresh, original UI if you will. Right now I'm actually thinking about sticking with 6.5. That OS can do almost anything when compared to that non-multitasking protected and closed off bunch of tiles... I don't know right now, I'll need it on my device at least once.
That being said I'm too starting to hope on further development of Sense. As said above, it's a really great and fast UI to use and looks good too. And you can customize it, 'make it yours', right?
I agree. with what I have see and heard I am not interested in WM7. If 6.5X still gets developed I will stay otherwise I will move to Android.
However until WM7 is actually released I will sit on the fence. As previously seen a lot of facts seem to be unproven in the long run.
tboy2000 said:
Althougg i like the look of wp7s i think its not efficent in the sense you need to do too much scrolling to navigate. The best use of speedy navigation is icons in a grid format so you see more links per page and less scrolling. like the iphone. btw i love my hd2 and never owned an iphone.
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The title fonts are huge and it other font sizes could be smaller. I know that WP7s wants WVGA initially.. but all the screen I've seen seem to make me think they didn't use the space efficiently. It seems more like they designed it for HVGA.
I doubt HTC will continue Sense for WM considering WM7 you CANNOT have Sense UI at all so why even bother..
I also think HTC is moving more towards Android now..
I myself have been tempted to move to Andriod but i've been a WinMo user since dunno when and have gotten soooo used to it i can't imaging moving to a new OS altogether and i love the way i'm going to have WinMo7 in it even if it does get supported..
No WVGA, No Cut & Paste, No File explorer, No Sense UI, no Flash, No installs from cab files, not backward compatible...with more to come each day...Why would i even want to use Winmo7? It sounds sooo primitive.
Who knows after the HD2, I just might move to Android, not because i want to but because ultimately i believe i have to...
You know, I used to be Apple sheep, and only recently (1 year) I started using windows and dabbled here and there on Linux, and realized how much freedom you have on these devices and not being told what programs are cool to use and all that.
iPhone was cool because I didn't know any better.
Now that I've started to see just what windows/mobile has to offer, I feel like Neo, waking up in the tank from the Matrix.
And here's Windows Phone 7 Series. Microsoft killed the little resistance group and the only salvation they offer is to go back to the tank and back to the Matrix. said:
And here's Windows Phone 7 Series. Microsoft killed the little resistance group and the only salvation they offer is to go back to the tank and back to the Matrix.
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It does seem like Microsoft is turning it's back on those loyal to Windows Mobile to appeal more to the iFashion brigade. I foresee this pushing a lot of us away from WPS7 towards Android.
xda developers site will be in the future just for android as wp7 is closed os ,and i will be android to get xda support
hoss_n2 said:
xda developers site will be in the future just for android as wp7 is closed os ,and i will be android to get xda support
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Please stop telling BS.
Have a look at the little discussion about the WP7 emulator image, a lot of stuff in there is similar to WM6.5, so there's a lot of "openness" to hacks...
kilrah said:
Please stop telling BS.
Have a look at the little discussion about the WP7 emulator image, a lot of stuff in there is similar to WM6.5, so there's a lot of "openness" to hacks...
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iam wating
XDA is gonna pull through for us one way or another.
You have my word.
If HTC calls time on Sense for WM, I hope they will unlock some of the features so we can customise it (e.g. new/unlimited tabs)

Are there any other phones that can be WP7 flashed?

I have just broken my HTC HD2 trying to replace the USB port (accidentally sethered the ribbon cable going to the volume button putting it back together).
Ii was wandering if anyone knows any phone out there like the HD2 which can be hacked to update to the new WP8 when it comes out, or is as versatile at hacking as the HD2.
I am considering buying a new phone, but my main attraction of the HD2 is that i can hack it to update it to the latest install of my chosen OS (in this case WP7)
Are there any phones that can be hacked liked the HD2?
None that I know of.
The HD2 lacks a front camera IMHO, internal storage memory too (not the TMOUS version, but the 3G frequencies don't match the European needs unfortunately) and its processor's speed will look outdated sooner or later as compared to more recent devices, but all in all, it stays the best pocket PC ever having been designed, and yes, it's the only one to allow so many OSes swapping.
It may be both because of not being locked by the maker, and because a lot of people worked on the possibility to port other systems...
Anyway, it remains the only one up to now.
It may also have something to do with the fact that Windows Mobile users have always been people curious to experiment with their phones, while nowadays, WP7 users will just buy a WP7 device, and so on for Android, I don't know. Remember Windows Mobile seems not to have been so popular in the past, though having been a real pioneer, far, far before the iPhone was even a project, and it did gain some real fans, that were generally from a generation where a computer was used to program and experiment with (just have a look to my nickname )
It looks like some time has passed since then, and smartphones changed status, from swiss knife-like tools, to consumer products, thanks to makers and software editors policies, and thanks too to people changing phones twice a months.
I personnaly won't change mine for an empire, and I'm not ready to drop WM6.5.x. I bought several used HD2s from eBay, and if you really intend to keep the possibility to swap operating systems, you should do the same.
Otherwise, just buy a recent WP7 device : you'll still be able to upgrade anyway, as long as you keep up using WP7 of course.
Just keep in mind that devices, that run wp7, wont get wp8. They'll get wp7.8. But those are only official updates.
Developers can always port and mod
Sent from my NexusHD2 using XDA
Z80-Man said:
None that I know of.
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The TOSHIBA TG01 can run Windows Phone too. to let you know...:cyclops:
thanks Z80 man
I have a feeling someone will hack it to be able to use WP8, it just seems like if WP7 can be ported, then will WP8 be that much different?
If it cant be ported 100% then, as im using WP7 all the time now, it would seem that buying a new phone would be a good option! Just not sure i can let go of this amazing phone ive had for so many years!
Being able to switch OS's after WM6.5 and make various improvements etc etc makes it like having a new phone.
Looking at the toshiba phone suggested, it doesnt have any better specs than the HD2.
Shame that no phone like this will come about again!
stevemilw said:
I have a feeling someone will hack it to be able to use WP8, it just seems like if WP7 can be ported, then will WP8 be that much different?
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I'm sure that not only the HD2 will be ported by enthousiasts, but most, if not all recent WP7 devices will be able to be ported to WP8, even if not officially.
Now it could depend on Microsoft's will to lock devices more and more to prevent that. And makers too, actually, as their goal is finally to sell new devices even if you don't need them !
Apart from that, did WP7 became so good ? It was lacking a lot of useful features when it was released...
Thanks, might have to wait and see what WP7 phones can be hacked to WP8
Z80-Man said:
Apart from that, did WP7 became so good ? It was lacking a lot of useful features when it was released...
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Yea, they released the 7.5 update and i really liked it. Searching is alot easier, and it has OCR for looking at game covers and searching them on the internet along with a music listener now, to tell you what song is playing, all built in.
These are just a few features, but i just like its simplicity, and the apps are decent enough and easier to use than the somewhat buggy ones on WM6.5.
I found issues with WM6.5 that really annoyed me, like two 'OK' button, one which means 'OK to exit the program' and one which means 'OK in the application or menu system.
I think it was a bit of a conflict between wm6.5 and the sense over the top.
But im pretty happy with the simplicity of the WP7, just easier to use, i have my favourite apps to check like the news etc.
And also, even with energy ROM it did crash allot. randomly switching off etc.
Didn't have any luck solving these issues so i tried WP7, and its pretty good!
If you like making apps etc, you can still put them on with XAP so its still pretty open to devs as far as i can tell.
ZTE Blade can also run wp7

