Configuring the manila calendar tab - Touch Diamond2, Pure General

Is there any way to configure the manila calendar tab?
For example, I would like that in the daily calender tab, there will be an option to view today's tasks as well.
Another usefull function will be to have different color for all day events.

also interested



Filtering Appointments by Category in MS 3.5 and/or Manila 2.5

Has anyone found a way to filter your appointments by category in either SPB MS 3.5 or Manila??
I have both my and my wife's calendar entries on my phone, categorized, and I would like to make it so that only my appointments show on the agenda view of SPB MS or on the calendar tab of Manila. I can't find a setting anywhere, so I'm guessing one doesn't exist. I'm happy to do a reg edit if anyone knows what I need to change. Thanks!

Calendar appointments on Startpage

On my startpage i can't se my appointments. My Calendar i full off appointments that has been syncronised with my Outlook calendar, but there is just a line with "Calendar". On Other TD2's iv'e seen lines with the next two appointments.
Does anybody know how to get the appointment to show on the Startpage.
They dont show on the lock screen either. I'm running WM 6.5 stock.
Sure that there is an appointment today or tomorrow?
By the way: Which taskbar are you using? Which ROM?
I would suggest playing around with the themes on here. Specifically Maxcy's themes. It gives you multiple options for your home screen.
I have 20 shortcuts, calendar and call history with custom clock and BG for all tabs. Its sweet!

Categories in Appointments

Is it just me or is it not possible to assign the Outlook categories to a new appointment in the HTC Calendar.
When trying to assign a category is comes up with 5 default categories (they don't exist in my Outlook Categories). But if I assign them from Outlook on the PC they are shown correctly.
And in the standard Windows Calendar it is possible to select from all categories, but a bit irritating that you have to go into the standard calendar just to assign a category to an appointment.
I agree with this too.
It's also missing a stop watch and timer app, basic programs I thought.

Namedays / All day events

I imported the Hungarian namedays database into my calendar. It works great and I find it useful. As far as I can understand, the nameday entry is an all-day-event.
My only complaint is that now my appointments field on the home tab is quite cluttered. If I open up the calendar in Pocket Outlook, these all day events are hidden; something that I would like similar in the HTC calendar application and on the home tab.
Is there any way to filter / tell the HTC Calendar app to show/hide the namedays?

[Q] HTC Calendar Problems

I've been trying all day different combinations of Appointment Editor and Manila Calendar and my appointments will not show up. I can directly add one, and it will show up for a half second after I add it, then it disappears. I go into Microsoft Calendar in the phone and the appointment I added shows up, but never on the Manila Calendar tab. Please help!
Right now Im using Appointment Editor v1.0.20113829.0_HD2 and Manila Calendar v2.5.20111823.0_HD2

