Blackstone video recording at 30fps - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

Hi, just wanna know has anyone managed to hack or modify the blackstone to enable it to record video at 30fps? The quality of video recording sucks period. Actually is [email protected] possible on the blackstone?


camera upgrade

is there a reg hack or program like coolcamera that work on trinty i want to record video on 640:480
my friend have imate jam that record video with 640:480 20FPS
i know trinity can record "cif" with 30FPS.
Coolcamera works on my Trinity, though I've not tried the video features.
the image function working but i have the HTC CAMERA program for that
if i have video 640:480 20FPS i wont need to buy camcorder
coolcamera record video on 640:480 with 2FPS like 320:240
but the original htc camera program record on 320:240 with 30FPS

Tytn Video recording

is there a tweak that will allow me to record at 25fps ? with coolcamera (3rd party program) it allows u to record at 25fps and slightly higher resolution.
I asked a similar question a while back. Hope you get some answers. I wanted to know what the max was for video recording.
Any new info on this? Would be very handy indeed

HQ audio recording with diamond?

Hello 2 all!
As all of us know, if you try to record video with diamond using HTC Camera - audio will be crapy, and video in dark places too...
so the questions are:
1. How to record sound not with 8khz samples?
2. How to have smooth video even in dark rooms?
eg what software can work with diamond, and overcome those limitations?

video recording Software for Elf

Is there any Video Recording Software or utility for HTC Elf, with video recording pause function???

Record 4k 60fps SM-950F

Hi, we all know that we can record at 4k 60 FPS
With rubberbigpepper.lgCamera and this script:
I want to know if there anyway we can record with stock or Google camera and how we would do that.
EDIT: I found what i was looking for here

