Please explain how to make first letter a 'Capital' on titanium home - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

What programs do you need, and how do you do it?
I've got a basic understanding of the methods (mui stuff) and I DO understand the technical bits. I don't really want to dismantle a ROM just to change some letters, and you'd think there would be a variable in there somewhere with those text strings.
Right now I've got capitals and non capitals on my home screen and its kinda unsightly..
Thanks all!

Found an answer somewhere else....
Use Total Commander, go to your windows folder, scroll till you get to Titanium, use Total commander edit function to open the cpr file for edit.
Look for the items that show up in our today screen, they come as "Expanded" and "Condensed". The condensed is your focus here.
So let's take "favorites" for our example:_ scroll to FavoritesCondensed,
4th line there reads like this:
<Text ID="PluginLabel" Left="10" Top="4" Width="300" Height="34"> FontFamily="Tahoma" FontSize="18" FontStyle="Regular" Wrap="False" VerticalAlignment="Top" Trimming="EllipsisCharacter" InnerTextType="Resource" Text="chomeres.dll,1025">
Okay so the [InnerTextType="Resource"] has to be deleted, then edit Text as Text="Favorites" but hey, that gives you the internet explorer so you can as well write Internet there. So your edited line look like this:
<Text ID="PluginLabel" Left="10" Top="4" Width="300" Height="34"> FontFamily="Tahoma" FontSize="18" FontStyle="Regular" Wrap="False" VerticalAlignment="Top" Trimming="EllipsisCharacter" Text="InternetExplorer">
So you do likewise with the remaining items and you can give them whatever name you want.
If you are going to use this info then pls hit the Thanks button hard. I dont know why but it makes me do more.
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use chome editor

carcomp said:
What programs do you need, and how do you do it?
I've got a basic understanding of the methods (mui stuff) and I DO understand the technical bits. I don't really want to dismantle a ROM just to change some letters, and you'd think there would be a variable in there somewhere with those text strings.
Right now I've got capitals and non capitals on my home screen and its kinda unsightly..
Thanks all!
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To have Capitals for the Titanium's default plugins you need to replace the cmhomeres.dll.0409.mui with the patched one I'm attaching in this post. Copy it to Windows folder on your device and restart Titanium.

FInixNOver said:
To have Capitals for the Titanium's default plugins you need to replace the cmhomeres.dll.0409.mui with the patched one I'm attaching in this post. Copy it to Windows folder on your device and restart Titanium.
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Anyone confirm this is working???


Manila2D - Modifying

Please insert here all things for modifying ....
HTCHomeSettings.xml -> there you can enable disable the tabs + ordering ...
<HomeWidget enable="1" tab_bg_icon="7,8" tab_icon="69,70" big_icon="29,30" />
<MessagingWidget enable="1" tab_bg_icon="15,16" tab_icon="115,165" big_icon="37,38" />
<EmailWidget enable="1" tab_bg_icon="11,12" tab_icon="111,112" big_icon="33,34" />
<PeopleWidget enable="1" tab_bg_icon="19,20" tab_icon="168,169" big_icon="59,60" />
<WeatherWidget enable="1" tab_bg_icon="27,28" tab_icon="176,177" big_icon="67,68" />
<LauncherWidget enable="1" tab_bg_icon="23,24" tab_icon="172,173" big_icon="63,64" />
<MusicWidget enable="1" tab_bg_icon="17,18" tab_icon="166,167" big_icon="39,58" />
<PhotoWidget enable="1" tab_bg_icon="21,22" tab_icon="170,171" big_icon="61,62" />
<InternetWidget enable="1" tab_bg_icon="9,10" tab_icon="71,110" big_icon="31,32" />
<OperatorWidget enable="0" tab_bg_icon="120,129" tab_icon="145,147" big_icon="200,218" />
<MyFavesWidget enable="0" tab_bg_icon="219,220" tab_icon="221,222" big_icon="223,224" />
<LocationWidget enable="1" tab_bg_icon="13,14" tab_icon="113,114" big_icon="35,36" />
<SettingsWidget enable="1" tab_bg_icon="25,26" tab_icon="174,175" big_icon="65,66" />
Sick! Thanks!
Enabled the operator widget to see what it was. I was hoping for some "LEET HAX AT&T FOR GREAT JUSTICE"
It's not... but I think it will learn me a little.
so where is this xml file?
ANSWER: somewhere in \Windows
The file is already under \Windows\
Do NOT use the quoted lines as your xml file. There is a lot more not contained in that block of text.
Why did you open another thread for this? It has already been covered in the main thread and the skinning thread.
what ARE the operator and MyFaves widgets?
Because we need to figure out how to get other things on the home screen (if possible) and how to increase the count of next appointments! Then we can take over the world!
More cowbell!
i tried to enable the myfaves and operator tabs and my touchflo just didnt even start anymore, anyone have any luck with those?
blazingwolf said:
Why did you open another thread for this? It has already been covered in the main thread and the skinning thread.
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probably because the other thread moves too damn fast and its too much info at one time.. This Thread is a good Idea because it singles out one aspect of modifying manilla2d
? bout modifiing tabs
Has anyone figured out how to keep mods after softreset. I think in the skin thread they mentioned no being able to.
Damn this is awesome. reminds me when kinetic scrolling and touch cube were introduced. I cant wait to see what the week brings.
Add more Items on Internet Page
Want to add a program like Internet Explorer under the Youtube Icon on the Internet Page?
Goto settings\today and unselect Touchflo, then with your fav regeditor...
The Key 0 holds the info for the Youtube Program, change it if you want or...
1. Change CustomizedCount to 2. (Keep incrementing for each item you place on the page.)
2. Add a new key "1" (2,3, etc for each item you add)
3. In Key 1,
.... add string "CustomizedIcon" value=\windows\Earth.bmp ( I used HH_INTERNET_EARTH.bmp and resized it to 22*23 pixels and named it Earth.bmp)
.... add string "CustomizedTitle" value= "Internet Explorer"
.... add string "CustomizedURL" value= \Windows\iexplore.exe
.... add DWORD "NoDescription" value= 1 (dec)
Exit regeditor and then go to settings and reselect Touchflo
The String "CustomizedDescription" with text for the value doesn't seem to work. I imagined it would show a popup of sorts when the icon was held but nothing.
Anyone figured out how the YouTube-Broadcast Yourself link got on the Internet page? Thought it might be from my favorites in Opera but when deleted from favorites it's still there.
Change Internet Link on Internet Page
You've probably already realized it but just in case you haven't
"BannerURL" change value to your favorite start page, properly formated
"BannerURLText" change value to, well you get it
Any idea how to adjust the weather icon position
and also why is the audio manager keep starting even we never trun it on
how to stop it from running till we want it to be run
thanks for the info about the tab
Artanis said:
Has anyone figured out how to keep mods after softreset. I think in the skin thread they mentioned no being able to.
Damn this is awesome. reminds me when kinetic scrolling and touch cube were introduced. I cant wait to see what the week brings.
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I know, it's f'in awesome to see everyone getting together, creating new things, ripping TF2D for other HTC devices, modifying and bettering it. It just adds to what makes owning a WM device so great. *tear* lol
i just need a place to add some additional today plugins. is that possible?
when i click on browser never opens, what browser do i need to install or link it to and how ?... im still reading the other thread...
manila2d works fast on my wing and i dont have it overclocked... Might have to use this for a while and test it out
kwill said:
i just need a place to add some additional today plugins. is that possible?
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Yes adding thumbcal or other calendar as a tab would be great!
I played with the HTCHomeSettings.xml file changed this line to move the weather picture down
<Property name="IDWEWG_WEATHER_POS" id="17" value="58,35,165,45" />
in value,
first digit(58) is the X place of picture
second (35) is the Y place of picture
what the other two number mean i dont know..
And also i moved by pixels some up and down arrows in weather and in messages tab but again there is the X & Y place and there are additional number i didnt know what they mean
So who knows what each number meaning please post explanation
I agree, without additional plugins Manila2D isn't that useful - I cannot live without SPB Phone Suite and MVBKLight...
Keep heads up as Herg saying.
This app has just two days and it's beta. So don't except really much now guys. It's good to post suggestions anyway.
I'm using this app as normal today plugin It's great for me, and I'm waiting for improvments too. For example:
I think its the first step to make TF3D ,
Plugins as Tab would be usefull...
Landscape mode for Kaiser?
There is still many things to do. But its great app.

is there a way to tweak space for writing sms?

I don´t like, that sms app gives me only two rows for writing sms and the whole screen is covered by sms chat history.
Is there a way to tweak this and have more space ? (3 or 4 rows?)
thanks for helping me!
Prolly not the solution you were hoping for, but you could always turn off threaded messages with HD Tweak,
Yeah, I know this, but thanks anyway.
Here is howto:
1. Open Total Commander
2. Browse to the "Windows" folder
3. Find the file: thread_sms.htm
4. Press to edit with the little notebook below from Total Commander
You will see this HTML code:
<html XMLNS:Inbox>
<object id="HTMLFormFactory" CLASSID="clsid:29d48cf7-ed6a-4a9d-a17a-ae9115c07a90" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="file://\windows\thread_style.css" type="text/css" />
<Inbox:content id="THREADIFRAME" links />
<div id="threadbottom">
<hr class="divider" size="1" />
<Inbox:content ID="COMPOSEBODYCOUNT" format="%1!d!/%2!d!%4 (%3!d! messages)" title />
<Inbox:ComposeSubject class="sms">
<Inbox:content id="COMPOSESUBJECT" width="98%" height=35 spell focus count links noclearonbackpresshold limit=0 autocap inserttab scroll />
go and find:
<Inbox:content id="COMPOSESUBJECT" width="98%" height=35 spell focus count links noclearonbackpresshold limit=0 autocap inserttab scroll />
Replace the height "35" with "90"
Like so:
height=35 to height=90
*You can put the value as much as you want really....just see 35 as 2 text lines*
Hit save and softreset. And There you go. Space.......
Fallen Spartan said:
Here is howto:
1. Open Total Commander
2. Browse to the "Windows" folder
3. Find the file: thread_sms.htm
4. Press to edit with the little notebook below from Total Commander
You will see this HTML code:
<html XMLNS:Inbox>
<object id="HTMLFormFactory" CLASSID="clsid:29d48cf7-ed6a-4a9d-a17a-ae9115c07a90" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="file://\windows\thread_style.css" type="text/css" />
<Inbox:content id="THREADIFRAME" links />
<div id="threadbottom">
<hr class="divider" size="1" />
<Inbox:content ID="COMPOSEBODYCOUNT" format="%1!d!/%2!d!%4 (%3!d! messages)" title />
<Inbox:ComposeSubject class="sms">
<Inbox:content id="COMPOSESUBJECT" width="98%" height=35 spell focus count links noclearonbackpresshold limit=0 autocap inserttab scroll />
go and find:
<Inbox:content id="COMPOSESUBJECT" width="98%" height=35 spell focus count links noclearonbackpresshold limit=0 autocap inserttab scroll />
Replace the height "35" with "90"
Like so:
height=35 to height=90
*You can put the value as much as you want really....just see 35 as 2 text lines*
Hit save and softreset. And There you go. Space.......
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it works fine! great!!! thank you for this solutions!!!!
Thanks for the tip.
Works fine.
Thanks, I was looking for this solution!
Fallen Spartan said:
Here is howto:
Hit save and softreset. And There you go. Space.......
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Great! - I've added it to the WIki.
Thankyou, thats one niggle sorted
It Does Work but one Question
I first tried using this tweak by copying the thread_Sms.htm file to the storage card, modifying the file as instructed and then copied over the original file in the windows directory and this did not work. Opening a threaded SMS did not work. Fortunately saved a backup copy on the phone. Copied it back and then threaded SMS would open. I then followed the instructions above very carefully and modified the file in the windows directory (had to change it first from read only attribute). Now the tweak works perfectly, actually set space to "120".
Curious, why does this only work if you edit the file directly in the windows directory.
Tip to everyone else, save a backup of the original file on your phone and edit it in the Windows directory.
When you copied it back to the windows directory did you do so with Total Commander?
Another tip is don't go too large when setting the space if you're planning to go to Landscape mode. Anything above 70 and you'll lose the the upper window.
Kangburra said:
When you copied it back to the windows directory did you do so with Total Commander?
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I copied it back via the explorer function in Pocket Controller.
+1 this is just what I wanted.. 70 works fine to ensure it fits nicely in landscape too!
Change max char count for SMS
Hi all,
In the same line of thought, does anyone here know how to change the max char count for outbound SMS?
Most of western carriers are allowing 160 char, hence your phone will automatically split your SMS if they are too long and the destination phone (if recent enough) will combine them again together. Still on your bill, this counts as more than one SMS out.
I've read other people here have tried to change that limit, or send longer SMS over GPRS instead of GSM, but if your carrier does not allow it, it simply does not work. None seem to be a stable solution.
Now the thing is that in Asia, countries using double-byte character sets, like China, allow up to 400+ english char in 1 SMS (that is 400+ Bytes). Phones you'll buy here will allow that much. However, I bought my Touch HD in France and it will by itself split my SMS every 160 char (or even 70 chars if I use Chinese - and don't ask me why it's not 80).
> Does anyone have an idea whether this can be tweaked? I'm not too keen on flashing my phone to a chinese rom just for that...
Fallen Spartan said:
...Replace the height "35" with "90"...
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This is awesome. Thanks"
I tried this using Total Comander, set the value to 70 and saved the file.
Now, if I try to reply to an SMS I receive an error message "The message cannot be signed and/or encrypted".
Even after changing the value back to 35 I still get the same error.
Appreciate any advice how to recover - thanks.
iihughes said:
I tried this using Total Comander, set the value to 70 and saved the file.
Now, if I try to reply to an SMS I receive an error message "The message cannot be signed and/or encrypted".
Even after changing the value back to 35 I still get the same error.
Appreciate any advice how to recover - thanks.
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Did you soft-reset?
Thanks for your reply. Yes, soft reset done after making the change and again after reverting to original value.
Next time I'll back up the file BEFORE making a change!
Is this tweak possible to do in regedit??

[CHome aka Titanium Hack] Adding TalkURL Hotkey to Plugins

I just found out that if you add a TalkURL Registry String with a link to an app shortcut to any CHome Directory with ACTIONURL/SK2URL in it. It will launch the linked value when pressing the Green Send Button aka the "Call Button" instead of opening the Phone App.
TalkURL = \Windows\Powerexe.exe
NOTE: CHome must be Refreshed after adding/editing this value.
EDIT: Added the Text file I made from extracting all the text out of the cmhome.dll. This is how I've been able to make buttons & found this hack. This text is the root to hacking CHome.
Donators to Date:
[COLOR="Blue"]generalmills $200 CAD[/COLOR]
great find! thank you again
grate pound
I can change the tools of my plugin now
Hi drkfngthdragnlrd, I think you are, very good for programming "Titanium" Plugins. We have many progs like SPB Weather or Traveller or whatever with a *.dll plugin for the today screen. Do you think it is possible, to create a Titianium Plugin there we can integrate such a *.dll plugin ?
NEO130 said:
Hi drkfngthdragnlrd, I think you are, very good for programming "Titanium" Plugins. We have many progs like SPB Weather or Traveller or whatever with a *.dll plugin for the today screen. Do you think it is possible, to create a Titianium Plugin there we can integrate such a *.dll plugin ?
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It could be possible I guess. There is mention of SourceType="DLL" in the CHome DLL.
For example in Images;
<Image ID="ButtonUp" Width="195" Height="186" Opacity="0.0" ScalingAlgorithm="TriLinear" [COLOR="#0000ff"]SourceType="[COLOR="Red"]ImageSourceType[/COLOR]"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Source="[COLOR="#ff0000"]ImageSource[/COLOR]"[/COLOR] />
Source = location of the source. If it's a DLL, it should be followed by a comma and the DLL Resource # (You'd have to open the DLL in question to get the resource number).
NOTE: I believe BITMAP/ICON refers to EXE's/DLL's type BITMAPs/ICONs as some have that in a seperate directory inside the EXE/DLL.
Same goes for Text, but SourceType = InnerTextType & Source = Text
InnerTextType = Resource
Text = "Static Text" or "DLL,(Comma) Resource #)
EDIT/NOTE: The Custom Plugin GUID does not accept HARD CODED layouts in the cpr's with Source="what ever" in the line. It always wants to read a registry value. The only work around I found is if you are only using 1 page. Put the code outside of the <Layer ID="Page"></Layer> part of the expanded & condensed layouts.
[COLOR="Red"] <Layer ID="TitaniumWeatherCondensed" Visible="False" Width="45" Height="39">[/COLOR]
<!--Icon Image-->
[COLOR="Blue"] <Image ID="Icon" Left="2" Top="4" Width="31" Height="31" ScaleStyle="Stretch" Source="\Neo\Neo_Weather.png" />[/COLOR]
[COLOR="#ff0000"] <Layer ID="Page">
??????????????? thanks, but this is the look like for me. What I or we need is a normal Titanium Plugin cab, in this we have a menu that we told them where the *.dll Plugin from the program is. I hope you understand my lazy wish.
This could be interesting for another purpose, drgn.. I should make a little investigation.
Another question - have you ever seen a possibility to change the angle or the opacity of an image by a registry value instead of hardcoded in a .plg?
MichelDiamond said:
This could be interesting for another purpose, drgn.. I should make a little investigation.
Another question - have you ever seen a possibility to change the angle or the opacity of an image by a registry value instead of hardcoded in a .plg?
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I have not figured that out yet. If possible, I'll see if I can figure it out.
Cool - you know what it would mean, if that would be work - in combination with the buttons - I don't think that then anybody would use TouchFlo anymore...

[HowTo]JMLPanex (example with new JMLLibrary and JMLToday)[for all JMLToday-Versions]

Hi 2 All,
here like promised the Example how to use JMLPanex for your Plugin - and at the same time an Explanation of some Titanium-Fuctions, you perhaps don't know - and a new JMLToday-Skin... and a new JMLLibrary from me later on.
So something which could also make JMLToday-Skinner gives the Infos to make powerful Skins... because I only explain the Basics... you will see, there's much more possibilities then (especially with JMLToday 5.4 together with JMLLibrary 0.3)
Everything I will explain - is based upon
JMLPanex 0.98...2.10 and above ( )
JMLToday: *klick here*
JMLLibrary: *klick here*
You can have each Titanium-Plugin with workable Buttons!!! And that's easy! Also as User - but easpecially the Plugin-Makers will recognize the use of this revolutionary Extension for our Titaniums!
The most of my Explanations will run already - for some things you must wait for the cab for JMLLibrary 0.3 (still testing it) und JMLToday 5.4 (beause of the notifications) - but it's good to have a future glimpse
The main reason is the integration of JMLPanex - which is important for all Plugins and JMLToday at the same time.
Will begin in Post #2 - here only some remarks - like FAQs to JMLs:
- The workable Buttons must be (0.98) inside the slider! Outside of it a tab wouldn't be recognized - indifferent if it's defined in .pnx or not
- It works with all Skins which uses TitaniumListView - it won't work with BronzeresListView!!! To know, if you have the correct format (TitaniumListView) and not the old one, which was originally made for Smartphones - ony look inside your .cpr - you will see it in the first 10 lines.
Or look on your Screen - if you have Space above your Top-Panel - it's TitaniumListView - if your Slider is not centered on all plugins - you have BronzeListView
- JMLPanex is Beta - and please report in JMLPanex-Thread any Bugs - not here!!! Also Integration in your ROM - it would be better in the JML-PanexThread than here - I could add some things later as HowTo. Here's the description and you can discuss about Styling Tipps / Skinning and so on
- It's written in C++ - and it doesn't need an additional process on your device! So no Battery Drainage or slowing down system like a running process! (and especially of course no 24/7-Mortscript which has side effects on your Titanium, and much more Battery Drainage and Performance-Loss than other processes)
So you can use JMLPanex in your ROM, too
Go on in Post #2
Let's start - and don't forget - i use JMLToday and JMLLibrary only as example - if you are making your own Plugin - it will work exact the same - and I would wish I would have each Plugin on my Handy with workable Buttons:
Let's have a look on our example - I made a new Skin for JMLToday:
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
All quite the same you know?
No - everything on the Slider are Buttons!
With a tab on SMS you go into Messages, tap on phone to Phone History, tap on Wifi will toggle it on and off, tab#1 onBluetooth will switch it on, tap#2 will make it visible, tab#3 will switch it off again !
You can put EACH executeable File into JMLPanex and associate it with each Graphic- or Text-Item on your Slider! On each Plugin, you have installed
Let's have a look how it works - you know it from CHome-Editor - but we look direct in the Skin-File - it's in Titanium something with suffix ".plg" - mostlyb"default.plg" - in JMLToday it's <name of the skin>.plg
a little part of it:
<Layer ID="Page" Clip="False">
<!-- JMLToday : meteo Page1 -->
<Image ID="BGA" Left="64" Top="-170" Width="150" Height="150" ScaleStyle="Fit" Opacity="0.9"/>
<Image ID="HA" Left="64" Top="-170" Width="150" Height="150" ScaleStyle="Fit" Opacity="1.0"/>
<Image ID="MA" Left="64" Top="-170" Width="150" Height="150" ScaleStyle="Fit" Opacity="1.0"/>
<Image ID="BGAO" Left="274" Top="-170" Width="150" Height="150" ScaleStyle="Fit" Opacity="0.9"/>
<Image ID="HAO" Left="274" Top="-170" Width="150" Height="150" ScaleStyle="Fit" Opacity="1.0"/>
<Image ID="MAO" Left="274" Top="-170" Width="150" Height="150" ScaleStyle="Fit" Opacity="1.0"/>
<Image ID="CalPNG" Left="44" Top="-25" Width="390" Height="35" VerticalAlignment="Top" ScaleStyle="Stretch" Opacity="0.5" />
<Image ID="BattPNG" Left="10" Top="-185" Width="48" Height="52" ScaleStyle="Fit" />
<Image ID="[B]SmsPNG[/B]" Left="392" Top="30" Width="84" Height="72" ScaleStyle="Fit" Opacity="0.8" />
<Image ID="[B]TelPNG[/B]" Left="19" Top="24" Width="84" Height="72" ScaleStyle="Fit" Opacity="0.8" />
<Image ID="Icon" Left="152" Top="-70" Width="190" Height="190" ScaleStyle="Fit" />
<Image ID="AlarmPNG" Left="12" Top="112" Width="26" Height="26" Opacity="0.8"/>
<Image ID="AlarmPNG" Left="12" Top="112" Width="26" Height="26" Opacity="0.8"/>
<Text ID="Alarm" Left="42" Top="115" Width="340" Height="80" FontFamily="Tahoma" FontSize="6" FontStyle="Regular" Wrap="True" HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top"/>
<Image ID="[B]WiFiPNG[/B]" Left="105" Top="45" Width="60" Height="60" Opacity="1.0"/>
<Image ID="[B]BlueToothPNG[/B]" Left="325" Top="45" Width="55" Height="55" Opacity="1.0"/>
<Image ID="EmailPNG" Left="212" Top="40" Width="80" Height="72" Opacity="1.0"/>
<Text ID="OperatorName" Left="152" Top="92" Width="120" Height="40" FontFamily="Tahoma" FontSize="7" FontStyle="Regular" Wrap="False" HorizontalAlignment="Right" VerticalAlignment="Middle">
<TextStage TextOffsetType="TextOffsetDropBottomRight" Color="#00000000" TextOffset="0" BlurFactor="0" Alpha="1.0"/>
<TextStage TextOffsetType="TextOffsetNone" Color="#FFFFFFFF"/>
Some of them I marked bold. The .plg-File will be added to your .cpr-File of Titanium.
That's the Names of the Text or Graphic-Items - you can use. If you look into CHome-Editor on Page1 - you will find exactly this Names. With a path to the Graphic-File or a text entry.
And now - we look into the .pnx-File for JMLToday - so it's JMLToday.pnx and is to find in JMLPanex-Path:
EmailPNG=%WINDOWS%\tmail.exe;-service "ActiveSync"
SmsPNG=%WINDOWS%\tmail.exe;-service "SMS"
You see all the Names - but linked with an application.
And that's all, what you have to do - look into your .cpr-File andyou know each Name of the Graphics - and your device will know this as Buttons - if ou actived JMLPanex.
The Activation is a simple Start of a Mortscript in JMLPanex-Installation-Path:
Start it - choose the Plugin, which you want - e.g. "FavoritePeople" - choose "All Pages" - and if you have made a FavoritePeople.pnx - then each Item will be associated with your personal wish, what you want to call!
Go on in #3
The way youcall, with or without Parameters - everything is already explained in JMLPanex-Thread:
It's explained in - Post #1 and #2 - so I mustn't repeat it.
I will only show you now some possibilities which you can do now - for this examples with JMLToday you will need the JMLLibrary 0.3 - because it's heavily expaned to use the Butons. In JMLToday the external calls to use from the Skinners are as Standard to make it easier in JMLLibrary.
Some of you will know the Weatherbackgroundchanger ( from the Library, which changes your backgroundaccording to the current weather, or "isNight" which makes the Skinner easily able to make a day or night clock or so.
But in 0.3 there will be all to switch on Wifi,BT,GPRS,Phone-Toggle,... and also some more nice things.
It uses some free little apps - 2 credits I want to give at this place (in JMLLibrary-Download-Post for 0.3 then bigger ) :
- vj555 for VJVolublis and
- APBilbo for his little free standalone Tools from ThrottleLauncher
Thank you!
and of course some things are written mostly by me, JMHL or other members: *Wishlist for JMLToday/Library
Here's a possibility:
Hmm - you don't see something special?
The right picture shows the same PAge after pressing on one of the forecast-Icons - so you have easily a weather panel - which later on perhaps with the long version of weather - on one Page! Buttons make it possible
Only added some JMLLibrary-Functions in .pnx:
In 0.98 it's not ossible to all Mortscripts with Parameters - because Mortscript has a little strange way to be called - but we will see in next Verisons perhaps. But duplicating Mortscripts is the same as Parameters.
The Library only changes for 5 Seconds the Registry-Values of "IconA","TextA"... with "Icon1","Text1",...
Here's the main code for Switch for Day 2
# Made by MichelDiamond, 26.08.09
# Version 1.0
# Description:
# If you press a Forecast-Icon on Page2 - it will put the informations for 5 Seconds in the Main-Area - then switch it back
# Buttons must be correct linked with JMLPanex:
# following pathes are still the same - no need to change it if you make your own Library-Script - each script in /<Program-Path</JMLLibrary
LibraryPath = SystemPath( "ScriptPath" )
CommonGraphicPath = RegRead("HKLM", "Software\Microsoft\CHome\JMLToday","CommonGraphicPath")
EssentialGraphicPath = LibraryPath&"\Graphics\essential"
# save entries for switching back
mainIconA=RegRead ("HKLM", "Software\Microsoft\CHome\JMLToday\Page2","IconA")
mainTempA=RegRead ("HKLM", "Software\Microsoft\CHome\JMLToday\Page2","TempA")
mainTextA=RegRead ("HKLM", "Software\Microsoft\CHome\JMLToday\Page2","TextA")
mainDate2=RegRead ("HKLM", "Software\Microsoft\CHome\JMLToday\Page2","Date2")
# and switch
rein=RegRead("HKLM", "Software\Microsoft\CHome\JMLToday\Page2","Icon"&glimpseday)
RegWriteString("HKLM", "Software\Microsoft\CHome\JMLToday\Page2","IconA", rein)
rein=RegRead("HKLM", "Software\Microsoft\CHome\JMLToday\Page2","Temp"&glimpseday)
RegWriteString("HKLM", "Software\Microsoft\CHome\JMLToday\Page2","TempA", rein)
rein=RegRead("HKLM", "Software\Microsoft\CHome\JMLToday\Page2","Text"&glimpseday)
RegWriteString("HKLM", "Software\Microsoft\CHome\JMLToday\Page2","TextA", rein)
rein=RegRead("HKLM", "Software\Microsoft\CHome\JMLToday\Page2","Jour"&glimpseday)
RegWriteString("HKLM", "Software\Microsoft\CHome\JMLToday\Page2","Date2", rein)
# and back again
RegWriteString("HKLM", "Software\Microsoft\CHome\JMLToday\Page2","IconA", mainIconA)
RegWriteString("HKLM", "Software\Microsoft\CHome\JMLToday\Page2","TempA", mainTempA)
RegWriteString("HKLM", "Software\Microsoft\CHome\JMLToday\Page2","TextA", mainTextA)
RegWriteString("HKLM", "Software\Microsoft\CHome\JMLToday\Page2","Date2", mainDate2)
Simple, ey?
But let's go to #4
only one more example - very interesting also for the JMLToday-Users and Skinners.
Sorry I only had less time to make the new Library and the Example (busied with TitaniumRSS - had to break Beta-Finalisation for 3 days) and so I want to apologize for the Button-Graphics... 'm sure that some Skinners will make them much nicer than a developer
Here's a JMLLibrary 0.3-Function which wil add Page3 to JMLToday... SMS as Example :
If somebody knows, where the contact pictures are to find in device - please tell me - I don't had time to search.
And some nicer Buttons, too
You have counted?
That's more than 20 Images in this JMLToday-Skin - the Titanium-Limit.
(at this place at first thanks to
drkfngthdragnlrd and our conversation and his great findings.
In TitaniumRSS I will use some more great things... be surprised perhaps... but now - how to overcome this 20-ITem-Limit?
A .plg (Skin-File) has nothing which describes the Page- it's indifferent for it - the more top an item is listed, the more below it's in display level... but PAges? No. Now have a look into CHome-Editor:
Left you see the Value "tempA" of Page2 - on the Right the Value "tempA" of Page3
In .plg - they are both the same! Compare Screenshots from Page2 (Weather) with (SMS-)Page3 - do you see it?
Each Icons are on the same place - but they have completely different Values.
so only add to .pnx:
And The Titanium-Limit with 20 Text and 20 Image-Items is because of the .plg. But not in Page... In Page4 Email , in Page5 System-Info? No Problem - if you use the same Positions and the Icons of the plg (I could also use the items you have seen in Page1 and Page2 all together ) - so if you are creative (and Skinners are creative ) - you can make extraordinary Skins - and the Pages3,4,5,... are supplied by JMLLibrary-Functions, which you can choose - or make a new one and I will add it...
And then there's no need to change system-variables of Titanium, making crazy cab-Files.. and as Skinner - no need to know how Programs work - only call it
In JMLToday 5.4. each notification like SMS,Bluetooth, Phone, Wifi, Time,Weather, ... will have an interface to a Script, which a USer (or Skinner) can choose. Here - the JMLLIbr_SMS_Refresh.mscr in JMLLibrary wil be called from a new SMS-notifcation and will update automatically.
But in 5.3 you can already use it - but with manual refresh.
And back to JMLPanex - each Page can have it own Buttons... and this is Page3 - same Names, but different Page - and therefore JMLPanex is a real Killerapp! drkfngdrglrd and me had almost the same idea (*here*), but it's essential to be done - and JMHL made it in a very special and easy way - with no system performance loss or additional battery drain.
Thanx JMHL!!!
I hope some people find this HowTo helpful
ok-finished for the first time
OH - I've forgotten to say,that all from this example is uploaded in JMLLibrary - also with the sample .pnx and the JMLToday-Skin:
*click here*
And Thank you for saying Thank you for this HowTo and developing the Example
Thanks Micha! Just been a bit occupied and forgot to comment. This is a very useful guide, I am hoping to experiment more with the new functions when I get a chance, but thanks again, this is a big help to all developers/skinners.
You guys rock! Thanx I've got to see if I can get it working
10 mins later ...... it is awesome!
Looking good, will hopefully have time soon to update NeoTitanium & add JMLPanex & JMLToday includes some libraries. My question is though, it looks as though the button has to reside within the Focus Rectangle from what I understand for the ActionURL to be launched on tap. Am I correct with this? If so, maybe there's a way to add a OnAction to the <Layer ID="Page" tag of the expanded layout to "bind the whole layer to the Focus ActionURL. Since that is a value built it defined action, maybe we can bind it there. Then, we make the <Layer ID="Page" cover the entire Plugin if it falls outside the Focus.
Example (Based on my NeoTitanium);
<Layer ID="Page" [COLOR="Blue"]Left="45" Top="-114" Width="195" Height="268"[/COLOR] Clip="False" OnAction="[COLOR="Red"][B](Binding:HomeNav,FocusAction)?!?!?[/B][/COLOR]" >
In NeoTitanium the HavNav & Focus is only the left 45 pixels of the screen. My thought is something like this "might" give the rest of the screen the Focus action & therefore launching ActionURL outside of the Focus area. Will need to play with the OnAction Code to see if it will work & what is the correct code to use.
I hope you don't have overseen it:
@sleepyxda, jumba: Thank you
And what's good to know:You mustn't use Titanium_....cpr - - works with each other cpr, too. Tested it a little bit with Panex+Library
MichelDiamond said:
I hope you don't have overseen it:
@sleepyxda, jumba: Thank you
And what's good to know:You mustn't use Titanium_....cpr - - works with each other cpr, too. Tested it a little bit with Panex+Library
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I saw, still trying, just a matter of figuring out what the process is called. It is a deffined action so should be possible.
Only remark for JMLToday V5.5. - it still works in the same way to skin Appointments and SMS (Post #4)

CHome aka Titanium Built in Contact Plugin

Just figured I'd mention there's a Built in Contact Plugin for CHome aka Titanium. How to get it to work, I have no clue. I noticed there were 2 GUID's not being used a while back listed in the cmhome.dll. I also just notice in cmhomeres.dll there's string 1200-1207 for this plugin. The plugin is called CHomeFavPeople. In order to get it to work, we'd need to find out what the Layout is for it & registries it requires, plus which GUID it uses. I am posting this incase anyone wants to work on getting it functioning.
Here's a list of all GUID's
{3238D733-D47B-4732-9A8F-CD5A8D9A65ED} CHomeFavs (Program Shortcuts)
{52CD6A6E-9404-4e1c-82DB-CD715B884017} CEmail (Email)
{72233649-3771-4770-B02F-129750B7AE6B} CText (SMSMMS)
{A29AD55D-EE3C-4721-9A4C-9A720D70CA33} CVoicemail (Voicemail)
{EBB3B89E-B3E5-46e2-BFAF-F55FBCA98BA1} CPhone (Missed Calls)
{F0A1B246-6E64-40cd-8E15-347D29FF6F18} "Custom Plugins" (Any user made Plugin)
{4BBA9132-366E-4F52-B4B0-8BA302195831} [/COLOR]
{3C3EA205-72F9-48a2-A9E5-8277114608CF} CMyFaves (T-Mobile MyFaves App)
{97343B9B-5BB5-474d-98AA-E4CD2DD0A873} CWelcomeCenter (Welcome Center aka Getting Started)
{AB650274-9A5A-458b-893F-6FB601437979} CWindowsLive (Windows Live Messenger app)
{3255042D-AE66-4cf7-AD1D-718C3004DBE9} CTestUIPlugin (Dev Tool)
{892B90CB-9806-427E-8BED-F45C6A9E576B} CClock (Clock)
{D7B35490-A4B2-4ef4-BF8D-332C4979F14E} CAppointments (Calendar aka Appointments)
{06BC7E69-CE13-4028-9454-C27A32F56197} CMusic (WMP)
{E98FBDCC-6664-4c5b-BB62-20932ED37762} CHome (Missed Calls/Voicemail/SMSMMS/Email)
{C5A51777-B837-447d-8947-FAF3FF9D570B} CLinks (Internet Explorer Favorites Shortcuts)
{1DE8DD6B-D74D-4d2e-A8C3-72439F2B8402} Settings (Setting Shortcuts)
{4F612B1A-E470-4b31-9386-AC396AEDAAF9} CMyPhotos (Picture Viewer)
{3FD3C828-753F-48f9-BEA9-6201F64B5F58} CMessage (SMSMMS/Email)
{892B90CB-9806-427e-8BED-F45C6A9E576B} Docked CClock* (Clock when displayed as "Docked Operator Bar". Appears in base CHome directory)
I noted next to the GUID which plugin it is for. You'll notice 2 are not noted. So it must use one of those 2 GUID's.
The Contact plugin also looks for the following Images.
You'll need to figure out what the Image Registries are, plus the GUID.
I think this may be the layout as I have no clue where it came from in my CPR's.
<Layer ID="ContactsExpanded" Width="240" Height="104" Visible="False" Clip="False">
<Image ID="Icon" Left="2" Top="2" Width="41" Height="41" ScaleStyle="Stretch" Source="\Neo\Neo_Favorite.png" />
<Layer ID="Page" Clip="False">
<Image ID="PICTURES" Left="110" Top="-72" Width="70" Height="70" ScaleStyle="Stretch" />
<Text ID="TEXT1" Left="53" Top="79" Width="189" Height="38" FontFamily="Control Freak" FontSize="12" FontStyle="Bold" Wrap="False" Trimming="EllipsisCharacter" VerticalAlignment="Top" Clip="False">
<TextStage TextOffsetType="TextOffsetDropCenterCenter" Color="#00000000" TextOffset="2" BlurFactor="2" />
<TextStage TextOffsetType="TextOffsetOutline" Color="#ffffffff" Alpha="0" />
<TextStage TextOffsetType="TextOffsetNone" Color="#ffffffff" />
<Text ID="TEXT2" Left="53" Top="117" Width="189" Height="38" FontFamily="Control Freak" FontSize="12" FontStyle="Regular" Wrap="True" Trimming="EllipsisCharacter" VerticalAlignment="Top" Clip="False">
<TextStage TextOffsetType="TextOffsetDropCenterCenter" Color="#00000000" TextOffset="2" BlurFactor="2" />
<TextStage TextOffsetType="TextOffsetOutline" Color="#ffffffff" Alpha="0" />
<TextStage TextOffsetType="TextOffsetNone" Color="#ffffffff" />
<Layer ID="ContactsCondensed" Width="45" Height="39" Visible="False">
<Image ID="Icon" Left="7" Top="7" Width="25" Height="25" ScaleStyle="Stretch" Source="\Neo\Neo_Favorite.png" />
<Layer ID="Page" />
Note: It has been edited for my NeoTitanium skin, but the original should exist if someone still has older Titanium or Sliding Panels cpr's as it's where I got it from.
Hi drkfngthdragnlrd:
I was reading a chome.txt file that you published time ago, and I wondering if maybe this "options" let us run a comand or program when we change pages inside a panel:
Or maybe exist other options too.
ryomahino said:
Hi drkfngthdragnlrd:
I was reading a chome.txt file that you published time ago, and I wondering if maybe this "options" let us run a comand or program when we change pages inside a panel:
Or maybe exist other options too.
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I'm not quite sure what you mean, but I can tell you that WMP is NOT Pages. It is a single page plugin. The Arrows used are not the Page Arrows. That's why there are MPI's & NPI's. One set is for Pages, the other is used by WMP.
EDIT: I may be wrong but I think MPI=MultiPageIndicator & NPI=NextPreviousIndicator.
hay man seems you really enjoy studing Titanium
grate work, keep it on, hope I can help,but the new 23037's Titanium is too buggy to use,
so I cook without it
maybe you can also find a fix for 2303X's Titanium too
keep it on , you are my last hope , i tried too many ways to fix but is too tired and the layout is not as beautiful as the original one
I must to say you always do grate work
kane159 said:
hay man seems you really enjoy studing Titanium
grate work, keep it on, hope I can help,but the new 23037's Titanium is too buggy to use,
so I cook without it
maybe you can also find a fix for 2303X's Titanium too
keep it on , you are my last hope , i tried too many ways to fix but is too tired and the layout is not as beautiful as the original one
I must to say you always do grate work
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I haven't really experienced any problems with Titanium. I have seen it posted a lot & someone posted saying they just replaced the files with the Titanium Files from older builds & fixed the issue. The only thing I've noticed is certain custom plugin such as CMultiClock, the animation bug is worse. I managed to reduce the bug by editing the image codes. I added ScalingAlgorithm="TriLinear" to all Image Lines & removes the Clip="False" from them. Clip="False should only appear in <Layer tags.
ya i had tried your solution, but it's not totoly fix in the original theme
can I put on my cpr file and my reg key?
maybe you are the one only really know Titanium on XDA...
I already call too much ppl to help, but they are unable to help themselves
kane159 said:
ya i had tried your solution, but it's not totoly fix in the original theme
can I put on my cpr file and my reg key?
maybe you are the one only really know Titanium on XDA...
I already call too much ppl to help, but they are unable to help themselves
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It is not a perfect fix. It just reduces the frequency of the bug appearing. Post your CPR's & I'll look at them. No need for the registries. The CPR controls display.
drkfngthdragnlrd said:
It is not a perfect fix. It just reduces the frequency of the bug appearing. Post your CPR's & I'll look at them. No need for the registries. The CPR controls display.
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here is my cpr file, thank you my friend you always help me
really really thanks you
kane159 said:
here is my cpr file, thank you my friend you always help me
really really thanks you
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Ok, what did you change, I can tell from the start that you didn't do what I said at all. Every "<Image" line of code for every Custom Plugin needs to look like this!
Red Values Must Exist! Blue Values can be edited as needed! ScaleStyle can be "Stretch" or "Fit". Scaling Algorithm can be "Fast" or "TriLinear". You can add Source & SourceType if needed. Nothing else is to be added beside those 2 to any <Image line of code. I don't get what's so hard to understand about this. This is what I did, follow my instructions & you won't experience the bug as much. The END!
[COLOR="Blue"]<[/COLOR][COLOR="DarkRed"]Image[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]ID[/COLOR][COLOR="#0000ff"]=[/COLOR]"[COLOR="#0000ff"]HrBG[/COLOR]" [COLOR="#ff0000"]Left[/COLOR][COLOR="#0000ff"]=[/COLOR]"[COLOR="#0000ff"]39[/COLOR]" [COLOR="#ff0000"]Top[/COLOR][COLOR="#0000ff"]=[/COLOR]"[COLOR="#0000ff"]-101[/COLOR]" [COLOR="#ff0000"]Width[/COLOR][COLOR="Blue"]=[/COLOR]"[COLOR="#0000ff"]100[/COLOR]" [COLOR="#ff0000"]Height[/COLOR][COLOR="#0000ff"]=[/COLOR]"[COLOR="#0000ff"]100[/COLOR]" [COLOR="#ff0000"]ScalingAlgorithm[/COLOR][COLOR="#0000ff"]=[/COLOR]"[COLOR="#0000ff"]TriLinear[/COLOR]" [COLOR="#ff0000"]ScaleStyle[/COLOR][COLOR="#0000ff"]=[/COLOR]"[COLOR="#0000ff"]Stretch[/COLOR]" [COLOR="Blue"]/>[/COLOR]
drkfngthdragnlrd said:
Ok, what did you change, I can tell from the start that you didn't do what I said at all. Every "<Image" line of code for every Custom Plugin needs to look like this!
Red Values Must Exist! Blue Values can be edited as needed! ScaleStyle can be "Stretch" or "Fit". Scaling Algorithm can be "Fast" or "TriLinear". You can add Source & SourceType if needed. Nothing else is to be added beside those 2 to any <Image line of code. I don't get what's so hard to understand about this. This is what I did, follow my instructions & you won't experience the bug as much. The END!
[COLOR="Blue"]<[/COLOR][COLOR="DarkRed"]Image[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]ID[/COLOR][COLOR="#0000ff"]=[/COLOR]"[COLOR="#0000ff"]HrBG[/COLOR]" [COLOR="#ff0000"]Left[/COLOR][COLOR="#0000ff"]=[/COLOR]"[COLOR="#0000ff"]39[/COLOR]" [COLOR="#ff0000"]Top[/COLOR][COLOR="#0000ff"]=[/COLOR]"[COLOR="#0000ff"]-101[/COLOR]" [COLOR="#ff0000"]Width[/COLOR][COLOR="Blue"]=[/COLOR]"[COLOR="#0000ff"]100[/COLOR]" [COLOR="#ff0000"]Height[/COLOR][COLOR="#0000ff"]=[/COLOR]"[COLOR="#0000ff"]100[/COLOR]" [COLOR="#ff0000"]ScalingAlgorithm[/COLOR][COLOR="#0000ff"]=[/COLOR]"[COLOR="#0000ff"]TriLinear[/COLOR]" [COLOR="#ff0000"]ScaleStyle[/COLOR][COLOR="#0000ff"]=[/COLOR]"[COLOR="#0000ff"]Stretch[/COLOR]" [COLOR="Blue"]/>[/COLOR]
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no no my friend, this is my original cpr files
you don't tell me whitch should i put on so...
I'll put it later,thanks very much
drkfngthdragnlrd said:
I'm not quite sure what you mean, but I can tell you that WMP is NOT Pages. It is a single page plugin. The Arrows used are not the Page Arrows. That's why there are MPI's & NPI's. One set is for Pages, the other is used by WMP.
EDIT: I may be wrong but I think MPI=MultiPageIndicator & NPI=NextPreviousIndicator.
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Hi sorry for inconvenience, let me explain you, why I made this question:
I´m trying to perform a better Nitrogen titanium panel; the new version of Nitrogen write in the registry in HKLM\Software\Microsoft\CHome all the info required to Function the panel; and better yet you can run command (like forward, etc) just putting the command after "nitrogen.exe"
Thats why I made that questions: exist any form to perform a command or .lnk when I made lateral swipe inside a panel or maybe pressing this NPI that you mention, to make work this panel like WMP Panel?
Thanks in advance
ryomahino said:
Hi sorry for inconvenience, let me explain you, why I made this question:
I´m trying to perform a better Nitrogen titanium panel; the new version of Nitrogen write in the registry in HKLM\Software\Microsoft\CHome all the info required to Function the panel; and better yet you can run command (like forward, etc) just putting the command after "nitrogen.exe"
Thats why I made that questions: exist any form to perform a command or .lnk when I made lateral swipe inside a panel or maybe pressing this NPI that you mention, to make work this panel like WMP Panel?
Thanks in advance
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You want to look for my thread on how to add button hotspots to CHome plugins. It's a bit tricky, but is the only way I've managed to do something like what your are talking about, except ot's not swiping, it's press a software button. I believe someone already did this based on Cherish's Plugin. Check in his thread.

