[req] help me - calendar sync - Touch HD General

Hello, i've some trouble into my pocket outlook calendar of my htc hd.
i'll explain better, i'm not able to syncronize it with my pc; on my outlook i see 2000 appointments in today instead each day. i got an activesync error with the invite to empty my mail accounts (i don't sync e.mail!) i tried to restore a 2month old calendar backup, without any news


Cannot sync calendar to outlook

If I create a new Appointment on the Polaris, it is not synchronized with my Outlook 2007 Calendar on my VISTA PC. Instead a new, empty appointment is created in Outlook with the present time, duration 30mins.
Synchronization from Outlook to the Polaris works perfectly.
Can anyone help with that?

Windows Calendar

I have my calendar sync'd with my Outlook and for months it has been great, however I have noticed recently that on my phone it is now showing a few things that I have deleted from my Outlook.
Is there a way of deleting the whole Mobile calendar and letting it sync from scratch or any other ideas?

How can I sync Contacts with Outlook?

I never used Outlook to sync contacts of my HD2, but today I was going to try and I can't because I allways get one error when trying to sync the contacts.
My device is well synced with my outlook, but contacts don't sync.
I'm using Windows 7.
Any help is apreciated.

Contact Sync???!!!!

Dear Friends..
I bought LG Optimus mobile in the "word to speech" icon is missing, and could u pls help me how to Sync the contacts which is in Outlook to my Mobile??
I was using HTC Touch HD..is it possible to update the PIM Backup in Optimus?
Pls help me.. thanQ
The Optimus 7 will only support the Syncing of outlook contacts through an Internet Exchange account.
The phone no longer uses Activesync (thank god) to sync to your PC, so syncing with a local Outlook install will not work.
There is a MSKB on how to import your contacts (a one-time deal) here though, although I have not tried it: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2454811
Thanks man, that saved me a lot of time. I started to sweat when i saw there is no way of directly syncing contacts from outlook to phone.

[q] htc hero calendar sync

Please can someone help. I have an HTC Hero with Android 2.1. I am able to sync the contacts with HTC Sync with no problem at all. However, I am totally unable to sync the Calendar. What I would like to do is sync my HTC Calendar with Google calendar and also export it so that I can save the calendar to my SD Card. However, nothing seems to work, not even HTC Sync.
Any help would be much appreciated.
As far as I know, Google calendar syncs with your google account at any time when you have internet connection and/or background data/autosync enabled. HTC Sync sync your phone's calendar with MS Outlook (if you use windows).
Thank you. Please can you tell me how I can use HTC Sync to Sync my HTC Calendar with Outlook because I am unable to make this work at the moment!
I've downloaded a program called Google Calendar Sync. This program syncs your outlook calendar with your google calendar (you can tell it which ways it has to sync e.g. only outlook-> google, or google->outlook or both ways), and then in turn, your google calendar syncs with your phone.
See Google Calendar Sync page for more info.
Chek this out.

