Wizard when calling Answering Machines... - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

I have a Cingular 8125... and there would be times I'd be calling say my service provider...
Usually an answering machine would be picking up the call and tells you to
press 1 for...
press 2 for...
... and so on...
How the heck do we do this? This seemed to be my only problem with our beloved Wizard... pressing the touchscreen doesn't do anything, and pressing the keyboard won't work either...
Anybody have their own solution???

Go to Settings Phone Keypad drop down menu and select Short or Long tones, I use Short tones.

I don't think that the situation has got nothing to do with long/short tones... and anyways... I didn't find any tones list under settings/phone keypad option...
any other clues???

I think you misunderstand, the options are, Long tones, Short tones, and Off.
The reason for telling you to enable the tones was so we would know if your phone is producing the sounds.
This is just step one in the process of elimination, so just enable the tones, then report back and let us know if it’s still not working.


answer/ignore -> where's my mute?

hi all,
if my mda rings, i want to be able to like 'mute' it. i can do this by 'pulling down' the volume slide button (second left from top) while a phone call comes in, but the software keeps showing that the phone is ringing.
is there a way (or software) which allows me to choose to 'mute' the call, while not interfering with my software?: like saying:
"ok i understand someones calling me, don't REJECT that someone, but let the phone ring (for that someone), while at the same time not informing me (anymore) that im being called!"
bla321 said:
hi all,
if my mda rings, i want to be able to like 'mute' it. i can do this by 'pulling down' the volume slide button (second left from top) while a phone call comes in, but the software keeps showing that the phone is ringing.
is there a way (or software) which allows me to choose to 'mute' the call, while not interfering with my software?: like saying:
"ok i understand someones calling me, don't REJECT that someone, but let the phone ring (for that someone), while at the same time not informing me (anymore) that im being called!"
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Use the Volume button to turn off the sound when you receive a call. ( Move it up or down)
Yeah I agree... I'd like to see an IGNORE - or SILENT button like the nokia OS has.
I hate having to pull the phone out of my pocked - look at the caller and think "nah, don't wanna talk to them", and not have a button to click on...
Saying all that, after a month you get used to hitting the volume on the side... one tap and the phone stops ringing...
As far as I know - thats it...
there is a program i used to use with my nokia 6630 which ignores selected ppl's calls, its called blackballer. there are also a couple other programs out there that do the same thing, but dont know of any for PPC, will keep my eyes out though.
fone_fanatic said:
there is a program i used to use with my nokia 6630 which ignores selected ppl's calls, its called blackballer. there are also a couple other programs out there that do the same thing, but dont know of any for PPC, will keep my eyes out though.
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i know of such a program for the ppc pe, it's called:
"Call SMS Blocker Lite v0.5.5"
The thing is, here you preset what is blocked or not, and it works OK, but:
It still does not allow you to silently surpress an incoming call AD HOC and carry on with whatever you are doing on your ppc pe :roll:

Speed It Up

How can I somehow speed up my XDA? I miss so many phone calls, because it has to "boot up" when someone calls and by that time it's 3 rings in, so by the time I get it out of my pocket and am able to answer by pushing the "Answer" button several times, I'm lucky to get it. I had the XDA IIs, and it was fine. Yet this is just a joke.
Any apps out there available or advice?
just curious.... I had a similar problem. I recently unassinged unique ring tones from contacts. and made sure to copy the ring I wanted to use into the main memory(i.e. not on sd card) and this seems to have fixed the issue for me. I have even reassigned the unique ring tones.
You can adjust the ringing time :-
1) Go to the Phone app
2) Go to the Menu and select Options
2) Go to the Services tab
3) Highlight "Call Forwarding" then click "Get Settings..."
4) Adjust the time in the "Forward after:" box to 30 seconds
I now get six audible rings with old_phone
simply upgrade to the latest radio stack, seems to have fixed alot of peoples universal with the same problem, including my own universal
mine always rings on the second ring and havent upgraded.
but i have changed the forward to 30 seconds by calling my operator and having it changed, 1 month later, I found the manual change capability.
i would be looking to configurations and settings on the individual devices and see what is actually running and going on, cause it aint the phone.
Test this File-perhaps it speed up your Telephone.
The Turbo-Modus on my Universal speed up the Telephone too !
Try the cab-File - scroll down a little bit.

O2 EXEC, slow to respond to incoming calls

HI all
Hoeping some one can help me,,, If my xda exec is switched on and an incoming call comes in it starts ringing stright away as you would expect. However if the xda exec is in standby mode, it takes 3 or 4 rings before the xda wakes up and starting to make the ring tone sound. Is this a "design feature" or is there somthing i can do to resolve it, As most people seem to hang up after 6 rings and my xda only rings after 4 I am missing lots of calls.
Hope you can help
You can try and install the Radio Upgrade 1.06.00. It doesnt require a hard reset (loss of all data), and appears to fix up that problem from everyone who has tried it.
You can alter the duration the phone will ring for before it goes to voice mail or divert (depending on how your set-up is arranged) Go to Settings/ Phone, select the "Services" tab, highlight Call Forwarding, then press get settings, the phone will retrieve the data, in the midle of the screen is "Forward after" and a drop down box set this to "30 Seconds" - you might find it rings for longer now as the default is 10 seconds I think - Mike
Thanks for your replys, I have already put the 1.06 radio upgrade onto the device..
I will change the voicemail pickup time that should help thanks
I have found that if i turn of the power management settings so that the device does not go to sleep after 3 minutes then this problem is fixed, Calls come though to the xda within 1 ring,,, However I dont know if this is going to cause the battery to drain to quick, as the screen is on still (although backlight goes out)
isnt there a registry hack for this?

How to key in command digit to generate DTMF during a call?

I am using Wizard with WM5.0. The phone software is the default one.
When you dial a service hotline, you normally hear the voice prompt: "English Press 1, French press 2"... How to press the 1 and send the DTMF touch tone over to the service provider? I tried press 1 but there is no DTMF tone generated?
Thanks in advance for anyone who can answer my question.
Strange - it's working (and has always worked with all the ROM's) great with my Wizard. In addition, Menu / Options /Phone / Keypad doesn't have any effect on what is sent out to the other party.
Try doing this with as many DTMF-based services as possible to find out whether it's a problem with the particular service you've called up or a generic one.
In the phone app, you should press "keypad" button to bring back the phone keys during the call to generate DTMF.
Hi, Menneisyys,
I have tried to call two different hotline. I failed to get throught the first question such as : "Press 1 for English, Press 2 for French...". It seems that these two service provider do not have problem as I can call them by my land wired phone.
Hi, micvario,
Yes, I am able to go to the Keypad. But pressing any digits does not send any thing to the hotline...
Very strange....
Hi, when you use the keypad, do digits appear on the screen and can you also hear the tones from the speaker? If so, I suspect the problem may be with the signal quality..
Hi, micvario,
Yes. The digit appear on screen and there is tone from the speaker....
1) you can call your own landline to listen if tones are really transmitted
2) check signal strenght; i guess if its zero or one bar only, you may not notice in speech but it could be a problem for tone processing at the other end... try to increase and try again..
3) if there are loud background sounds like music, traffic, this may also interfere with the tones..
Hi, micvario,
I made a mistake last time.... (Haven't try this for a few days).
When I press "1", "2".... during a call, I can't hear any DTMF tone generated.
Is mostly a hardware error or software error?
I'm having the same problem
I'm having the same problem. Since I'm using PV4 when I press the keypad I can hear the tone, but no DTMF are sent to the other side of the line.
No DTMF during call
I'm having the same problem. I can hear the tones and the numbers are displayed but not sent across the line. So, I can't delete voice mail. HELP! I also had some one on a voice call tell me they couldn't hear the tones.
Anything further on this? I have the same problem on my desire z. Can hear the tone on my end but no recognition on the receiving end...

Incoming Call Delay

There is a delay between incoming call and actually the phone ringing. Did you notice that as well? I asked my callers already several times how many rings they have heared. Normally 2, and I only heared one. So?
As well there is a small delay between picking up and actually being able to speak... Did you notice this as well?
i'm facing the same problem
Thx for your feedback. So now the question is if there is any reg-hack to speed this up.
I noticed that too.
But if you pay attention, there is a low ring in the background. Make a test in a zero noise environment..
@uterrorista, low-ring? pretty usefull, ha?
@all, pushing up the topic.
pretty bad, if the "waking up" process takes that long so the caller already got something like 3-4 rings until I hear the first ring...
any idea?
Upgrading your Radio should mostly solve this problem. And always try to have your ringtones in main memory rather than storage cards because power to sd card cuts of in standby mode and may take some time to return after awaken by a call.
With the new radio occurs the same.
Incoming call delay
This may help....
Somethings to consider:
1- I would say the actual ring signal is not always synchronized with the ring back tone we heard. The may come from different system within a complex telecom network. Therefore, some delay is expected as normal functionality in all telephone systems (Fix and mobile ones). What you hear when calling is send by the phone systems you are connected too (i. e. fix phone line of your provider central office systems). What makes your phone ringing is a command (teleco-protocol) sent by the system you are registered-in) So, we do not expect a ring to ring back sync any way.
2- To the previous fact, we should add the wake-up time, ringing tone search and play back as well as picture and info shown on display, call execution inner in the process on your JADE. You may minimize a bit these things, but I would say only a bit if you have the device always awake (battery waste) and your ringing tones are in the main memory.
3- if your phone does not give you radio problem, please do not upgrade it. You may run in problems you did not have before and it will void your warranty.
4- We can go further and add our ear and brain response time.
5- The time that comes for the call to go to diver destination or voice mail, counts from the moment that your phone is seized by your host public system and not from the moment the caller hear the first ring back tone.
I do not see a real problem as far as it does not go over two ring back tones.
A lot of ringtones are silent about 1 second before they actually start (just like some songs and stuff). That might be your problem?
cPT.cAPSLOCK said:
A lot of ringtones are silent about 1 second before they actually start (just like some songs and stuff). That might be your problem?
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No, it isnt. Mine is the dafault tone.
If the jade is near a pc monitor, the monitor starts to make interferences two or three seconds before the screen lights up and the tone starts ringing.
yesterday it rang 1x and my caller said he heared the ringtone on his side of the line 5x!!!! wtf!?!?
what can we do to fix this?
Hello my radio version is (from stock)
I too had a 3 ring call delay, i installed jademan superrom (which did not update the radio version , it's still the old one) and somehow the call delay vanished...
Or u can try the reg tweak to set the ring script to "av1pr" using sktools... works well for me..
hope that helps
Raghav_K said:
Hello my radio version is (from stock)
I too had a 3 ring call delay, i installed jademan superrom (which did not update the radio version , it's still the old one) and somehow the call delay vanished...
Or u can try the reg tweak to set the ring script to "av1pr" using sktools... works well for me..
hope that helps
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Can explain the sk-tweak please?
Sure :d
install the latest sktools, Choose tuneup < phone edition < ring script and typr av1pr... which gives u a very short vibrate and ring... (which fits me cos the ring volume isn't very high and i dont wanna miss calls in noisy areas.. U can see help to modify the script to ur needs)
or if u prefer editing registry, use a registry editor to go to HKCU/ControlPanel/Sounds/Ringtone0/script and change the REG_SZ value to av1pr
annoying incoming call delay
i have changed the registry script as people say but no difference. And that's no surprise as if you read the script letter by letter "av1pr" means activate device/vibrate/play ringtone/repeat. The original script "apw3r" again means "activate the phone/play rington/wait 3 seconds/repeat". So the 3 seconds delay happens AFTER the phone plays the ringtone the first time.
However, the activation(with activation I mean to wake up the phone from standby) actually happens always on the beginning of the second ring. I have another phone and I have done few tests calling the jade so I am sure of what I am saying.
By the way, I dont know if you noticed but changing the ringtone changes the script back to the original one. But it doesnt really matter given that this tweak doesnt make any difference.
I have to say instead that disabling the skin dialer allowed me to gain 1 second, and now the phone activates just before the second ring. So I believe that the solution should be found somewhere else and not in the script that everyone keeps talking about.
I think I have read that the superrom doesnt have this problem(jade rom development in this section). What did it change in there? why it doesnt show that?
Any help appreciated
Actually av1pr means activate & vibrate 1 sec & Ring
apw3r means activate & wait 3 sec and play ringtone
I used to get the caller screen and no ring till 3 sec till i changed that.... i know it resets everytime after u change rt but no prob for me cos i don change RT often and sktools has an easy way of changing it
And i need it to vibrate for 1 sec coz ring volume is a bit low in htc phones..
PS: i'm using superrom too
Raghav_K said:
Actually av1pr means activate & vibrate 1 sec & Ring
apw3r means activate & wait 3 sec and play ringtone
I used to get the caller screen and no ring till 3 sec till i changed that.... i know it resets everytime after u change rt but no prob for me cos i don change RT often and sktools has an easy way of changing it
And i need it to vibrate for 1 sec coz ring volume is a bit low in htc phones..
PS: i'm using superrom too
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well, the phone follows the sequence of commands so if it is:
the phone will a=activate, then p=play ringtone, w3=wait 3 seconds, r=repeat sequence.
So the 3 seconds delay is after the first time the rt is played.
But I have the same initial delay with both scripts it does p**s me off really!
have you tried to use another phone to call your jade with the superrom? how long does it take to play the tone?
well i have tried and my jade starts vibrating by the time the first ring ends( in the phone from which i'm calling)
can u try the decrease ring delay tweak in the mighty enhancements section of this link and see if it works
My own experience is that SuperROM made absolutely no difference at all, neither does hacking the ringtone script (as other have said, the "delay" is after the ringtone has started anyway).
What did make a difference in both the stock & superrom firmware was to disable the HTC dialer skin and revert to the WM6.1 caller id bubble. This reduced the average delay to about 1 second. The other variable is whether the phone is in full suspend mode or awake - my phone certainly takes longer to activate from full suspend mode (full suspend being suspend on battery).
Haven't tried the new HTC stock ROM yet, maybe this improves things? I think it will take some changes to the low-level drivers to improve on the 1 second wake-up with WM6.1 dialer (these may be in the new stock ROM, all of the cooked ROMs use low-level drivers from the original stock ROM so will all be the same in this respect).
Raghav_K said:
well i have tried and my jade starts vibrating by the time the first ring ends( in the phone from which i'm calling)
can u try the decrease ring delay tweak in the mighty enhancements section of this link and see if it works
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Absolutely no difference whatsover. Again, the only improvement I can get is when I disable the dialer skin and use the wm default one. Then it rings just before hearing the second tone on the calling line.
To be honest I am not surprised, the registry key that is changed is:
which clearly refers to a volume level and not to a time delay...??

