google latitude - G1 General

hey just read about this on googles website and was wondering if anyone knows about this yet says you need maps v 3.0 says g1 users will get 3.0 maps in update soon

Latitude... WHY!!!?!???
I don't get it. This seems like the ultimate in privacy invasion. Obviously you don't have to use it, but why would anyone?
Why would anyone want someone else to track everywhere they go.
You: "Sorry baby, I'm busy at work..."
Your *****: "No, you asshole, this chat thingy says you are in West LA near Sawtelle, isn't your ex-girlfriend in West LA, like a block from that street?"
You: "oh, ****, forgot about that. Why did I turn that on again?"

I guess some parents would like to be able to keep track of their kids, or companies to keep track of their employees etc. Definitely an invasion of privacy/integrity, but as long as it's not forced upon me I don't really mind.

Yeah im not doing it!!

i like it, there are lots of programs like it such as loopt and whatnot, and people use those...

Obviously you can manually set your location "yeah boss, I'm at that service call" while you are really at the beach.
It's not secure enough for employees/employers.
I just think it's an odd program unless you really love the voyeur aspects of it.

since it can be turned off
i have no problem with it,
it could be useful if someone is trying to find you and all you do is turn on, show them and turn off 5 min later they are right in front of you....(that would be useful for all those craigslist sellers)
could seem useless but, lets say ur in a car accident , or are lost in the woods and you get one bar of signal and use it to show someone your longitude and latitude and that way they can find you...
its like my father use to say before..."why do you want a cellphone, if they call your office and youre not there, then they call your house and youre not there have them wait till you get home, why would you want some one calling you anywhere?" and now hes a winmo cellphone user...
its a "big privacy issue" but it can be useful

schizox said:
since it can be turned off
i have no problem with it,
it could be useful if someone is trying to find you and all you do is turn on, show them and turn off 5 min later they are right in front of you....(that would be useful for all those craigslist sellers)
could seem useless but, lets say ur in a car accident , or are lost in the woods and you get one bar of signal and use it to show someone your longitude and latitude and that way they can find you...
its like my father use to say before..."why do you want a cellphone, if they call your office and youre not there, then they call your house and youre not there have them wait till you get home, why would you want some one calling you anywhere?" and now hes a winmo cellphone user...
its a "big privacy issue" but it can be useful
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in every turning point there is always a privacy issued breach when reaching someone. Just awhile ago I called my friend through skype and he never accepted the call and it went through. I said 'whats up' and he told me that he was busy. Few days later, he told me that he was in the room with his girl and they were intimate, lol. Almost caught them in the act!

vr24 said:
I don't get it. This seems like the ultimate in privacy invasion. Obviously you don't have to use it, but why would anyone?
Why would anyone want someone else to track everywhere they go.
You: "Sorry baby, I'm busy at work..."
Your *****: "No, you asshole, this chat thingy says you are in West LA near Sawtelle, isn't your ex-girlfriend in West LA, like a block from that street?"
You: "oh, ****, forgot about that. Why did I turn that on again?"
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thats a REAL situation out here in u gotta be careful when usin that.

Salku said:
in every turning point there is always a privacy issued breach when reaching someone. Just awhile ago I called my friend through skype and he never accepted the call and it went through. I said 'whats up' and he told me that he was busy. Few days later, he told me that he was in the room with his girl and they were intimate, lol. Almost caught them in the act!
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that has hapend to me in skype, its a setting, however im all for the latitude, just that for the "common joe" that is going to leave it on... then start complaining about their privacy and what not... its a good thing google clearly points out that it can be turned off and that you first have to accept the request then config it..

schizox said:
just that for the "common joe" that is going to leave it on... then start complaining about their privacy and what not...
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Indeed. Technology is not magical; users who do not take control of it will end up letting it take control of them. Sadly most of that is through ignorance, but they will never admit that. I mean FFS if you are going to use a service that shares your location, specifically invite someone to share location with (because by default Latitude starts with an empty share list), and then somehow get in trouble because you're doing something you're not supposed to be doing... well I fail to see how the problem is with Latitude (or Loopt, or

So i've noticed alot of overeaction about this. From what I understand it's more like twitter with a gps function. I also believe the gps isn't real time, it only update when you post a message. Perhaps you guys should look at the application before you scream privacy invasion.

dissonance said:
So i've noticed alot of overeaction about this. From what I understand it's more like twitter with a gps function. I also believe the gps isn't real time, it only update when you post a message. Perhaps you guys should look at the application before you scream privacy invasion.
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no the choice is real time, or specify a location or off i belive. would be good to just have a update button that sets your current position but dosnt follow you, but i think you have to do that manualy

poolne1 said:
hey just read about this on googles website and was wondering if anyone knows about this yet says you need maps v 3.0 says g1 users will get 3.0 maps in update soon
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Might I suggest that you try "search". Or look at the thread list -- page 1 has quite a few threads on this.

It'd be good for say, you're meeting friends for a pub crawl and you dont want to have to be all "where are you now" "where are you now" "where are you now"
It's like brightkite for the lazy.

WARNING: Long post.
If you are going to have your girlfriend paired with you on latitude, you are pretty much asking for issues. Then again if you have a girlfriend thats all over you about where you are at, there are obviously trust issues and the relationship probably wont work out anyways.
Last night I actually got to use Latitude and it was pretty useful. I was at a bar pretty sloshed, and a friend wanted to join us but didn't know where we were, (We have a place thats kinda like a shopping center with just bars all over the place, so roaming around this place is a blast but its hard to describe where you are at to people who have never been there before.) Anyways he called and I didn't answer. He turned on Latitude and met up with us at one of the bars we just rolled into.
Latitude is useful, just need to make sure you have people you want to see your location and the ones you don't want to see your location on a different list. (One gets to be your friend on Latitude and the other doesn't.)
You don't HAVE to use Latitude and you don't have to have it post your exact location either. You can give general locations.
I have two sisters that get lost everywhere. Literally... Everywhere. You can tell them to cross the street and they will get lost. Anyways simply popping up google maps and being able to tell where they are currently and give good directions is awesome. Its like saying "What do you see right now" Then pulling up street view and seeing what they see, then giving directions based on that.
The user just needs to be responsible with it... Don't add stalkers, don't add someone you don't see yourself talking to 6 months from now. Don't add girlfriends if they are the paranoid type.

for some reason my latitude isnt working. it stays at the "saving my location' screen for hours. any suggestions or solutions?

Welcome to the connected world. Get used to it. It is not Google's or anyone's responsibility but our own.
I find it quite useful and fun. I added an "acquaintance" that isn't terribly bright and super annoying to my Latitude list being sure to only show him City Level. The acquaintance has this nasty habit of always showing up at whatever bar I'm at and talking my god damned ear off. Well now I have a way of seeing where the hell this person is and having advanced warning. Granted this person could set me to City Level on his friends list but like I said, not terribly bright and quite the socialite. How awesome would it be if we could tie Locale into Latitude? Oh sweet Jesus of Mary the possibilities.

well honestly its twitter without the details you have to waste "letting people know what your doing" just another social networking idea

schizox said:
since it can be turned off
i have no problem with it,
it could be useful if someone is trying to find you and all you do is turn on, show them and turn off 5 min later they are right in front of you....(that would be useful for all those craigslist sellers)
could seem useless but, lets say ur in a car accident , or are lost in the woods and you get one bar of signal and use it to show someone your longitude and latitude and that way they can find you...
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I don't get it... Why are you all so indifferent with your privacy?
1.) it can be turned off.
Your girlfriend (I'd rather use that expression than *****) or your boss asks you: I tried to find you on google latitude (assuming she will know how to use that). Why didn't you activate it? You have the new G1 with latitude!
What will you answer? I don't want erverybody to be able to see, where I am? They will answer: I am not everybody! You could activate only me! So why are you having secrets?
And... remember... Google isn't the salvation army. They earn their money with advertising. How long will it last till they use your data for advertising?
2.) it could be useful if
How often have you been lost in the woods or a car accident and you were not able to call someone or use google maps to find out by yourself? These are all stories that don't happen.
And the "I went to a bar and a freind wanted to join us..."
In a bar (those in a shopping center from archangelugp ) you usually have no gps signal. So you can only be found by cell signal. If there are so many bars, this isn't exact enough to find you. If you have a signal, just use "Here I am" from the market and send him an sms, where you are, if not, send him a message with the name of the bar and if nothing works... your friend is out of luck, he won't die.
3.) conclusion
Everybody is free to use latitude of course. I don't want to tell anybody what to do. Just realize what you do. How many of you have really thought about using google mail? Have you noticed that google reads ALL of your mails and uses it for advertising purposes? Read the agreement we all signed when subscribing to gogle services.
I am using google mail by myself , but I am aware of it.
And now go on with google latitude. It reminds me of the stasi in the former GDR. they knew everything about everyone. Just like Orwell said... Big brother is watching you.


New Free GPS from amazegps

Hi Guys,
Thanks for lots of things on the website, I just got my mogul 2 days back and I am installing lots of app. One thing I really wanted was free GPS app. Now I liked msn live better then Google, specially as it was giving ding sound before turn. But I still wanted audibles. So, I downloaded nav4all. But it was pain in the xxx as it will only work some time. Even I kept google maps running in the back so it can lock but when I start nav4all app it will not lock. It only worked 2 times for 10 minutes.
So finally found following app and it worked like champ. I will give outdoor try tomorrow bit it was easy to install, good clear sound. Lots of setting and 2 different option to save bandwidth. I did not have to do anything to even lock on the satellite. It just worked. I tried some entering address and all that stuff and it worked great. I will let you all know more tomorrow after some test. Give it a shot as it is free.
how did you get this to work i get an apply screen. i will look deeper into this im also using the mogul. thanks for exposing this app though
ive got the same screen
Did y'all follow instructions and write down the username and password they put up on the download page for Windows Mobile?
Apply Screen
Make sure to write down your user name & password, record it from the site download screen.
Pretty cool
Very cool, and it's free, but mine says it's Alpha version, and it looks like it does not have all the features it claims to have for other mobile devices. Also, for some reason, it does not show areal view (I am in Florida, USA). But I like the idead of hearing voice directions. I'll let you know later when I am on the road.
fachex said:
Very cool, and it's free, but mine says it's Alpha version, and it looks like it does not have all the features it claims to have for other mobile devices. Also, for some reason, it does not show areal view (I am in Florida, USA). But I like the idead of hearing voice directions. I'll let you know later when I am on the road.
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Hi Guys, I tried it today going to work and it worked really really good. I think UI is better then my Magellan. It shows POI's nearby and text is really clear. Route calculation was really quick. I am pretty much impressed. Now one problem is if you zoom fully and driving on the highway, it sometimes lags on refresh but if you are one level less zoom it works good. Man this is too good to be true but it works and the voice pretty loud. As this is just alpha version I think they should be able to improve it more.
This is too good to be true
I know it's alpha, but I have a few issues:
- US Maps are old - didn't have my area which is over four years old.
- Keep having to enter username/password each time I start - no way I'm going to remember that every time.
- doesn't remember settings (imperial vs. metric, etc.)
Anyone else having these issues?
Installed, ran...unimpressed
I don't really see the point for this app in the U.S. I don't know how LiveSearch and Google maps work in other countries....but this app gave zero new fact, the aforementioned worked better.
In my humble opinion, US buyers, move on.
sudermatt said:
I don't really see the point for this app in the U.S. I don't know how LiveSearch and Google maps work in other countries....but this app gave zero new fact, the aforementioned worked better.
In my humble opinion, US buyers, move on.
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I don't know why you say that, it is not like you are paying anything for the app. It is free, gives you voice prompt. If you are like me who has unlimited data, you don't worry about updating maps as they will be always updated and it just works.
Also it has an no satellite option which will just give you direction arrows and voice prompt in which it will download map for the whole route so, even if you are going to the place where there is no data service available you will still able to navigate as long as you are on the course and as I said it worked much better then I expected.
zmokin said:
I know it's alpha, but I have a few issues:
- US Maps are old - didn't have my area which is over four years old.
- Keep having to enter username/password each time I start - no way I'm going to remember that every time.
- doesn't remember settings (imperial vs. metric, etc.)
Anyone else having these issues?
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No, I have to enter username only once and also I don't have to enter setting again. Seems like you have some write permission issue as it just to storing some values to say, don't need to enter password and other setting. I also have my favorites saved. I use it on HTC Mogul.
Just d\l it an looks good. Demo plotted course well but no audio. Tried WM5 and WM6 and sound is greyed out on the options menu. Anyone getting turn by turn audio?
Osteo said:
Just d\l it an looks good. Demo plotted course well but no audio. Tried WM5 and WM6 and sound is greyed out on the options menu. Anyone getting turn by turn audio?
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I am getting turn by turn audio. I did not have to make any changes for that.
I tried this app about a week or so ago and it didn't work on my Mogul -- I just tried it again (downloaded the "now available" WM6 version) and it indeed works... Map coverage in my area is a bit weak, but I'm going to give the app a workout and see how it goes...
The price is right...
I tried this on my Mogul yesterday and it drove me absolutely insane! The maps for my area is seriously outdated and the navigation on the map is painfully annoying. Love the "Turn left at next intersection" voice though. Microsoft's Live Search is still my "free" GPS program of choice.
wisedesi said:
I am getting turn by turn audio. I did not have to make any changes for that.
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Thanks for the info. I only tried it in the demo mode and I'll take it on the road tomorrow to check it out. I may be one of the only ones, but I love Nav4All, also free, and doesn't need an active internet connection after the course is plotted so I figure I'll play around with this one over the weekend...
Good stuff considering it's free...but i prefer the tomtom over this any day! but then again in the free category this beats google and live only because it gives you turn by turn directions! In googlemaps u take the wrong turn, the course stays plotted but your blue dot goes awry! GoogleMaps doesn't even warn you that you've gone the wrong way!
need help
when i go to the menu map center on gps. all i keeps on saying is No Sattelites.
is there a way to turn on my gps on my Titan
does live search show gas prices like Sprint Navi does?
hoyboydre8 said:
when i go to the menu map center on gps. all i keeps on saying is No Sattelites.
is there a way to turn on my gps on my Titan
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Do you have a Radio ROM that has the GPS enabled? If you're Verizon, for example, you're going to need to flash a new ROM. There's plenty of discussion on how to do so here and on PPCGeeks.

Google Buzz

Anyone got working on the Nexus One? I always get the desktop view when I go to that site.
and I have Cyanogen 5.0Beta4. I seem to lost the ability to use mobile websites like espn, instead i get the full desktop version.
PredatorX14 said:
Anyone got working on the Nexus One? I always get the desktop view when I go to that site.
and I have Cyanogen 5.0Beta4. I seem to lost the ability to use mobile websites like espn, instead i get the full desktop version.
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google map >> layers >> buzz
Mine's working.
Going to redirects me to
PredatorX14 said:
Anyone got working on the Nexus One? I always get the desktop view when I go to that site.
and I have Cyanogen 5.0Beta4. I seem to lost the ability to use mobile websites like espn, instead i get the full desktop version.
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If you lost the ability to see the mobile pages then you need to install the latest MT addition from Cyanogen. There was an issue with the first MT add on he put out and fixed it in the second one.
I recommend going back and re applying the MT add on and you should be able to see mobile pages again.
You can also D/L Google Maps 4.0 with built in Buzz support. Just go to the market, click on the downloads tab, and the update should be waiting for you!
Anyone knows why I don't have the update promted yet? Is it US only? (I'm oversea).
Also, if I go to buzz website on my N1, I can see the interface, but if I post a Buzz.. it keep spinning a small wheel in front of it, and it never completes (nor posts my Buzz)
Any ideea?
I got the same issue. Maybe it is because our gmail hasn't been updated with Buzz yet.
update google maps in the market
Anyone else find it subliminally retarded that Google puts the Nexus one behind the Iphone on its Buzz page ?
heh yeah, I noticed that myself...
However, here: there is an iPhone surrounded by 2 N1's.
Go figure.
I understand google though - people with androids will probably get buzz anyway in some future update (won't be surprised if it will be come a builtin app/link like google goggles) - but the real challenge is for them to get iPhone users to use it, pushing them more towards the google cloud.
xManMythLegend said:
Anyone else find it subliminally retarded that Google puts the Nexus one behind the Iphone on its Buzz page ?
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click get buzz on you phone. you will be happy too see it has a nexus one first then a iphone, followed by another N1. if that helps you a bit lol
I'm quite liking buzz. It's so easy for me to see what people in my area are saying and I can just strike up a conversation with them.
Initially I thought 'How will they get people to leave Twitter to do this' then you realise pretty much everyone is already registered (I'm following people already who have never heard of Buzz!) it's just if they choose to use it.
alithenake said:
Also, if I go to buzz website on my N1, I can see the interface, but if I post a Buzz.. it keep spinning a small wheel in front of it, and it never completes (nor posts my Buzz)
Any ideea?
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After a few tries I got to post a buzz both from the page in the browser, and from google maps.
But, now I can't delete the two posts...
Lots of spinning wheels. Seems unfinished.
But I like the idea. Hope it will work better in the coming days
bufodill said:
After a few tries I got to post a buzz both from the page in the browser, and from google maps.
But, now I can't delete the two posts...
Lots of spinning wheels. Seems unfinished.
But I like the idea. Hope it will work better in the coming days
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I had those issues too - read that it might have to do with the accepting terms thing not registered properly so I wiped my Browser cache and rebooted.
Seems to still do it but then later I'll see it was posted. Also seems to do it straight after a reboot, but then become sluggish. Still glitchy I guess
Edit - Just updated maps and the Buzz Layer thing seems to work better than the one via mobile google. What will be useful I think once it takes off, is that you can pop over to a place and look for any buzz about traffic or weather problems that people might post from a location.
mattyboy247 said:
If you lost the ability to see the mobile pages then you need to install the latest MT addition from Cyanogen. There was an issue with the first MT add on he put out and fixed it in the second one.
I recommend going back and re applying the MT add on and you should be able to see mobile pages again.
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Thanks. Reflashing the mt addon allowed me to see mobile pages again. Buzz works fine now.
I've updated my Maps application to version 4 via Market, but I am not seeing the Buzz layer in Maps.
I wonder is it because this is being rolled out on a country by country basis?
The buzz layer is not enabled by default, you need to press the options, and then choose layers->buzz.
The easiest way to check if your gmap version is correct is to go to options->about - it should be 4.0.0 (#4046).
renboy2 said:
The buzz layer is not enabled by default, you need to press the options, and then choose layers->buzz.
The easiest way to check if your gmap version is correct is to go to options->about - it should be 4.0.0 (#4046).
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Thanks. My Maps is of the version you have listed. However when I go to Layers, I do not see the Buzz layer available for selection. Maybe, like Navigation, this Buzz layer will be turned on for other countries bit by bit?
Anyway I'll wait and see how it goes.
AndyCr15 said:
I'm quite liking buzz. It's so easy for me to see what people in my area are saying and I can just strike up a conversation with them.
Initially I thought 'How will they get people to leave Twitter to do this' then you realise pretty much everyone is already registered (I'm following people already who have never heard of Buzz!) it's just if they choose to use it.
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Funny, I actually saw your buzz last night!
just wan to know how is it work??

Sprint Hero Troubleshooting

OK, I'm at work and as I'm the Android expert, I pretty much deal with Heros and Moments all day. 7 days a week. So I've compiled a short list of problems that I was wondering if you guys might be able to help me out with. I kinda feel bad constantly having to hard reset my customers Heros, even though everything is backed up to google. So, since you guys have delved into the OS and programming, perhaps you have some fixes aside from hard reset (And that won't void the warranty, preferably) for these problems.
1. Picture mail. Customer just gets a download button. When they touch it, either they get downloading........ or download unsuccessful. After suspending/restoring account, deprogramminga nd reprogramming the phone, and switching the phone off the account and back on, I can get about 50% of their picmail to go through, still have to hard reset. Any thoughts on causes of this? Or a fix?
2. Youtube. Using either the browser or the youtube application, the video will not play. Will occasionally play after 4 or 5 tries, but with no consistency. Doesn't seem to happen on every phone. Hard reset does not fix this. It's listed in our known issues, with no fix. I would appreciate any of your advice. I already give my customer the workaround to use a diff browser and d/l in mp4 format, i'd like to know if I can be more help.
3. When attempting to sign into google or access Market, error "A reliable data connection could not be established. Your SIM card may not be provisioned for data. This may be a temporary problem." Etc. Once again, I do all troubleshooting on our side, customer can browse internet and use data based apps, just not contact googles servers. Any thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated.
That is pretty much it. The only problem I actually cannot fix is the Youtube, other than that a hard reset will take care of it but your average sprint customer has never done a backup and has forgotten the gmail they created when they activated the phone. Thanks in advance for help and if anyone needs any help on my side or info hit me up.
Tell Sprint to get off their ass and roll out the 2.1 update. That fixes every issue you listed as well as others.
Be thankful that some very malicious exploits are still being kept hush hush. Your bosses promised fixes in November when they were shown how to crash any Sprint Android device to the point where a hard reset and a trip to the store is needed to fix it.
Fixes were promised "soon" back in November. It's almost March and I'm about to spill my guts and make things much worse.
I'll help anyone who is honest. Sprint and HTC have spent a ****load of resources on other projects instead of fixing a buggy POS system they took my 500 bucks for. That's not honest.
gbhil said:
Tell Sprint to get off their ass and roll out the 2.1 update. That fixes every issue you listed as well as others.
Be thankful that some very malicious exploits are still being kept hush hush. Your bosses promised fixes in November when they were shown how to crash any Sprint Android device to the point where a hard reset and a trip to the store is needed to fix it.
Fixes were promised "soon" back in November. It's almost March and I'm about to spill my guts and make things much worse.
I'll help anyone who is honest. Sprint and HTC have spent a ****load of resources on other projects instead of fixing a buggy POS system they took my 500 bucks for. That's not honest.
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+1 what he said
Both posts don't actually address his questions, rather your gripes with Sprint and or HTC. Please stay on topic and help if you can.
Gee, that was entirely unhelpful. I am actually trying to help people. I come in on all my off days because no one else here is as comfortable with Android as I am. I am also the top Aircard guy because while most of these guys can fix your Blackberry, they don't know jack about Windows or Mac. So I spend the daylight hours every day trying to help people. I figured since you guys have gotten further into the OS than I ahve you might be able to offer some assistance to your fellow Hero users. Instead, I get an extremely rude message essentially spitting in my face and telling me to piss off because of the company I work for. I honestly had much higher expectations. I've been reading these forums for months and have come to have a high degree of respect for all of you, which is why I decided to start posting. That's really dissapointing. And, for the record, Sprint doesn't write Operating Systems. They just tell the manufacturer what they want (Sprint Nav, Nascar, etc.) and what they wont allow (phone as modem, bluetooth file transfer) and then get the updates whenever they make one. You guys are eagerly awaiting a Sprint 2.1? So is Sprint. I promise you.
And by the way, I realize I'm apparently a horrible person for working to feed my family and all, but I'm an Industrial Electrician, Journeyman. Also A control specialist, fiber optic terminator, and IT tech. The economy crashed, I got laid off from the electrical union cause we had no work, sat on the books for 6 months, and when the union couldnt find me work I came here. Sprint was impressed with my technical abilities (and the fact that someone with my experience/education would be willing to do tech support) and gave me a job. Don't think I'm some evil corporate asshole whos trying to get over on you, cause I'm not. If you don't want to offer your assistance that I think I very respectfully asked for, ok. You aren't hurting me, my Hero works just fine. You're just hurting every other Hero user that calls in needing help.
Oh, and since I can't play with my phone at work (new policy, it bloody sucks, I used to sit here and flash roms and stuff all day from this site) I am just reading the forums and trying to help out. This thread is aptly named for it, so if anyone needs any tech help (as far as not getting sms, mms, calls not coming through, internet down, etc) hit me up in here I'm already giving out tech advice in the picture mail thread. Lol.
How about the texts out of order problem?
I've noticed on mine, it's only when I get texts from other sprint users and it's not every time. Like just now, I sent a text to a friend with sprint, my phone says I sent it at 5:40pm, she replied 2 minutes later, but the time stamp on her text says 5:39pm. I have yet to have this issue with people on other carriers, only people that also use sprint.
Yeah, thats a weird issue. Mine does the same thing. I havent found a fix yet. When using the normal messaging app this causes new txt messages to go to the top of the thread, which is a pain in the ass if you have several hundred txts. Using Handcent keeps that from happening, but the time still comes in wrong. I'm gonna check this out today and see if I can dig something up.
TaurusBullba said:
Both posts don't actually address his questions, rather your gripes with Sprint and or HTC. Please stay on topic and help if you can.
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Not true. His questions were answered in the first sentence of my original reply.
All these issues are a direct result of the process that was used to force Android to work with hardware and a system it was not designed for. They are all fixed in later versions of the operating system.
To the OP - I don't hold you responsible for anything Sprint does. But since you identified yourself as someone who does tech support for them, I simply told you the same thing I tell any Sprint employee. Fix your **** and soon. Pass that along please.
Too bad Sprint network and software engineers don't care about the issues enough to seek feedback like you have done. If they did, I would have told them the same thing.
sirstanley said:
1. Picture mail. Customer just gets a download button. When they touch it, either they get downloading........ or download unsuccessful. After suspending/restoring account, deprogramminga nd reprogramming the phone, and switching the phone off the account and back on, I can get about 50% of their picmail to go through, still have to hard reset. Any thoughts on causes of this? Or a fix?
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Is the customer using the stock messaging app or Handcent? I notice that if I click the "download" button on the pop-up notification then I never get the picture mail. Close the pop-up notification and open the SMS app of your choice (stock, handcent or other) and the picture mail should be there.
I would think that a hard reset fixes it because it uninstalls the custom messaging app that the customer has installed that is hijacking the download.
sirstanley said:
2. Youtube. Using either the browser or the youtube application, the video will not play. Will occasionally play after 4 or 5 tries, but with no consistency. Doesn't seem to happen on every phone. Hard reset does not fix this. It's listed in our known issues, with no fix. I would appreciate any of your advice. I already give my customer the workaround to use a diff browser and d/l in mp4 format, i'd like to know if I can be more help.
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I've noticed that many movies don't play on the browser because Youtube tries to launch "Youtube Mobile" and it blocks a lot of videos that would otherwise play in the Youtube app.
It may be an issue with the data connection. Does your store have a WiFi hotspot? If so, try disabling the Sprint Data connection and enable (and associate) the WiFi... then see if it views ok. If so, you may need to reprovision the Vision account or reset the Vision credentials.
sirstanley said:
3. When attempting to sign into google or access Market, error "A reliable data connection could not be established. Your SIM card may not be provisioned for data. This may be a temporary problem." Etc. Once again, I do all troubleshooting on our side, customer can browse internet and use data based apps, just not contact googles servers. Any thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated.
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I suspect the customer has loaded a custom ROM and is not telling you... but before they came into the store, they restored from nand. There is a known issue with some custom ROMs that will put bad data in your Google account (held on Google's servers). Try creating a new gmail account, do a hard reset, configure the new gmail account as the phone's primary Google account, and see if the market runs. If so... explain to the customer that they have (i believe permanently) screwed up their Google account and they should create a new one. They can still use their old gmail account for mail as a secondary account but as far as Market and all the other Google apps on the phone, they should use the new one. Also advise them to check with the ROM manufacturer before they load custom ROMs.
For example, MoDaCo doesn't have this problem but some of the earlier (and possibly the current) Fresh ROMs caused this problem.
gbhil said:
Tell Sprint to get off their ass and roll out the 2.1 update. That fixes every issue you listed as well as others.
Be thankful that some very malicious exploits are still being kept hush hush. Your bosses promised fixes in November when they were shown how to crash any Sprint Android device to the point where a hard reset and a trip to the store is needed to fix it.
Fixes were promised "soon" back in November. It's almost March and I'm about to spill my guts and make things much worse.
I'll help anyone who is honest. Sprint and HTC have spent a ****load of resources on other projects instead of fixing a buggy POS system they took my 500 bucks for. That's not honest.
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Is there really such a serious exploit? Maybe its time Engadget and the other big guys in the tech press know about it and its specifics. Could be one hell of a bargaining chip to force an early release of 2.1
I suspect the customer has loaded a custom ROM and is not telling you... but before they came into the store, they restored from nand. There is a known issue with some custom ROMs that will put bad data in your Google account (held on Google's servers). Try creating a new gmail account, do a hard reset, configure the new gmail account as the phone's primary Google account, and see if the market runs. If so... explain to the customer that they have (i believe permanently) screwed up their Google account and they should create a new one. They can still use their old gmail account for mail as a secondary account but as far as Market and all the other Google apps on the phone, they should use the new one. Also advise them to check with the ROM manufacturer before they load custom ROMs.
For example, MoDaCo doesn't have this problem but some of the earlier (and possibly the current) Fresh ROMs caused this problem.[/QUOTE]
This doesn't seem to be totally accurate since in my case I've been using Fresh roms since the first release and have never had any market related issues. To me this would imply there's a bit more going with that. Just thought that this should be noted.
Again, not trying to be a jerk, but this doesn't seem to be totally accurate since in my case I've been using Fresh roms since the first release and have never had any market related issues. To me this would imply there's a bit more going with that. Just thought that this should be noted.
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Again??? this is your first post in this thread... and if you have to start out by saying that you're not trying to be a jerk, then you probably are. It's kinda like saying "all due respect" when you have no intention of showing respect.
If you search this forum you'll find the evidence to my statements. I've been using MoDaCo's ROM and have seen numerous people that switched from Fresh and can't get the the market to work. I'm not any way devaluing the Fresh ROM or their work. I'm simply saying that there was a setting in a file (I can't remember what file exactly - you'd have to search that answer out yourself) that messed up the market for a bunch of people. This may have been an isolated issue to one version of Fresh (hence when I said "some"). If you weren't affected then you're a lucky one, but that doesn't mean that other people aren't affected. Also, my thread was informational to show that this guy's customers may have loaded a custom ROM... The ROM could have been from Fresh or anybody else (or even customized by his customers themselves).
jmanley69 said:
Is the customer using the stock messaging app or Handcent? I notice that if I click the "download" button on the pop-up notification then I never get the picture mail. Close the pop-up notification and open the SMS app of your choice (stock, handcent or other) and the picture mail should be there.
I would think that a hard reset fixes it because it uninstalls the custom messaging app that the customer has installed that is hijacking the download.
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I have had this issue with two Heros with and without third party msg apps. Also the first thing I do in setting up my msg apps is to disable the popup notificacion (just bugs me) and I have had the same thing happen. In fact I've had my msg app (whether it be stock, CHOMP, or Handcent) open and waiting for test mms msgs I sent to myself and still experienced the same problem. Again, just thought it should be noted.
jmanley69 said:
Again??? this is your first post in this thread... and if you have to start out by saying that you're not trying to be a jerk, then you probably are. It's kinda like saying "all due respect" when you have no intention of showing respect.
If you search this forum you'll find the evidence to my statements. I've been using MoDaCo's ROM and have seen numerous people that switched from Fresh and can't get the the market to work. I'm not any way devaluing the Fresh ROM or their work. I'm simply saying that there was a setting in a file (I can't remember what file exactly - you'd have to search that answer out yourself) that messed up the market for a bunch of people. This may have been an isolated issue to one version of Fresh (hence when I said "some"). If you weren't affected then you're a lucky one, but that doesn't mean that other people aren't affected. Also, my thread was informational to show that this guy's customers may have loaded a custom ROM... The ROM could have been from Fresh or anybody else (or even customized by his customers themselves).
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Lol. Thought I edited the post. To early in the morning I guess. My point was simply that what you stated isnt necessarily true in all cases, specifically mine. And so to me this would be evidence the rom is not the issue and that there may be more to it. Thats all I was saying. Didnt mean to offend.
The only time i have heard that a Fresh ROM messed up the market was Fresh 2.1. Its just an AOSP rom and it was known for messing up the market but a fix was posted.
I just lost a lot of respect for you gbhil. What are you going to do next? Threaten the class president to try and get Obama to sign a bill?
LOL. Yeah, I'm really just gonna call up the CEO and the development department...everyone in tech support has their number....
Oh, and in response to the latest posts.....Aside from the youtube issue, a hard reset takes care of all the issue I listed. I thought I mentioned that. So that rules out the phone being permanently screwed up by bad roms. Plus, I assure you, the people that call in with these issues don't even know how to get into the phones settings, and it takes them about 10 minutes to type their google username and password. And the "cannot establish a reliable data connection" issue with google and android market isnt just the market. It happens when they try to sign into Google, sometimes when they just bought the phone and are doing it during the activation process. It also happens on the Samsung moment, so I think its safe to say it isn't a rom flashing issue. And the picmail happened on my hero before I even rooted it, and occurs on the stock app and handcent. When they call in with it happenning on stock messaging app, I have them download handcent as part of troubleshooting. As I said, after all troubleshooting is done, they maybe get half their MMS.
sirstanley said:
sometimes when they just bought the phone and are doing it during the activation process.
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Do you actually work for Sprint? or are you reselling their services?
Sprint recommends that you do not even TRY to use data until 4 hours after activating the phone. It takes some time for the account to properly provision through all their systems and if you attempt to use data before the account has provisioned completely then it screws up the vision profile to the point where you MUST call Sprint and have them fix it (i.e. nothing you can do to fix it).
I ask if you work for Sprint because if you do, you'd know that and wouldn't have people trying to connect to Google right away.
Now, I know that people are going to say that this is part of the setup process for the Hero (enter your account information), and that they did it out of the box with no problem, and the Sprint reps set the phone up for them in the store, and Best Buy will set the phone up for you and they don't have problems, and a whole bunch of "it didn't cause problems for me"... but that doesn't change the fact that Sprint says quite clearly "do not try to use the vision data until 4 hours after activating the account".
So... if you're having data problems, and you don't want to use my suggestion from before to reset the Vision Profile, then call Sprint and have them do their magic little fix.

Bing now has Voice Nav!

I just saw this on
I'm downloading to see for myself. AWESOME!!!!
I am also downloading to give it a shot! Let see what happens!
I downloaded and it appears to work! BAD-ASS! I will give it a shot on my way home to fully test it out!!!!!!! Awesome!
working good for me
I am pretty impressed. I think this is the first app Microsoft has done right. The only pisser is I just bought my copilot lisence friday.
seems like it's taking forever to find my location. What gives?
rko2185 said:
seems like it's taking forever to find my location. What gives?
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Didnt work in a building for me, I had to be outside. I also had trouble with the avoid traffic option. I have to say though that its really well done, works great, also love the voice input.
I like that you can even listen to the music on your storage card! The voice (whom I shall affectionately refer to as sugar lips from here on out) was a little drowned out by the music, but I probably wouldn't listen to it if I didn't know where I was going already.
I can't believe this.
Bing actually replaced Google Maps on my phone.
Tried on T-Mobile HD2 (US) ... very slow in finding your location. After that - very slow in recognizing voice input ... like 3 time slower then Google But it is alternative
bogdatov said:
Tried on T-Mobile HD2 (US) ... very slow in finding your location. After that - very slow in recognizing voice input ... like 3 time slower then Google But it is alternative
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No such problems with my HD2, updates location quickly. Also this is still marked as beta, hopefully any bugs will be fixed and more enhancements will be in the final version.
I've noticed that when I use the voice input, it does take some time, however it does seem to be very accurate when using voice input. The voice navigation does seem a bit distorted to me, anyone else have the same impression? Overall I'm really impressed still, and Bing has replaced Google maps for my phone as well!
Rerouting bug
I tried this on the way home yesterday and it worked great at first. At one point on the way home, it had told me to go a way that is actually longer for me, so when I made a different turn, it did a few "rerouting" calculations and came up with new routes. However, a few blocks later it tried rerouting again and I noticed my screen had locked. I unlocked it and found the bing app had just closed itself out.
Hopefully this is an isolated incident.
I posted the cab in the other HD2 thread.
I should have posted it here since I am a TMOUS HD2 user.
I have also experienced the constant rerouting every time I stop. I think the app cant figure out which direction I am facing unless I am moving. Sometimes when I stop, the arrow reverses direction, then the app recalculates because I am facing the other way.
Plus I dont see any caching of maps. This causes map refreshing problems when the signal is lost, or drops from 3G to edge.
But it FREE!!
Used it today (downloaded early yesterday). It is the real deal. The voice is a little crusty at first but then it sounds a little more pleasing to the ear after a while. Now I hate I downloaded (aka BOUGHT) Copilot Live 8, could've saved the 29.99. All in all, the Bing nav as a FREE Nav is good to go and no more waiting on Googoo Nav to be ported to WinMo 6.5 for us.
Cheers for this one MS. (But only this one for now, you know how you do )
I can't even download it. DNS Errors up the ying-yang
Coming from a G1 and Google Navigation, I'd say the voice is better on this but Google Nav is waaayy better (3D view and the map rotates based on where you're headed). Other than that, the bing Nav is definitely usable.
I tried it twice... searching for restaurants using voice search and hitting navigate... it took about 5 secs to find my position and calculate the route which is good.
I took a wrong turn and the recalculation took less than 5 secs, so thats good too.
So overall its nice but the map on the phone is always pointing north so it'll be a bit confusing for noobs.
cmillens said:
I can't even download it. DNS Errors up the ying-yang
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Get the CAB in my post in the other thread.
I am on TMOUS and this works great! Finally!
I did a search for my home address (inside my home) and then requested directions to this address and was told that the end address needed to be different than the start address.....seems to work great!
used it pretty much all day here in nyc.. Worked great. Even had it reroute me a few times on purpose... Did it fast with no real lag what so ever... Looks like they are gettin er done...

[Q]Spy Software, is it viable?

Hello, I am a .NET Web Developer that has become enthralled with the android operating system. I had an idea the other night while me and a friend of mine were discussing his adulterous spouse.
The app would activate the mic and begin streaming audio to a remote server (she's not tech savvy, so as long as it's not obvious she won't notice). He could listen to what was happening in real time, with a slight time lag, and activate/deactivate from the same remote server by having the app check a variable on the remote server that he could change for whether or not it's recording at given point in time.
Would this require root? Is it even possible? I don't see why not.
jancarius said:
Would this require root? Is it even possible? I don't see why not.
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Once a service is running in the background, it can check whatever internet site it wants whenever it wants. No need for rooting the phone. You just need to install the app.
And you might as well suck up GPS data while you're at it... though some folks (Evo!) disable GPS to prolong their battery life. There's always "course location" information available.
As long as we're being horrifically intrusive, you might as well log incoming and outgoing phone calls, and make recordings of selected numbers. Heck you could record the first 10 seconds or so of all calls, and the full conversation of specific numbers you flag.
Then all you need to do is install this beast... and give it some innocuous/useful name so if she ever checks the service list she won't kill it.
PS: Services don't show up on the app list.
PPS: I'm starting to feel dirty just typing this stuff. This sort of app would be so easy to abuse. Law enforcement wet dream. Stalker wet dream too. Yow!
Of course lets not forget text and mms forwarding or intercepting. Some similar products out the allow remote control over the phone such as turning on the gps, bluetooth, speaker, and camera. Even if the program did show up in a process or service list on the phone - given the proper name no one would end it in fear the it's an important system process or something similar. (Well that excludes us on XDA )
Oh my, this is nasty... Might you ever release it.. Let me know.
Sent from my Legend using XDA App
yrref said:
Oh my, this is nasty... Might you ever release it.. Let me know.
Sent from my Legend using XDA App
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Hahaha. Sounds like yrref is up to something devious.
There are already several similar spy apps out there... there's a thread in the evo forum about some guy that can't get one off his phone, psycho girlfriend issues.
Not. Cool.

