the dev version without sim card possible? - G1 General

I'm from Belgium and I need to use the G1 for my work. I would like to use it without a sim card (or make the phone using the data of mine) but it seems impossible for the device to connect on internet.
I have just received the device today and I really need help. I have tried to find something on the forum but the only interesting thing I have found seems to say that it is possible.
Google is even worse than Apple which is already worse than Microsoft.. is there any good company in this world...

what do you mean use it without a sim card? As in the telephony and data connections with having to use a t-mobile sim card or any simcard?
This is a sim card phone meaning it has to have a simcard in order for you to use the telephony or edge/3g connections. No way around that.
And on a side note, if you want help you probably shouldn't spread your opinions about things that you don't know about and things you make assumptions for.

I can get into Android without having a Sim card inserted on Dev Phone. WLAN works without it.
But when there is a card inserted I cannot skip Sim pin to do things without having mobile operator service.

MacFloid said:
I can get into Android without having a Sim card inserted on Dev Phone. WLAN works without it.
But when there is a card inserted I cannot skip Sim pin to do things without having mobile operator service.
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how do you use the dev phone at the first time? no sim card is working on that f******* phone :/

neoobs said:
This is a sim card phone meaning it has to have a simcard in order for you to use the telephony or edge/3g connections. No way around that.
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This is a "device" that is able of making call... this is not a phone.. you can't call iphones and htc devices "phones"... I don't care about the phone feature, I just need a small device with linux. If it was a phone, it would not need a gmail account... don't talk about things you don't know.
neoobs said:
what do you mean use it without a sim card? As in the telephony and data connections with having to use a t-mobile sim card or any simcard?
And on a side note, if you want help you probably shouldn't spread your opinions about things that you don't know about and things you make assumptions for.
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the fact is that no sim card is working... I'm currently using 3G with my HTC Shift, and using Edge/Gprs with my HTC Touch .. and no problem.. but the HTC Dream doesn't recognize the data plan !
I guess I know much more than you .. and my opinion is like 99% of user should be having this issue... what kind of phone are impossible to use like that ? I have 3 months to make a big project on that phone and I don't even know if it is possible to make it work without playing with hardspl.
That's crazy to see more protection than iPhones, and other htc phones.... 2 weeks to be able to order the phone and then I don't even know if we can make it work in this country ... GREAT !

koala996 said:
the fact is that no sim card is working... I'm currently using 3G with my HTC Shift, and using Edge/Gprs with my HTC Touch .. and no problem.. but the HTC Dream doesn't recognize the data plan !
I guess I know much more than you .. and my opinion is like 99% of user should be having this issue... what kind of phone are impossible to use like that ? I have 3 months to make a big project on that phone and I don't even know if it is possible to make it work without playing with hardspl.
That's crazy to see more protection than iPhones, and other htc phones.... 2 weeks to be able to order the phone and then I don't even know if we can make it work in this country ... GREAT !
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Your issue is an APN issue.
Read one of the APN threads or learn to use the search Mr. Know-it-all.


Can I duplicate a sim card?

I love my wizard, but sometimes I want to take something smaller with me. I have another cellphone, but I don't want to have to pull them apart and switch the sims every time I swap them. Is there anything out there that will make an exact copy of a sim card so i could keep one in both of them and then just turn off one when I'm not using it?
guttrhead said:
I love my wizard, but sometimes I want to take something smaller with me. I have another cellphone, but I don't want to have to pull them apart and switch the sims every time I swap them. Is there anything out there that will make an exact copy of a sim card so i could keep one in both of them and then just turn off one when I'm not using it?
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they do that here in Bulgaria, but you have to be VEERY careful to switch off the unused one..
I know it is a lenghty process and takes a day to clone the card
guttrhead: what country are you in?
Have a search on the board for multi sims or clone sims.
Basically, in Western Europe, you're unlikely to have much success due to the encryption system used in the SIM.
Most providers here in europe offer DUO SIM solutions, where they provide you with a second sim with your telephone number so you can put that in a second phone or a car system. Most of them only charge a small one-time fee for it.
Of cource only one of the SIM's can be active.
I'm in the US on cingular. I'm thinking about just buying something like this from ebay. If it doesn't work, at least I could use the sim utilities it has, considering the wizard doesnt really have any.
guttrhead: as le_cactus says, if you can get a 2nd sim, get one.
However, cloning a sim requires cracking its protection. In this country at least, that can be destructive to the sim, and even then, not successful.
I've posted a number of posts on this issue. But I have no experience with US sims...
guttrhead said:
I'm in the US on cingular. I'm thinking about just buying something like this from ebay. If it doesn't work, at least I could use the sim utilities it has, considering the wizard doesnt really have any.
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Holy crap! This sounds awesome! Have you tried it? I'm thinking of just getting it too!
guttrhead said:
I'm in the US on cingular. I'm thinking about just buying something like this from ebay. If it doesn't work, at least I could use the sim utilities it has, considering the wizard doesnt really have any.
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Holy crap! This sounds awesome! Have you tried it? I'm thinking of just getting it too!
Multi SIM Cards avalible here in Thailand as well. Switch by *100# from Phone to Phone (up to 4 phones. Check with your provider!
I've just ordered one of these super sims. Looks like the donkey's dangler, then I can keep my wizard and universal on the go and switch as desired.
If it works of course... :lol:
I have a similar card reader + card... from another copmpany...
It works fine with portuguese cards... I have it for 2 years now...
As naugthy said, it really takes quite a few hours to read(crack) the original... just depends on how fast is your computer... mine took about 8-10 hours per card (2 years ago...)...
But they also warn that cracking the card *may* be destructive for the card... But if it happens, you can try to contact you network provider and ask for a replacement because it «just stopped working»... or something...
Cloner on ebay
It looks good .... but does it allow you to use your telephone service? Reading the details on the advert it seems to me that it only copies the data from your sim but mentions nothing about using it for calls/GPRS/GSM etc.
If it works let us know. I am a bit wary about swapping my sim between my MDA Pro and 6515 and this gadget looks an ideal solution if it really does work (I have my doubts :? ).
I will report back. And out of geek interest, I will be doing the cracking on an AMD FX55 processor with 4Gb of dual channel RAM, so I will time the cracking process.
joebongo said:
I will report back. And out of geek interest, I will be doing the cracking on an AMD FX55 processor with 4Gb of dual channel RAM, so I will time the cracking process.
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We just cant wait to hear from y m8! :lol:
Joost39 said:
joebongo said:
I will report back. And out of geek interest, I will be doing the cracking on an AMD FX55 processor with 4Gb of dual channel RAM, so I will time the cracking process.
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We just cant wait to hear from y m8! :lol:
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Same here. Guess I'll wait a bit on my purchase to see how it worked for you.
Re: Cloner on ebay
cranny said:
It looks good .... but does it allow you to use your telephone service? Reading the details on the advert it seems to me that it only copies the data from your sim but mentions nothing about using it for calls/GPRS/GSM etc.
If it works let us know. I am a bit wary about swapping my sim between my MDA Pro and 6515 and this gadget looks an ideal solution if it really does work (I have my doubts :? ).
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The kit I have has a card reader/writer and copying software. You need to copy/crack the sim card and save it into a file in your disk. You do this for the sims you want to copy (I have 2 cards, one for each network).
After that, you copy these files into the multi-card using the same software, and you're ready to use it.
It works perfectly for calls, gprs, gsm... In the SIM apllications area I have an extra app that enables me to switch between cards.
The card I own (not the one that was posted) only has one problem: it cannot have a PIN.
Can i just get another cingular sim and load the settings onto it, or does it have to be the super sim that comes with it.
guttrhead said:
Can i just get another cingular sim and load the settings onto it, or does it have to be the super sim that comes with it.
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It has to be the superSIM that comes with it...
At first I thought I'd wait for someone else to try the super-sim. Now I am regretting changing my mind.
No problem with the order - nice and quick. Super-Sim, USB sim reader, Installation CD and instruction card in a neat bubble pack. The instructions were not very clear to me (poor translation?) and contained warnings that some sims were not compatible and the copying process may destroy them. The instructions on the CD were a little clearer so I decided to take a chance.
Tried it with the T-Mobile sim from my MDA Pro. 3 Hours later it told me it wasn't going to work. Same for the o2 sim from my XDA2.
Both sims still appear to be working but as I understand it, the more cycles of trying to 'crack' the sims, the more chance of destroying them. This makes me reluctant to try again with different settings.
Sorry if I seem a bit vague but I didn't really know what I was doing. I could have done with better instructions.
Anyone know a little more about this please?

Possible to run two phone accounts (on different carriers) on my Wing?

Is it possible to somehow hack my phone/sim to include two different phone accounts, one being Tmobile and the other Cingular? I dont like carrying around two phones.
you dont need to hack ... it already exist ---- you can buy Sim card with 2 or more telephony provider ... (got 2 czech providers) -.-- when i want to got Vodafone, just a few click, and it will tell me new messages and missed calls, and after i switch to T-mobile and i can continue my work
Maximus-CZ said:
you dont need to hack ... it already exist ---- you can buy Sim card with 2 or more telephony provider ... (got 2 czech providers) -.-- when i want to got Vodafone, just a few click, and it will tell me new messages and missed calls, and after i switch to T-mobile and i can continue my work
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WoW, didn't know you could get a sim card with two providers on it. My friend got this knockoff iPhone a while ago. Was a really bad knockoff. So bad that the warning label on the back of the phone (where it stated that only apple can use THIS apple logo) was mispelt (lol) waring. Anways back to the original point, the cheap knockoff allowed you to put in two sim cards at once. I can't wait for someone to implement this feature into a windows phone so you can use 'em both at one time. Very useful for us canadians who don't want to shell out a thick wad of cash to use the internet, and would like to use a second sim card for a data connection.
dont mean to thread jack, but can do the reverse? get 2 sim cards with the same info? i love my wing, but for work i need a regular phone. one that is simple, and able to make calls asap.. instead of unlocking, entering a pw and pressing the grn button and than fumbling with the touch screen.. for work i need to be able to flip the phone open with one hand and call emergency numbers as fast as possible, so for work i take my sim card out and put it in a reg tmo phone.. would love to be able to use both phone with 2 diff sims.
any 1 know if its possible?
i know its possible in the netherlands (also t mobile) here its called something like "sim duo" better ask your provider
thewingzman said:
dont mean to thread jack, but can do the reverse? get 2 sim cards with the same info? i love my wing, but for work i need a regular phone. one that is simple, and able to make calls asap.. instead of unlocking, entering a pw and pressing the grn button and than fumbling with the touch screen.. for work i need to be able to flip the phone open with one hand and call emergency numbers as fast as possible, so for work i take my sim card out and put it in a reg tmo phone.. would love to be able to use both phone with 2 diff sims.
any 1 know if its possible?
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i believe that's illegal in the states, i know it is in canada
Tengis said:
Is it possible to somehow hack my phone/sim to include two different phone accounts, one being Tmobile and the other Cingular? I dont like carrying around two phones.
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Should be able to do it with no legal issues, I would think (if you're in the US).
Back in the day (12 - 15 years ago), phones were easily purchased with dual-nams (I had one from Motorola), which is how multiple phone numbers were assigned to a single device before the advent of SIM cards, device locking, long term contracts, etc.
You can get a dual-sim adapter from a couple of companies, but here's a link to one that has several types and lists their compatibility with various phones:
I used a dual sim adapter briefly in a QTEK. It sucked.
If memory serves network locking is about to become illegal here in UK so I imagine dual sim kit will really take off here shortly.

(Sprint) Touch Problem with Lock Code

Thread at sprintusers which died!!
Problem cant unlock phone
Well heres what I figured out for my Touch,
-In Vista the Windows Mobile Device Center allows me to browse and perform all tasks like as if there were no password
-In XP ActiveSync says the Device is locked and unlock it.
-After searching for a way to backup my phone so I can do a Hard Reset I found out that there should be a feature call Backup/Restore which was no where to be found in WMDC
(I also synced my Treo700wx and the feature didnt appeared for that phone either)
So, my question is whats the best way to backup everything because I do have access to the phones file through Vista. Thanks in advance!!! PLZ HELPP
use an app like spb backup or sprite backup
dan-htc-touch said:
use an app like spb backup or sprite backup
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Yea but on the phone I am stuck at the lock screen, the only way I can access the phone files is through Windows Mobile Device Center in Vista. In XP it says to unlock it but I cant.
Where is the Sim Card to swap?
I have read the thread on the elf unlocker, touch unlocker, and many others. However, I haven't found anywhere where to swap the sim cards. Where is the Sim card located, I hope I am just being an idiot and it's right under my nose.
Can someone please tell me where the sim card is, and if they have successfully unlocked the Sprint Touch in the (USA)?
I spent a whole day on trying to figure this out, and still haven't. Wishing for a good semaritan to help walk me through. Thanks.
Uhh dude, there is no simcard in the sprint version. Its CDMA instead of GPS.
flyhighusa said:
Uhh dude, there is no simcard in the sprint version. Its CDMA instead of GPS.
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Haha, you mean GSM. Everyone kinda has GPS and Rev. A on their mind. Soon we can whip out our Touch and use Google Maps with GPS!
ryanbg said:
Haha, you mean GSM. Everyone kinda has GPS and Rev. A on their mind. Soon we can whip out our Touch and use Google Maps with GPS!
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Man I must have been on crack or hammered. Yeah I meant GSM. bluhhhh thx
Unlocking Sprint Touch Vogue w/ no SIM
Thanks for the reply. I shourtly found out there is no SIM Card, so to get straight to the point, is there any way to get the Touch Vogue to work on T-mobile (USA)'s network without having a SIM Card.
T-mobile said there is no way to use a phone on their network without a SIM Card.
Background: I had my T-mobile Dash stolen. Now thinking I could unlock it, I got a Sprint Touch from a friend who bought the I-Phone instead. Can I use it, or should I simply resell it?
Please help. Would anyone be kind enough to communicate via email for quicker response? [email protected]
can you unlock the sprint touch and
use it on verizon?? if so how do you do it??
ryan007 said:
Thanks for the reply. I shourtly found out there is no SIM Card, so to get straight to the point, is there any way to get the Touch Vogue to work on T-mobile (USA)'s network without having a SIM Card.
T-mobile said there is no way to use a phone on their network without a SIM Card.
Background: I had my T-mobile Dash stolen. Now thinking I could unlock it, I got a Sprint Touch from a friend who bought the I-Phone instead. Can I use it, or should I simply resell it?
Please help. Would anyone be kind enough to communicate via email for quicker response? [email protected]
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Ryan, not quite sure how you mucked this up, but you did. There are two main cell network types in the USA. ATT and T-mo use GSM, which has SIM cards. Verizon and Sprint use CDMA.
You CANNOT move a CDMA phone to GSM and vice versa. They use different radio frequencies, so it would be like trying to listen to an AM station with an FM radio.
the_Prophet said:
can you unlock the sprint touch and
use it on verizon?? if so how do you do it??
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Short answer, no.
Long answer is that these networks are still locked. Verizon and Sprint are CDMA carriers. In other parts of the world (Korea), CDMA carriers have the equivalent of SIM cards. In those places you can just swap out the cards, and you're all set. A long time ago our carriers decided not to implement this functionality. As a result, Verizon and Sprint cannot swap phones.
In the future, you may be able to bring other phones on the Verizon network. There is an initiative in progress that should provide for a way to test and approve devices for use. This won't happen for another year or so, so don't hold your breath.
Rev A And Gps Work On Htc Touch For Sprint
i had to swap my original rom with a new one which gave me the ability to have rev a and gps working on my sprint touch mobile.. it works great and i love it.. never knew my phone was so functional... SO IF YOU HAVE HTC TOUCH THROUGH SPRINT... U HAVE GPS ON YOUR PHONE

Dual sim card settings/ solution

Hello all,
I've ran into some troubles with my device, since I have it running with a unlimited data transfer flatrate, that sim is blocked for incomming and outgoing phonecalls.
Solution on this trouble should be one of the dual sim adapters, which leads me to another problem. Since it seems to be impossible on my HTC Uni to have two simultaneous active cards running, the data one would be the usual active one for my needs.
But how to get the device automatically activating that sim, while its sleeping on an incomming phone call? Preferably without any costs on the data sim and extra costs on the phone sim either for me nor for the calling party.
Call deflection an possible option?
Since its probably a common issue im ashamed that I couldnt find any solution. Would be nice if I could still get some reply.
Thanks in advance,
Also have a look on this thread please:
You can take a look at this thread :
Actually, I don't recall any dual SIM adaptor allowing 2 SIMs online at the same time. Looks like you need a phone able to handle that specific feature.
Your phone is able to handle 2 different lines at the same time ... but on the same SIM card. Some Operators used to provide this type of plan. A plan, 2 different numbers ... But same Operator !
I've heard that ETEN will release a Dual SIM PDAPhone (DX900) :
Anyway, I've been looking for the answer ... But, nothing yet.
Here is a workaround
Dual SIM WM Phone.
frav said:
Here is a workaround
Dual SIM WM Phone.
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here's my review
As first thanks for the replys!
frav said:
(...) Your phone is able to handle 2 different lines at the same time ... but on the same SIM card. (...)
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This really sounds interesting, since I've got both of my most frequently used sims at the same provider. (Telefone/- and Dataflat)
Maybe my provider is willing to attach them both sims into one, or else theres still the chance of "doing by self". Another point is that those contracts dont have such a long lifetime anymore, so most likely this will be pretty mutch possible.
Sounds way better than buying a new phone, with the possibility of using two sim cards simultaneously.
Only one thing troubles me, since I've wrote about the HTC Adv beeing the mentioned device while it is Universal. Does that one have that feature aswell? I hope and pray, since this seems to be my last chance of having it more user friendly.
Any reply mutch obliged,

Sim card issue

Hello guys
I'm having an issue when my x10 says there's no Sim card inside and the problem isn't with my Sim card since I tried in my old phone and it works. Even other Rogers Sim card don't work. Anyway I tried taking the battery out and after 3 attempt its working again. So, I want to know anyone else having the same problem and what's the solution?
Sent from my X10a
I had the same issue but mine was a little different. My Xperia would not accept my rogers Sim ( 3 years old ) but it worked fine in all my other handsets.. it was the Sim card in my case and I was surprised to have it replaced free of charge.. also I found that some of the Sims are thinner than others so they would not have enough pressure to make a good contact. A quick fix from my friends Nokia was some clear tape on the back of his sim and it worked perfect.
Good luck!
htc fan89 said:
Hello guys
I'm having an issue when my x10 says there's no Sim card inside and the problem isn't with my Sim card since I tried in my old phone and it works. Even other Rogers Sim card don't work. Anyway I tried taking the battery out and after 3 attempt its working again. So, I want to know anyone else having the same problem and what's the solution?
Sent from my X10a
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TMobile's customer service department told me to bend the sim card very gently to ensure good contacts are made. Did this on first day and not had any problems since (famous last words... I'll be digging out the tape by tomorrow!)
My Sim card is like 5 year old anyway It's working now
Sent from my X10a
All u guys with 5yr old simcards need to get rid of them! Those have like 28kb of storage on them, so their phone books are so, so limited!
I know! U use the phones memory, which is a whooooooole bunch! But if your phone ever crashed, all your contacts will be gone! U cannot always copy the entire list of contacts to the sim card, but with a newer 3G simcard, you can copy a lot more than your 5yr old sim card can hold.
These are free! Just walk into your provider's store and request a new simcard. U dont even have to show them what kind of phone u have (ahem!... those of us who are skimming with grandfathered data plans ). Just walk in and say "left my phone at work, but I need a simcard".
I think this thread will help you
as it does for me
I checked that thread, but I hadn't rooted my x10a yet. Going waiting until something extraordinary happens
Someday I will change my sim card lol

