End call button. - Touch HD General

Hi all,
Just wondering if there is a way to tweak the end call button using registry?
I would like to hold the end call button for 3 seconds to get the following results:
After 1 second the phone locks, I will remain holding the button for another 2 seconds and the phone should turn the screen off.
After 1 second the phone should lock, if I let go now the screen will remain active.
Having these 2 options would be useful, even better without a 3rd party application.

[SOLVED] - A good work around is to reassign left soft key (or right) to action the End Key. Now when I press the left soft key the device instantly locks (screen turns off after the standard 1 minute).


HowTo Change press and hold delay

Can someone tell me please how to change the "press and hold" button delay.
My delay is set for 5 seconds. That is annoying.
I know there is some tweak but where is it hiding in the registry?
Hardware press button delay or gesture delay?
Record delay
It's the record button delay.
When I press and hold the record button it takes 5 seconds till the VoiceRecord starts. I wand it to start after 2 seconds. any idea?
I think, this isn't possible, because it recorder launch time.
Just slow memory, a lot of running processes.
Press and Hold Delay for On Button
how about the opposite - lengthen the hold-down time it requires to start the phone (Titan). Now it can easily get nudged and it will turn on - I'd like to see a one or two second hold-down time. Any ideas?

How to wake up phone with power or end call button?

So I run S2U2 and have it set to blank screen on talk. This works great since I occasionally would hang up on people or press buttons when my face touched the soft buttons on the screen. However, I also have Key Lock setup so my phone doesn't randomly come on all the time and drain the battery while it's in the holster. I also had a couple occasions (before turning on key lock) where S2U2 didn't come on and I ended up calling someone without knowing it.
Anyway, the problem I run into now is that when I'm done on the phone and want to hang up, the end call button is locked out and I have to first press power to get the screen back and then hang up. Is there something in between where I can have both the power and hang up button enabled while locked? Optimally the hang up button would only be enabled during a call so it wouldn't wake up the phone when not in use. A search brought up products like AE Buttons, but I didn't see an option to do what I want.

software to lock keys during call?

Is there a software that will lock my keys and buttons including the ones on the side during a call? I'm always inadvertently hitting or pressing some button during a call.
Just press the power button to turn the display off which in turns locks the keys. you have to press the power button again to turn the display back on
thanks but i'm not looking to turn the phone OFF, i need to not have the buttons active during a phone call when the phone is ON.
I oftentimes accidentally press some button or another when I get a phone call. When I used to have a Treo 700wx there was a feature to lock all buttons during a phonecall. I'm looking for that functionality here as well.
I also had a Treo, but I don't find the need for the key lock anymore on my XV6800. I don't think I've ever accidentally pushed a button during a call.

device no longer defaults to slider locked when hold down red button

I used to have it so that if I held down the red (hang up) button, and picked no choices from the menu that comes up (lock, turn off screen, sleep, etc.), it would automatically become locked needing me to slide the slider next time I turned it on before it would take keyboard commands. I soft-reset it, and now that doesn't happen anymore - on wakeup, it goes right to the Today screen. I don't like it because it comes on in my pocket sometimes. I tried
HKCU\ControlPanel\KeyBd\Devicelockwhensuspended = 1
HKCU\ControlPanel\BackLight\AutoDeviceLockEnable = 1
but still no good. When I hold down the red button, it gives me a choice of Power Off, Turn Screen Off, Lock Device, and Set vibrate. If I do nothing, the screen goes off (which is where it used to be locked), but now when I hit the green button to wake it up, I see this same menu again - not the locked slider. When it goes to sleep on its own, it doesn't lock either - straight to Today screen when a button is pressed. What's going on?!?
My next attempt was to assign the "hold down red button" to \Windows\DeviceLock.exe but I can't figure out how to assign "hold red button" - what's the best way to do that?

Handy SleepOff Button

How many of you have faced the problem:
The power button is too out of reach to bring the phone out of standby. I used Xperia x10 earlier and the phone will show the lock screen once the middle button is pressed.
However for the Desire HD, i have to somehow press the annoying power button for it to display the lock screen.
Cant there be any other button which can shopw trhe lock screen cuz to reach the power button is not so handy.
Set your screen timeout to something quick. It will lock itself then.
I don't really have this problem as have biggish hands, but I can imagine what it'd be like.
Locking is not the issue.
Unlocking is the issue. To bring the phone out of standby and to show the slide to unlock screen, one has to press the "OUT OF REACH" and designed to "AVOID ACCIDENTAL" press button at the top.
I mean the top button is already a accidental press proof position. It really is a task to first press it ans then unlock the phone. Thats 2 procedures just to make a call.
Can some one mod this?

