Deleting Google Mail email from Trash - G1 General

How can I delete an Google Mail email from the "Trash" label? I can put them in "Trash" using a long press however there is no option to delete when doing a long press on the mail once in "Trash".
The only way I can delete this is to log onto googlemail web interface and delete the mail from the "Bin" (I'm a UK user).


LavaChild0809 said:
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From the webpage go to your settings and then to "LAB"... try using this "Advanced IMAP Controls".

Thanks for the reply but no joy
Still, on the G1 I can long press in most labels and press delete which sends to Trash however long pressing on an item in the trash does not give any option to delete.
This behaviour is the same with and without that LAB package enabled.
Is there any other solution?

Anybody know if this is possible? It's a real pain having to delete emails from the Trash via the web interface, which is what I'm doing at the moment.
I'm considering that it might be as my GoogleMail account is a UK one and hence the folder is named "Bin" on the web interface. Is this confusion of names what is causing the G1 to not give me the option to delete emails from "Trash"? (Doubt this though, as it *does* put items into "Trash" when I delete on the phone and these can be seen in the "Bin" folder on the web interface).
Has anybody successfully deleted a GoogleMail email from the Trash/Bin using GMail app? If so, how?

Doesn't give me the option to delete things in the trash either.
I guess the only way to do it is from the web interface.

I'm pretty sure it cannot be done through the phone UI.
What is your goal?
I've been using gmail for a number of years now and I've never had a need to manually delete anything from the trash...

jzerocsk said:
I'm pretty sure it cannot be done through the phone UI.
What is your goal?
I've been using gmail for a number of years now and I've never had a need to manually delete anything from the trash...
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Minor OCD I think - When I delete something I want it *gone*... Not a biggie I guess.


Gmail confusing

I accept that I just don't get it but...
WTF is up with the Gmail app? No folders, only labels, is there a way to empty trash? Is there a way to take things out of the trash? I don't get the labels thing. I just want a normal email client interface for Gmail push mail.
These threaded 'conversations' are annoying as hell to sift thru.
Are the labels the 'new' folders? Am I supposed to create labels like I used to create folders? Is this only done thru the web desktop version of gmail?
I know, I know I'm the dumb*ss here... but WTF.
I guess this new Gmail thing is this great new revolutionary thing but I just don't get it and looking through emails in this new way that's unlike any email client I have ever worked with has never been more frustrating.
Pardon my rant... just frustrated that I am having such a difficult time understanding this and I feel like I'm the only one who doesn't get it. Please forgive.
BTW, I tried the Gmail help & faq but I still don't get it. Can anyone point me towards something that will help me become an expert in this new amazing label bullsh*t? Thanks!
I recently noticed that you cannot bring an item from the trash back to the inbox. I would consider that a bug. Fortunately you can fix it by logging in thru a web browser.
Deleted items are dumped automatically once they are 30 days old. You can empty trash if you go in via browser but there's really no point.
Yes, labels are "the new folders". They work the same way except an e-mail can only be in one folder but it can have any number of labels.
I would recommend that you start using the browser-based gmail on your PC for a little while. It's a little easier to undertsand that way and then it will make more sense on the phone.
ETA: Another thing people have trouble with is the "Archive" button which really means "Disappear from the Inbox." So if you want to "put a message into a folder" tag it with whatever labels you want and then archive it. Conveniently, if a new message appears in an archived conversation, it will automagically un-archive itself.
Thanks for your response... I'll take a look at the online desktop version of Gmail, try to familiarize myself with this new way of organizing email. Definitely not a fan so far...
on my G1 whenever I select a message and go to change the label my only option is Inbox (+ or -) whatever that means. And yeah I accidentally hit Archive on one message and accidentally reported another as spam... and there's no confirmation on anything so it does it all immediately, which is great if you know what the hell you're doing.
Push mail comes at a price I guess. Thinking my dumb*ass will stick with IMAP checking every 5 mins. Oh well.
F*cking lame system if you ask me.
yeah, i don't get it either. watched some coworkers use gmail and it didn't make any sense to me why they would change how email client works. but at least their calendar app behaves normally as far as i can tell.
i'll just stick to my pop3 email, although the pop email client on the g1 is total crap.
strangethingz said:
on my G1 whenever I select a message and go to change the label my only option is Inbox (+ or -) whatever that means.
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If you remove the Inbox label (it show + when it's removed) it's the same as archiving.
I think you can only add labels via the web interface, which is why you only see the inbox label.
F*cking lame system if you ask me.
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Once you start using it, the "old way" should start to drive you nuts.
@Ultraman: They changed it because that's pretty much what Google does for a living. They try to come up with a different (and hopefully better) way to do things.
Yeah the pop3/imap client isn't so great, but it looks a lot better than the Gmail interface in my opinion...
I notice a problem though with the pop3 client where it always displays messages as unread even if I've looked at them... for some reason I don't have this problem when I have the account setup as IMAP though.
I notice weird things happen... Where emails disappear from my inbox but I can see them when I view 'All Mail'. I check the label and it is set for Inbox and yet the message isn't listed on my G1 Inbox. I go online and sure enough it is listed in the Inbox online... so I have to view All Mail in the online version and select Move to Inbox (even though online it already appears to be in my Inbox) and then sometimes it shows back up on my G1 device.
Really loving that I have to continuously go online to reset emails... I love this new system... so much fun trying to hunt down emails. Wayyy better than folders. With folders everything was too predictable... drop an email in a folder and it stayed there... this new system is nice, keeps me on my toes
strangethingz said:
I notice weird things happen... Where emails disappear from my inbox but I can see them when I view 'All Mail'. I check the label and it is set for Inbox and yet the message isn't listed on my G1 Inbox. I go online and sure enough it is listed in the Inbox online... so I have to view All Mail in the online version and select Move to Inbox (even though online it already appears to be in my Inbox) and then sometimes it shows back up on my G1 device.
Really loving that I have to continuously go online to reset emails... I love this new system... so much fun trying to hunt down emails. Wayyy better than folders. With folders everything was too predictable... drop an email in a folder and it stayed there... this new system is nice, keeps me on my toes
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Make sure your client isn't set to automatically delete email off your server after its fetched
hmm..yeah there might be a bit of understanding curve if you are new..
i been using gmail since early beta days and now i just cannot go back to those rigid folders used by yahoo etc..
i have so many labels and they are all intertwined..just cannot imagine living with the "old folder"
good luck with getting thru gmail
I know the labels seems confusing, but as one poster put it before -- When you put something in a folder, it's just in that folder, and nowhere else. Labels gives you the option of having things organized a little better.
For example, an email from my Dad telling me his new address can have the lables "DAD", "FAMILY" and "ADDRESS".
The labels come into play really well on the web interface, you can go to your labels on the left, click the label and get everything that has that label.
With the folder system, you have to chose ONE place for it. With the labels system you can tag an email with as many labels as it needs so when you need to find it, it's easy.
The labels come in really handy for sorting incoming email, I have a bunch of filters that do all kinds of things, for example -
Facebook Filter - I set this up to tag those Facebook notifications with a "FACEBOOK" label and then to mark them as read. I can see that I got them, but I don't have to worry about getting a notification on my phone about silly facebook stuff.
Work Filter - Anyone emailing from my theatre company automatically gets the label, so I can see all of the correspondence about the company very easily.
I love the threaded emails, makes it so much easier to follow the conversation. Not everyone's email is set up to respond with the text from the previous email, so this helps keep it all intact. I think it helps organize and keep the inbox looking tidy.
I would definitely play around with the PC version. The android version is limited, even the android-browser version is limited (but does have more features than the app). Once you get a handle on the PC version, the G1 version will make more sense. I don't know if they've fixed anything, but years ago I tried the IMAP way of checking my gmail in Outlook -- totally sucked, would pull everything, even deleted emails through. I just tested, and apparently this has changed, but it used to be the case that "deleted" emails weren't truly "deleted" they actually went to some other archive and you could bring them back if you wanted. They put a little notice or something letting you know it had been deleted and "do you want to recover the email?" sorta messaging.
Anyway, a lot of people like gmail a lot, but not everyone is going to like everything. Especially when it involves a new way of thinking. If you have Outlook 2007, they've done something very similar with lables - so gmail is definitely influencing and changing the way people think about email.
punkzanyj said:
If you have Outlook 2007, they've done something very similar with lables - so gmail is definitely influencing and changing the way people think about email.
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So true! Actually Outlook has had categories/labels for a long time but they were never well-implemented/supported until 2007. I actually use conversation view, categories and search folders now to mimic gmail in Outlook as best I can!
He,y guys, thanks for your input. I guess I wasn't aware of that in Outlook 2007. I've been using outlook based purely on folders and mail rules. Good to know.
I've been forcing myself to get comfortable with the new system. I find the less I mess with things, the better it works for me. Specifically I find if I remove the Inbox label from an email then later add it back on it doesn't always show up again in the Inbox... but it's probably something I'm doing wrong.
Aside from that one thing, the labels are working pretty well for me now. Like you mentioned I setup work, family, ecommerce, etc labels and I do like the way these labels show next to the message on the g1.
Slowly but surely becoming a believer... Thanks for helping me understand.
How do I delete an individual email message from a conversation? I tried to go into the conversation via the Gmail app, selected the message that i wanted to delete and deleted it, but it killed the whole conversation instead of the one individual email. What am I doing wrong? Thanks!
I don't think it can be done in the phone interface though you might be able to do it in the web interface.
Not a fan of the conversation threading for this very reason. Sometimes I get an important email with a few not so important replies... and I have to look through conversation thread to locate the important info when 90% is trash...
I wish i could have push Gmail with the old so-called *inferior* folder method that never had these silly issues. If you're going to re-invent the wheel, seems it would make sense to add functionality without taking away from the basics.
I'm going to re-invent a wheel that requires physical carrying until I can figure out how to get it to roll properly.. but it's gonna be way better than the old way because these new wheels have lights! ooh! Sorry for the sarcasm
Thanks for the reply!
In the web interface click the 'down arrow' next to "reply" on an individual email in the thread. Choose 'Delete this message'.
You can only delete a single mail from the thread in the web app - not the Android app it seems.
I've been using Gmail since the invite Betas too, and so the Android App is more of a supplement for me...
Okay, well it's good to know there is a way to do it. Thanks for the instructions on how to delete a specific message in a conversation! Much appreciated!

Sent emails not showing in 'Sent' box?

Hi guys,
I've had my HD2 for almost 2 weeks now and am loving it! It's my first Windows Mobile device and I'm learning new things every day.
Everything is set up and working well *touch wood* but I have 1 slight problem. I've been sending/receiving emails via my btinternet account on the handset without a problem so far, but once I've sent out an email, there's no record of it on the handset. It doesn't show up in the sent box and, having had a look through the settings, I can't seem to find anything related to rectifying this type of problem. Am I doing something wrong and/or can anyone help?
Thanks in advance
Yup i have the same issue, another bug, sure it will be fixed soon though.
Also you notice how it does not sync any of the other folder either, atl east on hotmail it does not.
jrvenge said:
Yup i have the same issue, another bug, sure it will be fixed soon though.
Also you notice how it does not sync any of the other folder either, atl east on hotmail it does not.
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Yep I'm having the same problem with my Gmail. The inbox syncs but no other folders sync even though I have selected them in 'Manage Folders'.
Yeah, I've noticed that. It's the same with Yahoo. I don't really mind that so much though to be honest. I just want the confirmation that my emails have been sent, it's very strange?!.
how have you managed to get your hotmail accounts setup on the HD2. i cant seem to connect to the server to sync my email? ive disabled the 'proxy' in the connections settings but still cannot set it up?
Could you pls give a step-by-step setup procedure?
its really appreciated, thanks
how have you managed to get your hotmail accounts setup on the HD2. i cant seem to connect to the server to sync my email? ive disabled the 'proxy' in the connections settings but still cannot set it up?
Could you pls give a step-by-step setup procedure?
its really appreciated, thanks
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I'm also having problems getting my emails to come through. My btinternet email ones seem sporadic and I have to click on send/receive to get them to come through. My hotmail worked a couple of days ago but now nothing....and I know I've new emails. I keep getting the page appearing asking for my password and username poping up. Can't get it to sync at all. Whats the proxy setting you mention? Wheres that?
from inbox; menu/tools/manage folders, then tick the boxes to any of the fiolders you want synched and finaly refresh your mailbox.
By default, only the inbox is always synched.
how have you managed to get your hotmail accounts setup on the HD2. i cant seem to connect to the server to sync my email? ive disabled the 'proxy' in the connections settings but still cannot set it up?
Could you pls give a step-by-step setup procedure?
its really appreciated, thanks
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The easiest way to synch your hotmail account is by using the windows live software on your Leo. Just enter your username and password and it will do the rest.
ClownShoes said:
The easiest way to synch your hotmail account is by using the windows live software on your Leo. Just enter your username and password and it will do the rest.
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hi , thanks.
i honestly 'prefer not to' install all the live stuff... as i believe ppl here have been able to sync without installing this? would you know if this is possible (it would be better)?
hi , thanks.
i honestly 'prefer not to' install all the live stuff... as i believe ppl here have been able to sync without installing this? would you know if this is possible (it would be better)?
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You don't have to install anything, it's already there on your start menu. It simply automates your mailbox syncing.
ClownShoes said:
You don't have to install anything, it's already there on your start menu. It simply automates your mailbox syncing.
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found it. ill give it a go, thanks for your help!
from inbox; menu/tools/manage folders, then tick the boxes to any of the fiolders you want synched and finaly refresh your mailbox.
You cant tick them there is no option to?
jrvenge said:
from inbox; menu/tools/manage folders, then tick the boxes to any of the fiolders you want synched and finaly refresh your mailbox.
You cant tick them there is no option to?
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Having the same problem, there's no tick box!
It is strange if you cant see the boxes at least for some folders. I have to choice for Inbox, Sent Items and Junk mail.
Anyway you can try to keep the finger on the folder to get context menu where are other Folder options. And there is something I would like to ask some advanced user - why I can switch there from "Download email headers" to "Download complete message" but nothing happens and from Hotmail account the phone keeps downloading just email headers. Btw. when using POP3 for my other email account I am able to set this option to Download complete message and YES, there it is running like a charm. But with Hotmail I am not able to succeed.
Anyone knows the clue?
ClownShoes said:
from inbox; menu/tools/manage folders, then tick the boxes to any of the fiolders you want synched and finaly refresh your mailbox.
By default, only the inbox is always synched.
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man it was so easy. thx
jrvenge said:
from inbox; menu/tools/manage folders, then tick the boxes to any of the fiolders you want synched and finaly refresh your mailbox.
You cant tick them there is no option to?
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thx .
got it working
ok maybe its a little late but i figured it out... ---> click on email--> click on menu--> new acc--> pick hotmail/live--> put login info--> if it goes to opera like it did to me or does appear below gmail or so forth on the email tab don't worry im gonna tell you what to do next--> find the windows live icon click it.. once ur logged in you will see Windows live Home follows by Messenger followed by sync--> click on sync--> a new option appears and it should be hotmail option to view your emails..--> now get out and go to your email tab..--> at this point your hotmail is sync to ur device and should be good to go..
ClownShoes said:
from inbox; menu/tools/manage folders, then tick the boxes to any of the fiolders you want synched and finaly refresh your mailbox.
By default, only the inbox is always synched.
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thanks so much clown shoes this is so simple but so easy to overlook i spent hours before i found this now have my saved mails
I second the above poster! The fix for this was so easy, but so incredibly counterintuitive that I don't think that I'd have ever gotten this on my own.
I am trying to get the incoming mail server settings for the so i can add a second account. Does anybody know these settings?

how to delete all emails at once?

is there a way to delete all mails out of the trash dir without to click each?
I have not found a way, and this has been a scourge upon my back since I had the Pre this summer. On the Pre, you could only delete emails (in any reasonable way) by swiping them off the screen one by one. It was laggy and took forever. On the Nexus, it's faster with the check marks, but having no ability to empty the trash, or delete all emails in a folder, is beyond ridiculous.
One of the best things about my BB Curve was the ability to click a date heading, and delete all previous emails to that point. I don't know why they can't implement the ability to select a date range and delete, or delete everything.
log into your gmail online and do it that way... *shrugs*
this thing is now the secound i cant do without loggin into gmail...
i hope they will change it, i would like to be able to mange anything right from my nexus and not empting only online...
if you add a contac ur a unable to add a group on the device to the contact only in gmail its horrible...
KrazyBlonde said:
log into your gmail online and do it that way... *shrugs*
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I think its strange the mobile version of gmail (through the web browser) is better then the app on the N1.

Mail sends GMail messages twice

Has anyone else had an issue where mails sent from the HD2 via the standard mail app are appearing twice in conversations? If I reply to someone from the phone, they always get 2 copies, and both appear in the web UI for GMail.
1) Using IMAP Gmail.
2) Running Dutty's HG 0.8
Guess its just me, then.
ZombieSheep said:
Guess its just me, then.
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I noticed that also, but I don't know if I was under Dutty's rom or stock one (1.66 fixed stock one at the moment). Annoying indeed.
It's happening to me also, and I'm using Laurentius's WM6.5 ROM.
got the same probleme on my hd2
i use the official rom 1.66
I also confirm the problem. I'm also using an official ROM.
That's because in your email settings you've got the "save sent items" ticked - emails don't get sent twice but what happens is that they get synced twice (once from the "sent" folder on your phone and once from the "sent" items in Gmail) Just untick "save sent items" and they'll only show up once in your conversation - you can still see them by going to the [Google Mail] (click on the "+" to expand) / Sent Mail folder
I'm afraid that I cannot find this "save sent items" either under the web settings from my laptop or phone e-mail settings for gmail. Where exactly is that setting? Note that the gmail client of the HD2 uses IMAP (and not POP - it's disabled in gmail) for sending and receiving messages and I think that the setting of saving sent items doesn't apply on IMAP, or does it?
Can't remember where it is tbh, will have to go looking for it when I can! It's on the phone somewhere - I use gmail via IMAP and had the "double sent message" in the conversations too until I unticked the thing about 6 months ago
OK, thank you. Will continue looking for it. Will tell you if I find it, but until then, if you find it, please tell me.
ok found it from the inbox, go to Menu > Tools > Message tab and untick "Keep copies of sent items in Sent folder"
OK, found it. Had to press "More" first ot go to Inbox (phone was displaying received messages one by one before pressing it). Will test it. Again, thank you.
Sir you will be a DON if this works.
I have asked this problem to Google, HTC and Vodaphone and no-one has managed to give me an answer [some suggesting hard reset or send phone for repair!]
I found that when I do a "reply all" it was including my own email in the "To" field and when I delete this only 1 email would get to each recipient [note annecdotal discovery not rigorously tested!]
wigwam12 said:
Sir you will be a DON if this works.
I have asked this problem to Google, HTC and Vodaphone and no-one has managed to give me an answer [some suggesting hard reset or send phone for repair!]
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I'd like to point out that I'm a girl but erm thanks
I'm not sure we're having the same problem with wigwam12 (I don't recall my name included in any address - only two copies of the message shown in the web client - but my memory could have failed me), but mine is fixed! Only one copy of the e-mail now in web. Thank you!
I have the same "symptoms" ie people getting 2 copies of the email [and 2 shown in the web client].
I just pored over the possible reasons and noticed the inclusion of self to Send list - not sure if it was a factor or not.
Will test later to see if mine is fixed too
Isadora said:
I'd like to point out that I'm a girl but erm thanks
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Isadora you are a Bella DONna!
This has fixed the double-email problem.
When HTC cheekily asked how they did at fixing the problem I pointed they didn't - you did
Wish I could find a way now to stop it adding my own address to the "to" field then doing a reply-all
Further Reading that clearly explains the Double Sent Message Issue with GMAIL.
Caution while using Menu > Tools > Options > Message tab and untick "Keep copies of sent items in Sent folder"
That is a universal rule and will apply to all your Email accounts. You can't assign this option specifically to any particular Email account. So if you happen to have other Email accounts for which you need to save a copy of Sent messages, it might be a problem, unless of course you are using a Sync based system like IMAP4 or ActiveSync, in which case you can select the Sent Items folder under MANAGE FOLDERS to be synced as well.
@Isadoa.. Nice catch. I've been using this thing for years and yet it slipped my mind somehow today.
leepriestenator said:
@Isadoa.. Nice catch. I've been using this thing for years and yet it slipped my mind somehow today.
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agreed...thanks and i'm feeling like a dork


Does anybody know how to delete the whole inbox instead of one by one? And the recycle bin?
Zenghelis said:
Does anybody know how to delete the whole inbox instead of one by one? And the recycle bin?
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Are you talking about Gmail?
No, i'm talking about my hotmail account that i have on my X10. I cannot find a way to delete all the messages at one time, just separately, one by one, and that is annoying. The same with the recycle bin, i can't empty it, only erase one message at a time.
Sorry, I don't use hotmail. But I can say that using Gmail app and Gmail mobile web you cannot "select all".
you have to delete them one by one then go to the trash folder and delete them again : this the most stupid application in X10
there is another way but it's also dumb go to Settings--Applications--Manage applications--Email then press Clear data, it will delete all your emails but your data will be removed also, so you have to enter your Email and your Password again
Hope SE will fix this in the next update
darrab2002 said:
you have to delete them one by one then go to the trash folder and delete them again : this the most stupid application in X10
there is another way but it's also dumb go to Settings--Applications--Manage applications--Email then press Clear data, it will delete all your emails but your data will be removed also, so you have to enter your Email and your Password again
Hope SE will fix this in the next update
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You can manage it doing the work with your PC. I thing that it is the best idea
But i don't know which folder are mails stored in. Please can you tell me?

