Wing Cant Fly, Or: How I learned to loathe my Wing and am planning to set it on fire. - Wing, P4350 General

The number one thing I need to do here is thank the xda dev Herald forum, and a lot of the people who have contributed. I learned a lot of valuable information in the last 48 hours of immersing myself here trying to fix my Wing.
However, I'm at my ropes end, and can't figure out what to do.
I've had my Wing for a 5 weeks. Took some getting used to (had a couple of Dash's before that) but the phone had potential. I had installed a single game (Soduku) and was on my way.
Fast forward to 2 weeks ago. I start getting a message I'm sure you all are familiar with:
*Storage Memory - Your phone is running low on free storage space. Delete old or unused items to create more space.*
Now, after years of using the Dash, getting such a message after only 5 weeks seemed incredible. I went through the cleaned Temp Internet files, MMS messages, and whotnot, to no avail. After about three days it just went away on its own.
This brings us to three days ago. My phone just starts locking up on its own. I go from never having soft reset it before to having to do so almost a dozen times in 2 hours. This is when I start my search online for solutions. I find this place. I start learning about ROMs, RUUs, SPLs, registry tweaks, .cabs, some of this stuff I knew about from my Dash, some of it new.
Two days ago that Storage Memory message came back. Followed by a new one:
*Storage Memory - Storage memory is critically low. If the storage memory is not increased, other programs may not be able to start. Use File Explorer to delete files that are no longer needed or move some files to a storage card. *
I redouble my efforts. Throw Battery Status on there, and DL the files for the Page Pool change. This did not work, as I can't run .cabs or .dll files from my phone. I don't know if this is a PPC specific thing, but that's how I always installed stuff on my Dash; just run the .cab from File Explorer.
However, on this phone, when I try that, I get:
* itsutils.dll - There is no application associated with "itsutils". Run the application first, then open the file from within the application *
Same thing with .cab files.
This brings us to today. I can soft reset the phone and I get a Storage Memory message before the phone even finished loading the home screen. I can't go 90 seconds without getting a Storage Memory message. I deleted the one program I had installed (from the storage card), changed the registry to save Temp Internet Files to the Storage Card, nothing.
My Memory is:
Storage TOTAL 31.44 MB IN USE 31.44 MB FREE 0.0MB
Program TOTAL 47.89 MB IN USE 35.36 MB FREE 12.53 MB
I can no longer do anything useful on this phone. Text messages won't send. Half of my programs don't open. I can receiver calls but not make them. I went into the Remove Programs part of the Settings; that window is blank, and where is says Total storage memory available, its also blank. All T-Mo tech support can do is tell me to hard reset the phone.
I went through and deleted all of my text messages (about 2400 total), with absolutely NO CHANGE in memory. Every time I touch my phone, I get a Storage Memory message, unless one has already popped up on its own. Sometimes they stack on each other, too.
The only thing on this phone are my contacts, and Battery Status.
I'm about at the end of my patience here. My blood pressure has gone up 15 points in the last three days, and I forsee this phone getting very familiar with my 21" ASP followed by some Zippo fluid, in about a day.
Some basic stats:
WM6 Pro
CE OS 5.2.1622 (Build 18128.0.4.4)
ROM 4.26.531.1 WWE
OMAP850 201MHz (clocked to 247)
Model HERA110
IPL 4.26.0002
SPL 4.26.0000
That's all I can think of. I'm going to thank in advance anyone who even reads this, for taking some time out of your day. If you can help me, even better.

By what i can read you are probably using a stock rom. considering you are running low on storage space 1st i would recommend use one of the BIGSTORAGE or Light Roms. Most of them have a big storage data and a lower Page Pool and less unnecessary programs. As a Wing user for over a year once i have flashed a custom ROM i have never had a low memory message. Been trying different once and using Open Touch 7.7 now. Not much of Storage Memory but i have a 4Gig memory card so i dont rly need it.
Also its a good practice to use the task manager to shut down programs if u run low on Program memory.
Thats about what i can think of for now.
Believe me, the Wing is a rly good phone.
Edit: Here are some Higher Storage Roms that i have used:
ttran001's Light Roms
ivanmmj's ROMs - 1
ivanmmj's ROMs - 2

Yeah, stock ROM.
I've been trying to DL another, and Hard SPL; every time I do it downloads about 900K and then the DL stops like its complete. But thats a story for another time.
I realized (and cant figure out why) that I can't actually delete any text messages. I delete them, and for whatever reason, I'll have to soft reset the phone, and then they're all back again.
I managed to get into the Remove Programs, and deleted EVERYTHING. Bought myself 2.2MB of Storage memory.
45 mins later, of the phone just sitting on my table, it was gone. Storage Memory is just back at 0.0MB.
I'm about to just hard reset and call it a day.

I'm using "JustMe" Ivan's ROM. A lot software installed. Some softwares in main memory. Because needs install there. But still i have 47,53 MB storage and 15 MB program memory. Thanks Ivan


Memory Loss Help

For some reason my xda 11 says i have 91.68 mb allocated for storage
yet the last time i looked at it there was only 28mb in use.
I have no pictures or sound files no extra programmes and have only 2.2 mb of data above 64K. I've closed down all my active programs and performed a soft reset yet nothing seems to help.
Any ideas??
I'm a bit confused about your terminology here - I read it as you have 98MB allocated, 28MB in use, and therefore 70MB free - does this correspond with what you're getting in the Settings-Memory applet?
I'm confused because I can't see a problem with the above - although it only leaves you with 29ishMB allocated for program execution it's a perfectly reasonable config. You can change allocation between storage and program by sliding the slider. You probably know all this, I've probably got the wrong end of the stick.
Looks like a bit has gone somewhere, I have 126.03 to begin with, you are out by a bit as yours only adds up to 119.68.
memory loss
ok sorry if i'm not explaining myself properly
i am currently looking my memory settings
which tells me i have 91.69 MB in use for storage leaving 10.19 free
and 18.06 MB in use for program and only 6.09 free
now what concerns me is that having been through file explorer i don't know what is taking up so much storage memory especially as i have no voice or picture files or have got any additional programs
firstly there is insufficent memory to run transcriber properly and secondly what happened to increase my storage use from 28mb to 91 when i hadn't even used it.
(i haven't even connected my xda to the net yet)
Any comments would be appreciated
cheers john
Hmm 90odd MB in use is indeed strange. Are you sure there are no large files anywhere? Have you installed anything recently? Have you made a recording and forgotten to stop it manually so that it filled the available memory (although you'd still find this as a large file). It's not normal for PPC apps to take up such amounts of storage, and without a directory listing or access to your device it's unfortunately going to be pretty much impossible to work out whats wrong.
Incidentally. storage vs program memory allocation can be automatically adjusted by the device itself if it needs to.
Check for camera files, or do a backup and do a hard reset back to factory settings, then look at it from there and check it as you install programs/files.
memory loss
Thanks for that guys I can't explain it either
i've got 02 data support looking in to it and they're stuck as well so they are escalating it ie sending it to someone else. I should hear back today or tomorrow.
i guess in the end i'll probably have to do a hard reset. I'm just worried that it might come back or i have a virus even though they don't exist on ppcs at the moment.
i want to get a 1gb storage card any tips ?
ps thanks again if you ever get arrested (not that you will) send me a private message and i'll look after you. (I'm in the old bailey tomorrow on a murder case)

more program memmory?

Hi all,
I would like to know if there is a way to free up more program memmory on the wizard. After a soft-reset I have about 22MB of program memmory free, this seems pretty low, it there a way to get it up to 30-32? I have read a lot on these forums, the most common options I have found where about increasing/decreasing the pagepool and flashing a new rom to the phone. Although i have read everything about these processes I am still a little apprehensive to try them, because I also read a lot of topics about people who bricked/almost bricked their phones, and I do not want to be one of them. So if any of you know of any way to get the program memmory up please share it with me, it will be much appreciated.
(note!..i'm not talking about storage memmory, so buying a bigger sd-card won't help me)
- I currently am running the newest t-mobile rom netherlands.
Here's some tips ...
Let's make one thing clear:
The amount of RAM you have free is a constant. With WM5, it automatically shifts an internal slider to adjust how much of that RAM is designated as "Storage" and how much is designated as for use by "Running Programs".
You might have a total of 35MB of RAM free, and WM5 might allocate ~20MB for running apps, and 15MB for storage.
Here is my opinion on how to free up more RAM:
1. Move applications to your MiniSD card. They take a little longer to load, but they will work. The exception are programs that are tightly integrated into the device. My rule of thumb: Will the phone boot up (with all the Today items working, skinning programs working, etc) without the MiniSD card plugged in?
2. Get a program to clear up memory. There is an app I occasionally use called Oxios Hibernate and CloseApps. Its free, and you can get it here.
3. Unlock your phone, and flash with a different ROM. I personally use Faria's AKU 3.3 ROM with the 8MB pool. My favorite feature is that the .NET 2.0 CF Framework is integrated into the ROM! This saves me ~8mb of RAM right there. I have flashed 2 MDA's as to date. During one, Windows XP blue-screened (hardware failure) when the flashing was at 48%. No worries. I booted the phone into bootstrap mode, and flashed the ROM successfully again.
4. Clean up your temporary internet files.
5. Uninstall apps from Main memory that you do not use. For example, when I had the T-Mobile ROM, I uninstalled all the Push Email junk, and other such apps because I didn't use them. I have found that Faria's ROMs are quite lean.
6. Store your personal apps on your MiniSD card. Configure Notes, Word, etc. to use your Storage Card to store documents.
7. I still store custom ring tones in Main Memory ... I have found that if stored on the MiniSD card, you have to wait for the SD Driver to load first before the ring tone becomes accessible to the OS. This will cause a delay in your phone ringing. (I know that this point can be argued ... since in WM5 you can set the OS to leave the driver always ON. I disabled that since it was causing significant battery drain.)
Good luck, and may your RAM be with you.
Thnx for the reply and the tips.
I have for the most part moved everything to the storage card, i have about 40 mb storage memmory free. I even skipped installing everything in the extendend rom and I now have about 25-26 MB program memmory free.
Flashing a new rom is a last resort for me. How much program memmory do you have available to you with the rom you are using? (the one with the 8mb pagepool)
Thnx for the info.
superrom has 45mb storage and 32.2mb ram
it's also THE fastest rom, but has less than others which are probably slower partly because there is so much in them
i highly recomend flashing another rom, follow these instructions exactly

Need help on 8125, Phone Dialer locks

I got my 8125 and have loaded a few programs. Ever since a few days ago I have noticed the phone dial is slow to open when I hit the phone button and almost everytime closing it seems to lock up or hang. I have to wait for it or sometimes it will unfreeze and go to working.
I read where the rom I have is possible a problem or cause. Anyone know about this?
Also is there a free way to unlock the sim/cid to update the rom? I am still looking thru the forums. I will check back soon.
First, you need to read the Wiki to determine if you have a G3 or G4 device.
If you have a G3, then go to this thread to unlock your phone. Then, you can flash any ROM you want.
If you have a G4, then you need to go here and start reading on using the ShellTool to flash your ROM.
As far as the phone freezing, check your Storage Memory. It could be critically low which will result in freezing problems. You might try clearing your internet cache first by opening the brower and tapping Menu > Options > Memory > Delete Files. I've seen others gain over 20mb of storage space just by clearing out their cache. If you have a storage card, you can redirect those internet files to the card by using a registry editor and making the following change in the registry:
HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders\Cache = "\Storage Card\cacheie" (REG_SZ string, no quotes)
How does you 8125 run? Does it seem to have any lockups with the setup you have?
None whatsoever. I've done just about all the reg tweaks to move stuff off the phone onto the Storage card that can be done. I only have programs installed to the device itself that have to be installed there. Everything else is run from the storage card.
Even with everything I run, I have over 20mb Storage Memory and around 23mb Program Memory left. I do a soft reset every morning when I pull the phone off the charger when I leave for work to regain any "leaked" memory and my 8125 hums right along.
Check here for some screenshots of my current setup.
newbie2 said:
Even with everything I run, I have over 20mb Storage Memory and around 23mb Program Memory left. I do a soft reset every morning when I pull the phone off the charger when I leave for work to regain any "leaked" memory and my 8125 hums right along.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I agree, soft reset everyday. I though, have everything I use installed to the main memory and still have 18mb and 29mb of each memory free.
The only time I get a temporary freeze is when I shut down WMP.
I did so looking around and I think the problem was the 156 emails I had in my inbox. I believe that might have been causing some issues in slowdowns. I deleted all them and today no lockups at all.

Hard Reset Question...

Hi. Recently, I synched my 8125 and noticed that my memory was becoming too low. It was odd since I did not install anything and the memory dropped from 5.5 MB left to nearly zero. I thought it might have been a program I use that updates everyday (Epocrates which is a medication information program). When I reinstalled, the memory hovered at 2.9MB. It may have been the program, but I'm thinking I need to do a hard reset to get some RAM back. Despite a program to clear up useless programs, I am still at 2.9MB.
So my question is does a hard reset require reinstallation of all my programs? When I had my old Palm Clie, I could hard reset the device and the HotSync program would reinstall most of my programs back into the device. Does this happen with WM5 devices or do I have to reinstall all the programs (which would take a long time)?
A hard reset will delete anything you have installed, all settings, etc. You have to reinstall everything. That said...........
Unlike the Palm the PPC has two types of memory, storage and program. Is it storage or program memory that is low? If program, you may just need a soft reset, which will reclaim memory like on a PC. If it is storage memory you may have "junk files" that can be cleaned up. I had a coworker with only 2 meg of program memory left. We cleared about 5 megs out of her IE cache and found an mpg file that was 10 megs.
If you get many email attachments, consider storing them on a SD card rather than main memory (in options)
A hard re-set sets the device to its factory settings, like it just came out of the box new. All programs that were installed will have to be re-installed after a hard re-set, even those stored on your SD card. It sounds to me like you have a program that is using a lot of memory quickly. Before considering a hard re-set, try these programs I've attached. They may be of some help.
I'd bet that Epocrates is the culperit since you said it updates daily. I don't know if since it's a medication information program it's updates build on each other or if it just updates it as a whole each time, but you probably have a whole buch of update files that need to be deleted, if they don't build on each other. Sometimes programs that are supposed to delete the old files don't do it like they should. Check the program folder and see if you can find the old unneeded updates and just delete them manually, leaving the last few if you want just in case.
I just had to do the same thing with my weather panel. I started noticing my phone losing more than a meg's worth of memory every day for a few days and when I checked it's data folder I found almost 50 radar images that were supposed to be being deleted after a few hours but weren't.

Memory just went down like 5MB

i installed opera mini beta, the java one. i also installed touchpal keyboard and pocketcm keyboard (both on my SD card) and now my storage memory for the device is down 5MB. i uninstalled opera and it went up a little, seeing as how that is the thing that installed on the device. am i missing something? did it keep files somewhere? or is it one of the keyboards that is on my SD card somehow doing it?
possibly the shortcut files and icons
well i uninstalled one keyboard because i didn't like it that much and i got my memory back. i was just so confused cause i installed it on my card and it took up so much memory on the device.
wow, that's crazy, man. Have you done a pagepool change?
I don't get the whole memory thing for the Wing. I had installed many of my extra programs onto my storage card and got about 21mb of program memory and about the same in device storage memory. I ended up doing a clear storage and decided to install everything (live search, tcmp, flashplugin) onto the device that I had on the storage card, except for games. Now I have 26mb of program memory and 21mb of device storage left.
not complaining, though
something must be terribly wrong for me, ever since i got the phone my program memory has been 15MB or less when you start the phone, and just continues to drop. my storage memory i have like 8MB left, but im trying to put everything on the card, i only have a few pictures and videos (all taken with the built in camera) and contacts. i didn't install anything directly unless it had to be.
so i should do the pool change you think?i turned my phone on maybe 5 minutes ago, i have 13.34MB of program memory left and i haven't opened anything. i do have HTC Home, a thing that stops the "Message sent" thing, and softkeychanger on the device, i don't know if those effect program memory since i assumer the last two just edit the registry.
same here
Program memory drops thoughout the day to about 1MB from 15MB or so when I restart the phone. Can't even use camera or WMP without rebooting. What's the deal?

