VOIP on Elf - Touch GSM General

I know this issue is already covered around this forum but you may need to read a few hundred pages to get some idea out of it.
I was just wondering if someone has a one page guide or easy link about implementing VOIP (i.e. Asterisk) on WM6 on an Elf or Elfin.
If so, many people could benefit from it (well except for operators...)


htc touch rom on hermes

Hello i'm a noob around theese parts and have a HTC TYTN (hermes) about an 6 months or so.
1st of all let me say i was simply amazed about the forum and the work been done here. Every ROM here is amazing.
I've installed the black majik rom which i think the best working ROM for hermes with the addons.(noob opinion)
Never the less i was wondering if is there a ROM with hability like the htc touch which exists for wizard and prophet
when or where is the same rom for Hermes if there is?
Thanks for time spent reading this.
Found something that could be it but i'ts an addon
*couldn't get it to work
Doesn't exist. The thing you link in is an addon that works poorly and has not "touch" ability.
You'll probably be flamed for not searching, even though you did search to find that link. Good luck!
In that case flame way.
I've spend hours reading through this gigantic forum and didn't find anything except the links i've posted.
If some one find anything usefull please post here or pm me.
Thanks for time spent reading this.
Was this related to what you want?
I think it also includes links to other sites/threads which lead to some interesting discussions....
thanks for the help
Man thanks for the link but has the same problem.
It's BIOTOUCH a plugin like touchflo but theese lack of some stabily acording with what i've read in the forum.
Anyway thanks for the help has been the best so far .
thanks for time spent reading this.

Calling all Wizard user!!!! New PPC user needs help!!!

Hello friends,
Im a new PPC user. I have a T-mobile Wizard. There are a lot of freeware available for the Wizard. Since there are too many pages to read and a lot of freeware to compare, I need some help from Wizard users who had their Wizard for a while now. There are only a couple of things I need from the Wizard.... Outlook Email, Internet, and a good Iphone Theme. Does it makes sense to upgrade to the WM6? What are the benefits of WM6? Other than that I just need my Wizard to be really quick.
Thank you friends in advance and I really hope you can help a new windows mobile user.
cabayboy831 said:
Hello friends,
Im a new PPC user. I have a T-mobile Wizard. There are a lot of freeware available for the Wizard. Since there are too many pages to read and a lot of freeware to compare, I need some help from Wizard users who had their Wizard for a while now. There are only a couple of things I need from the Wizard.... Outlook Email, Internet, and a good Iphone Theme. Does it makes sense to upgrade to the WM6? What are the benefits of WM6? Other than that I just need my Wizard to be really quick.
Thank you friends in advance and I really hope you can help a new windows mobile user.
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Well, you will need to spend some time reading if you want to glean anything from this site.
Anyhow, I would recommend upgrading to WM6. A few reasons being is it has HTML capable Outlook (since you mentioned you'd be using that). It's also less buggy, faster and just more stable than WM5 too.
So, you can leave it as-is, and have a perfectly usable device. Or plan on spending a lot of time reading, reading, and reading some more to upgrade and customize. I'd say it's quite worth it though.
Start in the WIKI. It has links to everything that will get your phone unlocked and upgraded.
Just please keep in mind that this site appreciates those that help themselves first. If you do get stuck on something and can't find the answer, don't hesitate to ask.
Good luck!
Maybe more time reading and less time on the '!' key would help.
I'm going to disagree with TaurusBullba on WM6 stability and speed. I tried a number of WM6 ROMs on my G4 Wizard and found them to have a more issues than my original O2 ROM. That's not to say the O2 ROM didn't have issues, but I found most WM6 ROMs to have more / more serious issues. My advice would be to look at a thread for a ROM you might like to install. You will almost certainly find users stating any issues they're having.
Furthermore, on the ROM front, it requires a lot more reading and a lot less '!' , so I would sit back and be content with WM5 for the moment whilst reading the forum.
You will find the most comprehensive iPhone threads in the General board of this forum, although I believe there is a thread in one of the Wizard boards too.
If you don't mind paying, I've found Opera is a good replacement to Pocket IE.
PaulMdx said:
Maybe more time reading and less time on the '!' key would help.
I'm going to disagree with TaurusBullba on WM6 stability and speed. I tried a number of WM6 ROMs on my G4 Wizard and found them to have a more issues than my original O2 ROM. That's not to say the O2 ROM didn't have issues, but I found most WM6 ROMs to have more / more serious issues. My advice would be to look at a thread for a ROM you might like to install. You will almost certainly find users stating any issues they're having.
Furthermore, on the ROM front, it requires a lot more reading and a lot less '!' , so I would sit back and be content with WM5 for the moment whilst reading the forum.
You will find the most comprehensive iPhone threads in the General board of this forum, although I believe there is a thread in one of the Wizard boards too.
If you don't mind paying, I've found Opera is a good replacement to Pocket IE.
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Thank you for the information. Im actually very familiar with opera. I had it installed on my blackberry and is so much faster. I think I'll Stick with WM5 since everywhere I read they mention that it has a lot more bugs I think I'll wait untill I get more familiar with my wizard and also when the fix the bugs on the WM6. Thank you guys for the replys.


hello everyone,
i recently purchased used att 8525. and i don't know anything about it. i had blackberries before and every single one of my blackberry has been broken. so i switched to window based pda's. And i have lot of questions for you guys
1. since my phone was used. it didn't come with any instruction or install software for my computer.....anyone know where i can find these?
i don't plan on hacking crazy on this phone. but planning on getting some gps software and games. Also maybe some better/enhanced operating system......can someone direct me to a thread or url?
And lastly, i really don't know where to start from as far as learning the phone and etc. Is there any thread where i can learn more about the phone?
thanks whole lot!
I'm relatively new to the Hermes 8525 board myself.
The first place you should look is at the Hermes Wiki page - lots of general info to get you going - and then detailed as you require, for either minor upgrading - or flashing, upgrading, etc.
Here is the link for the wiki page
If your phone did not come with any manuals, etc - you should search for the user manual - it is available all over the net, and available for download in PDF fromat.
Search is your friend - there are lots of very helpful people on these boards, and the majority of them have been where you are. But, you need to search the boards - read the "STICKY" posts at the top of each board.
Another member on this board also directed me towards this site - which answered the majority of my noobie 8525 questions.
Read as much as you can - there is lots of info.
Good luck and welcome
Free stuff

Very Difficult to find useful information

First off- this is a great site with valuable information for all matters HTC. It has been a resource that has helped me get more use out of my HTC products.
I have a Universal, Dash, Athena, Startrec, and Wing.
Lately I have been trying to get some useful information for the Athena and no amount of searching, reading Wiki ing can answer my questions or even help me get a baseline understanding of things with the Athena.
It is quite frustrating- I would want to straightforwardly ask a question in a new thread, but it seems that the more experienced people on this board jump to the conclusion that a question is the result of not searching or not reading. I can tell you that I spend hours a day searching for things on this site and often times find irrelevant search results or endless threads with needle in haystack like answers that only partially answer questions. Is there anyway to organize this space better so that questions can be answered more efficiently?
The wiki is not useful for the most part- it has less info than some threads- links are old or irrelevant and searching is plain useless.
Great site everybody but darn frustrating for finding info- Any one else having this issue?
Probably not...
What info are you after and I'm sure someone will be able to help - then maybe you can update the Wiki yourself if you think it needs it!
I want upgrade the radio, but I am not sure if the phone needs to be CID, its the HTC model w/o front facing camera. If it does need to be CID, not sure how to do it properly. There are tons of posts of people who have bricked their units using methods that would use to CID. So I am sorta scared to try anything- every method I see suggested is followed by another thread of someone for whom the process went badly. Also I cannot get a reliable place to download a radio and which radio is the best or useable with a later rom? I read that some radios don't work with some roms and there threads of people tried to upgrade ROMs but found that they had radio problems, WIFI, bluetooth and GSM issues. Is there a better radio to use than others? Is their a reliable place to get the requisite radio version?
What ROM version makes sense. The current ROM on my Athena is awful- the worst ever. I downloaded AP4 and right before I geared up to use it, I read a ton of posts which say is does not work with WIFI- WTF? Is there a version of it that does work with WIFI? Is there another version of the ROM that is stable and downloadable? Also I have seen mentions of various types of ROMs, but no real explanation of what these ROMs are and where to get them.
Mind you I have done tons of stuff with my universal, dash, wing, MDA and have had an easier time finding info, links and resources.
Anyway- I just cannot seem to find coherent info here. If I do find coherent info, I would more than happy to help out with the WIKI or some sort of wiki that clearly outlines key info such as
1. Here are the various Rom options and what they do
2. Here are the various Radio options and what they do
3. Here is a coherent, un confusing guide to CID that won't brick your machine
4. Here is a link that works and clearly states which software versions are available for download
5.Here are idiot proof instructions on how do to perform key functions of upgrading.
Before everyone flames this remember I have seen the various posts and threads that talk about these things, but they are usually followed by tons of people who have had problems with ROM, Links, Bricks and other issues. In addition a lot of the information is plain confusing.
So if anyone out there has clear links or pointers let me/us know I will volunteer to compile it because right now I am about ready to toss my crippled Athena out the window.
I'm not sure that I understand exactly what you mean, but from my experience with XDA communities, the Athena has a relatively non "newbie friendly" approach. I don't mean to insult anybody of-course, but the switch from the Wizard community to the Athena one was hard, and I feel like people here save too much info for themselves and don't like to share or help new people. I must say, I don't mean to insult anybody or criticize, I'm merely expressing my feelings from my one month around here.
Unlock http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=315831
Radio - latest 1.57 http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=372904
AP4 works fine with Wifi unless you screw up badly - then it CAN be fixed.
Simple, unlock, flash radio 1.57 or leave at 1.5 if you are happy with it, if you have an earlier version it's best to upgrade, then flash AP4.0
I will give it a try
Thank you for all the responses in short time. I have seen these threads and read the aftermath, but I will try them anyway and hope for the best.
Thanks again for the replies.
OK- none of the files I was pointed to seem to work. I get tons of error when I try to open them. Is there a place that provides instructions on getting the process to work properly?
RalphTech said:
OK- none of the files I was pointed to seem to work. I get tons of error when I try to open them. Is there a place that provides instructions on getting the process to work properly?
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What problems are you having? Can you download AthenaUnlocker.zip (ie click on the
Click here to download! link in the first link) If so, can you unzip it? What errors are you getting?
In black and white
RalphTech said:
First off- this is a great site with valuable information for all matters HTC. It has been a resource that has helped me get more use out of my HTC products.
I have a Universal, Dash, Athena, Startrec, and Wing.
Lately I have been trying to get some useful information for the Athena and no amount of searching, reading Wiki ing can answer my questions or even help me get a baseline understanding of things with the Athena.
It is quite frustrating- I would want to straightforwardly ask a question in a new thread, but it seems that the more experienced people on this board jump to the conclusion that a question is the result of not searching or not reading. I can tell you that I spend hours a day searching for things on this site and often times find irrelevant search results or endless threads with needle in haystack like answers that only partially answer questions. Is there anyway to organize this space better so that questions can be answered more efficiently?
The wiki is not useful for the most part- it has less info than some threads- links are old or irrelevant and searching is plain useless.
Great site everybody but darn frustrating for finding info- Any one else having this issue?
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After about a week reading, I have not been able to find the procedure of flashing the radio of this device. "flashes the same way as the ROM" is as close as I have been to the info. I have a device that shows no radio installed, the olipro tool never advances past 0% and gives an error, after which the phone is stuck in bootloader mode and has to be reflashed with a non radio containing ROM in order to get it to boot again. Radio containing ROM's like Black Touch get stuck at 85%, with the same chore of reflashing a non radio ROM afterwards. I downloaded radio 1:58, but the download only has the actual radio file, no flashing utility. Copying the utility from a ROM file does not work either. Someone else in the same situation has a thread for help. He tried flashing from the SD card, but no dice. His thread is not receiving any useful posts from any of the gurus. The "excellent" video that is pointed out in the olipro unlocker thread is mute, so you have to peel your eyes to see through the low quality picture and still can't read the dialogs shown on screen. Those that ask questions are called idiot or lazy and after reading these posts, the searching for info turns into a graceless process. If the chiefs managing this section of the site care about it being useful, a concise, informative, black and white type sticky thread, read only, closed to responses would be a good idea. Maybe inserting the flashing procedures for unlocking, ROM and Radio flashing into the Athena Wiki would also help. This way newbies and others can come and read the basic procedures without having to filter through the vast amount of threads that only lead to more confusion. I wish I knew more about the procedures, I would beef up that wiki, but I'm afraid I can do more damage than good with my limited knowledge.
completly agree
i have read every page on the advantage x7500,being such an old phone you would thin the genius,s on here could sort it out in seconds,but all they do is insult you.i tried to update from windows 6 on radio 1.20 to michys radio 6.5
it got to 94 percent then crashed, now when i boot up i just get a black and white screen,which then turns white,if it try to reinstall advantage 6.0 the phone reets after 2 or 3 percent..will anyboby help by giving simple term advice to unbrick it? NO.will they provide links to there advice no.THEY JUST INSULT YOU AND SAY ITS IN ONE OF THE THREADS.well im a computer tech and if anybody wants there pc or laptop fixing.guess what i will return the favour with computer speak,THAT YOU CANT UNDERSTAND

How to get VoIP working

I read through a couplee of posts regarding VoIP on WM6, but am still unsure if I am on the right track to make it work on my Touch2.
I'd like to make it work through the built in dialer/phone app, but don't have the required files as stated in the thread titeld [GUIDE] How to configure VoIP/SIP client in WM6, that's ipdialplan.xml, dnsapi.dll, voipphonecanvas.dll and rtcdll.dll. I also don't have the Internet Calling today item.
As far as I understand it the WM6 VoIP.CAB from the thread titled THIS IS How to get VOIP Working with 3G on Wm6 Trinity should provide me with the necessary files. What I am not sure of is the following - will this cab and the files therein work with the touch2, seeing that the thread is for another phone model (the trinity with wm 6.1)? I really wouldn't like to mess something up that would require a hard reset afterwards. Can anybody help me out?
Edit: the board didn't let me post links to threads, so I put the thread names in the post instead. I hope the gentle reader can be arsed to search the forum to find the relevant threads

