How to map "Device Lock"? - P3300, MDA Compact III upgrading etc.

Hi all,
I just can't find an answer to this.
I would like to map the "Device Unlocked" function to a button on the phone - that is, press a button to lock the phone.
Is this available as a Windows file that I can map to a button?

If you download Batterystatus (plusplus), there's a "Device Lock on wakeup" function, so when you press the off button on the side to suspend the device the keys lock. Does that help?

Thanks - I'll try it.

I've done this with the program programm a 1 second hold button to lock the device....programm the 1 second hold function to the program devicelock.exe'll find that programm somewhere here....and also HButton....working great!

Got it installed and working.
Brilliant, thanks.

As a tip from another thread, I downloaded BatteryStatus also, and installed it. After that, I copied BSDeviceLock.exe from my Windows dir to the SD card and made a shortcut to the Start Menu.
After that you can map it to any button you like in the normal button setting panel


k-jam "device unlock" function

has anybody yet found a way to move the "device unlock" function from the today screen to a hard button?
to remove it from the today screen you go to:
Start>settings>Today then items on the bottom and then uncheck device lock.
to move it to a button, i dont know, but what i do is press the power button once and its locked.. just make sure you go to start>settings>buttons then lock on the bottom right and select "lock all buttons except power button"
also theres a way you can do it so it prompts you for a password after you press the power button.
i know how to remove it from the today screen, thanks
but your way turns off the display,
the whole point of the "device unlock" function is the screen is locked but the display still on.
This has been discussed in a few other posts.
I recently looked into this and from the look of it, the functionality is built into the WM5 ROM as it looks like there is no specific exe file that matches the today screen lock function.
Theres a few reg keys that look like they're related to this but none of them have an exe file associated, only dll's.

locking and unlocking a 8125 with one button

hello, just about all of the user from my work are recalling the last person they called. so i have been looking for a program to lock it with a hardware button. i found that and now i am trying to look for one that will not only lock it with one button but unlock it with one button also.
i have tryed looking around for it all over with no luck. Does anyone know of a program that we can use to be able to do this,
thanks again for all your help
There are 2 programs devicelock and deltalock and few others. Map them to hard button using settings\buttons or wm5 newmenu or other ways.
see thread here
You can also try Mortsaver
You can assign it to a button, set it to also turn off the device (just like pushing the power button), and it locks the screen and buttons when activated.
hello mates,
is there any autolocking program like it goes on after 1 minutes?
Use devicelock - install it and under start menu\settings\devicelock there is an option to lock on wakeup. So if you device is set to suspend in one minute - it will lock when any attempt is made to wake the device up.
see here

VJDeviceLock PowerOff map to power button

Does anyone know where i can find a cab that allows u to remap hardware buttons? i remember stumbling on such cab a while back but cant find it anymore. i tried doing a search and had no luck finding.
Not sure about power key
I used this to change the functions of the CommManager hardware button (below the power button). It now can run Zapit (to close open program without touching screen), go to silence (vibrate mode) with a press using VibraSwitch and after making a copy of CommManager.lnk from the Windows root folder to Windows/Start Menu/Programs folder I am also able to use the button (with a long press) to open the CommManager as usual. Seems to be the best of all worlds.
Keep in mind that this is shareware. It works with one key without registration. Buy the program if you need more keys mapped with multiple presses and functions.

How to map the start key and button to a program?

How can i map the start menu key and button on the screen to an application because i want when start is pressed to open my hp shortcuts instead of the start menu. Is it possible?
Settings\Buttons or AE Button Plus, use google to find out about it.
Please in future post in the correct sub forum as this is a Q&A....
yes the button on the phone's keypad but i also want the button on the screen? I saw in one video posted here that on toshiba ppc when the start menu is pressed on it opens a folder or a program and not showing the deafult start menu. Oh and stylez thanks for your quick reply
Yes, I would like a very similar thing. WM6.5 does this now. When you press on the Start Menu icon, it brings up the Honeycomb. Is there a way to assign any application to the Start Menu icon? Has such program been developed?

Xperia Remap

Hi guys,
im wanting to remap the panel button, I never use it and miss a button to show the today screen like that on the diamond.
In the start menu is a link to show it, so I assume it must have some exe somewhere, does anyone know where?
Or how to write a quick exe which will do the job?
i know the reg key to change it to is here:
Pressing the hangup button shortly does exactly that.
hangup button? for showing the today screen I press the "OK" Button

