Posible to remove YouTube shortcut from lunch browser place ? - Touch Diamond, MDA Compact IV Themes and Apps

is it posible to remove short cuts from internet place from lunching browser ?
i have this issue from cell company which its allready there and i want to remove it .. (( not the youtube tab.. )) the red Airtel Live tab .. also the browser set to be the first page to lunch is www.airtel.in .. and im very annoyed from it .. is there's a way to remove it ? or the abbility to chose which web page that i want to lunch once i press on lunch browser ???

any solution ???

I need a tab removed too, it's so annoying to press everytime the wrong tab instead of youtube

Depending on how your ROM has been set up by your Telco... this should work. Go to your Main Memory then see if there is an "\Application Data\Manila" folder. If there is,...then the fix is simple.
Either rename the \Manila folder to something else, or go into that folder and rename or move the 2 files
InternetPortal-en-AU.xml (where -en-AU is your language /country).
If the ROM can't see these files you will get the default settings from "Windows\27c65cbd_manila".
Your Carriers "OperatorLinks" should now be gone from the Internet Tab. Not the shortcuts but the Operator links that look similar to the YouTube one.
If you do not have an "\Application Data\Manila" folder then the solution is slightly more complex as you will have to edit "Windows\27c65cbd_manila".
Try the above method first. If no luck report back and me or someone else can post the other more complex method.

logger said:
Depending on how your ROM has been set up by your Telco... this should work. Go to your Main Memory then see if there is an "\Application Data\Manila" folder. If there is,...then the fix is simple.
Either rename the \Manila folder to something else, or go into that folder and rename or move the 2 files
InternetPortal-en-AU.xml (where -en-AU is your language /country).
If the ROM can't see these files you will get the default settings from "Windows\27c65cbd_manila".
Your Carriers "OperatorLinks" should now be gone from the Internet Tab. Not the shortcuts but the Operator links that look similar to the YouTube one.
If you do not have an "\Application Data\Manila" folder then the solution is slightly more complex as you will have to edit "Windows\27c65cbd_manila".
Try the above method first. If no luck report back and me or someone else can post the other more complex method.
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The method is the same, you can find in both files the entry
<Operator Links>
</Operator Link>
Just remove them and all Links are Removed. Editing the 27c65cbd_manila is just a bit dangerous if you don't make a copy before you are editing it

Yeah but you can remove \Application Data\Manila files hocus pocus with no editing - that is why this method is better, if you simply want to remove branding as these guys do. The underlying 27c65cbd_manila version will keep the stock ROM settings.
One method is to delete a file that is superfluous - the other is to edit a file that Manila needs. So not the same.
Like you say the files are basically identical though, each with the setting coming as you say from the operator links area.
I guess you could say I described the Safe Simple dummies method that should work.

logger said:
Yeah but you can remove \Application Data\Manila files hocus pocus with no editing - that is why this method is better, if you simply want to remove branding as these guys do. The underlying 27c65cbd_manila version will keep the stock ROM settings.
One method is to delete a file that is superfluous - the other is to edit a file that Manila needs. So not the same.
Like you say the files are basically identical though, each with the setting coming as you say from the operator links area.
I guess you could say I described the Safe Simple dummies method that should work.
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I agree, but if you just remove the two xml-files, the youtube-link will still be there because it's also integrated in the manila-file.

True but if you re-read what the guys were after.. they want to remove the links that look like the youtube link. Not the you tube link. So the simple method will do that.

i found the two files in manila internetPortal.xml & internetportal-en-gb.xml
but its protected and i cant delete them ... hidden and protected as system files read only
any way to remove them ??

badrey said:
i found the two files in manila internetPortal.xml & internetportal-en-gb.xml
but its protected and i cant delete them ... hidden and protected as system files read only
any way to remove them ??
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You have to deactivate the TF3D before you can edit/delete them.

thanks alot that really helped me

You're Welcome

27c65cbd_manila editing help
logger said:
If you do not have an "\Application Data\Manila" folder then the solution is slightly more complex as you will have to edit "Windows\27c65cbd_manila".
Try the above method first. If no luck report back and me or someone else can post the other more complex method.
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I am on sprint and do not have the "\Application Data\Manila" folder so I have been playing with "Windows\27c65cbd_manila" to add a shortcut to Ticker Tape 0.5 by GeckoDev.
I have gotten the shortcut I wanted to appear on the internet screen (as shown in the screen shot below) but when I click the shortcut I get this error msg (as shown in the other screen shot below)
The File 'Ticker Tape' cannot be opened. Either it is not signed with a trusted certificate, or one of its components cannot be found. If the problem persists, try reinstalling or restoring this file.
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Anyone have any idea how to fix this error...I have been searching but with no luck -
I have tried placing the exe and all related files in the widows directory because that is where the You Tube files are located but it didn't work. I think this might have something to do with it but I can't figure out in the "\Windows\27c65cbd_manila" file the file path to the You Tube icon does not exist that I can find. It might be a hidden folder but I can't see it in Total Commander. It says it is located "\Windows\HTC\Assets\Images\InternetPortal\youtube.qtc". Also what is a .qtc file? My searching points me toward "Apple QuickTime Support file" but I have never heard of it as an icon file in WM.
Any help would be greatly appreciated


Convert to dll files?

Does anyone know how I can convert png or ico files to dll files so that it can be used with SK Shortcut Manager or PocketTweak to create shortcut icons?
I have been searching online for a method for a long time and it appears that the only way to do so is by using Visual FoxPro. However, I don't have this program and there isn't a trial version i can download. (I don't want to spend money buying a program just to make a few dll files for my shortcuts)
I have also tried some other freewares and trial softwares online but none of them are successful.
Any help with this is greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Attached here are the 3 icons i would like to turn into dll files. If anyone know where to get them as dll files, that would be great too.
Loook for ResHacher, it is free!
Bulldog said:
Loook for ResHacher, it is free!
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just see the link doesn't function.
Nevermind zip file attached. enjoy
Still not working...
i downloaded the program and used the IconDLL.dll file i got from PHM Tools then i changed the icons inside to the one i want. However, I still can't get it to work despit doing that.
What I did after getting the new .dll file with my icon in is use the shortcut creator program I found here. I tried to read other .dll files and i could see the icon but as soon as I use my own .dll file I made (which I put in the /Windows), it crashes the program. I then tried another program, the Strat Menu programs manager and I still could not read my icon.
I even went through all the post in this forum about shortcuts and tried some of the tricks there. I downloaded Microangelo Librarian and attempted to use IconDLL.dll by adding in my own icons (as vijay suggested in an earlier post), however, according to the advice he gave, that should be it and it should've been easy. This wasn't the case because I couldn't save the file as a .dll file since it said that the file is a read only file or is locked. I then tried save as but that only save it as a lib file.
I have been at this for a whole day now. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
** oh and I even tried using SK Shortcut Manager and I still couldn't read the .dll file I made :..(
Hi teresa611
I also use Microangelo Librarian.
what we have to do is just open the program.
1. Drag any icons into blank librarian.
2. Save as *.icl
3. Just rename those *.icl to be *.dll
4. Copy to PPC
5. Enjoy
Hope this help
tried and failed
even tho i changed the name to .dll, when i dragged it into my pda, it's still a librarian file and i was unable to read it. perhaps, i'm doing something wrong if it works for other people.
i'm starting to feel this is more trouble than it's worth. Thanks for the advice tho. If anyone else has any other ideas, please let me know.
teresa611 said:
tried and failed
even tho i changed the name to .dll, when i dragged it into my pda, it's still a librarian file and i was unable to read it. perhaps, i'm doing something wrong if it works for other people.
i'm starting to feel this is more trouble than it's worth. Thanks for the advice tho. If anyone else has any other ideas, please let me know.
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For me, I have to put .dll into \Windows; otherwise, it is not work.
In addition, you may try using icon_viewer utility to view those dll in order to ensure it is a work dll.
The attach is icon_viewer. Copy to PPC and run.
Thanks. I'll try it later when I get off work. I really hope it works, cause I'm running out of forums to search
problem solved!!
just to refresh this thread and to give others some info if they're stuck with what I was stuck with. I finallt managed to create .dll files and use them in my pda as shorcut icons.
Instead of using Michelangelo Libarian which I am still confused about, I found this great freeware called "BeCyIconGrabber". It allows you to extract icons from .dll and .exe files and you can also load multiple icons there as save it as .dll.
Thanks again to everyone who tried to help

Removing push pages from internet tab

I've been trying to remove some push pages from the internet tab, but so far I haven't found a way of doing it. Someone said to look in the registry, the specified key isn't there (HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\HTC\Manila\Internet.DefaultCount)
Also, someone mentioned editing an XML file in the Application data\Manila folder. The folder isn't there either. I'm kind of lost at the moment on how to remove all these redundant push pages
same needs here... any help?
Neko Koneko said:
I've been trying to remove some push pages from the internet tab, but so far I haven't found a way of doing it. Someone said to look in the registry, the specified key isn't there (HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\HTC\Manila\Internet.DefaultCount)
Also, someone mentioned editing an XML file in the Application data\Manila folder. The folder isn't there either. I'm kind of lost at the moment on how to remove all these redundant push pages
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Do you have: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\HTC\Manila\Internet.CountOfPush?
i have the same problem...
no registry keys pointed above and no directory anywhere with an xml for that
Did enyone found solution of this problem? I`m trying to remove old Opera 9.* from push page and put new Opera 10 on it`s place, but no succes
Don`t have in registry HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\HTC\Manila\Internet.De faultCount nor HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\HTC\Manila\Internet.Cou ntOfPush.
Running EnergyROM_21877_BLACKSTONE_27.Nov.2009_Standard.
Thank in advance and sorry if there is answer in the forum, but I foud only this tread.

how do i install files in a folder and out of the folder is registry file?

how do i install files in a folder and out of the folder is registry file?
when i down load a file. some of them come not as a cab file but it comes it contains a folder and a registry file out of the folder. i believe folder contains program file. where do i put which and where? can u help.
tazwik said:
how do i install files in a folder and out of the folder is registry file?
when i down load a file. some of them come not as a cab file but it comes it contains a folder and a registry file out of the folder. i believe folder contains program file. where do i put which and where? can u help.
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What are you trying to install?...and where? I am sorry if I am miss understanding you but it sounds like you have a file with a reg file and another folder named files? is this right?
something like that. when i down load a file its not a cab file.it is a zip file. when i unzip. it has a folder with program with some files in the folder, but out of the folder or root directory there is 2to 3 files look like reg file. i do not know where to place these file.
tazwik said:
something like that. when i down load a file its not a cab file.it is a zip file. when i unzip. it has a folder with program with some files in the folder, but out of the folder or root directory there is 2to 3 files look like reg file. i do not know where to place these file.
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Could you link me to the file so I can see it?
im tryin to install it in to my htc hd2 phone. its a program i downloaded. from xda. like camara hack. ther is a folder and files on the root directory. in the folder though there is a camara icon or program.
tazwik said:
im tryin to install it in to my htc hd2 phone. its a program i downloaded. from xda. like camara hack. ther is a folder and files on the root directory. in the folder though there is a camara icon or program.
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Post the file or link me to where you got it please. I want to make sure I give you good info so it works.
sounds like a cracked app, where you get the prog folder and a reg file to crack it.
samsamuel said:
sounds like a cracked app, where you get the prog folder and a reg file to crack it.
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I thought so as well till he\she said they got it on xda, that made me think maybe a kitchen ext package
The cab files can be opened with winzip on your PC. The contents of a cab file is usually an xml file, icon file and other files for installation. Are you sure you are not opening a cab file in winzip?
zelendel said:
I thought so as well till he\she said they got it on xda, that made me think maybe a kitchen ext package
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ahh yea.that makes sense.
ok for example. forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=611007
CUSTOM-djet-CameraSettingsPatch , it is a rar file costum patch. when i down load it has a folder and a files where do i place the folder and where do i place the files on my THC HD2
Thats an OEM package for use in kitchens when cooking ROMS. You cant install it to a running system. (Well, not in that form anyway)
tazwik said:
ok for example. forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=611007
CUSTOM-djet-CameraSettingsPatch , it is a rar file costum patch. when i down load it has a folder and a files where do i place the folder and where do i place the files on my THC HD2
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I made the files into a cab for you.
zelendel said:
I made the files into a cab for you.
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What does that one do exactly?
sirphunkee said:
What does that one do exactly?
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From the look of the reg it enables one of the hidden functions in the camera. I thought most cooks enabled all the functions when they cooked up the rom but could be wrong. I know I do
zelendel said:
From the look of the reg it enables one of the hidden functions in the camera. I thought most cooks enabled all the functions when they cooked up the rom but could be wrong. I know I do
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Gotcha, thanks man! Just wanted to be sure I wasn't missing anything I don't already have
can u help me with one more thing. i downloaded some icons. it does not have any other files but icons and album file. when i place the file into the windows directory. gives me an message that it can not be overitten due to not enough space and file is being used. how do i change go around it.
thks jelendel. for making file in to cab.
similar problems/questions
most cab files/apps i download and install are very straight forward and I save to storage card and there are right there on my "start" screen. others I download and I cant find them? I look through the file explorer but either cant find them or dont know what to do if I do find the file.
example, egg timer 1.0 -I can find it listed on "remove programs" page page so I know I got it. but how do I get it to a more 'usable' location.
another example. I want to get the Bluetooth toggle (BTtoggle) from pocketnow site. I downloaded the app, then it says I need to edit my registry (I understand the dangers of this) at
"HKLM\software\HTC\Manilla" and change the value of HomeLSKPath to the path to your BTtoggle.exe .....etc.....
First time editing registry, so sounds like I need to get a registry editor. I looked for a free one. CeRegEdit version 5.2.exe file. looks like it downloaded ok but I cant find on device??
LASTLY, I use CoOkies home editor and I really like it, but does that mean I cant do other changes/app installs to any HTC sense items/lock screen/home screen/etc? thanks for reading this far....steve
Or if you know of easier to get bluetooth toggle or any kind of timer applications so I dont burn food at the fire station, feel free to reccomend...Thanks
808Granato said:
Or if you know of easier to get bluetooth toggle or any kind of timer applications so I dont burn food at the fire station, feel free to reccomend...Thanks
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Aloha, and just because you're in civil service like that, I'll give you a hand with this one here...but it's usually best to open a new thread with a bunch of questions like that. You can just edit your post above to just say "moved to new thread", and then copy all that you wrote into a new thread you start...you'll probably get more views/responses that way too
These cabs will give you a toggle for bluetooth, wifi, and a reset button. Once you run the cab, you can find them in your start menu, but they're most useful when you assign them to one of the quicklink spots (on your home tab), just like you would any other program.
P.S. you'll find a lot more useful stuff for your new phone right here in these forums, and 99% of it is free, and known to work on the HD2 (unless stated otherwise). Start HERE and HERE

[Q] Unsigned Folders ?

First of all, sorry for openeing a new thread; but surely i have searched all of chef central din't find anything much or maybe din't understand which one was my solution.
The problem is after boot of my ROM ( regardless of which boot ie 1st 2nd or 10th ) i get 2 pop up errors:
1) "The file 'programs' cannot be opened. Either is not signed with a trusted certificate or one of it's components cannot be found.If the problem persists please try reinstalling or restoring this file."
2) "The file 'Tools' cannot be opened. Either is not signed with a trusted certificate or one of it's components cannot be found.If the problem persists please try reinstalling or restoring this file."
I have a folder called "Tools" in the start menu, and it works fine, and everything inside also works good. But still this error.
I'm pretty sure all the Packages cooked which are meant to go in this folder do go in.
And the programs error is it anything to do with the fact that in the APP.DAT in almost all packages i have used similar naming:
Directory("\Windows\Start Menu\Programs"):-Directory("System")
Directory("\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Tools\Tweaks"):-File("Flip_IT.lnk","\Windows\_Flip_IT.lnk")
and also added similar REG in the REGS :
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As i was not sure which one will decide the location, so some packages have only .REGs, some have only APP.DATs and some have both ( but all the locations are same that is sure !)
Please help me with this.
Thanks alot.
PS: I have enabled NoCert in EVK, and also cooked in the latest ( 2015 ? ) SDKCerts EXT. And after that no other apps give an unsigned problem.
Just a question, this isnt the full app.dat right?
Directory("\Windows\Start Menu\Programs"):-Directory("System")
Directory("\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Tools\Tweaks"):-File("Flip_IT.lnk","\Windows\_Flip_IT.lnk")
If yes, you miss some lines,this app.dat is just copying a link to startmenu but i guess that you need the program in Windows.
i'm afraid that is the full App.DAT
here is another one
Directory("\Windows\Start Menu\Programs"):-Directory("System")
Directory("\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\\Tools\System"):-File("Java.lnk","\Windows\Java.lnk")
This seems to be correct right ?
Can you please tell me does APP.DAT decide the position or REG ? and what if both exist.
Can an incomplete app.dat cause those errors ?
EDIT: i have identified 3 packages have incomlete app.dat
1) task manager
app.dat says :
Directory("\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Tools\"):-File("Task Manager.lnk","\Windows\dotFred Task Manager.lnk")
Directory("\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Tools\Utilities"):-File("Regeditor.lnk","\Windows\dotFred RegEdit.lnk")
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reg also defines a location.
2) flip it
app.dat says
Directory("\Windows\Start Menu\Programs"):-Directory("System")
Directory("\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Tools\Tweaks"):-File("Flip_IT.lnk","\Windows\_Flip_IT.lnk")
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reg defines location and settings.
3) torch
app.dat says
Directory("\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Tools\Utilities"):-File("hTorch Flashlight.lnk","\Windows\hTorch Flashlight.lnk")
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reg defines settings only.
4) reg editor
app.dat says:
Directory("\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Tool\Utilities"):-File("PHM RegEdit.lnk","\Windows\PHM RegEdit.lnk")
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reg defines sttings and location.
Can anyone of the above cause the issue ?
can some please help me correct them ?
EDIT: can someone please tell me the REG to enable Call Waiting Tone.
I don't hear any tone it when i have a call waiting.
The app.dat decide the position of file and folders.
I found thi " Flip-IT" from a Tom Codon thread and i used Cab Converter for extracting it.
This is the App.dat that i got:
Directory("\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Tools"):-File("Flip_IT.lnk","\Windows\Flip_IT.lnk")
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In red are the subfolders that doesnt come with the original.
There are some difference with your but i dunno if this is the problem but worth try.
Umm well i have defined those locations as to fit them lnk in the place i want in the start menu.. isn't that the way ?
Im Quoting you from 1st post:
1) "The file 'programs' cannot be opened. Either is not signed with a trusted certificate or one of it's components cannot be found.If the problem persists please try reinstalling or restoring this file."
2) "The file 'Tools' cannot be opened. Either is not signed with a trusted certificate or one of it's components cannot be found.If the problem persists please try reinstalling or restoring this file."
you got this popup error automatically, no need to open any folder\file?
It seems that you put a wrong shortcut to files called "Tools and programs" in your StratUp folder.
Check some other App.dat
i have checked all APP.DAT in the EXT can't find any which i cook and does not get cokked in the correct location ?
Umm and the two errors are seperate not in one only.
So i guess the conflict is there with 2 seperate folders "Tools" and "programs" respectively.
Ideally it should not conflict with tools, because i do have a tools folder in the start menu.. so everything should go there :/
any other help?
Try to cook a rom without one of the latest apps that you have add and if the problem gone then you have find the issue,after that post here the responsable so we can look at it.
madnish30 said:
i have checked all APP.DAT in the EXT can't find any which i cook and does not get cokked in the correct location ?
Umm and the two errors are seperate not in one only.
So i guess the conflict is there with 2 seperate folders "Tools" and "programs" respectively.
Ideally it should not conflict with tools, because i do have a tools folder in the start menu.. so everything should go there :/
any other help?
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af974 said:
Try to cook a rom without one of the latest apps that you have add and if the problem gone then you have find the issue,after that post here the responsable so we can look at it.
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I'll try and cook without the 5 EXT i identified with wrong app.dats ?
I have had this problem since long, but i din't bother much, so i really don't know whats the issue..
it has been there basically since i tweaked the start menu locations.
now i have to get rid of it cuz any ROM user won't like to just press ok and continue with the ROM.
I'll try.
My suggestion is to try one by one but ofcourse this way you need to flash 5 times your phone.
Did you ,maybe,tweaked your Initflashfile.dat?
madnish30 said:
I'll try and cook without the 5 EXT i identified with wrong app.dats ?
I have had this problem since long, but i din't bother much, so i really don't know whats the issue..
it has been there basically since i tweaked the start menu locations.
now i have to get rid of it cuz any ROM user won't like to just press ok and continue with the ROM.
I'll try.
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No i don't play with initiaflash... because i don't know much about it..
I guess i will not cook anyone of them so that if its one of them i will just download fresh CABs for them and convert them into EXTs rather than flashing my phone 5 times..
Thanks alot.
i tried cooking without those apps no luck
Same 2 errors hence those 2 apps are ok..
Attached my Initflashfile.dat if that helps.
Please help.
You really need to look in your startup folder to see what is in there. That's the first thing to do. Then, look in the start menu and see if anything weird is going on. Particularly, look for corrupted files or folders. If there are any files that look like folders, that could be the issue.
You're initflashfiles.dat is effin' huge!! Learn to make a cab, or relocate apps to windows. You must be wasting a ton of storage space.
thanks for the help Ted,
In the startup i see 2 folders
1) programs in which there is tools->system->Arkswitch.
2) tools -> system -> XDA_UC.
rest are the normal i guess.
Then in the startmenu it seems fine.
but one problem there i see in the start menu i see a system folder which is empty AFAIK i did not create and such path why is that there ?
You're initflashfiles.dat is effin' huge!! Learn to make a cab, or relocate apps to windows. You must be wasting a ton of storage space.
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I'm not good with initflashfiles.dat i don't know much about it.
Can you please link me to a thread where i can learn about it.
Also what do you mean by CABs ? does that mean using UC to install via CABs ?
And how can i reloacte apps to windows ?
can you give a little explaination please.
thanks alot for the help.
The app.dat for Arksswitch is
Directory("\Windows\Start Menu\Programs"):-Directory("Tools")
Directory("\Program Files"):-Directory("ArkSwitch")
Directory("\Program Files\ArkSwitch"):-Directory("Theme")
Directory("\Program Files\ArkSwitch"):-Directory("NLS")
Directory("\Program Files\ArkSwitch\NLS"):-File("1033.xml","\Windows\1033.xml")
Directory("\Program Files\ArkSwitch\NLS"):-File("1036.xml","\Windows\1036.xml")
Directory("\Program Files\ArkSwitch\NLS"):-File("1040.xml","\Windows\1040.xml")
Directory("\Program Files\ArkSwitch\NLS"):-File("1049.xml","\Windows\1049.xml")
Directory("\Program Files\ArkSwitch\Theme"):-File("config.xml","\Windows\config.xml")
Directory("\Program Files\ArkSwitch\Theme"):-File("status-bar.png","\Windows\status-bar.png")
Directory("\Program Files\ArkSwitch\Theme"):-File("x-deselected.png","\Windows\x-deselected.png")
Directory("\Program Files\ArkSwitch\Theme"):-File("x-selected.png","\Windows\x-selected.png")
Directory("\Program Files\ArkSwitch"):-File("Microsoft.WindowsMobile.Gestures.dll","\Windows\Microsoft.WindowsMobile.Gestures.dll")
Directory("\Program Files\ArkSwitch"):-File("ArkSwitch.exe","\Windows\ArkSwitch.exe")
Directory("\Program Files\ArkSwitch"):-File("ArkSwitchNative.dll","\Windows\ArkSwitchNative.dll")
Directory("\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Tools\System"):-File("ArkSwitch.lnk","\Windows\_ArkSwitch.lnk")
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and the app.dat for XDA_UC is
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Please help me correct the two in order to remove the warning.
Will try and cook without them to see if they cause they problem.
I don't use xda_uc, but delete the sub-folders in startup and the problems go away.
App.dat copies files from windows to other places. In many cases, an app works fine in windows. You just need to fix paths (shortcuts, registry) so they point to windows. It's a complete waste to have two copies of all your files, especially when the ones in rom work perfectly fine. Personally, I don't even use app.dat's, except to create directories and to copy the important customization links into startup.
Edit: ok, so I'm looking at your initflashfiles.dat. One, there's something weird with your Manila twitter lines. Why does it appear twice? That's kind of a waste, and will slow down 1st boot. Also, you've got a dozen mui files in there. Just put in the one you need (0409 or whatever), and delete the rest. You've to two copies of a bunch of files that you don't use. Remove the lines you don't need from the app.dat.
As far as relocating apps, you've got 20 or so that would work fine in windows. For example, clean ram does not have to be in program files. Just leave the exe's in windows, and send 1 lang file to \windows\lang. The app will work fine. Do you really need 20 lang files for cleanram? Dude, that's a total waste.
Here's an easy one to fix: pocket rar. You've got two copies of it now on your device. Just get a shortcut for it to windows, and you're done. You stick rar.exe in a package, along with the shortcut, and send the shortcut to the start menu as normal. Speaking of which, it looks like you've got a syntax error there:
Directory("\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\\Tools\System"):-File("Pocket RAR.lnk","\Windows\_Pocket RAR.lnk")
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Get rid of the extra \.
Thanks sir i got it, now i will impliment it.
Sir if you don't use app.dats then how do you chose which package shows up where in the start menu ?
I do pretty much everything with morscripts. I put all files and directories in zip files that are unzipped during customization, and all shortcuts are created by a script. This reduces the rom file count by hundreds (I have about 1800 rom files), and the zip files reduce the storage memory for files that have to be inserted elsewhere. There's also a restore script that resores files that change a lot and that aren't practical to cook in.
Anyway, were I you, I'd work on fixing all of your packages to make the rom more efficiently designed (instead of worrying about upgrading build numbers). I bet you could removed 500 files and clean up a crazy amount of memory (like 50 mb). It can be tricky moving an app to windows. Some apps have .ini files or similar settings files, and the app will crash or not load if the setting file is read-only, so you need to get the file into windows without having it read only (do it with an app.dat that copies or renames it to windows). Some apps have their settings in the same damn file name (like settings.txt), so you can't have them both in the same directory.
To relocate to windows, almost anything in the root program folder (like \program files\cleanram) can be moved straight to windows. Sub-folders generally just need to be moved to \windows. Typically, an exe looks for .dlls first in its own directory and second in \windows, so just about any dll can be moved to windows without issue. It will then usually look for the support files in the same directory that it's located in. The only apps I've had problems with are resco keyboard (the skin files seem to be hard coded to program files), and the latest Power Radio (, or something like that). I had a bunch of power radio packages that worked fine in windows, but the latest wouldn't, so I just didn't do the upgrade.
It's usually easiest just to test things without cooking. In your case, you've already got everything in windows. Just click on exes and see what works and what doesn't. Some apps will need sub-folders relocated to windows, and it looks like your cab-to-ext package unfortunately renamed the rom files, so some files in the program folder will need to be copied to windows. Just do this for testing purposes, to see what works and what doesn't. I bet your rom is effin huge, and you could make it a lot leaner by cleaning your packages up. The cab-to-ext makers all more or less suck; it's better to do things manually (or with kheb 1.1).
Edit: you've got the tachan black theme in there twice, too. You really, really don't need those files copied elsewhere. I'm guessing there's a reg file with all the file locations (in HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Today). Fix it!!! All you need to do is do a 'replace all' and replace \\My Documents\\Themes\\tacchan23black with \\windows. Then delete that gawdawful app.dat file (both occurrences). That will remove 101 redundant files.
Do you remember this from your 1st post?
Directory("\Windows\Start Menu\Programs"):-Directory("System")
Directory("\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Tools\Tweaks"):-File("Flip_IT.lnk","\Windows\_Flip_IT.lnk")
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Here is (marked in red) your System folder (empty) in startmenu.
madnish30 said:
Then in the startmenu it seems fine.
but one problem there i see in the start menu i see a system folder which is empty AFAIK i did not create and such path why is that there ?
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Thanks ted & af974.
i will try to do things you suggested.
But Ted, what does the attachment mscr do ?
I attached and EXT package from Chucky's Rom thanks to birkoffsjunk, i guess you will understand what mscr does looking at it.
madnish30 said:
Thanks ted & af974.
i will try to do things you suggested.
But Ted, what does the attachment mscr do ?
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[Solved][Q] EXT packages + app.dat = duplicates of files in \windows\

I tried to keep the title as descriptive and short as possible, I hope it makes sense
I picked up the kitchen of nhathoa (a retired Topaz cook) hoping to get it customized to make it exactly the way I want but I'm running into some issues.
Long story short, I'm using Ervius Visual Kitchen (1.8.2) and I noticed that the EXT packages I added end up leaving two copies of the files, a copy under \windows\ and another one in the places I specified using app.dat using:
Directory("\Program Files\bla\"):-File("bla.exe","\Windows\bla.exe")
Is there some way to get rid of the copy under \Windows\ ??
I know that I could simply leave everything there and discard the app.dat files but I would really prefer having everything organized properly (I have a bit of an OCD when it comes to organizing everything neatly ).
I'm pretty sure that this is a rather simple and noobish issue but I couldn't find anything relevant by searching and I took a look at some ext packages by various cooks and noticed the same behaviour.
MusikMonk said:
I tried to keep the title as descriptive and short as possible, I hope it makes sense
I picked up the kitchen of nhathoa (a retired Topaz cook) hoping to get it customized to make it exactly the way I want but I'm running into some issues.
Long story short, I'm using Ervius Visual Kitchen (1.8.2) and I noticed that the EXT packages I added end up leaving two copies of the files, a copy under \windows\ and another one in the places I specified using app.dat using:
Directory("\Program Files\bla\"):-File("bla.exe","\Windows\bla.exe")
Is there some way to get rid of the copy under \Windows\ ??
I know that I could simply leave everything there and discard the app.dat files but I would really prefer having everything organized properly (I have a bit of an OCD when it comes to organizing everything neatly ).
I'm pretty sure that this is a rather simple and noobish issue but I couldn't find anything relevant by searching and I took a look at some ext packages by various cooks and noticed the same behaviour.
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No, it's call Read-Only-Memory (ROM) and is the reason you can hard-reset your phone. Every file you cook into the ROM is in \windows. Two ways I know of to reduce the amount of files would be to zip them and have a mortscript unzip them to the proper location during customization or cook in a cab containing all of the files and have it run during customization.
That makes a lot of sense, I really feel ashamed that I didn't figure it out earlier
EXT packages seemed easier than bothering to read about customization but I guess it's time to start reading about this kind of stuff.
Thread marked as solved.
Thanks for the quick reply!
Yup, files in rom are in rom forever, or until you flash again, lol. The trick is to just run bla.exe from \windows. I would say that 90% of the time, bla.exe runs just fine out of the windows directory (especially if it's the only file in the package). When people create cabs, they naturally install the app in \program files, but in general apps don't need to be in a specific folder. If there are other files present, usually an .exe will search within its own folder for those files. So, if you just cook everything straight into windows, you'll be good to go. It's easy enough to test: just move all the files from program files to windows after installing a cab, fix the shortcut in the start menu, and then try to run the app. It's always a good idea to do a soft reset and try again (found this out the hard way many times). The one thing you have to watch out for is settings files, like .dat files. These files frequently have to be archived (not read-only). Particularly with apps that use net 3.5, if there's a setting file that is read-only, the app won't boot and you'll get an error message. The fix is to name the file settings-1.txt (or whatever) and have an app.dat rename it to settings.txt (and keep it in \windows).
Also, remember to fix the shortcut path in the start menu, and examine the registry entries to see if there are any paths for files present-you may need to change them to point to \windows (this could also be true in settings files).
mwalt2 said:
No, it's call Read-Only-Memory (ROM) and is the reason you can hard-reset your phone. Every file you cook into the ROM is in \windows. Two ways I know of to reduce the amount of files would be to zip them and have a mortscript unzip them to the proper location during customization or cook in a cab containing all of the files and have it run during customization.
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This actually made me think a little bit. When you think about read only, I always thing can't delete or overwrite. Obviously I can run a cab and replace a file that is located in the \Windows directory, that leads me to believe there is a way to delete a file or maybe even replaced with an empty file of the same name.
You can over-write a rom file, but the rom file is still there. The file system just flags it somehow or another and tells the device to ignore it and instead use the new file.
TMartin03 said:
This actually made me think a little bit. When you think about read only, I always thing can't delete or overwrite. Obviously I can run a cab and replace a file that is located in the \Windows directory, that leads me to believe there is a way to delete a file or maybe even replaced with an empty file of the same name.
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The new file you copy over goes into the "user" partition of the file system and windows knows to use that file instead. Once you delete this newly copied file from \windows, the old one from the ROM will take its place back in the filesystem.
Farmer Ted said:
Yup, files in rom are in rom forever, or until you flash again, lol. The trick is to just run bla.exe from \windows. I would say that 90% of the time, bla.exe runs just fine out of the windows directory (especially if it's the only file in the package). When people create cabs, they naturally install the app in \program files, but in general apps don't need to be in a specific folder. If there are other files present, usually an .exe will search within its own folder for those files. So, if you just cook everything straight into windows, you'll be good to go. It's easy enough to test: just move all the files from program files to windows after installing a cab, fix the shortcut in the start menu, and then try to run the app. It's always a good idea to do a soft reset and try again (found this out the hard way many times). The one thing you have to watch out for is settings files, like .dat files. These files frequently have to be archived (not read-only). Particularly with apps that use net 3.5, if there's a setting file that is read-only, the app won't boot and you'll get an error message. The fix is to name the file settings-1.txt (or whatever) and have an app.dat rename it to settings.txt (and keep it in \windows).
Also, remember to fix the shortcut path in the start menu, and examine the registry entries to see if there are any paths for files present-you may need to change them to point to \windows (this could also be true in settings files).
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First of all, a small question about the underlined part, just to make sure that I got it right: it won't be exactly a rename just a copy with a different name, correct?
Some of the apps I use need a specific directory structure for the resources and files they use, so just dumping them in one big folder won't work.
Another possible issue that I think I'll run into is having two files sharing a generic name (let's say settings.xml) while each belongs to a different app. I didn't personally encounter such a situation just yet but my packages are still a work in progress and I did see a post or two about this while searching.
I was still hoping there would be a simple way to arrange the files in folders while keeping them under \windows\ but I can't find such a method either. Doesn't seem like I have other options than to decided on a firstboot customization method: Runcc, autorun, xda_uc or something that I haven't read about yet...
"Runcc" is currently used in the base kitchen so that gives it an edge right now.
Remembered that I had another question, and it's probably not worth a new thread.
I was looking at how to manually create .lnk files and I noticed something that I didn't understand and couldn't find info about.
For example:
What exactly does the "21" refer to?? I tried changing it randomly to other values a couple of times and it didn't effect anything.
NRGZ28 said:
The new file you copy over goes into the "user" partition of the file system and windows knows to use that file instead. Once you delete this newly copied file from \windows, the old one from the ROM will take its place back in the filesystem.
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Ok now that makes a lot of sense. I guess I'm just use to Android and being able to see that separate partition. Thanks for the explanation.
That sort of leaves me to another question. Can't someone develop a way to overwrite directly to the "system" partition? It would almost be like a root/superuser for WinMo.
Sent from my HTC Evo 4G!
MusikMonk said:
First of all, a small question about the underlined part, just to make sure that I got it right: it won't be exactly a rename just a copy with a different name, correct?
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Yup, that's correct. Another approach is to take all similar files that go into windows and stick them in a zip file that unzips to the windows directory. I do that in a few cases (power radio comes to mind; it has an ini file). What I do in most cases though is use a backup/restore mortscript. The backup copies all settings files (and similar things) on my device to my sd card. During customization, the restore copies them back. It's convenient for apps where I change the settings a lot and I don't want to have to constantly fuss with the packages.
Some of the apps I use need a specific directory structure for the resources and files they use, so just dumping them in one big folder won't work.
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What you do in that case is move the sub-folders into windows. In this case, I'll use a zip file to unzip those folders into windows. Using app.dat files to copy large numbers of files blows. It increases the rom file count as well as the storage used. A zip file is a single file, and usually it saves space.
Another possible issue that I think I'll run into is having two files sharing a generic name (let's say settings.xml) while each belongs to a different app. I didn't personally encounter such a situation just yet but my packages are still a work in progress and I did see a post or two about this while searching.
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In that case, you're screwed unless there's a registry key that lets you change the name. I've run into a few complications; tcpmp and OMarket both use a common.dll. My solution was to buy Core Player, lol.
I was still hoping there would be a simple way to arrange the files in folders while keeping them under \windows\ but I can't find such a method either. Doesn't seem like I have other options than to decided on a firstboot customization method: Runcc, autorun, xda_uc or something that I haven't read about yet...
"Runcc" is currently used in the base kitchen so that gives it an edge right now.
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Using cabs or zip files is the way to go if you want to copy large folders in one shot (with a mortscript; you can also un-rar rar files, but I don't know how. Yet, lol). Zips are easier to make and edit than cabs, but you need to have mortscript cooked in and know how to write the simple script (aka cut-and-paste).
Remembered that I had another question, and it's probably not worth a new thread.
I was looking at how to manually create .lnk files and I noticed something that I didn't understand and couldn't find info about.
For example:
What exactly does the "21" refer to?? I tried changing it randomly to other values a couple of times and it didn't effect anything.
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The 21 is the number of bytes after the #. It doesn't matter. I usually just change the first number to 1. It works fine. Counting bytes blows.
That was extremely helpful. Too bad these boards don't use a rep system
Farmer Ted said:
Yup, that's correct. Another approach is to take all similar files that go into windows and stick them in a zip file that unzips to the windows directory.
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Well, if I'm going to follow this method, and it seems like I am, I don't see why I would still have to limit myself to the \windows folder. I can just put everything the way I originally wanted to do. I only looked at arranging files under \windows when I found out that there's no way to get rid of the duplicates.
Farmer Ted said:
Using cabs or zip files is the way to go if you want to copy large folders in one shot (with a mortscript; you can also un-rar rar files, but I don't know how. Yet, lol). Zips are easier to make and edit than cabs, but you need to have mortscript cooked in and know how to write the simple script (aka cut-and-paste).
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I haven't tried writing mortscripts yet but I've seen enough to figure out the basic and notice how easy it is. I'm gonna check how usable is the WM version of 7zip, as long as it accepts arguments combining it with mortscript will be easy and perfect for me.
7z archives can get smaller in size than half of the zip archives for the same files. And cabs are too annoying to work with and keep updated later on.
Only issue remaining now is checking whether I should put the archived files under \windows or use the sdcard for customization. I'm leaning toward the first but I'll have to wait and see how much memory I would be sacrificing that way.
Farmer Ted said:
The 21 is the number of bytes after the #. It doesn't matter. I usually just change the first number to 1. It works fine. Counting bytes blows.
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Ah! I thought about counting bytes/characters and noticed that it works sometimes. But I thought it was a coincidence after I experimented in changing the value and noticed that it wasn't always the right count in the .lnk files that I found.
Nice, I was messing around with some packages to free up ram and storage and I seem to have ended up with a rather b0rked up xTask. And then there's still convincing Resco Explorer that the registry add-in IS in fact there.
Figuring out the causes should keep me happily busy for a while (and probably heavily pissed for another while afterwards).
Just for the record, I ended up using xda_uc it's a lot easier than doing things manually. Although it would help if there was some kind of documentation available, took me a while to understand what .xda, xdai, xdas & .xdaz files are supposed to be.
hi by the way is it possible to convert ext packages of QVGA phones to one another?

