Help with keyboard remapping on HTC Mogul - Mogul, XV6800 General

I current have a HTC mogul that I recently replaced the qwerty keypad for, and it turns out to be the Telus version, and 8 keys are out of place, example @ and ! are swapped. I am trying to use AEKMAP, but it isn't working out too well, if anyone could help me or recommend an accurate program to map out the unicodes of each key.


change to keyboard with diferente button positions

Hello, i'm waiting from ebay an keyboard for qtek 9000(in this case, T-mobile MDA) and it was a qwertz layout.
the question is, if I change the original keyboard to a new keyboard with diferente button positions such as Ok button,video call button and others, will pda recognize the diference and atribute right function to each button?
url for new keyboard from ebay:
Tanks a lot!!!
No it will not. the picture shows just a QWERT keypad with no electronics so it will not re-map anything (read: it will function exactly as the old keyboard)
remap via software
but how can i do that, which software will i use?
can i change sym.xxxx.txt file and fix ok, start,video call...blablabla buttons?
tanks for help!
I suppose you must find the correct language code for the keyboard,nothing else.
Someone cofirm?
i don't now if i install imate rom, will solve the problem?
Hell, the keyboard is compatible all most in every button, but wen I install it, after disassemble universal...the original space button was 1 contact, and this new one was 2, the new space button of new keyboard is not campatible....You can see in link, on the back side os keyboard!
At least, housing for universal of the same seller is very,very good!!!

HTC 12-key keypad not showing

I installed the HTC keyboard_keypad into my HERMES flashed with the black satin ROM. It's great and I love it. Problem is, after I installed the LetsJapan6 by Asukal to read japanese, the 12-key htc touch keypad no longer shows up. It only shows the 20-key keyboard even though I selected the HTC keypad.
I think it's just a registry problem, but I'm not sure. Tried searching the forums but couldn't find any. Any ideas how to fix the problem. I want to use the 12 keypad more because it has larger buttons than the 20 keypad. The HERMES is quite limited in space for the 20-key keyboard.
If no one knows how to fix this, is their a way to get the list of registry keys changed during the installation of letsjapan06? Hope asukal could help me on this

HTC touch keypad and keyboard

I recently installed this wonderfull program on my titan and let me tell you its works perfect for on the run. but i noticed that when i use my keyboard its not the same it uses some of the action and letter styles as the touch keypad and keyboard. anyone have this issue?

Is there an app for the Youch Pro like Key Swop

Hi Guys,
Has anyone developed an app like Key Swop for the Kaiser that works for the HTC Touch Pro.
I would really like to change my left soft key to open my iContact app.
key swap should work on the touch pro, too. did you try it?
Yes, but it would change the soft key. However when booting up the handset, (when it shows the HTC logo) it does show the iContact text, and you can click on it and launch the app, but when it has finished booting, it goes back to showing "Phone".
Can someone verify this to make sure it is not handset specific.
ive been using SoftKeyManager lately since DCD's latest ROMs arent compatible with key swop. you could give it a shot
Sorry but have just tried the Softkey manager app and it wont change the soft keys on the Touch Pro
Try This
You can download it from here.
Jimllfixit said:
Hi Guys,
Has anyone developed an app like Key Swop for the Kaiser that works for the HTC Touch Pro.
I would really like to change my left soft key to open my iContact app.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse


Hi, does anyone know where i can get a "phone" keyboard from? im having to use the stylus all the time now as my fingers arnt the smallest but on my wifes phone (HTC MAGIC) she can have a keypad where its like [ABC] [DEF] [GHI] .. If you get what i mean ? like 3 letters on one key but the keys quite large, hard to explain and im currently running a custom rom if that helps.
phone keypad
on 1.93 ROM select on Touch Input Settings imput "Phone Keypad". if you whant a larger one use SPB Keyboard

