Pb with my USB cable - P3600 General

I'm quite a newbie in the whole HTC world, so please answer with simple words!
Here is my problem : my HTC just wouldn't "see" my PC (neither under XP nor under Vista) when I plug the USB cable. Of course, I have already tried to reinstall ActiveSync (XP) or Sync Stuffcenter (Vista), but it doesn't work.
The battery is still charging so I assume that the cable is not broken...
Do you know if the USB cable HAS to be the HTC one? (I might currently be trying to use a Canon or Nikon one, initially designed for a digital camera...)
Any other idea?

on your htc try going to
1º- settings:
2º- system:
3º- then go were it say´s usb to pc
4º- there you will find a box ,if it has a check on it then uncheck it ,but if it
dont have a check on it then check it
5º- have fun with your device

In alternative....
...Make sure that activesync is talking to the USB port: On the windows PC, open activesync and look in the menu File-->Connection settings. Make sure that "Allow USB Connections" is ticked.
By the way, i don't understand why but once in a while this checkbox becomes unticked without reason....do you have the same?

Thanks for your answers, but it still isn't working...
@pzucchel : on Vista, ActiveSync does not exist I think... and on Sync Center, there is no such thing as "allow USB connections..."
@LAMM44 : the case was unchecked, so I checked it, and here, miracle, my computer shows me a window telling me that it is uninstalling something... ... ...and then... ...nothing! The PDA doesn't have a letter, this bl..dy SyncCenter does not see anything, ...
Thanks anyway, if you have any other suggestion?
Any service which might not be running and should be activated on Vista? (I don't think so, because it is not working on XP either)
Any thoughts about this USB cable thing?( Do you know if the USB cable HAS to be the HTC one? (I might currently be trying to use a Canon or Nikon one, initially designed for a digital camera...))
EDIT : the "uninstalling" thing was about Windows Mobile Device Center. When I run this program, I can see the "allow USB connections" case, which is checked... but with the case on the PDA checked or not (the one with the advanced network stuff), WM Device Center still says that the mobile device is not connected...

I can confirm you can use Any USB cable (i am presently using one from Garmin) - even through USB routers. You are right - my comment on the USB port was related to win XP. BTW, are you sure you are using an up-to-date activesync?

I have downloaded the last one on XP yesterday... But not on my computer (mine works with vista).
I can try to update Vista WM device Center... but this should have worked on XP!
Thanks for the answer about the USB cable... It seems to be a pb on my HTC then. I went through all the menus but don't see anything relevant...

...did you consider a hard reset? of course, not having activesync you cannot back up- but maybe you can use the sd card.
are you using active sync 4.5? do you have an original rom?

Yes, I wanted to do a hard reset... but not without backing up my contact and SMS!
Would you know where these are stored in the memory? (if I could just copy/paste a folder on the SD card, then I could reinstall windows mobile completely...)
I tried ActiveSync 4.5 on XP yesterday yes. I have never reinstalled WM, so I am a bit lost... What is an original ROM? If it is a DVD of WM or something, I have to search, I am not even sure I have it... I think I have the initial HTC DVD, but is there WM on it? Certainely...
BTW, would you advise me to install WM6 instead of WM5? Is it faster? And a last question : what does "ROM Tnyynt 015 (CE OS 5.2.20273 Build 20273.1.3.3) " mean? (I must admit that I don't understand I mere word of the Trinity wiki... what is a kitchen ROM for instance???)

OK, a few things to be explained!
you probably bought your trinity and it comes with an ORIGINAL rom inside it, that should be more or less working. For example, initial roms didn't even allow to use the internal GPS, that was installed but not usable because of software issues.
I don't know where you live or where you bought it, but typically your telephone company or the seller (dopod, HTC, Qtek) provide regional upgrades and improvements of the operating system (windows mobile) and of the radio rom (the one controlling WiFi, GSM, GPS, Bluetooth, etc.). Sometimes it is the case, sometimes they forget about you since you bought it and they got their money - bye bye!!!!
Then....comes XDA-Developers!
here, we generate our own operating systems and improve further the possibilities of the various systems. For example, many of us are using Windows mobile 6.0 and 6.1 on the trinity, we can switch a french telephone into an english telephone, unlock the telephone to be used in any country, etc.etc.
A telephone is much more powerful than a PC 10 years ago: in terms of processor, graphics, memory, I/O. Not a surprise that, as a PC, software can be improved. Believe me (it is at least three years i am following this): the speed, functionality and performances of the telephone can greatly improve!!! I am using the rom cooked by TNYYNT, version 15, which is based on windows mobile 6.1 and a very recent release (build) of it.
Main negative consequence of installing a cooked rom: don't expect that warranty will be valid!
Said this, a warning: you do it at your own risk. Therefore my suggestion is READ before you do things. Now your activesync problem is minor, but making the wrong upgrade could block your telephone. Nothing is "forever", but a badly stuck telephone requires good skill to recovery it.
So, step by step: is anything else working in your system? if so, i would concentrate in this active-sync problem only, for the time being.
If you would be intrigued in learning more and play with your P3600 (or P3600i, there are actually two models!) then be preparred in reading a lot on this forum! in this case, start from here:
I hope i was able to make things a bit clearer for you, don't hesitate in asking more.

i see it right now: to backup your contacts and SMS, without activesync, you can do it with this program called pimbackup that is described in
you could download it directly from the telephone (or send it by email), save the installation program onto the minisd and save the contacts/sms onto the minisd card (Storage card). Then, after the hard reboot, you will have to reinstall the pimbackup and restore the contacts/sms again. is it OK?

Thanks a lot for these explanations! I will try pimbackup tonight.
Actually, I bought my HTC on ebay, and the previous owner had upgraded it to have the radio working, and had installed a lot of softwares and tweaks... But now I would like to choose my own! I understand the principle of the ROM upgrade of course, but I am just a bit lost with all the different ROMs! What is a kitchen ROM, what does "dump the ROM" mean? See, I would need a back-to-basics tutorial!
BTW, is it legal? (I mean, the packed ROMs come with Windows isn't it?) just to know!
Thanks again!

Hi, the fact that there are a lot of tweaks and radio upgrades on your HTC doesn't play much in your favour!
When you are ready, and only when you are ready, go and install Radio Rom 1.56 and the rom TNYYNT 017 (I am ASSUMING you have a P3600 and not a P3600i...right?)
somebody could disagree...but i think it is the best choice!
Concerning the legal aspects, i am not a lawyer but microsoft is well aware of the XDA-Developers site, including HTC and the involved companies. Many of us do believe they use this site for beta-testing....but again, search yourself on the site to know microsoft's opinion...
My argument: I paid for the WM license, I bought the hardware and i would like to have a nicely working system - if they are ready to support their customers they should let us know ;;;;-)

By the way - about your question on the "legality" that made me thinking about it . Read this thread and enjoy it!

Whaou, great post about the legality, thanks!
I think I have a 3600 and not a 3600i (I am a bit ashamed, but I don't know how to know this.......), but the fact that the radio wasn't activated when the previous owner bought it seems to mean it was the 3600, no?
Thanks a lot for PIMBackup, it worked perfectely, and really fast!
Now that my backup is done, I'm a bit stuck, because I still haven't solved the USB problem, and I need the connection to download the ROM...

ready for a hard-reset? settings-->Clear Storage (dont worry - it will not clear the minisd...)

just before the hard-reset : do you think my usb connection has any chance of working after that?
EDIT : hard reset done, USB working just fine!!! Thanks a lot!
Now I'm ready to spend hours trying to install install Radio Rom 1.56 and the rom TNYYNT 017.
(do I need to install TNYYNT first?)
EDIT2 : OK, I have installed TNYYNT 017, it's really simple actually, and must faster than my bugged WM5! I haven't tried the radio yet.
Thanks again!
EDIT3 : BTW, would you advise me to install Tomtom 6 or 7? Thanks again!

Answer one: of course i think you have some chance...especially now that i know it works!
Answer two: go for the radio rom...and donate to TNYYNT since he did really a great job. If you try other roms, you will notice the difference (i tried all of them, essentially). The radio rom is also very great in my opinion, and the update is easy.
Answer three: TomTom 7.4 is indeed the best (even better than IGo).
I am happy that it worked out and i was helpful.

Tomtom 7.4?
On tomtom's website, I can only see the 6th version of Tomtom Navigator (http://www.tomtom.com/products/category.php?ID=2&Language=1)
Where could I find the 7th?

Hi again!
I'm quite happy with my installation now, I tweaked a bit starting from TNYYNT 017, then Radio Rom 1.56.
In particular, I followed the instruction of http://www.milow.net/public/projects/windows-mobile-skin.html to have a nice iPhone-like skin.
Now, I would like to make a backup of these few hours!
(I'd like to make make my own ROM, is it "dump the ROM"? if yes, would you have something clearer than http://wiki.xda-developers.com/index.php?pagename=Hermes_HowtoDumpRom ?)
I still have one problem, my internet WLAN connection doesn't seem to work (right after the installation of TNYYNT and radio 1.56). My Wifi is seen, the password entered and it says "connected", but when I launch any webpage with internet explorer, it stays at the "locating" stage (first, "Connecting" is written, then "Locating", then... nothing!). Any idea please?
Thanks again for all your help!!!
EDIT : hhhoooo noooo, now I've got this blinking start menu problem!!!!! http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=295816
GGGRRRRRR!!!!!!!!! Well, any suggestion might help a lot!!!


"USB Mass Storage Device" Software

Just like the new feature in WM5 "USB Mass Storage Device" there is a software package which does the same.
It turns the USB port of your Pocket Pc in a Dumb USB Memory stick. Check out http://www.softick.com/pocket-pc/cardexport2/
BUT Sadly.... the site say's the following:"i-Mate
Model Processor type Test result Notes
Jam Intel PXA27x Doesn't work yet
So I need other potential users who think they gonna buy the software when it works on the Magician! They say We are permanently developing support for the new devices. Tell us what device support do you need.
Drop them a Mail or message on http://www.softick.com/pocket-pc/cardexport2/ and hopefully they will develop soon a nice to have tool (and long waited for one) for the Magician!
Or maybe somebody else knows a alternative (yeah yeah, i would like to say the wm5 will come soon to the magician)
Take care , Tom from Holland
Stupid me, Didn;t use the search option long enough, find a cross posting : http://forum.xda-developers.com/viewtopic.php?t=23233 was allready there. Looks like they fixed the [problem, unofficial it works now thanx to DES.
If I read from the website :
Accessing storage card has never been easier!
Switch USB mode from Active Sync to Card Export
Insert your Pocket PC into cradle or connect to USB cable
And after few seconds desktop drivers automatically mount cards as a logical disk!
What is special in it? Cant you do it using ActiveSync?
gogol said:
If I read from the website :
Accessing storage card has never been easier!
Switch USB mode from Active Sync to Card Export
Insert your Pocket PC into cradle or connect to USB cable
And after few seconds desktop drivers automatically mount cards as a logical disk!
What is special in it? Cant you do it using ActiveSync?
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Not all machines have ActiveSync installed. With Card Export installed, you ppc can be treated as a card reader (no driver for Win2k or above).
Using card export for Car Radio's.
Is there someone who tested it also with USB Car Radio systems? They sell car radio's where you can put in your USB key/stick and the Car radio starts playing the MP3 songs on that stick!
It would be awesome if you could connect you Jam to you radio system this way!
Take Care, Tom from Holland.
I Got a quick and complete answer back from them!
A reply for my request:
Dear Tom
This letter contains a reply to your request support to Softick Support Team.
Please don't reply to this e-mail. Use the link above instead.
Reply date - 2005-06-17
Thank you for your request.
As far as I know, Card Export II should work with Car radio, because we have reports that Card Export II for Palm OS works with Car radio. Anyway, you'll be able to download trial version and try it before buying.
We are planning to support your device in our updated version today or tomorrow.
Sincerely yours
If you'd like to reply on this message, please use our web interface.Your personal link is
works! mda compact..
gogol said:
If I read from the website :
Accessing storage card has never been easier!
Switch USB mode from Active Sync to Card Export
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How do I switch form Active Sync to card export?
Typically RTFM!
Or start CE2 on your magician, you'll get a icon in your tray, tick it and setup preferences & default card. Then tick Card Export in the same menu. Now your magacian isn't using the SD anymore. On your PC disable AS usb connection & plugin the usb at both ends. Now your mass storage device will be installed.
regards, M
So this is not possible without CE?
An USB2 card-reader is the fastest solution.
oltp said:
An USB2 card-reader is the fastest solution.
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Not everyone has a card reader at home and not everyone has activesync installed. i.e. i use CE when i'm at university and i need to bring my work with me, or when i'm at one of my friends' home and he shows me his latest mp3 collection...
I don't usually bring a usb key with me (and even when i do, my key has only 128MB Vs my jam SD card's 1GB) while my jam is ALWAYS with me. Sure, you'll need a mini usb cable but, fortunately, many digital cameras, scanners, printers and so on have one.
That said, I think CE is one of the most useful programs out there.
Just my two cents...
Bye bye,
PS: starting from 2.04, Card ExportII is FULLY compatible with our Magicians.
PS2: I'm DEFINITELY NOT a CE developer!!! Bye
oltp said:
An USB2 card-reader is the fastest solution.
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Not everyone has a card reader at home and not everyone has activesync installed. i.e. i use CE when i'm at university and i need to bring my work with me, or when i'm at one of my friends' home and he shows me his latest mp3 collection...
I don't usually bring a usb key with me (and even when i do, my key has only 128MB Vs my jam SD card's 1GB) while my jam is ALWAYS with me. Sure, you'll need a mini usb cable but, fortunately, many digital cameras, scanners, printers and so on have one.
That said, I think CE is one of the most useful programs out there.
Just my two cents...
Bye bye,
PS: starting from 2.04, Card ExportII is FULLY compatible with our Magicians.
PS2: I'm DEFINITELY NOT a CE developer!!! Bye
I agree CE is the best option (I'm still in the trial period), only having WM5 & CE apparently being not compatible you need that card-reader or settle for low speed LOL
First advantage of not having WM5 second is VGS push-mail
Perfect. I just tried it, and it works flawlessly straight out of the box.
wireframe9 said:
Perfect. I just tried it, and it works flawlessly straight out of the box.
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On what device?
i-Mate JAM, ROM 1.12.00 WWE, Radio 1.12.10, ExtROM 1.12.149 WWE.
Now, all I need is USB host support

Few questions (that's a first eh? :D)

My best man got a Jasjar and I spend about an hour with it (but almost no software installed) and was so happy looking at it that I didn't bother to answer my own questions. So here they are if anybody can help:
1) I read WM5 can make devices look like mass storage to connected PC. Is extra software (not third party) to work as USB drive? Has anybody tried connecting to a computer that doesn't have ActiveSync installed?
2) You believe the embeded voice recognition program (that NEEDS training) is better than MS VC? (that doesn't)
3) Read in some reviews it has USB host. Is it mentioned in the manual? Have you connected anything on?
4) Which of the keys are NOT programmable? Which of the main keyboard keys ARE? (I'd love some software for this and for changing the slider functions too)
5) Also read it is USB2. Is USB2 connectivity officialy mentioned somewhere? (package, whatever)
6) So does it have SIR (plain serial infrared 115k), FIR (fast serial infrared 4M) or CIR (serial infrared PLUS ability and strength enough to use as a remote)? (personally I wouldn't care less for FIR and I would love CIR)
7) Do you know of any "vital" extended ROM changes between Universal brands? (maybe early to answer this right?)
8) Heard (in here) about ActiveSync 4.1? Is there such a thing?
9) Is it possible to write or delete some of ext. ROM?
10) If I get new Skype (1.2b from their site for example) will it replace the ROM one? What happens?
11) Can you verify that indeed the device DOES NOT have Widcomm stack? A sad day for PocktPC...
12) So what happens with BT GPS? I am a bit confused. Can the device plain and simply USE BT GPS? Why wouldn't it? It is a stack problem? The GPS applet works or doesn't?
...thank you people for your time, sorry if something is already answered...
I don't have Universal and would not buy this huge and ugly device, but here are several answers:
1. There is a sample driver in PlatformBuilder that can do this. As far as I see Universal does not have it. I've tried to compile it myselfm but it does not work. No time to investigate why.
8. Look on FTP, it is in uploads\Universal
9. Currently not possible. But later it would be possible and even repartitioning program similar to Himalaya/BA can be made.
11. From what I see in dumps it has Microsoft BT stack.

I have a few unusual problems

I've just got the MDA Pro which I've bought on an online auction. It generally works, but I have a few problems with it...
First of all, I got it with no charger apart from the USB cable... is it supposed to be like that?
Second, I didn't get any CD with drivers, and when I connect it to the computer, it asks for a driver... I tried looking for the drivers online, but I couldn't find anything. Where can I get them?
Also when I started it for the first time, I got a screen saying "Test Only, Not For Sale".... this is weird!
Another thing is a strange version number. The ROM version is ok, I think... it's 1.30.68 WWE. But the Radio version is 0.00.00 :shock: However, the phone seems to work well....
The last thing is that the MDA has a German keyboard, but an English ROM, so some of the buttons are wrong... for example, I press Fn+2, which should give me a ", but I get a @ instead. Is there some program which changes the keyboard layout in the system?
All in all, I like my new MDA, but I'd like it more if I could at least connect it to the computer, so that I can install things on it. Right now I can copy stuff to my MDA using a SD card, but I can't install programs that way
Hi Starlight, welcome to the board.
Be wary of what you buy on online auctions
1. Charger cable - it does come with a mains charger normally, but a USB lead will be fine, if slower. But you can buy one on ebay for around £4.
2. You shouldn't need the drivers that are first asked for when you plugin. Just click "no this time" or something, and it'll shut up if you have appropriate user rights on your PC.
Then, you need to go to microsoft.com and download ActiveSync. Ideally disconnect the pda first, install, and then plugin usb again, and everything should recognise itself and you'll be away.
Note - using the sd reader method is much faster in any event, for large files like films.
3. Test only sounds odd. Sounds like you're using a test rom, I've not seen it before. Is it every time you boot, or just in use itself, or just the once etc?
4. Radio 0.00.00 means the phone was once network locked, and has now got Buzz's special rom on it, used to unlock it to simunlocked. Read around on the board about this should it be necessary, but basically, find your operator and flash it ASAP with a nice official rom. 0.00.00 shouldn't do any harm, but it was only a special rom for unlocking.
5. Keyboard - I think some other guys have solutions on this on the board. Worst (or best?) case, use an essential app called PQz.
I can answer some of your questions:
- mine came with a charger that you can plug in the mains + the usb cable
- you don't need a driver, just download active sync 4.1 from the Microsoft site, install it, THEN plug your device in (obviously that should have come on a cd)
- regarding the rom 'test message', looks like someone sold you a prototype. I can be a good or a bad thing. Hopefully you can flash the rom and upgrade it to a 'standard' model.
Good luck!
Thanks for the answers!
Wow, a prototype... well, that explains why it was so cheap! It was cheaper than other MDA Pros, that's why I bought it.
I've downloaded ActiveSync 4.1, but it said that I need Service Pack 2, so now I'm downloading a 272 MB SP2
As for the charger, I think I'll buy something like this: http://photos.allegro.pl/photos/oryginal/10/1092/109247/10924799/109247999
It's supposed to be an universal charger for everything which can be charged by an USB cable, so I hope it will work
I'll try to look around the forums for something about the keyboard...
Sorry for the double post, just wanted to add something...
I got a CAB version of some registry editor and changed some keyboard settings, and it works well now!
The SP2 is 53% downloaded, and I have to install it before I install ActiveSync to connect the MDA to the computer...
As for the "Test Only, Not For Sale" message, it appears on the startup screen after a reset... and there's a i-mate logo under it. So I guess my MDA must have been flashed before, because there's a T-Mobile logo on it...
Thanks for the udpate. Glad to know you managed to make work ok in the end! :lol:
I still have a big problem with ActiveSync... please check my other thread here

My htc tytn and problems

I bought htc and i have few problems so i hope that some one can help me.
I dunno how to connect my htc and pc with usb, how to send files from one cell phone to htc and how to find memory card (micro sd)
So i hope that some one can help me
Armada1987 said:
I bought htc and i have few problems so i hope that some one can help me.
I dunno how to connect my htc and pc with usb, how to send files from one cell phone to htc and how to find memory card (micro sd)
So i hope that some one can help me
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Welcome to XDA-Dev
One step at a time with this one I think.
First, can we assume you have a USB lead/cable?
If you have and you have connected it between your phone and PC - what happens?
Did you get a manual with it as all this is covered in there. It REALLY helps to, at least, glance at the sections you're having problems with...
For memory card though, how big is it? If its bigger than 2Gb and, I'll assume you're running wm06, You need to either have upgraded to wm06 (as some versions weren't sdhc compatable) or flashed a cooked rom. Otherwise install this - http://forum.xda-developers.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=58063&d=1194986892
It also helps things if you format the sd card fat32 before doing anything else as it makes life easier later.
To send files use bluetooth... Read on how to start it and pair with a device in your manual.
Firstly welcome to xda developers
try installing active sync, if you are using windows XP or Windows mobile device center if using vista then you can connect the phone to the pc via usb & or bluetooth
go here for either version
finding a memory card isnt that difficult, to send files to the htc from another phone just bluetooth it over , but you need to switch bluetooth on first, obviously.
By the sounds of things ultramags69's advice is the best ,at least read the user manual before asking easy to find answers.
I would also try to explain in greater detail exactly what you are trying to do , then maybe you will get more precise instructions

Windows XP can't detect my J5 as MTP device, only as PTP

Hi all, first of all I kindly ask u to be patient with me cos I'm not a developer but rather a newbie... but really I didn't know where to ask for help ! Well, I'm still going mad after one year almost since I bought my Samsung J5, cos apparently there's NO WAY I can make Windows XP recognize it as a MTP device. Ah please don't ask me to use another PC or to upgrade to another Windows version cos for several reasons I don't want and I can't (by now). I must use THAT pc to connect my phone if possible. No WIFI, thanks.
Well, still searching thru forums for hints etc and I tried out everything I could find to date: I installed the mtp drivers mtppk12.exe, I also tried to install the Microsoft User Mode Driver Framework stuff, no luck. Everytime I plug my phone, the pc suddently detects it as "digital camera". So that nasty window pops up asking which programs to use to load pics etc. And if I access it as a volume, what I can see and do with its content is very limited as u know.
I tried to play with the hardware wizard, there's apparently no way to have the phone seen as mtp. I even tried to uninstall and reinstall the drivers above, or to uninstall the various USB hubs and devices... nope. Oh I also tried to install the Samsung USB drivers for Mobile phones, still no luck. I NEVER get any errors or warnings though and no yellow question marks... just my pc insists to see it as a ptp device !!! And of course my phone is SET as MTP, not PTP. I tried to switch between those repeatedly. Even to remove the SD, to turn it off... no way.
Oh one detail... by reading somewhere I suspect that Windows Media Player must be installed ? I don't want it and don't want to install more ehr junk (read: unneded stuff, KIES, etc) IF possible. Or is it really strictly needed ?
Another interesting detail... always reading somewhere, it looks that, those lucky people who finally achieved to have their phones detected as mtp (no matter which model) under XP, have always this file present: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\wpdusb.sys
Well I have NOT that file, even after having installed the packages mentioned above ! Where does it come from ??
I'm even ready to get my hands dirty, to play with the registry, I don't care... just don't ask me to change that PC lol or to install more junk stuff (if possible).
Any expert out there ? Any useful hints ?
I really can't spend more time for that. I shall give up soon. It's depleting.
Oh another quick question: does anybody know whether by installing Cyanogen Mod the USB Mass Storage mode is available again ? Or it has been ruled out even in this third party OS ? (I could not find this info anywhere...) Thanks very much
SO first of all make sure that USB Debugging is enabled on your phone. (Settings>Developer Options)
Make sure that samsung usb drivers are installed You can find them here
When you plug your device in, in status bar it should say transferring images via USB. Click on that balloon and choose "Transfering media files"
One more thing that is recommended is use the original Samsung USB cable.
If this still doesn't work PM me and i will investigate further.
ElenaXX said:
Hi all, first of all I kindly ask u to be patient with me cos I'm not a developer but rather a newbie... but really I didn't know where to ask for help ! Well, I'm still going mad after one year almost since I bought my Samsung J5, cos apparently there's NO WAY I can make Windows XP recognize it as a MTP device. Ah please don't ask me to use another PC or to upgrade to another Windows version cos for several reasons I don't want and I can't (by now). I must use THAT pc to connect my phone if possible. No WIFI, thanks.
Well, still searching thru forums for hints etc and I tried out everything I could find to date: I installed the mtp drivers mtppk12.exe, I also tried to install the Microsoft User Mode Driver Framework stuff, no luck. Everytime I plug my phone, the pc suddently detects it as "digital camera". So that nasty window pops up asking which programs to use to load pics etc. And if I access it as a volume, what I can see and do with its content is very limited as u know.
I tried to play with the hardware wizard, there's apparently no way to have the phone seen as mtp. I even tried to uninstall and reinstall the drivers above, or to uninstall the various USB hubs and devices... nope. Oh I also tried to install the Samsung USB drivers for Mobile phones, still no luck. I NEVER get any errors or warnings though and no yellow question marks... just my pc insists to see it as a ptp device !!! And of course my phone is SET as MTP, not PTP. I tried to switch between those repeatedly. Even to remove the SD, to turn it off... no way.
Oh one detail... by reading somewhere I suspect that Windows Media Player must be installed ? I don't want it and don't want to install more ehr junk (read: unneded stuff, KIES, etc) IF possible. Or is it really strictly needed ?
Another interesting detail... always reading somewhere, it looks that, those lucky people who finally achieved to have their phones detected as mtp (no matter which model) under XP, have always this file present: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\wpdusb.sys
Well I have NOT that file, even after having installed the packages mentioned above ! Where does it come from ??
I'm even ready to get my hands dirty, to play with the registry, I don't care... just don't ask me to change that PC lol or to install more junk stuff (if possible).
Any expert out there ? Any useful hints ?
I really can't spend more time for that. I shall give up soon. It's depleting.
Oh another quick question: does anybody know whether by installing Cyanogen Mod the USB Mass Storage mode is available again ? Or it has been ruled out even in this third party OS ? (I could not find this info anywhere...) Thanks very much
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I have no idea if it works, but try to enable usb-debbuging in Developer Options (tap build number 7 times to enable Developer Options in About phone).
Im on cm12.1 and when i connect my phone to PC there appear a notification where i can choose Media device (MTP), Camera (PTP) and charge only.
I remember that in past sometimes windows (win 7) was recognizing my phone as PTP too, but i dont remember how i fixed it, probably switching from notification from actual to MTP, i dont remember.
As an alternative, try services like http://web.airdroid.com/ (you need to install app on phone) for transfering files, but personally i dont think i trust that kind of services.
You can try to install Windows Media Player crap and see if thats the problem, if is working.
I would like you to tell me through PM or in the off-topic thread ( http://forum.xda-developers.com/galaxy-j5/how-to/ot-one-galaxy-j5-off-topic-thread-thread-t3461384 ) why you use win xp, why you dont wanna update, i wanna see your opinion about it.
If you wanna a lightweight OS and you are not gaming, then there are linux distributions: http://www.whylinuxisbetter.net/ .
Open dailer and type *#0808#
ElenaXX said:
Hi all, first of all I kindly ask u to be patient with me cos I'm not a developer but rather a newbie... but really I didn't know where to ask for help ! Well, I'm still going mad after one year almost since I bought my Samsung J5, cos apparently there's NO WAY I can make Windows XP recognize it as a MTP device. Ah please don't ask me to use another PC or to upgrade to another Windows version cos for several reasons I don't want and I can't (by now). I must use THAT pc to connect my phone if possible. No WIFI, thanks.
Well, still searching thru forums for hints etc and I tried out everything I could find to date: I installed the mtp drivers mtppk12.exe, I also tried to install the Microsoft User Mode Driver Framework stuff, no luck. Everytime I plug my phone, the pc suddently detects it as "digital camera". So that nasty window pops up asking which programs to use to load pics etc. And if I access it as a volume, what I can see and do with its content is very limited as u know.
I tried to play with the hardware wizard, there's apparently no way to have the phone seen as mtp. I even tried to uninstall and reinstall the drivers above, or to uninstall the various USB hubs and devices... nope. Oh I also tried to install the Samsung USB drivers for Mobile phones, still no luck. I NEVER get any errors or warnings though and no yellow question marks... just my pc insists to see it as a ptp device !!! And of course my phone is SET as MTP, not PTP. I tried to switch between those repeatedly. Even to remove the SD, to turn it off... no way.
Oh one detail... by reading somewhere I suspect that Windows Media Player must be installed ? I don't want it and don't want to install more ehr junk (read: unneded stuff, KIES, etc) IF possible. Or is it really strictly needed ?
Another interesting detail... always reading somewhere, it looks that, those lucky people who finally achieved to have their phones detected as mtp (no matter which model) under XP, have always this file present: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\wpdusb.sys
Well I have NOT that file, even after having installed the packages mentioned above ! Where does it come from ??
I'm even ready to get my hands dirty, to play with the registry, I don't care... just don't ask me to change that PC lol or to install more junk stuff (if possible).
Any expert out there ? Any useful hints ?
I really can't spend more time for that. I shall give up soon. It's depleting.
Oh another quick question: does anybody know whether by installing Cyanogen Mod the USB Mass Storage mode is available again ? Or it has been ruled out even in this third party OS ? (I could not find this info anywhere...) Thanks very much
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Telepracity said:
SO first of all make sure that USB Debugging is enabled on your phone. (Settings>Developer Options)
Make sure that samsung usb drivers are installed You can find them here...
When you plug your device in, in status bar it should say transferring images via USB. Click on that balloon and choose "Transfering media files"
One more thing that is recommended is use the original Samsung USB cable.
If this still doesn't work PM me and i will investigate further.
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Wow how much support and how quick... thank u all, really
I will start replying Telepracity by now (I must still carry more tests and study the other replies)
-I removed the previous Samsung USB drivers and I installed the ones u suggest... ok the file name is the same, just 16 vs 19 MB... but that surely DID change something , keep reading
-I turned USB debug ON in phone's developer section EVEN if, actually, I found that in similar threads in the past it was suggested to turn it OFF instead, anyway...
-Ok the original cable is slightly broken but I used it the same. I have another new cable though which was tested with a friend's laptop and it works and my phone there can be detected as MTP (under a newer Windows version though). Anyway I'm interchanging them and they apparently behave the same
So, what changed by installing these apprently "better" drivers and nothing else ?
Finally my PC seems to recognize my phone as a MTP device ! But things are still far from working (by now).
Upon connection, no, the phone status bar does not show any "transferring images" or "transferring files"... it's a J5, it just says connected as MTP (vs. PTP)
Windows now says New Hardware detected, Samsung Mobile MTP device WOW
The only difference if I enable the USB debug option being, an additional device gets recognized and listed in the hardware named SamsungAndroidPhone / Samsung ADB Interface
But there's a problem... during installation of the MTP device (listed in Hardware as Samsung mobile USB composite device), I get an error, saying "cannot find the required section inside the INF file" !!!
Still no "?"s or "!"s listed in the hardware though.
And obviously, my Samsung is still NOT accessible as a Volume as it should be...
Oh no dear I'm not one who wants to bother ppl privately to stress with my very own problems but I thank u the same for the offer
I go on experimenting and reading other suggestions, thanks
#Henkate said:
I have no idea if it works, but try to enable usb-debbuging in Developer Options (tap build number 7 times to enable Developer Options in About phone).
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Thanks. As I already told Telepracity, often I rather noticed the OPPOSITE suggestion, but I tried. The only difference being that if I do, I see an additional device (Samsung ADB or alike) detected and mounted by Windows. What apparently "moved" something was installing these other Samsung USB drivers I was suggested to
Im on cm12.1 and when i connect my phone to PC there appear a notification where i can choose Media device (MTP), Camera (PTP) and charge only.
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What a pity... so they dropped the UMS protocol aswell. TOO bad. What I really can't understand and agree on is... "alternative" OSs should really fill those voids more or less deliberately imposed by the big companies for some obscure and dirty plans against users' interests, not following them instead ! Oh well. But luckily enough, I noticed that MANY ppl share my thought here and there, that dropping UMS for MTP was a really debateable move. Sigh.
You can try to install Windows Media Player crap and see if thats the problem, if is working.
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Only as my very last resort... and I don't think I can really... wonder why lol
I would like you to tell me through PM or in the off-topic thread ( http://forum.xda-developers.com/galaxy-j5/how-to/ot-one-galaxy-j5-off-topic-thread-thread-t3461384 ) why you use win xp, why you dont wanna update, i wanna see your opinion about it.
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I will if I remember... but just for merely convenience reasons
If you wanna a lightweight OS and you are not gaming, then there are linux distributions: http://www.whylinuxisbetter.net/ .
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Oh I do already ! Don't tell me that lol... but for various reasons I must use that PC, preferrably, to do such
Thanks anyway
ElenaXX said:
Wow how much support and how quick... thank u all, really
I will start replying Telepracity by now (I must still carry more tests and study the other replies)
-I removed the previous Samsung USB drivers and I installed the ones u suggest... ok the file name is the same, just 16 vs 19 MB... but that surely DID change something , keep reading
-I turned USB debug ON in phone's developer section EVEN if, actually, I found that in similar threads in the past it was suggested to turn it OFF instead, anyway...
-Ok the original cable is slightly broken but I used it the same. I have another new cable though which was tested with a friend's laptop and it works and my phone there can be detected as MTP (under a newer Windows version though). Anyway I'm interchanging them and they apparently behave the same
So, what changed by installing these apprently "better" drivers and nothing else ?
Finally my PC seems to recognize my phone as a MTP device ! But things are still far from working (by now).
Upon connection, no, the phone status bar does not show any "transferring images" or "transferring files"... it's a J5, it just says connected as MTP (vs. PTP)
Windows now says New Hardware detected, Samsung Mobile MTP device WOW
The only difference if I enable the USB debug option being, an additional device gets recognized and listed in the hardware named SamsungAndroidPhone / Samsung ADB Interface
But there's a problem... during installation of the MTP device (listed in Hardware as Samsung mobile USB composite device), I get an error, saying "cannot find the required section inside the INF file" !!!
Still no "?"s or "!"s listed in the hardware though.
And obviously, my Samsung is still NOT accessible as a Volume as it should be...
Oh no dear I'm not one who wants to bother ppl privately to stress with my very own problems but I thank u the same for the offer
I go on experimenting and reading other suggestions, thanks
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What windows media player version do you have installed on your system?
If 11, then i would suggest you to try disconnecting the phone, uninstalling any current drivers for the phone, then reinstall Windows Media Player 11 again. Install the drivers/ software for the phone from the manufacturer’s website and then re-connect the phone. The settings will be detected automatically and then check whether the issue is resolved.
Telepracity said:
What windows media player version do you have installed on your system?
If 11, then i would suggest you to try disconnecting the phone, uninstalling any current drivers for the phone, then reinstall Windows Media Player 11 again. Install the drivers/ software for the phone from the manufacturer’s website and then re-connect the phone. The settings will be detected automatically and then check whether the issue is resolved.
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Well no the matter is, I really have NO Media Player installed and if there was one initially (I don't remember lol) I had surely uninstalled it together with most M$ crap or unused programs. Just, I dunno why I must have a WMP installed at any cost to access an MTP device... ok I could even try in the worst scenario...
But clearly my XP configuration misses something in oder to be instructed on HOW to use/interact with MTP devices. Now at least, with the USB drivers u suggested me (note, the previous, not working ones were from manufacturer's site !!!) it can tell it is an MTP device, while before it was only seen as PTP (even if the phone was set as MTP). But it still can't find the proper entry inside the INF file to correctly manage such devices, it seems. I know this is going to become a matter for experts lol perhaps for too much experts... I think I shall soon give up and use another PC or laptop connected to the LAN for that purpose. Just, for various convenience reasons I was much handier for me if I could use that PC with XP instead. Dont' worry. Really I see the matter is getting too troublesome and I'm giving up. Thanks
ElenaXX said:
Well no the matter is, I really have NO Media Player installed and if there was one initially (I don't remember lol) I had surely uninstalled it together with most M$ crap or unused programs. Just, I dunno why I must have a WMP installed at any cost to access an MTP device... ok I could even try in the worst scenario...
But clearly my XP configuration misses something in oder to be instructed on HOW to use/interact with MTP devices. Now at least, with the USB drivers u suggested me (note, the previous, not working ones were from manufacturer's site !!!) it can tell it is an MTP device, while before it was only seen as PTP (even if the phone was set as MTP). But it still can't find the proper entry inside the INF file to correctly manage such devices, it seems. I know this is going to become a matter for experts lol perhaps for too much experts... I think I shall soon give up and use another PC or laptop connected to the LAN for that purpose. Just, for various convenience reasons I was much handier for me if I could use that PC with XP instead. Dont' worry. Really I see the matter is getting too troublesome and I'm giving up. Thanks
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Try to install wmp because in the microsoft answer website there is a same guy that faces the INF problem and he fixed it updating wmp.
Yes,this is the problem in windows xp,if you install windows media player mtp will work in xp.
OK folks at the end I DID IT finally :good::good:
Thanks for insisting so much about WMP11... eventually I convinced myself there weren't any easier (read: more
"elegant" or clean) workarounds. The drivers and files needed in order for XP to access MTP are simply all there.
Microsoft never thought to release them in a standalone package. Apparently neither MS MTP drivers nor
manufacturer's USB drivers are essential or needed at all, unless one is a developer. After having tried out every possible combinations, checked the files installed, repeated the procedures, etc HERE is the exact list of things (apparently) needed to have a MTP device recognized under Window XP. I'm also publishing this list hoping it may turn out useful to somebody else in the future, one never knows...
1. Installing Microsoft's MTP drivers (MTPPK12) SERVES NO PURPOSE here
2..Installing Samsung USB drivers also serves NO PURPOSE here (unless one wants to use additional features
as perhaps ADB and access the phone modem etc.)
3. Microsoft User Mode Driver Framework IS NEEDED ! Cos there are some files installed which are essential
like wudfrd.sys (NOTE: chances are u don't even need to install this package if u install WMP11 throughfully
cos apparently a similar file is installed but only during a vanilla WMP11 installation, keep reading)
4. If u don't need or don't want WMP11, u can safely install it just partially. I could manage to install WMP11 only
partially. The original self extracting archive must therefore be opened as an archive, and ONLY the
wmfdist11.exe needs be installed (of course, if one wants a full installation, he's advised
to do so, and in that case he can PERHAPS avoid to install the Microsoft User Mode Driver Framework, I
didn't check this option)
5. I can confirm... in my case at least, different USB cables make no difference. And the fact of having USB DEBUG
enabled on the phone has the sole effect of making an additional ADB device being detected under Windows
(for developers) and in that case perhaps u still need to installl Samsung's USB drivers.
Voilà ! As I plugged my phone, it got recognized as MTP suddently. I didn't even need to modify any .INF files
by hand for adding my device's USB ID and such things. And it can now be accessed as a volume.
Case solved Thanks for every contributions
I managed to make recognized my S5 by installing WMP 11 like stated above BUT i cannot copy/view any media files from my Galaxy S5 phone. I tried many cables with no luck. ElenaXX's post was extremely helpful but I couldn't access media files on phone eventhough recognized successfully.
Note: Everytime you change USB mode from Developer Options, it installs additional ADB devies again and again, and modem.

