ALL WIZARD USERS-do u all face the problm nd how u resolve it - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

hello wizard lovers....iam currently using t-mobile vario just same as imate kjam.i love using this handset,but the one and only problem iam facing is the--LOOSE SLIDER PROBLEM.mine i 6-8 months old,but from last 5-10 days i had observed tht slider has got too loose,nd in the keyboard closed position the gap beetween the upper slider nd lower is also gone here in india one technician tells me he can resolve it by tightening some screws after disassembling it,i just want to inquire from u guys tht is it reaaly possible or he is faking,coz i had searched some previous threads nd noone actually came to a final result,so plz help me nd if possible then add the solution in wizard wiki as well.t nks in advance

Tightening the screws will fix the loose slider issue. And you do have to remove the motherboard to get to the screws.

I had that issue.
look up the wizard service manual in Google or Prodigy service manual.
I took my phone apart.
I inspected it.
Saw the broken piece of plastic inside the phone that has a stop for the bevel on the stylus.
Took a foam earplug and cut it (after compressing it) to fit the gap between the stopper and the body of the phone. (to make a spring)
put he phone back together. no problems since march.

Wouldn't that be a fix if your stylus wouldn't stay in? I think mayur9890 is saying the phone is coming apart when he slides the keyboard out.

Definatly the cuase of a loose screw or broke part, its nessesary to take appart to gain access to the screws that hold the slider part together, its fairly simple procedure. Should only take 10 minutes (be carefull not to loose the screws there very small and fidgity)

You could probably do the repair yourself, using one of these manuals:


How I Fixed My Speaker Problem (Walkthrough with photos)

Disclaimer: This procedure voids the warranty and you can potentially damage your device.
This guide is for informative purposes only. Perform this procedure at your own risk.
This procedure was performed on an MDA2 (aka XDA2, Qtek2020, I-Mate2, etc).
Original Problem: The speaker stopped working.
Note: There seems to be a similar problem but it requires a totally different approach to fix it and it's out of the scope of this procedure. The problem on my device was somewhat different since when the speaker didn't work, the microphone was still functional. So the problem resides on the speaker connector, not the headphone jack.
Note2: English is not my first language, so please excuse any language errors you may encounter.
Let me start by saying that I have a big passion for gadgets and technology, so I was not going to let go on the opportunity to learn and inspect the guts of my brand new MDA2. You may ask yourself, why in the world don't you send it for repairs if it's a brand new device? Well, the answer is very simple, I bought this device over the Internet and I simply lost hope of being helped by the guys at the place I bought it from, they simply never answered or returned my calls and emails. I grew desperate and tired of using the headphones ALL THE TIME, even for alarms and reminders! and as I said before, I was driven by passion and thirst of knowledge and curiosity so I decided to fix it myself (even with the risk of damaging the device in the process). Let me add that I have some basic knowledge in electronics, and by no means this is my first device I fix. I have some experience. (I have fixed some damaged digitizers on a HP Jornada 568 PocketPC and Compaq iPAQ 3630 Pocket PC, fixed a volume slider on a SE T68i Phone and a SE P800 Smartphone to name a few).
Let me tell you that the MDA2 has been by far the easiest to fix. It's very well designed in terms of components and component placement, and the quality of the materials (plastics and electronics) is exceptional. But this is not a hardware review, so I'll start the walkthrough right now...
This is my victim... i mean... MDA2...
These are the tools required to complete the operation:
Torx #6 tool
Very small Phillips screwdriver (+)
Very small flat screwdriver (-)
Credit Card or similar card
A steady hand
Then I removed the SD Card and Stylus.
Proceed to remove the screws, there are two TORX#6 and four small Phillips (+). Be sure to put them on a safe place, they are very small screws and you don't want to loose them.
There are a couple of hidden Torx#6 screws under that black antenna cover, so we need to remove it. The plastic used in this part is not as dense as the rest of the casing (yes, the casing it's made of plastic!), so we need to be very careful not to break it, so apply very little force.
Start by using the flat screwdriver and insert it in the Stylus silo and use it as a lever (as shown), you will hear a "click" when the lock snaps. You will need flexible hands and dexterity since at this point you will also need to insert the flat screwdriver on the side square hole to release this side of the cover. (see next picture).
Here you can see the two squared-shaped holes where you need to insert the flat screwdriver to release the locks. Be very careful since there are some electronic components just below the square holes and do not apply excessive force to release the locks. Remember, the plastic is very thin on this part.
Now the other side, here you need to also use the flat screwdriver as a lever to release the lock on this side. Be very careful, since you will apply some force on the volume slider.
Now with the bottom part of the black cover released, you will notice there are some more locks to release on the top (just on the edge of the SD slot. DO NOT TRY TO REMOVE THE COVER YET!
One more time we need the flat screwdriver as a lever. Insert the flat screwdriver (as shown) but not too deep. Apply very small force in the direction of the arrow and the edge will snap off releasing the cover.
The black cover is now free.
These are the two hidden Torx#6 screws. Proceed to remove them to release the antenna.
The antenna has been removed.
So far so good, now the toughest part of the whole procedure, opening the MDA2 case. You need to be very patient, do not rush since the finish on the case is very easy to scratch and dent. Proceed with the small flat screwdriver and you need to start from the bottom of the MDA2, In my case as soon as I removed all the screws I noticed a small gap on the bottom so I started from that point, but if you don't see the gap, you can start from the headphone jack hole. Please be gentle and don't try to rush.
At this point you can use a credit card to help release the locks that are located all around the case, this way you won't scratch or dent the case. Start counter-clockwise, that is to the left of the headphone jack towards the Stylus silo. Once you manage to release all the locks on that side of the case, just lift it very slowly and the opposite side will snap off very easily. However, be very careful on that side (where the buttons and volume slider is) since in that particular place the plastic is more fragile because of the holes needed for those controls.
Once the MDA2 has been opened in half you can see the three small black Phillips screws (+) (see picture). Proceed to remove them. Please avoid any contact with the electronic components, since at this point any static charge can damage your precious gadget. And also make sure you don't drop the screws or touch the components with the screwdriver, since the MDA2 it's still very alive. See that coin-shaped thing on the opposite side of the screws? That's a LiPo Battery, and it's keeping your data from being erased. By the way, don't try to beat the 20 minute retention time of the battery, you have made a backup right? So go slowly...
Ok. So far so good... This is the speaker, well, actually that's the speaker encased in a small black boxy thing with two gold plated connectors. (see next Pic for a close up).
As you can see, the two gold plated connectors on the speaker container match the two spring connectors on the mother board.
Ok, here we need to be very, very careful. I pulled both springs as shown on the picture above to give them a little more pressure when assembled again and I also cleaned the gold plated connectors on the speaker container. Make sure you apply only the necessary force to pull the springs since they could be disoldered if too much force is applied. Use common sense.
We're almost done!
Now proceed to put everything back together. Remember to put back all the screws in their correct positions and do not apply excessive force or you will damage the thread and make things worse that they where in the first place. Proceed to close the casing by doing the opposite. Start by placing the case on the buttons and volume slider side first then the opposite side.
You may notice that the camera lens will not allow the case to go all the way, but if you do it slowly it will budge.
Proceed with the rest of the assembly in reverse order.
That's it... You can proceed to test the speaker.
My MDA2 has been working flawlessly ever since!!! :wink:
I hope this procedure was helpful.
Best regards,
All red crosses instead of pictures...
And then the pictures came
Nice walkthrough you've made !
thanks for the very good explanation!
Illustrated by pictures is always great!
Thanks, this is my way of saying "Thank you" to this marvelous community! 8)
P.S.- If you don't see the images, please try again later, since those images are hosted on my webserver and sometimes I need to reboot it... sorry...
Best regards,
Just a little bump since I've noticed that many people want to open their beloved devices and I thought my walkthrough might help...
MODS: Any chance to make it a "Post it?" :wink:
Best regards,
Excellent post, cheers, and if English is your second langauge then I'd never have known it! There are plenty of people for whom it is their first langauge who can't write as well as you!
Wow. Your documentation is better than what comes with the XDA itself! And your English is better than most people in the US. Great service to the XDA community.
Excellent work, man!
Thanks guys!
I'm glad you liked it!
If anyone has questions about the procedure, please don't hessitate to ask!
Best regards,
Great! Somethings in life are free, for opening your XDA II there's Mastercard!!!
pictures are gone? or is it just me?
did anyone kept a copy?
Sooooo sorry guys... I switched to a new hosting company and recreated my website but forgot to restore those images... I will take them back online ASAP!
waiting for the pics to comeonline again!
please do it asap!
any luck putting the pictures back online ?
Hello folks!
Sorry for the loooong delay, but as you can see, the pics are back!!!
If you have any questions about the procedure, don't hesitate to ask.
Best regards,
Can someone help me?
I had the same problem myself, except that i've done all the stuff you said and i still have the problem... I can hear the phone ringing, but no sound comes from the device (Alarms, appontments, Media Player, etc). When i answer the calls i can't hear any sound from the people who is calling me... Can someone help me?
Slightly off topic, so please bear with me.
My M1000 has had a problem ever since I got it. The camera seems out of focus as soon as I try to make pictures past say 1,5 meters. Would the serrated ring around the camera lens perhaps be used to focus the device?
Stefan out
I tried to move the serrated lens just to play with it and see if I could get better focus and remember that it was really hard as if it was glued or something.
However, I didn't apply much force but seems like it's meant to be some sort of focus adjustmet, specially because it looks very close to the lens in my webcam when disasembled.
Should you give it a try, let us know...
is there a way to power an ipaq 3630 without the power adapter but with a different battery? like a cel battery? how is the power conector to the ipaq and battery?

wizard inside pictures here / keyboard replacement

As my wizard dropped in the water it got completely soaked.
I disassembled it to let it dry, see photos attached, put it together again and presto, almost everything works!!!
Just four keys of the keyboard do not work anymore, and as it all happened a week ago now I do not think this will be fixed.
Does anyone know if they do not work because of the water or because of the impact (the Wizard smashed on the street first)?
Has anybody ever fixed a faulty keypad?
Can anybody tell me where I can get a replacement keypad?
Let me know if you need instructions how to disassemble your wizard.
many thanks!
I have no answer to your question, but it is nice to see the inside of the wizard one time.
A couple of other people were asking about disassembly in other posts - so the instructions would probably be handy.
I would love some complete instructions on dissasembly as I am about to take mine apart for painting and a hardware mod.
As far as the keyboard goes, you would be surpised how long they retain water, i doubt its a hardware problem, keyboard are pretty much solid state with only a tiny membrane for contacts. However it is this membrane that is most likely to be your problem, the contacts are very close together and covered in a film that can be verry attractive to water as it has rubber over it. So in essence I am saying I bet it is still wet in there, just a few droplets of condensation would do it.
Options, take it a apart and check and leave in a very warm dry place for a day, or II place whole wizard on a warm heater (not hot) for a while and see if that gets it.
I also want to know the details of disassembly the wizard.
I think you had better post the instructions o disassembly here as I'm sure there are quite a few people who wuld like to know, me included.
Just a thought by looking at the picture (brave btw!)
Would it be possible to replace the 2,5mm headphone jack by an 3,5mm one and drill out a new hole for the larger connector?
Would be neat if you weren't so dependable on those stupid converters. Not a pretty sight anyway.
Thanks for sharing the photos.
I took mine apart some time ago to fix the stylist problem and when I put it back together some of the keys wouldnt work. The back light wouldnt work either. I found the problem was the little snap that secures the flat cable form the keyboard to the main board. There is a really small clasp that clicks down on the flat cable after you insert it into the connector. Once I took it back apart and snapped it, everything was normal again.
I plan on taking mine apart to change the keyboard form the English/arabic to just English, (anyone know where I can buy the keyboard/keys?) so any instructions you have will be appreciated.
The stylii in the picture look like BA stylii.
Do I get 10 points?
will post instructions
OK guys I will put together the instructions and upload them here. I just have absolutely no time now so I hope you can wait a day or two....
Thanks for the comments. I am aware of the little lock that secures the mini flatcable that connects the keypad to the motherboard. I assume that is not the problem as I snapped it securely back in place.
I will try the heater suggestion, I suppose you mean to put the wizard in an oven set at let's say 50 degrees celsius?
The styluses in the photo are from my Qtek 2020. As the Wizard smashed I lost its stylus.... :-(
Sorry the photos do not show the display half of the wizard disassembled... I realised too late that others would benefit from pictures...
I dont think I would put it in an oven. I would think that just inside a vehicle sitting in direct sunlight for a few hours would probably do, unless you are in a really cold climate. You may also try some electrical contact cleaner then get some additional heat to it after it evaportates. There is probably something that has trapped some moisture somewhere. Just for info, I dropped my Jamin the other night about 4 feet directly onto a tile floor. It bounced a couple times, ejected the SD card, and reset. But it is working fine. However, I had a bud that dropped his 2 day old Sony Ericsson P900 into water and dried it off immediatly and let it air dry. It worked, but he had problems ever since. It would drop calls and restart all the time. So there may not be a complete fix for it.
Good luck
Hey guys, someone posted the HTC Service manual for the Wizard!
In this manual you see pictures how to disassemble the phone!
It's realy the best manual to use for opening your mobile friend....
Good Luck
I've successfully fixed my girlfriends crappy creative keyboard once after water damage using a pencil. Depending how the keyboard is made, most of the time there will be really thin conductive tracks literally printed on the substrate. The water isn't particularly nice to these tracks and I found that in some parts there was noticale oxidation/corrosion. By very lightly scratching of the affeted paint and then going over it with a graphite pencil this did the trick.
Just an idea, personally I probably wouldn't do it to my vario but then again I'm still in the honeymoon phase with it.
Good luck
I fix phones for a living for many stores and have many phones that have water damage
what you dont do is charge it.. it will burn out the board
what you do is let it dry out, use the service manual and let it dry out in parts
then get white spirit and a toothbrush... dip it in and clean the contacts for yourk eys
once done, again let it try and then see how it goes. thats what i do, although we have a machine that sends out sonic pulses but the above method works too especially when im lazy
HTC Wizard Disassembly
hi guys. a lot of confusion over this simple matter. I don't know where the PDF file everyone's talking about is, most links didnt work, but here's some pics. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK! hahahahaha!
I have a O2 xda model
IPL 1.01
SPL 2.21
GSM 01.12.10
there is problem in formating the phone.
Even after a hard reset the Os wont boot,
it says that "formating is failed".
there is a prolem in the flash memory of the phone.
please help me with the assembly and disassembly process so that i can fix it.
Any one?

Screen Alignment Problem Fixed 100% Working (WithOut Voiding ur Warranty!!!!)

Hello There everybody....
I have been using htc tytn sn ht628 from the begining of the september and the sa probs started to occure after 2 week or generelly occure when the device got hot due to recharge or using for some time and also when i try to clean the screen with a soft i tried all the methods discribed here like flashing particular rom or keeping 20 mb free on phone!!! or loosing the two screw on the back of keyboard...but nothing helped me...the sa probs do get back again and again due to hotness or pressure on screen when cleaning the screen....
then i tried the business card method.....and removed the fomes that was glued with the screen and casing....but alas it lasted for some hours only....i have to do the same thing again and finally i got frustated and sold my tytn to one of my friend...(i could not go for warrenty easily as i brought it from usa and i live in south asia..) and then i brought a dopod 828pro with serial sn ht639 3 weeks ago when i was returning from malaysia after a business visit....
but the sa probs get back to that new device too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! just after 2 days...but i have left malaysia within that time so i am unable to claim for warrenty now....
from my frustation i had been almost decided to open the set completely and use the method described in two japanise site where they mentioned to remove the foam and use some small sized foam...but that also instied me as it will void the warrenty and im not that of expert on opening set so anything might happen...
so finally i decided to apply my own method (actually not my own method but the combination of all the existing method...) and walla... i got wonderfull success now i have two perfectly working hermes (tytn and dopod 838pro) which where used to have sa they dont show any sa probs even due to excessive hotness of 3-4 hour use and charging not even for hard pressure on screen due to cleaning or so...i am using both set extencievely (one me and one my friend) for more then 13 days now after fixing it and they are working like angel.....i was thinking to share the methods here as you all helped me on many things over long time...i waited those ten days to make sure everythings working ok and sa probs dont came back....and for 100% confarmation....
now here goes the steps that i used to fix the two set.....
1)open the two (2) small screw located on the back of the keyboard...
2)Use a hard and sharp business card (i used prepaid scratch card i got when i do refill my mobile) to clean the foam and loose the screen from the will see a noticiable empty space between screen and casing if all the foam is will be needed to do this step a number of time to make sure everything is actually need to do this thing in both side of the screen (left and right)
3)Now the actual thing that i used from my own thoughts...i cut two piece of that business card i used in step two (in my case the prepaid plastic scratch card which is thin and hard ) and pushed them in the empty space of both side of the screen (left-right) that been created in step two....the size of the piece is small enough to get inside of the hole and hide its presence when you look straight to the screen you can only see its pressence when you will look from one side....also make sure the length is not two long mine size is like 10/1 size of the whole screen length and the wideness it also importent make sure to push it as far as it go to the end of the that its presence is unoticed...also make sure the tickness is not two much so that the screen and casong doesnt get two much presure....
4)now put those two screw again you can tight it up but dont tight too much...
This two piece stoped the screen from getting in touch of the casing body and as a result the sa probs is gone permenantly for good....i can assure you that this will work 10000% for sure i tested it in both of the hermes verient....
now if you got any more question then you can ask me or if you like me two take a picture of the procedure or the plastic piece i used then i will post it here...
I'd say: Show me the pictures ...
I've got a Vario 2 HTC635 and only had SA problem after i cleaned the screen to apply the screenprotector. After a reset/reallignment the problem was gone since so I think you're right about pressure to the screen.
Also i've done the business card trick just to be sure it wont happen in future.
I wonder how this does not void your warranty?
Just for opening up the device does that (tho no-one can tell if you had done it), but surely, if you remove foam or anything else from the phone.
I'd think that any kind of modification to the phone, will catch the eye of service guys and after they have done the repair, they will send a bill.
On the other hand, if the phone works without any issues during the warranty time with that modification, hell with the warranty.
picture please.
Well, you don't need to remove any of the tamper tags with this method so unless the device gets close scrutiny beyond that, the chances are that it'll go under the radar, especially if you remove the shims prior to sending it back.
If I understand this procedure correctly this is what you're saying.
1. Remove the screws.
2. Take a thin rigid card-like material and push it between the cover and screen on both the left and right sides of the Hermes screen (when held upright) to dislodge the adhesive.
3. Afterward, wedge a screen length piece of the thin card-like material between the screen and cover on both the left and right sides of the screen to prevent the screen from touching the case in the future causing the SA problem to come back.
If I have this correct I may try it this afternoon.
some pictures would be nice
what is the length of the card pieces that you placed between the screen and the body before tightening the screw? was it one tenth of the length of the screen?
as I said please post some pictures, it would help
yes the length is like 1 tenth of the screen size...i will post a picture of the plastic lateron that i used...
I've had serious SA issues, I just tried this.
Of course, I also lost one of the screws *grrr*
I'll let you know how it works, though!
edit: found the screw on the floor with the help of the tytn's camera LED .
Sounds true...
Actually I had the screen alignment issue and after applying a screen protection and therefore "pushing a bit" the display it is gone (hold thumbs)
Just thought I'd report that my screen has been fine (after doing this) for the past 24 hrs, a new record .
hey pkx glad to hear that my hack worked for now on 15th day and im not having even a slight screen mis allignment after the hack even giving hard pressure on right side of the screen is not making any its now safe to say that god freed me from the sa problem curse....
I woke up this morning and my screen was misaligned .
So it's not a permanent problem for me, but it helped considerably.
1) what do you use to loosen the screws? mine looks like a 6-pointed star
2) pictures!
The screws in mine are Phillip yours are Torx based on your description. My guess would be a size thats between T-4 and T-6. I haven't done it yet so no pics.
ah torx! i knew it! i thought you only use torx on screws with messed up heads.
now where to get that screw
please,send me the pictures...
vampirello said:
please,send me the pictures...
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
ok i am going to post a picture tomorroaw as my camera is not at my hand right now..
and to clearify one thing more u need to use a bit of fatty card to resist the screen to get in touch of the casing..mine is like 2 time thick then of the thickness of a standard sim card...i thing it will help..
Sajib: thanx a lot for trying to help us with this annoying problem. I removed the two screws that appear under the screen when I slide out the keyboard. But I couldn´t loose the screen from the casing since apparently there are two more screws hidden between the keyboard and the screen. I don´t understand how you did it. Can you please explain me with more details???? I am aligning the screen at least 6 times a day!!! Thanx!
I need some help..
If i understand correct, just relax the screws, put the plastic to the both sides (left and right) between the screen and the front panel(WITHOUT disassembling the whole case) and then tight the screws back to the original state.Is that correct?
Also i deleted some files to get more than 10mb free space and that helped me alot
But when i clean the screen there is small change in the screen position so i still may need to do the hax.
Thansks in advice and sry for my bad english

dismantling O2 Atom housing

I have just bought a new O2 atom housing (as my old one is scratched to death), and am currently trying to find a guide or instructions on how to dismantle the phone housing.
I know there are two T screws with void stickers on them that need to be removed at the bottom end of the phone one you slide the battery cover off. I can't see any other screws visible. Apparently there are meant to be 4.
Does anyone have detailed instructions on how to change the housing? I have searched this forum and google, and have come up with nothing much.
Thanks everyone!
There is a fully descriptive video on dismantling the Atom, I cant find it but I had it last year and Im sure you will find it just keep looking. Basically you must remove the camera housing cover and there are two more screws under that, then you run you finger nail between the front and back cover to open the housing, good luck and remember nothing needs to be forced.
try this...
you have to pop the top half of the rear cover off. it is particularly difficult, and the black strip that runs right around the devices is very soft plastic which gets mashed real easy. try using your fingernail (even that will dent it) and run it around the edge. Once it pops off you will see the other two screws. they also has void stickers on them.
Good luck
this more details
I know there are 4 screws that need to be removed. have taken the top cover off so can see the other 2 screws have an old nokia T tool but it does seem to fit the screw heads
can anybody tell me... what sort of tool do you use to take the screws out?
hmm i use a precision screwdriver set , try all the size and see which one it fits =)
palah said:
I know there are 4 screws that need to be removed. have taken the top cover off so can see the other 2 screws have an old nokia T tool but it does seem to fit the screw heads
can anybody tell me... what sort of tool do you use to take the screws out?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
be careful with a small plain screwdriver, you'll be ok
i tried dismantling it.. but my objective was to actually remove the camera. couldnt find a way to remove it.. is it possible?
Hi all,
do you know if a Atom Exec housing is compatible with a Xda Atom "classic". Same dimensions i think.
Thanks a lot !

Yippeee! My uni feels NEWWW again! :D

My uni's hinge got really loose and shaky and i was bloody frustrated all these days. Though i'd taken it apart so many times and tightened the hinge, it didnt make a difference....until today
I opened it up, pulled the side clip-ons out (the two pieces with the status LEDs for btooth & radio) and did this -
The bluetooth led piece goes around a metal pipe (the hinge rod) which usually gets loose and starts to slip. I wrapped a layer of cello-tape onto this hinge rod and slid the bluetooth led piece back on to the hinge rod. This time because of the cello-tape the piece goes f***in firm onto the hinge rod!!!
On the opposite side, i stuffed some toilet paper (!!!) into the piece to make it stiff as there isnt too much of the hinge rod on the other end (for the Radio led piece).
Reassembled the damn thing back, and now it feels like brand NEW!!!! Man, no clicking sounds, no rattling or shakes, no i'm-gonna-fall-apart-any-minute feeling!!!
After doing this, i feel like hanging on to my uni for some more time (a day ago i was so frustrated that i wanted to get rid of it!!)
If anybody wants pictures of how to do it, i can make an illustration....let me know if anything is unclear and u need help!
step by step instructions backed by pictures would be great! mine's starting to wobble to... this would be a great help!
where are the instructions and pictures? cant wait... hehe!
I'll do it in te next couple days.
However, I think if you search for the HTC Universal's service manual, it has better instructions. You need to do the following -
1. Remove battery, sim, and remove 4 screws which are under the battery
2. Remove stylus, and start pulling the back side cover apart.
3. Disconnect antenna holder (the white plastic surrounding the camera (on the insides of the device)
4. Remove screws holding the motherboard, remove connectors coming from display unit and keyboard
5. Pull off the motherboard.
6. Take off the keyboard by removing all screws holding it.
7. Now, the two pieces (i talked of in my first post come off along with the display unit. Do what I told you in the first post and reassemble in the reverse order
8. It should be all fixed!
Again, for these steps download the service manual for step by step instructions with pictures. Also, all you need to take it apart is one screw driver with two bits! Its a philips screwdriver...get the specs from the service manual again!
Would be nice to get some pics of your "mod".
Any ideas on when you have time to put that up?
ey! still awaiting you're mod pics... hope you can put it up!
i realize this is old, but i'd like to see pics of this. my 9000 is a bit loose feeling.
yes please, post your pics, always is good to have aonther point of view of how to make it
yes please,pics please dreamtheater sir....
plz sir,i very urgently need your meyhod details for tightning the jasjar hinge as mine is getting too loose and shaky just like yours,u had said in your thread that u can provide pics as welll,plz iam constantly waiting for ur reply in that thread,,,bbut theres no update...
dear sirji,
pls update on the pict. need it urgently
It would be nice to saw what you made...
pl plzzzzzzzzzz plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz sir i beg u plz upload pics,iam dying
Hi... can you plz post the pics of your modification. thanks in advance.

