How can i access VIBRATE from VB-NET - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

i´m writing an application with VB-NET, and i want to access the VIBRATE function. But ...
This API is not supported by Windows Mobile 6 Professional
i´m not able to get this API.
On the MS Homepage i found many function with the funny remark.
How can i make my phone vibrate with vb-net (VSO08P)
and how can i find a offline documentation for the WM6.1 Prof. device ??

Isn’t possible to access all functions from .NET (VB.NET, C#, etc). Some time is necessary to use unmanage code.
To import a dll you must use function <DllImport(".dll"> (must specify the dll name)
P.S. Excuse my English

Search for SndSetSound on aygshell.dll .
[DllImport("aygshell.dll", SetLastError = true)]
private static extern uint SndSetSound(SoundEvent
seSoundEvent, ref SNDFILEINFO pSoundFileInfo, bool fSuppressUI);
A search at google will give you the rest.

this might work:
Declare Function Vibrate Lib "aygshell.dll" (ByVal cvn As Integer, ByVal rgvn As IntPtr, ByVal fRepeat As Boolean, ByVal dwTimeout As UInteger) As Integer
Declare Function VibrateStop Lib "aygshell.dll" () As Integer
Vibrate(0, IntPtr.Zero, vbTrue, INFINITE)
Const INFINITE As UInteger = 4294967295

Many thanks for the code, but on my device
i don´t fond the "aygshell.dll".
How can i find this ddl for a HTC Diamond for Win Mobile 6.1 Prof. ??
I only found one for an old HTC2000 (?).
And, if i share a programm for the HTC , it is legal to copy the DLL ??
OK - I found a DLL and want to transfer the dll to WINDOWS ... but the file already exist $§%§..
The Scrips don´t work - no error message - no vibrate.

danielham said:
Many thanks for the code, but on my device
i don´t fond the "aygshell.dll".
How can i find this ddl for a HTC Diamond for Win Mobile 6.1 Prof. ??
I only found one for an old HTC2000 (?).
And, if i share a programm for the HTC , it is legal to copy the DLL ??
OK - I found a DLL and want to transfer the dll to WINDOWS ... but the file already exist $§%§..
The Scrips don´t work - no error message - no vibrate.
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Import aygshell.lib
In MSDN for this functions requirements are:
Pocket PC Platforms: None
OS Versions: Windows CE 3.0 and later
Header: Declared in vibrate.h
Library: Use aygshell.lib

Declare Function VibrateStop Lib "aygshell.dll" () As Integer
'Const INFINITE As Integer = 4294967295
Declare Function Vibrate Lib "aygshell.dll" (ByVal cvn As Integer, ByVal rgvn As IntPtr, ByVal fRepeat As Boolean, ByVal dwTimeout As UInteger) As Integer
i tried both version for INFINITE.
First, i work with VB.NET and i don´t find "IMPORT DLL...."
Second, i get a warning message for UInteger dwTimeout, as Integer i get no warning ?
The first statement above are in the Class FORM1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Vibrate(0, IntPtr.Zero, vbTrue, INFINITE)
End Sub
Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
End Sub
And this statement don´t work ...
I want to vibrate if i press a key ...
a "hello world" for vibrate for beginners


GPRS connectivity in EVB

I have an EVB application that connects to GPRS using a library from Sapphire Solutions.
This has worked reasonably well, but doesn't give me a lot of control of what is going on.
What other methods have people tried? Any hints?
I also was lookinf for this solution forever and never found it so i wrote the software myself. Here is the dll that you need to connect to the internet through evb it connects to the default connection no problems.
have fun,
Dan Mayer
Thanks for this. I'll have a play.
The stupid thing is, O2 have told me that I should be using their routines. But nobody can tell me what the routines are, how to find them or give me any information about them whatsoever!
Compare and contrast with Vodafone who actually know a thing or two about implementing mobile systems, but don't have a product to implement...
Public Declare Function AllocPointer Lib "VBPointers" Alias "VB_AllocPointer" (ByVal nSrcSizeInBytes As Long) As Long
Public Declare Function AllocStringPointer Lib "VBPointers" Alias "VB_AllocStringPointer" (ByVal str As String) As Long
Public Declare Function FreePointer Lib "VBPointers" Alias "VB_FreePointer" (ByVal Pointer As Long) As Long
Public Declare Sub SetLongAt Lib "VBPointers" Alias "VB_SetLongAt" (ByVal Pointer As Long, ByVal OffsetInBytes As Long, ByVal Value As Long)
Public Declare Function PhoneMakeCall Lib "Phone" (ByVal CallInfo As Long) As Long
Public Sub Dial(Number_to_dial As String)
CallInfo = AllocPointer(24) ' sizeof (PHONEMAKECALLINFO)
Call SetLongAt(CallInfo, 0, 24) ' cbSize
Call SetLongAt(CallInfo, 4, 1) ' dwFlags = PMCF_DEFAULT
PhoneNumber = AllocStringPointer(Number_to_dial)
Call SetLongAt(CallInfo, 8, PhoneNumber) ' pszDestAddress
PhoneMakeCall (CallInfo)
FreePointer (PhoneNumber)
FreePointer (CallInfo)
End Sub
The xdaconnect dll posted by Dan is pretty good at getting a connection. The problem is that it has to be registered on each device using eVC. My problem is that I want to make a cd so that other people who dont have eVC can install the device. Normally I would do this with dllRegisterServer or by including the file in the manifest file of dll's to be registered when a program is installed. The problem is that this dll wont register alone, an error is returned back that "dllRegsisterServer is not included in the dll".
Can anyone help?
The dll and eVC project file is available for download at
Many thanks

Using Connection Manager in

Does anyone know how to use the connection manager API to programatically detect GPRS disconnection and start a new connection? I can find some code for C# (openNETCF) and eVC++ (Microsoft's CMhelper), but not
Any ideas or links?
OpenNETCF, MissingMethodException, TypeLoadException
I was advised to just add a reference to the opennetcf.dll, which seems the best option!
I've managed to add a reference to the OpenNETCF.Net.dll, and my
project works with the added references (openNETCF.Net.dll and
mscorlib). However, I have the following problems if I try to declare
an instance of the opennetcf:
1) In my global declarations module, I add the declaration:
"Public GPRSconn As New OpenNETCF.Net.ConnectionManager".
When I try to run the project, it crashes on my form's class (before
opening the form), with a MissingMethodException (in myproject.exe).
2) I move the declaration to my first form, declaring it locally in a
sub. The form loads fine. When I click on my button, it crashes on the
line which calls my sub to declare the GPRSconn, with the exception:
TypeLoadException (in myproject.exe).
Private Sub TrytoDecGPRS()
Dim GPRSconn As New OpenNETCF.Net.ConnectionManager
Catch ex As Exception
MsgBox("intro(tryGPRS): " + ex.Message)
End Try
End Sub
Private Sub btnLogin_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles btnLogin.Click
It crashes on the line "TrytoDecGPRS()"
Am I not declaring the opennetcf correctly? Am I missing something?
Any help greatly appreciated!
Someone on another group helped me out, I needed to reference the OpenNetCF.dll as well as the OpenNetCF.Net.dll.

Learning how to program for Windows Mobile?

I've done some searching, and I know Windows CE uses Win32, which I know to an extent. I was curious if there are any good free resources for learning WinCE-Win32, or if I should simply use my existing books for MFC/Win32. Microsoft's site kinda sketchy, and MSDN not being very useful. I did get Microsoft Embedded Visual C++ working and compiled a test app which worked on my MDA and on the emulator.
i would just start coding
miniMFC and compact .net framework is soo close it's only
some controls and options you dont have
ortherwise it's the same thing
learning by doing and having ones fingers down and dirty
into the code is where you learn the most
Yep, that's just how I learned when I switched to coding for PPCs.
Any way here are a few major differences to start you off:
1) All API's that use strings are in UNICODE. ASCII versions were removed.
2) For most API's that have an 'ext' version the regular version was removed. Example: ExtTextOut - yes, TextOut - no.
3) When dealing with files, all paths must be absolute. No '..\file.x' and 'file.x' will give you the file in device root and not the app directory.
And here is a nice site for pocket PC specific apps:
Has articles on just about everything from making dialogs not full screen to writing today plug-ins.
levenum said:
Yep, that's just how I learned when I switched to coding for PPCs.
Any way here are a few major differences to start you off:
1) All API's that use strings are in UNICODE. ASCII versions were removed.
2) For most API's that have an 'ext' version the regular version was removed. Example: ExtTextOut - yes, TextOut - no.
3) When dealing with files, all paths must be absolute. No '..\file.x' and 'file.x' will give you the file in device root and not the app directory.
And here is a nice site for pocket PC specific apps:
Has articles on just about everything from making dialogs not full screen to writing today plug-ins.
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I knew about how everything was Unicode. Is there an easy way to create unicode strings? I remember there was something in MFC macro like TEXT() that did something like that, but the specifics are missing. I remember there was a knowledge base article on this, but I can't find it.
Also, what's the difference between the Ext version and the non-ext versions of an app?
EDIT: Unless I'm mistaken, I just need to put my strings in _T("*string*")
Yes, you're right, this is how you write strings in your code:
WCHAR uniStr[] = L"Unicode string";
or if you are using MFC:
CString uniStr = _T("Unicode string");
and if you have a ASCII string you want converted to UNICODE
use mbstowcs function. (CString class has a built in conversion)
As for the 'ext' API's they just give you more parameters to better control the result of whatever they are doing. In desktop windows if you didn't want to call a function with 10 parameters you usually had a simpler version of it where some things were default.
BOOL TextOut(
HDC hdc, // handle to DC
int nXStart, // x-coordinate of starting position
int nYStart, // y-coordinate of starting position
LPCTSTR lpString, // character string
int cbString // number of characters
); //5 parameters
BOOL ExtTextOut(
HDC hdc, // handle to DC
int X, // x-coordinate of reference point
int Y, // y-coordinate of reference point
UINT fuOptions, // text-output options
CONST RECT *lprc, // optional dimensions
LPCTSTR lpString, // string
UINT cbCount, // number of characters in string
CONST INT *lpDx // array of spacing values
); // 8 parameters
what would be your suggestion for a newbie to learn programming for PPC?
I'm beggining to have interest in doing this but have absolutely no idea where to start.
thanks for any advise.
For complete newbies, I wrote this post a while back:

VB.NET how to pass a struct? anyone?

Anyone know how to pass a pointer to a struct in VB.NET that could help me out?
" pGPSPosition
Pointer to a GPS_POSITION structure. On return, this structure is filled with location data obtained by the GPS Intermediate Driver. The dwValidFields member of the GPS_POSITION instance specifies which fields of the instance are valid."
This is from a link on MS site: (
So how do I do this in VB?
Looking for a little love here...
WM6 SDK contains the sample with the complete wrapper around the GPS intermediate driver in the managed code
But one warning - on some devices (namely HTC Artemis) the serious bug in some version of code provided by Microsoft to Oem return an error when calling functions this API. Communication with a GPS via serial port is still more reliable for a commercial solutions...
Appreciate the response but do you have any source that I can use with VB? My biggest problem is actually retrieving any information from the GPS device using the "GPSGetPosition" function. (see other link -
"But one warning - on some devices (namely HTC Artemis) the serious bug in some version of code provided by Microsoft to Oem return an error when calling functions this API"
Could you be a little more specific?
Semi manual marshhalling of structure to pointer:
Dim pointerM As IntPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(myStruct))
Marshal.StructureToPtr(myStruct, pointerM, False)
Ad Artemis and another devices) GPS structure has invalid size from old platform builder and intermediate driver (GPS API) refuse it with error.
As I was reading about it appeared that Marshaling was going to have to be used in some way since I'm pretty sure that the struct would need to be passed to the C function.
Which brings me to another Q since it appears your are savy at programing in C - how to convert the following C struct?
The struct appears to have a couple of arrays and a few other enums thats are passed to the function, how is that handled in VB?
DWORD GPSGetPosition(
DWORD dwMaximumAge,
DWORD dwFlags
typedef struct _GPS_POSITION {
DWORD dwVersion;
DWORD dwSize;
DWORD dwValidFields;
DWORD dwFlags;
double dblLatitude;
double dblLongitude;
float flSpeed;
float flHeading;
double dblMagneticVariation;
float flAltitudeWRTSeaLevel;
float flAltitudeWRTEllipsoid;
float flPositionDilutionOfPrecision;
float flHorizontalDilutionOfPrecision;
float flVerticalDilutionOfPrecision;
DWORD dwSatelliteCount;
DWORD dwSatellitesInView;
DWORD rgdwSatellitesInViewElevation[GPS_MAX_SATELLITES];
DWORD rgdwSatellitesInViewAzimuth[GPS_MAX_SATELLITES];
DWORD rgdwSatellitesInViewSignalToNoiseRatio[GPS_MAX_SATELLITES];
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I had a suggestion to create a library from the C# SDK, how difficult would that be? Would it be easier than trying to convert to VB?
Can you help with that?
Thanks for any feedback...

Play Sound While on Call

Does anyone know how to play a sound (preferably through the earpiece) while on a phone call? I found some code on the internet somewhere that allows me to play sound, but when I make a call, it doesn’t work. Here is the code I have now.
Public Class Sound
Private m_soundBytes() As Byte
Private m_fileName As String
Public Declare Function WCE_PlaySound Lib "CoreDll.dll" Alias "PlaySound" (ByVal szSound As String, ByVal hMod As IntPtr, ByVal flags As Integer) As Integer
Public Declare Function WCE_PlaySoundBytes Lib "CoreDll.dll" Alias "PlaySound" (ByVal szSound() As Byte, ByVal hMod As IntPtr, ByVal flags As Integer) As Integer
Private Enum Flags
SND_SYNC = &H0 ' play synchronously (default)
SND_ASYNC = &H1 ' play asynchronously
SND_NODEFAULT = &H2 ' silence (!default) if sound not found
SND_MEMORY = &H4 ' pszSound points to a memory file
SND_LOOP = &H8 ' loop the sound until next sndPlaySound
SND_NOSTOP = &H10 ' don't stop any currently playing sound
SND_NOWAIT = &H2000 ' don't wait if the driver is busy
SND_ALIAS = &H10000 ' name is a registry alias
SND_ALIAS_ID = &H110000 ' alias is a predefined ID
SND_FILENAME = &H20000 ' name is file name
SND_RESOURCE = &H40004 ' name is resource name or atom
End Enum
' Construct the Sound object to play sound data from the specified file.
Public Sub New(ByVal fileName As String)
m_fileName = fileName
End Sub
' Construct the Sound object to play sound data from the specified stream.
Public Sub New(ByVal stream As IO.Stream)
' read the data from the stream
m_soundBytes = New Byte(stream.Length) {}
stream.Read(m_soundBytes, 0, Fix(stream.Length))
End Sub 'New
' Play the sound
Public Sub Play()
' If a file name has been registered, call WCE_PlaySound,
' otherwise call WCE_PlaySoundBytes.
If Not (m_fileName Is Nothing) Then
WCE_PlaySound(m_fileName, IntPtr.Zero, Fix(Flags.SND_ASYNC Or Flags.SND_FILENAME))
WCE_PlaySoundBytes(m_soundBytes, IntPtr.Zero, Fix(Flags.SND_ASYNC Or Flags.SND_MEMORY))
End If
End Sub
End Class
I am writing this for my Kaiser on WM6, but support for earlier devices would be nice if possible.
i'm also trying to create an application that vibrates the phone whenever call is connected but somehow the OS mutes all sounds and vibrations while you are making a call.
The code you have, IMHO, plays the sound through the loudspeaker, not the earpiece.
what you would have to do, because i have done it, is set the registry settings under the control panel (under local machine) and there is an option to set different sounds for differnt events/actions/calls/messages etc
try API PlayEventSound
this idea is already integrated in LC minutes though i didnt have much time to work it out like it should be.
It would be nice to have a complete customization of this idea.
mrpotter said:
try API PlayEventSound
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Thank you mrpotter. PlayEventSound did what I was looking for
It may play a sound environmental background during a call to simulate being in a traffic jam or in the countryside?
Can anyone post an example of how to use API playeventsound in .net ?

