ActiveSync Issue - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam General

I have a HTC TyTN ll and I am having problems synchronising my work email.
The server at work has exchange 2003 SP2 and Activesync. We also have both OWA and OMA and I can access these succesfully through the PDA.
The OWA/OMA both use SSL and have a instantssl certificate installed which I have downloaded and installed onto my device.
My credentials are correct, I have recreated the data source and resetted device but..
During snychronisation on the PDA I get the following error:
"ActiveSync encountered a problem on the server" Support Code: 0x85010014.
Following a google I found that this is as a result of having the SSL port 443 defined in IIS for the webmail site. Now if I remove this port I get the message "waiting for network". I have read this is temporary, but I have tried for the past few days and it still doesnt get past this stage. I am using our wireless and the GPRS as provided by orange to connect.
Also removing the port 443 has concequences on anyone else accessing the OWA as it does not work.
Do any of you guys know any ideas on how I can get the PDA to synchronise?
Will I have to first create an activesync partnership with the server?
Many Thanks in Advance

I now recieve the following error on the server:
Exchange Server 2003" ( For information about how to properly configure IIS to support Kerberos and NTLM authentication, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article 215383, "How To Configure IIS to Support Both Kerberos and NTLM Authentication" ( This issue may occur after installing Windows SharePoint Services on a server running Exchange Server 2003. For information about how to properly configure a server to run both Windows SharePoint Services and Exchange Server 2003, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article 823265, "You receive a "Page not found" error message when you use Outlook Web Access (OWA) to browse the Exchange Server 2003 client after you install Windows SharePoint Services" (
Exchange is installed on an SBS 2003 and I dont believe the microsoft kb is useful for this. Even if it is, I can work around this by removing ssl. However at this point I dont get any errors on the server and all I get from the HTC is "waiting for network". As mentioned earliar.
Any suggestions would be highly appreciated.


Universal can't connect to Windows Server 2003 - solved

I have a Universal in german from T-Mobile Austria and a BlueAngel also from T-Mobile Austria. As we all know the Universal has the new OS Windows Mobile 5.0, the BlueAngel has Windows Mobile 2003.
So and there is a BIG difference between these two OS (OR A BIG BUG, I don't know).
The problem is: With the file-explorer (or Total Commander 2.0, which i prefer) you can connect with WLAN to a share on a computer. Enter the UNC-path under path in the file-explorer, the device asks for a login and it works. So it is unter Windows Mobile 2003 with the BlueAngel. And it doesn't matter to which computer I will connect: to my server with Windows Server 2003 or to my workstation with Windows XP. I enter my domain account and it works.
On the Universal it doesn't work when I will connect to my server with Windows Server 2003. It's absolutely impossible to connect to a share on my server. BUT I CAN connect to a share an my workstation with Windows XP WITH MY DOMAIN ACCOUNT. So what I see in the moment: The NTLM-authentication works because I can connect to any Windows XP with a domain account, but the connection to a share on a server with Windows Server 2003 fails. And this only with the Universal, because in the same time with my BlueAngel it works.
My question is: Has somebody the same ugly problem or maybe I do somethimg wrong, I don't know.
And that's the reason why I can't change my device in this moment and why I love my BlueAngel.
Best regards, Peter
i to have this issue, i can map to xp shares no probs but win2003server shares just loops on the password screen.
big issue for me this
w2k3 issues
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I had the same issues on w2k3-server before installing the latest updates.
After new W2K3 installation and newest updates: no problems.
The problem could be active directory.
Have a look to "NetBIOS over IP" at IP-settings. Resco Explorer can't map UNCs, only NetBIOS-names, it's my monitoring.
Greetings, Gerd Dubrand
that dosent fix the problem, just tried it, it worked fine on my BA but not on JJ.
I also cannot connect to my Win2003 server via jasjar, but I can connect to my win2000 advanced server. Win2003 server is sbs2003 with all updates applied. Can connect to both via my pda2k. Interesting?
IS the server a DC? you may need to disable the 'Microsoft network server: Digitally sign communications (always)' setting the default DC GPO - This is enabled by default for DC's and acan cuase issues when talking to downlevel clients (I've had this problem with samba clients.
It mayalso be set in the local secuirty policy.
But then again this might not be anything to do with it...
Anything in the logs on the server?
Thank you for your samba server and your idea, tintoy. Your hint works!
For all others aigan the solution:
On a Windows Server 2003 domain controller you have to disable 'Microsoft network server: Digitally sign communications (always)'. I haven't this done by Active Directory, i have this done by 'Security settings for domain controller' -> 'Security Options' in 'Management'.
Note: Please excuse when I don't have used the correct names, because I have only a german version of the Windows Server 2003 and I don't know the exact names of the program groups of the english version. But I hope you know, what I mean.
Thank you aigan tintoy, this problem is solved!
See you all again here,
I confirm this,
network server: Digitally sign communications (always)
change to disabled in the Default Domain Controller Security Settings.
This has just made my day. odd how wm5 is apparently newer but dosent quite work out the box like wm2003 did
np ;-)
Exchange 2003 not connect with mobile 6.1
Someone can write a detailed description ? I have the same problem.

ActiveSync and RPC over HTTP

Heres a question for u: is it possible to connect to my exchange server using activesync via an RPC over HTTP connection? Currently i have to dial a VPN connection before connecting which is rather cumbersome (having to dial and it frequently drops). It is available in Outlook and is much more efficient. Cheers.
I am assuming that you are running an exchange 2K3 SP2 and Windows Server 2K3 SP1 right off the bat. If you are not this info may not apply.
When you install Exchange 2003, several virtual directories are created under the Default Web Site in Internet Information Services (IIS).
One of those is "Microsoft-Server-Active-sync" If I am not mistaken this is what your PPC uses when syncing. So you don't need to setup your PPC to use RPC over HTTP like you would outlook (with the http address, and the internal server name, and the MSSTD crap). Check to make sure your front end server (Web server) has that virtual directory in the default web site. If not, there are quite a few tutorials on Google that you can look up.
Hope that helped.
Later; Lew"how+to"+install+"Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync"

Activesync Exchange Help needed

I have always been able to succesfully connect to the exchange server via activesync, whether it be via GPRS or USB. Now I can't, I keep getting the http_500 error.
I have checked and I can log into the exchange server via OWA in either http or https. Have changed my phone to use SSL, not to use SSL, nothing, same error.
Looked at Microsoft's explanation of having a duplicate smpt address, but it can't be, as the server is running Exchange 2003 SP2, so I can't configure or look at the server. I also can't ask IT, as they don't know I have access and even if you ask, they won't know, as mobile devices are not yet supported.
1 - The Exchange Server has to be configured to allow Mobile Devices to connect.
2 - The Exchange server has to be configured to allow push mail
3 - I think you need to install a certificate on the PPC (using enroller, or just copy/paste the **.cer file and open it)
Maybe you don't need the certificate when NOT using SSL, but I think I remember I couldn't get it to work without... So I installed my certificate on my PPC and HAD TO use SSL to get it to work.
However, ...If you cannot even check whether your Sysops allow pushmail/ActiveSync, you are in dire straits.... You have to know that info.

How to get into my company E Mail thru VPN using 8125

I can get into my company e mail thru my laptop using Cisco VPN (soft token) Is there an easy way (step by step) to set up my 8125 to access my company e mail ?
Is your company running on Microsoft Exchange? If so, there may be no reason to sync across a firewall. It seems to be standard in recent versions of Exchange to expose a PDA sync interface outside the firewall. Let me know if you are in this situation and I tell you how I did it.
Yes Microsoft exchange
I have my 8125 sync'ing directly with exchange. Here's how.
Install ActiveSync 4.2 and follow the instructions for sync'ing. Cisco VPN interacts badly with ActiveSync, so disable the VPN if you have trouble sync'ing. The problem shows up as things hanging while trying to connect.
Once you are connected, add an Exchange server to ActiveSync. Put in the info for your company's server. If you have more than one, use the one that has an https interface that can be accessed from outside the firewall.
ActiveSync will try to start Outlook, which may fail if you are not connected to your VPN. Just click "work offline". You will also get an "unable to connect" message on both ActiveSync and the 8125. Ignore it.
Once you have changed the settings and a sync has been completed, disconnect the phone from the computer. It should sync directly via the GPRS network to an external interface on your Exchange server. Let me know if you run into problems.

Sinchronize pda with web exchange

Hi Guyz,
i have an HTC Trinity with latest rom released from italian distributor, just flashed three days ago.
Everythings are working fine but i cannot set a configuration for sinchronization of my company's web exchange server.
We have Exchange Server 2003 with SP2 and gate 443 already enable, but nothing....with Active Sync, during server's configuration, i cannot see any web server at typed address.
Web addressm user id and password are right.
Someone can give me a procedure for this setup? Any suggestion??
Many thanks.
Hi there, take a look at this:
and this:
or (absolutely recommended) try olx mobile access at this works perfect an it's easy to configure. Don't mind the german website for the application ist in english. 30-days trial for download.
Best regards.
There is a known Issue connecting with Exchange with ActiveSync and OMA
If your Exchange server is set up to use Forms-Base authentication(must be used to enable compression of static and dynamic data from the exchange server), ActiveSync and OMA will fail. This is a know issue. ActiveSync and OMA use WebDav to authenticate the user with NTFS permissions. Forms-Based authentication blocks this. Another virtual directory must be made for devices that use WebDav to authenticate with. Two places that discuss this issue and how to work around it are...
and at Microsoft:
Sean Beeson

