CellGPS for Windows Mobile? Upload GSM cell-id on periodic basis to HTTP server? - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

I'm looking for a simple application that will run in the background, and send the current GSM/UTMS cell-id to a web server on a periodic basis (via HTTP GET).
Basically a program like cellGPS (http://www.vikinggames.hu/product.php?id=11) but for Windows Mobile. I don't really care about GPS info, since that just sucks power (and doesn't work indoors).
What I'm trying to do here is enable my home automation system to know where I am, without sucking my phone's battery to death (especially since GPS won't work indoors). GSM/UTMS cell-id is 'close enough' for me.
The application would just hit a webserver on my home machine with the current cell-id (http://webserver.com/receiver.php?cellid=4233-23) on a definable period. My own app on my webserver would record that data into a database. I can then go back and use that data to let my home auto system know "hey, Justin's almost home, turn on the HVAC, lights, etc".
It needs to be able to run in the background, no annoying icons on the screen, and start up on phone reset.
I figure since it's just sending the cell-id (which is always available), it would be rather efficient and not use much battery power (especially since I usually leave Activesync on "instant" so the data connection is usually up anyway).
Other extensions to this would let my server update twitter/facebook/etc with "Justin's at ... home/work/etc now.".
Any ideas on where to find something like this?

I just want GPS-CELL Today Plugin - but nobody can help me

The only thing I've found even close to this is a facebook-specific app called FindMe.

blitzwurst said:
The only thing I've found even close to this is a facebook-specific app called FindMe.
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That thing is a buggy piece of junk. I tried it out and pissed off all of my friends when it updated my location 45 times in an hour.
But yes - it would be very similar to that - but it wouldn't maintain a local database.


Questions From ex-Treo650 user

Ok I had gotten board with the lack of wifi and decent web browser on the Treo 650 that I decided to make the move to the 8125. I knew about the speed difference and some of the other issues discussed in these forums because I researched the device for months before making the move. Therefore I wont say much about that. Unfortunately I have a few issues that I can't seem to find answers for in this forum and I was hoping other users out there could help.
1. Is there any way of making the navigation pad useful? I cant access anything on the taskbar and it would be great if I could. I installed magic button so I can close apps and switch back to home when I want. Furthermore there is almost no documentation on how to use the nav pad. All application instructions say tap the icon. It's very convenient to have one handed use. for example i have yet to figure out how to get back to the location bar in Pocket IE so I can enter a url without having to tap the screen.
2. Is it common that some applications just freak out when you switch to landscape mode (scroll bars not working and such)?
3. As mentioned I installed magic button but is there an application that will pop up a list of running tasks so I can switch between them easily with the navigation pad.
4. Backup. I may be very wrong on this but I fear that active sync does not actually backup my entire device like palm does. Could someone clear this up and if I'm correct is there a way for active sync to do this. I have more programs on this device than what is on my add/remove prog screen.
5. Notification reminders. I see a feature to have the led for a period of time but it would be nicer if it could be set to play its sound also. Like the pagers of old.
6. Notification of lost service. This phone never tells me I have no cell service. Last thing I want is battery draining searching or worse assuming I have service and miss all calls.
If anyone could provide some info on the above it would be a great help. i have already found many other programs that make up for the lacking features. Below is a list of what I have installed please make any suggestions you think would be helpful.
1. AnthaVPN - easiest and fastest to install
2. TN520 by mochasoft
3. Pocket Putty SSH client
4. Eyes On Call - Callfilter like program with many features still limited but the developer is very quick in implementing suggestions.
5. Info sharp - same developer as above but this provides sms capabilities that are very impressive. He almost has chat style sms with the way this program works.
6. OMAPclocker - for clocking to 220. I actually see the difference.
7. IM+ - Sametime/AOL instant messenger client.
8. Info apps I have Metro, Ereader, Bdicty, VadeMecum
10. Registry Wizard
11. Calc98 - the built in calc app is a joke.
12. Xpressmail - dont care what anyone says this app does what it says it will do. Pushes email to your phone.
Thank You
- Richard

Opening data connection

Hi there - I'm working on a Flash Lite application for PocketPC, which is designed to have web connectivity and for a single use event.
I've discovered that the only way to initiate and then maintain a data connection for Flash Lite is to open an IE window on WM5 and refresh it on occasion, then refocussing back on the Flash app.
I've tried the persistent registry key hack, which works fine when there is a connection, and does maintain it - however my application is for people wandering around in and out of "signal" coverage areas. So I really need my app to re-trigger the data connection somehow.
Flash Lite 2.1 does have GetURL commands, which I'm using, but once the data connection dies, nothing appears to re-establish it. So I've added an indicator to show this problem... but its a shame it can't reconnect on its own.
Any ideas guys?
I've even thought about a work-around - like task switching and "refreshing" the IE http session using the hardware buttons, because that does seem to work, but obviously its not the best user experience really - and obviously I want to keep my application running fullscreen rather than showing IE during that process - and confuse the user.
I've messed around with PQzII, to try this - but its pretty hard to configure... and the author hasn't responded to any questions - and I'm not really that sure it will do what I need in "the background" if you see what I mean!
Has anyone tried something like this, is there a simple standard app I can launch that is already in the Pocket PC windows folder to kick start this using a hardware button trigger if no such reconnect is ever going to be possible in the FlashLite environment?
I've looked on the Adobe site, several people are having this issue already - and information is scarce unfortunately!

What do you want? (Developing Silverlight App)

It looks like the future of applications for Windows Mobile is leaning towards silverlight 2. So My goal for this summer is to create a good, fun or useful application using silver light. I just need some ideas. What do you guys want?
One app I've been looking for for years. Some apps have some functionality but nothing puts it together in a simple package.
Location Aware Reminders
set up points on a map where a reminder of user defined text would pop up when the device is within a specified distance from that point.
Case #1:
I get off of my freeway exit going home, pass the stoplight before the store, my device plays a recording "DUDE! PICK UP SOME MILK!".
Case #2:
I drive away from my house on a vacation, my device plays a recording "Did you remember to pack your underwear?"
User should be able to:
1. View a map with current location based on gps.
2. Move map to different locations.
3. Define and save a point on the map.
4. Define a distance from that point where reminder would fire.
5. Define the text of a reminder.
6. Define an audio file as a reminder.
7. Define a title for reminder
8. View list of reminders
9. When reminder fires there should be a Snooze and Delete Option.
10. Reminders should have a date/time window of when to fire.
10 ex. All Days, only between 4pm and 7pm.
10 ex. On May 25th. any time.
Yes, there are apps that "sort of" do this. But they are unuseable for this use.
Keeping the functionality simple and specific will ensure EASE OF USE and actual functionality.
I will GLADLY pay you $10 for this app.
sudermatt said:
One app I've been looking for for years. Some apps have some functionality but nothing puts it together in a simple package.
Location Aware Reminders
set up points on a map where a reminder of user defined text would pop up when the device is within a specified distance from that point.
Case #1:
I get off of my freeway exit going home, pass the stoplight before the store, my device plays a recording "DUDE! PICK UP SOME MILK!".
Case #2:
I drive away from my house on a vacation, my device plays a recording "Did you remember to pack your underwear?"
User should be able to:
1. View a map with current location based on gps.
2. Move map to different locations.
3. Define and save a point on the map.
4. Define a distance from that point where reminder would fire.
5. Define the text of a reminder.
6. Define an audio file as a reminder.
7. Define a title for reminder
8. View list of reminders
9. When reminder fires there should be a Snooze and Delete Option.
10. Reminders should have a date/time window of when to fire.
10 ex. All Days, only between 4pm and 7pm.
10 ex. On May 25th. any time.
Yes, there are apps that "sort of" do this. But they are unuseable for this use.
Keeping the functionality simple and specific will ensure EASE OF USE and actual functionality.
I will GLADLY pay you $10 for this app.
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Would it use GPS or the GSM/3G Network to determine location? Also what navigation software would this use for the maps? This is a good idea however this seems very intermediate. More ideas people.
I'd like this...
I would hope it would use the internal GPS.
I like the voice mail thing Like the iPhones right?
It would be nice if my wife could easily make entries via a website or a client on her desktop. (maybe not).
Actually, it would be kinda interesting. Driving down the street and having the app pop up something my friend put in there.
So you could have a group, and allow people to post GPS Pop Ups to your app.
"This is where I proposed to my wife".
"Don't even bother coming to the game tonight sucka cuz you're goin' down".
That would be kinda fun.
Just thinking out loud.
sudermatt said:
It would be nice if my wife could easily make entries via a website or a client on her desktop. (maybe not).
Actually, it would be kinda interesting. Driving down the street and having the app pop up something my friend put in there.
So you could have a group, and allow people to post GPS Pop Ups to your app.
"This is where I proposed to my wife".
"Don't even bother coming to the game tonight sucka cuz you're goin' down".
That would be kinda fun.
Just thinking out loud.
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This is a great Idea. Only problem it is not even close to easy and I have no gps experience. But i might assemble a team to create this.
An XDA-Developers forum program that tracks your threads and alerts you when there's a new post, etc. Something that would be cooler than the actual site, and if you could, make it for our phones too.
This is very easy to answer:
1) To the date there isn't a SINGLE mobile e-mail client on the market, which is SIMPLE and FINGER FRIENDLY. In fact, there isn't any finger friendly e-mail clients at all. I think hords of users would welcome this kind of app.
2) Also there still isn't an on-demand connection chooser - look here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=408243
Thank You.
sudermatt said:
One app I've been looking for for years. Some apps have some functionality but nothing puts it together in a simple package.
Location Aware Reminders
set up points on a map where a reminder of user defined text would pop up when the device is within a specified distance from that point.
Case #1:
I get off of my freeway exit going home, pass the stoplight before the store, my device plays a recording "DUDE! PICK UP SOME MILK!".
Case #2:
I drive away from my house on a vacation, my device plays a recording "Did you remember to pack your underwear?"
User should be able to:
1. View a map with current location based on gps.
2. Move map to different locations.
3. Define and save a point on the map.
4. Define a distance from that point where reminder would fire.
5. Define the text of a reminder.
6. Define an audio file as a reminder.
7. Define a title for reminder
8. View list of reminders
9. When reminder fires there should be a Snooze and Delete Option.
10. Reminders should have a date/time window of when to fire.
10 ex. All Days, only between 4pm and 7pm.
10 ex. On May 25th. any time.
Yes, there are apps that "sort of" do this. But they are unuseable for this use.
Keeping the functionality simple and specific will ensure EASE OF USE and actual functionality.
I will GLADLY pay you $10 for this app.
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Wow. I had the exact same idea. I'll be making this in silverlight/xaml since I know it's the future of WinMo.
Me and a couple of friends are trying to do this on 3 different platforms - and will be using WPF/Silverlight for WinMo
Don't we kinda need the WM Silverlight runtime first? Last time I checked, it's not out yet.
aiiro said:
This is very easy to answer:
1) To the date there isn't a SINGLE mobile e-mail client on the market, which is SIMPLE and FINGER FRIENDLY. In fact, there isn't any finger friendly e-mail clients at all. I think hords of users would welcome this kind of app.
2) Also there still isn't an on-demand connection chooser - look here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=408243
Thank You.
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For #2, I might be completely misunderstanding you, but have you looked into G-Profile for this?
TheParadox said:
I like the voice mail thing Like the iPhones right?
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Yep. Pretty much
@ Sean D:
About #2. You remember back in the dial-up days when You started Internet Explorer it had an option whether to ask the connection to use or not? Well, I think for PPC and the apps that need internet connection this would be the ideal solution - if You start PIE for example, the system will ask You whether You'd like to use WiFi or GPRS or whatever else connections You have and You'd just check the option that suites You the most at the given location. If You're in a cafe with free WiFi You'd choose to use WiFi, if You're in the woods You'd choose GPRS (or 3G or whatever similar). Instead of manually connecting to desired network before launching browser. I hope You get the idea...
G-profile is not asking You how to connect, it just manages Your connections with profiles for different occasions. You'd still have to manually choose a profile with the desired connections before launching a browser.
aiiro said:
@ Sean D:
About #2. You remember back in the dial-up days when You started Internet Explorer it had an option whether to ask the connection to use or not? Well, I think for PPC and the apps that need internet connection this would be the ideal solution - if You start PIE for example, the system will ask You whether You'd like to use WiFi or GPRS or whatever else connections You have and You'd just check the option that suites You the most at the given location. If You're in a cafe with free WiFi You'd choose to use WiFi, if You're in the woods You'd choose GPRS (or 3G or whatever similar). Instead of manually connecting to desired network before launching browser. I hope You get the idea...
G-profile is not asking You how to connect, it just manages Your connections with profiles for different occasions. You'd still have to manually choose a profile with the desired connections before launching a browser.
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Okay, I misunderstood you. But the funny thing is, i was just thinking that WM needs this function the other day.
So yeah, this gets my vote too.
Good, then it's settled
Well, OK, just one minor issue left - kinda have to wait for the approval from the thread starter too
FloatingFatMan said:
Don't we kinda need the WM Silverlight runtime first? Last time I checked, it's not out yet.
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The whole point of this thread is that since it's pretty much confirmed there will be a silverlight or some type of WPF subset for WinMo, applications can be designed so that when devices do release, some changes can be made (e.g. support for accelerometer) so that the program can be released from the get-go.
It's also to provide devs with some practice with WPF/Silverlight
ND4SPD said:
Wow. I had the exact same idea. I'll be making this in silverlight/xaml since I know it's the future of WinMo.
Me and a couple of friends are trying to do this on 3 different platforms - and will be using WPF/Silverlight for WinMo
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I could care less about how it's written....I got $10 burnin a whole in my pocket for this app...
BTW...did you read my post about the community part of the app?
OK, seems it's again just one of those countless threads that get started with a big hooray and then is forgotten forever. I mean I still do post in these in hope that someone will some day build the connection manager I keep asking for, but having posted it already to couple of threads and seeing that after couple of days the thread just dies and the original author of thread mysteriously disappears, I think there are some dark forces behind it. OK, just kidding, but seriously, just from top of my head You can check this thread - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=413600 - or this thread - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=506672. They have all died as far as I know. Or if You just wanna have a laugh (completely off-topic) check this thread - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=425424

[REQ] Time sync software

since the asynchronous time problem still exists it would be great if someone could programm a little app that can sync time (like every 30-60 minutes) in order to keep it up to date.
id like to do it myself but my java and linux knowledge is way too little. but i think for the pros out there it shouldnt be too hard a task
i really hope someone could address himself to this task for all of us sake, since i dont know how long it will be until the problem is fixed.
Quick fix for the moment is to enter airplane mode, then come out. It seems to cause a clock update.
Will look out for a sync app, I'm sure there will be one, there's loads for other WinMo, Pre, Symbian etc
i searched 4 an app but didnt find any. therefore the thread.
airplane mode only updates the clock if clock is set to "automatically", because it syncs it from the network. but seriously, thats not even remotely something like a "fix".
There is a nice (free) app in the android Market called "ClockSync". It lets you sync your device via NTP. Scheduling the sync is also possible.

[Q] Turn Off Cloud Storage for Games

Hi I seen a hack for this in the registry before, but I cannot find it now!
Every game that I open up spends about 20 seconds at the loading screens, I guess that's retrieving save data in the cloud. It's a waste of time and I don't need solitare saves stored in the cloud for other PCs. Starting these games in W7 is rocket fast instead.
I did Google this and checked the FAQs here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2048548
Probably this,
Of course if you are not using Metro apps, using a local account disables Skydrive and all Metro stuff. For those interested in only "legacy" Windows--raises hands--it's a simpler world than having to deal with new MS-created complications.
Heh, I learned something new about 8.1 while at above page, that disk encryption is enabled by default for new PCs that have Connected Standby. Since only Atom devices thus far have CS, I never ran into this issue. Good to know if I ever pick up a Bay Trail toy.
Huh. I wonder if you can still use manage-bde.exe to tweak (or suspend) the encryption. The default configuration (TPM protector and recovery key protector only) isn't really all that strong. TPM+Pin is much stronger, for example, or you can go full multi-factor and require a flashdrive with a key on it, too.
Anybody with RT 8.1 want to test this? Try just suspending it first:
Open Command Prompt or PowerShell as Administrator.
Run the command (without quotes) "manage-bde -protectors -disable C:"
On RT 8.0 (or on any other BitLocker-capable version of Windows going back to Vista), that puts BitLocker in "suspended" state (writes a plain-text key to the disk, which can be used to decrypt the actual encryption key). Incidentally, this is handy if you need to tweak something in the boot process (which will normally upset the TPM) without needing to either enter your recovery key or decrypt-and-re-encrypt the drive.
To the OP: do you have any actual reason whatsoever to believe that this is the cause of the problem? For example, have you observed any network traffic during this time? If you start the game without being connected to the Internet, does it start faster?
From Microsoft, on the subject of roaming storage:
Windows roams app data opportunistically and doesn't guarantee an instant sync. In scenarios where a user is offline or on a high latency network, roaming could be delayed significantly.
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which strongly implies that roaming data will not delay app startup.
In any case, I believe you can turn it off (system-wide) if you want to. Settings charm -> Change PC settings -> Sync your settings -> App settings. (Note: this is from 8.0, 8.1 may be different.)
Thanks for the feedback.
I'm currently using a local account yep.
As for delays, yes, when I used a MS account in the past, login would take about 10 seconds - after clicking enter when the password was filled in. I definitely did edit something once before that eliminated having to wander around several loading screens. It was either in the registry or group policy, it was something that I disabled...I went on a disable-spree (after creating restore point) for cloud sync and everything was faster. That was on 8.0 with a MS account. I'm using 8.1 with a local account and the only annoyance with this is games. It's not a major issue of course, but 20+ seconds for solitare/mahjong is awful.
I just tried opening games with flight mode on and it took less than 10 seconds. If you have 50MB broadband or better, that's great, I bet it doesn't lag but I don't.
The problem likely lies with the games you installed. The downside to net-access ubiquity is that it's now the norm for apps to "phone home." But it wasn't too long ago that "phone-home" software was considered spyware. Then, it behooves you to seek out games a few years older, which should obviate the phone-home tendency. For the common casual games for Windows, it shouldn't be hard to find.
An alternative to switching off wifi is to exclude said games from net access from the Windows firewall.

