Email where did it go! - Mogul, XV6800 General

Ok I have my Email set up so it polls my 3 accounts. No problem. I encounter a problem is my folders. I transfer my Emails to certain folders to save them for future reference. When I get a Email I cloe it out and then go to "Tools" / "Move" and select the folder to where I would like to save them. I went back several days later and I do not find any of my Emails in any of the folders. I think I have found all of my Emails. If I use "file explorer" go to "windows" then into "Messaging" The file names are xxxxx.mpb. I also found what appears to be my attachments folder with files in the folder. If I try and open the file it gives me a errpr There is no application associated with... run the application first etc. I would like to ransfer the files to the correct folders. But I also tried to do this after sync and I could not find the Email folders that I set up to hold the Emails. Does anyone have this problem and how can I resolve this.


SMS/Email storage location?

Does anyone know where all the messages are stored within the phones system itself? if i wanted to install a new ROM then replace the msgs after the new install.
Try windows\messaging\
the messaging folder contains emails, not SMS and it is an email per file, PPC outlook doesn't act like desktop outlook in that it does not store all email and the database. Instead the database is in PPC's database system which references those files in windows/messaging. Therefore it isn't going to be easy to simply re-instate the messages. you can put the files back in the folder but it isn't going to re-instate those messages in poutlook.
I haven't seen the database itself, it may also containt the complete SMS messages. I am unsure where MMS Messages are stored.
It sure would be easier if they used a pst type file for poutlook like they do for desktop outlook.
However, the message list (that you see when you open "poutlook") is stored in one file, I just don't know where it is. While experimenting with trying to get that e-mail on a storage card (something I could do on my smartphone, darn it) deleting all the files still shows the list of e-mails, but opening one just displays "click here to download this message at the next send/receive."

IMAP Folders - save sent msgs to another folder than "Sent Items"?

Hi everyone, I've looked EVERYWHERE and I can't find anything about this. Its kind of difficult to describe but someone on here has to know what I'm talking about.
I recently bought an IMAP email hosting account. They do this weird thing where the "Sent", "Trash" and "Drafts" folders are all subfolders of the Inbox, rather than separate and along side them. In the phone, the folders come up as "Inbox.Sent", "Inbox.Trash", "Inbox.Drafts".
Whenever I write an e-mail on my 8525, I would like it to save a copy of the sent e-mail. There is of course the option to "Save sent messages to 'Sent Items' folder" but since that folder does not exist, it just does not save anything.
Is there ANY way to make it so it saves the sent e-mails to "Inbox.Sent"? Like a registry edit? Any and all help greatly appreciated. I will buy you a beer or something. Thanks!
I am wondering the same thing myself, actually. Have you figured out a solution, or does anyone else know of one?
Okay, for me, I had to change my "Sent" folder on my server to "Sent Items". Once I did that it began working properly. I just reassigned my sent folder using Mail (on a Mac).
Unfortunately Outlook cannot be assigned to 'non-root' Sent Folders. At this point I see 3 options.
1) Contact your service provider and ask them to give you an IMAP account wth the Sent Folder in the ROOT and not under Inbox. I have noticed this kind of hierarchy only with Linux operated Mail Server space. Check if they will be willing to switch you over to a Windows Mail Server which has the Sent Items folder under the ROOT.
2) Manually copy all the email from your PPC Sent Items folder to 'Inbox.Sent' folder on the server.
3) Use Flexmail 2007. It's an excellent email program and offers several advanced mailing features. It even allows you to designate any folder on the server as a Sent Items folder. This way you wil have a copy of all your sent email as well.
Or if you run your own mail server you can symlink to your Sent folder.
ln -s .Sent .Sent\ Items

Major Annoyances with Windows Mobile File Heirarchy

I've been having a couple problems these past few days that are specifically with windows mobile:
1. Why are there 3 Music/My Music folders and why does each media player look for music in a different folder. Is there a way to reroute where the media players look for music so I can delete all but one of these. It's really annoying to have "some" songs in 1 folder but "others" in a different one.
2. Why does Activesync when synced with my Outlook mailbox copy over my e-mails but not the settings for my e-mail. I've tried setting it up on my phone manually but keep getting an error.
3. Why do "Files" when synced through Activesync immidiately get stored on the root of the Phone or the Memory stick. Would it be much easier to save "My Documents" in "My Documents" on the phone? Any way to reroute where Activesync stores files?
4. Why do all the tabs with Web Feeds on them not share a common Web Feed list. It's a pain to have to set each one up.
And I think I'm done ranting for now. Has anyone else been annoyed by these problems, or found a solution for any of them?
Why is it when i synchronize my outlook emails with my xi, only the emails in the inbox are syncd. i have many sub folders that also need to be copied
EDIT: Ignore that. find out how it works.

[Q] Outlook folder contents don't show up on the phone

I have created several folders in my Outlook 2007 pc in order to keep my e-mail organized. Appart from the default folders I have a "pending items" folder, a "client A" folder, "company B" folder, etc. These folders show up in my phone's outlook, but their contents don't. Is there a way to fix this? Thanks.
In the Activesync window which pops up on your PC when there's a syncronisation taking place, click on 'email', then the 'select folders' button, and then select the folders and subfolders you want to syncronise. Then click 'okay' and go on to complete the options (eg download all, last week/month/day et), and click okay. It should save your settings, and then sync the device. Works for me, and I have all the mail appearing in the folders as selected.
It worked! Thank you so much!
Sounds great... Always wanted this solved...
However I have never/don't want to use Activesync software on my PC. Everthing I do is over the air (e.g. flash a ROM, set-up the email account settings, and go). I can't find a similar option on the HD2 app - any suggestions?
smeddy said:
Sounds great... Always wanted this solved...
However I have never/don't want to use Activesync software on my PC. Everthing I do is over the air (e.g. flash a ROM, set-up the email account settings, and go). I can't find a similar option on the HD2 app - any suggestions?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Goto the inbox of the e-mail account in the e-mail tab, providing your settings are for IMAP or Exchange then you can go to options and select which folders you want to sync. If however you are just using POP/SMTP then it only reads from the email provider's inbox.

copy&paste an email.

On my HD2 I could copy and paste an entire Hotmail or Exchange massage to the One Note or to wherever I wanted.
Is there a way I can do the same on my GNote?.To copy and paste an entire email for a future reference.
Never mind although it is a step backwards but I am copying it to the clipboard and viewing with an application I have downloaded from the Market called Clipboard.
You can select and copy text fron an e-mail like from any web page. Press and hold, move the box borders, select copy.
Then you can paste it on any app that accepts text (S-Note for example).
But the integrated e-mail app is not very good, no options to "select all" or "empty recycle bin". This makes it impossible to use for the people that receives dozens of e-mails each day. There are other e-mail clients on the market.
I'm using a "Lite" ROM, as this way I can replace most of the bundled programs with better alternatives from the market and not having duplicated programs.
Thank you it worked.
Actualy I just installed the oficial Hotmail application from the market,called Microsoft+seven it seems to be good,supports both Push Mail, Contacts and Calender sync.

