Mortscript help - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

im nit familliar with mortscript but i was wondering if there was any way of developing a script that monitors incoming text messages and can automatically delete a message containing certain text and display some of the information in the text as a popup message.
for example, if i select to get a delivery notification for text messages, i get a message from the system admin however it comes in as a text message and clutters up my inbox. i want this message to be automatically deleted from my inbox and a popup or notification appears to say that a message has been delivered.
any help would be appreciated

thankyou, much appreciated

is there a place in the registry where actual messages are stored? I know there's a system file somewhere... and a spot with the amount of unread messages...

It can be done in C#/C++, but I'm not sure how well MortScript interacts with tmail.exe or any of the SMS interactions required...


new messages in Folders other then "Inbox" notific

Hello all,
I have a couple of filters setup where by messages are automatically filtered to this folder or that.
I cannot figure out if there is a way to get alerted when those folders receive new messages.
My Start Screen shows "X" number of new messages but that is only for the "Inbox".
Any ideas?
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Text message

Hello, when I try to send a new text message, it won't be send. It become a draft in my outlook "Drafts" Folder.
I can only send text messages by replying already received messages.
Does someone know a solution?
Greetz Tjapsor
I know this will sound patronising, have you tried a reset?
chumkila said:
I know this will sound patronising, have you tried a reset?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Well, i tried a Soft-reset.
When you make a new text message do you create it from within the text message folder or the outlook folder ????
if you do it from the outlook folder you are creating an e-mail instead of a text message
dirkenjanneke said:
When you make a new text message do you create it from within the text message folder or the outlook folder ????
if you do it from the outlook folder you are creating an e-mail instead of a text message
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
No i am making a new text message...
Anyone else?
when you reply to txt msgs it usually sends them back through the msg centre that sent them. when you send new ones, it uses your msg centre to send them. go into Phone > Menu:Options > Services and 'Get Settings' for Voice Mail and Text Messages. Make sure you have got the correct phone number for service centre (these instructions are for WM5 but i except its quite similar for WM2003)

Repeat notifications for text and email messages

Repeat notifications for text and email messages
Under HKCU/ControlPanel/Notifications find the following keys for Email and Text messages:
Also find Key 15F11F90xxxx for reminders.
Copy the Options value from the Reminders key and overwrite the options value in both email and text message keys with this value (1073741832)
Once you do this, go to start - settings - sounds and notifications - notifications.
Under events, select new email message OR new text message and you'll notice that the repeat option that was greyed out is now enabled and can be selected.
Most of this was already posted from back in 2007 but there is nothing posted to resolve the following issue.
However - Once you get a new text message and it reapeats or is read it still repeats. Anyone figure out how to fix this annoying issue? Looking for some help.
I think the reason that the repeat notifications were never included by default is because they suck!!
The only way I know to get them working reliably (and a whole lot more besides) is to use the cheap-not-free application called AlarmPal from "the makers of PhoneAlarm" - check out this link for more details. My favourite function of AlarmPal is that you can tell it to STFU while you're sleeping

text message

hi im looking for a little exe for wm6 that will display text posted to it as a notification. for example im trying to use message filters to send all text messages containing a certain string to an exe that will display the message as a notification.
if this is possible, could someone either make one or point me in the direction me one.
thankyou in advance.

auto save text message to drafts on exit?

hi, is there any way (registry tweak perhaps) that could automatically save a text mesage to the drafts folder whenever you are composing a text within htc messaging and you accidently hit back meaning you lose what you've wrote?
bump, this would be so beneficial to me
Yea that would be awesome and would be even awesomerrr would be if we could make it so that if your phone didn't have signal the second when a message sent when it got connected again it would send the message. i cant explain why windows mobile doesn't support this...

